Number Cover TextBook for Evolution Author Edition
0 cover Adaptive Origins Evolution and Human Development Peter Lafreniere
1 cover Ecological Genomics Ecology and the Evolution of Genes and Genomes Christian R. Landry, Nadia Aubin-Horth
2 cover Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology RICHARD M. KLIMAN
3 cover Evolution for Everyone How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives David Sloan Wilson
4 cover Evolutionary Biology, Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease John S. Torday, Virender K. Rehan
5 cover Foundations in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience Steven. M Platek, Todd k. Shackelford
6 cover Human Evolution Trails from the Past Camilo J. Cela-Conde and Francisco J. Ayala 1
7 cover Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Steven A. Frank
8 cover Predatory Prokaryotes Biology, Ecology and Evolution Edouard Jurkevitch
9 cover Prokaryotes and Evolution Jean-Claude Bertrand, Philippe Normand, Bernard Ollivier, Télesphore Sime-Ngando
10 cover The Naked Neuron: Evolution and the Languages of the Body and Brain [1 ed.] Dr. R. Joseph (auth.) 1
11 cover Viruses The Origin and Evolution of Deadly Pathogens [New Biology] Joseph Panno
12 cover The Origin of Species (The Famous Legendary Book) Charles Darwin 1
13 cover Charles Darwin The Founder of the Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection Gerhard Wichler
14 cover Darwin's camera Art and Photography in the theory of evolution Erasmus Darwin
15 cover Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution Joseph Seckbach, Richard Gordon
16 cover Evolution The Human Story Alice Roberts , Michael J. Benton, Colin Groves
17 cover God, the Devil, and Darwin A Critique of Intelligent Design Theory Niall Shanks
18 cover Human Devolution A Vedic Alternative To Darwin's Theory MICHAEL A. CREMO
19 cover The Greatest Show on Earth The Evidence for Evolution Josh Timonen 1
20 cover Origins Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution Neil deGrasse Tyson, Donald Goldsmith
21 cover the human animal ( human evolution) Weston La Barre 1
22 cover Anthropological Perspectives on Tooth Morphology G. RICHARD SCOTT, JOEL D. IRISH 1
23 cover Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science Working Group on Teaching Evolution, National Academy of Sciences
24 cover Tempo and Mode in Evolution: Genetics and Paleontology 50 Years After Simpson for the National Academy of Sciences, Walter M. Fitch, Francisco J. Ayala
25 cover Variation and Evolution in Plants and Microorganisms TOWARD A NEW SYNTHESIS 50 YEARS AFTER STEBBINS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
26 cover Science, Evolution, and Creationism [1 ed.] National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine 1
27 cover A natural history of bat foraging. Evolution, physiology, ecology, behavior, and conservation [1 ed.] Danilo Russo, Brock Fenton (editors) 1
28 cover Red at Heart: How Chinese Communists Fell in Love with the Russian Revolution Elizabeth McGuire
29 cover Heart & Soil: The Revolutionary Good of Gardens Des Kennedy
30 cover Women of the Beat Generation: The Writers, Artists and Muses at the Heart of a Revolution Brenda Knight
31 cover The HeART of Laser-Focused Coaching: A Revolutionary Approach to Masterful Coaching Marion Franklin
32 cover The Heart Revolution: The Extraordinary Discovery That Finally Laid the Cholesterol Myth to Rest Kilmer Mccully, Martha Mccully
33 cover The Sacred Heart of Jesus: The Visual Evolution of a Devotion David Morgan
34 cover Weather of the Heart: A Child's Journey Out of Revolutionary Russia Nora Lourie Percival
35 cover Evolution in Computational Intelligence: Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2020), Volume 1 Vikrant Bhateja, Sheng-Lung Peng, Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Yu-Dong Zhang
36 cover The Mythological Evolution of the Universe Pattanaik, Devdutt
37 cover Evolution of Enlightened Societies A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
38 cover Kauṭilya and the Arthaśāstra: A Statistical Investigation of the Authorship and Evolution of the Text Thomas R. Trautmann, Arthur Llewellyn Basham
39 cover Sunny Days : The Children's Television Revolution That Changed America David Kamp
40 cover The Evolution of Ghalib Abdullah &, Hasan
41 cover The Healing Self: A Revolutionary New Plan to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
42 cover Ambivalent Embrace: America's Troubled Relations with Spain from the Revolutionary War to the Cold War Rodrigo Botero
43 cover Béla Kun and the Hungarian Soviet Republic: The Origins and Role of the Communist Party of Hungary in the Revolutions of 1918-1919 Rudolf L. Tökés
44 cover Between Ideology and Realpolitik: Woodrow Wilson and the Russian Revolution, 1917-1921 Georg M Schild
45 cover Blue Water Patriots: The American Revolution Afloat James M. Volo
46 cover Chinese communism in crisis: Maoism and the Cultural Revolution Jack Gray, Patrick Cavendish
47 cover Choosing Revolution: Chinese Women Soldiers on the Long March Helen Praeger Young
48 cover Choosing Sides on the Frontier in the American Revolution Walter S. Dunn Jr.
49 cover Clint Eastwood: Evolution of a Filmmaker John H. Foote
50 cover Continuity During the Storm: Boissy D'Anglas and the Era of the French Revolution John R. Ballard
51 cover Cuba--twenty-five Years of Revolution, 1959-1984 John M. Kirk (editor), Sandor Halebsky (editor)
52 cover Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia Anna Geifman
53 cover Europe, Mother of Revolutions Friedrich Heer (auth.), Charles Kessler, Jennetta Adcock (trans.)
54 cover Evolution of U.S. Counterterrorism Policy: Volume 1 Yonah Alexander, Michael B. Kraft
55 cover Evolution of United States Budgeting Annette Meyer
56 cover Family Dynasty, Revolutionary Society: The Cochins of Paris, 1750-1922 Laurence H. Winnie
57 cover Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Third American Revolution Mario R. DiNunzio
58 cover Future-Ready Leadership: Strategies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Chris R. Groscurth
59 cover On Revolution; Selected Writings, 1920-66, Volume 10 Ho Chi Minh
60 cover Human Diet: Its Origin and Evolution Peter S. Ungar, Mark F. Teaford
61 cover Imagining Future War: The West's Technological Revolution and Visions of Wars to Come, 1880-1914 Antulio J. Echevarria II
62 cover Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution Thomas C. Wright REVISED EDITION
63 cover Learning Theory in the Practice of Management Development: Evolution and Applications Sydney Mailick, Stephen A. Stumpf et al.
64 cover Outsourcing War to Machines: The Military Robotics Revolution Paul J. Springer
65 cover People of the American Frontier: The Coming of the American Revolution Walter S. Dunn
66 cover Revolution and Rescue in Grenada: An Account of the U.S.-Caribbean Invasion Reynold Burrowes
67 cover Revolutionary Apocalypse: Ideological Roots of Terrorism Luciano Pellicani
68 cover Revolutionary States, Leaders, and Foreign Relations: A Comparative Study of China, Cuba, and Iran Houman A. Sadri
69 cover Rhetoric of Revolt: Ho Chi Minh's Discourse for Revolution Peter A. DeCaro
70 cover Strategic Dilemmas and the Evolution of German Foreign Policy Since Unification Jeffrey Lantis
71 cover Superman and Common Men: Freedom, Anarchy, and the Revolution Benjamin R. Barber
72 cover The Bank for International Settlements: Evolution and Evaluation James C. Baker
73 cover The eBook Revolution: A Primer for Librarians on the Front Lines Kate Sheehan
74 cover The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean: Convergences and Frontiers Gerald A. Cory Jr., Russell Gardner Jr.
75 cover The Khmer Rouge: Ideology, Militarism, and the Revolution That Consumed a Generation Nhem Boraden
76 cover The Managerial Revolution: What is Happening in the World James Burnham
77 cover The Russian Revolution, 1917–1945 Anthony D'Agostino
78 cover The Secret Police and the Revolution: The Fall of the German Democratic Republic Edward Peterson
79 cover The Shah and the Ayatollah: Iranian Mythology and Islamic Revolution Fereydoun Hoveyda
80 cover The Triumph of Reality TV: The Revolution in American Television Leigh H. Edwards
81 cover The Triumph of the Flexible Society: The Connectivity Revolution and Resistance to Change Manuel Hinds
82 cover Toward a Revolution in Military Affairs?: Defense and Security at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century Thierry Gongora, Harald von Riekhoff (eds.)
83 cover Troubled Harvest: Agronomy and Revolution in Mexico, 1880-2002 Joseph Cotter
84 cover The Idea Revolution: The Great Indian Treasure Series Raghunandan Vadla
85 cover Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism : what you must know before they zap your thyroid with radioactive iodine : a ground breaking, revolutionary and comprehensive approach [Second edition] MD, Sarfraz Zaidi
86 cover Blast Disease of Cereal Crops: Evolution and Adaptation in Context of Climate Change S. Chandra Nayaka, Rajashekara Hosahatti, Ganesan Prakash, C. Tara Satyavathi, Rajan Sharma
87 cover The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging, and Increase Energy with the Master Antioxidant Nayan Patel PhD, Mark Hyman
88 cover Surviving Cancer, Covid-19, and Disease: The Repurposed Drug Revolution Justus R Hope
89 cover The LDN Book, Volume Two: The Latest Research on How Low Dose Naltrexone Could Revolutionize Treatment for PTSD, Pain, IBD, Lyme Disease, Dermatologic Conditions, and More Linda Elsegood
90 cover Rising Above Lyme Disease: A Revolutionary, Holistic Approach to Managing and Reversing the Symptoms of Lyme Disease And Reclaiming Your Life [Paperback ed.] Julia Greenspan
91 cover Zic family: Evolution, Development and Disease [1 ed.] Jun Aruga (eds.) 1
92 cover The omni diet: the revolutionary 70% plant + 30% protein program to lose weight, reverse disease, fight inflammation, and change your life forever [First edition] Tana Amen, BSN, RN, BSN, RN
93 cover An Epidemiological Odyssey: The Evolution of Communicable Disease Control [1 ed.] Dr. George Pollock (auth.), George Pollock (eds.) 1
94 cover Medaka: A Model for Organogenesis, Human Disease, and Evolution [1 ed.] Hiroshi Hori (auth.), Kiyoshi Naruse Ph.D., Minoru Tanaka Ph.D., Hiroyuki Takeda Ph.D. (eds.) 1
95 cover Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Disease
96 cover Healing the addicted brain: the revolutionary, science-based alcoholism and addiction recovery program [Unabridged] Tantor Media.,Souer, Bob,Urschel, Harold C
97 cover The Genomic Revolution, Implications for Treatment And Control of Infectious Disease [1 ed.] The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Genomics Steering Committee 1
98 cover The Noni Revolution: Today's Tropical Wonder That Can Battle Disease, Boost Energy and Revitalize Your Health [1 ed.] Rita Elkins 1
99 cover Genetic Variation and Human Disease: Principles and Evolutionary Approaches Kenneth M. Weiss
100 cover Pneumonia Before Antibiotics: Therapeutic Evolution and Evaluation in Twentieth-Century America [1 ed.] Scott H. Podolsky 1
101 cover The Widmer Way: How Two Brothers Led Portland's Craft Beer Revolution Jeff Alworth
102 cover Oh Beautiful Beer: The Evolution of Craft Beer and Design Shepard, Harvey
103 cover The craft beer revolution : how a band of microbrewers is transforming the world's favorite drink [1st ed] Hindy, Steve 1
104 cover Romanticism, Revolution and Language: The Fate of the Word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot [1 ed.] John Beer 1
105 cover Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914 Tom Goyens
106 cover Beer: Taste the Evolution in 50 Styles Natalya Watson
107 cover The Evolution of Made in Italy: Case studies on the Italian Food and Beverage Industry Vittoria Veronesi, Martina Schiavello
108 cover Constructing Private Governance: The Rise and Evolution of Forest, Coffee, and Fisheries Certification Graeme Auld
109 cover The Type 2 Diabetes Revolution: A Cookbook and Complete Guide to Managing Type 2 Diabetes Diana Licalzi, Jose Tejero
110 cover After the Arab Revolutions: Decentring Democratic Transition Theory Abdelwahab El-Affendi, Khalil Al Anani
111 cover Transatlantic Rhetoric: Speeches from the American Revolution to the Suffragettes Tom Wright
112 cover Union and Revolution: Scotland and Beyond, 1625-1745 Laura Stewart, Janay Nugent
113 cover Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory Michael James Bennett, Tano S. Posteraro
114 cover Queer Communism and the Ministry of Love: Sexual Revolution in British Writing of the 1930s Glyn Salton-Cox
115 cover Pina Bausch's Dance Theatre: Tracing the Evolution of Tanztheater Lucy Weir
116 cover Reverberations of Revolution: Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850 Elizabeth Amann, Michael Boyden
117 cover Evolution Before Darwin: Theories of the Transmutation of Species in Edinburgh, 1804–1834 Bill Jenkins
118 cover French Revolutions, 1815-1914: An Introduction Sharif Gemie
119 cover Writing Black Scotland: Race, Nation and the Devolution of Black Britain [1 ed.] Joseph H. Jackson 1
120 cover Sinn Féin and the IRA: From Revolution to Moderation [1st ed.] Mathew Whiting 1
121 cover Modernism, Internationalism and the Russian Revolution [1 ed.] David Ayers 1
122 cover Scotland in Revolution, 1685–1690 [1 ed.] Alasdair Raffe 1
123 cover The Evolution of Scotland's Towns: Creation, Growth and Fragmentation Pat Dennison
124 cover Islamic Thought in China: Sino-Muslim Intellectual Evolution from the 17th to the 21st Century Jonathan N. Lipman
125 cover The Revolutionary and Anti-Imperialist Writings of James Connolly 1893-1916 Conor McCarthy
126 cover Scotland and the French Revolutionary War, 1792-1802 [1 ed.] Atle Wold 1
127 cover Returning to Revolution: Deleuze, Guattari and Zapatismo [1 ed.] Thomas Nail 1
128 cover The Transition Towards Revolution and Reform: The Arab Spring Realised? Sonia L. Alianak
129 cover Selling the Splat Pack: The DVD Revolution and the American Horror Film Mark Bernard
130 cover The Making of the Tunisian Revolution: Contexts, Architects, Prospects Nouri Gana
131 cover Devolution in the United Kingdom [2nd Edition] Russell Deacon 2
132 cover Noble Power in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution Keith Brown
133 cover The Government of Scotland: Public Policy Making after Devolution Michael Keating 2
134 cover Revolution or Evolution? The 2007 Scottish Elections : The 2007 Scottish Elections [1 ed.] John Curtice, David McCrone, Nicola McEwen, Michael Marsh, Rachel Ormston 1
135 cover Devolution in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Adriaan M. de Lange, Alan Sandry
136 cover Has Devolution Delivered? Catherine Bromley, John Curtice, David McCrone, Alison Park
137 cover On Evolution John Maynard Smith
138 cover Directed Evolution: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2461) Andrew Currin (editor), Neil Swainston (editor)
139 cover Computational methods in protein evolution Sikosek, Tobias (ed.)
140 cover Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods [2nd ed.] Maria Anisimova 2
141 cover Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods, Volume 2 [1 ed.] Christian N. K. Anderson, Liang Liu, Dennis Pearl, Scott V. Edwards (auth.), Maria Anisimova (eds.) 1
142 cover Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods, Volume 1 [1 ed.] Aidan Budd (auth.), Maria Anisimova (eds.) 1
143 cover Directed Enzyme Evolution: Screening and Selection Methods [1 ed.] Jessica L. Sneeden, Lawrence A. Loeb (auth.), Frances H. Arnold, George Georgiou (eds.) 1
144 cover Silicon Photonics. Fueling the Next Information Revolution [1st Edition] Daryl Inniss and Roy Rubenstein (Auth.) 1
145 cover A Basic Guide to Uniqueness Problems for Evolutionary Differential Equations [1 ed.] Mi-Ho Giga , Yoshikazu Giga 1
146 cover Evolutionary Equations: Picard's Theorem for Partial Differential Equations, and Applications Christian Seifert, Sascha Trostorff, Marcus Waurick
147 cover Mathematical Theory of Evolutionary Fluid-Flow Structure Interactions (Oberwolfach Seminars, 48) Barbara Kaltenbacher
148 cover Time Optimal Control of Evolution Equations [1st ed.] Gengsheng Wang, Lijuan Wang, Yashan Xu, Yubiao Zhang 1
149 cover Turing's revolution. The impact of his ideas about computability [1st ed.] Sommaruga, Giovanni, Strahm, Thomas Adrian, Turing, Alan Mathison (eds.) 1
150 cover Moving Interfaces and Quasilinear Parabolic Evolution Equations [1st ed.] Jan Prüss, Gieri Simonett 1
151 cover The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis: Models of the Real World [2ed.] Elena Prestini 2
152 cover Global Existence and Uniqueness of Nonlinear Evolutionary Fluid Equations Yuming Qin, Xin Liu, Taige Wang
153 cover Lectures on Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Initial Value Problems [2 ed.] Reinhard Racke (auth.) 2
154 cover Evolution Equations Arising in the Modelling of Life Sciences Messoud Efendiev
155 cover Evolution Equations of Hyperbolic and Schrödinger Type: Asymptotics, Estimates and Nonlinearities [1 ed.] Matania Ben-Artzi (auth.), Michael Ruzhansky, Mitsuru Sugimoto, Jens Wirth (eds.) 1
156 cover Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications [1 ed.] Jan Prüss (auth.) 1
157 cover Spectral Theory, Mathematical System Theory, Evolution Equations, Differential and Difference Equations: 21st International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Berlin, July 2010 [1 ed.] A. N. Akhmetova, L. A. Aksentyev (auth.), Wolfgang Arendt, Joseph A. Ball, Jussi Behrndt, Karl-Heinz Förster, Volker Mehrmann, Carsten Trunk (eds.) 1
158 cover Mechanics, Structure and Evolution of Fault Zones (Pageoph Topical Volumes) [1 ed.] Yehuda Ben-Zion, Charles Sammis 1
159 cover Functional analysis and evolution equations: The Gunter Lumer volume [1 ed.] Herbert Amann, Wolfgang Arendt, Matthias Hieber, Frank Neubrander, Serge Nicaise, Joachim Below 1
160 cover The Non-Euclidean Revolution [Reprint of the 1987 Edition.] Richard J. Trudeau 1987
161 cover The non-Euclidean revolution [1 ed.] Richard J. Trudeau (auth.) 1
162 cover Selected Topics in Cancer Modeling: Genesis, Evolution, Immune Competition, and Therapy [1 ed.] Natalia L. Komarova, Dominik Wodarz (auth.), Elena Angelis, Mark A. J. Chaplain, Nicola Bellomo (eds.) 1
163 cover Introduction to Computational Biology: An Evolutionary Approach [1st Corrected ed. 2006. Corr. 3rd printing 2007] Bernhard Haubold, Thomas Wiehe 1
164 cover Surface Evolution Equations: A Level Set Approach Yoshikazu Giga 1
165 cover The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis: Models of the Real World [1 ed.] Elena Prestini (auth.) 1
166 cover A Stability Technique for Evolution Partial Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach [Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004] Victor A. Galaktionov, Juan Luis Vázquez 1
167 cover The Evolution Problem in General Relativity [1 ed.] Sergiu Klainerman, Francesco Nicolò (auth.) 1
168 cover Molecular Systematics and Evolution: Theory and Practice [1 ed.] Andrew V. Z. Brower (auth.), Dr. Rob DeSalle, Dr. Ward Wheeler, Dr. Gonzalo Giribet (eds.) 1
169 cover The Non-Euclidean Revolution: With an Introduction by H.S.M Coxeter [1 ed.] Richard J. Trudeau (auth.) 1
170 cover Early Evolution: From the appearance of the first cell to the first modern organisms [1 ed.] Professor Dr. Martino Rizzotti (auth.) 1
171 cover Mutational and Morphological Analysis: Tools for Shape Evolution and Morphogenesis [1 ed.] Jean-Pierre Aubin (auth.) 1
172 cover Evolutionary Mechanisms of Defense Reactions Václav Větvička Ph. D., Petr à íma Ph. D. (auth.)
173 cover Environmental Stress, Adaptation and Evolution [1 ed.] Mark R. Macnair (auth.), Dr. R. Bijlsma, Dr. V. Loeschcke (eds.) 1
174 cover The Nervous Systems of Invertebrates: An Evolutionary and Comparative Approach: With a Coda written by T.H. Bullock [1 ed.] PD Dr. Dr. O. Breidbach, Prof. Dr. W. Kutsch (auth.), PD Dr. Dr. O. Breidbach, Prof. Dr. W. Kutsch (eds.) 1
175 cover Molecular Ecology and Evolution: Approaches and Applications [1 ed.] J. S. C. Smith, J. G. K. Williams (auth.), B. Schierwater, B. Streit, G. P. Wagner, R. DeSalle (eds.) 1
176 cover Felix Klein and Sophus Lie: Evolution of the Idea of Symmetry in the Nineteenth Century [1 ed.] I. M. Yaglom 1
177 cover The Evolution of Sex and its Consequences [1 ed.] S. C. Stearns (auth.), Stephen C. Stearns (eds.) 1
178 cover Jurassic Sedimentary Evolution and Nappe Emplacement in the Argolis Peninsula (Peloponnesus, Greece) Dr. Peter O. Baumgartner (auth.)
179 cover Understanding Relativity: Origin and Impact of a Scientific Revolution [1 ed.] Stanley Goldberg (auth.) 1
180 cover The Evolution of Programs [1 ed.] Nachum Dershowitz (auth.) 1
181 cover Evolution, Genetics, and Man Theodosius Dobzhansky
182 cover The Life of the Mind in America: From the Revolution to the Civil War: Books One through Three Perry Miller
183 cover The Ethical Challenges of the Stem Cell Revolution Audrey R. Chapman
184 cover Molecular Evolution on Rugged Landscapes : Protein, RNA, and the Immune System (Volume IX) Kauffman, Stuart A., Perelson, Alan S
185 cover Computational Intelligence Assisted Design: In Industrial Revolution 4.0 Yi Chen, Yun Li
186 cover Delay differential evolutions subjected to nonlocal initial conditions [1st ed.] Burlica, Monica-Dana, Necula, Mihai, Rosu, Daniela, Vrabie, Ioan I 1
187 cover HSPA Evolution: The Fundamentals for Mobile Broadband [1 ed.] Thomas Chapman, Erik Larsson, PETER von Wrycza, Erik Dahlman, Stefan Parkvall, Johan Skold 1
188 cover Lagomorph Biology: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation [1 ed.] Joseph A. Chapman, John E. C. Flux (auth.), Professor Dr. Paulo C. Alves, Professor Dr. Nuno Ferrand, Professor Dr. Klaus Hackländer (eds.) 1
189 cover Jungle Capitalists: A Story of Globalisation, Greed and Revolution Peter Chapman
190 cover Nonlinear Evolution Equations [1 ed.] Songmu Zheng 1
191 cover England's Leonardo: Robert Hooke and the Seventeenth-Century Scientific Revolution Chapman, Allan
192 cover Evolution's Arrow: The Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity John Stewart
193 cover Weak and Measure-Valued Solutions to Evolutionary PDEs [1 ed.] J. Necas, J. Malek, M. Rokyta, M. Ruzicka 1
194 cover Phenotypes: Their Epigenetics, Ecology and Evolution [1 ed.] Christopher David Rollo 1
195 cover Merchant Enterprise in Britain: From the Industrial Revolution to World War I Stanley Chapman
196 cover Abstract evolution equations, periodic problems and applications [1 ed.] Daners, Daniel, Koch Medina, Pablo 1
197 cover The Fourth Industrial Revolution Hudson, Pat 1
198 cover Global Classical Solutions for Nonlinear Evolution Equations [Sol ed.] T Li, Yun-Mei Chen
199 cover The Cotton Industry in the Industrial Revolution S. D. Chapman (auth.)
200 cover Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach [7, illustrated] Ruppert, E.E.,Fox, R.S.,Barnes, R.D. 7
201 cover Sex, Evolution and Behavior [2 ed.] Martin Daly, Margo Wilson 2
202 cover Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Evolution [4 ed.] Bernhard Grzimek, Michael Hutchins 4
203 cover Revolutionary and Dissident Movements of the World [4 ed.] Bogdan Szajkowski 4
204 cover Revolutionary Warfare in the Middle East: The Israelis vs. the Fedayeen Bard E. O'Neill
205 cover The October Revolution Roy A. Medvedev, George Saunders, Harrison E. Salisbury
206 cover American Classics : Evolutionary Perspectives [1 ed.] Judith P. Saunders 1
207 cover Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity Tanya L. Saunders
208 cover Lord Churchill's coup: the Anglo-American empire and the Glorious Revolution reconsidered Stephen Saunders Webb
209 cover Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis. The Bloodletting Letter of 1539: An Annotated Translation and Study of the Evolution of Vesalius's Scientific Development John B. De C. M. Saunders and Charles Donald O'Malley (Eds.)
210 cover Postrevolutionary Iran: A Political Handbook Mehrzad Boroujerdi
211 cover Captain America, Masculinity, and Violence: The Evolution of a National Icon J. Richard Stevens
212 cover The Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the Clerical Leadership of Khurasani Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh
213 cover Israelites in Erin: Exodus, Revolution, and the Irish Revival Abby Bender
214 cover The Revolutionary Roots of Modern Yiddish, 1903-1917 Barry Trachtenberg
215 cover Islam in Revolution: Fundamentalism in the Arab World [Paperback ed.] R. Hrair Dekmejian
216 cover Egypt From Independence To Revolution, 1919 1952 Selma Botman
217 cover The Iroquois in the American Revolution Barbara Graymont
218 cover Formation and Evolution of Exoplanets [1 ed.] Rory Barnes 1
219 cover Mathematical Analysis of Evolution, Information, and Complexity Wolfgang Arendt, Wolfgang P. Schleich
220 cover The Way of Synthesis: Evolution of Design and Methods for Natural Products [1 ed.] Thomas Hudlicky, Josephine W. Reed 1
221 cover Handbook of Evolution: The Evolution of Living Systems (including Hominids), Volume 2
222 cover Directed Molecular Evolution of Proteins: or How to Improve Enzymes for Biocatalysis Susanne Brakmann, Kai Johnsson
223 cover Non-Standard Computation: Molecular Computation - Cellular Automata - Evolutionary Algorithms - Quantum Computers [1 ed.] Tino Gramss, Michael Gross, M. Mitchell, T. Pellizzari, T. Gramss 1
224 cover The Major Tactics of Chess: A Treatise on Evolutions; the Proper Employment of the Forces in Strategic, Tactical, and Logistic Planes Franklin Knowles Young
225 cover The Evolution of Political Rhetoric: The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Volume 6 Robert X. Browning (editor)
226 cover Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory [1 ed.] Alan R. Templeton 1
227 cover Genetics and the Logic of Evolution [1 ed.] Kenneth M. Weiss, Anne V. Buchanan 1
228 cover The Evolution of Cells (Cells: The Building Blocks of Life) Terry L. Smith
229 cover Evolution (Science Foundations) [1 ed.] Thom Holmes 1
230 cover The Colonial and Revolutionary Era: Beginnings to 1783 [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle 1
231 cover The Molecules of Life: DNA, RNA, and proteins (Genetics and Evolution) Russ Hodge
232 cover The American Revolution David E. Burg
233 cover Encyclopedia of Evolution [1 ed.] Stanley A., Ph.d. Rice 1
234 cover Revolutionary War Almanac
235 cover The Cell. Evolution of the First Organism [intro] Joseph, Ph.D. Panno
236 cover The Facts on File Dictionary of Evolutionary Biology (Facts on File Science Dictionary) Elizabeth Owen, Eve Daintith, Inc. Facts on File
237 cover Mammal Evolution: An Illustrated Guide R.J.G. Savage, M.R. Long
238 cover On the Arab Revolts and the Iranian Revolution: Power and Resistance Today Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
239 cover Evolution of Wireless Communication Ecosystems (The ComSoc Guides to Communications Technologies) [1 ed.] Suat Secgin 1
240 cover Converged Communications: Evolution from Telephony to 5G Mobile Internet Erkki Koivusalo
241 cover Wireless Automation As an Enabler for the Next Industrial Revolution Abbasi, Qammer H., Hussain, Sajjad, Imran, Muhammad A
242 cover Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation [1 ed.] James M. Keller, Derong Liu, David B. Fogel 1
243 cover 802.1aq Shortest Path Bridging Design and Evolution: The Architect's Perspective [1 ed.] David Allan, Nigel Bragg 1
244 cover Too Soon to Tell: Essays for the End of the Computer Revolution David Alan Grier(auth.)
245 cover IEEE Evolution of Wireless Data Services IS95 to cdma
246 cover Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Evolutionary Computation: IEEE/Nagoya-University World Wisepersons Workshop Nagoya, Japan, November 14–15, 1995 Selected Papers [1 ed.] Michael A. Lee, Henrik Esbensen (auth.), Takeshi Furuhashi, Yoshiki Uchikawa (eds.) 1
247 cover Sustaining Empire: Venezuela's Trade with the United States during the Age of Revolutions, 1797–1828 Edward P. Pompeian
248 cover Fooling with the Amish: Amish Mafia, Entertaining Fakery, and the Evolution of Reality TV Dirk Eitzen
249 cover Observing Evolution: Peppered Moths and the Discovery of Parallel Melanism Bruce S Grant
250 cover Observing Evolution: Peppered Moths and the Discovery of Parallel Melanism Bruce S. Grant
251 cover The Rise of Reptiles: 320 Million Years of Evolution Hans-Dieter Sues
252 cover Facing Empire: Indigenous Experiences in a Revolutionary Age Kate Fullagar, Michael A. McDonnell (eds.)
253 cover Insects: Evolutionary Success, Unrivaled Diversity, and World Domination David B. Rivers
254 cover The rise of marine mammals: 50 million years of evolution Annalisa Berta
255 cover The Rise of Birds: 225 Million Years of Evolution [second edition] Sankar Chatterjee
256 cover Invisible Sovereign : Imagining Public Opinion from the Revolution to Reconstruction Mark G. Schmeller
257 cover Protesting Affirmative Action: The Struggle over Equality after the Civil Rights Revolution Dennis Deslippe
258 cover Their Arrows Will Darken the Sun: The Evolution and Science of Ballistics [1 ed.] Mark Denny 1
259 cover Mixing Races: From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary Ideas Paul Lawrence Farber
260 cover Joel Barlow: American Citizen in a Revolutionary World Richard Buel Jr.
261 cover The Prism and the Rainbow: A Christian Explains Why Evolution Is Not a Threat Joel W. Martin
262 cover Am I a monkey?: six big questions about evolution Ayala, Francisco José
263 cover The Rise of Fishes: 500 Million Years of Evolution [2 ed.] John A. Long 2
264 cover The Rise of Amphibians: 365 Million Years of Evolution Robert Carroll
265 cover The Evolution of Obesity Michael L Power and Jay Schulkin
266 cover The Fertility Doctor : John Rock and the Reproductive Revolution [1 ed.] Margaret Marsh, Wanda Ronner 1
267 cover On Evolution John C. Avise
268 cover Romantic theory: forms of reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era Leon Chai
269 cover Passions of the Sign: Revolution and Language in Kant, Goethe, and Kleist [1 ed.] Andreas Gailus 1
270 cover Negotiating Darwin: The Vatican Confronts Evolution, 1877-1902 [1 ed.] Mariano Artigas, Thomas F. Glick, Rafael A. Martínez 1
271 cover French salons: high society and political sociability from the Old Regime to the Revolution of 1848 Steven D. Kale
272 cover Empire and Nation: The American Revolution in the Atlantic World [First ed.] Eliga H. Gould, Peter S. Onuf
273 cover Manufacturing Revolution : The Intellectual Origins of Early American Industry [1 ed.] Lawrence A. Peskin 1
274 cover Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: The Evolution of Hoofed Mammals Donald R. Prothero, Robert M. Schoch
275 cover Sexual Revolution in Early America (Gender Relations in the American Experience) [First Edition] Richard Godbeer
276 cover The Rise of the States: Evolution of American State Government Jon C. Teaford
277 cover After the Revolution: Gender and Democracy in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala Ilja A. Luciak
278 cover Papermaking in Eighteenth-Century France: Management, Labor, and Revolution at the Montgolfier Mill, 1761-1805 Professor Leonard N. Rosenband
279 cover Origins of intelligence ;; the evolution of cognitive development in monkeys, apes, and humans Sue Taylor Parker, Michael L. McKinney
280 cover Stalin in October: The Man Who Missed the Revolution [1 ed.] Professor Robert M. Slusser 1
281 cover Main currents in Caribbean thought: the historical evolution of Caribbean society in its ideological aspects, 1492-1900 Gordon K. Lewis
282 cover Atlantic Empires: The Network of Trade and Revolution, 1713-1826 Peggy K. Liss
283 cover The Revolution of 1525: The German Peasants' War from a New Perspective Peter Blickle, Thomas A. Brady Jr., H.C. Erik Midelfort
284 cover A People in Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Society in New York 1760-1790 (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science) Professor Edward Countryman
285 cover Preconditions Of Revolution In Early Modern Europe Robert Forster, Jack P. Greene
286 cover High throughput screening methods: evolution and refinement [Gld ed.] Joshua A Bittker, Nathan T Ross
287 cover The Great Arch: English State Formation As Cultural Revolution Philip Corrigan, Derek Sayer
288 cover The Lost Revolution: The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers’ Party [Paperback ed.] Brian Hanley, Scott Millar
289 cover Modern African Conflicts: An Encyclopedia of Civil Wars, Revolutions, and Terrorism Timothy Stapleton
290 cover American Revolution: The Essential Reference Guide Spencer C. Tucker
291 cover The American Revolution: Documents Decoded Neil Gould
292 cover Creating Makers: How to Start a Learning Revolution at Your Library Megan Egbert
293 cover The Industrial Revolution Jeff Horn
294 cover The World of the American Revolution: A Daily Life Encyclopedia Merril D. Smith
295 cover The Industrial Revolution: Key Themes and Documents James S. Olson, Shannon L. Kenny
296 cover Native Americans in the American Revolution Ethan A.. Schmidt
297 cover The ebook revolution a primer for librarians on the front lines Sheehan, Kate
298 cover Media Perspectives on Intelligent Design and Evolution Mark Paxton
299 cover America’s Sexual Transformation: How the Sexual Revolution’s Legacy Is Shaping Our Society, Our Youth, and Our Future Gary F. Kelly
300 cover The Russian Revolution, 1917-1945 [1 ed.] Anthony D'Agostino 1
301 cover Human Evolution: A Guide to the Debates (Controversies in Science) Brian Regal
302 cover Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1720. A Biographical Dictionary Christopher Baker
303 cover Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union Natalie Mychajlyszyn, Harald von Riekhoff, Harald Von Riekhoff
304 cover Life on Earth: An Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution [2 vol. set] Niles Eldredge (Editor) 2
305 cover Evolution in the courtroom : a reference guide Randy Moore
306 cover The Scientific Revolution: An Encyclopedia [1 ed.] William E. Burns 1
307 cover The Evolution Wars: A Guide to the Debates (Controversies in Science) [annotated edition] Michael Ruse
308 cover The New Information Revolution: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Martin Gay
309 cover Creative Evolution Henri Bergson,, Landes, Donald A., Grosz, Elizabeth
310 cover Visualizing the Nation: Gender, Representation, and Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France Joan B. Landes
311 cover Origin and Evolution of Telomeres Jozef Nosek
312 cover Retroviruses and Primate Genome Evolution (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit) Eugene D. Sverdlov (Ed.)
313 cover The Genomic Potential Hypothesis : A Chemist's View of the Origins, Evolution and Unfolding of Life Christian Schwabe
314 cover Post-COVID Asia: Deglobalization, Fourth Industrial Revolution, and Sustainable Development Hyun-Hoon Lee and Donghyun Park
315 cover The World Crisis and What to Do about It: A Revolution for Thought and Action Nicholas Maxwell
316 cover The Ninth Revolution: Transforming Food Systems for Good Sayed Nader Azam-Ali
317 cover The Rule of Three and the Evolution of Governance Charles Tsungnan Lee, Peter deH Caldwell
319 cover Respectably Catholic and Scientific: Evolution and Birth Control between the World Wars Alexander Pavuk
320 cover Practical Approach To XVA: The Evolution Of Derivatives Valuation After The Financial Crisis Osamu, Tsuchiya
321 cover Rethinking Evolution: The Revolution That’s Hiding in Plain Sight Gene Levinson
322 cover Origin and Evolution of Comets: Ten Years After the Nice Model and One Year After Rosetta (Advances in Planetary Science) Rickman, Hans
323 cover Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics Robert Marks, William Dembski, Winston Ewert
324 cover The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference (EVOLANG10), Vienna, Austria, 14-17 April 2014 Erica A. Cartmill, Seán Roberts, Heidi Lyn, Hannah Cornish (eds.)
325 cover Elements of the mathematical theory of evolutionary equations in Banach spaces [1 ed.] Anatoly M Samoilenko, Yuri V Teplinsky 1
326 cover Dispelling the Darkness : Voyage in the Malay Archipelago and the Discovery of Evolution by Wallace and Darwin [1 ed.] John van Wyhe 1
327 cover Stochastic processes in genetics and evolution : computer experiments in the quantification of mutation and selection [1 ed.] Charles J Mode, Candace K Sleeman 1
328 cover Information Theory And Evolution (2nd Edition) Scales, A.J.
329 cover The tangled origins of the Leibnizian calculus : a case study of a mathematical revolution Richard C. Brown
330 cover Harmonic Analysis Method for Nonlinear Evolution Equations I Baoxiang Wang, Zhaohui Huo, Chengchun Hao, Zihua Guo
331 cover Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation Roberto Serra, Marco Villani, Irene Poli
332 cover Molecular Ecology and Evolution: The Organismal Side: Selected Writings from the Avise Laboratory [Reprint ed.] John C. Avise
333 cover The Evolution of Language Andrew D. M. Smith, Marieke Schouwstra, Bart de Boer, Kenny Smith (editors)
334 cover Nanosciences: The invisible revolution Christian Joachim, Laurence Plevert
335 cover Chapters in the evolution of chromatography Leslie S. Ettre
336 cover Evolutionary Robotics: From Algorithms to Implementations (World Scientific Series in Robotics and Intelligent Systems) Lingfeng Wang, Kay Chen Tan, Chee Meng Chew
337 cover Adaptation And Evolution in Collective Systems (Advances in Natural Computation) Akira Namatame
338 cover Survival of the Fattest: The Key to Human Brain Evolution Stephen C. Cunnane
339 cover International Symposium on Origin of Matter & Evolution of Galaxies, 2003 M. Terasawa, S. Kubono, T. Kishida, T. Kajino, T. Motobayashi, K. Nomoto (editors)
340 cover Recent advances in simulated evolution and learning K. C. Tan
341 cover Applications Of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (Advances in Natural Computation) Carlos A. Coello Coello, Gary B. Lamont, Carlos A. Coello
342 cover Spaceflight Revolution [illustrated edition] David Ashford
343 cover Evolution equations and approximations [1st ed.] Kazufumi Ito, Franz Kappel 1
344 cover "Revolution in Poetic Language" Fifty Years Later Emilia Angelova,
345 cover 3D manufacturing innovation: revolutionary change in Japanese manufacturing with digital data [1 ed.] Hiroshi Toriya (auth.) 1
346 cover A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players Jesper Juul
347 cover Changing Women, Changing Nation: Female Agency, Nationhood, and Identity in Trans-Salvadoran Narratives (SUNY Series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture) Padilla, Yajaira M
348 cover Developing scaffolds in evolution, culture, and cognition Caporael, Linnda R
349 cover Evolution and Culture: A Fyssen Foundation Symposium Stephen C. Levinson, Pierre Jaisson
350 cover Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making Stevens, Jeffrey R., Hammerstein, Peter
351 cover From Signal to Symbol: The Evolution of Language Ronald Planer, Kim Sterelny
352 cover From the May Fourth Movement to Communist Revolution: Guo Moruo and the Chinese Path to Communism Xiaoming Chen
353 cover The Metaphysics of Evolution David L. Hull
354 cover Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution Wendy Brown
355 cover Vanished by the Danube : Peace, War, Revolution, and Flight to the West [1 ed.] Charles Farkas 1
356 cover Variational and Potential Methods for a Class of Linear Hyperbolic Evolutionary Processes [1 ed.] Igor Chudinovich MS, PhD, DSc, Christian Constanda MS, PhD, DSc (auth.) 1
357 cover Velvet Revolution at the Synchrotron: Biology, Physics, and Change in Science Park Doing
358 cover We Now Disrupt This Broadcast: How Cable Transformed Television and the Internet Revolutionized It All Amanda D. Lotz
359 cover What Is Health?: Allostasis and the Evolution of Human Design [Hardcover ed.] Peter Sterling
360 cover When Huai Flowers Bloom: Stories of the Cultural Revolution [First Edition] Shu Jiang Lu
361 cover Why Only Us: Language and Evolution Robert C. Berwick, Noam Chomsky
362 cover Wikipedia @ 20: Stories Of An Incomplete Revolution [1 ed.] Joseph Reagle, Jackie Koerner 1
363 cover Without miracles: universal selection theory and the second Darwinian revolution Gary Cziko
364 cover Writing the Future: Progress and Evolution David Rothenberg, Wandee J. Pryor
365 cover Writing the Revolution: Wikipedia and the Survival of Facts in the Digital Age Heather Ford
366 cover A History of the Cuban Revolution [Second edition] Chomsky, Aviva
367 cover Billion dollar green: profit from the eco revolution Woods, Jim,Smith, Tobin
368 cover BIOGEOGRAPHY : an ecological and evolutionary approach [10 ed.] COX. 10
369 cover Biogeography: an ecological and evolutionary approach [Ninth edition] Christopher Barry Cox, Peter D. Moore, Richard J. Ladle
370 cover Communication and the Evolution of Society [1. Auflage] Habermas, Jürgen 1
371 cover Advances in Genetics, Development, and Evolution of Drosophila [1 ed.] W.-E Kalisch, K. Hägele (auth.), Seppo Lakovaara (eds.) 1
372 cover Country Risk Evaluation [1 ed.] Kyriaki Kosmidou, Michael Doumpos, Constantin Zopounidis (eds.) 1
373 cover Evolutionary Psychology: Alternative Approaches [1 ed.] Steven J. Scher, Frederick Rauscher (auth.), Steven J. Scher, Frederick Rauscher (eds.) 1
374 cover Evolution and Popular Narrative (Critical Studies, 38) Dirk Vanderbeke
375 cover International Handbook of Educational Evaluation [1 ed.] Thomas Kellaghan, Daniel L. Stufflebeam, Lori A. Wingate (auth.), Thomas Kellaghan, Daniel L. Stufflebeam (eds.) 1
376 cover Fires of Life: Endothermy in Birds and Mammals Barry Gordon Lovegrove, Roger S Seymour
377 cover On the Backs of Tortoises: Darwin, the Galapagos, and the Fate of an Evolutionary Eden Elizabeth Hennessy