Number Cover TextBook for Politics Author Edition
0 cover 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep Jonathan Crary
1 cover And Miles to Go Before I Sleep: A British Vet in Africa Hugh Cran
2 cover Socialists Don't Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall Cheryl K. Chumley
3 cover The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror and Dictatorship under Yeltsin and Putin David Satter
4 cover The Politics of Sleep: Governing (Un)consciousness in the Late Modern Age [1 ed.] Simon J. Williams 1
5 cover 1 State of democracy in India: Essays on life and politics in contemporary times [1 ed.] Manas Ray 1
6 cover A Fundamental Theological Study of Radical Secularization and its Aftermath [1 ed.] Alpo Penttinen 1
7 cover A History of Economic Policy in India: Crisis, Coalitions, and Contingency Rahul De
8 cover A Politics of Melancholia: From Plato to Arendt George Edmondson, Klaus Mladek
9 cover A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy Richard L. Hasen
10 cover A Relational Ethics of Immigration: Hospitality and Hostile Environments Dan Bulley
11 cover A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy (Elgar Research Agendas) Kai Leichsenring (editor), Alexandre Sidorenko (editor)
12 cover A Third Path: Corporatism in Brazil and Portugal (Histories of Economic Life, 4) Melissa Teixeira
13 cover A United Europe of Things: Portable Material Culture across Medieval Europe (Themes in Contemporary Archaeology) [1st ed.] Jakub Sawicki (editor), Michael Lewis (editor), Mária Vargha (editor) 1
14 cover Algorithmic Institutionalism: The Changing Rules of Social and Political Life Prof Ricardo Fabrino Mendonca, Prof Virgilio Almeida, Prof Fernando Filgueiras
15 cover Algorithms. Technology, Culture, Politics Tobias Matzner
16 cover Alt-Labor and the New Politics of Workers' Rights Daniel J. Galvin
17 cover America vs. Americans: How Capitalism Has Failed a Capitalist Nation and What We Can Do About It Eric Wade
18 cover American Refugees - The Untold Story of the Mass Migration from Blue to Red States [1 ed.] Roger L. Simon 1
19 cover American Urban Politics in a Global Age [8 ed.] Annika Marlen Hinze (editor), James M. Smith (editor) 8
20 cover An Ungovernable Foe: Science and Policy Innovation in the U.S. National Cancer Institute Natalie B. Aviles
21 cover Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method Meghan Stacey, Nicole Mockler
22 cover Angolan Political Thought: Resistance and African Philosophy Luis Cordeiro-Rodrigues
23 cover Anti-racism as Communism Paul Gomberg
24 cover Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays: A Policy in Bed with Procrustes A.K. von Moltke
25 cover Appealing to the Crowd: The Ethical, Political, and Practical Dimensions of Donation-based Crowdfunding Jeremy Snyder
26 cover Arab Americans in the United States: Immigration, Culture and Health (International Perspectives on Migration) [1st ed.] Shaikha H. Al-Kuwari 1
27 cover Are You Prepared for the Storm of Lovemaking with Which You Will Be Assailed?: Letters of Love and Lust from the White House Dorothy Hoobler
28 cover Aristophanes: Cavalry (Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions) Robert Tordoff
29 cover Arms Control at a Crossroads: Renewal or Demise? Jeffrey A. Larsen and Shane Smith
30 cover Assembling Comparison: Understanding Education Policy through Mobilities and Assemblage (Bristol Studies in Comparative and International Education) [1 ed.] Steven Lewis, Rebecca Spratt 1
31 cover Battleground: 10 Conflicts that Explain the New Middle East Christopher Phillips
32 cover Beckett Ongoing: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics Michael Krimper, Gabriel Quigley
33 cover Becoming pro-palestinian : testimonies from the global solidarity movement [1 ed.] Rosemary Sayigh 1
34 cover Beyond Classical Liberalism: Freedom and the Good [1 ed.] James Dominic Rooney, Patrick Zoll 1
35 cover Christianity and the Commonwealth: Socialism, the Social Gospel, and the Struggle for the Soul of the Nation Janine Giordano Drake
36 cover Biharis in Bangladesh: Transition from Statelessness to Citizenship [1st ed.] Zaglul Haider 1
37 cover Citizen Knowledge: Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy Lisa Herzog
38 cover Citizenship, Culture and Coexistence: Trends and Dynamics [1 ed.] Clara Ines Pardo Martinez (editor), Alexander Cotte Poveda (editor) 1
39 cover Clear Thinking: Structured Analytic Techniques and Strategic Foresight Analysis for Decisionmakers Randolph H., Pherson, Ole Donner, Oliver Gnad
40 cover Climate Change in Regional Perspective: European Union and Latin American Initiatives, Challenges, and Solutions Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (editor), Paula Sandrin (editor), Yannis E. Doukas (editor)
41 cover Bipartisanship and US Foreign Policy: Cooperation in a Polarized Age Jordan Tama
42 cover Climate Funds and Sustainable Development: Who Pays in the End? (Sustainable Development Goals Series) Gonzalo Larrea
43 cover Coalition Navies during the Korean War: Understanding Combined Naval Operations (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) [1 ed.] Ian Bowers (editor) 1
44 cover Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans Peter Schweizer
45 cover Born in Blood: Violence and the Making of America Scott Gac
46 cover Cold War 2.0 : Artificial Intelligence in the New Battle between China, Russia, and America George S. Takach
47 cover Brazil’s International Status and Recognition as an Emerging Power: Inconsistencies and Complexities Daniel Buarque
48 cover Collective Memory and Political Identity in Northern Ireland: Recollections of the Future (Memory Politics and Transitional Justice) James W. McAuley
49 cover British Cultural Diplomacy in South Africa, 1960–1994 (Britain and the World) [1st ed.] Daniel J. Feather 1
50 cover Colonialism, World Literature, and the Making of the Modern Culture of Letters [1 ed.] Baidik Bhattacharya 1
51 cover British Modern International Thought in the Making: Politics and Economy from Hobbes to Bentham (International Political Theory) [1st ed.] Benjamin Bourcier (editor), Mikko Jakonen (editor) 1
52 cover Colonized by Humanity: Caribbean London and the Politics of Integration at the End of Empire Dr Rob Waters
53 cover Coming Out as Dalit Yashica Dutt
54 cover Communicating COVID-19: Media, Trust, and Public Engagement Monique Lewis (editor), Eliza Govender (editor), Kate Holland (editor)
55 cover Communication and Electoral Politics in Ghana: Interrogating Transnational Technology, Discourse and Multimodalities Eliasu Mumuni (editor), Mark Nartey (editor), Ruby Pappoe (editor), Nancy Henaku (editor), G. Edzordzi Agbozo (editor)
56 cover Comparative Perspectives on the Right to Privacy: Pakistani and European Experiences (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 109) Sohail Aftab
57 cover Bulldozing Peace: State Violence and Apathy in Muslim Settlements of Haldwani - A Fact-Finding Report on Haldwani Violence 2024 Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR)
58 cover Burnout: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat Hannah Proctor
59 cover Capitalism and Class Power Ronald W. Cox
60 cover Capitalism in the Platform Age: Emerging Assemblages of Labour and Welfare in Urban Spaces (Springer Studies in Alternative Economics) Sandro Mezzadra (editor), Niccoló Cuppini (editor), Mattia Frapporti (editor), Maurilio Pirone (editor)
61 cover Conflicts: The Poetics and Politics of Palestine-Israel Liron Mor
62 cover Cardi B's Invasion of Privacy Ma'Chell M. Duma
63 cover Conservation Leadership: A Practical Guide [1 ed.] Simon Black 1
64 cover Checkbook Zionism: Philanthropy and Power in the Israel-Diaspora Relationship Dr. Eric Fleisch Ph.D. MA
65 cover Chinese Investment in Africa: Its Variegated and Contradictory Character in Relation to Land, Agriculture, Mining and Infrastructure (Economic Geography) Freedom Mazwi (editor), George T. Mudimu (editor), Kirk Helliker (editor)
66 cover Black Heart: Gore-Browne and the Politics of Multiracial Zambia [Reprint 2019 ed.] Robert I. Rotberg 2019
67 cover Finding the Heart of the Nation 2nd edition: The Journey of the Uluru Statement from the Heart Continues Thomas Mayo
68 cover Political Affairs of the Heart: Female Travel Writers, the Sentimental Travelogue, and Revolution, 1775-1800 Linda Van Netten Blimke
69 cover The Law of Force: The Violent Heart of Indian Politics Thomas Blom Hansen
70 cover There is Nothing So Whole as a Broken Heart: Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists Cindy Milstein (Editor)
71 cover Heart of Fire: An Immigrant Daughter's Story Mazie K. Hirono
72 cover Exploring the Heart Sutra Sarah A. Mattice
73 cover "Exterminate All the Brutes": One Man's Odyssey into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide [1 ed.] Sven Lindqvist 1
74 cover Healing Politics: A Doctor’s Journey into the Heart of Our Political Epidemic [1 ed.] Abdul El-Sayed 1
75 cover Not for the Faint of Heart: Lessons in Courage, Power, and Persistence Ambassador Wendy R. Sherman
76 cover Patrolling the Heart of the West: True Tales of a Nevada State Trooper Steve Raabe
77 cover A ›Crisis of Whiteness‹ in the ›Heart of Darkness‹: Racism and the Congo Reform Movement Felix Lösing
78 cover Deutsch Marks In The Head, Shovel In The Hands And Yugoslavia In The Heart Berndard, Sara
79 cover Everything You Need to Know About the Uluru Statement from the Heart Megan Davis, George Williams
80 cover My Seditious Heart Arundhati Roy
81 cover Victorian political culture : habits of heart and mind Hawkins, Angus
82 cover Unknotting the Heart: Unemployment and Therapeutic Governance in China Jie Yang
83 cover Jack Kemp: The Bleeding-Heart Conservative Who Changed America Morton Kondracke, Fred Barnes
84 cover Leading Good Care: The Task, Heart and Art of Managing Social Care John Burton
85 cover The Political Heart of Criminal Procedure Essays on Themes of William J. Stuntz Klarman, Michael,Skeel, David,Steiker, Carol
86 cover Blackberries Matter: Hillary's Blackberries May Be The Heart Of The Matter George Webb
87 cover My journey into the heart of terror : ten days in the Islamic state Jürgen Todenhöfer
88 cover The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America Brooks, Arthur C
89 cover Our Divided Political Heart E. J. Dionne Jr, Michael Kramer
90 cover Fire in the Heart: How White Activists Embrace Racial Justice (Oxford Studies in Culture & Politics) Mark R. Warren
91 cover On the Road in Trump's America: A Journey Into the Heart of a Divided Nation Daniel Allott
92 cover Culture and Values at the Heart of Policy Making: An Insider’s Guide Stephen Muers
93 cover Germany’s Hidden Crisis: Social Decline in the Heart of Europe Oliver Nachtwey, David Fernbach, Loren Balhorn
94 cover Hateland: A Long, Hard Look at America's Extremist Heart University of South Alabama,Johnson, Daryl
95 cover We're Still Here: Pain and Politics in the Heart of America Jennifer M. Silva
96 cover With the World at Heart: Studies in the Secular Today [1 ed.] Thomas A. Carlson 1
97 cover Rhodes Must Fall: The Struggle to Decolonise the Racist Heart of Empire The Rhodes Must Fall Movement, Rhodes Must Fall, Oxford
98 cover Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers' Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country Rebecca Friedrichs
99 cover The United Nations: The Organisation at the Heart of International Diplomacy 50MINUTES
100 cover Left Americana: the radical heart of US history Le Blanc, Paul
101 cover The Moral Heart of Public Service Claire Foster-Gilbert
102 cover Blood Red River: A Journey into the Heart of India's Development Conflict Rohit Prasad
103 cover From Eye to Heart: Exterior Spaces Explored and Explained Jon Burley, Patricia Machemer
104 cover I Heart Obama Erin Aubry Kaplan
105 cover The Heart of the Declaration: The Founders' Case for an Activist Government Steve Pincus
106 cover The Bilderbergers - Puppet-Masters of Power?: an Investigation into Claims of Conspiracy at the Heart of Politics, Business and the Media Wisnewski, Gerhard
107 cover Restless Valley: Revolution, Murder, and Intrigue in the Heart of Central Asia Philip Shishkin
108 cover Good tidings and great joy: protecting the heart of Christmas Jesus Christ,Palin, Sarah
109 cover Caring and the Law Jonathan Herring
110 cover Pakistan: The Heart of Asia, Speeches in the United States and Canada, May and June, 1950 by the Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan, Begum Liaquat Ali Khan
111 cover The Negotiator : My Life at the Heart of the Hostage Trade Ben Lopez
112 cover MediSin: Losing the Heart and Mind of an ER Provider – What he thinks of his patients, the American people and America's healthcare system Niam Hew
113 cover The Great Heart of the Republic: St. Louis and the Cultural Civil War Adam Arenson
114 cover Treason of the heart: from Thomas Paine to Kim Philby Pryce-Jones, David
115 cover Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit Parker J. Palmer
116 cover The Heart That Bleeds: Latin America Now Alma Guillermoprieto
117 cover Relationship-based social work: getting to the heart of practice Gillian Ruch, Danielle Turney, Adrian Ward
118 cover Alabama Getaway: The Political Imaginary and the Heart of Dixie Allen Tullos
119 cover A Brief History of Thailand: Monarchy, War and Resilience: The Fascinating Story of the Gilded Kingdom at the Heart of Asia (Brief History of Asia Series) Richard A. Ruth
120 cover A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband Danny Pearl Mariane Pearl, Sarah Crichton
121 cover At the Heart of Freedom: Feminism, Sex, and Equality Drucilla Cornell
122 cover Barbaric Heart: Faith, Money, and the Crisis of Nature Curtis White
123 cover Dancing from the Heart: Movement, Gender, and Cook Islands Globalization Kalissa Alexeyeff
124 cover Disarming the Heart: Toward a Vow of Nonviolence John Dear
125 cover Emotional Labour in Health Care : The Unmanaged Heart of Nursing (Critical Studies in Health and Society) Cath Theodosius
126 cover Ethics: The Heart of Health Care 3rd edition Dr. David Seedhouse 3
127 cover God's Heart Has No Borders: How Religious Activists Are Working for Immigrant Rights Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
128 cover Heart of the Cross: A Postcolonial Christology Wonhee Anne Joh
129 cover Hungary - 1100 years in the heart of Europe
130 cover Indigenous Struggle at the Heart of Brazil: State Policy, Frontier Expansion, and the Xavante Indians, 1937–1988 Seth Garfield
131 cover It's My Party, Too: The Battle for the Heart of the GOP and the Future of America Christine Todd Whitman
132 cover My Traitor's Heart Rian Malan
133 cover Reviving Democracy: Citizens at the Heart of Governance Barry Knight (Author), Hope Chigudu (Author), Rajesh Tandon (Author)
134 cover Searching for America's Heart: RFK and the Renewal of Hope Peter Edelman
135 cover Spirit of the Badge: 60 True Police Stories of Divine Guidance, Miracles & Intuition Ingrid Dean
136 cover Spiritual Diversity in Social Work Practice: The Heart of Helping,Second Edition Edward R. Canda, Leola Dyrud Furman 2
137 cover Strong of Heart: Life and Death in the Fire Department of New York Thomas Von Essen
138 cover The Heart Attacked: Terrorism and Conflict in the Italian State Alison Jamieson, Richard Clutterbuck (foreword), Mario Massardi, Adriana Faranda
139 cover The Heart of Intimate Abuse: New Interventions in Child Welfare, Criminal Justice, and Health Settings (Springer Series on Family Violence) Linda G. Mills PhD LCSW JD
140 cover The heart of the Commonwealth: society and political culture in Worcester County, Massachusetts, 1713-1861 John L. Brooke
141 cover The Heart of Things: Applying Philosophy to the 21st Century A.C. Grayling
142 cover The Heart of War: On Power, Conflict and Obligation in the Twenty-First Century Gwyn Prins
143 cover The Killer Trail: A Colonial Scandal in the Heart of Africa Bertrand Taithe
144 cover The Lost Executioner: A Story of the Khmer Rouge Nic Dunlop
145 cover What's the matter with Kansas?: how conservatives won the heart of America Thomas Frank
146 cover An introduction to contemporary international law: a policy - oriented perspective Chen, Lung-chu
147 cover Democratic Tradition Of The Chinese People's Liberation Army Ho Lung (He Long)
148 cover Security-Enriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid: Second International Conference, SUComS 2011, Hualien, Taiwan, September 21-23, 2011. Proceedings Kai-Di Chang, Chi-Yuan Chen (auth.), Ruay-Shiung Chang, Tai-hoon Kim, Sheng-Lung Peng (eds.)
149 cover The Chameleon State : Global Culture and Policy Shifts in Britain and Germany, 1914-1933 Tien-Lung Liu
150 cover 1971: A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh Srinath Raghavan
151 cover A Functioning Anarchy?: Essays for Ramachandra Guha Nandini Sundar and Srinath Raghavan (eds.)
152 cover An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India Shashi Tharoor
153 cover Ordinary Person's Guide To Empire Arundhati Roy
154 cover An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire [1 ed.] Arundhati Roy 1
155 cover Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction. Arundhati Roy
156 cover Biodiversity in India: Status, Issues and Challenges Shalinder Kaur (editor), D.R. Batish (editor), H.P. Singh (editor), Ravinder Kohli (editor)
157 cover Broken Republic: Three Essays Arundhati Roy
158 cover Calcutta: The Stormy Decades Tanika Sarkar (editor), Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (editor)
159 cover Capitalism: A Ghost Story Arundhati Roy
160 cover Caste, Politics and The Raj:Bengal 1872-1937 Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
161 cover Communalism and the Writing of Indian History Bipan Chandra, Harbans Mukhia, Romila Thapar
162 cover Communalism in Modern India Bipan Chandra
163 cover Decolonization in South Asia: Meanings of Freedom in Post-independence West Bengal, 1947-52 [1 ed.] Sekhar Bandyopadhyay 1
164 cover Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers [First Edition] Arundhati Roy 1
165 cover Fierce Enigmas: A history of the United States in South Asia Srinath Raghavan
166 cover Food Security and Soil Quality Rattan Lal, B.A. Stewart 1
167 cover From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
168 cover From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar 2
169 cover Globalisation and the Challenges of Development in Contemporary India [1 ed.] Sita Venkateswar, Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (eds.) 1
170 cover In the name of Democracy: JP movement and the Emergency Gandhi, Indira,Narayan, Jayaprakash,Chandra, Bipan
171 cover India: The Future is Now : the Vision and Road Map for the Country by Her Young Parliamentarians Shashi Tharoor
172 cover India After Independence: 1947-2000 Chandra, Bipan, Mukherjee, Mridula, Mukherjee, Aditya
173 cover India Positive: New Essays and Selected Columns Bhagat, Chetan
174 cover India: from midnight to the millennium and beyond [Rev. & updated ed] Tharoor, Shashi
175 cover Inglorious Empire: What the British did to India Shashi Tharoor
176 cover Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India [1 ed.] Shashi Tharoor 1
177 cover Janata era in Kashmir politics Ravinder Singh Rissam
178 cover Kashmir: A Case of Freedom Tariq Ali, Hilal Bhatt, Angana P. Chatterji, Habbah Khatun, Pankaj Mishra, Arundhati Roy
179 cover Krantikari Sanjeev Sanyal
180 cover Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers Arundhati Roy
181 cover Making India Awesome: New Essays & Columns Chetan Bhagat 1
182 cover MODI@20: Dreams Meet Delivery Sudha Murty, Sadhguru, Nandan Nilekani, Amish Tripathi, Amit Shah, Arvind Panagariya, S. Jaishankar, Lata Mangeshkar, Ajit Doval K.C., P.V. Sindhu, Shobana Kamineni, Surjit S. Bhalla, Pradeep Gupta, Anantha Nageswaran, Shamika Ravi, Uday S. Kotak, Ajay Mathur, Anupam Kher, Ashok Gulati, Dr Devi Shetty, Nripendra Misra, Manoj Ladwa, Bharat Barai, BlueKraft Digital Foundation
183 cover Open Secrets: The Explosive Memoirs of an Indian Intelligence Officer Maloy Krishna Dhar, Mainak Dhar
184 cover Pax Indica: India and the World of the Twenty-first Century Shashi Tharoor
185 cover Public Power in the Age of Empire Arundhati Roy
186 cover Putting People First: How We Can All Change America Pattanaik, Devdutt
187 cover Revolutionaries: The Other Story of How India Won Its Freedom Sanjeev Sanyal
188 cover Rusty And The Leopard: Vol. 3 Ruskin Bond
189 cover Shadows Across the Playing Field: 60 Years of India-Pakistan Cricket Khan, Shaharyar M.,Tharoor, Shashi
190 cover THE BATTLE OF BELONGING: On Nationalism, Patriotism, And What it Means to Be Indian Shashi Tharoor
191 cover The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile: Conversations with Arundhati Roy David Barsamian, Arundhati Roy
192 cover The Doctor and the Saint: Caste, Race, and the Annihilation of Caste : the Debate Between B.R. Ambedkar and M.K. Gandhi Arundhati Roy
193 cover The Elephant, the Tiger, and the Cell Phone: Reflections on India, the Emerging 21st-Century Power Shashi Tharoor
194 cover The End of Imagination Arundhati Roy
195 cover The End of India Khushwant Singh
196 cover The Hanging of Afzal Guru and the Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament Arundhati Roy
197 cover The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis Amitav Ghosh
198 cover The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy David Malone, C. Raja Mohan, Srinath Raghavan
199 cover The Philosophy of Man-making: A Study in Social and Political Ideas of Swami Vivekananda Śāntilāla Mukhopādhyāẏa
200 cover The Political Space of Art: The Dardenne Brothers, Arundhati Roy, Ai Weiwei and Burial Benoît Dillet, Tara Puri
201 cover The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India: Economic Policies of Indian National Leadership, 1880-1905 Bipan Chandra 1
202 cover The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India: Economic Policies of Indian National Leadership, 1880-1905 Bipan Chandra
203 cover The Struggle for India's Soul: Nationalism and the Fate of Democracy Shashi Tharoor
204 cover Things That Can and Cannot Be Said: Essays and Conversations Arundhati Roy, John Cusack
205 cover Transoceanic Perspectives in Amitav Ghosh’s Ibis Trilogy (Maritime Literature and Culture) Juan-José Martín-González
206 cover Walking with the comrades Arundhati Roy
207 cover Walking with the Comrades [1 ed.] Arundhati Roy 1
208 cover War Talk Arundhati Roy
209 cover What Young India Wants: Selected Essays and Columns Chetan Bhagat
210 cover Why I Supported the Emergency: Essays and Profiles Khushwant Singh
211 cover Your Prime Minister is Dead Anuj Dhar
212 cover Your Prime Minister is Dead [Paperback ed.] Anuj Dhar
213 cover BDP-Elective Course-Bachelor of Arts (BA)-Political Science (Part-I) IGNOU
214 cover BDP-Elective Course-Bachelor of Arts (BA)-Political Science (Part-II) IGNOU
215 cover BDP-Elective Course-Bachelor of Arts (BA)-Public Administration IGNOU
216 cover Chandra Shekhar: The Last Icon of Ideological Politics Harivansh, Ravi Dutt Bajpai
217 cover China Builds for Democracy: A Story of Cooperative Industry Nym Wales (Helen Foster Snow), Jawaharlal Nehru
218 cover Contemporary Practices of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme : Insights from Districts K. B. Saxena
219 cover Himalayan Triangle: A Historical Survey of British India's Relations with Tibet, Sikkim, and Bhutan, 1765-1950 Amar Kaur Jasbir Singh
220 cover How India Sees the World: Kautilya to the 21st Century Shyam Saran
221 cover India at risk : mistakes, misconceptions and misadventures of security policy Singh, Jaswant
222 cover India's search for power : Indira Gandhi's foreign policy, 1966-1982 Surjit Mansingh
223 cover Indira Gandhi Meena. Agrawal
224 cover Indira Gandhi Sara Schupack
225 cover Indira Gandhi H.Y. Sharada Prasad
226 cover Indira Gandhi: A Biography Pupul Jayakar
227 cover Indira Gandhi: a Life in Nature Ramesh, Jairam
228 cover Indira Gandhi: Child of Politics Sreelata Menon
229 cover Indira Gandhi: Tryst with Power Nayantara Sahgal
230 cover Indira: the life of Indira Nehru Gandhi Frank, Katherine,Gandhi, Indira
231 cover Intertwined Lives: P.N. Haksar and Indira Ghandi Jairam Ramesh
232 cover Jawaharlal Nehru, the Constitution, and the Parliament Subhash C. Kashyap
233 cover Leaders Beyond Media Images (Political Profiles of Indira Gandhi, P. V. Narasimha Rao, NTR, YSR, Chandrababu Naidu) K. Balagopal
234 cover M. K. Gandhi; An Indian Patriot in South Africa Joseph J. Doke
235 cover Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian Constitution Narendra Chapalgaonker, Subhashchandra Wagholikar (transl.)
236 cover The Fall and Rise of Political Leaders: Olof Palme, Olusegun Obasanjo, and Indira Gandhi Leslie Derfler (auth.)
237 cover The Politics and Reception of Rabindranath Tagore's Drama: The Bard on the Stage Arnab Bhattacharya, Mala Renganathan
238 cover World cinema, power, politics, and hegemony Paul Cox, Derek Malcolm, Shyam Benegal, Ansu Sur, Anil Acharya
239 cover राजनीति विज्ञान (Political Science) - SBPD Publications Class - XII Latest Various
240 cover Mopala Kand Arthat Mujhe Usse Kya?: Bestseller Book by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar: Mopala Kand Arthat Mujhe Usse Kya? Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (VD Savarkar)
241 cover Bharat Vikhandan राजीव मल्होत्रा / Rajiv Malhotra
242 cover Bharat Vikhandan Rajiv Malhotra, Aravindan Neelakandan
243 cover Disunited Kingdom: How Westminster Won a Referendum But Lost Scotland Macwhirter, Iain
244 cover Naye Bharat Ka Samved: Naye Bharat Ka Samved: Sensing the Pulse of New India Narendra Modi
245 cover Bharat mein Rajya, Loktantra aur Atank-Virodhi Qanoon Ujjwal Kumar Singh
246 cover 17N's Philosophy of Terror: An Analysis of the 17 November Revolutionary Organization Ioanne K. Lekea
247 cover A Battlefield of Values: America's Left, Right, and Endangered Center Stephen D. Burgard, Benjamin J. Hubbard
248 cover A Call to Arms: Propaganda, Public Opinion, and Newspapers in the Great War Troy Paddock
249 cover A Clash of Cultures: Civil-Military Relations During the Vietnam War Orrin Schwab
250 cover A Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments John R. Vile 5
251 cover A Documentary History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Charles L. Geddes
252 cover A Fearful Symmetry: The New Soldier in the Age of Asymmetric Conflict Rumu Sarkar Ph.D.
253 cover A Guide to Russian Adoption: Professional Counseling and Personal Insights Alisa White Karwowski
254 cover A History of Genocide in Africa Kayitesi, Berthe,Stapleton, Timothy J
255 cover A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917-1945: David Berry
256 cover A Liberal Tool Kit: Progressive Responses to Conservative Arguments David Coates
257 cover A Military History of Britain: From 1775 to the Present Jeremy Black
258 cover A Military History of Japan: From the Age of the Samurai to the 21st Century John T. Kuehn
259 cover A Military History of South Africa: From the Dutch-Khoi Wars to the End of Apartheid Timothy J. Stapleton
260 cover A Short History of Taiwan: The Case for Independence Gary M. Davison
261 cover A Tragedy of Arms: Military and Security Developments in the Maghreb Anthony H. Cordesman
262 cover Abortion Politics in the Federal Courts: Right Versus Right Barbara M. Yarnold
263 cover Abortion Regret: The New Attack on Reproductive Freedom J. Shoshanna Ehrlich, Alesha E. Doan
264 cover Abortion: Statutes, Policies, and Public Attitudes the World Over Rita J. Simon
265 cover African Foreign Policy and Diplomacy from Antiquity to the 21st Century: [2 Volumes] Daniel Don Nanjira
266 cover After the Breakup of a Multi-Ethnic Empire: Russia, Successor States, and Eurasian Security Susanne Michele Birgerson
267 cover Ambivalent Embrace: America's Troubled Relations with Spain from the Revolutionary War to the Cold War Rodrigo Botero
268 cover America and Europe Adrift: Transatlantic Relations After the Cold War Sotiris Rizas
269 cover America and Europe After 9/11 and Iraq: The Great Divide Sarwar Kashmeri
270 cover America at War Since 1945: Politics and Diplomacy in Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War Gary A. Donaldson
271 cover The American Flag: An Encyclopedia of the Stars and Stripes in U.S. History, Culture, and Law Vile, John R
272 cover American Foreign Relations Since Independence Richard Burns, Joseph Siracusa, Jason Flanagan
273 cover American Policy and Northern Ireland: A Saga of Peacebuilding Joseph E. Thompson
274 cover American Political Prisoners: Prosecutions Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts Stephen M. Kohn
275 cover American Students Organize: Founding the National Student Association After World War II : an Anthology and Sourcebook Eugene G. Schwartz
276 cover Americans, Germans, and War Crimes Justice: Law, Memory, and "The Good War" James J. Weingartner
277 cover America's Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920: A Study of National Policy Betty Miller Unterberger
278 cover An Orchestra of Voices: Making the Argument for Greater Speech and Press Freedom in the People's Republic of China Sun, H.,Elizabeth C. Michel, S.X.X.S.,Sun, X.,Xupei, S.C.,Michel, E.C.,Easton, E.B.
279 cover An Unmitigated Disaster: America's Response to COVID-19 Robert O. Schneider
280 cover Anarchism Today Randall Amster, John Clark
281 cover Anxious Identity: Education, Difference and Politics Ho-chia Chueh
282 cover Arab-Israeli Military Forces in an Era of Asymmetric Wars Anthony H. Cordesman
283 cover Architecture and power in Africa Nnamdi Elleh
284 cover Armed for Life: The Army of God and Anti-Abortion Terror in the United States Jennifer Jefferis
285 cover Arms Control [2 Volumes]: History, Theory, and Policy Robert E. Williams Jr., Paul R. Viotti
286 cover Army Officers in Arab Politics and Society Eliezer Beeri
287 cover Assault on the Left: The FBI and the Sixties Antiwar Movement James K. Davis
288 cover Australia, the Recreational Society David Mosler
289 cover Barack Obama in Hawai'i and Indonesia: The Making of a Global President Dinesh Sharma
290 cover Barack Obama, The Aloha Zen President: How a Son of the 50th State May Revitalize America Based on 12 Multicultural Principles Michael Haas
291 cover Barack Obama, the New Face of American Politics Keith Boeckelman, Martin Dupuis
292 cover Before Equal Suffrage: Women in Partisan Politics from Colonial Times to 1920 Robert J. Dinkin
293 cover Beginnings of the Cold War Arms Race: The Truman Administration and the U.S. Arms Build-Up Raymond Ojserkis
294 cover Berlin in Focus: Cultural Transformations in Germany Barbara Becker-Cantarino
295 cover Between Rome and Jerusalem: 300 Years of Roman-Judaean Relations Martin Sicker
296 cover Beyond Comfort Zones in Multiculturalism: Confronting the Politics of Privilege Sandra Jackson, Jose Solis
297 cover Beyond Confrontation: Transforming the New World Order Charles Hauss
298 cover Black Populism in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography Anthony J. Adam, Gerald H. Gaither
299 cover Black Power/White Power in Public Education Ralph Edwards, Charles V. Willie
300 cover Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in Urban America: Status and Prospects for Politics and Activism James Jennings
301 cover Blossoms on the Olive Tree: Israeli and Palestinian Women Working for Peace Janet M. Powers
302 cover Boomer Bust? [2 Volumes]: Economic and Political Issues of the Graying Society Robert B. Hudson
303 cover Breastfeeding Rights in the United States Karen M. Kedrowski, Michael E. Lipscomb
304 cover Brown-, Green- and Blue-Water Fleets: The Influence of Geography on Naval Warfare, 1861 to the Present Michael Lindberg, Daniel Todd
305 cover Burmese Political Values: The Socio-political Roots of Authoritarianism Maung Maung Gyi
306 cover Cambodia, Pol Pot, and the United States: The Faustian Pact Michael Haas
307 cover Campaign Craft: The Strategies, Tactics, and Art of Political Campaign Management Michael John Burton, Daniel M. Shea 4
308 cover Campaigns and Conscience: The Ethics of Political Journalism Philip Seib
309 cover Can Democracies Fly in Space?: The Challenge of Revitalizing the U.S. Space Program W. Kay
310 cover Catholic Roots and Democratic Flowers: Political Systems in Spain and Portugal Howard J. Wiarda, Margaret MacLeish Mott
311 cover Child Abduction: Prevention, Investigation, and Recovery Robert L. Snow
312 cover Child Poverty in America Today: The promise of education: Volume 3 Barbara A. Arrighi, David J. Maume
313 cover China On The Eve Of Communist Takeover A. Doak Barnett
314 cover China's Grand Strategy: Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy Sarwar A. Kashmeri
315 cover Chinese communism in crisis: Maoism and the Cultural Revolution Jack Gray, Patrick Cavendish
316 cover Christian Voices: Journeys Through Faith and Politics in Contemporary American Protestantism Charlene Floyd
317 cover Citizen Espionage: Studies in Trust and Betrayal Ralph M. Carney, Carson Eoyang, Theodore R. Sarbin
318 cover Clad in Iron: The American Civil War and the Challenge of British Naval Power Howard J. Fuller
319 cover Clinton and Post-Cold War Defense Stephen J. Cimbala
320 cover Collateral Damage: The Psychological Consequences of America's War on Terrorism Paul Kimmel, Chris E. Stout
321 cover Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian Question Victor Roudometof
322 cover Colonialism and After: An Algerian Jewish Community Elizabeth D. Friedman
323 cover Commissions of Inquiry and National Security: Comparative Approaches Stuart Farson, Mark Phythian
324 cover Commissions, Reports, Reforms, and Educational Policy Rick Ginsberg, David Plank
325 cover Communal Utopias and the American Experience Religious Communities, 1732-2000 Robert P. Sutton
326 cover Communism and Nationalism in the Middle East Walter Z. Laqueur
327 cover Communism in History and Theory: Asia, Africa, and the Americas · Volume 1 Donald F. Busky
328 cover Communism in the 21st Century [3 Volumes] Shannon Kurt Brincat 3
329 cover Communist China: The Early Years, 1949-55 A. Doak Barnett
330 cover Community and Political Thought Today Peter Lawler, Dale McConkey
331 cover Compellence and the Strategic Culture of Imperial Japan: Implications for Coercive Diplomacy in the Twenty-First Century Forrest Morgan
332 cover Congo, My Country Patrice Lumumba, trans. Graham Heath
333 cover Contemporary Security Issues in Africa William A. Taylor
334 cover Controversial Cinema: The Films That Outraged America Kendall R. Phillips
335 cover Controversies in Affirmative Action [3 Volumes] James A. Beckman 3
336 cover Controversies in Contemporary Religion [3 volumes]: Education, Law, Politics, Society, and Spirituality Paul Hedges (editor)
337 cover Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife John Nagl
338 cover Creating the Entangling Alliance: The Origins of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Timothy P. Ireland
339 cover Critical Issues in Israeli Society Alan Dowty
340 cover Critical Multiculturalism: Uncommon Voices in a Common Struggle Barry Kanpol, Peter McLaren
341 cover Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence, and Healing Approaches James Randall Noblitt, Pamela Perskin Noblitt
342 cover Culture and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Bicultural Experience in the United States Antonia Darder
343 cover Cyber Dragon: Inside China's Information Warfare and Cyber Operations Dean Cheng
344 cover Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace Are Challenging America and Changing the World Paul Rosenzweig
345 cover Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace Susan W. Brenner
346 cover Death Orders: The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia Anna Geifman
347 cover Debating Modern Medical Technologies: The Politics of Safety, Effectiveness, and Patient Access Karen J. Maschke, Michael K. Gusmano
348 cover Debunking Glenn Beck: How to Save America from Media Pundits and Propagandists Karl Alan Rogers Ph.D.
349 cover Defeating Communist Insurgency: The Lessons of Malaya and Vietnam Sir Robert Thompson
350 cover Defense Relations between Australia and Indonesia in the Post-Cold War Era: (Contributions in Military Studies) Bilveer Singh
351 cover Defining Russian federalism Elizabeth Pascal
352 cover Democracy Disrupted: Communication in the Volatile 2020 Presidential Election Benjamin R. Warner, Dianne G. Bystrom, Mitchell S. McKinney, Mary C. Banwart (eds.)
353 cover Democracy in Desperation: The Depression of 1893 Douglas Steeples, David O. Whitten
354 cover Deterrence and Nuclear Proliferation in the Twenty-First Century Stephen J. Cimbala
355 cover Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social Provision Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, Marguerite G. Rosenthal
356 cover Discharging Congress: Government by Commission Colton C. Campbell
357 cover Distant Lands and Diverse Cultures: The French Experience in Asia, 1600-1700 Glenn J. Ames, Ronald S. Love
358 cover Double Trouble: Iran and North Korea as Challenges to International Security
359 cover Double-Edged Sword: Nuclear Diplomacy in Unequal Conflicts, The United States and China, 1950-1958 Appu K. Soman
360 cover Earthtalk: Communication Empowerment for Environmental Action Star Muir
361 cover Eco-Warriors, Nihilistic Terrorists, and the Environment Lawrence E. Likar
362 cover Electronic Whistle-Stops: The Impact of the Internet on American Politics · Volume 10 Gary W. Selnow
363 cover Embracing the Occupiers: Conversations with the Future Leaders of Afghanistan and Iraq Jeremy S. Block
364 cover Emerging Issues in the 21st Century World-system: New theoretical directions for the 21st century world-system Political Economy of the World-System Conference 2001 Virginia Polyte, Wilma A. Dunaway
365 cover Emotion and Conflict: How Human Rights Can Dignify Emotion and Help Us Wage Good Conflict Evelin Lindner
366 cover Enemy Combatants, Terrorism, and Armed Conflict Law: A Guide to the Issues David K. Linnan
367 cover Essentials of Counterterrorism James J. F. Forest (editor)
368 cover Essentials of Strategic Intelligence Loch K. Johnson
369 cover Ethics and Statecraft: The Moral Dimension of International Affairs Cathal J. Nolan 3
370 cover Evaluating U.S. Foreign Policy John A. Vasquez
371 cover Evolutionary Psychology and Violence: A Primer for Policymakers and Public Policy Advocates Richard W. Bloom, Nancy Dess
372 cover Extraordinary Behavior: A Case Study Approach to Understanding Social Problems Dennis L. Peck, Norman A. Dolch
373 cover Faith-Based Inefficiency: The Follies of Bush's Initiatives Bob Wineburg
374 cover Federal Agents: The Growth of Federal Law Enforcement in America Jeffrey B. Bumgarner
375 cover Feminism and Religion: How Faiths View Women and Their Rights Michele A. Paludi and J. Harold Ellens
376 cover Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippines: The Political Economy of Authoritarianism Albert F. Celoza
377 cover Fighting for Fallujah: A New Dawn for Iraq John R. Ballard
378 cover Finding the Words: A Rhetorical History of South Africa's Transition from Apartheid to Democracy Thomas A. Moriarty
379 cover Food as a Human Right: Combatting Global Hunger and Forging a Path to Food Sovereignty William D Schanbacher
380 cover France and European Integration: Toward a Transnational Polity? Michel R. Gueldry
381 cover Freedom of Speech: Words are Not Deeds Harry M. Bracken
382 cover From Box Office to Ballot Box: The American Political Film M. Keith Booker
383 cover From Confrontation to Cooperation: The Takeover of the National People's (East German) Army by the Bundeswehr Frederick Zilian
384 cover From Vietnam to El Salvador: The Saga of the FMLN Sappers and Other Guerrilla Special Forces in Latin America David E. Spencer
385 cover Galula in Algeria: Counterinsurgency Practice Versus Theory Grégor Mathias
386 cover Gender Matters: Female Policymakers' Influence in Industrialized Nations Valerie O’Regan
387 cover Gender, War, and Militarism: Feminist Perspectives Laura Sjoberg, Sandra Via, Cynthia Enloe
388 cover Genocide by Proxy: Cambodian Pawn on a Superpower Chessboard Michael Haas
389 cover Geopolitical and economic changes in the Balkan countries Nicholas V. Gianaris
390 cover Geopolitics: A Guide to the Issues Bert Chapman
391 cover George W. Bush, War Criminal?: The Bush Administration's Liability for 269 War Crimes Michael Haas
392 cover Glass Walls and Glass Ceilings: Women's Representation in State and Municipal Bureaucracies Margaret Reid, William Miller, Brinck Kerr
393 cover Global Security Watch—India Amit Gupta
394 cover Global Security Watch—Saudi Arabia Matthew Barry Gray
395 cover Global Security Watch—Venezuela Daniel Charles Hellinger
396 cover Global Security Watch—China Richard Weitz
397 cover Global Security Watch—Egypt: A Reference Handbook Denis J. Sullivan, Kimberly Jones
398 cover Global Security Watch—Japan Andrew Lee Oros, Yuki Tatsumi, Rust Deming
399 cover Global Threat: Target-Centered Assessment and Management Robert Mandel
400 cover Globalizing Practices and University Responses: European and Anglo-American Differences Jan Currie, Richard DeAngelis, Harry de Boer, Jeroen Huisman, Claude Lacotte
401 cover Gorbachev and the German Question: Soviet-West German Relations, 1985-1990 David M. Shumaker
402 cover Gorbachev's Retreat: The Third World Melvin A. Goodman
403 cover Governing Soviet Cities: Bureaucratic Politics and Urban Development in the USSR. William Taubman
404 cover Government and Politics in Northern Africa I William Zartman
405 cover Grim Fairy Tales: The Rhetorical Construction of American Welfare Policy Lisa M. Gring-Pemble
406 cover Gulf Military Forces in an Era of Asymmetric Wars [2 Volumes] Anthony H. Cordesman, Khalid R. Al-Rodhan
407 cover Gunboats, Corruption, and Claims: Foreign Intervention in Venezuela, 1899-1908 Brian McBeth
408 cover Half-Hearted Reform: Electoral Institutions and the Struggle for Democracy in Indonesia Dwight King
409 cover Handbook on Communism Gerhart (Editors) Bochenski, Joseph M. &, Niemeyer
410 cover Harvesting Freedom: African American Agrarianism in Civil War Era South Carolina Akiko Ochiai
411 cover Hate Speech, Sex Speech, Free Speech Nicholas Wolfson
412 cover Headline Diplomacy: How News Coverage Affects Foreign Policy Philip Seib
413 cover Hegemonic Cooperation and Conflict: Postwar Japan's China Policy and the United States Qingxin Ken Wang
414 cover Hezbollah: From Islamic Resistance to Government James Worrall, Simon Mabon, Gordon Clubb
415 cover Hidden in Plain Sight: America's Slaves of the New Millennium Associates, Goldfarb &,., Mehlman-Orozco, Kimberly
416 cover Hitler's Enabler: Neville Chamberlain and the Origins of the Second World War Chamberlain, Neville, Ruggiero, John
417 cover On Revolution; Selected Writings, 1920-66, Volume 10 Ho Chi Minh
418 cover Homeland Security and Intelligence Keith Gregory Logan
419 cover Homeward Bound: American Veterans Return from War Richard H. Taylor
420 cover Hope Is Not a Plan: The War in Iraq from Inside the Green Zone Thomas Mowle
421 cover How America Goes to War Frank Everson Vandiver
422 cover How Globalization Spurs Terrorism: The Lopsided Benefits of One World and Why That Fuels Violence Fathali M. Moghaddam
423 cover How Wars are Won and Lost: Vulnerability and Military Power John A. Gentry
424 cover Human Trafficking, Human Misery: The Global Trade in Human Beings Alexis A Aronowitz
425 cover I Just Lost Myself: Psychological Abuse of Women in Marriage Valerie Nash Chang
426 cover Ideologues and Ideologies in Latin America: Volume 9 William M. Fowler
427 cover Ideology and Soviet industrialization: Volume 120 Timothy W. Luke
428 cover Counterterrorism [2 Volumes]: From the Cold War to the War on Terror FRANK SHANTY
429 cover Ideology, Politics, and Government in the Soviet Union: An Introduction John Alexander Armstrong
430 cover Ignoring the Apocalypse: Why Planning to Prevent Environmental Catastrophe Goes Astray David Howard Davis
431 cover Importing Democracy: Ideas from Around the World to Reform and Revitalize American Politics and Government Raymond A. Smith
432 cover In Search of Greatness: Russia's Communications with Africa and the World Festus Eribo
433 cover Informed Dialogue: Using Research to Shape Education Policy Around the World Noel McGinn, Fernando Reimers
434 cover Institutions and Reform in Africa: The Public Choice Perspective John Mukum Mbaku Es
435 cover Intelligence Analysis: How to Think in Complex Environments Wayne Michael Hall, Gary Citrenbaum
436 cover Intelligence and National Security: A Reference Handbook John Ransom Clark
437 cover Intelligence and Statecraft: The Use and Limits of Intelligence in International Society Peter Jackson, Jennifer Siegel
438 cover International Atomic Policy During a Decade: An Historical-political Investigation Into the Problem of Atomic Weapons During the Period 1945-55 Elis Biorklund
439 cover International Law and the Use of Force: A Documentary and Reference Guide Shirley V. Scott, Anthony John Billingsley, Christopher Michaelsen, Dr Christopher Michaelsen
440 cover International Politics and German History: The Past Informs the Present Theodore S. Hamerow, David Wetzel
441 cover International Relations and the Third Debate: Postmodernism and Its Critics Darryl S. Jarvis
442 cover International Relations Theory of War Ofer Israeli
443 cover International Security and the United States: An Encyclopedia · Volume 1 Karl DeRouen Jr., Paul Bellamy
444 cover International Security and the United States: An Encyclopedia · Volume 2 Paul Bellamy, Karl DeRouen Jr.
445 cover Invasion: The Conquest of Serbia, 1915 Richard L. DiNardo
446 cover IRA Man: Talking with the Rebels Douglass McFerran
447 cover Iran, Israel, and the United States: Regime Security Vs. Political Legitimacy Lean, Nathan Chapman,Rawshandil, Jalīl
448 cover Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan: A Political Chronology Lawrence Ziring
449 cover Iran, a Short Political Guide John Marlowe
450 cover Iran's Military Forces and Warfighting Capabilities: The Threat in the Northern Gulf Anthony H. Cordesman, Martin Kleiber
451 cover Iraq Under Qassem: A Political History, 1958-1963 Uriel Dann
452 cover Islam Vs. Islamism: The Dilemma of the Muslim World Peter R. Demant
453 cover Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period: 1918-1940 H. James Burgwyn
454 cover Japanese Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period Ian Nish
455 cover Jihad for Jerusalem: Identity and Strategy in International Relations M.A. Khan
456 cover Judicial Jurisdiction: A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution Patrick Baude
457 cover Kalashnikov Culture: Small Arms Proliferation and Irregular Warfare Christopher Carr
458 cover Korean Security in a Changing East Asia Terence Roehrig, Jungmin Seo, Uk Heo
459 cover Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution Thomas C. Wright REVISED EDITION
460 cover Law, Language, and Science: The Invention of the Native Mind in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1930 Diana Jeater
461 cover Leaving America: The New Expatriate Generation John R. Wennersten
462 cover Lethal Encounters: Englishmen and Indians in Colonial Virginia Alfred A. Cave
463 cover Libertarianism Today Jacob H. Huebert
464 cover Losing Iraq: Insurgency and Politics Stephen C. Pelletiere
465 cover Making News of Police Violence: A Comparative Study of Toronto and New York City Ross, J.I.,Hale, D.C.
466 cover Maoism in the Developed World Robert J. Alexander
467 cover Marijuana Politics: Uncovering the Troublesome History and Social Costs of Criminalization Robert M Hardaway
468 cover Marxism: An Historical and Critical Study George Lichtheim
469 cover Marxist Perspectives on Imperialism: A Theoretical Analysis Polychroniou, Chronis
470 cover Maximization, Whatever the Cost: Race, Redistricting, and the Department of Justice Cunningham, M.T.
471 cover Mexican Memoir: A Personal Account of Anthropology and Radical Politics in Oaxaca Howard Campbell
472 cover Mexico Faces the 21st Century: Volume 5 Donald E. Schultz, Edward J. Williams
473 cover Mexico in the age of proposals, 1821-1853: Volume 12 William M. Fowler
474 cover Military Planning and the Origins of the Second World War in Europe B. J. C. McKercher &, Roch Legault
475 cover Millennial Visions: Essays on Twentieth-Century Millenarianism Martha F. Lee
476 cover Modern American Political Dynasties: A Study of Power, Family, and Political Influence Kathleen Gronnerud (editor), Scott J. Spitzer (editor)
477 cover Modern Presidential Electioneering: An Organizational and Comparative Approach Baumgartner, Jody C.
478 cover Modern Tunisia: A Democratic Apprenticeship Andrew Borowiec
479 cover Modern Welfare States: Scandinavian Politics and Policy in the Global Age Eric S. Einhorn, John Logue
480 cover Movies and the Reagan Presidency: Success and Ethics Chris Jordan
481 cover Mudslingers: The Top 25 Negative Political Campaigns of All Time, Countdown from No. 25 to No. 1 Kerwin C. Swint
482 cover Multiculturalism and Public Arts Policy David Pankratz
483 cover Napoleonic Warfare: The Operational Art of the Great Campaigns John T. Kuehn Ph.D
484 cover Nasser's New Egypt: A Critical Analysis Keith Wheelock
485 cover National Security: The Israeli Experience Israel Tal
486 cover Native Vs. Settler: Ethnic Conflict in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa Thomas G. Mitchell
487 cover NATO: A Guide to the Issues Brian J. Collins
488 cover Nicaragua: The First Five Years Thomas W. Walker
489 cover No More Secrets: Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence Hamilton Bean Ph.D.
490 cover No Price Too High: Victimless Crimes and the Ninth Amendment Robert M. Hardaway
491 cover Nonnuclear Conflicts in the Nuclear Age Sam C. Sarkesiam
492 cover North to Canada: Men and Women Against the Vietnam War James L. Dickerson
493 cover Nuclear Insecurity: Understanding the Threat from Rogue Nations and Terrorists Jack Caravelli
494 cover Omnicide: The Nuclear Dilemma Lisl Marburg Goodman, Lee A. Hoff
495 cover On the Three Types of Juristic Thought (Contributions in Political Science) CARL SCHMITT
496 cover On Top of the World: Women's Political Leadership in Scandinavia and Beyond Bruce O. Solheim
497 cover On-Site Inspection in Theory and Practice: A Primer on Modern Arms Control Regimes George Rueckert
498 cover Operation Pike: Britain Versus the Soviet Union, 1939-1941 Patrick Osborn
499 cover OSS Agents in Hitler's Heartland: Destination Innsbruck Gerald Schwab
500 cover Pakistan: The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Rise of Terrorism Topich, William J.
501 cover Pan-Africanism: A Short Political Guide Colin Legum
502 cover Pangs of the Messiah: The Troubled Birth of the Jewish State Martin Sicker
503 cover Paradigm Lost?: Transitions and the Search for a New World Order David Jablonsky
504 cover Path to Collective Madness: A Study in Social Order and Political Pathology Dipak K. Gupta
505 cover Patterns of race in the Americas Marvin Harris
506 cover Paul D. Wolfowitz: Visionary Intellectual, Policymaker, and Strategist Lewis D. Solomon
507 cover Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific: Theory and Practice Sorpong Peou
508 cover Police Psychology: A New Specialty and New Challenges for Men and Women in Blue David J. Thomas
509 cover Police Use of Force: A Global Perspective Joseph B. Kuhns, Johannes Knutsson
510 cover Political Africa: A Who's who of Personalities and Parties Ronald Segal, Catherine Hoskyns, Rosalynde Ainslie
511 cover Political Change in Eastern Europe Since 1989: Prospects for Liberal Democracy and a Market Economy Robert Zuzowski
512 cover The Political Economy of Cameroon Michael G. Schatzberg, I. William Zartman (eds.)
513 cover Political Islam from Muhammad to Ahmadinejad: Defenders, Detractors, and Definitions Skelly, Joseph Morrison
514 cover Political Liberalization and Democratization in Africa: Lessons from Country Experiences Julius Omozuanvbo Ihonvbere, John Mukum Mbaku
515 cover Political Parties and Democracy [5 Volumes] Kay Lawson 5
516 cover Political Parties and Democracy: Volume I: The Americas Kay Lawson, Jorge Lanzaro
517 cover Political Parties and Democracy: Volume I: The Americas Kay Lawson
518 cover Political Parties and Political Systems: The Concept of Linkage Revisited Andrea Rommele (editor), Piero Ignazi (editor), David M. Farrell (editor)
519 cover Political Relationship and Narrative Knowledge: A Critical Analysis of School Authoritarianism Peter B. Armitage
520 cover Politics and Social Change in Latin America: Still a Distinct Tradition? Howard J. Wiarda, Margaret MacLeish Mott 4
521 cover Politics and Society in Ancient Greece Nicholas F. Jones
522 cover Politics, Media, and Modern Democracy: An International Study of Innovations in Electoral Campaigning and Their Consequences Paolo Mancini, David L. Swanson
523 cover Polygamy in the Monogamous World: Multicultural Challenges for Western Law and Policy Martha Bailey, Amy J. Kaufman
524 cover Pornography: The Other Side F. M. Christensen
525 cover Postmodernism and Race Eric Kramer
526 cover Power and the Soviet Elite: "The Letter of an Old Bolshevik," and Other Essays Boris I. Nicolaevsky
527 cover Preserving Privilege: California Politics, Propositions, and People of Color Jewelle Taylor Gibbs, Teiahsha Bankhead
528 cover Presidents and Mass Incarceration: Choices at the Top, Repercussions at the Bottom Linda K. Mancillas
529 cover Prisoners, Diplomats, and the Great War: A Study in the Diplomacy of Captivity Richard Speed
530 cover Privacy and its invasion Deckle Mclean
531 cover Proclaiming Political Pluralism: Churches and Political Transitions in Africa Isaac Phiri
532 cover Profiling Political Leaders: Cross-Cultural Studies of Personality and Behavior Ofer Feldman, Linda O. Valenty
533 cover Public Administration: Balancing Power and Accountability Howard, Lawrence Cabot,McKinney, Jerome B 2
534 cover Puerto Rico: Culture, Politics, and Identity Nancy Morris
535 cover Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West Abigail R. Esman
536 cover Recruitment and Retention of Race Group Students in American Higher Education: An Annotated Bibliography C. Dwayne Wilson, Bernard Lubin, Barbara Below
537 cover Reinventing NASA: Human Spaceflight, Bureaucracy, and Politics Roger Handberg
538 cover Religion and resistance politics in South Africa Lyn S. Graybill
539 cover Religion, Law, and Freedom: A Global Perspective Yahya Kamalipour, Joel Thierstein
540 cover Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement Douglas M. Johnston Jr.
541 cover Remaking China's Public Philosophy for the Twenty-first Century Jinghao Zhou
542 cover Reshaping Palestine: From Muhammad Ali to the British Mandate, 1831-1922 Martin Sicker
543 cover Revisionism; Essays on the History of Marxist Ideas Leopold Łabędź
544 cover Revolution and Rescue in Grenada: An Account of the U.S.-Caribbean Invasion Reynold Burrowes
545 cover Revolutionary States, Leaders, and Foreign Relations: A Comparative Study of China, Cuba, and Iran Houman A. Sadri
546 cover Risk, Culture, and Health Inequality: Shifting Perceptions of Danger and Blame Barbara Herr Harthorn, Laury Oaks (eds.)
547 cover Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing Lee Staples, Richard A. Cloward, Frances Fox Piven
548 cover Russian foreign policy after the Cold War Leszek Buszynski
549 cover Sacred Terror: How Faith Becomes Lethal Daniel E. Price
550 cover Scapegoating Islam: Intolerance, Security, and the American Muslim Thomas, Jeffrey L
551 cover Self-defence in International Law D. W. Bowett
552 cover Serving America's Veterans: A Reference Handbook Lawrence J. Korb
553 cover Sex and Gender in the 2016 Presidential Election Meredith Conroy, Caroline Heldman, Alissa R Ackerman
554 cover Sext Ed: Obscenity Versus Free Speech in Our Schools Joseph Oluwole, Preston C. Green III
555 cover Sexual Violence: Policies, Practices, and Challenges in the United States and Canada James F. Hodgson, Debra S. Kelley
556 cover Shaping American Military Capabilities After the Cold War Richard A. Lacquement
557 cover Sharing the Secrets: Open Source Intelligence and the War on Drugs J.F. Holden-Rhodes
558 cover Show Trials: Stalinist Purges in Eastern Europe, 1948-1954 George H. Hodos
559 cover Siblings in Adoption and Foster Care: Traumatic Separations and Honored Connections Deborah N. Silverstein, Susan Livingston Smith
560 cover Silenced!: Academic Freedom, Scientific Inquiry, and the First Amendment Under Siege in America Bruce E. Johansen
561 cover South Africa: Crisis for the West Colin Legum, Margaret Legum
562 cover Soviet Marxism-Leninism: The Decline of an Ideology Alfred B. Evans
563 cover Soviet Strategy in the Nuclear Age Raymond L. Garthoff
564 cover Spies: The U.S. and Russian Espionage Game from the Cold War to the 21st Century Sean Kalic
565 cover Spying Without Spies: Origins of America's Secret Nuclear Surveillance System Charles A. Ziegler, David Jacobson
566 cover Stalinist Rule in the Ukraine: A Study of the Decade of Mass Terror (1929 Hryhory Kostiuk
567 cover Strategic Communication: Origins, Concepts, and Current Debates Christopher Paul
568 cover Strategic Dilemmas and the Evolution of German Foreign Policy Since Unification Jeffrey Lantis
569 cover Strategic Intelligence: Understanding the hidden side of government Loch K. Johnson
570 cover Strategic Security Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography Michael J. Siler
571 cover Syria, the United States, and the War on Terror in the Middle East Robert G. Rabil
572 cover Teaching Democracy by Being Democratic Becker, Theodore Lewis, Couto, Richard A.
573 cover Territorial Politics in Industrial Nations Sidney Tarrow, Peter Katzenstein, Luigi Graziano
574 cover Terrorism and Peacekeeping: New Security Challenges Volker C. Franke
575 cover Terrorism's Unanswered Questions Adam B. Lowther, Beverly Lindsay
576 cover Terrorists in Our Midst: Combating Foreign-Affinity Terrorism in America Yonah Alexander
577 cover The 2000 Presidential Election in the South: Partisanship and Southern Party Systems in the 21st Century. Robert P. Steed, Laurence W. Moreland
578 cover The American vice presidency reconsidered Jody C. Baumgartner
579 cover The Anatomy of a Small War: The Soviet-Japanese Struggle for Changkufeng/Khasan, 1938 Alvin D. Coox
580 cover The Anglo-American Winter War with Russia, 1918-1919: A Diplomatic and Military Tragicomedy Benjamin Rhodes
581 cover The Arabs and the World: Nasser's Arab Nationalist Policy Charles Davis Cremeans
582 cover The Art of Insurgency: American Military Policy and the Failure of Strategy in Southeast Asia Donald W. Hamilton
583 cover The Art of Managing Everyday Conflict: Understanding Emotions and Power Struggles Erik A. Fisher, Steven W. Sharp
584 cover The Autonomy of the Political: Carl Schmitt's and Lenin's Political Realism Eckard Bolsinger
585 cover The Betrothed of Death: The Spanish Foreign Legion During the Rif Rebellion, 1920-1927 José E. Alvarez
586 cover The Business of Cannabis: New Policies for the New Marijuana Industry D.J. Summers
587 cover The Central Powers in the Adriatic, 1914-1918: War in a Narrow Sea Charles W. Koburger, Jr.
588 cover The Challenge of Nationhood: A Collection of Speeches and Writings Tom Mboya, Pamela Mboya, Jomo Kenyatta
589 cover The Challenge of the Exception: An Introduction to the Political Ideas of Carl Schmitt Between 1921 and 1936 George Schwab
590 cover The Changing Federal Role in U.S. Health Care Policy Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld
591 cover The Civilian Lives of U.S. Veterans: Issues and Identities [2 Volumes] Louis Hicks, Eugenia Weiss, Jose Coll
592 cover The Civilian-Military Divide: Obstacles to the Integration of Intelligence in the United States Louise Stanton
593 cover The Climate Change Challenge and the Failure of Democracy David Shearman, Joseph Wayne Smith
594 cover The Collapse of the Soviet Empire: A View from Riga George Neimanis
595 cover The Consolidation of Dictatorship in Russia: An Inside View of the Demise of Democracy Joel M. Ostrow, Georgiy A. Satarov, Irina M. Khakamada
596 cover The Corporate Ideal in the Liberal State, 1900-1918 James Weinstein
597 cover The Criminalization of Immigration: Truth, Lies, Tragedy, and Consequences Robert Hartmann McNamara
598 cover The Decline of Imperial Russia: 1855-1914 Hugh Seton-Watson
599 cover The Disenchanted Island: Puerto Rico and the United States in the Twentieth Century Ronald Fernandez
600 cover The ETIM: China's Islamic Militants and the Global Terrorist Threat J. Todd Reed, Diana Raschke
601 cover The Faith Factor: How Religion Influences American Elections John C. Green
602 cover The Family in the New Millennium: World Voices Supporting the Natural Clan [3 Volumes] · Volume 1 Thomas B. Holman, A. Scott Loveless (eds.)
603 cover The Fifth French Republic Donald M. Pickles
604 cover The Four Freedoms Under Siege: The Clear and Present Danger from Our National Security State Marcus Raskin, Robert Spero
605 cover The French Communist Party in Transition: PCF-CPSU Relations and the Challenge to Soviet Authority Annette Eisenberg Stiefbold.
606 cover The Future Faces of War: Population and National Security Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba
607 cover The Future of Counterinsurgency: Contemporary Debates in Internal Security Strategy Cline, Lawrence E., Shemella, Paul
608 cover The Future of Islam and the West: Clash of Civilizations Or Peaceful Coexistence? Shireen T. Hunter
609 cover The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure, and Consequences of National Socialism Karl Dietrich Bracher, Jean Steinberg (Translator)
610 cover The Great Frontier War: Britain, France, and the Imperial Struggle for North America, 1607-1755 William Nester
611 cover The Gulf Wars and the United States: Shaping the Twenty-First Century Orrin Schwab
612 cover The Human Cost of Welfare: How the System Hurts the People It's Supposed to Help Phil Harvey, Lisa Conyers
613 cover The Ideal Chinese Political Leader: A Historical and Cultural Perspective Xuezhi Guo
614 cover The Insurgency in Chechnya and the North Caucasus: From Gazavat to Jihad Robert W. Schaefer
615 cover The IRA: The Irish Republican Army James C. Dingley
616 cover The Irish Administration, 1801-1914 Robert Brendan McDowell, R. B. McDowell, Unknown
617 cover The Italian Communist Party: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Lawrence Gray, Simon Serfaty
618 cover The Last British Liberals in Africa: Michael Blundell and Garfield Todd Dickson Mungazi [Deceased]
619 cover The Last Fish Swimming: The Global Crime of Illegal Fishing Gohar Petrossian
620 cover The Laws of Genocide: Prescriptions for a Just World Thomas W. Simon
621 cover The Lesser Terror: Soviet State Security, 1939-1953 Michael Parrish
622 cover The Logic of Imperialism Albert Szymanski
623 cover The Long Entanglement: NATO's First Fifty Years Lawrence S. Kaplan
624 cover The Long March to Power: A History of the Chinese Communist Party, 1921-72 James Pinckney Harrison
625 cover The Loveless Family: Getting Past Estrangement and Learning How to Love Jon P. Bloch
626 cover The Managerial Revolution: What is Happening in the World James Burnham
627 cover The Moroccan Goums: Tribal Warriors in a Modern War Edward L. Bimberg
628 cover The New China-Russia Alignment: Critical Challenges to U.S. Security Richard Weitz
629 cover The New Hampshire State Constitution: A Reference Guide Susan Marshall
630 cover The Next Space Race: A Blueprint for American Primacy Richard M. Harrison, Peter A. Garretson
631 cover The Nexus: International Terrorism and Drug Trafficking from Afghanistan Frank C. Shanty Ph.D.
632 cover The Offensive Art: Political Satire and Its Censorship Around the World from Beerbohm to Borat Leonard Freedman
633 cover The people, press, and politics of Croatia Stjepan Malovic, Gary W. Selnow
634 cover The Podium, the Pulpit, and the Republicans: How Presidential Candidates Use Religious Language in American Political Debate Frederick Stecker
635 cover The Political Culture of Judaism Martin Sicker
636 cover The Political Economy of Ethiopia Marina Ottaway
637 cover The Political Economy of International Technology Transfer John Mcintyre, Daniel Papp
638 cover The Political Economy of Romanian Socialism William E. Crowther
639 cover The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung: Anthology Tse-tung Mao, Zedong Mao, Stuart R. Schram
640 cover The Politics of Cancer: Malignant Indifference Wendy Cobb
641 cover The Politics of Loyalty: The White House and the Communist Issue, 1946-1952 Alan D. Harper
642 cover The Politics of Selfishness: How John Locke's Legacy Is Paralyzing America Paul L. Nevins Esq.
643 cover The Politics of the Second Front: American Military Planning and Diplomacy in Coalition Warfare, 1941-1943 Mark A. Stoler
644 cover The Politics of World Federation [2 Volumes] Joseph Preston Baratta
645 cover The Power of Will in International Conflict: How to Think Critically in Complex Environments Wayne Michael Hall
646 cover The Praeger Handbook of Religion and Education in the United States: M-Z James C. Carper, Thomas C. Hunt
647 cover The Praeger Handbook on Contemporary Issues in Native America: Linguistic, ethnic, and economic revival Bruce E. Johansen
648 cover The Pragmatic Entente: Israeli-Iranian Relations, 1948-1988 Sohrab Sobhani
649 cover The Prescription Drug Problem: A New American Crisis? Ryan D. Schroeder, Jason A. Ford, George E. Higgins
650 cover The Primary Decision: A Functional Analysis of Debates in Presidential Primaries William L. Benoit, P. M. Pier, LeAnn M. Brazeal, John P. McHale, Andrew Klyukovski, David Airne
651 cover The Purge of Japanese Leaders Under the Occupation Hans Baerwald
652 cover The Rape of Poland: Pattern of Soviet Aggression Stanislaw Mikolajczyk
653 cover The Realist Tradition in International Relations: The Foundations of Western Order · Volume 1 Barry Scott Zellen
654 cover The Reality of American Energy: The Hidden Costs of Electricity Policy Ryan M. Yonk, Jordan Lofthouse, Megan Hansen
655 cover The Rise of the Federal Colossus: The Growth of Federal Power from Lincoln to F.D.R. Peter Zavodnyik
656 cover The Road Oft Traveled: Development Policies and Majority State Ownership of Industry in Africa John Quinn, John James Quinn
657 cover The Russian Revolution, 1917–1945 Anthony D'Agostino
658 cover The Search for Security: A U.S. Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First Century Max G. Manwaring, Edwin G. Corr, Robert H. Dorff
659 cover The Secret Police and the Revolution: The Fall of the German Democratic Republic Edward Peterson
660 cover The Shah and the Ayatollah: Iranian Mythology and Islamic Revolution Fereydoun Hoveyda
661 cover The Social Basis of American Communism Nathan none Glazer
662 cover The Soviet Union and the Palestine Liberation Organization: An Uneasy Alliance Galia Golan
663 cover The Strategy Makers: Thoughts on War and Society from Machiavelli to Clausewitz Beatrice Heuser
664 cover The Taliban: Afghanistan's Most Lethal Insurgents Mark Silinsky
665 cover The Technology Trap: Where Human Error and Malevolence Meet Powerful Technologies Lloyd J. Dumas
666 cover The Terrorist Conjunction: The United States, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and Al-Qa'ida Alfred G. Gerteiny
667 cover The Three U.S.-Mexico Border Wars: Drugs, Immigration, and Homeland Security Tony Payan
668 cover The Top Ten Death Penalty Myths: The Politics of Crime Control Rudolph J. Gerber, John M Johnson
669 cover The tragedy of Chile: Volume 8 Robert J. Alexander
670 cover The Transition to Democracy in Latin America: The Role of the Military Bruce W. Farcau
671 cover The Trauma of Psychological Torture Almerindo E. Ojeda
672 cover The Trouble in Suriname, 1975-1993 Edward M. Dew
673 cover The USSR and the Future: An Analysis of the New Program of the CPSU Leonard Schapiro
674 cover The Uncertain Alliance: The U.S. and Israel from Kennedy to the Peace Process Herbert Druks
675 cover The United States and Arms Control: The Challenge of Leadership Allan Krass
676 cover The United States and Cuba Under Reagan and Shultz: A Foreign Service Officer Reports Kenneth N. Skoug
677 cover The United States and the Struggle for Southeast Asia: 1945-1975 Alan Levine
678 cover The United States Space Force: Space, Grand Strategy, and U.S. National Security Lamont C. Colucci
679 cover The USSR and Africa: Foreign Policy Under Khrushchev Dan C. Heldman
680 cover The Vanity of Power: American Isolationism and the First World War, 1914-1917 John Milton Cooper Jr.
681 cover The Voice of Violence: Performative Violence as Protest in the Vietnam Era Joel P. Rhodes
682 cover The War on Privacy Jacqueline Klosek
683 cover The World Island: Eurasian Geopolitics and the Fate of the West Alexandros Petersen
684 cover Through a Glass Darkly: Looking at Conflict Prevention, Management, and Termination Stephen J. Cimbala
685 cover To Moscow, Not Mecca: The Soviet Campaign Against Islam in Central Asia, 1917-1941 Shoshana Keller
686 cover Toward a Revolution in Military Affairs?: Defense and Security at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century Thierry Gongora, Harald von Riekhoff (eds.)
687 cover Toward an Entangling Alliance: American Isolationism, Internationalism, and Europe, 1901-1950 Ronald E. Powaski
688 cover Toward the National Security State: Civil-Military Relations During World War II Brian Waddell
689 cover Transforming Military Force: The Legacy of Arthur Cebrowski and Network Centric Warfare James R. Blaker
690 cover Transnational Crime and Global Security [2 Volumes]: Volume 1 Philip L. Reichel (editor), Ryan Randa (editor)
691 cover Transnational Threats: Smuggling and Trafficking in Arms, Drugs, and Human Life Thachuk, Kimberley L
692 cover Trends of Federalism in Theory and Practice Carl J. Friedrich
693 cover Tricolor and Crescent: France and the Islamic World William E. Watson
694 cover Trinidad and Tobago: Democracy and Development in the Caribbean Scott Macdonald
695 cover Tropics of History: Cuba Imagined Alan West-Duran
696 cover Trump, Trade, and the End of Globalization David S. Jacoby
697 cover Truth, Lies, and Public Health: How We Are Affected When Science and Politics Collide Madelon L. Finkel
698 cover Turning Points: The Eastern Front in 1915 Richard L. DiNardo
699 cover Ukraine: Democratization, Corruption, and the New Russian Imperialism Taras Kuzio
700 cover Ukrainian Foreign and Security Policy: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives Jennifer D. P. Moroney, Jennifer D.P. Moroney (editor), Taras Kuzio (editor), Mikhail A. Molchanov (editor)
701 cover UN Peacekeeping: Myth and Reality Andrzej Sitkowski
702 cover Understanding China and India: Security Implications for the United States and the World Rollie Lal
703 cover Understanding the Nature of Poverty in Urban America James Jennings
704 cover Upholding Democracy: The United States Military Campaign in Haiti, 1994-1997 John R. Ballard
705 cover Uptight and In Your Face: Coping with an Anxious Boss, Parent, Spouse, Or Lover Nina W. Brown
706 cover Venezuela: The Democratic Experience John D. Martz, David J. Myers
707 cover Vietnam; a Political History Joseph Buttinger
708 cover Violent Extremists: Understanding the Domestic and International Terrorist Threat Thomas R. Mockaitis
709 cover Visions of Empire: Political Imagery in Contemporary American Film Stephen Prince
710 cover Waging War to Make Peace: U.S. Intervention in Global Conflicts Susan Yoshihara
711 cover Waking to Danger: Americans and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 Robert A. Rosenbaum
712 cover Warlord Politics: Conflict and Coalition in the Modernization of Republican China Lucian W. Pye
713 cover What African American Parents Want Educators to Know Gail L. Thompson
714 cover What Happened to the Soviet Union?: How and Why American Sovietologists Were Caught by Surprise Christopher I. Xenakis
715 cover When Ideology Trumps Science: Why We Question the Experts on Everything from Climate Change to Vaccinations Brent S. Steel, Erika Allen Wolters
716 cover When Reason Fails: Portraits of Armies at War: America, Britain, Israel, and the Future Michael Goodspeed
717 cover When Science and Politics Collide: The Public Interest at Risk Robert O. Schneider
718 cover Where We Live, Work and Play: The Environmental Justice Movement and the Struggle for a New Environmentalism Patrick Novotny
719 cover Why Congress Needs Women: Bringing Sanity to the House and Senate Michele E. Paludi (Ed.)
720 cover Why Europe Fears Its Neighbors Fabrizio Tassinari
721 cover Why Leaders Choose War: The Psychology of Prevention Jonathan Renshon
722 cover Why Machiavelli Matters: A Guide to Citizenship in a Democracy John Bernard
723 cover With Malice Toward All?: The Media and Public Confidence in Democratic Institutions Patricia Moy, Michael Pfau
724 cover Women as Terrorists: Mothers, Recruiters, and Martyrs R. Kim Cragin, Sara A. Daly
725 cover Women, Power, and Kinship Politics: Female Power in Post-War Philippines Mina Roces
726 cover Words of Conflict, Words of War: How the Language We Use in Political Processes Sparks Fighting Fathali Moghaddam, Rom Harré
727 cover World Socialism at the Crossroads: An Insider's View Silviu Brucan
728 cover Youth Sexualities [2 Volumes]: Public Feelings and Contemporary Cultural Politics Susan Talburt (ed.) 2
729 cover Yugoslav Economic Development and Political Change: The Relationship Between Economic Managers and Policy-making Elites Richard P. Farkas
730 cover Freedom Inside?: Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State Farah Godrej
731 cover Practicing Yoga as Resistance: Voices of Color in Search of Freedom Cara Hagan
732 cover Yoga for Dementia: A Guide for People with Dementia, Their Families and Caregivers Tania Plahay, Martin Green
733 cover Awakening Bharat Mata: The Political Beliefs of the Indian Right Swapan Dasgupta
734 cover The Political Outsider: Indian Democracy and the Lineages of Populism (South Asia in Motion) Srirupa Roy
735 cover Crisis of liberal deliberation: Facets of Indian democracy Manas Ray
736 cover The Politics of Modern Indian Language Literature: Implicit and Symptomatic Readings MK Raghavendra
737 cover Indian Philosophy, Indian Revolution: On Caste and Politics Divya Dwivedi, Shaj Mohan
738 cover 'Sisters in the Struggle': Women of Indian Origin in South Africa's Liberation Struggle, Volume 1: 1900–1994 Kalpana Hiralal
739 cover Religious Offence and Censorship of Publications: An Enquiry through the Prism of Indian Laws and the Judiciary Nishant Kumar
740 cover Exploring What Drives Indian Stock Market During Covid-19: Fads or Fundamentals Indrani Chakraborty
741 cover Sojourners, Sultans, and Slaves: America and the Indian Ocean in the Age of Abolition and Empire Gunja SenGupta, Awam Amkpa
742 cover Nation-building in Indian Anthropology: Beyond the Colonial Encounter Abhijit Guha
743 cover Syncretic Shrines and Pilgrimages: Dynamics of Indian Nationalism Karan Singh
744 cover The Indian President: An Insider's Account of the Zail Singh Years K.C. Singh
745 cover "Decolonising Indian Education: National Education Policy 2020", Ars Artium: An International Refereed Research Journal of English Studies and Culture Susheel Kumar Sharma (Author), Edited by Vijay Kumar Roy
746 cover Marginalized, Mobilized, Incorporated: Women and Religious Nationalism in Indian Democracy Rina Verma Williams
747 cover Freedom Inc.: Gendered Capitalism in New Indian Literature and Culture Mukti Lakhi Mangharam
748 cover The Sino-Indian Rivalry: Implications for Global Order Šumit Ganguly, Manjeet S. Pardesi, William R. Thompson
749 cover Colonizing Kashmir: State-building under Indian Occupation (South Asia in Motion) Hafsa Kanjwal
750 cover Waiting on Empire: A History of Indian Travelling Ayahs in Britain Arunima Datta
751 cover Indian Wars Everywhere: Colonial Violence and the Shadow Doctrines of Empire Stefan Aune
752 cover How Prime Ministers Decide: An Unprecedented Explosive Look at How Decisions are Taken at The Very Top of The Indian Political Establishment Neerja Chowdhury
753 cover Radical Democracy in Modern Indian Political Thought Tejas Parasher
754 cover Indian Modernity: Contradictions, Paradoxes and Possibilities Avijit Pathak
755 cover The Politics of Soft Hindutva: How Culture Matters in Indian Politics Amod Damle, Nilu Damle
756 cover The Language of Humour and Its Transmutation in Indian Political Cartoons Vinod Balakrishnan, Vishaka Venkat
757 cover The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2020 Mathew John (editor), Vishwas H. Devaiah (editor), Pritam Baruah (editor), Moiz Tundawala (editor), Niraj Kumar (editor)
758 cover Governance and Institution in the Indian Forest Sector: An Analytical Study Jyotish Prakash Basu
759 cover Indian National Identity and Foreign Policy: Re-Evaluating the Career of K. M. Pannikar (1894–1963) (Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World) Mauro Elli, Rita Paolini
760 cover Stories of the Indian Immigrant Communities in Germany: Why Move? Amrita Datta
761 cover The Indian Ocean as a New Political and Security Region Jean-Loup Samaan, Frederic Grare
762 cover The Postcolonial Indian City-Literature: Policy, Politics and Evolution Dibyakusum Ray
763 cover Indian Liberalism Between Nation and Empire: The Political Life of Gopal Krishna Gokhale Elena Valdameri
764 cover The Secret Life of Another Indian Nationalism: Transitions from the Pax Britannica to the Pax Americana Shail Mayaram
765 cover Native Removal Writing: Narratives of Peoplehood, Politics, and Law Sabine N. Meyer
766 cover UNMASKING INDIAN SECULARISM: Why We Need a New Hindu-Muslim Deal Hasan Suroor
767 cover Environmental Noise Control: The Indian Perspective in an International Context Naveen Garg
768 cover Political Thought: Indian and Western Dr. Nazmul Hussain Laskar, Nasrin Jabin
769 cover Affirmative Action for Economically Weaker Sections and Upper-Castes in Indian Constitutional Law Context Asang Wankhede
770 cover To Raise a Fallen People: The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Indian Views on International Politics Rahul Sagar
771 cover Ideology and Organization in Indian Politics: Growing Polarization and the Decline of the Congress Party (2009-19) Zoya Hasan
772 cover Maternal Fictions: Writing the Mother in Indian Women's Fiction Indrani Karmakar
773 cover The People of India Ravinder Kaur, Nayanika Mathur
774 cover Religious Conversion: Indian Disputes and Their European Origins (Critical Humanities Across Cultures) Sarah Claerhout, Jakob De Roover
775 cover ‘Greater India’ and the Indian Expansionist Imagination, c. 1885–1965: The Rise and Decline of the Idea of a Lost Hindu Empire Jolita Zabarskaitė
776 cover Founding Mothers of the Indian Republic: Gender Politics of the Framing of the Constitution Achyut Chetan
777 cover Citizenship in Contemporary Times: The Indian Context Gorky Chakraborty
778 cover Contiguity, Connectivity and Access: The Importance of the Bay of Bengal Region in Indian Foreign Policy Suranjan Das, Anita Sengupta
779 cover The Indian Yearbook of Law and Interdisciplinary Studies Ranita Nagar (editor), Hiteshkumar Thakkar (editor)
780 cover House of the People: Parliament and the Making of Indian Democracy Ronojoy Sen
781 cover The 1857 Indian Uprising and the Politics of Commemoration Sebastian Raj Pender
782 cover Armed Coexistence: The Dynamics of the Intractable Sino-Indian Border Dispute Stephen P. Westcott
783 cover Language Style and Variation in Contemporary Indian English Literary Texts Esterino Adami
784 cover Cherokee Women in Charge: Female Power and Leadership in American Indian Nations of Eastern North America Karen Coody Cooper
785 cover My Life In Indian Politics Mohsina Kidwai, Rasheed Kidwai
786 cover A Decade of Indian Politics, 1966-77 Asoka Mehta
787 cover A disciplinary aspect of Indian nationalism Ranajit Guha
788 cover A History of Indian Political Ideas: the Ancient Period and the Period of Transition to the Middle Ages Upendra Nath Ghoshal
789 cover A History of the Qaraunah Turks in India Iswari Prasad Upadhyaya, Ishwari Prasad
790 cover Ancient Indian kingship from the religious point of view J. Gonda
791 cover Changing British attitudes towards the Indian states, 1823-35 Urmila Walia
792 cover Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics J. R. Siwach
793 cover Indian approaches to a socialist society [by] Margaret W. Fisher [and] Joan V. Bondurant. Joan Valérie Bondurant, Margaret W. Fisher
794 cover Indian conquest of the Himalayan territories : military exploits of General Zorawar Singh Dogra Sukhdev Singh Charak
795 cover Indian Constitution: Trends and Issues Rajeev Dhavan, Alice Jacob, Indian Law Institute
796 cover Indian mutiny in Singapore, 1915 Kuwajima Sho
797 cover Indian revolutionary movement abroad, 1905-1921 Tilak Raj Sareen
798 cover Indian women and the freedom movement : a historian's perspective Geraldine Hancock Forbes,
799 cover Khilafat to Partition:A Survey of Major Political Trends Among Indian Muslims During 1919-1947 Dr. Moin Shakir
800 cover Land, caste, and politics in Indian states Gail Omvedt
801 cover Liberalism and Indian Politics 1872-1922 Robin James Moore
802 cover Liquidation of British Empire. Parliamentary Debates on the Indian Independence Ed. Ashiq Hussain Batalvi
803 cover Marxist Views on India in Historical Perspective Bastiaan Wielenga
804 cover Modern Indian political thought : Ram Mohan Roy to present day Mitra Nandan Jha
805 cover Muslims and Indian nationalism : the emergence of the demand for India's partition, 1928-40 Uma Kaura
806 cover Nationalism And Distortions In Indian History N.S. Rajaram
807 cover North West Frontier Province: Legislature and Freedom Struggle, 1932-47 Amit Kumar Gupta
808 cover Operation Polo: the police action against Hyderabad, 1948 Sri Nandan Prasad
809 cover Paramountcy under Dalhousie. Being a thesis on the policy of Dalhousie towards the protected Indian States. Sri Nandan Prasad
810 cover Recovering Marxism of Karl Marx Randhir Singh
811 cover Role of the opposition in the Indian Parliament H. S. Fartyal
812 cover Russian revolution and India_ A study of Soviet policy towards Indian national movement, 1922-29 Tilak Raj Sareen
813 cover Sir John Shore's policy towards the Indian states Birendra Bahadur Srivastava
814 cover The Indian Presidency J. R. Siwach
815 cover The Indian Supreme Court and Politics Upendra Baxi
816 cover The Politics of Inequality: Competition and Control in an Indian Village Miriam Sharma
818 cover The tragic partition of Bengal Suniti Kumar Ghosh
819 cover Unions, Politics and the State: A Study of Indian Labour Politics Rakhahari Chatterjee
820 cover Cultivating Empire: Capitalism, Philanthropy, and the Negotiation of American Imperialism in Indian Country Lori J. Daggar
821 cover Reappraising Modern Indian Thought: Themes and Thinkers Ankit Tomar, Suratha Kumar Malik
822 cover The Trial Of The Maharaja Debleena Majumdar
823 cover Global Indian Diaspora: Charting New Frontiers, Volume 2
824 cover The Belt and Road Initiative and the Politics of Connectivity: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the 21st Century (Politics of South Asia) Bhumitra Chakma (editor), Xiudian Dai (editor)
825 cover Indian Foreign Policy and Cultural Values Kadira Pethiyagoda
826 cover The Last Fortress of Congress Dominance: Maharashtra Since the 1990s Suhas Palshikar, Rajeshwari Deshpande
827 cover Family Fictions and World Making: Irish and Indian Women’s Writing in the Contemporary Era Sreya Chatterjee
828 cover Political Integration in Indian Diaspora Societies Ruben Gowricharn
829 cover Waiting for Swaraj: Inner Lives of Indian Revolutionaries Aparna Vaidik
830 cover Narcissus or Machiavelli? Learning Leadership from Indian Prime Ministers Nishant Uppal
831 cover Rethinking the Local in Indian History: Perspectives from Southern Bengal Kaustubh Mani Sengupta and Tista Das
832 cover Revisiting Modern Indian Thought: Themes and Perspectives Suratha Kumar Malik, Ankit Tomar
833 cover Sadhus in Indian Politics: Dynamics of Hindutva Koushiki Dasgupta
834 cover Governing Locally: Institutions, Policies and Implementation in Indian Cities Suraj Jacob, Babu Jacob
835 cover The Violence in Our Bones: Mapping the Deadly Fault Lines within Indian Society Neera Chandhoke
836 cover Companion to Indian Democracy: Resilience, Fragility, Ambivalence Peter Ronald deSouza (editor), Mohd. Sanjeer Alam (editor), Hilal Ahmed (editor)
837 cover Violent Fraternity: Indian Political Thought in the Global Age Shruti Kapila
838 cover Colour, class and community : the Natal Indian Congress, 1971-1994 Goolam Vahed, Ashwin Desai
839 cover Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Howard M Hensel, Amit Gupta
840 cover Manthan: Multifaceted Reflections on the Indian Armed Forces Vk. Shrivastava
841 cover Gehl v Canada: Challenging Sex Discrimination in the Indian Act Lynn Gehl
842 cover Citizens of Everywhere: Indian Women, Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism, 1920–1952 Rosalind Parr
843 cover Escaped: True Stories of Indian Fugitives in London Danish Khan, Ruhi Khan
844 cover Aligarh Muslim University: The Making of the Modern Indian Muslim Mohammed Wajihuddin
845 cover Re-imagining International Relations: World Orders in the Thought and Practice of Indian, Chinese, and Islamic Civilizations Barry Buzan, Amitav Acharya
846 cover The Writing of the Nation by Its Elite: The Politics of Anglophone Indian Literature in the Global Age MK Raghavendra
847 cover Tracing British West Indian Slavery Laws: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Transplants Justine K. Collins
848 cover The Last of the Indian Wars Forbes Parkhill
849 cover Indian Debates on the International Left: Selected Writings of Lajpat Rai Shirin M. Rai, Anand Prakash
850 cover Native American Estate: The Struggle Over Indian and Hawaiian Lands Linda S. Parker
851 cover Between Dreams and Ghosts: Indian Migration and Middle Eastern Oil Andrea Wright
852 cover War of No Pity: The Indian Mutiny and Victorian Trauma Christopher Herbert
853 cover The Worlds of the Indian Ocean: A Global History, Volume 1: From the Fourth Millennium BCE to the Sixth Century CE Philippe Beaujard
854 cover Unworthy Republic: The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory Claudio Saunt
855 cover Indian Democracy: Contradictions and Reconciliations Arvind Sivaramakrishnan (editor), Sudarsan Padmanabhan (editor)
856 cover The Worlds of the Indian Ocean: A Global History, Volume 2. From the Seventh Century to the Fifteenth Century CE Philippe Beaujard, Tamara Loring, Frances Meadows, Andromeda Tait
857 cover India's 2019 Elections: The Hindutva Wave and Indian Nationalism Paul Wallace (editor)
858 cover Reconceptualizing Indian Democracy: The Changing Electorate Bidyut Chakrabarty, Rajendra Kumar Pandey
859 cover Left Front and After: Understanding the Dynamics of Poriborton in West Bengal Jyotiprasad Chatterjee, Suprio Basu
860 cover Brewing Resistance: Indian Coffee House and the Emergency in Postcolonial India Kristin Victoria Magistrelli Plys
861 cover Trade and Traders in Early Indian Society Ranabir Chakravarti
862 cover Negotiating Mughal Law: A Family of Landlords across Three Indian Empires Nandini Chatterjee
863 cover Explorations in Early Southeast Asian History: The Origins of Southeast Asian Statecraft Madhav M. Deshpande
864 cover Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region: A Report of the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India R. Krishnan, J. Sanjay, Chellappan Gnanaseelan, Milind Mujumdar, Ashwini Kulkarni, Supriyo Chakraborty
865 cover In the shadow of the swastika the relationships between Indian radical nationalism, Italian fascism and nazism Marzia Casolari
866 cover Indian Polity - For Civil Services and Other State Examinations | 6th Edition M. Laxmikanth 6
867 cover Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds Smriti Srinivas, Bettina Ng’weno, Neelima Jeychandran
868 cover In Search of Indian English: History, Politics and Indigenisation Ranjan Kumar Auddy
869 cover The Indian Civil Service and Indian Foreign Policy, 1923–1961 Amit Das Gupta
870 cover Assam Politics in Post-Congress Era: 1985 and Beyond Sandhya Goswami
871 cover Shakespeare and Indian Theatre: The Politics of Performance Vikram Singh Thakur
872 cover “Surviving an Illness: Matrix of Religion and Health System”, The Journal of Indian Thought and Policy Research. Susheel Kumar Sharma
873 cover Playing the Nation Game: The Ambiguities of Nationalism in India Benjamin Zachariah
874 cover India and the World: Through the Eyes of Indian Diplomats Surendra Kumar
875 cover Indian Aircraft Industry: Possible Innovations for Success in the Twenty-First Century Vivek Kapur
876 cover Indian Cultural Diplomacy: Celebrating Pluralism in a Globalised World Paramjit Sahay
877 cover Negotiating Peace: North East Indian Perspectives on Peace, Justice, and Life in Community Shimreingam L Shimray
878 cover The Commissioners of Indian Affairs: The United States Indian Service and the Making of Federal Indian Policy, 1824 to 2017 David H. Dejong
879 cover Women's Economic Empowerment in the Indian Ocean Region Timothy Doyle, Adela Alfonsi
880 cover Baahubalis of Indian Politics: From Bullet to Ballot Rajesh Singh
881 cover Scotland and the Indian Empire: Politics, Scholarship and the Military in Making British India Alan Tritton
882 cover American Indian Treaties: The History of a Political Anomaly Francis Paul Prucha
883 cover The Nationalist Movement: Indian Political Thought from Ranade to Bhave D. Mackenzie Brown
884 cover Indian Foreign Policy in Cambodia, Laos, & Vietnam, 1947–1964 D. R. SarDesai
885 cover The Congress Party in Rajasthan: Political Integration and Institution-Building in an Indian State Richard Sisson
886 cover The Indian Metamorphosis Arup Maharatna
887 cover Challenges in Europe: Indian Perspectives Gulshan Sachdeva
888 cover Extradition Laws in the International and Indian Regime: Focusing on Global Terrorism Ananya Chakraborty
889 cover Citizen Raj: Indian Elections 1952-2019 Surjit S. Bhalla
890 cover Changing Contexts and Shifting Roles of the Indian State: New Perspectives on Development Dynamics Anthony P. D’Costa, Achin Chakraborty
891 cover The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2018 Mahendra Pal Singh, Niraj Kumar
892 cover China’s Achilles’ Heel: The Belt and Road Initiative and Its Indian Discontents Srikanth Thaliyakkattil
893 cover THE PROBLEM OF THE RUPEE: ITS ORIGIN AND ITS SOLUTION: History of Indian Currency & Banking B.R. Ambedkar
894 cover Changing Indian Images of the European Union: Perception and Misperception Rajendra K. Jain
895 cover Light Weighting for Defense, Aerospace, and Transportation Amol A. Gokhale, N. Eswara Prasad, Biswajit Basu
896 cover The Indian Ocean Trade in Antiquity: Political, Cultural and Economic Impacts Matthew Adam Cobb
897 cover Modi and the Reinvention of Indian Foreign Policy Ian Hall
898 cover How to win an Indian election : what political parties don't want you to know Shivam Shankar Singh
899 cover Indian Constitution & Indain Polity For Civil Service Preliminary & Main Examinations S. G. Subramanian
900 cover Indian Federalism Louise Tillin
901 cover Jammu and Kashmir: 1990 and Beyond: Competitive Politics in the Shadow of Separatism Rekha Chowdhary
902 cover Reclaiming the Reservation: Histories of Indian Sovereignty Suppressed and Renewed Alexandra Harmon
903 cover After the Last Post: The Lives of Indian Historiography Benjamin Zachariah
904 cover ISRO: Indian space research organization Saravanan M
905 cover VISIBLE MUSLIM, INVISIBLE CITIZEN: Understanding Islam in Indian Democracy Salman Khurshid
906 cover The Political Arrays of American Indian Literary History James H. Cox
907 cover Denial and Deprivation : Indian Muslims after the Sachar Committee and Rangnath Mishra Commission Reports Abdur Rahman
908 cover We Are Anarchists: Essays on Anarchism, Pacifism, and the Indian Independence Movement, 1923-1953 M.P.T. Acharya, Ole Birk Laursen
909 cover Caste, Social Inequality and Mobility in Rural India : Reconceptualizing the Indian Village K. L. Sharma
910 cover Travelling Pasts: The Politics of Cultural Heritage in the Indian Ocean World Burkhard Schnepel, Tansen Sen
911 cover Performing Representation: Women Members in the Indian Parliament Shirin M. Rai, Carole Spary
912 cover The Indian Partition in Literature and Films: History, Politics, and Aesthetics Rini Bhattacharya Mehta (editor), Debali Mookerjea-Leonard (editor)
913 cover She Speaks: Women's Speeches That Changed the World, from Pankhurst to Thunberg (A Guardian Book of the Year) By 20 Indian Women Around the World, Kamalika Ray, Ashwathy Menon, Shweta Dasgupta, Sindhuja Manohar, Tania Basu, Ekta Sharma, Poppy Choudhury, Munmun Gupta, Sumona Ghosh Das, Suparna Basu, Sujatha Ramanathan, Agomoni Ganguli Mitra, Abhilasha Kumar, Ipsita Barua, Jyoti Kapoor, Rejina Sadhu, Nayana Chakrabarti, Richa Chauhan, Pallabi Roy-Chakraborty, Brindarica Bose
914 cover Indian Economy V.K. Puri S.K. Misra
915 cover The Emergency and the Indian English Novel: Memory, Culture and Politics Raita Merivirta
916 cover Indian Ocean Histories: The Many Worlds of Michael Naylor Pearson Rila Mukherjee, Radhika Seshan
917 cover The Royal Indian Navy: Trajectories, Transformations and the Transfer of Power Kalesh Mohanan
918 cover Field Instruction in Social Work Education: The Indian Experience Roshni Nair, Srilatha Juvva, Vimla V. Nadkarni
919 cover The Sleeping Giant Awakens: Genocide, Indian Residential Schools, and the Challenge of Conciliation David B. MacDonald
920 cover Rethinking Contemporary Indian Polity Shalini Saxena
921 cover Media, Nationalism and Globalization: The Telangana Movement and Indian Politics Sumanth Inukonda
922 cover Administering Colonialism and War: The Political Life of Sir Andrew Clow of the Indian Civil Service Dr Colin R. Alexander
923 cover Manufacturing Normalcy - How the Indian media covered Kashmir Atul Dev
924 cover Norms and Politics: Sir Benegal Narsing Rau in the Making of the Indian Constitution, 1935-50 Arvind Elangovan
925 cover PAX SINICA: Implications for the Indian Dawn Samir Saran, Akhil Deo
926 cover The New World Disorder and the Indian Imperative Shashi Tharoor, Samir Saran
927 cover Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations Alf Gunvald Nilsen (editor), Kenneth Bo Nielsen (editor), Anand Vaidya (editor)
928 cover Security and Nationalism in the Indian Ocean: Lessons From the Latin Quarter Islands Philip M Allen
929 cover The Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha, 1929-1942: A Study of an Indian Peasant Movement Walter Hauser
930 cover Ethics in the Indian Military U. C. Jha
931 cover The Hope and the Reality: U.S.-Indian Relations From Roosevelt to Reagan Harold Alton Gould, Sumit Ganguly
932 cover Human Rights in the Indian Armed Forces: An Analysis of Article 33 U. C. Jha, Sanghamitra Choudhury
933 cover The Indian Ocean in Global Politics Larry W. Bowman, Ian Clark
934 cover Article 370 & 35A and the constitution of Jammu and Kashmir: Indian Law Series Shubham Sinha
935 cover The Great Disappointment: How Narendra Modi Squandered a Unique Opportunity to Transform the Indian Economy Salman Anees Soz
936 cover Portuguese Decolonization in the Indian Ocean World: History and Ethnography Pamila Gupta
937 cover India and China at sea: competition for naval dominance in the Indian Ocean Brewster, David Halstead
938 cover Maritime Security Risks, Vulnerabilities and Cooperation: Uncertainty in the Indian Ocean Lee Cordner (auth.)
939 cover At Home with Democracy : A Theory of Indian Politics D.L. Sheth (auth.), Peter Ronald deSouza (eds.)
940 cover Integrating the Third Tier in the Indian Federal System: Two Decades of Rural Local Governance Atul Sarma,Debabani Chakravarty (auth.)
941 cover Indian Women in Leadership Rajashi Ghosh, Gary N. McLean
942 cover New Indian Nuttahs: Comedy and Cultural Critique in Millennial India Kavyta Kay
943 cover Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2017): The Belt and Road Initiative and South Asia Wang Rong, Cuiping Zhu
944 cover Prairie Imperialists: The Indian Country Origins of American Empire Katharine Bjork
945 cover Rise of Saffron Power: Reflections on Indian Politics Mujibur Rehman (Editor)
946 cover Post-Mandal Politics in Bihar: Changing Electoral Patterns Sanjay Kumar
947 cover The Indian Constituent Assembly: Deliberations on Democracy Bhatia, Udit
948 cover Sino-Indian War: Border Clash: October-November 1962 Gerry Van Tonder
949 cover Deliberative Democracy: Understanding the Indian Experience Teresa Joseph (editor), Siby K. Joseph (editor)
950 cover Indian Political System Mahendra Prasad Singh, Himanshu Roy
951 cover 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act: Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality Bob Joseph
952 cover Decentralisation and Local Governments: The Indian Experience T. R. Raghunandan (ed.)
953 cover The Indian Frontier: Horse and Warband in the Making of Empires Jos J L Gommans
954 cover Indian Suffragettes: Female Identities and Transnational Networks Sumita Mukherjee
955 cover The President and the Governors in the Indian Constitution M. M. Ismail
956 cover Inside Indian Schools: The Enigma of Equity and Quality Vimala Ramachandran
957 cover Narrating the New Nation: South African Indian Writing Jaspal K. Singh, Rajendra Chetty
958 cover Housing and Economic Development in Indian Country: Challenge and Opportunity Robin Leichenko
959 cover First Americans: U.S. Patriotism in Indian Country after World War I Thomas Grillot
960 cover Politics and Governance in Indian States: Bihar, West Bengal and Tripura Subrata Mitra, Harihar Bhattacharyya
961 cover Against Dharma: Dissent in the Ancient Indian Sciences of Sex and Politics Wendy Doniger
962 cover US Energy-Security Interests in the Indian Ocean M. Rajaretnam
963 cover The Nonviolent Struggle for Indian Freedom, 1905-19 David Hardiman
964 cover Maritime Governance and South Asia: Trade, Security and Sustainable Development in the Indian Ocean Schottli Jivanta
965 cover Logic and Its Applications: 7th Indian Conference, ICLA 2017, Kanpur, India, January 5-7, 2017, Proceedings Sujata Ghosh, Sanjiva Prasad (eds.)
966 cover Urban Cooperation and Climate Governance : How German and Indian Cities Join Forces to Tackle Climate Change Jan Beermann (auth.)
967 cover Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2016): Modi’s India Rong Wang, Cuiping Zhu (eds.)
968 cover A Sea of Debt: Law and Economic Life in the Western Indian Ocean, 1780–1950 Fahad Ahmad Bishara
969 cover Indian Nationalism: The Essential Writings S. Irfan Habib
970 cover Soldiers of Empire: Indian and British Armies in World War II (incomplete) Tarak Barkawi
971 cover Identity Politics of Difference: The Mixed-Race American Indian Experience Michelle R. Montgomery
972 cover Trade, Politics, and Society: The Indian Milieu in the Early Modern Era Chaudhury, Sushil
973 cover Theorizing Indian Foreign Policy Mischa Hansel, Raphaëlle Khan, Mélissa Levaillant
974 cover On Modern Indian Sensibilities: Culture, Politics, History Ishita Banerjee-Dube, Sarvani Gooptu
975 cover The Raisina Model: Indian Democracy at 70 Meghnad Desai
976 cover Electoral politics in India: resurgence of Bharatiya Janata Party Bharatiya Janata Party,India. Parliament. Lok Sabha,Indian National Congress,Kumar, Sanjay,Lodha, Sanjay,Palshikar, Suhas
977 cover Innovative Departures: Anthropology and the Indian Diaspora Ravindra K. Jain
978 cover Democracy Indian Style: Subhas Chandra Bose and the Creation of India’s Political Culture Renée Schell, Anton Pelinka
979 cover The Indian Parliament and Democratic Transformation Ajay K. Mehra (editor)
980 cover From the Periphery to the Semi-Core: A World-Systems Analysis of the Fall and Rise of China and the Indian Sub-Continent (1757-2014) Samee Ullah Khan Lashari
981 cover Indian Lobbying and its Influence in US Decision Making: Post-Cold War Ashok Sharma
982 cover Reasoning Indian Politics: Philosopher Politicians to Politicians Seeking Philosophy Narendar Pani, Anshuman Behera
983 cover Internal Frontiers: African Nationalism and the Indian Diaspora in Twentieth-Century South Africa Jon Soske
984 cover Feeding Globalization: Madagascar and the Provisioning Trade, 1600–1800 Jane Hooper
985 cover East of India, South of China: Southeast Asia in Sino-Indian Encounters Amitav Acharya
986 cover The Chinese and Indian Corporate Economies: A Comparative History of their Search for Economic Renaissance and Globalization Raj Brown, Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown
987 cover Literature and Nationalist Ideology: Writing Histories of Modern Indian Languages Hans Harder (editor)
988 cover Modi Government and Changing Patterns in Indian Foreign Policy Vikash Chandra
989 cover When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics Milan Vaishnav
990 cover The US Pivot and Indian Foreign Policy: Asia’s Evolving Balance of Power Harsh V. Pant, Yogesh Joshi (auth.)
991 cover Hometown Transnationalism: Long Distance Villageness among Indian Punjabis and North African Berbers Thomas Lacroix (auth.)
992 cover Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2015): 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Rong Wang, Cuiping Zhu (eds.)
993 cover Votes, Parties, and Seats: A Quantitative Analysis of Indian Parliamentary Elections, 1962–2014 Vani Kant Borooah (auth.)
994 cover Ethical Leadership: Indian and European Spiritual Approaches Madhumita Chatterji, László Zsolnai (eds.)
995 cover International Trade and Food Security: The Future of Indian Agriculture Brouwer, Floor, Joshi, P K
996 cover Land, Labour and Livelihoods: Indian Women's Perspectives Bina Fernandez, Meena Gopal, Orlanda Ruthven (auth.)
997 cover Africa in the Indian Imagination: Race and the Politics of Postcolonial Citation Antoinette Burton
998 cover Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics Atul Kohli and Prerna Singh
999 cover Britain’s Maritime Empire: Southern Africa, the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, 1763-1820 John McAleer
1000 cover The Making of an Indian Metropolis: Colonial Governance and Public Culture in Bombay, 1890-1920 Prashant Kidambi
1001 cover Maoism, democracy and globalisation : cross-currents in Indian politics Ajay Gudavarthy
1002 cover Democratic Dynasties : State, Party and Family in Contemporary Indian Politics Kanchan Chandra
1003 cover Politics of Migration: Indian emigration in a globalised world A. Didar Singh and S. Irudaya Rajan
1004 cover Indian Political Theory: Laying the Groundwork for Svaraj Aakash Singh Rathore
1005 cover The Indian Ocean in the Making of Early Modern India Pius Malekandathil (editor)
1006 cover The Settler Complex: Recuperating Binarism in Colonial Studies Patrick Wolfe (editor)
1007 cover Indian Power Projection: Ambition, Arms and Influence Shashank Joshi
1008 cover Rivers of Sand : Creek Indian Emigration, Relocation, and Ethnic Cleansing in the American South Christopher D. Haveman
1009 cover Indian Affairs and Their Administration: With Special Reference to the Far West, 1849-186 Alban W. Hoopes
1010 cover The Jana Sangh: A Biography of an Indian Political Party Craig Baxter
1011 cover Cultures of governance and peace: A comparison of EU and Indian theoretical and policy approaches J. Burgess, Oliver P. Richmond, Ranabir Samaddar (editors)
1012 cover Army and Nation: The Military and Indian Democracy since Independence Steven I. Wilkinson
1013 cover The Newspaper Warrior: Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins’s Campaign for American Indian Rights, 1864-1891 Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, Carolyn Sorisio, Cari M. Carpenter
1014 cover Objective Indian Polity M. Laxmikant
1015 cover Indian national security and counter-insurgency:the use of force vs non-violent response Namrata Goswami
1016 cover Indian Tribes in Transition: The need for reorientation Yogesh Atal
1017 cover The Communist Party of India and the Indian Emergency David Lockwood
1018 cover Planning the American Indian Reservation: From Theory to Empowerment Nicholas Christos Zaferatos
1019 cover No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism Vijay Prashad
1020 cover Africa in the Indian Ocean : Islands in Ebb and Flow Tor Sellström, Tor Sellström
1021 cover Diaspora and Nation in the Indian Ocean: Transnational Histories of Race and Urban Space in Tanzania Ned Bertz
1022 cover Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress John R. McLane
1023 cover The Politics of Race in Panama: Afro-Hispanic and West Indian Literary Discourses of Contention Sonja Stephenson Watson
1024 cover The Indian Law Legacy of Thurgood Marshall F. E. Knowles Jr. (auth.)
1025 cover Enlightenment and Violence: Modernity and Nation-making Tadd Graham Fernée
1026 cover The Aligarh Movement and the Making of the Indian Muslim Mind, 1857-2002 Hasan, Tariq
1027 cover Indian Political Thought: Themes and Thinkers Mahendra Prasad Singh
1028 cover Indian Capitalism in Development Barbara Harriss-White (editor), Judith Heyer (editor)
1029 cover Age of Entanglement: German and Indian Intellectuals Across Empire Manjapra, Kris
1030 cover An Indian Political Life: Charan Singh and Congress Politics, 1967 to 1987 Paul R. Brass
1031 cover Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in North America Seema Sohi
1032 cover Indian Youth and Electoral Politics: An Emerging Engagement Sanjay Kumar
1033 cover Indian National Congress and the Struggle for Freedom: 1885-1947 Amales Tripathi, Amitava Tripathi
1034 cover Party Competition in Indian States: Electoral Politics in Post-Congress Polity Suhas Palshikar, K. C. Suri, Yogendra Yadav
1035 cover Postliberalization Indian novels in English : politics of global reception and awards Aysha Iqbal Viswamohan (editor)
1036 cover State Level Reforms, Growth, and Development in Indian States Arvind Panagariya, Pinaki Chakraborty, M. Govinda Rao
1037 cover The National Council on Indian Opportunity : Quiet Champion of Self-Determination Thomas A. Britten
1038 cover Elite Capture : Subsidizing Electricity Use by Indian Households Kristy Mayer, Sudeshna Banerjee, Christopher Trimble, Christopher Trimble
1039 cover Pen and Ink Witchcraft: Treaties and Treaty Making in American Indian History Colin G. Calloway
1040 cover Indian Mujahideen: Computational Analysis and Public Policy V.S. Subrahmanian, Aaron Mannes, Animesh Roul, R.K. Raghavan (auth.)
1041 cover Citizenship and Its Discontents: An Indian History Niraja Gopal Jayal
1042 cover Contesting the Indian City: Global Visions and the Politics of the Local Gavin Shatkin
1043 cover Britain's Imperial Muse: The Classics, Imperialism, and the Indian Empire, 1784-1914 Christopher Hagerman
1044 cover The Cold War in South Asia: Britain, the United States and the Indian Subcontinent, 1945-1965 Paul M. McGarr
1045 cover Trauma and Resilience in American Indian and African American Southern History Anthony S. Parent Jr., Ulrike Wiethaus
1046 cover The Militarization of Indian Country Winona LaDuke, Sean Aaron Cruz
1047 cover Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka, and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony Sujit Sivasundaram
1048 cover Indian Administration Hoshiar Singh, Pankaj Singh
1049 cover Political Sociology of India Kumar, Anand
1050 cover Handbook of Politics in Indian States: Region, Parties, and Economic Reforms Sudha Pai
1051 cover Who Is an Indian?: Race, Place, and the Politics of Indigeneity in the Americas Maximilian C. Forte
1052 cover Political Science: Volume 1: The Indian State Samir Kumar Das and Achin Vanaik (eds.)
1053 cover Political Science: Volume 2: Indian Democracy K C Suri and Achin Vanaik (eds.)
1054 cover Political Science: Volume 3: Indian Political Thought Pradip Kumar Datta, Sanjay Palshikar, and Achin Vanaik (eds.)
1055 cover Urban Villager: Life in an Indian Satellite Town Vandana Vasudevan
1056 cover Reforms and Economic Transformation in India Jagdish Bhagwati, Arvind Panagariya
1057 cover Crooked Paths to Allotment: The Fight over Federal Indian Policy after the Civil War C. Joseph Genetin-Pilawa
1058 cover The Arthaśāstra : selections from the classic Indian work on statecraft McClish, Mark, Olivelle, Patrick
1059 cover Indian Politics in Comparative Perspective Pravin Kumar Jha
1060 cover The Indian Political System Mahendra Prasad Sing, Subhendu Ranjan Raj
1061 cover Beyond Inclusion: The Practice of Equal Access in Indian Higher Education Satish Deshpande (editor), Usha Zacharias (editor)
1062 cover Tools of Justice: Non-discrimination and the Indian Constitution Kalpana Kannabiran
1063 cover Possibility of a nuclear war in Asia: an Indian perspective Pamidi, Gururaj Gopinath
1064 cover From varna to jati : political economy of caste in Indian social formation : commemorating scholar and revolutionary martyr Yalavarthi Naveen Babu B. Ramesh Babu (editor), Yalavarthi Naveen Babu
1065 cover The Indian Bourgeoisie: A Political History of the Indian Capitalist Class in the Early Twentieth Century David Lockwood (editor)
1066 cover Urbanizing Citizenship: Contested Spaces in Indian Cities Renu Desai and Romola Sanyal
1067 cover Social background of Indian nationalism Sarkar, Sumit, Desai, Akshayakumar R
1068 cover The First Ten Kr Narayanan Orations: Essays by Eminent Persons on the Rapidly Transforming Indian Economy Raghbendra Jha
1069 cover Perspectives on Rules of Origin: Analytical and Policy Insights from the Indian Experience Ram Das, Rajan Ratna
1070 cover Indian Philosophy in English: From Renaissance to Independence Nalini Bhushan, Jay L. Garfield (editors)
1071 cover The Indian Independence Act of 1947 (Milestones in Modern World History) Susan Muaddi Darraj
1072 cover Faith in Paper: The Ethnohistory and Litigation of Upper Great Lakes Indian Treaties Charles E. Cleland
1073 cover Sonia Gandhi: An Extraordinary Life, an Indian Destiny Rani Singh &, Mikhail Gorbachev
1074 cover American Indian First Nations Schooling: From the Colonial Period to the Present Charles L. Glenn
1075 cover Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India: Trials of an Interracial Family Dr Chandra Mallampalli
1076 cover The New Politics of Indian Gaming: The Rise of Reservation Interest Groups Kenneth N. Hansen, Tracy A. Skopek
1077 cover Recovering Liberties Indian Thought in the Age of Liberalism and Empire C.A. Bayly
1078 cover Warriors after War: Indian and Pakistani Retired Military Leaders Reflect on Relations between the Two Countries, Past, Present and Future Richard J. Bonney (editor), Trividesh Singh Maini (editor), Tahir Javed Malik (editor)
1079 cover Indian Mass Media and the Politics of Change Somnath Batabyal, Angad Chowdhry, Meenu Gaur, Matti Pohjonen
1080 cover Talking Back: The Idea of Civilization in the India Nationalist Discourse Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
1081 cover Red Power Rising: The National Indian Youth Council and the Origins of Native Activism Bradley G. Shreve
1082 cover Indian Foreign Policy: The Politics of Postcolonial Identity from 1947 to 2004 Priya Chacko
1083 cover Savagery and Colonialism in the Indian Ocean: Power, Pleasure and the Andaman Islanders Satadru Sen
1084 cover Indian Affairs and the Administrative State in the Nineteenth Century Stephen J. Rockwell
1085 cover Spirituality at Work: A Study of Indian non-profit Organizations Manish Singhal
1086 cover Negotiation Within Domination: New Spain's Indian Pueblos Confront the Spanish State Ethelia Ruiz Medrano, Susan Kellogg
1087 cover The Trajectories of the Indian State Sudipta Kaviraj
1088 cover American Indian Removal and the Trail to Wounded Knee (Defining Moments) Kevin Hillstrom, Laurie Collier Hillstrom
1089 cover American Indian Politics and the American Political System (Spectrum Series: Race and Ethnicity in National and Global Politics) David E. Wilkins, Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark
1090 cover The Indian Postcolonial: A Critical Reader Elleke Boehmer, Rosinka Chaudhuri
1091 cover Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora (eds.) Rini Bhattacharya Mehta, Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande
1092 cover Indian Political Thought: A Reader Aakash Singh Rathor, Silika Mohapatra
1093 cover India Since Independence: Making Sense of Indian Politics, 1e Ananth
1094 cover The Weapon of the Other - Dalitbahujan Writings and the Remaking of Indian Nationalist Ilaiah, Kancha
1095 cover Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights Tom Flanagan, Christopher Alcantara, André Le Dressay
1096 cover Indian Secularism: A Social and Intellectual History 1890-1950 Shabnum Tejani
1097 cover The Great Law and the Longhouse: A Political History of the Iroquois Confederacy William N. Fenton
1098 cover Indian Identity Narratives and the Politics of Security Gitika Commuri
1099 cover The Frontier Newspapers and the Coverage of the Plains Indian Wars Hugh J. Reilly
1100 cover News as Culture: Journalistic Practices and the Remaking of Indian Leadership Traditions Ursula Rao
1101 cover Serving Their Country: American Indian Politics and Patriotism in the Twentieth Century Paul C. Rosier
1102 cover Recovering History, Constructing Race: The Indian, Black, and White Roots of Mexican Americans Martha Menchaca
1103 cover Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone: The Colonial Indian Slave Trade and Regional Instability in the American South Robbie Ethridge
1104 cover Language, Emotion, and Politics in South India: The Making of a Mother Tongue (Contemporary Indian Studies) Lisa Mitchell
1105 cover Fighting Words: The Politics of Hateful Speech Laurence R. Marcus
1106 cover The Indian Parliament: A Critical Appraisal Sudha Pai, Avinash Kumar (ed.)
1107 cover Indian Ocean Studies: Cultural, Social, and Political Perspectives Shanti Moorthy, Ashraf Jamal
1108 cover Fighting Like a Community: Andean Civil Society in an Era of Indian Uprisings Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
1109 cover Broken Landscape: Indians, Indian Tribes, and the Constitution Frank Pommersheim
1110 cover The face you were afraid to see: essays on the Indian economy Amit Bhaduri
1111 cover Modern Indian Political Thought: Text and Context Bidyut Chakrabarty, Rajendra Kumar Pandey
1112 cover War and Nationalism in South Asia The Indian State and the Nagas Marcus Franke
1113 cover Electoral Politics in Indian States: Lok Sabha Elections in 2004 and Beyond Sandeep Shastri (editor), K.C. Suri (editor), Yogendra Yadav (editor)
1114 cover Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America Daniel K. Richter
1115 cover Courtly Indian Women In Late Imperial India Angma Dey Jhala
1116 cover National Movement and Politics in Orissa, 1920-1929 (SAGE Series in Modern Indian History) Pritish Acharya
1117 cover American Indian Education: Counternarratives in Racism, Struggle, and the Law (The Critical Educator) Matth Fletcher
1118 cover Indian Politics and Society since Independence: Events, Processes and Ideology Bid Chakrabarty
1119 cover The Limits of British Colonial Control in South Asia: Spaces of Disorder in the Indian Ocean Region (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) Ashwini Tambe:
1120 cover ICTs and Indian Social Change: Diffusion, Poverty, Governance Ashwani Saith, M. Vijayabaskar, V. Gayathri
1121 cover Marxism, Socialism, Indian Politics: A View from the Left Randhir Singh
1122 cover Encyclopedia of United States Indian Policy and Law (Two volume set) Paul Finkelman, Tim Alan Garrison
1123 cover Vocalizing Silence: Political Protests in Orissa, 1930-42 (SAGE Series in Modern Indian History) Chandi Prasad Nanda
1124 cover Contemporary Debates in Indian Foreign and Security Policy: India Negotiates its Rise in the International System Harsh V. Pant
1125 cover Indian Government and Politics Bidyut Chakrabarty, Rajendra Kumar Pandey
1126 cover Piety and politics in the early Indian mosque Finbarr Barry Flood
1127 cover Communism and Nationalism in Colonial India, 1939-45 D N Gupta
1128 cover The Art of Being In-between: Native Intermediaries, Indian Identity, and Local Rule in Colonial Oaxaca Yanna Yannakakis
1129 cover Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution Rajeev Bhargava
1130 cover Ideology and Empire in Eighteenth-Century India: The British Bengal Robert Travers
1131 cover The Dynamics of Indian Political Factions: A Study of District Councils in the State of Maharashtra Mary C. Carras
1132 cover On the Drafting of Tribal Constitutions (American Indian Law and Policy Series) Felix S. Cohen
1133 cover An Ambiguous Journey to the City: The Village and Other Odd Ruins of the Self in the Indian Imagination Ashis Nandy
1134 cover Savage Frontier: 1840-1841: Rangers, Riflemen, and Indian Wars in Texas (Savage Frontier) Stephen L. Moore
1135 cover The Middle Eastern Question, or Some Political Problems of Indian Defense Valentine Chirol
1136 cover The Indian Economy: Policies, Practices and Heresies Jayanta Sarkar
1137 cover Development of modern Indian thought and the social sciences Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
1138 cover The Indian Uprising of 1857–8. Prisons, Prisoners and Rebellion Clare Anderson
1139 cover The Indian state and political process Chandra Prakash Bhambhri
1140 cover Indian Wars of Canada, Mexico and the United States: 1812-1900 Bruce Vandervort
1141 cover The Politics of Autonomy: Indian Experiences Ranabir Samaddar
1142 cover American Indian Politics and the American Political System (Spectrum Series) David E. Wilkins 2
1143 cover Tecumseh and the Quest for Indian Leadership R. David Edmunds
1144 cover Caste, hierarchy, and individualism : Indian critiques of Louis Dumont's contributions Ravindra S. Khare
1145 cover Region, Nation, "Heartland": Uttar Pradesh in India′s Body Politic Gyanesh Kudaisya
1146 cover Indian Political Trials 1775-1947 A.G. Noorani
1147 cover Women in the Indian National Movement: Unseen Faces and Unheard Voices, 1930-42 Suruchi Thapar-Bjorkert
1148 cover American Indian Literary Nationalism Jace Weaver, Robert Warrior, Craig Womack
1149 cover Representations of Indian Muslims in British Colonial Discourse Alex Padamsee (auth.)
1150 cover Representations of Indian Muslims in Colonial Discourse Alex Padamsee
1151 cover Shadows of Empire: The Indian Nobility of Cuzco, 1750-1825 David T. Garrett
1152 cover Killing for Land in Early California - Indian Blood at Round Valley Frank, H. Baumgardner III
1153 cover Provincial Politics and Indian Nationalism: Bombay and the Indian National Congress 1880-1915 Gordon Johnson
1154 cover Women of India: Colonial and Post-colonial Periods (History of Science, Philosophy, and Culture in Indian Civilization, Part 3) Bharati Ray
1155 cover Political Mobilization and Identity in Western India, 1934-47 (Sage Series in Modern Indian History) Shri Krishan
1156 cover Keeping the circle: American Indian identity in eastern North Carolina, 1885-2004 Christopher Arris Oakley
1157 cover Crisis and Contention in Indian Society T.K. Oommen
1158 cover Fierce gods : inequality, ritual, and the politics of dignity in a South Indian village Diane P. Mines
1159 cover The state and society in medieval India Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture., J. S. Grewal
1160 cover Ethnic Routes to Becoming American: Indian Immigrants and the Cultures of Citizenship Sharmila Rudrappa
1161 cover Peasants in India's Non-Violent Revolution: Practice and Theory Mridula Mukherjee
1162 cover The New Cambridge History of India, Volume 3, Part 6: The Indian Princes and their States Barbara N. Ramusack
1163 cover Writing Indian Nations: Native Intellectuals and the Politics of Historiography, 1827-1863 Maureen Konkle
1164 cover Courtly Culture and Political Life in Early Medieval India Daud Ali
1165 cover Indian Democracy: Meanings and Practices Rajendra Vora (editor), Suhas Vasant Palshikar (editor)
1166 cover Living in the Land of Death : The Choctaw Nation, 1830-1860 Donna L. Akers
1167 cover Working a Democratic Constitution: A History of the Indian Experience Granville Austin
1168 cover On the Streets and in the State House: American Indian and Hispanic Women and Environmental Policymaking in New Mexico Diane-Michele Prindeville
1169 cover From Movement To Government: The Congress in the United Provinces, 1937-42 Visalakshi Menon
1170 cover Anglo-Indian Attitudes: The Mind of the Indian Civil Service Clive Dewey
1171 cover The Felt Community: Commonalty and Mentality Before the Emergence of Indian Nationalism Rajat Kanta Ray
1172 cover Rayalaseema during colonial times : a study in Indian nationalism P Yenadi Raju
1173 cover Native Voices: American Indian Identity and Resistance Richard A. Grounds, George E. Tinker, David E. Wilkins
1174 cover Limited Conflict Under the Nuclear Umbrella : Indian and Pakistani Lessons from the Kargil Crisis (2001) Arthur J Tellis
1175 cover From Peasant Struggles to Indian Resistance: The Ecuadorian Andes in the Late Twentieth Century Amalia Pallares
1176 cover The Indian Reorganization Act: Congresses and Bills Vine Deloria
1177 cover Uneven Ground: American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Law David E. Wilkins, K. Tsianina Lomawaima
1178 cover American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era Ronald N. Satz
1179 cover Class, Race, and Colonialism in West Malaysia: The Indian Case Michael R. Stenson
1180 cover Secular and pluralistic elements in the idea of state in early India Sibesh Chandra Bhattacharya
1181 cover Social movements and the state Ghanshyam Shah
1182 cover Indian revolutionaries abroad, 1905-1927 : select documents Arun Bose, A C Bose
1183 cover Strangers in the Land: The Rise and Decline of the British Indian Empire Roderick Cavaliero
1184 cover Episodes in the Rhetoric of Government-Indian Relations Janice E. Schuetz
1185 cover The Indian Association of Alberta : A History of Political Action Laurie Meijer Drees, Laurie Drees Meijer
1186 cover The Last French and Indian War Denis Vaugeois
1187 cover The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India Nandini Gooptu
1188 cover War and Empire in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean (Studies in Military & Strategic History) Ashley Jackson
1189 cover Perspectives On the Indian Corporate Economy: Exploring the Paradox of Profits (International Political Economy) Ananya Mukherjee-Reed
1190 cover Our Elders Teach Us : Maya-Kaqchikel Historical Perspectives (Contemporary American Indian Studies) David Carey Jr., Allan F. Burns
1191 cover A Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government’s Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes Helen Hunt Jackson
1192 cover Power and Place: Indian Education in America Vine Deloria Jr., Daniel R. Wildcat
1193 cover Racial Revolutions: Antiracism and Indian Resurgence in Brazil Jonathan W. Warren
1194 cover The All India Muslim Educational Conference : its contribution to the cultural development of Indian Muslims, 1886-1947 Abdul Rashid Khan
1195 cover The Indian Constitution and its review Suniti Kumar Ghosh
1196 cover Documenting dissent : contesting fables, contested memories, and dalit political discourse Badri Narayan, Badrī Nārāyaṇa
1197 cover History and Society in South India: The Cholas to Vijayanagar : Comprising South Indian History and Society, Towards a New Formation Noboru Karashima
1198 cover A Narrative of Communal Politics: Uttar Pradesh, 1937-39 Salil Misra
1199 cover A Biography of the Indian Nation, 1947-1997 Ranabir Samaddar
1200 cover Politics after television: religious nationalism and the reshaping of the Indian public Arvind Rajagopal
1201 cover Indian Orphanages Marilyn Irvin Holt
1202 cover Documents of United States Indian Policy: Third Edition Francis Paul Prucha 3
1203 cover A Fateful Time: The Background and Legislative History of the Indian Reorganization Act Elmer R. Rusco
1204 cover Politics and the State in India Zoya Hasan (editor)
1205 cover States of Emergency: The Indian Experience Venkat Iyer
1206 cover Contemporary Indian Political Theory Manoranjan Mohanty
1207 cover A New Order of Things: Property, Power, and the Transformation of the Creek Indians, 1733-1816 (Studies in North American Indian History) Claudio Saunt
1208 cover Pan Islam In British Indian Politics: A Study Of The Khilafat Movement, 1918 1924 (Social, Economic And Political Studies Of The Middle East And Asia) M. Naeem Qureshi
1209 cover The concerned Indian's guide to communalism K. N. Panikkar
1210 cover The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation Granville Austin
1211 cover Indian Politics and the 1998 Election: Regionalism, Hindutva, and State Politics Ramashray Roy, Paul Wallace
1212 cover Crusader for self-rule : Tej Bahadur Sapru & the Indian National Movement : life and selected letters Rima Hooja
1213 cover Empire and information: intelligence gathering and social communication in India, 1780-1870 C. A. Bayly
1214 cover The Insistence of the Indian Susan Scheckel
1215 cover To Be the Main Leaders of Our People: A History of Minnesota Ojibwe Politics, 1825-1898 Rebecca Kugel
1216 cover Communalism in Indian politics Rajni Kothari
1217 cover Life Lines: Community, Family, and Assimilation among Asian Indian Immigrants Jean Bacon
1218 cover Indians and Indian Agents: The Origins of the Reservation System in California, 1849-1852 George Harwood Phillips
1219 cover Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building Richard Drinnon
1220 cover Walking in Indian Moccasins: The Native Policies of Tommy Douglas and the CCF F. Barron
1221 cover Pan-Islamism: Indian Muslims, the Ottomans and Britain (1877-1924) Azmi Özcan
1222 cover State and Politics in India Partha Chatterjee
1223 cover Challenge of change: Industrial relations in Indian industry Anil Varma C. S. Venkataratnam
1224 cover His Majesty's Indian Allies: British Indian Policy in the Defence of Canada 1774-1815 Robert Allen
1225 cover American Indian ethnic renewal : Red power and the resurgence of identity and culture Nagel, Joane
1226 cover The Nation, the State, and Indian Identity Madhusree Dutta, Flavia Agnes, Neera Adarkar
1227 cover Women and right-wing movements : Indian experiences Tanika Sarkar, Urvashi Butalia (editors)
1228 cover The Indian Cabinet: A Study in Governance V. A. Pai Panandiker, Ajay K. Mehra
1229 cover Marginal players in marginal assemblies : the Indian MLA Vir K. Chopra
1230 cover Intelligence and Imperial Defence: British Intelligence and the Defense of the Indian Empire, 1904-24 Richard J. Popplewell
1231 cover Violence in Indian Polity and Naxalite Movement: Proceedings of a Panel Discussion on 26th [i.e. 19th] June, 1992 B. Sarveswara Rao, G. Parthasarathy (ed.)
1232 cover An Indian Freedom Fighter Recalls Her Life Manmohini Zutshi Sahgal, Geraldine Hancock Forbes (editor)
1233 cover Liberalisation and industrial development in the Third World : a comparison of the Indian and South Korean engineering industries Staffan Jacobsson
1234 cover From concessions to confrontation : the politics of an Indian untouchable community Jayashree Gokhale
1235 cover Peasant Protest in Indian Politics Tebhaga Movement in Bengal Asok Majumdar
1236 cover The politics of textiles: the Indian cotton-mill industry and the legacy of swadeshi, 1900-1985 Simon Robert Brough Leadbeater
1237 cover India's Partition: Process, Strategy and Mobilization Mushirul Hasan (editor)
1238 cover The Politics of the British Annexation of India, 1757-1857 Michael H. Fisher
1239 cover Colonialism in an Indian Hinterland: The Central Provinces, 1820-1920 David E. U. Baker
1240 cover Indian Social System Ram Ahuja
1241 cover The Making of Agrarian Policy in British India, 1770-1900 Burton Stein
1242 cover Broken promises : popular protest, Indian nationalism, and the Congress Party in Bihar, 1935-1946 Vinita Damodaran
1243 cover From Wooden Ploughs To Welfare: Why Indian Policy Failed in the Prairie Provinces Helen Buckley
1244 cover Revenue and Reform: The Indian Problem in British Politics 1757-1773 H. V. Bowen
1245 cover Removals: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Politics of Indian Affairs Lucy Maddox
1246 cover Towards independence, 1940-1947 : memoirs of an Indian civil servant Asok Mitra
1247 cover Routledge Library Editions: British in India John L. Hill
1248 cover Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: The Origins and Development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh Bruce Desmond Graham
1249 cover India and Southeast Asia: Indian Perceptions and Policies (International Politics in Asia Series) Mohammed Ayoob
1250 cover The Return of the Native: American Indian Political Resurgence Stephen Cornell
1251 cover Aboriginal Peoples and Politics: The Indian Land Question in British Columbia, 1849-1989 Paul Tennant
1252 cover The Invented Indian: Cultural Fictions And Government Policies James A. Clifton
1253 cover The Indian Army: Its Contribution to the Development of a Nation Stephen P. Cohen
1254 cover The Emergence of Socialist Thought Among North Indian Muslims Khizar Humayun Ansari
1255 cover Mobile men : limits to social change in urban Punjab Satish Saberwal
1256 cover Peasant protests and revolts in Malabar K. N. Panikkar
1257 cover Of Marxism and Indian Politics Randhir Singh
1258 cover Indian Affairs, Volume 1: The Political Dimension Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed Noorani, A.G. Noorani
1259 cover Termination and relocation: federal Indian policy, 1945-1960 Donald Lee Fixico
1260 cover Superpower Rivalry in the Indian Ocean: Indian and American Perspectives Selig S. Harrison, K. Subrahmanyam
1261 cover Soviet revolutions and the Indian national movement: Perceptions of Indian media Vivekanand Shukla
1262 cover Imagining India : essays on Indian history Ainslie T. Embree, Mark Juergensmeyer
1263 cover The Presidential System: The Indian Debate A.G. Noorani
1264 cover Dimensions of strategy: Some Indian perspectives Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya, Arun Kumar Banerji, Sujay Basu, Ananda Deb Mukherjee (editors)
1265 cover Indian national movement: its ideological and socio-economic dimensions Madhu Limaye
1266 cover Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Vine Deloria Jr.
1267 cover Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of British Expansion, 1770–1870 C.A. Bayly
1268 cover Endgames of Empire: Studies of Britain's Indian Problem Robin James Moore
1269 cover The Indian National Congress : a reconstruction. Volume 1: 1885-1918 Iqbal Singh
1270 cover The Indian National Congress: 1919-1923 Iqbal Singh
1271 cover Caste, Faction and Party in Indian Politics : Election Studies Paul R. Brass
1272 cover At Home in India: A Restatement of Indian Muslims Salman Khurshid
1273 cover Sino-Indian Relations, 1948-52: Role of K.M. Panikkar Karunakar Gupta
1274 cover Struggling and ruling : the Indian National Congress, 1885-1985 Jim Masselos
1275 cover Dual Legacies in the Contemporary Caribbean: Continuing Aspects of British and French Dominion (Legacies of West Indian Slavery) Paul Sutton
1276 cover The Congress Ideology and Programme, 1920-1985: The Ideological Foundations of Indian National Congress Under Gandhian Leadership and After Pitambar Datta Kaushik
1277 cover Mohamed Ali in Indian Politics: 1920-1923 Mohamed Ali, Mushirul Hasan
1278 cover Indian business and Nationalist politics 1931-39 : the indigenous capitalist class and the rise of the Congress Party Claude Markovits.
1279 cover Caste in Indian Politics Rajni Kothari (editor)
1280 cover The politics of Indian removal: Creek government and society in crisis Michael D. Green
1281 cover Caste Faction and Party in Indian Politics, Vol. 1: Faction and Party Paul R. Brass
1282 cover The Comoro Islands : Struggle Against Dependency in the Indian Ocean M. D. D. Newitt
1283 cover Mohamed Ali in Indian Politics: 1917-1919 Mohamed Ali, Mushirul Hasan
1284 cover Special Status in Indian Federalism: Jammu and Kashmir Hari Ram
1285 cover Indian Nationalism: An Historical Analysis R. Suntharalingam
1286 cover Justice by insurance: the General Indian Court of Colonial Mexico and the legal aides of the half-real Woodrow Wilson Borah
1287 cover The British Raj and the Indian Princes: Paramountcy in Western India, 1857-1930 Ian Copland
1288 cover British Policy Towards the Indian States, 1905-1939 Stephen Richard Ashton
1289 cover Mohamed Ali in Indian Politics: 1906-1916 Mohamed Ali, Mushirul Hasan
1290 cover Forgotten Founders: Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois, and the Rationale for the American Revolution Bruce Elliott Johansen
1291 cover Neoplatonism and Indian Thought R. Baine Harris, International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
1292 cover The European and the Indian: essays in the ethnohistory of colonial North America James Axtell
1293 cover Split in a Predominant Party: The Indian National Congress in 1969 Mahendra Prasad Singh
1294 cover Making Canadian Indian Policy: The Hidden Agenda 1968–1970 Sally M. Weaver
1295 cover The Indian Supreme Court and Politics Upendra Baxi
1296 cover Ideology and organization in Indian politics : a study of political parties at the grass-roots Nageshwar Prasad
1297 cover The New Deal and American Indian tribalism: the administration of the Indian reorganization act, 1934-45 Graham D. Taylor
1298 cover The Indian Nationalist Movement, 1885–1947: Select Documents B. N. Pandey (eds.)
1299 cover Urban roots of Indian nationalism : pressure groups and conflict of interests in Calcutta City politics, 1875-1939 Rajat Ray
1300 cover Changing Political Leadership in an Indian Province: The Central Provinces and Berar, 1919-1939 David E. U. Baker
1301 cover Indian Government and Politics Dharam Chand Gupta
1302 cover Governmental instability in Indian states : West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab Subrata Kumar Mitra
1303 cover Congress and the Raj: Facets of the Indian Struggle, 1917-47 D. A. Low
1304 cover Political change in an Indian state: Mysore, 1917-1955 James Manor
1305 cover Chieftains in the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar Ahsan Raza Khan
1306 cover Planter Raj to Swaraj: Freedom Struggle and Electoral Politics in Assam Amalendu Guha
1307 cover The Indian National Congress and the Raj, 1929–1942: The Penultimate Phase B. R. Tomlinson (auth.)
1308 cover The Indian Political Parties: An Historical Analysis of Political Behaviour Up to 1947 B.B. Misra
1309 cover Marx comes to India: Earliest Indian biographies of Karl Marx by Lala Hardayal and Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai, with critical introductions P. C Joshi
1310 cover From Naoroji to Nehru : six essays in Indian economic thought Viv Bahadur Singh
1311 cover Separatism Among Indian Muslims: The Politics of the United Provinces' Muslims, 1860-1923 Francis Robinson
1312 cover The crisis of Indian unity, 1917-1940 R. J. Moore
1313 cover Mainsprings of Indian and Pakistani Foreign Policies S.M. Burke
1314 cover Penny capitalism: A Guatemalan Indian economy Sol Tax
1315 cover The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century Anil Seal
1316 cover The Indian political system Norman Dunbar Palmer
1317 cover Indian Science and Technology in the Eighteenth Century: Some Contemporary European Accounts Dharampal
1318 cover Muslim politics in India Hamid Umar Dalwai
1319 cover Party Politics in an Indian State: A Study of the Main Political Parties in Rajasthan Kamakhya Lal Kamal
1320 cover The Indian Supreme Court and the Constitution (A Study of the Process of Construction), 1968: With Supplement Mohammed Imam
1321 cover Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China W. F. Van Eekelen (auth.)
1322 cover Factional Politics in an Indian State: The Congress Party in Uttar Pradesh Paul R. Brass
1323 cover The President Under the Indian Constitution Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi
1324 cover The Story of the Integration of the Indian States V. P Menon
1325 cover Ishi in Two Worlds. A Biography of the last Wild Indian in North America Theodora Kroeber
1326 cover The White Umbrella: Indian Political Thought from Manu to Gandhi Donald Mackenzie Brown
1327 cover The Despatches, Minutes, and Correspondence, of the Marquess Wellesley, K. G.: During His Administration in India, Volume 1 Richard Colley Wellesley, Robert Montgomery Martin
1328 cover Transforming the Indian Cities Daniel Sathiaraj, Editor
1329 cover Energy, Risk and Governance: The Case of Nuclear Energy in India Catherine Mei Ling Wong (auth.)
1330 cover India in Space: Between Utility and Geopolitics Marco Aliberti (auth.)
1331 cover Inequality, Poverty and Development in India: Focus on the North Eastern Region Utpal Kumar De,Manoranjan Pal,Premananda Bharati (eds.)
1332 cover Language as Identity in Colonial India: Policies and Politics Papia Sengupta (auth.)
1333 cover Sustainability Conflicts in Coastal India: Hazards, Changing Climate and Development Discourses in the Sundarbans Aditya Ghosh (auth.)
1334 cover Sustainable Urbanization in India: Challenges and Opportunities Jenia Mukherjee (eds.)
1335 cover The Changing Face of Parties and Party Systems : A Study of Israel and India Sunil K. Choudhary (auth.)
1336 cover The Political Economy of Land Acquisition in India: How a Village Stops Being One Dhanmanjiri Sathe (auth.)
1337 cover 1947-1957, India: The Birth of a Republic Chandrachur Ghose
1338 cover 2014: The Election That Changed India Rajdeep Sardesai [Sardesai, Rajdeep]
1339 cover 2019: How Modi Won India Rajdeep Sardesai
1340 cover 2030 Agenda and India: Moving from Quantity to Quality : Exploring Convergence and Transcendence Sachin Chaturvedi, T. C. James, Sabyasachi Saha, Prativa Shaw
1341 cover 35 Days: How Politics In Maharashtra Changed Forever In 2019 Jitendra Dixit
1342 cover 36 DAYS A Political Chronicle of Ambition, Deception, Trust and Betrayal KAMLESH SUTAR
1343 cover A Chequered Brilliance Jairam Ramesh
1344 cover A colonial affair: commerce, conversion, and scandal in French India Danna Agmon
1345 cover A deadly triangle : Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India Dalrymple, William
1346 cover A defense of rule : origins of political thought in Greece and India Gray, Stuart
1347 cover A Desolation Called Peace: Voices from Kashmir Ather Zia, Javaid Iqbal Bhat
1348 cover A Feast of Vultures: The Hidden Business of Democracy in India Josy Joseph
1349 cover A History of Colonial India: 1757 to 1947 Himanshu Roy (editor), Jawaid Alam (editor)
1350 cover A History of the All-India Muslim League 1906-1947 M. Rafique Afzal
1351 cover A Matter Of Trust: India-US Relations from Truman to Trump Meenakshi Ahamed
1352 cover A Muslim Conspiracy in British India? Politics and Paranoia in the Early Nineteenth-Century Deccan Chandra Mallampalli
1353 cover A Political Legacy of the British Empire: Power and the Parliamentary System in Post-Colonial India and Sri Lanka Harshan Kumarasingham
1354 cover A Revolutionary History of Interwar India: Violence, Image, Voice and Text Kama Maclean
1355 cover A Shield Against the Bomb: Ballistic Missile Defence in a Nuclear Environment A. Vinod Kumar
1356 cover A short history of Muslim rule in India: from the conquest of Islam to the death of Aurangzeb Prasad, Ishwari
1357 cover A War of Empires: Japan, India, Burma & Britain 1941–45 Robert Lyman
1358 cover ‘Be Clear Kashmir will Vote for India’: Jammu & Kashmir 1947-1953: Reporting the Contemporary Understanding of the Unreported Raghuvendra Tanwar
1359 cover AAP & Down: An Insider's Story of India's Most Controversial Party Gandhi, Mayank,Shah, Shrey
1360 cover Active ageing and labour market engagement: evidence from Eastern India Husain, Zakir
1361 cover Advancement of Human Rights in India : Contemporary and Emerging Challenges Debarati Halder, Shrut S. Brahmbhatt
1362 cover Aeolian Desertification: Disaster with Visual Impact in Semi-arid Regions of Andhra Pradesh, South India Pradeep Kumar Badapalli, Raghu Babu Kottala, Padma Sree Pujari
1363 cover Aftermath of Revolt: India 1857-1970 Thomas R. Metcalf
1364 cover Ambedkar's Preamble: A Secret History of the Constitution of India Aakash Singh Rathore
1365 cover America and the Indo-Pacific: Trump and Beyond Harsh V Pant, Kashish Parpiani
1366 cover Amit Shah and the March of BJP Anirban Ganguly, Shiwanand Dwivedi
1367 cover An Endangered History: Indigeneity, Religion, and Politics on the Borders of India, Burma, and Bangladesh Angma Dey Jhala
1368 cover An ethnography of NGO practice in India: Utopias of development Stewart Allen
1369 cover An Imperial Crisis in British India: The Manipur Uprising of 1891 Caroline Keen
1370 cover An India For Everyone: A Path To Inclusive Development Amarjeet Sinha
1371 cover An India Reimagined: Governance and Administration in the World's Largest Democracy MN Buch
1372 cover An Indian Political Life: Charan Singh and Congress Politics, 1957 to 1967 Paul R. Brass
1373 cover An Indian Political Life: 3 (The Politics of Northern India) Paul R. Brass
1374 cover An Introduction to Changing India: Culture, Politics and Development Sirpa Tenhunen, Minna Säävälä
1375 cover An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions Jean Drèze, Amartya Sen
1376 cover An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions Jean Drèze, Amartya Sen
1377 cover An Undocumented Wonder: The Great Indian Election S. Y. Quraishi
1378 cover Animosity at Bay: An Alternative History of the India-Pakistan Relationship, 1947-1952 Pallavi Raghavan
1379 cover Anna: 13 Days That Awakened India Ashutosh
1380 cover Anticipating India: the best of national interest Gupta, Shekhar
1381 cover Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Integrated Land and Water Resources Management (ILWRM) in the Brahmaputra River basin: Results from the EC-project BRAHMATWINN Nayan Sharma, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel (eds.)
1382 cover Armed Conflict and Environmental Damage U. C. Jha
1383 cover Armies of the East India Company 1750–1850 Reid, Stuart
1384 cover Article 370: A Constitutional History of Jammu and Kashmir A.G. Noorani
1385 cover Ascending India and Its State Capacity: Extraction, Violence, and Legitimacy Sumit Ganguly, William R. Thompson
1386 cover ASEAN and India–ASEAN Relations: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics M. Mayilvaganan (editor)
1387 cover Assam: the accord, the discord Mahanta, Prafulla Kumar,Pisharoty, Sangeeta Barooah
1388 cover Assembling the Local: Political Economy and Agrarian Governance in British India Upal Chakrabarti
1389 cover Asymmetric Federalism in India: Ethnicity, Development and Governance Harihar Bhattacharyya
1390 cover Autonomy and Democratic Governance in Northeast India M. Amarjeet Singh
1391 cover Avoiding Armageddon: America, India, and Pakistan to the Brink and Back Bruce Riedel
1392 cover Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay: Assessing the Economic Rise of China and India Pranab Bardhan
1393 cover Balanced Constitutionalism: Courts and Legislatures in India and the United Kingdom Chintan Chandrachud
1394 cover Balochistan, the British and the Great Game: The Struggle for the Bolan Pass, Gateway to India T. A. Heathcote
1395 cover Balochistan: Bruised, Battered and Bloodied Francesca Marino
1396 cover Bangladesh-India relations: Fifty Years of friendship and partnership
1397 cover Barbed Wire: Borders and Partitions in South Asia Jayita Sengupta (editor)
1398 cover Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India Sarath Davala, Renana Jhabvala, Soumya Kapoor Mehta, Guy Standing
1399 cover Battles Half Won: India's Improbable Democracy Ashutosh Varshney
1400 cover Battling for India: A Citizen’s Reader Githa Hariharan, Salim Yusufji
1401 cover BCIM Economic Cooperation: Interplay of Geo-economics and Geo-politics Gurudas Das and C. Joshua Thomas
1402 cover Because I Have A Voice: Queer Politics in India Narrain, Arvind
1403 cover Because India Comes First Ram Madhav
1404 cover Becoming Assamese: Colonialism and New Subjectivities in Northeast India Madhumita Sengupta
1405 cover Begging, Street Politics and Power: The Religious and Secular Regulation of Begging in India and Pakistan Sheba Saeed
1406 cover Behind closed doors: politics of Punjab, Haryana and the emergency Chum, B. K
1407 cover Being the Change Ashutosh Salil
1408 cover Being the Other: The Muslim in India Saeed Naqvi
1409 cover Bengal 2021: An Election Diary Halder, Deep
1410 cover Between Ethics and Politics: New Essays on Gandhi Eva Pföstl
1411 cover Between Hope and Despair: 100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India Rajeev Bhargava
1412 cover Beyond Consumption: India’s New Middle Class in the Neo-Liberal Times Manish K Jha (editor), Pushpendra (editor)
1413 cover Beyond Hybridity and Fundamentalism: Emerging Muslim Identity in Globalized India Tabassum Ruhi Khan
1414 cover Beyond Regimes: China and India Compared Prasenjit Duara (editor), Elizabeth J. Perry (editor)
1415 cover Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and the Question of Socialism in India V. Geetha
1416 cover Blood for Blood: Fifty Years of the Global Khalistan Project Terry Milewski
1417 cover Bombay after Ayodhya: A City in Flux Jitendra Dixit
1418 cover Border Walls: Security and the War on Terror in the United States, India, and Israel Reece Jones
1419 cover Borderland City in New India: Frontier to Gateway Duncan McDuie-Ra, Willem Schendel, Tina Harris
1420 cover Borderland Politics in Northern India Yu-Wen Chen, Chih-yu Shih
1421 cover Brazil-India Renewable Energy Cooperation: Connecting the Continents Maria Cândida Arrais de Miranda Mousinho
1422 cover Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines Rajiv Malhotra, Aravindan Neelakandan
1423 cover Brecht in India: The Poetics and Politics of Transcultural Theatre Dr. Prateek
1424 cover Bridging Neoliberalism and Hindu Nationalism: The Role of Education in Bringing about Contemporary India Marie Lall, Kusha Anand
1425 cover Bridging the Communication Gap in Science and Technology: Lessons from India Pallava Bagla, V. V. Binoy (eds.)
1426 cover Bridging the Education Divide Using Social Technologies: Explorations in Rural India Somprakash Bandyopadhyay, Arina Bardhan, Priyadarshini Dey, Sneha Bhattacharyya
1427 cover Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China Daniel A. Bell (editor)
1428 cover Brought to Life by the Voice: Playback Singing and Cultural Politics in South India Amanda Weidman
1429 cover Brown Saviors and Their Others: Race, Caste, Labor, and the Global Politics of Help in India Arjun Shankar
1430 cover Bureaucratic Archaeology: State, Science and Past in Postcolonial India Ashish Avikunthak
1431 cover Business and politics in India Jaffrelot, Christophe, Kohli, Atul, Murali, Kanta
1432 cover Business and Politics in India Stanley A. Kochanek
1433 cover Calcutta in Colonial Transition Ranjit Sen
1434 cover Camp Life of Sri Lankan Refugees in India Arockiam Kulandai, R. Shankar
1435 cover Canada-India: Partners in Progress Prem K Budhwar
1436 cover Capable Women, Incapable States: Negotiating Violence and Rights in India Poulami Roychowdhury
1437 cover Caricaturing Culture in India: Cartoons and History in the Modern World Ritu Gairola Khanduri
1438 cover Routledge Library Editions: British in India Duncan B. Forrester
1439 cover Caste and Democracy in India: A Perspective from Below Vivek Kumar
1440 cover Caste and Equality: Friendship Patterns among Young Academics in Urban India Stephanie Stocker
1441 cover Caste and Gender in Contemporary India: Power, Privilege and Politics Supurna Banerjee (editor), Nandini Ghosh (editor)
1442 cover Caste Matters Suraj Yengde
1443 cover Caste Panchayats and Caste Politics in India Anagha Ingole
1444 cover Caste, class and power: changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore village Béteille, André
1445 cover Caste, Class, and Capital: The Social and Political Origins of Economic Policy in India Kanta Murali
1446 cover Caste, State and Society: Degrees of Democracy in North India Jagpal Singh
1447 cover Ceasefire City: Militarism, Capitalism, and Urbanism in Dimapur Dolly Kikon, Duncan McDuie-Ra
1448 cover Celebrating the Third Decade and Beyond: New Challenges to Asean-India Economic Partnership Prabir de, Suthiphand Chirathivat
1449 cover Centrestage: inside the Narendra Modi model of governance Mahurkar, Uday,Modī, Narendra
1450 cover Challenge and Strategy: Rethinking India's Foreign Policy Rajiv Sikri
1451 cover Change Management for Organizations : Lessons from Political Upheaval in India Chandan Kumar Sadangi, Sanjay Mohapatra
1452 cover Changes in India's Foreign Policy Towards Pakistan Nitin Prasad
1453 cover Changing Homelands: Hindu Politics and the Partition of India Neeti Nair
1454 cover Changing India Suddha Murty
1455 cover Changing India : a Muslim woman speaks Iqbalunnisa Hussain
1456 cover Changing the Subject: Feminist and Queer Politics in Neoliberal India Srila Roy
1457 cover Changing Theory: Concepts from the Global South Dilip M Menon
1458 cover Changing US Foreign Policy toward India: US-India Relations since the Cold War Carina van de Wetering (auth.)
1459 cover Chariot of life: liberation war, politics and sojourn in jail Tawfiq-e-elahi Chowdhury
1460 cover Checkmate Office Politics Bhavna Dalal
1461 cover Child Rights in India: Challenges and Social Action Geeta Chopra (auth.)
1462 cover Child Rights in India: Law, Policy, and Practice Asha Bajpai
1463 cover Child Safety, Welfare and Well-being: Issues and Challenges Sibnath Deb (eds.)
1464 cover Child-Centred Social Work in India: Journeys and the Way Forward Murli Desai (editor), Nilima Mehta (editor)
1465 cover Children and Crime in India: Causes, Narratives and Interventions Saju Parackal, Rita Panicker
1466 cover China and South Asia: Changing Regional Dynamics, Development and Power Play Rajiv Ranjan (editor), Guo Changgang (editor)
1467 cover China, India and the Future of International Society Jamie Gaskarth (editor)
1468 cover China’s Foreign Relations and Security Dimensions Geeta Kochhar
1469 cover China's African Peacekeeping Decision Making in the Hu Jintao Era Fanie Herman
1470 cover China's lessons for India. / Volume II, The political economy of change Ramesh, Sangaralingam
1471 cover Chittagong: summer of 1930 Bhattacharya, Manoshi,Sena, Sūrya
1472 cover Cinasthana Today: Viewing China from India P.S. Deodhar
1473 cover Cine-Politics: Film Stars and Political Existence in South India M. Madhava Prasad
1474 cover Citizenship Debate over NRC and CAA: Assam and the Politics of History Nani Gopal Mahanta
1475 cover Citizenship In A Globalizing World Ashok Acharya
1476 cover Citizenship, Community and Democracy in India: From Bombay to Maharashtra, c. 1930–1960 Oliver Godsmark
1477 cover Civil Society and Citizenship in India and Bangladesh Sarbeswar Sahoo, Paul Chaney (editors)
1478 cover Civil Society and Democratization in India: Institutions, Ideologies and Interests Sarbeswar Sahoo
1479 cover Civility against Caste: Dalit Politics and Citizenship in Western India Suryakant Waghmore
1480 cover Civility in crisis : democracy, equality and the majoritarian challenge in India Suryakant Waghmore, Hugo Gorringe
1481 cover Civil-Military Relationship: Now and Then Jonatan Rudolph
1482 cover Claiming Citizenship and Nation: Muslim Politics and State Building in North India, 1947–1986 Aishwarya Pandit
1483 cover Claiming India From Below: Activism and Democratic Transformation Vipul Mudgal
1484 cover Claiming the State: Active Citizenship and Social Welfare in Rural India Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner
1485 cover Class and Conflict : Revisiting Pranab Bardhan's Political Economy of India Elizabeth Chatterjee, Matthew McCartney
1486 cover Class Formation, Social Inequality and the Nagas in North-East India Andreas Küchle
1487 cover Class, Politics, and Agrarian Policies in Post-liberalisation India Sejuti Das Gupta
1488 cover Climate Change, Migration and Conflict in Bangladesh Md Rafiqul Islam
1489 cover Climate Change, Vulnerability and Migration S. Irudaya Rajan and R. B. Bhagat
1490 cover Climate Change: IPCC, Water Crisis, and Policy Riddles with Reference to India and Her Surroundings Binayak Ray
1491 cover Climate Migration Governance and the Discourse of Citizenship in India Ritumbra Manuvie
1492 cover Climate of Conquest: War, Environment, and Empire in Mughal North India Pratyay Nath
1493 cover Collector Bro: The quixotic 'thallals' of a civil servant Prasanth Nair
1494 cover Colonial Institutions and Civil War: Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India Shivaji Mukherjee
1495 cover Colonial Terror: Torture and State Violence in Colonial India Deana Heath
1496 cover Colonialism and Knowledge in Grierson’s Linguistic Survey of India Javed Majeed
1497 cover Colonialism and the Call to Jihad in British India Tariq Hasan
1498 cover Commercialization of Hinterland and Dynamics of Class, Caste and Gender in Rural India Supriya Singh
1499 cover Communalism and Sexual Violence in India: The Politics of Gender, Ethnicity and Conflict Megha Kumar
1500 cover Communicating India’s Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood Daya Kishan Thussu (auth.)
1501 cover Communications, Media and the Imperial Experience: Britain and India in the Twentieth Century Chandrika Kaul (auth.)
1502 cover Communism in India Gene D. Overstreet, Marshall Windmiller
1503 cover Communism in India: Events, Processes and Ideologies Bidyut Chakrabarty
1504 cover Communism, Subaltern Studies and Postcolonial Theory: The Left in South India Nissim Mannathukkaren
1505 cover Communities of Women in Assam: Being, doing and thinking together Nandana Dutta (editor)
1506 cover Communities, Institutions and Histories of India’s Northeast Charisma K. Lepcha (editor), Uttam Lal (editor)
1507 cover Comparing Asian Politics: India, China, and Japan Sue Ellen M. Charlton
1508 cover Competing Visions of India in World Politics: India’s Rise Beyond the West Kate Sullivan (eds.)
1509 cover Complexities and Challenges of Nuclear India Roshan Khanijo
1510 cover Comprehending Equity: Contextualising India's North-East Kedilezo Kikhi, Dharma Rakshit Gautam
1511 cover Comprehensive National Power- a Model for India P K Singh, Y K Gera, Sandeep Dewan
1512 cover Conflict and Reconciliation: The Politics of Ethnicity in Assam Uddipana Goswami
1513 cover Conflict and Youth Rights in India: Engagement and Identity in the North East Haans J. Freddy (auth.)
1514 cover Conflict Change and Persistence: The India-Pakistan and Arab-Israeli Conflicts Compared Meirav Mishali-Ram
1515 cover Conflict in India and China's Contested Borderlands: A Comparative Study Kunal Mukherjee
1516 cover Conflict, Education and People’s War in Nepal Sanjeev Rai
1517 cover Confronting Secularism in Europe and India: Legitimacy and Disenchantment in Contemporary Times Brian Black (editor)
1518 cover Confronting the state: ULFA's quest for sovereignty Mahanta, Nani Gopal
1519 cover Congress Radio: Usha Mehta and the Underground Radio Station of 1942 Usha Thakkar
1520 cover Conservation, Sustainability, and Environmental Justice in India (Environment and Society)
1521 cover Conservative Politics in National and Imperial Crisis : Letters from Britain to the Viceroy of India 1926-31 Stuart Ball
1522 cover Constitutionalism of the Global South: the Activist Tribunals of India, South Africa, and Colombia Bonilla Maldonado, Daniel
1523 cover Constructing National Security: U.S. Relations with India and China Jarrod Hayes
1524 cover Constructions of Childhood in India: Exploring the Personal and Sociocultural Contours Ravneet Kaur
1525 cover Contemporary India and South Africa: Legacies, Identities, Dilemmas Sujata Patel, Tina Uys
1526 cover Contemporary India: the Basics Datta, Rekha
1527 cover Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India Lata Mani
1528 cover Contestations and Accommodations: Mewat and Meos in Mughal India Suraj Bhan Bhardwaj
1529 cover Contested Homelands: Politics of Space and Identity Nazima Parveen
1530 cover Contested Waters. India’s Transboundary River Water Disputes in South Asia Amit Ranjan
1531 cover Contours of Relationship: India and the Middle East Kingshuk Chatterjee
1532 cover Cooperative Federalism in South Asia and Europe: Contemporary Issues and Trends M. J. Vinod, Stefy V. Joseph, Joseph Chacko Chennatuserry, Dimitris N. Chryssochoou
1533 cover Coping With China-India Rivalry: South Asian Dilemmas C. Raja Mohan (editor), Hernaikh Singh (editor)
1534 cover Cordial Cold War: Cultural Actors in India and the German Democratic Republic Anandita Bajpai (editor)
1535 cover Corporate Character: Representing Imperial Power in British India, 1786-1901 Eddy Kent
1536 cover Costs of Democracy: Political Finance in India Devesh Kapur, Milan Vaishnav
1537 cover Counterinsurgency, Democracy, and the Politics of Identity in India: From Warfare to Welfare? Mona Bhan
1538 cover Court on Trial Aparna Chandra, Sital Kalantry, William H.J. Hubbard
1539 cover Courting Desire: Litigating for Love in North India Rama Srinivasan
1540 cover Courting the People: Public Interest Litigation in Post-Emergency India Bhuwania, Anuj
1541 cover COVID-19 and Public Policy in the Digital Age Andrea Monti, Raymond Wacks
1542 cover Covid-19 Pandemic, Public Policy, and Institutions in India: Issues of Labour, Income, and Human Development Indranil de (editor), Soumyadip Chattopadhyay (editor), Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan (editor), Kingshuk Sarkar (editor)
1543 cover COVID-19: Impact on Education and Beyond Nivedita Das Kundu (editor), Aloysius Nyuymengka Ngalim (editor)
1544 cover Crafting State-Nations: India and Other Multinational Democracies Alfred Stepan, Juan J. Linz, Yogendra Yadav
1545 cover Creating a New Medina: State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India Venkat Dhulipala
1546 cover Criminal Love?: Queer Theory, Culture, and Politics in India R Raj Rao
1547 cover Critical humanities from India: contexts, issues, futures Rao, D. Venkat
1548 cover Critical Perspectives on Public Systems Management in India: Through the Lens of District Administration Amar Kjr Nayak, Ram Kumar Kakani
1549 cover Critical Reflections on Economy and Politics in India A Class Theory Perspective (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 151) Raju J. Das
1550 cover Crossing Continents: Between India and the Aegean from Prehistory to Alexander the Great Robert Arnott
1551 cover Cultivating Democracy: Politics and Citizenship in Agrarian India Mukulika Banerjee
1552 cover Cultural Constellations, Place-Making and Ethnicity in Eastern India, C. 1850-1927 Swarupa Gupta
1553 cover Cultural Dimensions of India’s Look-Act East Policy: A Study of Southeast Asia Sarita Dash
1554 cover Cultural Politics in Modern India: Postcolonial prospects, colourful cosmopolitanism, global proximities Makarand R. Paranjape
1555 cover Cultural Politics of Hygiene in India, 1890–1940: Contagions of Feeling Srirupa Prasad (auth.)
1556 cover Dada Comrade Yashpal, Simona Sawhney (transl.)
1557 cover Dalit Feminist Theory A Reader Edited by Sunaina Arya and Aakash Singh Rathore
1558 cover Dalit Politics in Contemporary India Sambaiah Gundimeda
1559 cover Dalit Text: Aesthetics and Politics Re-imagined Judith Misrahi-Barak (editor), K. Satyanarayana (editor), Nicole Thiara (editor)
1560 cover Dalit Women: Vanguard of an Alternative Politics in India S. Anandhi (editor), Karin Kapadia (editor)
1561 cover Dangerous minds: eight riveting profiles of homegrown terrorists Singh, Brijesh,Zaidi, S. Hussain
1562 cover Debating Race in Contemporary India McDuie-Ra, Duncan
1563 cover Decentralisation in Contemporary India: Status, Issues and the Way Forward Taylor &, Francis Group
1564 cover Decentralised Democracy in India: Gandhi's Vision and Reality M. V. Nadkarni, N. Sivanna, Lavanya Suresh
1565 cover Decolonizing Democracy: Transforming the Social Contract in India Christine Keating
1566 cover Deconstructing terrorist violence: faith as a mask Puniyani, Ram
1567 cover Defence Beyond Design: Contours of India’s Nuclear Safety and Security Sitakanta Mishra
1568 cover Degrees Without Freedom?: Education, Masculinities, and Unemployment in North India Craig Jeffrey, Patricia Jeffery, Roger Jeffery
1569 cover Deities and Devotees: Cinema, Religion, and Politics in South India Uma Maheswari Bhrugubanda
1570 cover Delhi Reborn: Partition and Nation Building in India's Capital Rotem Geva
1571 cover Delhi Reborn: Partition and Nation Building in India's Capital (South Asia in Motion) Rotem Geva
1572 cover Deliberating Environment Policy in India: Participation and the Role of Advocacy Ganguly, Sunayana
1573 cover Delusional Politics Hardeep Singh Puri
1574 cover Demanding Development: The Politics of Public Goods Provision in India's Urban Slums Adam Michael Auerbach
1575 cover Democracy against Development: Lower-Caste Politics and Political Modernity in Postcolonial India Jeffrey Witsoe
1576 cover Democracy and Constitutionalism in India: A Study of the Basic Structure Doctrine Sudhir Krishnaswamy
1577 cover Democracy and Economic Change in India George Rosen
1578 cover Democracy and Social Cleavage in India: Ethnography of Riots, Everyday Politics and Communalism in West Bengal c. 2012-2021 Suman Nath
1579 cover Democracy and Unity in India: Understanding the All India Phenomenon, 1940–1960 Emily Rook-Koepsel
1580 cover Democracy in the woods: environmental conservation and social justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Prakash Kashwan
1581 cover Democratic Constitutionalism in India and the European Union: Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities Philipp Dann (editor), Arun Thiruvengadam (editor)
1582 cover Democratic Decentralization in India E. Venkatesu
1583 cover Democratic Transformation and the Vernacular Public Arena in India Taberez Ahmed Neyazi, Akio Tanabe, Shinya Ishizaka
1584 cover Democratisation in the Himalayas: Interests, Conflicts, and Negotiations Vibha Arora, N. Jayaram
1585 cover Democratisation of Myanmar Nehginpao Kipgen
1586 cover Despite the State: Why India Lets Its People Down and How They Cope M. Rajshekhar
1587 cover Development and Democracy in India Shalendra D. Sharma
1588 cover Development, Education and Learning Disability in India Maya Kalyanpur
1589 cover Developmental State and the Dalit Question in Madhya Pradesh: Congress Response Sudha Pai
1590 cover Development-Induced Displacement in India and China : A Comparative Look at the Burdens of Growth Florence Padovani, S. Irudaya Rajan, Michael M. Cernea, Joël Cabalion, Kam Wing Chan, Yingfang Chen, Rikil Chyrmang, Samir Kumar Das, Vijay Korra, Guangming Liu
1591 cover Developments in Psychiatry in India: Clinical, Research and Policy Perspectives Savita Malhotra, Subho Chakrabarti (eds.)
1592 cover Devotional Sovereignty: Kingship and Religion in India Caleb Simmons
1593 cover Dharmic Nation: Freeing Bharat, Remaking India R. Jagannathan
1594 cover Didi: a political biography Byānārjī, Mamatā,Gupta, Monobina
1595 cover Digital Authoritarianism and its Religious Legitimization: The Cases of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and India Ihsan Yilmaz (editor)
1596 cover Digital India and the Poor: Policy, Technology and Society Suman Gupta
1597 cover Digital Politics and Culture in Contemporary India: The Making of an Info-Nation Biswarup Sen
1598 cover Digital Shutdowns and Social Media: Spatiality, Political Economy and Internet Shutdowns in India Shekh Moinuddin
1599 cover Dilapidation of the Rural: Development, Politics, and Farmer Suicides in India Sudhir Kumar Suthar
1600 cover Dimensions of Constitutional Democracy: India and Germany Anupama Roy, Michael Becker
1601 cover Disadvantaged Children in India : Empirical Evidence, Policies and Actions Sibnath Deb, Aleena Maria Sunny, Bishakha Majumdar
1602 cover Discourse on Rights in India: Debates and Dilemmas Bijayalaxmi Nanda, Nupur Ray
1603 cover Disenchanted India and Beyond: Musings on the Lockdown Alternatives Bhabani Shankar Nayak
1604 cover Dismantling Rights Through Systematic Policy Dilutions - Tracking legislative changes in India : 2014 - 2019 Mihir Desai, Lara Jesani
1605 cover Displacement, Impoverishment and Exclusion: Political Economy of Development in India Taylor &, Francis Group
1606 cover Diversity Beyond Tokenism : Why Being Politically Correct Doesn't Help Anyone Swati Jena, T. N. Hari
1607 cover Divided Kashmir: Old Problems, New Opportunities for India, Pakistan, and the Kashmiri People Mushtaqur Rahman
1608 cover Divided We Govern: Coalition Politics in Modern India Ruparelia, Sanjay
1609 cover Divorce and Democracy: A History of Personal Law in Post-Independence India Saumya Saxena
1610 cover Does Civil Society Matter?: Governance in Contemporary India Rajesh Tandon (editor), Ranjita Mohanty (editor)
1611 cover Doing the Needful: The Dilemma of India's Population Policy G. Narayana, John F. Kantner
1612 cover Domestic Violence Laws in the United States and India: A Systematic Comparison of Backgrounds and Implications Sudershan Goel, Barbara A. Sims, Ravi Sodhi (auth.)
1613 cover Dragon De-Mystified: Understanding People's Republic of China P. K. Singh
1614 cover Dynamics of Caste and Law: Dalits, Oppression and Constitutional Democracy in India Dag-Erik Berg
1615 cover Economic and Ecological Implications of Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram, India Vishwambhar Prasad Sati
1616 cover Economy-Wide Assessment of Regional Policies in India: Applications of E3-India Model Kakali Mukhopadhyay (editor)
1617 cover Education and Hegemony : Social Construction of Knowledge in India in the Era of Globalisation Nagaraju Gundemeda
1618 cover Education as Development: Deprivation, Poverty, Dispossession Ramdas Rupavath (editor)
1619 cover E-Governance in India: Interlocking Politics, Technology and Culture Bidisha Chaudhuri
1620 cover E-Governance in India: The Progress Status Sunil K. Muttoo, Rajan Gupta, Saibal K. Pal
1621 cover Elderly Care in India: Societal and State Responses S. Irudaya Rajan, Gayathri Balagopal (eds.)
1622 cover Election Commission of India: Institutionalising Democratic Uncertainties Ujjwal Kumar Singh, Anupama Roy
1623 cover Elections in India: An Overview Sanjay Kumar
1624 cover Electoral Dynamics in the States of India Sandeep Shastri (editor), Ashutosh Kumar (editor), Yatindra Singh Sisodia (editor)
1625 cover Electoral Politics and Hindu Nationalism in India Dasgupta, Koushiki,
1626 cover Electoral Politics in Punjab: Factors and Phases Ashutosh Kumar
1627 cover Electoral Practice and the Election Commission of India: Politics, Institutions and Democracy Manjari Katju
1628 cover Electrifying India: Regional Political Economies of Development Sunila S. Kale
1629 cover Elementary Education in India: Policy Shifts, Issues and Challenges Jyoti Raina
1630 cover Elite parties, poor voters: how social services win votes in India Thachil, Tariq
1631 cover Elusive Tipping Point, The: China-India Ties for a New Order Pisupati S. Suryanarayana
1632 cover Emerging India: Economics, Politics and Reforms Bimal Jalan
1633 cover Emigration in 21st-century india: governance, legislation, institutions. S Krishna Kumar
1634 cover Empire and Post-Empire Telecommunications in India: A History Pradip Ninan Thomas
1635 cover Empire of Influence: The East India Company and the Making of Indirect Rule Callie Wilkinson
1636 cover Empowering Marginalized Communities in India: The Impact of Higher Education M. J. Vinod and S. Y. Surendra Kumar
1637 cover Energy and Climate Policies in China and India: A Two-Level Comparative Study Fuzuo Wu
1638 cover Energy and Environment in India: The Politics of a Chronic Crisis Johannes Urpelainen
1639 cover Engaging with the World: Critical Reflections on India's Foreign Policy K. M. Seethi Sahib, Rajen Harshe
1640 cover England’s Debt to India: A Historical Narrative of Britain’s Fiscal Policy in India Lajpat Rai
1641 cover Entrepreneurial Urbanism in India: The Politics of Spatial Restructuring and Local Contestation Kanekanti Chandrashekar Smitha (eds.)
1642 cover Entrepreneurship Training in Rural Parts of Bihar/India: Opportunities of Empowering Disadvantaged Youth Tobias Aberle
1643 cover Environment and Pollution in Colonial India: Sewerage Technologies along the Sacred Ganges Wilhelm, J.
1644 cover Environmental Justice Poetics: Cultural Representations of Environmental Racism from Chicanas and Women in India Kamala Joyce Platt
1645 cover Environmental Security and India Global Concerns and National Interest Satabdi Das
1646 cover Eradicating Energy Poverty: Overcoming 'Barriers' to Decentralized Energy Systems in India Manashvi Kumar Singh
1647 cover Ethics in Governance in India Bidyut Chakrabarty
1648 cover Ethnicity and Adivasi Identity in Bangladesh Mahmudul H. Sumon
1649 cover EU-India Relations: The Strategic Partnership in the Light of the European Union Global Strategy (Contributions to International Relations) Philipp Gieg (editor), Timo Lowinger (editor), Manuel Pietzko (editor), Anja Zürn (editor), Ummu Salma Bava (editor), Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet (editor)
1650 cover Eurasia's Regional Powers Compared - China, India, Russia Shinichiro Tabata
1651 cover European Climate Leadership in Question : Policies Toward China and India Diarmuid Torney, Frank Biermann, Oran R. Young
1652 cover Every Vote Counts: The Story of India’s Elections Navin Chawla
1653 cover Everyday State and Politics in India: Government in the Backyard in Kalahandi Sailen Routray
1654 cover Evolving Geopolitics of Indo-Pacific Region: Challenges and Prospects Subhasish Sarangi
1655 cover Exclusion and Poverty in India and Central Asia A Diversity and Development Perspective Senapati Chittaranjan
1656 cover Facets of Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in India (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application) Harpreet Kaur (editor)
1657 cover Facets of India's Economy and Her Society Volume I: Recent Economic and Social History and Political Economy · Volume 1 Raghbendra Jha
1658 cover Facets of India's Security: Essays for C. Uday Bhaskar P.R. Kumaraswamy
1659 cover Facing Globalization in the Himalayas: Belonging and the Politics of the Self Gerard Toffin (editor), Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (editor)
1660 cover Fateful Triangle: How China Shaped U.S.-India Relations During the Cold War Tanvi Madan
1661 cover Fateful Triangle: How China Shaped US-India Relations During the Cold War Tanvi Madan
1662 cover Federalism in Asia: India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Nepal and Myanmar Harihar Bhattacharyya
1663 cover Federalism in India Mahendra Prasad Singh
1664 cover Federation of Himalayan Kingdoms Awadhesh C. Sinha
1665 cover Fertility, Health and Reproductive Politics: Re-imagining Rights in India Maya Unnithan
1666 cover Fifty Years of Bangladesh-India Relations: Issues, Challenges and Possibilities Md. Shariful Islam
1667 cover Fighting Falsehoods: Suspicion, Analysis, and Response Irene Rubin
1668 cover Film and Politics in India: Cinematic Charisma as a Gateway to Political Power Dhamu Pongiyannan
1669 cover Financial Inclusion Schemes in India Firdous Ahmad Malik, D. K. Yadav
1670 cover Financial Management Practices: An Empirical Study of Indian Corporates P.K. Jain, Shveta Singh, Surendra Singh Yadav (auth.)
1671 cover Financial Statements Analysis: Cases from Corporate India Sandeep Goel
1672 cover Financializing Poverty: Microfinance, Development, and Financial Risk in India Sohini Kar
1673 cover First among equals President of India Scharada Dubey [Dubey, Scharada]
1674 cover Fiscal Decentralization in India: An Outcome Mapping of State Finance Commissions V N Alok
1675 cover Fiscal Policy for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific: Gender Budgeting in India Lekha S. Chakraborty
1676 cover Flying Blind: India's Quest For Global Leadership Mohamed Zeeshan
1677 cover Food Security and Political Stability in Tajikistan Raj Kumar Sharma
1678 cover Food Trade and Foreign Policy: India, the Soviet Union, and the United States Robert L. Paarlberg
1679 cover For reasons of state: Delhi under emergency Ajoy Bose
1680 cover Forged in crisis : India and the United States since 1947 Rudra Chaudhuri
1681 cover Forging Capitalism in Nehru’s India: Neocolonialism and the State, c. 1940-1970 Nasir Tyabji
1682 cover Formatting Religion: Across Politics, Education, Media, and Law Marius Timmann Mjaaland (editor)
1683 cover Foundations of Maoism Ram Swarup
1684 cover Fragile Urban Governance: Evolution, Decline, and Empowerment of Local Self-Government in India Gangadhar Jha
1685 cover Framing Foreign Policy in India, Brazil and South Africa: On the Like-Mindedness of the IBSA States Jörg Husar (auth.)
1686 cover Friends with Benefits: The India-US Story Seema Sirohi
1687 cover From Chanakya to Modi. The Evolution of India’s Foreign Policy Aparna Pande
1688 cover From Frontier Policy to Foreign Policy: The Question of India and the Transformation of Geopolitics in Qing China Matthew Mosca
1689 cover From Hierarchy to Ethnicity: The Politics of Caste in Twentieth-Century India Alexander Mark Lee
1690 cover From Indus to Independence - a Trek Through Indian History: The Classical Age Sanu Kainikara
1691 cover From Indus to Independence- A Trek Through Indian History: Vol IV The Onslaught of Islam Dr Sanu Kainikara
1692 cover From Lucknow to Lutyens: The Power and Plight of Uttar Pradesh Abhigyan Prakash
1693 cover From Oppression to Assertion: Women and Panchayats in India George S. Everly Jr., Jeffrey M. Lating, Nirmala Buch
1694 cover From Raj to Republic: Sovereignty, Violence, and Democracy in India Sunil Purushotham
1695 cover From Subjects to Citizens: Society and the Everyday State in India and Pakistan, 1947-1970 Taylor C. Sherman, William Gould, Sarah Ansari
1696 cover From the Margins to the Mainstream: Institutionalising Minorities in South Asia Hugo Gorringe (editor), Roger Jeffery (editor), Suryakant Waghmore (editor)
1697 cover Frontiers, Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies in South Asia, 1820-2013 Kaushik Roy
1698 cover Future of Cities: Planning, Infrastructure, and Development Ashok Kumar (editor), D. S. Meshram (editor)
1699 cover Gambling with Violence: State Outsourcing of War in Pakistan and India Yelena Biberman
1700 cover Gandhi and Adivasis: Tribal Movements in Eastern India (1914-1948) Debasree De
1701 cover Gandhi and Revolution Devi Prasad, Akeel Bilgrami
1702 cover Gandhi and the Ali Brothers: Biography of a Friendship Rakhahari Chatterji
1703 cover Gandhi in India’s Literary and Cultural Imagination Nishat Zaidi (editor), Indrani Das Gupta (editor)
1704 cover Gandhi, An Impossible Possibility Sudhir Chandra, Chitra Padmanabhan
1705 cover Gandhi, Marx and India: An Alternative Path to Progress Pradhan H. Prasad
1706 cover Gandhian Thought and Communication : Rethinking the Mahatma in the Media Age Biswajit Das
1707 cover Gender and Neoliberalism: The All India Democratic Women’s Association and Globalization Politics Elisabeth Armstrong
1708 cover Gender and Violence in British India: The Road to Amritsar, 1914–1919 Robert McLain (auth.)
1709 cover Gender Inclusion in India: Challenges and Strategies Sabiha Hussain (editor), Suraiya Tabassum (editor)
1710 cover Gender Justice and Proportionality in India: Comparative Perspectives Juliette Gregory Duara
1711 cover Gender, Class and Reflexive Modernity in India Jyothsna Latha Belliappa (auth.)
1712 cover Gender, Development, and the State in India Carole Spary
1713 cover Gender, Governance and Empowerment in India Sreevidya Kalaramadam
1714 cover Gender, Identity and Migration in India Nasreen Chowdhory (editor), Paula Banerjee (editor)
1715 cover Gender, Law and Social Transformation in India Ajailiu Niumai, Abha Chauhan
1716 cover Gender, Morality, and Race in Company India, 1765-1858 Joseph Sramek
1717 cover Gender, Violence and Governmentality: Legal and Policy Initiatives in India Skylab Sahu
1718 cover Gendered Citizenship: Understanding Gendered Violence In Democratic India Natasha Behl
1719 cover Gendered transactions: The white woman in colonial India, c.1820-1930 Indrani Sen
1720 cover Gendered Violence in Public Spaces: Women's Narratives of Travel in Neoliberal India Swathi Krishna S., Srirupa Chatterjee
1721 cover Geographies of anticolonialism : political networks across and beyond South India, c. 1900-1930 Davies, Andrew
1722 cover Geopolitics of Energy in Central Asia India's Position and Policy : India's Position and Policy. Ramakrushna Pradhan
1723 cover Geopolitics, Security and Bilateral Relations: Perspectives From India and South Korea B. K. Sharma, M. H. Rajesh
1724 cover Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda for Reform Ashley J. Tellis, Bibek Debroy, Reece Trevor
1725 cover Global Cooperation Among G20 Countries: Responding to the Crisis and Restoring Growth Michael Callaghan, Chetan Ghate, Stephen Pickford (auth.), Michael Callaghan, Chetan Ghate, Stephen Pickford, Francis Xavier Rathinam (eds.)
1726 cover Global Diasporas and Development: Socioeconomic, Cultural, and Policy Perspectives Sadananda Sahoo, B. K. Pattanaik (auth.), Sadananda Sahoo, B.K. Pattanaik (eds.)
1727 cover Global Governance and India's North-East: Logistics, Infrastructure and Society Ranabir Samaddar, Anita Sengupta
1728 cover Global Health Governance and Commercialisation of Public Health in India Anuj Kapilashrami, Rama V. Baru
1729 cover Global India: The Pursuit of Influence and Status Chris Ogden
1730 cover Global Power Revelry and South China Sea Lester B. Stone
1731 cover Global Public Health Policies: Case Studies from India on Planning and Implementation KV Ramani
1732 cover Globalisation, Environment and Social Justice: Perspectives, Issues and Concerns Manish Verma (editor)
1733 cover Gopalganj to Raisina: My Political Journey Lalu Prasad Yadav
1734 cover Governance and Development in India: A Comparative Study on Andhra Pradesh and Bihar After Liberalization Seyed Hossein Zarhani
1735 cover Governance and Foreign Investment in China, India, and Taiwan: Credibility, Flexibility, and International Business Yu Zheng
1736 cover Governance for growth in India Kalam, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul
1737 cover Governance, Conflict and Development in South Asia : Perspectives from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Siri Hettige, Eva Gerharz
1738 cover Governing Gender and Sexuality in Colonial India: The Hijra , c.1850–1900 Jessica Hinchy
1739 cover Governing India's Metropolises Joël Ruet, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal
1740 cover Governing India's Northeast: Essays on Insurgency, Development and the Culture of Peace Samir Kumar Das (auth.)
1741 cover Governing Riverscapes: Urban Environmental Change along the River Yamuna in Delhi, India Alexander Follmann
1742 cover Governing the Urban in China and India: Land Grabs, Slum Clearance, and the War on Air Pollution Xuefei Ren
1743 cover Governing Water in India: Inequality, Reform, and the State Leela Fernandes
1744 cover Government as Practice: Democratic Left in a Transforming India Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya
1745 cover Government-Sponsored Health Insurance in India : Are You Covered? Gerard La Forgia, Somil Nagpal, Somil Nagpal
1746 cover GQ India [February 2016] - feat. Barack Obama GQ India
1747 cover Graphic Politics in Eastern India: Script and the Quest for Autonomy Nishaant Choksi
1748 cover Grassroots Democracy and Governance in India: Understanding Power, Sociality and Trust Amiya Kumar Das
1749 cover Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia's Most Volatile Frontier Bertil Lintner
1750 cover Grief and the Shaping of Muslim Communities in North India, c. 1857–1940s Eve Tignol
1751 cover Growth and Development Planning in India K. L. Datta
1752 cover Gujarat Riots: the True Story: The Truth of the 2002 Riots M D Deshpande
1753 cover Haar Nahi Manoonga: Ek Atal Jeevan Gatha Vijai Trivedi
1754 cover Half-Lion: How P.V. Narasimha Rao Transformed India Vinay Sitapati
1755 cover Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance Navroz K. Dubash
1756 cover Handbook of Decentralised Governance and Development in India D. Rajasekhar
1757 cover Handbook of India’s International Relations David Scott
1758 cover Handbook of South Asia: Political Development Europa Publications (editor)
1759 cover Handbook of Tribal Politics in India Jagannath Ambagudia, Virginius Xaxa
1760 cover Handbook of Youth Development: Policies and Perspectives from India and Beyond Sibnath Deb (editor), Shayana Deb (editor)
1761 cover Hate Crime in India: Understanding Nuanced Discrimination Against North-Eastern Population G. S. Bajpai, Garima Pal, Tusha Singh, Advait Tambe
1762 cover Heading East: Security, Trade, and Environment between India and Southeast Asia (Oxford International Relations in South Asia) Karen Stoll Farrell (editor), Sumit Ganguly (editor)
1763 cover Health Justice in India: Citizenship, Power and Health Care Jurisprudence Edward Premdas Pinto
1764 cover Healthcare in Post-Independence India: Kolkata and the Crisis of Private Healthcare Services Amrita Bagchi
1765 cover Heidegger and Development in the Global South Siby K. George (auth.)
1766 cover Hematologies: The Political Life of Blood in India Jacob Copeman, Dwaipayan Banerjee, NEH CARES grant
1767 cover Her-Self: Gender and Early Writings of Malayali Women, 1898–1938 J. Devika
1768 cover Higher Education in Federal Countries : A Comparative Study Martin Carnoy, Isak Davidovich Froumin, Oleg Leshukov, Simon Marginson
1769 cover Highway to Swades: Rediscovering India's Superpowers Bhairavi Jani
1770 cover Himalaya Calling: The Origins of China and India Chung Tan
1771 cover Hindi Dalit Literature and the Politics of Representation Sarah Beth Hunt
1772 cover Hindi Is Our Ground, English Is Our Sky: Education, Language, and Social Class in Contemporary India Chaise LaDousa
1773 cover Hindu Nationalism in India Tanika Sarkar
1774 cover Hindu nationalism in India : ideology and politics Chakrabarty, Bidyut, Jha, Bhuwan
1775 cover Hindu Nationalism in India and the Politics of Fear Dibyesh Anand (auth.)
1776 cover Hindutva Regime in Assam: Saffron in the Rainbow Akhil Ranjan Dutta
1777 cover History of Education Policymaking in India, 1947-2016 R.V. Vaidyanatha Ayyar
1778 cover History of Monetary Policy in India Since Independence Ashima Goyal (auth.)
1779 cover History Will Absolve Me: Castro's Court Argument Castro, Fidel
1780 cover Home, Belonging and Memory in Migration: Leaving and Living (Migrations in South Asia) Sadan Jha (editor), Pushpendra Kumar Singh (editor)
1781 cover Homosexuality in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of India Yeshwant Naik (auth.)
1782 cover Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel Azad Essa, Linah Alsaafin
1783 cover Housing and Politics in Urban India Opportunities and Contention Swetha Rao Dhananka
1784 cover Housing India’s Urban Poor 1800-1965: Colonial and Post-colonial Studies Hans Schenk
1785 cover How India Became Democratic: Citizenship and the Making of the Universal Franchise Shani, Ornit
1786 cover How India Became Territorial: Foreign Policy, Diaspora, Geopolitics Itty Abraham
1787 cover How India Manages Its National Security Arvind Gupta
1788 cover How India Votes And What It Means Pradeep Gupta
1789 cover How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision-making Harjeet Khanduja
1790 cover How People Respond to Violence: Everyday Peace and the Maoist Conflict in India Monica Carrer
1791 cover How Realist Is India’s National Security Policy? Kanti Bajpai
1792 cover How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India Prerna Singh
1793 cover Human and International Security in India Crispin Bates, Akio Tanabe, Minoru Mio
1794 cover Human Interference on River Health: A Study on the Haora River, Tripura, India Shreya Bandyopadhyay, Sunil Kumar De (auth.)
1795 cover Human Rights and Peace: Ideas, Laws, Institutions and Movements Ujjwal Kumar Singh
1796 cover Human Rights in India (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) Satvinder Juss (editor)
1797 cover Human Rights of the Third Gender in India: Beyond the Binary Lopamudra Sengupta
1798 cover Human Rights: India and the West Ashwini Peetush, Jay Drydyk
1799 cover Humanities, Provocateur: Towards a Contemporary Political Aesthetics Brinda Bose (editor)
1800 cover Humour and the Performance of Power in South Asia: Anxiety, Laughter and Politics in Unstable Times Sasanka Perera (editor), Dev Nath Pathak (editor)
1801 cover Hungry Nation: Food, Famine, and the Making of Modern India Benjamin Robert Siegel
1802 cover Hyderabad, British India, and the World: Muslim Networks and Minor Sovereignty, C.1850-1950 Eric Lewis Beverley
1803 cover Hydro-Politics in GBM Basin : The Case of Bangladesh-India Water Relations Nitya Nanda
1804 cover Ideas and Frameworks of Governing India Ranabir Samaddar
1805 cover Identity and Experience at the India-Bangladesh Border: The Crisis of Belonging Debdatta Chowdhury
1806 cover Identity, Contestation and Development in Northeast India Komol Singha, M. Amarjeet Singh
1807 cover Ideology and Identity: The Changing Party Systems of India Pradeep K. Chhibber, Rahul Verma
1808 cover Illiberal India: Gauri Lankesh and the Age of Unreason Chidanand Rajghatta
1809 cover Image-Making-India; Visual Culture, Technology, Politics Paolo S.H. Favero
1810 cover Imagining India as a Global Power Sangit K. Ragi, Sunil Sondhi, Vidhan Pathak
1811 cover Imagining india: the idea of a renewed nation Friedman, Thomas L.,Nilekani, Nandan
1812 cover Imperial Sovereignty And Local Politics: The Bhaduria Rajputs And The Transition From Mughal to British India, 1600–1900 Tripurdaman Singh
1813 cover Implementing ISO 9001 Purushothama, B
1814 cover Improving corporate governance in India related party transactions and minority shareholder protection OECD
1815 cover In a State of Violent Peace: Voices from the Kashmir Valley Meera Khanna
1816 cover In Pursuit of Proof - A History of Identification Documents in India Tarangini Sriraman
1817 cover In the Mirror of Persian Kings: The Origins of Perso-Islamic Courts and Empires in India Blain Auer
1818 cover In the Name of the Nation: India and Its Northeast Sanjib Baruah
1819 cover Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality Shigemochi Hirashima, Hisaya Oda, Yuko Tsujita (eds.)
1820 cover Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality (Ide-Jetro) Shigemochi Hirashima, Hisaya Oda, Yuko Tsujita
1821 cover Independent India, 1947-2000 Wendy Singer
1822 cover India - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture Becky Stephen, Culture Smart!
1823 cover India - Uzbekistan Partnership in Regional Peace and Stability: Challenges and Prospects Rajiv Narayan, Batir Tursonov, Gaurav Kumar
1824 cover India 2018: A Reference Annual Publication Division
1825 cover India 2020: a vision for the new millennium Abdul Kalam, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen,Rājan, Y. Sundar
1826 cover India 2021 A Reference Annual Publications Division
1827 cover INDIA 2023: A Reference Annual ( Year Book ) Publications Division
1828 cover India 2030: Rise of a Rajasic Nation Gautam Chikermane (editor)
1829 cover India after Gandhi: the history of the world's largest democracy Guha, Ramachandra
1830 cover India After Liberalisation: An Overview Bimal Jalan
1831 cover India after Modi : populism and the right Ajay Gudavarthy
1832 cover India After Naxalbari: Unfinished History Bernard D’Mello
1833 cover India after the 1857 Revolt: Decolonising the Mind M. Christhu Doss
1834 cover India and Africa's Partnership: A Vision for a New Future Ajay Kumar Dubey, Aparajita Biswas (eds.)
1835 cover India and Asian Geopolitics: The Past, Present Shivshankar Menon
1836 cover India and Central Europe: Perceptions, Perspectives, Prospects Rajendra K. Jain
1837 cover India and China : Expansion, Equity and Excellence Kavita A. Sharma
1838 cover India and China in the Emerging Dynamics of East Asia G. V. C. Naidu, Mumin Chen, Raviprasad Narayanan (eds.)
1839 cover India and China: Beyond the Binary of Friendship and Enmity B. R. Deepak
1840 cover India and Communism - B R Ambedkar - Introduction by Anand Teltumbde Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar , Anand Teltumbde
1841 cover India and EU : An Insider's View Bhaswati Mukherjee
1842 cover India and Europe in a Changing World: Context, Confrontation, Cooperation Rajendra K. Jain
1843 cover India and Global Governance: A Rising Power and Its Discontents Harsh V. Pant
1844 cover India and Iran in the Longue Durée Alka Patel (editor), Touraj Daryaee (editor)
1845 cover India and Israel: The Making of a Strategic Partnership Jayant Prasad, S. Samuel C. Rajiv (eds.)
1846 cover India and Its Emerging Foreign Policy Challenges Roshan Khanijo, Anurag Tripathi
1847 cover India and Its Neighbours : Renewed Threats and New Directions. S. K. Shah
1848 cover India and Japan Rajesh Basrur, Sumitha Narayanan Kutty
1849 cover India and Myanmar Borderlands: Ethnicity, Security and Connectivity Pahi Saikia and Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury
1850 cover India and Pakistan : a general and regional geography Spate, O. H. K.
1851 cover India and Pakistan: Friends, Rivals or Enemies? Duncan McLeod
1852 cover India and the Age of Crisis: The Local Politics of Global Economic and Ecological Fragility Michael Gillan, Robert Lambert
1853 cover India and the Anglosphere: Race, Identity and Hierarchy in International Relations Alexander E Davis
1854 cover India and the Arab Unrest : Challenges, Dilemmas and Engagements Prasanta Kumar Pradhan
1855 cover India and the British Empire Douglas M. Peers, Nandini Gooptu
1856 cover India and the Cold War Manu Bhagavan
1857 cover India and the Commonwealth 1885–1929 S. R. Mehrotra
1858 cover India and the Interregnum: Interim Government, September 1946–August 1947 Rakesh Ankit
1859 cover India and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime. The Perennial Outlier A. Vinod Kumar
1860 cover India and the Patent Wars: Pharmaceuticals in the New Intellectual Property Regime Murphy Halliburton, NEH CARES grant
1861 cover India and the Quest for One World: The Peacemakers Manu Bhagavan (auth.)
1862 cover India and the Republic of Korea: Engaged Democracies Skand R. Tayal
1863 cover India and the Responsibility to Protect (Rethinking Asia and International Relations) Alan Bloomfield
1864 cover India and the South Asian strategic triangle Ashok Kapur
1865 cover India and the World in the First Half of the Twentieth Century Madhavan K. Palat (editor)
1866 cover India and World War I: A Centennial Assessment Roger D Long
1867 cover India and World War II: War, Armed Forces, and Society, 1939-45 Kaushik Roy
1868 cover India as a Secular State Donald Eugene Smith
1869 cover India at a Turning Point: The Road to Good Governance T S R Subramanian
1870 cover INDIA AT TURNING POINT: The Road to Good Governance T.S.R. Subramanian
1871 cover India Bangladesh Domestic Politics: The River Ganges Water Issues Punam Pandey (auth.)
1872 cover India Before Modi: How the BJP Came to Power Vinay Sitapati
1873 cover India Black Carol K. Carr
1874 cover India Briefing, 1987 Marshall M. Bouton
1875 cover India China relations future perspectives B. R. Deepak, Devi Prasad Tripathi
1876 cover India China Space Capabilities: A Comparison Sanjay Kumar
1877 cover India China: Rethinking Borders and Security (Configurations: Critical Studies Of World Politics) L.H.M. Ling, Adriana Erthal Abdenur, Payal Banerjee, Nimmi Kurian, Mahendra P Lama, Li Bo
1878 cover India CSR Report 2019 : Trends and Prospects of CSR Girija Srinivasan, N. Srinivasan
1879 cover India Dissents: 3,000 Years of Difference, Doubt and Argument Ashok Vajpeyi
1880 cover India Emerging: From Policy Paralysis to Hyper Economics Sandip Sen, Aarohi Sen
1881 cover Political Science: Volume 4: India Engages the World Navnita Chadha Behera, Achin Vanaik (eds.)
1882 cover India Goes to School: Education Policy and Cultural Politics Shivali Tukdeo
1883 cover India Grows At Night: A Liberal Case for A Strong State Gurcharan Das
1884 cover India in a globalized world Sagarika Dutt
1885 cover India in a Reconnecting Eurasia: Foreign Economic and Security Interests Gulshan Sachdeva
1886 cover India in Africa:Changing Geographies of Power Mawdsley, Emma, McCann, Gerard
1887 cover India in Early Modern English Travel Writings: Protestantism, Enlightenment, and Toleration Rita Banerjee
1888 cover India In Edinburgh: 1750s to the Present Roger Jeffery (editor)
1889 cover India in Global Nuclear Governance Reshmi Kazi, Åshild Kolås
1890 cover India in South Asia : Domestic Identity Politics and Foreign Policy from Nehru to the BJP Sinderpal Singh
1891 cover India in South Asia: Challenges and Management Amit Ranjan
1892 cover India in the 21st Century Mira Kamdar
1893 cover India in the Era of Chinas Belt and Road Initiative: How Modi Responds to Xi Anil Sigdel
1894 cover India in the G20: Rule-Taker to Rule-maker Manjeet Kripalani
1895 cover India in the Italian Renaissance: Visions of a Contemporary Pagan World 1300-1600 Meera Juncu
1896 cover India in the New South ASIA: Strategic, Military and Economic Concerns in the Age of Nuclear Diplomacy B M Jain
1897 cover India in the Persianate Age Eaton, Richard
1898 cover India in the Persianate Age, 1000–1765 Richard M. Eaton
1899 cover India in the Second Space Age of Interplanetary Connectivity Chaitanya Giri
1900 cover India in the Second World War Gupta, Diya,
1901 cover India in the United Nations: Interplay of Interests and Principles C. S. R. Murthy
1902 cover India in the World since 1947: National and Transnational Perspectives Andreas Hilger (editor), Corinna R. Unger (editor)
1903 cover India in the World: 1500 to the Present Rajeshwari Dutt, Nico Slate (eds.)
1904 cover India in Transition: Issues of Political Economy in a Plural Society F Tomasson Jannuzi
1905 cover India Infrastructure Report 2011: Water: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development Infrastructure Development Finance Company IDFC
1906 cover India Is Broken: A People Betrayed, Independence to Today Ashoka Mody
1907 cover India Migration Report 2016: Gulf migration S. Irudaya Rajan
1908 cover India Migration Report 2017: Forced Migration S. Irudaya Rajan
1909 cover India Policy Forum 2016-17 : Volume 13. Bosworth, Barry, Muralidharan, Karthik, Shah, Shekhar
1910 cover India Reckoning: Rewards and Discontents of Democracy Bimal Jalan
1911 cover India Redefines its Role Shekhar Gupta
1912 cover India Shastra: Reflections on the Nation in Our Time Modī, Narendra,Tharoor, Shashi
1913 cover India Today [April 02, 2018] | A Rainbow Coalition or a Mirage? India Today
1914 cover India Today [April 16, 2018] | Dalit Power India Today
1915 cover India Today [April 23, 2018] | Trail by Fire India Today
1916 cover India Today: Economy, Politics and Society Jeffrey, Craig,Harriss, John,Corbridge, Stuart
1917 cover India Tomorrow: Conversations with the Next Generation of Political Leaders Pradeep Chhibber, Harsh Shah
1918 cover India Turns East: International Engagement and Us-China Rivalry Frédéric Grare
1919 cover India Unbound Das, Gurcharan
1920 cover India vs Pakistan - Why Can't we just be Friends? Haqqani, Husain
1921 cover India vs UK: The Story of an Unprecedented Diplomatic Win Syed Akbaruddin
1922 cover India vs. RSS Pinarayi Vijayan
1923 cover India 2020: Reference Annual Book NEW MEDIA WING
1924 cover India's Year Book, 1e: A Refresher Pavneet Singh
1925 cover India, Bharat and Pakistan: The Constitutional Journey of a Sandwiched Civilisation J. Sai Deepak
1926 cover India, China and the Strategic Himalayas Sangeeta Thapliyal
1927 cover India, China, and the World: A Connected History Tansen Sen
1928 cover India, Europe and Asia: Convergence and Divergence Rajendra K. Jain (editor)
1929 cover India, Pakistan, Ceylon W. Norman Brown (editor)
1930 cover India, Vietnam and the Indo-Pacific: Expanding Horizons Pankaj K Jha, Vo Xuan Vinh
1931 cover India: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries Md. Nazrul Islam, André van Amstel
1932 cover India: Political Ideas and the Making of a Democratic Discourse Gurpreet Mahajan
1933 cover India: priorities for the future Jalan, Bimal
1934 cover India: the crucial years Rajeswar, T.V
1935 cover India: The Last Superpower Hiroshi Hirabayashi
1936 cover India: The Most Dangerous Decades Selig S. Harrison
1937 cover India: The Seige Within Mj Akbar
1938 cover India: The Wasted Years Avay Shukla
1939 cover India–Africa Partnerships for Food Security and Capacity Building: South–South Cooperation (International Political Economy Series) Renu Modi (editor), Meera Venkatachalam (editor)
1940 cover India-Africa Relations: Changing Horizons Rajiv Bhatia
1941 cover India–Bangladesh Border Disputes: History and Post-LBA Dynamics Amit Ranjan
1942 cover India–Vietnam Relations: Development Dynamics and Strategic Alignment (Dynamics of Asian Development) Reena Marwah, Lê Thị Hằng Nga
1943 cover India’s Accommodation in the Emerging International Order: Challenges and Prospects Vikash Chandra
1944 cover India’s Africa Policy: Challenges of a Millennia-Old Relationship Philipp Gieg
1945 cover India’s Bangladesh Problem: The Marginalization of Bengali Muslims in Neoliberal Times Navine Murshid
1946 cover India’s Big Government: The Intrusive State & How It’s Hurting Us Vivek Kaul
1947 cover India’s Constitutional Identity: Ideological Beliefs And Preferences Bidyut Chakrabarty
1948 cover India’s Eastward Engagement: From Antiquity to Act East Policy S. D. Muni and Rahul Mishra
1949 cover India’s Energy Diplomacy in Eurasia: Geopolitical and Geo-economic Perspectives Aslam Khan, Sandeep Singh, Bawa Singh, Amandeep Kaur
1950 cover India’s First Dictatorship Christophe Jaffrelot, Pratinav Anil
1951 cover India’s Foreign Policy and Economic Challenges: Friends, Enemies and Controversies Silvio Beretta, Axel Berkofsky, Giuseppe Iannini
1952 cover India’s Foreign Policy and Regional Multilateralism Arndt Michael (auth.)
1953 cover India’s Founding Moment: The Constitution of a Most Surprising Democracy Madhav Khosla
1954 cover India’s Grand Strategy and Foreign Policy: Strategic Pluralism and Subcultures Bernhard Beitelmair-Berini
1955 cover India’s Great Power Politics: Managing China’s Rise Jo Inge Bekkevold (editor), S. Kalyanaraman (editor)
1956 cover India’s Human Security: Lost Debates, Forgotten People, Intractable Challenges Jason Miklian, Ashild Kolas
1957 cover India’s Ocean: The story of India’s bid for regional leadership David Brewster
1958 cover India’s Relations with Neighboring South and South East Asian Countries: Perspectives on Look East to Act East Policy (Dynamics of Asian Development) Lipi Ghosh (editor), Anasua Basu Ray Chaudhury (editor)
1959 cover India’s Scheduled Areas Untangling Governance, Law and Politics Varsha Bhagat-Ganguly, Sujit Kumar
1960 cover India’s Soft Power: A New Foreign Policy Strategy Patryk Kugiel
1961 cover India’s Strategy in the South China Sea Tridib Chakraborti and Mohor Chakraborty
1962 cover India-America Relations (1942-62): Rooted in the Liberal International Order Atul Bhardwaj
1963 cover India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA): The Rise of the Global South Oliver Stuenkel
1964 cover India-China Borderlands : Conversations Beyond the Centre Nimmi Kurian
1965 cover India-China Maritime Competition: The Security Dilemma at Sea Rajesh Manohar Basrur, Anit Mukherjee, T. V. Paul
1966 cover India-China Relations: Politics of Resources, Identity and Authority in a Multipolar World Order Jagannath Panda
1967 cover India-China-Nepal Decoding Trilateralism Pramod Jaiswal Geeta Kochhar
1968 cover India-Iran relations: progress, problems and prospects Cheema, Sujata Ashwarya
1969 cover India-Japan-ASEAN Triangularity: Emergence of a Possible Indo-Pacific Axis? Jagannath P. Panda
1970 cover Indian Polity 5th Edition M. Laxmikanth 5
1971 cover India-Pakistan Strategic Relations: The Nuclear Dilemma Christoph Bluth, Uzma Mumtaz
1972 cover India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation: The Unfinished Economic Agenda Nisha Taneja, Isha Dayal (eds.)
1973 cover India-Pakistan Trade: Strengthening Economic Relations Nisha Taneja, Sanjib Pohit (eds.)
1974 cover India-Russia Post Cold War Relations: A New Epoch of Cooperation Chandra Rekha
1975 cover India's 2009 Elections: Coalition Politics, Party Competition and Congress Continuity Paul Wallace, Ramashray Roy
1976 cover India's 2014 elections a modi-led bjp sweep Wallace, Paul
1977 cover India's Afghan Muddle Harsh V. Pant
1978 cover India's and Pakistan's Strategies in Afghanistan: Implications for the United States and the Region Larry Hanauer, Peter Chalk
1979 cover India's Approach to Border Management: From Barriers to Bridges Pushpita Das
1980 cover India's China Challenge: A Journey through China's Rise and What It Means for India Ananth Krishnan
1981 cover India's Communal Constitution: Law, Religion, and the Making of a People Mathew John
1982 cover India's Democracy: An Analysis of Changing State-Society Relations Atul Kohli (editor)
1983 cover India's Development Diplomacy & Soft Power in Africa Kenneth King (editor), Meera Venkatachalam (editor)
1984 cover India's Doctrine Puzzle: Limiting War in South Asia Ali Ahmed
1985 cover India's Emerging Energy Relations: Issues and Challenges Girijesh Pant (eds.)
1986 cover India's Experiment With Democracy S.Y. Quraishi
1987 cover India's First Dictatorship: The Emergency, 1975 -1977 Christophe Jaffrelot and Pratinav Anil
1988 cover India's first diplomat: V.S. Srinivasa Sastri and the making of liberal internationalism. Vineet Thakur
1989 cover India's Foreign Policy Discourse and Its Conceptions of World Order: The Quest for Power and Identity Thorsten Wojczewski
1990 cover India's Foreign Policy: Surviving in a Turbulent World Arvind Gupta and Anil Wadhwa
1991 cover India's Global Challenge: Growth and Leadership in the 21st Century Ugo Tramballi, Nicola Missaglia
1992 cover India's Glocal Leader: Chandrababu Naidu Tejaswini Pagadala
1993 cover India's Great Power Politics: Managing China's Rise Jo Inge Bekkevold, S Kalyanaraman
1994 cover India's Green Revolution: Economic Gains and Political Costs Francine R. Frankel
1995 cover India's Historical Demography: Studies in Famine, Disease and Society Tim Dyson (editor)
1996 cover India's Intelligence Culture and Strategic Surprises: Spying for South Block Dheeraj Paramesha Chaya
1997 cover India's Look East Policy and the Northeast Haokip, Thongkholal
1998 cover India's Low-Skilled Migration to the Middle East: Policies, Politics and Challenges S. Irudaya Rajan, Prem Saxena
1999 cover India's Marathon: Reshaping the Post-Pandemic World Order Takshashila Institution, Aparna Pande, Constantino Xavier, Manoj Kewalramani, Kunal Singh, Shruti Rajagopalan, James Dorsey, Anirudh Kanisetti (editor), Nitin Pai (editor), Pranay Kotasthane (editor)
2000 cover India's Missed Opportunity: India's Relationship With the Non Resident Indians M. C. Lall
2001 cover India's Moment Mohan Kumar
2002 cover India's Nuclear Proliferation Policy: The Impact of Secrecy on Decision Making, 1980-2010 Gaurav Kampani
2003 cover India's Ocean: The Story of India's Bid for Regional Leadership David Brewster
2004 cover India's Pakistan Conundrum: Managing a Complex Relationship Sharat Sabharwal
2005 cover India's Pakistan Policy: How Think Tanks Are Shaping Foreign Relations Stuti Bhatnagar
2006 cover India's Persistent Dilemma: The Political Economy of Agrarian Reform F Tomasson Jannuzi
2007 cover Indias Policy of Non-Reciprocity in South Asia: Unending Challenges Christian Carbone
2008 cover India's Political Economy, 1947-1977: The Gradual Revolution Francine R. Frankel
2009 cover India's Power Elite: Class, Caste and Cultural Revolution Sanjaya Baru
2010 cover India's Public Health Care Delivery - Policies for Universal Health Care Sanjeev Kelkar
2011 cover India's Quest for Security: Defence Policies 1947-1965 Lorne J. Kavic
2012 cover India's Relations With the International Monetary Fund (IMF): 25 Years in Perspective 1991-2016 V. Srinivas
2013 cover India's Rise as an Asian Power: Nation, Neighborhood, and Region Sandy Gordon
2014 cover India's Saudi Policy: Bridge to the Future P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar
2015 cover India's Singapore Story Narendra Modi
2016 cover India's Strategic Culture: The Making of National Security Policy Shrikant Paranjpe
2017 cover India's Undeclared Emergency: Constitutionalism and the Politics of Resistance Arvind Narrain
2018 cover India's World: How Prime Ministers Shaped Foreign Policy Rajiv Dogra
2019 cover India-South Asia Interface: Religion, Politics and the Wider World Partha S. Ghosh
2020 cover India-United States Cooperation on Global Security : Summary of a Workshop on Technical Aspects of Civilian Nuclear Materials Security India Bangalore National Institute for Advanced Studies, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control, Committee on India-United States Cooperation on Global Security: Technical Aspects of Civilian Nuclear Materials Security, Nabeel Mancheri, Rajaram Nagappa, Micah Lowenthal, Rita Guenther
2021 cover India-US Relations in the Age of Uncertainty: An Uneasy Courtship B. M. Jain
2022 cover Indigeneity, Citizenship and the State: Perspectives from India’s Northeast Kedilezo Kikhi, Amiya Kumar Das, Piyashi Dutta
2023 cover Indigenous Question, Land Appropriation, and Development: Understanding the Conflict in Jharkhand, India Gautam Pingali
2024 cover Indo Pacific Region Rajiv K Bhatia
2025 cover Indo-Burma Frontier and the Making of the Chin Hills: Empire and Resistance Pum Khan Pau
2026 cover Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Seeking Synergy in Bilateralism P R Chari (editor)
2027 cover Indo-US Relations: Steering through the Changing World Order Shveta Dhaliwal (editor)
2028 cover Indus Basin Uninterrupte: A History of Territory & Politics from Alexander to Nehru Uttam Kumar Sinha
2029 cover Industrialising Rural India: Land, Policy and Resistance Kenneth Nielsen, Patrik Oskarsson
2030 cover Infectious Disease in India, 1892–1940: Policy-Making and the Perception of Risk Sandhya L. Polu (auth.)
2031 cover Informal Labor, Formal Politics, and Dignified Discontent in India Rina Agarwala
2032 cover Infrastructure of Injustice: State and Politics in Manipur and Northeast India Raile Rocky Ziipao
2033 cover Inheritance, Hierarchy and Caste: Origins of Political Decay in India Dhananjay Soindaji Wanjari
2034 cover Inquilab : Bhagat Singh on Religion and Revolution S. Irfan Habib
2035 cover Inside Chhattisgarh : a political memoir Sen, Binayak, Sen, Ilina
2036 cover Inside ISI: The Story and Involvement of the ISI in Afghan Jihad, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, 26/11 and the Future of Al-Qaeda S. K. Datta
2037 cover Inside Out India and China : Local Politics Go Global William Antholis
2038 cover Inside parliament: views from the front row O'Brien, Derek
2039 cover Institutional Change and Power Asymmetry in the Context of Rural India Amar Patnaik
2040 cover Intelligence Surveillance, Security Sector Reforms, Accountability Principles and National Security Challenges Within European Union Musa Jalalzai
2041 cover Internal Security in India: Violence, Order, and the State Amit Ahuja, Devesh Kapur (eds.)
2042 cover International Relations: Perspectives from the Global South B. S. Chimni, Siddharth Mallavarapu
2043 cover Interplay of Domestic Politics and Foreign-Security Policy of Iran Dr Shah Alam
2044 cover Interpreting Contemporary India Nageshwar, Prof, K
2045 cover Interpreting Politics: Situated Knowledge, India, and the Rudolph Legacy John Echeverri-Gent, Kamal Sadiq
2046 cover Interrogating Communalism: Violence, Citizenship and Minorities in South India Salah Punathil
2047 cover Intimate Visualities and the Politics of Fandom in India Roos Gerritsen
2048 cover Intractable Conflicts in Contemporary India: Narratives and Social Movements Savyasaachi
2049 cover Investing in India, + Website: A Value Investor’s Guide to the Biggest Untapped Opportunity in the World Rahul Saraogi
2050 cover Investment in Empire: British Railway and Steam Shipping Enterprise in India, 1825-1849 Daniel Thorner
2051 cover Iran’s Nuclear Program and the Global South: The Foreign Policy of India, Brazil, and South Africa Michal Onderco (auth.)
2052 cover Ireland, India and empire: Indo–Irish radical connections, 1919–64 Kate O'Malley
2053 cover Irish Imperial Networks: Migration, Social Communication and Exchange in Nineteenth-Century India Barry Crosbie
2054 cover Jaffna Street: Tales of Life, Death, Betrayal and Survival in Kashmir Mir Khalid
2055 cover Jammu and Kashmir Dilemma of Accession: A Historical Analysis and Lesson Radha Rajan
2056 cover JNU: NATIONALISM AND INDIA’S UNCIVIL WAR Makarand R. Paranjape
2057 cover John Bullion's Empire: Britain's Gold Problem and India Between the Wars G. Balachandran
2058 cover Judges of the Supreme Court of India: 1950-89 George H. Gadbois
2059 cover Jugalbandi: The BJP Before Modi Vinay Sitapati
2060 cover Kannur: inside india's bloodiest revenge politics Ullekh, N. P
2061 cover Kashmir : an Affair of Continued Existence. A. K. Ganguly
2062 cover Kashmir after 2019: Completing the Partition Werner Menski (editor), Muneeb Yousuf (editor)
2063 cover Kashmir Face-Off India's Quandary: Options for India A K Ganguly
2064 cover Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan and the Unending War Victoria Schofield
2065 cover Kashmir, Tibet, India-China War & Nehru Rajnikant Puranik
2066 cover Kashmir: Rage and Reason Gowhar Geelani
2067 cover KASHMIR: the vajpayee years ADITYA SINHA, A. S.DULAT,Dulat, Amarjit Singh,Vajpayee, Atal Bihari
2068 cover Keeping India safe: the dilemma of internal security Balachandran, Vappala
2069 cover Keeping the Jewel in the Crown: The British Betrayal of India Reid, Walter
2070 cover Keywords for India : A Conceptual Lexicon for the 21st Century Rukmini Bhaya Nair and Peter Ronald deSouza
2071 cover Keywords for Modern India Craig Jeffrey, John Harriss
2072 cover Kindling of an Insurrection: Notes from Junglemahals Chandan Sinha
2073 cover Kings, Spirits and Memory in Central India: Enchanting the State Aditya Pratap Deo
2074 cover Kitab-e-Sansad John Michael &, Sai Sanjit
2075 cover Labour, state and society in rural India: A class-relational approach Jonathan Pattenden
2076 cover Lalgarh and the legend of Kishanji : tales from India's Maoist movement Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
2077 cover Land Acquisition and Compensation in India: Mysteries of Valuation Sattwick Dey Biswas
2078 cover Land and Society in Early South Asia: Eastern India 400–1250 AD Ryosuke Furui
2079 cover Land Dispossession and Everyday Politics in Rural Eastern India Kenneth Bo Nielsen
2080 cover Land Economics and Policy in Developing Countries Prasanna K Mohanty
2081 cover Land Law in India Astha Saxena
2082 cover Land Policies in India : Promises, Practices and Challenges Davy, Benjamin, Jacobs, Harvey M., Pellissery, Sony
2083 cover Land Reforms to Land Titling: Emerging Paradigms of Land Governance in India Pradeep Nayak
2084 cover Land Rights in India: Policies, movements and challenges Varsha Bhagat-Ganguly (editor)
2085 cover Land, Water, Language and Politics in Andhra: Regional Evolution in India Since 1850 Brian Stoddart
2086 cover Language Policy and Education in India: Documents, Contexts and Debates M. Sridhar and Sunita Mishra
2087 cover Language Politics and Public Sphere in North India: Making of the Maithili Movement Mithilesh Kumar Jha
2088 cover Latin America and the Asian Giants: Evolving Ties With China and India Riordan Roett, Guadalupe Paz
2089 cover Law and Muslim Political Thought in Late Colonial North India Adeel Hussain
2090 cover Law and Social Policy in the Global South: Brazil, China, India, South Africa Ulrike Davy, Albert H.Y. Chen
2091 cover Laws and Policies on Surrogacy: Comparative Insights from India Harleen Kaur
2092 cover Leaders, Politicians, Citizens: Fifty Figures Who Influenced India’s Politics Kidwai, Rasheed
2093 cover Leadership India : leading change, changing lives Bhaskar Chatterjee, Saugata Mitra
2094 cover Left Radicalism in India Bidyut Chakrabarty
2095 cover Legal Regulation of Private Actors in Outer Space: India’s Role Malay Adhikari
2096 cover Legitimacy of Power: The Permanence of Five in the Security Council Dilip Sinha
2097 cover Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism, and the State: A Biography of Gujarat Nikita Sud
2098 cover Liberty After Freedom: A History of Article 21, Due Process and the Constitution of India Rohan J. Alva
2099 cover Life Among the Scorpions: Memoirs of a Woman in Indian Politics Jaya Jaitly [Jaitly, Jaya]
2100 cover Life Histories of Women Panchayat Sarpanches from Haryana, India : From the Margins to the Center Pareena Lawrence, Kavita Chakravarty
2101 cover Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order (Palgrave Studies in International Relations) Aleš Karmazin
2102 cover Little Bangladesh: Voices from America Zahir Ahmed
2103 cover Liveable Lives: Living and Surviving LGBTQ Equalities in India and the UK Niharika Banerjea, Kath Browne
2104 cover Lives of Muslims in India: Politics, Exclusion and Violence Abdul Shaban
2105 cover Living with Oil and Coal:Resource Politics and Militarization in Northeast India Dolly Kikon
2106 cover Local Government in India Pardeep Sachdeva
2107 cover Localizing Governance in India Bidyut Chakrabarty
2108 cover Locating India in the Contemporary International Legal Order Srinivas Burra, R. Rajesh Babu
2109 cover Look East Policy and Act East Policy:: South East Asian Economic Integration of India Saikia, Hemanta
2110 cover Look east to act east policy. Implications for India's Northeast Das, Gurudas,Thomas, C. Joshua
2111 cover Looking Back into the Future: Identity and Insurgency in Northeast India M.S. Prabhakara
2112 cover Lovers of God. Sufism and the Politics of Islam in Medieval India Raziuddin Aquil
2113 cover Lutyens’ Maverick: Ground realities, Hard choices and Tomorrow’s India Baijayant Jay Panda
2114 cover Mainstreaming the Marginalised: Fresh Perspectives on India’s Tribal Story Seemita Mohanty (editor)
2115 cover Mainstreaming the Northeast in India’s Look and Act East Policy Atul Sarma, Saswati Choudhury (eds.)
2116 cover Make it in India: Global CEOs, Indo-US Insights Huskey, Joanne Grady,Manian, Ranjini
2117 cover Making a Muslim: Reading Publics and Contesting Identities in Nineteenth-Century North India S. Akbar Zaidi
2118 cover Making Bureaucracy Work: Norms, Education and Public Service Delivery in Rural India Akshay Mangla
2119 cover Making Growth Happen in India : A Road Map for Policy Success V. Kumaraswamy
2120 cover Making India Great: The Promise of a Reluctant Global Power Aparna Pande
2121 cover Making News in Global India: Media, Publics, Politics Sahana Udupa
2122 cover Making Refugees in India (Oxford Historical Monographs) Ria Kapoor
2123 cover Making Sense of Modi's India Various
2124 cover Malevolent republic: a short history of the New India Komireddi, K. S.,Modī, Narendra
2125 cover Mamata: Beyond 2021 Jayanta Ghosal
2126 cover Management of Irrigation and Water Supply Under Climatic Extremes: Empirical Analysis and Policy Lessons from India (Global Issues in Water Policy, 25) M. Dinesh Kumar (editor), Yusuf Kabir (editor), Rushabh Hemani (editor), Nitin Bassi (editor)
2127 cover Managing Conflicts in India : Policies of Coercion and Accommodation Bidisha Biswas
2128 cover Managing India: The Idea of the Iims and Its Changing Contexts R Rajesh Babu, Manish Thakur
2129 cover Managing Persistent Organic Pollutants in India: Case Studies on Vapi and Surat, Gujarat (Emerging Contaminants and Associated Treatment Technologies) Paromita Chakraborty (editor), Luca Nizzetto (editor), Girija Bharat (editor), Eirik Steindal (editor), Satish Sinha (editor)
2130 cover Mandi, Market and Modi - The BJP government’s efforts to remake India’s agricultural economy for large private players Hartosh Singh Bal
2131 cover Maoism in India and Nepal Ranjit Bhushan
2132 cover Maoists in India: Writings and Interviews Azad
2133 cover Mapping Identity-Induced Marginalisation in India: Inclusion and Access in the Land of Unequal Opportunities Raosaheb K Kale (editor), Sanghmitra S Acharya (editor)
2134 cover Marginalities and Mobilities among India’s Muslims (Religion and Citizenship) Tanweer Fazal (editor), Divya Vaid (editor), Surinder S. Jodhka (editor)
2135 cover Marginality in India: Perspectives of Marginalisation from the Northeast Kedilezo Kikhi, Dharma Rakshit Gautam
2136 cover Marketing Terrorism: The Continental Fear from Middle East to Asia & Africa Noor Dahri
2137 cover Marriage, Love, Caste and Kinship Support: Lived Experiences of the Urban Poor in India Shalini Grover
2138 cover Married to the empire: Gender, politics and imperialism in India, 1883–1947 Mary A. Procida
2139 cover Marx in the 21st Century: A Critical Introduction Sebastiano Maffettone
2140 cover Marxism in India Kiran Maitra
2141 cover Marxism: With and Beyond Marx Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Amita Chatterjee
2142 cover Maverick Messiah: A Political Biography of N.T. Rama Rao Ramesh Kandula
2143 cover Maya, Modi, Azad Sudha Pai, Sajjan Kumar
2144 cover Mediascape and the State: a Geographical Interpretation of Image Politics in Uttar Pradesh, India Moinuddin, Shekh
2145 cover Megacity Slums : Social Exclusion, Space and Urban Policies in Brazil and India Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, Frederic Landy (eds.)
2146 cover Memories and Postmemories of the Partition of India Anjali Gera Roy
2147 cover Micro-institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia Roselyn Hsueh
2148 cover Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy: India, South Africa and the Doha Development Agenda Charalampos Efstathopoulos (auth.)
2149 cover Midnight's Borders: A People's History of Modern India Suchitra Vijayan
2150 cover Migrants and Machine Politics: How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness Adam Michael Auerbach, Tariq Thachil
2151 cover Migration and Development in India: The Bihar Experience Amrita Datta
2152 cover Migration, Workers, and Fundamental Freedoms: Pandemic Vulnerabilities and States of Exception in India Asha Hans, Kalpana Kannabiran, Manoranjan Mohanty, Pushpendra
2153 cover Migrations in Medieval and Early Colonial India Vijaya Ramaswamy (editor)
2154 cover Migrations, Identities and Democratic Practices in India Samir Kumar Das
2155 cover Militant Publics in India: Physical Culture and Violence in the Making of a Modern Polity Arafaat A. Valiani (auth.)
2156 cover Military Supply Chain Management and People's Liberation Army Logistics Rajiv Chauhan
2157 cover Missing In Action Pranay Kotasthane, Raghu Sanjaylal Jaitley
2158 cover Mission Bengal: A Saffron Experiment Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
2159 cover Mission Mars: India's Quest for the Red Planet Ajey Lele (auth.)
2160 cover Modernization and Kin Network Danesh A. Chekki
2161 cover Modi and Godhra The Fiction of Fact Finding Manoj Mitta
2162 cover Modi demystified: the making of a prime minister Modī, Narendra,Ramesh Menon
2163 cover Modi Doctrine: the Foreign Policy of India's Prime Minister Sreeram Sundar Chaulia
2164 cover Modi’s World: Expanding India’s Sphere of Influence C. Raja Mohan
2165 cover Modi's India : Hindu nationalism and the rise of ethnic democracy Christophe Jaffrelot, Cynthia Schoch
2166 cover Monuments, Power and Poverty in India: From Ashoka to the Raj AS Christian Bhalla
2167 cover More India and Less China: Germany Needs a New Policy on Asia Urs Schoettli, Alfred Clayton
2168 cover Movers and Shakers: Prime Ministers of India 1947 to 2009 Scharada Dubey [Dubey, Scharada]
2169 cover Muslim Politics in Bihar: Changing Contours Mohammad Sajjad
2170 cover My Enemy’s Enemy: India in Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion to the US Withdrawal Paliwal, Avinash
2171 cover Nabarun Bhattacharya : Aesthetics and Politics in a World after Ethics Bhattacharya, Sourit, Chattopadhyay, Arka, Sengupta, Samrat
2172 cover Narendra Modi : a political biography Andy Marino.
2173 cover Nation and Family: Personal Law, Cultural Pluralism, and Gendered Citizenship in India Narendra Subramanian
2174 cover Nation, Nationalism and the Public Sphere: Religious Politics in India Avishek Ray and Ishita Banerjee-Dube
2175 cover National Building Code of India 2016 Volume 2
2176 cover National Security in the New World Order: Government and the Technology of Information Andrea Monti, Raymond Wacks
2177 cover Nationalism in the Vernacular: State, Tribes, and Politics of Peace in Northeast India Roluahpuia
2178 cover Nationalism, Language, and Identity in India: Measures of Community AP Ashwin Kumar
2179 cover Negotiating Democracy and Religious Pluralism: India, Pakistan, and Turkey Karen Barkey, Sudipta Kaviraj, Vatsal Naresh
2180 cover Negotiating Terrain in Local Governance: Freedom, Functioning and Barriers of Women Councillors in India (Local and Urban Governance) Riya Banerjee, Gopa Samanta
2181 cover Nehru, Tibet and China A. S. Bhasin
2182 cover Neighbourhoods and Neighbourliness in Urban South Asia: Subjectivities and Spatiality Sadan Jha (editor), Dev Nath Pathak (editor)
2183 cover Neo-Liberal Strategies of Governing India Ranabir Samaddar
2184 cover Neoliberalism and Women in India: Governmentality Perspectives U. Kalpagam
2185 cover Neoliberalism in the Emerging Economy of India: The Political Economy of International Trade, Investment and Finance Byasdeb Dasgupta, Archita Ghosh, Bishakha Ghosh
2186 cover Neoliberalism, Critical Pedagogy and Education Ravi Kumar (editor)
2187 cover Nepal - India Open Borders: Problems and Prospects Lok Raj Baral, Uddab P Pyakurel
2188 cover Nepal and the Geo-Strategic Rivalry between China and India Sanjay Upadhya
2189 cover Nepal Between China and India: Difficulty of Being Neutral Gaurav Bhattarai
2190 cover Netaji For You Satyam Roy Chowdhury
2191 cover New Dimensions in Federal Discourse in India Rekha Saxena (editor)
2192 cover New Media and Public Diplomacy: Political Communication in India, the United States and China Parama Sinha Palit
2193 cover New Subjects and New Governance in India Ranabir Samaddar, Suhit K. Sen
2194 cover Nigeria-India Relations in a Changing World Sharkdam Wapmuk
2195 cover Ninety Days: The True Story of the Hunt for Rajiv Gandhi's Assassins Anirudhya Mitra
2196 cover No Land's People: The Untold Story of Assam's NRC Crisis Abhishek Saha
2197 cover Noncooperation in India: Nonviolent Strategy and Protest, 1920-22 David Hardiman
2198 cover Nontraditional Security Concerns in India: Issues and Challenges Shantesh Kumar Singh (editor), Shri Prakash Singh (editor)
2199 cover Nonviolent Resistances in the Contemporary World: Case Studies from India, Poland, and Turkey Nalanda Roy
2200 cover Northeast India and India's ACT East Policy: Identifying the Priorities Taylor, Francis Group
2201 cover Northeast India Through the Ages: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Prehistory, History, and Oral History Rituparna Bhattacharyya
2202 cover Northeast India: A Place of Relations Yasmin Saikia (editor), Amit R. Baishya (editor)
2203 cover Northeastern India and Its Neighbours: Negotiating Security and Development Rakhee Bhattacharya
2204 cover Not War, Not Peace?: Motivating Pakistan to Prevent Cross-Border Terrorism George Perkovich, Toby Dalton
2205 cover Note-Bandi: Demonetisation and India’s Elusive Chase for Black Money R. Ramakumar (ed.)
2206 cover NTR: A Political Biography Ramachandra Murthy Kondubhatla
2207 cover Nuclear Power, Economic Development Discourse and the Environment : The Case of India Manu V. Mathai
2208 cover Numbers in India's periphery the political economy of government statistics Ankush Agrawal, Vikas Kumar
2209 cover Of Captivity and Resistance: Women Political Prisoners in Postcolonial India Sharmila Purkayastha
2210 cover Of Women ‘Inside’ : Prison Voices from India Rani Dhavan Shankardass
2211 cover Old History, New Geography: Bifurcating Andhra Pradesh Jairam Ramesh
2212 cover Omar led coalition government launched all round developmental & welfare activities during last two years : brief summary of two years achievements Jammu and Kashmir (India), Kh Farooq Renzu Shah
2213 cover On the Edge of Empire: Four British Plans for North East India, 1941–1947 David R Syiemlieh (editor)
2214 cover One Hundred Years of Social Protection: The Changing Social Question in Brazil, India, China, and South Africa (Global Dynamics of Social Policy) Lutz Leisering (editor)
2215 cover Open Markets, Free Trade and Sustainable Development: Perspectives from EU and India Mahendra Pal Singh, Wolfram Cremer, Niraj Kumar
2216 cover Openings for Peace: UNSCR 1325, Women and Security in India Asha Hans, Swarna Rajagopalan, Anwarul K. Chowdhury
2217 cover Operation Cactus - Anatomy of one of India’s Most Daring Military Operations Ashok Chordia
2218 cover Our Freedoms: Essays and Stories from India’s Best Writers Nilanjana S Roy (ed.)
2219 cover Our India: Reflections on a Nation Betwixt and Between Capt. G R Gopinath
2220 cover Panthers In Parliament: Dalits, Caste, and Political Power in South India Hugo Gorringe
2221 cover Paper Tiger: Law, Bureaucracy and the Developmental State in Himalayan India Nayanika Mathur
2222 cover Paper, Performance, and the State: Social Change and Political Culture in Mughal India Farhat Hasan
2223 cover Parliament in India W. H. Morris-Jones
2224 cover Parliamental Meghnad S
2225 cover Parliaments in South Asia: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Nizam Ahmed
2226 cover Partition of India: Postcolonial Legacies Amit Ranjan
2227 cover Party Politics in India Myron Weiner
2228 cover Passages of Play in Urban India: People, Media, Objects, and Spaces in Mumbai's Slum Localities Prasad Khanolkar
2229 cover Passionate politics: Democracy, development and India’s 2019 general election Indrajit Roy (editor)
2230 cover Patel: Political Ideas and Policies Shakti Sinha, Himanshu Roy
2231 cover Pedagogies for Development: The Politics and Practice of Child-Centred Education in India Arathi Sriprakash (auth.)
2232 cover Pedagogy in Practice: Project-Based Learning in Media Policy and Governance Biswajit Das, Santosh Panda, Vibodh Parthasarathi
2233 cover Pension Reform in India: The Unfinished Agenda Hira Sadhak
2234 cover Pensions and Informal Sector in India Amlan Ghosh
2235 cover Pentecostalism and Politics of Conversion in India Sarbeswar Sahoo
2236 cover People-Party-Policy Interplay in India: Micro-dynamics of Everyday Politics in West Bengal, c. 2008 – 2016 Suman Nath
2237 cover Performance and Knowledge G. N. Devy and Geoffrey V. Davis
2238 cover Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from South India Cathy Turner (editor), Sharada Srinivasan (editor), Jerri Daboo (editor), Anindya Sinha (editor)
2239 cover Perilous Interventions: The Security Council and the Politics of Chaos Hardeep Singh Puri
2240 cover Persian Gulf 2018: India's Relations with the Region P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar, Manjari Singh
2241 cover Persian Gulf 2019: India’s Relations with the Region P. R. Kumaraswamy, Md. Muddassir Quamar
2242 cover Persian Gulf 2021–22: India’s Relations with the Region Sameena Hameed, Md. Muddassir Quamar, P. R. Kumaraswamy
2243 cover Persian Gulf 2023: India’s Relations with the Region Md. Muddassir Quamar, Sameena Hameed, P. R. Kumaraswamy
2244 cover Persistence of Poverty in India Nandini Gooptu (editor), Jonathan Parry (editor)
2245 cover Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Development: Insights for Policy-Making in India Supravat Bagli, Gagari Chakrabarti, Prithviraj Guha
2246 cover Perspectives on Economic Development and Policy in India: In Honour of Suresh D. Tendulkar K.L. Krishna, Vishwanath Pandit, K. Sundaram, Pami Dua (eds.)
2247 cover Perspectives on Inclusive Policies for Development in India: In Honour of Prof. R. Radhakrishna Saiyed Raza Hashim, Rahul Mukherji, Brajaraja Mishra
2248 cover Perspectives on the Blue Economy Vijay Sakhuja, Kapil Narula
2249 cover Pieces of Earth: The Politics of Land-Grabbing in Kashmir Peer Ghulam Nabi Suhail
2250 cover Pivot to Asia: Russia's Foreign Policy Enters the 21st Century Alexander Lukin
2251 cover Planning Democracy: How A Professor, An Institute, And An Idea Shaped India Nikhil Menon
2252 cover Planning Democracy: Modern India's Quest for Development Nikhil Menon
2253 cover Playing with Nature: History and Politics of Environment in North-East India Nag, Sajal(Editor)
2254 cover Plural Languages, Plural Cultures: Communication, Identity, and Sociopolitical Change in Contemporary India Lachman M. Khubchandani
2255 cover Poetry as Resistance: Islam and Ethnicity in Postcolonial Pakistan Nukhbah Taj Langah
2256 cover Police and Political Development in India David H. Bayley
2257 cover Police Corruption in Comparative Perspective: Building Trust in the Police in India and China George Chak Man Lee
2258 cover Police Matters: The Everyday State and Caste Politics in South India, 1900–1975 Radha Kumar
2259 cover Police Respond to Terrorism: Case Studies from India, France, Belgium, and England Garth den Heyer
2260 cover Policing ‘Bengali Terrorism’ in India and the World: Imperial Intelligence and Revolutionary Nationalism, 1905-1939 Michael Silvestri
2261 cover Policy Choices in Internal Conflicts: Governing Systems and Outcomes V. R. Raghavan
2262 cover Policymaker's Journal: From New Delhi to Washington D.C. Kaushik Basu
2263 cover Political Communication in Contemporary India Yatindra Singh Sisodia (editor), Pratip Chattopadhyay (editor)
2264 cover Political Conflict and Arms Control: Pakistan-India Policy Analysis 1988–2008 Mehmood, Nasir
2265 cover Political Economy of Agricultural Development in India Akina Venkateswarlu
2266 cover Political Economy of Caste in India K S Chalam
2267 cover Political Economy of Class, Caste and Gender: A Study of Rural Dalit Labourers in India Ishita Mehrotra
2268 cover Political Economy of Contemporary India R Nagaraj, Sripad Motiram
2269 cover Political Economy of Development in India: Indigeneity in Transition in the State of Kerala Darley Jose Kjosavik, Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam
2270 cover Political Economy of Social Change and Development in Nepal Jeevan R. Sharma
2271 cover Political Imaginaries in Twentieth-Century India Manu Goswami (editor), Mrinalini Sinha (editor)
2272 cover Political Musings: Asia in the Spotlight Sanu Kainikara
2273 cover Political Parties, Party Manifestos and Elections in India, 1909-2014 R. K. Tiwari
2274 cover Political Representation In India: Ideas and Contestations, 1908-1951 Abhay V Datar
2275 cover Political Thought in Action: The Bhagavad Gita and Modern India Dr Shruti Kapila, Dr Faisal Devji
2276 cover Political Thought in Indic Civilization Himanshu Roy (editor)
2277 cover Political Tolerance in the Global South: Images of India, Pakistan and Uganda Sten Widmalm
2278 cover Political Transition and Development Imperatives in India Ranabir Samaddar, Suhit K. Sen
2279 cover Political violence in ancient India Singh, Upinder
2280 cover Politicizing Islam : the Islamic revival in France and India Parvez, Z. Fareen
2281 cover Politics and Policies for Water Resources Management in India M. Dinesh Kumar
2282 cover Politics and Religion in India Narender Kumar
2283 cover Politics and Society between Elections: Public Opinion in India’s States Siddharth Swaminathan, Suhas Palshikar
2284 cover Politics and Society in India C. H. Philips (editor)
2285 cover Politics as Social Text in India: The Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh Jayabrata Sarkar
2286 cover Politics from Below: Essays on Subalternity and Resistance in India Alf Gunvald Nilsen
2287 cover Politics in India Since Independence: Textbook in Political Science for Class XII Various
2288 cover Politics in India: Structure, Process and Policy Mitra, Subrata K
2289 cover Politics in India: Structure, Process and Policy Subrata K. Mitra 2
2290 cover Politics of Education in India: A Perspective from Below Ramdas Rupavath
2291 cover Politics of Jugaad: The Coalition Handbook Saba Naqvi
2292 cover Politics of Preference: India, United States, and South Africa Krishna K. Tummala Ph.D
2293 cover Politics of Renunciation: Centered Around Deendayal Upadhyaya D P Tripathi
2294 cover Politics of Representation: Historically Disadvantaged Groups in India’s Democracy Sudha Pai (editor), Sukhadeo Thorat (editor)
2295 cover Politics of the ’Other’ in India and China: Western concepts in non-Western contexts Lion König, Bidisha Chaudhuri
2296 cover Politics of the Poor: Negotiating Democracy in Contemporary India Indrajit Roy
2297 cover Politics of Water Conservation: Delivering Development in Rural Rajasthan, India Saurabh Gupta (auth.)
2298 cover Politics, Ethics and Emotions in ‘New India’ (Reshaping India) Ajay Gudavarthy
2299 cover Politics, Ethics and the Self: Re-reading Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj Rajeev Bhargava (editor)
2300 cover Politics, Kingship, and Poetry in Medieval South India: Moonset on Sunrise Mountain Whitney Cox
2301 cover Politics, policy and higher education in India Chowdhury, Sunandan Roy
2302 cover Popular Democracy and the Politics of Caste: Rise of the Other Backward Classes in India Satendra Kumar
2303 cover Population and the Political Imagination: Census, Register and Citizenship in India R. B. Bhagat
2304 cover Population Control Policies in China and India Gabe T. Wang
2305 cover Populism and Its Limits: After Articulation Prasanta Chakravarty
2306 cover Populism And Patronage: Why Populists Win Elections In India, Asia, And Beyond Paul D. Kenny
2307 cover Populism and Power : Farmers' Movement in Western India, 1980--2014 D. N. Dhanagare
2308 cover Portuguese Colonial Military in India: Apparition of Control, 1750--1850 Teddy Y.H. Sim
2309 cover Postscripts on Independence: Foreign Policy Ideas, Identity, and Institutions in India and South Africa Vineet Thakur
2310 cover Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India Atul Kohli
2311 cover Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India A. S. Bhalla, Dan Luo (auth.)
2312 cover Power and diplomacy: India's foreign policies during the Cold War Zorawar Daulet Singh
2313 cover Power of Bonding and Non-Western Emerging Great Powers Engagement: Comparing China and India’s Soft Power Strategy in Pakistan Nazmul Islam
2314 cover Power of Bonding and Non-Western Soft Power Strategy in Iran: Comparing China and India's Engagement Md. Nazmul Islam
2315 cover Power, Policy, and Protest: The Politics of India's Special Economic Zones Rob Jenkins, Loraine Kennedy, Partha Mukhopadhyay
2316 cover Powerless : India's Energy Shortage and Its Impact Sam Tranum
2317 cover Powershift: India-China Relations in a Multipolar World Zorawar Daulet Singh
2318 cover Practices in Power System Management in India J Raja, P Ajay-D-Vimal Raj, S Rajasekar
2319 cover Presidential Legislation in India: The Law and Practice of Ordinances Shubhankar Dam
2320 cover Price of the Modi Years Aakar Patel
2321 cover Princely India and the British: Political Development and the Operation of Empire Caroline Keen
2322 cover Princely India Re-imagined: A Historical Anthropology of Mysore from 1799 to the present Aya Ikegame
2323 cover Private and Controversial: When Privacy and Public Health Meet in India Smriti Parsheera
2324 cover Productivity Dynamics in Emerging and Industrialized Countries Deb Kusum Das (editor)
2325 cover Progressive Fiscal Policy in India Praveen K Jha
2326 cover Property, Land, Revenue, and Policy: The East India Company, C.1757–1825 J. Albert Rorabacher
2327 cover Prospect of Biological and Nuclear Terrorism in Central Asia and Russia: Foreign Fighters, the ISIS, Chechens Extremists, Katibat-I-Imam Bukhari ... Movement of Uzbekistan and the Al Nusra Front Musa Khan Jalalzai
2328 cover Prostitution and the Ends of Empire: Scale, Governmentalities, and Interwar India Stephen Legg
2329 cover Protest in Democratic India Authority’s Response to Challenge Leslie J. Calman
2330 cover Provisional Authority: Police, Order, and Security in India Beatrice Jauregui
2331 cover Psychology, development and social policy in India Tripathi, R C(Editor),Sinha, Yoganand(Editor)
2332 cover Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan Meghna Sabharwal, Evan M. Berman
2333 cover Public Administration in the 21st Century: A Global South Perspective Rumki Basu
2334 cover Public Policies and Sustainable Development in Post-Reform India: Regional Responses and the Way Forward (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, 71) Mukunda Mishra (editor), Subrata Saha (editor), Madhabendra Sinha (editor)
2335 cover Public Policy in India Rajesh Chakrabarti, Kaushiki Sanyal
2336 cover Quality of Secondary Education in India: Concepts, Indicators, and Measurement Charu Jain, Narayan Prasad
2337 cover Queer Politics in India - Towards Sexual Subaltern Subjects Shraddha Chatterjee
2338 cover Race and Power in British India: Anglo-Indians, Class and Identity in the Nineteenth Century Valerie Anderson
2339 cover Radical Politics and Governance in India's North East: The Case of Tripura Harihar Bhattacharyya
2340 cover Raising Cane: The Political Economy of Sugar in Western India Donald W. Attwood
2341 cover Rajarhat beyond Kolkata: The Dystopia of Urban Imagination Ishita Dey, Ranabir Samaddar, Suhit K. Sen
2342 cover Rajiv Gandhi to Narendra Modi : Broken Polity, Flickering Reforms Parsa Venkateshwar Rao Jr
2343 cover Rajneeti Rajneeti: A Biography of Rajnath Singh
2344 cover Reading Postcolonial Theory: Key texts in context Bibhash Choudhury
2345 cover Recognition of the Rights of Domestic Workers in India: Challenges and the Way Forward Upasana Mahanta, Indranath Gupta
2346 cover Red Star Over India : As the Wretched Of The Earth Are Rising Jan Myrdal
2347 cover Re-Energising Indian Intelligence Manoj Shrivastava
2348 cover Reform Nation: From the Constraints of P.V. Narasimha Rao to the Convictions of Narendra Modi Gautam Chikermane
2349 cover Re-forming India: The Nation Today (City Plans) Niraja Gopal Jayal
2350 cover Re-framing Democracy and Agency in India: Interrogating Political Society Ajay Gudavarthy (editor)
2351 cover Refugee Law in India : The Road from Ambiguity to Protection Sarker, Shuvro Prosun
2352 cover Refugees, Borders and Identities : Rights and Habitat in East and Northeast India Anindita Ghoshal
2353 cover Regional Political Ecologies and Environmental Conflicts in India Sarmistha Pattanaik (editor), Amrita Sen (editor)
2354 cover Regional Satraps and the Battle for India Foreign Policy Kalyani Shankar
2355 cover Reimagining India: Unlocking the Potential of Asia's Next Superpower McKinsey &, Company Inc.
2356 cover Foundations of Misery: Part-I : India, 1947-64 Rajnikant Puranik
2357 cover Re-Interrogating Civil Society in South Asia: Critical Perspectives from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Peter B. Andersen (editor), Rubya Mehdi (editor), Amit Prakash (editor)
2358 cover Reinventing India Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy Corbridge, Stuart,Harriss, John
2359 cover Religion and Gender in the Developing World: Faith-Based Organizations and Feminism in India (Library of Development Studies) Tamsin Bradley
2360 cover Religion and Politics in Jammu and Kashmir Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay (editor), Mohita Bhatia (editor)
2361 cover Religion and the Specter of the West: Sikhism, India, Postcoloniality, and the Politics of Translation Arvind-Pal Mandair
2362 cover Religious Conversion: Indian Disputes and Their European Origins Sarah Claerhout, Jakob De Roover
2363 cover Remarkable Contributions : India’s Women Leaders and Management Practices Akanksha Anand
2364 cover Remembering Revolution: Gender, Violence, and Subjectivity in India's Naxalbari Movement Srila Roy
2365 cover Renaissance State: The Unwritten Story of the Making of Maharashtra Girish Kuber
2366 cover Renunciation and Untouchability in India: The Notional and the Empirical in the Caste Order Srinivasa Ramanujam
2367 cover Reorganising the Air Force for Future Operations A K Tiwari
2368 cover Reporting the Raj: The British Press and India, c.1880–1922 Chandrika Kaul
2369 cover Reproductive Politics and the Making of Modern India Mytheli Sreenivas
2370 cover Reproductive Politics in India: The Case of Sex-Selective Abortion Josephine Kipgen
2371 cover Republic of rhetoric: free speech and the constitution of India Chandrachud, Abhinav
2372 cover Resonances of the Raj: India in the English Musical Imagination,1897-1947 Nalini Ghuman
2373 cover Restorative Justice in India: Traditional Practice and Contemporary Applications R. Thilagaraj, Jianhong Liu (eds.)
2374 cover Rethinking Capitalist Development: Primitive Accumulation, Governmentality and Post-Colonial Capitalism Kalyan Sanyal
2375 cover RETHINKING GOOD GOVERNANCE: Holding to Account India’s Public Institutions Vinod Rai
2376 cover Rethinking Muslim Personal Law: Issues, Debates and Reforms Hilal Ahmed (editor), R. K. Mishra (editor), K. N. Jehangir (editor)
2377 cover Rethinking Social Exclusion in India: Castes, Communities and the State Minoru Mio and Abhijit Dasgupta
2378 cover Rethinking State Politics in India: Regions Within Regions Ashutosh Kumar
2379 cover Retro-modern India: Forging the Low-caste Self Manuela Ciotti
2380 cover Revised and Updated: A Short History of the People behind the Fall and Rise of the Congress 24 Akbar Road Kidwai, Rasheed
2381 cover Revisiting India's partition: new essays on memory, culture, and politics Singh, Amritjit
2382 cover Revisiting the Political Thought of Ancient India: Pre-Kautilyan Arthashastra Tradition Ashok S. Chousalkar
2383 cover Revival: Southern India (1936): Its Political and Economic Problems Gilbert Slater
2384 cover Revolution from Above: India's Future and the Citizen Elite Dipankar Gupta
2385 cover Revolution unleashed : a history of Naxalbari movement in India, 1964-1972 Amar Bhattacharya
2386 cover Revolutionary Passions: Latin America, Middle East and India Hamit Bozarslan, Gilles Bataillon, Christophe Jaffrelot
2387 cover Rhetoric and Ritual in Colonial India: The Shaping of a Public Culture in Surat City, 1852-1928 Douglas E. Haynes
2388 cover Right to Education in India : Resources, Institutions and Public Policy Praveen Jha, P. Geetha Rani
2389 cover Right to Health in India: Law, Policy and Practice Sougata Talukdar
2390 cover Righteous Republic: The Political Foundations of Modern India Ananya Vajpeyi
2391 cover Rising India: Status and Power Rajesh Basrur, Kate Sullivan de Estrada
2392 cover Rising Power and Changing People: The Australian High Commission in India David Lowe, Eric Meadows
2393 cover Rituals of Ethnicity: Thangmi Identities Between Nepal and India Sara Shneiderman
2394 cover River Control in India: Spatial, Governmental and Subjective Dimensions Ravi Baghel (auth.)
2395 cover River Water Sharing: Transboundary Conflict and Cooperation in India N. Shantha Mohan, Sailen Routray, N. Sashikumar
2396 cover Road to Rights Women, Social Security and Protection in India Darooka, Priti
2397 cover Rogue Elephant: Harnessing the Power of India's Unruly Democracy Denyer, Simon
2398 cover Role of Pakistan in India's Energy Security: An Issue Brief Maj Gen A K Chaturvedi
2399 cover Role of Women Parliamentarians in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in India: Nutrition, Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health (Sustainable Development Goals Series) Bhumika Modh
2400 cover Round Table Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London Stephen Legg
2401 cover Routledge Handbook of China–India Relations Kanti Bajpai, Selina Ho and Manjari Chatterjee Miller
2402 cover Routledge Handbook of Education in India: Debates, Practices, and Policies Krishna Kumar
2403 cover Routledge handbook of South Asian politics: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal Brass, Paul R
2404 cover RSS 360 °: Demystifying Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Ratan Sharda
2405 cover Rule by numbers : governmentality in colonial India Kalpagam, U.
2406 cover Rural Credit in Western India 1875–1930: Rural Credit and the Co-operative Movement in the Bombay Presidency I. J. Catanach
2407 cover Rural Politics in India : Political Stratification and Governance in West Bengal Dayabati Roy
2408 cover Sabotaged schooling: Naxalite attacks and police occupation of schools in India's Bihar and Jharkhand states Sheppard, Bede, Human Rights Watch (Organization)
2409 cover Safeguarding India: Essays on Security and Governance Vohra, N.N
2410 cover Saffron Fascists: India's Hindu Nationalist Rulers Pieter Friedrich
2411 cover Saffron Republic: Hindu Nationalism and State Power in India Thomas Blom Hansen (editor), Srirupa Roy (editor)
2412 cover Sanitation Law and Policy in India: An Introduction to Basic Instruments Philippe Cullet and Lovleen Bhullar (eds.)
2413 cover Savage Attack: Tribal Insurgency in India Crispin Bates (editor), Alpa Shah (editor)
2414 cover Screening the Public Sphere: Media and Democracy in India Saima Saeed
2415 cover Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey, And The Future Of Secularism Sumantra Bose
2416 cover Securing India the Modi Way: Balakot, Anti Satellite Missile Test and More Nitin A Gokhale
2417 cover Securing India The Modi Way: Pathankot, Surgical Strikes and More Nitin A Gokhale
2418 cover Security Challenges in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Belarus: Nord Stream-2 Pipeline and Russia Musa Khan Jalalzai
2419 cover Security Community in South Asia: India-Pakistan Muhammad Shoaib Pervez
2420 cover Security of India's Ports, Coast and Maritime Trade: Challenges in the 21st Century Dr Mohit Nayal
2421 cover Self-Deception : India's China Policies; Origins, Premises, Lessons Arun Shourie
2422 cover Sentiment, Politics, Censorship: The State of Hurt Rina Ramdev (editor), Sandhya Devesan Nambiar (editor), Debaditya Bhattacharya (editor)
2423 cover Seva, Saviour and State: Caste Politics, Tribal Welfare and Capitalist Development R. Srivatsan
2424 cover Seven Decades of Independent India Vinod Rai , Amitendu Palit
2425 cover Invaders and Infidels (Book 1): From Sindh to Delhi: The 500-Year Journey of Islamic Invasions Balakrishna, Sandeep
2426 cover Sex, Law, and the Politics of Age: Child Marriage in India, 1891–1937 Ishita Pande
2427 cover Sexual States: Governance and the Struggle over the Antisodomy Law in India Jyoti Puri
2428 cover Sexuality Reimagined: MSM in Modern India Shailja Tandon
2429 cover Shadow States : India, China and the Himalayas, 1910–1962 Bérénice Guyot-Réchard
2430 cover Shadows at Noon Joya Chatterji
2431 cover Shaheen Bagh : From a Protest to a Movement. Ziya Us Salam
2432 cover Shaheen Bagh and the Idea of India: Writings on a Movement for Justice, Liberty and Equality Seema Mustafa (ed.)
2433 cover Shaping Policy in India: Alliance, Advocacy, Activism Rajesh Chakrabarti, Kaushiki Sanyal
2434 cover Shaping the Emerging World: India and the Multilateral Order Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Bruce Jones
2435 cover Shifting Equations in India's Neighbourhood Clay Schrader
2436 cover Shipbuilding, Navigation and the Portuguese in Pre-modern India K.S. Mathew
2437 cover Shooting for a Century: The India-Pakistan Conundrum Stephen P. Cohen
2438 cover Sikkim - Dawn of Democracy: The Truth Behind The Merger With India G.B.S. Sidhu
2439 cover Singapore, Chinese Migration and the Making of the British Empire, 1819-67 Stan Neal
2440 cover Sino - Pak Nexus and Implications for India M D Upadayay
2441 cover Sixteen Stormy Days: The Story of the First Amendment to the Constitution of India Tripurdaman Singh
2442 cover Siyasi Muslims: A Story of Political Islams in India Hilal Ahmed
2443 cover Skin Colour Politics: Whiteness and Beauty in India Nina Kullrich
2444 cover Slum Development in India: A Study of Slums in Kalaburagi (The Urban Book Series) Sulochana Shekhar
2445 cover Small Acts of Freedom University of Delhi,Gurmehar Kaur
2446 cover Smart City in India: Urban Laboratory, Paradigm or Trajectory? Binti Singh, Manoj Parmar
2447 cover Smart Diplomacy: Exploring China-India Synergy P. S. Suryanarayana
2448 cover Social and Political Transformation in Iran Since 1979: The Role of Islam Shah Alam
2449 cover Social Innovations in Urban Sanitation in India: Meeting Unmet Needs Shubhagato Dasgupta, Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay, Anju Dwivedi, Sumona Das Gupta, Ms Bharti
2450 cover Social justice through inclusion : the consequences of electoral quotas in India Francesca R. Jensenius
2451 cover Social Justice: Interdisciplinary Inquiries from India K. V. Cybil (editor)
2452 cover Social Movements and the State in India: Deepening Democracy? Kenneth Bo Nielsen, Alf Gunvald Nilsen (eds.)
2453 cover Social Movements, Media and Civil Society in Contemporary India: Historical Trajectories of Public Protest and Political Mobilisation (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements) Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha, Manas Dutta, Tirthankar Ghosh
2454 cover Social Norms, Gender and Collective Behaviour: Development Paradigms in India Indranil De, Shyam Singh, Shilpi Smita Panda
2455 cover Social Reproduction, Solidarity Economy, Feminisms and Democracy: Latin America and India (Gender, Development and Social Change) Christine Verschuur (editor), Isabelle Guérin (editor), Isabelle Hillenkamp (editor)
2456 cover Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand: Volume I: Social, Political and Ecological Perspectives Chosein Yamahata (editor), Donald M. Seekins (editor), Makiko Takeda (editor)
2457 cover Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand: Volume II: Identity and Grassroots for Democratic Progress Chosein Yamahata (editor)
2458 cover Social Welfare in India and China: A Comparative Perspective Jianguo Gao, Rajendra Baikady, Lakshmana Govindappa, Sheng-Li Cheng
2459 cover Society, Medicine and Politics in Colonial India Biswamoy Pati and Mark Harrison
2460 cover Society, Resistance and Civil Nuclear Policy in India Varigonda Kesava Chandra
2461 cover South Asia Migration Report 2017: Recruitment, Remittances and Reintegration S. Irudaya Rajan
2462 cover South Asian Migration to Gulf Countries: History, Policies, Development Prakash C. Jain, Ginu Zacharia Oommen
2463 cover Space Tourism: Legal and Policy Aspects Sandeepa Bhat B. (editor)
2464 cover Sri Aurobindo and India's Rebirth Danino, Michel
2465 cover Staggering Forward: Narendra Modi and India’s Global Ambition Bharat Karnad
2466 cover State and Capital in Post-Colonial India: From Licence Raj to Open Economy Chirashree Das Gupta
2467 cover State Politics in Contemporary India: Crisis or Continuity? John R. Wood (editor)
2468 cover State Politics in India Myron Wiener
2469 cover State vs. Society in Northeast India: History, Politics and the Everyday G. Amarjit Sharma
2470 cover State, Policy and Conflicts in Northeast India K. S. Subramanian
2471 cover State, Violence, and Legitimacy in India Santana Khanikar
2472 cover Stories That Bind: Political Economy and Culture in New India Madhavi Murty
2473 cover Storming the gates of heaven : the Maoist movement in India : a critical study, 1972 -2014 Amit Bhattacharyya
2474 cover Strangers No More_ New Narratives From India’s Northeast Sanjoy Hazarika
2475 cover Strategic Relations Between India, the United States and Japan in the Indo-pacific, The: When Three is Not a Crowd Rupakjyoti Borah
2476 cover Strategic Vision-2030: Security and Development of Andaman & Nicobar Islands Pramod Kumar Roy, N. M. Aspi Cawasji
2477 cover Strategic Year Book 2020 Dr. Roshan Khanijo
2478 cover Strategic Yearbook 2016 Vij Books India
2479 cover Strategic Yearbook 2017 P. K. Singh
2480 cover Strategic Yearbook 2021 B. K. Sharma, Gs Katoch, Roshan Khanijo
2481 cover Strictly personal: Manmohan and Gursharan Gursharan Kaur,Manmohan Singh,Singh, Daman
2482 cover Strongmen Saviours: A Political Economy of Populism in India, Turkey, Russia and Brazil Deepanshu Mohan, Abhinav Padmanabhan
2483 cover Struggle Against the State: Social Network and Protest Mobilization in India Ashok Swain Dr
2484 cover Subalternities in India and Latin America: Dalit Autobiographies and the Testimonio Sonya Surabhi Gupta (editor)
2485 cover Sub-Regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives Venugopal B. Menon, Joshy M. Paul
2486 cover Suspects’ Rights in India: Comparative Law and the Right to Legal Assistance as Drivers for Reform Prejal Shah
2487 cover Sustainability in the Built Environment in the 21st Century: Lessons Learned from India and the Region (Environmental Science and Engineering) Usha Iyer-Raniga (editor)
2488 cover Sustainability: Science, Policy, and Practice in India: Challenges and Opportunities (Sustainable Development Goals Series) Venkatesh Dutta (editor), Priyanka Ghosh (editor)
2489 cover Sustainable Smart Cities in India: Challenges and Future Perspectives Poonam Sharma, Swati Rajput (eds.)
2490 cover Sustainable Watershed Development: A Case Study of Semi-arid Region in Maharashtra State of India Chaitanya Baliram Pande
2491 cover Syria: The Hegemonic Flashpoint Between Iran and Saudi Arabia? Paul Antonopoulos, Drew Cottle
2492 cover Tailspin: The Politics of India-China Economic Relations Aravind Yelery (editor), Mrudul Nile (editor)
2493 cover Talking of Power: Early Writings of Bengali Women Malini Bhattacharya (editor), Abhijit Sen (editor)
2494 cover Teacher Quality and Education Policy in India: Understanding the Relationship Between Teacher Education, Teacher Effectiveness, and Student Outcomes Preeti Kumar, Alexander W. Wiseman
2495 cover Teaching AIDS: The Cultural Politics of HIV Disease in India Dilip K. Das
2496 cover Televising Religion in India: An Anthropological Reading Manoj Kumar Das
2497 cover Terra Nullius: The Rebirth of a Land Without Peace Noor Dahri
2498 cover The 2019 Parliamentary Elections in India Subrata K. Mitra (editor), Rekha Saxena (editor), Pampa Mukherjee (editor)
2499 cover The Absent Dialogue: Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Military in India Anit Mukherjee
2500 cover The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh Baru, Sanjaya, Manmohan Singh
2501 cover The Aeroplane and the Making of Modern India Aashique Ahmed Iqbal
2502 cover The Algebra of Warfare-Welfare: A Long View of India's 2014 Election Irfan Ahmad (editor), Pralay Kanungo (editor)
2503 cover The Architect of the New BJP: How Narendra Modi Transformed the Party Ajay Singh
2504 cover The Army in British India : From Colonial Warfare to Total War 1857 - 1947 Kaushik Roy
2505 cover The Black Box: Innovation and Public Policy in India Rakesh Basant
2506 cover The Blue Elephant : Why India Must Boost its Soft Power Rahul Das
2507 cover The Burden of Democracy Pratap Bhanu Mehta
2508 cover The Case That Shook the Empire: One Man’s Fight for the Truth about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Raghu Palat, Pushpa Palat
2509 cover The Central Legislature in British India, 1921–47 : Parliamentary Experiences Under the Raj Mohammad Rashiduzzaman
2510 cover The Challenge Of Integrated Rural Development In India: A Policy And Management Perspective Gerald E. Sussman
2511 cover The Chaos of Empire: The British Raj and the Conquest of India Jon Wilson
2512 cover The China-India Nuclear Crossroads : China, India, and the New Paradigm Lora Saalman
2513 cover The China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era T.V. Paul (editor)
2514 cover The chinar leaves: a political memoir Fotedar, Makhan Lal
2515 cover The Coal Nation: Histories, Ecologies and Politics of Coal in India Kuntala Lahiri-dutt
2516 cover The Conflicted Superpower: America’s Collaboration with China and India in Global Innovation Andrew Kennedy
2517 cover The Congress Party of India: The Dynamics of a One-Party Democracy Stanley A. Kochanek
2518 cover The Constitution of India India.,National Law University, Delhi
2519 cover The Constitution of India: A Contextual Analysis Arun K Thiruvengadam
2520 cover The Constitution of India: Miracle, Surrender, Hope Rajeev Dhavan
2521 cover The Corporate Jungle: Your Guide to Understanding Workplace People and Politics Seema Raghunath
2522 cover The Cousins Thackeray: Uddhav, Raj and the Shadow of their Senas Dhaval Kulkarni
2523 cover The Criminal Mind in the Age of Globalization Saron Messembe Obia
2524 cover The Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India: Awadh and Punjab, 1707-48 Muzaffar Alam
2525 cover The Crown, the Court and the Casa Da Índia: Political Centralization in Portugal 1479-1521 Susana Ferreira
2526 cover The Culturalization of Caste in India: Identity and Inequality in a Multicultural Age Balmurli Natrajan
2527 cover The Dashing Ladies of Shiv Sena: Political Matronage in Urbanizing India Tarini Bedi
2528 cover The Decline of Empires in South Asia: How Britain and Russia lost their grip over India, Persia and Afghanistan Heather A Campbell
2530 cover The Devil's Rebirth: The Terror Triangle of Ikhwan, IRGC and Hezbollah Noor Dahri
2531 cover The divided city ideological and policy contestations in contemporary urban India Sethi, Mahendra, Singh, Binti
2532 cover The Dutch and English East India Companies: Diplomacy, Trade and Violence in Early Modern Asia Adam Clulow (editor), Tristan Mostert (editor)
2533 cover The East India Company and the Politics of Knowledge Joshua Ehrlich
2534 cover The East India Company, 1784-1834 Patrick Tuck
2535 cover The Eastern Gate: War and Peace in Nagaland, Manipur and India's Far East Sudeep Chakravarti
2536 cover The Economic Partnership Between India and Taiwan in a Post-ECFA Ecosystem Joe Thomas Karackattu (auth.)
2537 cover The Emergence of British Power in India, 1600-1784 G J Bryant
2538 cover The Empire of Disgust: Prejudice, Discrimination, and Policy in India and the US Zoya Hasan, Aziz Z. Huq, Martha C. Nussbaum
2539 cover The enchantment of democracy and India Sudipta Kaviraj
2540 cover India Tibet Relations (1947-1962) Claude Arpi
2541 cover The End of Karma: Hope and Fury Among India's Young Somini Sengupta
2542 cover The Evolution of India's Israel Policy: Continuity, Change and Compromise since 1922 Nicolas Blarel
2543 cover The fiction of fact-finding: Modi and Godhra: [a study of the Gujarat 2002 investigations] Mitta, Manoj,Modī, Narendra 2002
2544 cover The First World War, Anticolonialism and Imperial Authority in British India, 1914-1924 Sharmishtha Roy Chowdhury
2545 cover The Flaming Feet and Other Essays: The Dalit Movement in India D. R. Nagaraj
2546 cover The Foresighted Ambedkar Anurag Bhaskar
2547 cover The Formation of the Colonial State in India: Scribes, Paper and Taxes, 1760-1860 Hayden J. Bellenoit
2548 cover The Frontier Complex: Geopolitics and the Making of the India–China Border, 1846–1962 Kyle J. Gardner
2549 cover The Frontier in British India: Space, Science, and Power in the Nineteenth Century Thomas Simpson
2550 cover The Gated Republic:India's Public Policy Failures and Private Solutions Aiyar, Shankkar
2551 cover The great Indian rope trick : does the future of democracy lie with India Matthews, Roderick
2552 cover The great march of democracy: seven decades of India's elections Election Commission of India.,Indien Election Commission,Quraishi, Shahabuddin Yaqoob
2553 cover The Great Speeches of Modern India Rudranghsu Mukherjee
2554 cover The Hijab: Islam, Women and the Politics of Clothing PK Yasser Arafath, G Arunima (eds.)
2555 cover The Himalayan face-off : Chinese assertion and the Indian riposte Gupta, Shishir
2556 cover The Idea of Ancient India: Essays on Religion, Politics, and Archaeology Upinder Singh
2557 cover The Idea of New India: Essays in Defence of Critical Thought Pramod Kumar
2558 cover The Imbecile’s Guide to Public Philosophy Murzban Jal (editor), Jyoti Bawane (editor), Muzaffar Ali (editor)
2559 cover The Imperial Archives from Discovery to the Civilisational Mission: English Writings on India, Volume 6: Thugs and Dacoits Pramod K. Nayar (editor)
2560 cover The Importance of Shinzo Abe: India, Japan and the Indo-Pacific Sanjaya Baru
2561 cover The Independence of India and Pakistan: New Approaches and Reflections Ian Talbot, Ilyas Chattha, Victoria Schofield, Ritu Bhagat
2562 cover The India Story: An Epic Journey of Democracy and Development Bimal Jalan
2563 cover The India Way: Strategies for an uncertain world S. Jaishankar
2564 cover The India–Pakistan Sub-conventional War: Democracy and Peace in South Asia Sanjeev Kumar H. M.
2565 cover The Indian Mujahideen: Tracking The Enemy Within Gupta, Shishir
2566 cover The India-Pakistan Military Standoff: Crisis and Escalation in South Asia Zachary S. Davis
2567 cover The Informal Constitution: Unwritten Criteria in Selecting Judges for the Supreme Court of India Abhinav Chandrachud
2568 cover The Intellectual Roots of India's Freedom Struggle (1893-1918) Prithwindra Mukherjee
2569 cover The Intelligence War in Afghanistan: Regional and International Intelligence Agencies Play the Tom & Jerry Endless Game on the Local Chessboard Musa Khan Jalalzai, Mūsá K̲h̲ān Jalālzaʼī
2570 cover The Interface of Domestic and International Factors in India’s Foreign Policy Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt, Shantanu Chakrabarti
2571 cover The Islamic State of Khorasan and the Prospect of Nuclear Jihad Against Russia and Central Asia Musa Khan Jalalzai
2572 cover The Islamic State: From Terrorism to Totalitarian Insurgency Ondřej Filipec
2573 cover The Janata Interludes: Democracy, Plurality and Social Change in India K. S. Pavithran
2574 cover The Judicialization of Politics in Pakistan: A Comparative Study of Judicial Restraint and its Development in India, the US and Pakistan Waris Husain
2575 cover The Kashmir Conundrum: The Quest for Peace in a Troubled Land General N.C. Vij
2576 cover The Khalistan Conspiracy G.B.S Sidhu
2577 cover The Legal Right to Housing in India Anindita Mukherjee
2578 cover The Letters of Gracchus on the East India Question William Augustus Miles
2579 cover The Light of Knowledge: Literacy Activism and the Politics of Writing in South India Francis Cody
2580 cover The Limited Raj: Agrarian Relations in Colonial India, Saran District, 1793-1920 Anand A. Yang
2581 cover The Long Game: How the Chinese Negotiate With India Vijay Gokhale
2582 cover The Longest August: The Unflinching Rivalry Between India and Pakistan Dilip Hiro
2583 cover The Lost Decade (2008-18): How India's Growth Story Devolved into Growth Without a Story Puja Mehra
2584 cover The Lost Rebellion: Kashmir in the Nineties Manoj Joshi
2585 cover The Mahatma Misunderstood: The Politics and Forms of Literary Nationalism in India Shingavi, S.
2586 cover The Making of a Village: The Dynamics of Adivasi Rural Life in India Asoka Kumar Sen
2587 cover The making of India: a political history Vohra, Ranbir
2588 cover The Making of Martyrs in India, Pakistan & Bangladesh: Indira, Bhutto & Mujib Faisal Khosa,
2589 cover The Making of Modern Kashmir: Sheikh Abdullah and the Politics of the State Altaf Hussain Para
2590 cover Malevolent Republic: A Short History of the New India KS Komireddi
2591 cover The Man Who Remade India: A Biography of P.V. Narasimha Rao (Modern South Asia) Vinay Sitapati
2592 cover The Maoist Movement in India: Perspectives and Counterperspectives Santosh Paul
2593 cover The Maoists in India: tribals under siege Mukherji, Nirmalangshu
2594 cover The McMahon Line: A Century of Discord General J.J Singh
2595 cover The Modi Effect - Inside Narendra Modi’s Campaign To Transform India Lance Price
2596 cover The Monk Who Became Chief Minister: The Definitive Biography Of Yogi Adityanath Shantanu Gupta
2597 cover The Mortal God: Imagining the Sovereign in Colonial India Milinda Banerjee
2598 cover The Muslim Secular: Parity and the Politics of India's Partition (Oxford Historical Monographs) Dr Amar Sohal
2599 cover The Naga Story: First Armed Struggle in India Harish Chandola
2600 cover The New India: Citizenship, Subjectivity, and Economic Liberalization Kanishka Chowdhury (auth.)
2601 cover The new khaki : the evolving nature of policing in India Arvind Verma
2602 cover The News of Empire: Telegraphy, Journalism, and the Politics of Reporting in Colonial India, C. 1830-1900 Amelia Bonea
2603 cover The Ocean of Mirth: Reading Hāsyārṇava-Prahasanaṁ of Jagadēśvara Bhaṭṭāchārya : a Political Satire for All Times Jyotirmaya Sharma
2604 cover The other empire: Metropolis, India and progress in the colonial imagination John Marriott
2605 cover The Patriarchal Political Order: The Making and Unraveling of the Gendered Participation Gap in India (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) Soledad Artiz Prillaman
2606 cover The People Next Door: The Curious History of India-Pakistan Relations T.C.A. Raghavan
2607 cover The Persistence of Caste: India's Hidden Apartheid and the Khairlanji Murders Anand Teltumbde
2608 cover The Persistence of Memory Urvashi Butalia
2609 cover The Political Economy of India's Economic Development: 5000BC to 2022AD, Volume I: Before the Indus Civilisation to Alexander the Great (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) Sangaralingam Ramesh
2610 cover The Political Economy of India's Growth Episodes Sabyasachi Kar, Kunal Sen (auth.)
2611 cover The Political Economy of Indigo in India, 1580–1930: A Global Perspective Ghulam A. Nadri
2612 cover The Political Economy of New India: Critical Essays Raju J Das
2613 cover The Political Economy of State-owned Enterprises in China and India Xu Yi-chong (eds.)
2614 cover The Political Economy of Uneven Rural Development: Case of the Nonfarm Sector in Kerala, India Sudarshana Bordoloi
2615 cover The Political Lives of Information: Information and the Production of Development in India Janaki Srinivasan
2616 cover The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal: Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India Iqbal Singh Sevea
2617 cover The Political Twittersphere in India Shekh Moinuddin
2618 cover The Politics and Culture of Globalisation: India and Australia Hans Löfgren (editor), Prakash Sarangi (editor)
2619 cover The Politics Of Authenticity And Populist Discourses: Media And Education In Brazil, India And Ukraine Christoph Kohl, Barbara Christophe, Heike Liebau, Achim Saupe
2620 cover The Politics of Belonging in Contemporary India: Anxiety and Intimacy Kaustav Chakraborty
2621 cover The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas: Local Attachments and Boundary Dynamics Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and Gérard Toffin (Editors)
2622 cover The Politics of Climate Change and Uncertainty in India Lyla Mehta (editor), Hans Nicolai Adam (editor), Shilpi Srivastava (editor)
2623 cover The Politics of Community-making in New Urban India Ritanjan Das and Nilotpal Kumar
2624 cover The Politics of Counterterrorism in India: Strategic Intelligence and National Security in South Asia Prem Mahadevan
2625 cover The Politics of Digital India: Between Local Compulsions and Transnational Pressures Pradip Ninan Thomas
2626 cover The Politics of Economic Restructuring in India: Economic Governance and State Spatial Rescaling Loraine Kennedy
2627 cover The Politics of Empire at the Accession of George III: The East India Company and the Crisis and Transformation of Britain's Imperial State James M. Vaughn
2628 cover The Politics of Ethnic Renewal in Darjeeling: Gorkhas and the Struggle for Tribal Recognition (Nepal and Himalayan Studies) Nilamber Chhetri
2629 cover The Politics of GM Crops in India: Public Policy Discourse Asheesh Navneet
2630 cover The Politics of Marriage in Medieval India : Gender and Alliance in Rajasthan Sabita Singh
2631 cover The Politics of Swidden Farming: Environment and Development in Eastern India Debojyoti Das
2632 cover The Politics of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Access to Medicines: World Pharmacy and India Hans Löfgren (editor)
2633 cover The Politics of Time and Youth in Brand India: Bargaining with Capital Jyotsna Kapur
2634 cover The Power of 360 Degree Feedback : The India Way for Leadership Effectiveness T. V. Rao, Raju Rao
2635 cover The Progressive Maharaja: Sir Madhava Rao's Hints on the Art and Science of Government Rahul Sagar (ed.)
2636 cover The promise of India: how prime ministers Nehru to Modi shaped the nation (1947-2019) Bhagwati, Jaimini
2637 cover Promise of India Jaimini Bhagwati
2638 cover The Promise of Power: The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in Pakistan Maya Tudor
2639 cover The Rise and Growth of the Congress in India C.F. Andrews, Girija Mookerjee
2640 cover The Rise Of China Implications For India Harsh V. Pant
2641 cover The Rohingya Crisis: A Moral, Ethnographic, and Policy Assessment Norman K. Swazo, Tawfique M. Haque, Mahbubul Haque, Tasmia Nower
2642 cover The Routledge Companion to Northeast India Jelle J. P. Wouters (editor), Tanka B. Subba (editor)
2643 cover The Routledge Handbook of Education in India: Debates, Practices, and Policies Krishna Kumar (editor)
2644 cover The Routledge Handbook of the Other Backward Classes in India: Thought, Movements and Development Simhadri Somanaboina (editor), Akhileshwari Ramagoud (editor)
2645 cover The Routledge Handbook of the State in Premodern India Hermann Kulke (editor), Bhairabi Prasad Sahu (editor)
2646 cover The RSS: A Menace to India A.G. Noorani
2647 cover The Saffron Tide Kingshuk Nag
2648 cover The Second World War and North East India: Shadows of Yesteryears Sima Saigal
2649 cover The Secular Imaginary: Gandhi, Nehru and the Idea(s) of India Sushmita Nath
2650 cover The Silent Coup: A History of India's Deep State Josy Joseph
2651 cover The Social Life of Democracy Sundar Sarukkai
2652 cover The Social Model of Disability In India: Politics of Identity and Power Ranjita Dawn
2653 cover The Social Sciences in a Global Age: Decoding Knowledge Politics Dipankar Sinha
2654 cover The Spread of Print in Colonial India. Into the Hinterland Abhijit Gupta
2655 cover The Spy Chronicles: RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace A.S Dulat, Aditya Sinha, Asad Durrani
2656 cover The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political Development in India and the United States John Echeverri-Gent
2657 cover The State Practice of India and the Development of International Law Bimal N Patel
2658 cover The Struggle for Equality: India's Muslims and Rethinking the UPA Experience Heewon Kim
2659 cover The Swachh Bharat Revolution: Four Pillars of India's Behavioural Transformation Parameswaran Iyer
2660 cover The Tagore-Gandhi Debate on Matters of Truth and Untruth Bindu Puri (auth.)
2661 cover The Territories and States of India 2016 Europa Publications
2662 cover The Three Tagores, Dwarkanath, Debendranath and Rabindranath: India in Transition Bidyut Chakrabarty
2663 cover The Trade Policy of Emerging Powers: Strategic Choices of Brazil and India Laura Carsten Mahrenbach (auth.)
2664 cover The Trans-Pacific Partnership, China and India: Economic and Political Implications Amitendu Palit
2665 cover The Trishanku Nation: Memory, Self, and Society in Contemporary India Deepak Kumar
2666 cover The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India Srimati Basu
2667 cover The Truth About Us : The Politics of Information from Manu to Modi Sanjoy Chakravorty
2668 cover The University as a Site of Resistance: Identity and Student Politics Gaurav J. Pathania
2669 cover The Verdict: Decoding India's Elections Prannoy Roy, Dorab R. Sopariwala
2670 cover The Wahhabi Movement in India Qeyamuddin Ahmad
2671 cover The Young and the Restless: Youth and Politics in India Gurmehar Kaur
2672 cover Theatre, Margins and Politics: An Introduction Arnab Ray (editor), Sibendu Chakraborty (editor)
2673 cover Theory, Policy, Practice: Development and Discontents in India Suman Nath (editor), Debraj Bhattacharya (editor)
2674 cover This Unquiet Land: Stories from India's Fault Lines Barkha Dutt
2675 cover This World Below Zero Fahrenheit: Travels in the Kashmir Valley Suhas Munshi
2676 cover Tiananmen Square: The Making of a Protest Vijay Gokhale
2677 cover India Tibet Relations (1947-1962) Claude Arpi
2678 cover Tipping Point: A Short Political History of India Anuradha Kalhan
2679 cover To Kill A Democracy: India's Passage to Despotism Debasish Roy Chowdhury and John Keane
2680 cover Toppled World: A Political and Spiritual Trek through India, Tibet and Afghanistan Susan Murphy
2681 cover Total Atheism: Secular Activism and the Politics of Difference in South India Stefan Binder
2682 cover Toward a Free Economy: Swatantra and Opposition Politics in Democratic India Aditya Balasubramanian
2683 cover Towards Another Reason: Identity Politics and Ethical Worlds in South India Ulrich Demmer
2684 cover Toying with Childhood: Tracing the Child-Toy Bond from Britain and America to India Usha Mudiganti
2685 cover Transfer of Power in India Vapal Pangunni Menon
2686 cover Transforming India: challenges to the world's largest democracy Bose, Sumantra
2687 cover Transforming Unequal Gender Relations in India and Beyond: An Intersectional Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities (Sustainable Development Goals Series) Saroj Pachauri (editor), Ravi K. Verma (editor)
2688 cover Transitions in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Identity, Polity and Strategic Choices Archana Upadhyay (editor)
2689 cover Turkey's Proxy War: Pan-Islamism, Jihadi Groups and Crimes Against Kurds in Iraq & Syria Noor Dahri
2690 cover Turmoil In Punjab: Before and After Blue Star: An Insider's Account Ramesh Inder Singh
2691 cover Turnaround: leading Assam from the front Gogoi, Tarun
2692 cover Unbreaking India: Decisions On Article 370 & The CAA Sanjay Dixit
2693 cover Undaunted: Saving the Idea of India P. Chidambaram
2694 cover Undernutrition and Public Policy in India: Investing in the Future Sonalde Desai, Lawrence Haddad, Deepta Chopra, Amit Thorat
2695 cover Undernutrition in India: Causes, Consequences and Policy Measures Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Akancha Singh, Samriddhi S. Gupte
2696 cover Fifty Years of Bangladesh-India Relations: Issues, Challenges and Possibilities Md. Shariful Islam
2697 cover Understanding Energy Challenges in India : Policies, Players and Issues OECD
2698 cover Understanding Nepal in Contemporary Times Pramod Jaiswal
2699 cover Understanding Sustainable Public Procurement: Reflections from India and the World (Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, 21) Sanjay Kumar
2700 cover Undervalued Dissent: Informal Workers' Politics in India Manjusha Nair
2701 cover Uneasy Neighbors: India, Pakistan and US Foreign Policy Kanishkan Sathasivam
2702 cover Unique Asian Triangle India China Nepal Pramod Jaiswal Geeta Kochhar
2703 cover Unleashing the Vajra Sujeev Shakya
2704 cover Unsealed Covers Gautam Bhatia
2705 cover Unsettling Utopia: The Making and Unmaking of French India Jessica Namakkal
2706 cover Unveiling Women’s Leadership: Identity and meaning of leadership in India Payal Kumar (eds.)
2707 cover Urban and Regional Planning Education : Learning for India Ashok Kumar, Diwakar S. Meshram, Krishne Gowda (eds.)
2708 cover Urban Development in India: Global Indians in the Remaking of Kolkata Pablo Shiladitya Bose
2709 cover Urban Environmental Governance in India K.V. Raju, A. Ravindra, S. Manasi, K.C. Smitha, Ravindra Srinivas
2710 cover Urban Governance and Local Democracy in South India Anil Kumar Vaddiraju
2711 cover Urban Growth Analysis and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Kolkata, India 1980–2010 Basudeb Bhatta (auth.)
2712 cover Urban Growth Patterns in India: Spatial Analysis for Sustainable Development Bharath H. Aithal (editor), T. V. Ramachandra (editor)
2713 cover Urban Politics in India: Area, Power, and Policy in a Penetrated System Rodney W. Jones
2714 cover Urban Water Supply and Governance in India Satyapriya Rout, Ruth Kattumuri
2715 cover Vernacular Politics in Northeast India: Democracy, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Jelle J.P. Wouters (ed.)
2716 cover Vice in the Barracks: Medicine, the Military and the Making of Colonial India, 1780–1868 Erica Wald (auth.)
2717 cover Violence and Democracy: The Collapse of One-Party Dominant Rule in India Kazuya Nakamizo
2718 cover Vision for a Nation: Paths and Perspectives Aakash Singh Rathore, Ashis Nandy
2719 cover Voices from the Periphery: Subalternity and Empowerment in India Marine Carrin (editor), Lidia Guzy (editor)
2720 cover War and Secession: Pakistan, India, and the Creation of Bangladesh Richard Sisson, Leo E. Rose
2721 cover War Over Words: Censorship In India, 1930-1960 Devika Sethi
2722 cover Wastewater Assessment, Treatment, Reuse and Development in India (Earth and Environmental Sciences Library) Shalini Yadav (editor), Abdelazim M. Negm (editor), Ram Narayan Yadava (editor)
2723 cover Water and Public Policy in India: Politics, Rights, and Governance Deepti Acharya
2724 cover Water Governance and Management in India: Issues and Perspectives Girish Chadha, Ashwin B. Pandya
2725 cover Water Governance and Management in India: Issues and Perspectives, Volume 1 Girish Chadha, Ashwin B. Pandya
2726 cover Water Management and Public Participation: Case Studies from the Yamuna River Basin, India Alka Upadhyay, Raveendra Kumar Rai (auth.)
2727 cover Water Pollution and Abatement Policy in India: A Study from an Economic Perspective Debesh Chakraborty, Kakali Mukhopadhyay (auth.)
2728 cover Water Quality, Assessment and Management in India Shalini Yadav, Abdelazim M. Negm, Ram Narayan Yadava
2729 cover We Also Make Policy: An Insider's Account of How the Finance Ministry Functions unknown author
2730 cover We Are All Revolutionaries Here : Militarism, Political Islam and Gender in Pakistan Aneela Zeb Babar
2731 cover We the People: Establishing Rights and Deepening Democracy Nikhil Dey, Aruna Roy, Rakshita Swamy
2732 cover We Won the War but Lost the Empire Roger Payne OAM
2733 cover Welsh missionaries and British imperialism: The Empire of Clouds in north-east India Andrew May
2734 cover West Asia At War Talmiz Ahmad
2735 cover What Happened to Governance in Kashmir? Wani, Aijaz Ashraf
2736 cover What is Political Theory and Why do We Need It? Rajeev Bhargava
2737 cover What Makes a Politician Bhattacharya Aggarwal., Rwitwika
2738 cover When Ideas Matter: Democracy and Corruption in India Bilal A. Baloch
2739 cover When India Votes: The Dynamics of Successful Election Campaigning Jaishri Jethwaney, Samir Kapur
2740 cover When Nehru Looked East: Origins of India-US Suspicion and India-China Rivalry Francine Frankel
2741 cover Where China Meets India: Burma and the New Crossroads of Asia Thant Myint-U
2742 cover White as the Shroud: India, Pakistan and War on the Frontiers of Kashmir Myra MacDonald
2743 cover Why Democracy Deepens: Political Information and Decentralization in India Anoop Sadanandan
2744 cover Why India Needs the Presidential System Bhanu Pratap Dhamija
2745 cover Why India Votes? Mukulika Banerjee
2746 cover Why Representation Matters: The Meaning of Ethnic Quotas in Rural India Simon Chauchard
2747 cover Why Scams are Here to Stay: Understanding Political Corruption in India N. Ram
2748 cover Windows into a revolution : ethnographies of Maoism in India and Nepal Alpa Shah (editor), Judith Pettigrew (editor)
2749 cover Witchcraft Accusations from Central India. The Fragmented Urn Helen Macdonald
2750 cover Women and Conflict in India Sanghamitra Choudhury
2751 cover Women and Entrepreneurship in India: Governance, Sustainability and Policy Harpreet Kaur (editor)
2752 cover Women and Literary Narratives in Colonial India: Her Myriad Gaze on the ‘Other’ Sukla Chatterjee
2753 cover Women and Violence in India: Gender, Oppression and the Politics of Neoliberalism Tamsin Bradley
2754 cover Women in Social Change: Visions, Struggles and Persisting Concerns Ghazala Jamil
2755 cover Women in State Politics in India: Missing in the Corridors of Power Pam Rajput, Usha Thakkar
2756 cover Women in the Civil Services: Gender and Workplace Identities in India Trijita Gonsalves
2757 cover Women Who Only Serve Chai: Gender Quotas, Reservations and Proxies in India Brian Turnbull
2758 cover Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India Kenneth Bo Nielsen, Anne Waldrop
2759 cover Women, Power, and Property: The Paradox of Gender Equality Laws in India Rachel E Brulé
2760 cover Women’s Political Participation in Bangladesh: Institutional Reforms, Actors and Outcomes Pranab Kumar Panday (auth.)
2761 cover Women's Travel Writings in India 1777–1854, 13-Volume Set Various Authors
2762 cover Worldviews of Aspiring Powers : Domestic Foreign Policy Debates in China, India, Iran, Japan, and Russia Henry R. Nau, Deepa M. Ollapally
2763 cover Wronged by Empire: Post-Imperial Ideology and Foreign Policy in India and China Manjari Chatterjee Miller
2764 cover Yogi Adityanath: Religion, Politics and Power: The Untold Story Sharat Pradhan, Atul Chandra
2765 cover Youth and Political Violence in India Sramana Majumdar
2766 cover Gentlemanly Terrorists: Political Violence and the Colonial State in India, 1919–1947 Durba Ghosh
2767 cover Neoliberalism and the Transforming Left in India: A contradictory manifesto Ritanjan Das
2768 cover The Politics of Football Christos Kassimeris
2769 cover The Political Football Stadium: Identity Discourses and Power Struggles Başak Alpan, Albrecht Sonntag, Katarzyna Herd
2770 cover Football and Fascism: The Politics of Popular Culture in Portugal Rahul Kumar
2771 cover A New Agenda For Football Crowd Management: Reforming Legal and Policing Responses to Risk Geoff Pearson, Clifford Stott
2772 cover Sport as Social Policy: Midnight Football and the Governing of Society David Ekholm, Magnus Dahlstedt
2773 cover Political Football : Regulation, Globalization and the Market Grant Wyn
2774 cover Blood and circuses : a football journey through Europe's rebel republics Robert O'Connor
2775 cover Fan activism, protest and politics: ultras in post-socialist Croatia Hodges, Andrew
2776 cover Football fandom, protest and democracy : supporter activism in Turkey Irak, Dağhan
2777 cover The Palgrave International Handbook of Football and Politics Jean-Michel De Waele, Suzan Gibril, Ekaterina Gloriozova, Ramón Spaaij (eds.)
2778 cover Sport and Society in the Soviet Union: The Politics of Football After Stalin Manfred Zeller
2779 cover The Passion: Football and the Story of Modern Turkey Patrick Keddie (editor)
2780 cover The Politics of Football in Yugoslavia: Sport, Nationalism and the State Richard Mills
2781 cover Urban Politics of a Sporting Mega Event : Legitimacy and Legacy of Euro 2012 in Anthropological Perspective Kowalska, Małgorzata Zofia
2782 cover Youth and Sport for Development: The Seduction of Football in Liberia Holly Collison (auth.)
2783 cover Pirates, punks & politics: FC St. Pauli: falling in love with a radical football club Nick Davidson
2784 cover African Football, Identity Politics and Global Media Narratives: The Legacy of the FIFA 2010 World Cup Tendai Chari, Nhamo A. Mhiripiri (eds.)
2785 cover Global and local football. Politics and Europeanisation on the fringes of the EU (Routledge Critical Studies in Sport) Gary Armstrong
2786 cover The Games are Not the Same: The Political Economy of Football in Australia (Academic Monographs) Bob Stewart
2787 cover Luxury and the ruling elite in socialist Hungary : villas, hunts, and soccer games György Majtényi
2788 cover The setup : a true story of dirty cops, soccer moms, and reality TV Butler, Chris, Crooks, Pete
2789 cover The Believer: How an Introvert With a Passion for Religion and Soccer Became Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, Leader of the Islamic State William McCants
2790 cover Scarcity and survival in Central America : ecological origins of the soccer war William H. Durham
2791 cover Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, its Colonies, and the World Aro Velmet
2792 cover Infant and young child feeding : challenges to implementing a global strategy Fiona Dykes, Victoria Hall Moran
2793 cover Contemporary France: An Introduction to French Politics and Society Howarth David, Georgios Varouxakis, David Howarth
2794 cover Latin America Transformed: Globalization and Modernity (Arnold Publication) [2 ed.] Robert N. Gwynne, Crist u00f3bal Kay 2
2795 cover Making Political Geography (Human Geography in the Making) John Agnew
2796 cover Making Sense of Cities Blair Badcock
2797 cover Nazi Germany, 1933-45 John Laver
2798 cover The Essentials of the Environment (The Essentials of ... Series) Joseph Kerski, Simon Ross
2799 cover The Chronic Crisis of American Democracy: The Way Is Shut Benjamin Studebaker
2800 cover The Impact of Patient-Centered Care: Promoting Chronic Conditions Management for Older People Hailun Liang
2801 cover Chronic Aftershock: How 9/11 Shaped Present-Day France Jean-Philippe Mathy
2802 cover The Management of Chronic Diseases: Organizational Innovation and Efficiency [1 ed.] Pierre Huard 1
2803 cover Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control [4 ed.] Ed. Remington, Patrick L. 4
2804 cover Governance, Performance, and Capacity Stress: The Chronic Case of Prison Crowding [1 ed.] Simon Bastow (auth.) 1
2805 cover Chronic Poverty: Concepts, Causes and Policy Andrew Shepherd, Julia Brunt (eds.)
2806 cover Chronic Condition: Why Canada's Health Care System Needs To Be Dragged Into The 21c Jeffrey Simpson
2807 cover Chronic Poverty in Asia: Causes, Consequences and Policies [2 ed.] John Malcolm Dowling, Chin-Fang Yap 2
2808 cover Treating Chronic Juvenile Offenders: Advances Made Through the Oregon Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Model (Law and Public Policy: Psychology and the Social Sciences) [1 ed.] Patricia, Ph.D. Chamberlain 1
2809 cover Paradise in Hell: Alcohol and Drugs in the Spanish Civil War (Iberian and Latin American Studies) Jorge Marco
2810 cover Preventing Harmful Alcohol Use OECD.
2811 cover Imperial Intoxication: Alcohol and the Making of Colonial Indochina Gerard Sasges (editor), David P. Chandler (editor), Rita Smith Kipp (editor)
2812 cover The war on alcohol: prohibition and the rise of the American state [First Edition] McGirr, Lisa
2813 cover Vodka Politics Alcohol, Autocracy, and the Secret History of the Russian State Mark Lawrence Schrad
2814 cover Youth-Community Partnerships for Adolescent Alcohol Prevention [1 ed.] Andrea J. Romero (eds.) 1
2815 cover Tackling harmful alcohol use : economics and public health policy OECD
2816 cover Childhood, Family, Alcohol Mark Jayne, Gill Valentine
2817 cover The Too-Good Wife: Alcohol, Codependency, and the Politics of Nurturance in Postwar Japan (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity) [1 ed.] Amy Borovoy 1
2818 cover Alcohol and Other Drugs : Guidance and Activities [1 ed.] National Children's National Children's Bureau 1
2819 cover Women and Alcohol in Social Context: Mother’s Ruin Revisited [1 ed.] Jan Waterson (auth.) 1
2820 cover Alcohol Use/Abuse among Latinos : Issues and Examples of Culturally Competent Services [First Edition] Melvin Delgado
2821 cover The Politics of Sin: Drugs, Alcohol and Public Policy Kenneth J. Meier
2822 cover Alcohol and Public Policy : Beyond the Shadow of Prohibition [1 ed.] National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Committee on Substance Abuse and Habitual Behavior, Panel on Alternative Policies Affecting the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 1
2823 cover The Politics of Alcoholism: Building an Arena Around a Social Problem Carolyn Wiener
2824 cover The Dread Plague and the Cow Killers: The Politics of Animal Disease in Mexico and the World [1 ed.] Thomas Rath 1
2825 cover The Problem of Alzheimer's: How Science, Culture, and Politics Turned a Rare Disease into a Crisis and What We Can Do About It Jason Karlawish
2826 cover New Pandemics, Old Politics: Two Hundred Years of War on Disease and its Alternatives [1 ed.] Alex de Waal 1
2827 cover Bio-Imperialism: Disease, Terror, and the Construction of National Fragility Gwen Shuni D'Arcangelis
2828 cover Social & Public Policy of Alzheimer's Disease in the United States [1st ed.] Robert H. Blank 1
2829 cover Proteins, Pathologies and Politics: Dietary Innovation and Disease from the Nineteenth Century David Gentilcore, Matthew Smith (eds.)
2830 cover Making Sense of Health, Disease, and the Environment in Cross-Cultural History: The Arabic-Islamic World, China, Europe, and North America [1st ed. 2019] Florence Bretelle-Establet, Marie Gaille, Mehrnaz Katouzian-Safadi 1
2831 cover Containing Contagion : The Politics of Disease Outbreaks in Southeast Asia Sara E. Davies
2832 cover The Politics of Disease Control: Sleeping Sickness in Eastern Africa, 1890-1920 Mari K. Webel
2833 cover 80 Puerto Rican Families in New York City: Health and Disease Studied in Context Beatrice Bishop Berle
2834 cover The method of metaphor Ball, Bethan, Raffel, Stanley, Rhys, Emma, Sarlos, Stephanie
2835 cover Learning from the octopus: how secrets from nature can help us fight terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and disease Sagarin, Rafe
2836 cover Ethics and Security Aspects of Infectious Disease Control: Interdisciplinary Perspectives [1 ed.] Christian Enemark, Christian Enemark, Michael J. Selgelid 1
2837 cover Disease, Health Care and Government in Late Imperial Russia: Life and Death on the Volga, 1823-1914 [1 ed.] Charlotte E. Henze 1
2838 cover Disease Eradication in the 21st Century : Implications for Global Health [1 ed.] Stephen L. Cochi, Walter R. Dowdle 1
2839 cover Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, or Mad Cow Disease): Current and Proposed Safeguards [1 ed.] Sarah A. Lister, Geoffrey S. Becker 1
2840 cover The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer: Changing Cultures of Disease and Activism Maren Klawiter
2841 cover Animal Disease and Human Trauma: Emotional Geographies of Disaster Ian Convery, Maggie Mort, Josephine Baxter, Cathy Bailey (auth.)
2842 cover The Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease [1 ed.] Margaret P Battin, Leslie P Francis, Jay A Jacobson, Charles B Smith 1
2843 cover Terrorism, War, or Disease?: Unraveling the Use of Biological Weapons Anne Clunan (editor), Peter R. Lavoy (editor), Susan B. Martin (editor)
2844 cover Environmental Cancer-- a Political Disease? S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman
2845 cover International Politics of HIV AIDS: Global Disease-Local Pain [1 ed.] Seckinelgin 1
2846 cover Beyond the Arab Disease: New Perspectives in Politics and Culture (Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies) [1 ed.] Riad Nourallah 1
2847 cover Forging a Poison Prevention and Control System [1 ed.] Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Committee on Poison Prevention and Control 1
2848 cover Native society and disease in colonial Ecuador Suzanne Austin Alchon
2849 cover A Guide to the Spiritual Dimension of Care for People With Alzheimer s Disease and Related Dementia: More Than Body, Brain, and Breath [1 ed.] Eileen Shamy 1
2850 cover Ancient remedies, new disease: involving traditional healers in increasing access to AIDS care and prevention in East Africa Rachel King
2851 cover AIDS in the Twenty-First Century: Disease and Globalization [2 ed.] Tony Barnett, Alan Whiteside (auth.) 2
2852 cover Plagues and Politics: Infectious Disease and International Policy (Global Issues Series (New York, N.Y. : 1999).) Andrew T. Price-Smith
2853 cover Aristotle on Political Enmity and Disease: An Inquiry into Stasis Kostas Kalimtzis
2854 cover Body politics : disease, desire, and the family Ryan, Michael
2855 cover Politics, Science, and Dread Disease: A Short History of United States Medical Research Policy [2nd printing 1977. Reprint 2014 ed.] Stephen P. Strickland 219772014
2856 cover Peasant Rebels in the Canefields: Italian Migrant Involvement in the 1934 and 1935 Weil's Disease Cane Cutters Strikes in Queensland Gerardo Papalia
2857 cover The Tensions of Algorithmic Thinking: Automation, Intelligence and the Politics of Knowing [1 ed.] David Beer 1
2858 cover Capital and Inequality in Rural Papua New Guinea Bettina Beer, Tobias Schwoerer
2859 cover Red Banners, Books and Beer Mugs: The Mental World of German Social Democrats, 1863-1914 Andrew G Bonnell
2860 cover Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century Michael Beer, Maciej Bartkowksi (editor), Julia Constantine (editor)
2861 cover Reality: From Metaphysics to Metapolitics Wynand de Beer
2862 cover The life and teaching of Karl Marx Max Beer
2863 cover Special relationships Janet Beer, Bridget Bennett (editors)
2864 cover The Crisis of 1614 and The Addled Parliament: Literary and Historical Perspectives [1 ed.] Stephen Clucas, Rosalind Davies, Conrad Russell, Andrew Thrush, John Cramsie, David Colclough, Michelle O’Callaghan, Alan Stewart, Joad Raymond, Anna Beer, James Knowles, Jonathan Gibson 1
2865 cover The opposite of woe: my life in beer and politics Hickenlooper, John Wright,Potter, Maximillian
2866 cover Beer School: A Crash Course in Craft Beer Jonny Garrett
2867 cover Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering [1 ed.] Michael Beer, Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou, Edoardo Patelli, Siu-Kui Au (eds.) 1
2868 cover Housing Transitions through the Life Course: Aspirations, Needs and Policy Andrew Beer and Debbie Faulkner (with Chris Paris and Terry Clower)
2869 cover Sticking Together or Falling Apart: Solidarity in an Era of Individualization and Globalization (Amsterdam University Press - Solidarity and Identity) Paul de Beer, Ferry Koster
2870 cover Social Struggles in the Middle Ages [Reprint ed.] Max Beer
2871 cover Human Rights Constitutionalism in Japan and Asia (Writings of) Lafayette College The Writings of Lawrence W. Beer
2872 cover Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914 Tom Goyens
2873 cover American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia Bruce Frohnen, Bruce Frohnen, Jeremy Beer
2874 cover The Theatre of Violence: Narratives of Protagonists in the South African Conflict Don Foster, Paul Haupt, Maresa de Beer
2875 cover Developing Australia's Regions: Theory and Practice Andrew Beer
2876 cover To Serve and Collect: Chicago Politics and Police Corruption from the Lager Beer Riot to the Summerdale Scandal, 1855-1960 [1st ed.] Richard C Lindberg 1
2877 cover Sir Walter Ralegh and his Readers in the Seventeenth Century: Speaking to the People Anna R. Beer (auth.)
2878 cover Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International Relations Francis A. Beer, Robert Hariman
2879 cover Literature and Science as Modes of Expression [1 ed.] Gillian Beer (auth.), Frederick Amrine (eds.) 1
2880 cover Politics and Class in Zaire: Bureaucracy, Business and Beer in Lisala Michael G. Schatzberg
2881 cover A History of British Socialism (1919) [2] Max Beer 2
2882 cover Alliances: Latent War Communities in the Contemporary World Francis A. Beer
2883 cover General History of Socialism and Social Struggles Max Beer 1
2884 cover General History of Socialism and Social Struggles Max Beer 2
2885 cover The City of Reason [Reprint 2013 ed.] Samuel H. Beer 2013
2886 cover In the Shadow of Auschwitz: German Massacres against Polish Civilians, 1939–1945 Daniel Brewing
2887 cover American Precariat Parables of Exclusion Zeke Caligiuri et al.
2888 cover Open-Economy Politics: The Political Economy of the World Coffee Trade Robert H. Bates
2889 cover The Wollstonecraftian Mind Sandrine Bergès, Eileen Hunt Botting, Alan Coffee
2890 cover Tell Me How It Ends: an essay in 40 questions Luiselli, Valeria
2891 cover Crayon on a Matchbox: Thoughts on Coffee, War, Politics, Shearing, and Grandma’s Sex Life. Wayne Perkins
2892 cover Coffee Activism and the Politics of Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption in the Global North: Political Consumerism and Cultural Citizenship [1 ed.] Eleftheria J. Lekakis (auth.) 1
2893 cover Coffee and Transformation in Sao Paulo, Brazil Mauricio A. Font
2894 cover Grounds for Agreement: The Political Economy of the Coffee Commodity Chain John M. Talbot
2895 cover Coffee in Colombia, 1850-1970: An Economic, Social and Political History Marco Palacios
2896 cover Girl reel : a lesbian remembers growing up at the movies [First printing/first edition.] Bonnie J. Morris, , Kelly N. Kofron
2897 cover Coffee and Democracy in Modern Costa Rica Anthony Winson (auth.)
2898 cover Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base Leona Coffee
2899 cover Making Diabetes: The Politics of Diabetes Diagnostics in Uganda Arlena Siobhan Liggins
2900 cover The Anarchist before the Law: Law without Authority Saul Newman, Massimo La Torre
2901 cover Memory, Patriarchy and Economy in Turkey: Narratives of Political Power (Edinburgh Studies on Modern Turkey) [1 ed.] Meral Uğur-Çınar 1
2902 cover Democracy and Defiance: Rancière, Lefort, Abensour and the Antinomies of Politics [1 ed.] Bryan Nelson 1
2903 cover Feminism, Violence and Nonviolence: An Anthology [1 ed.] Selina Gallo-Cruz (editor) 1
2904 cover Dissident Gut: Technologies of Regularity, Politics of Revolt (Gender and the Body in Literature and Culture) [1 ed.] Jean Walton 1
2905 cover The Rise and Fall of Critical Legal Studies: Law, Politics, Culture (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Law, Literature and the Humanities) [1 ed.] James Gilchrist Stewart 1
2906 cover Tracking Loach: Politics ǀ Practices ǀ Production David Archibald
2907 cover Martha Nussbaum and Politics [1 ed.] Brandon Robshaw 1
2908 cover Hannah Arendt and Politics [1 ed.] Maria Robaszkiewicz, Michael Weinman 1
2909 cover Democracy in the Post-Truth Era: Restoring Faith in Expertise [1 ed.] Janusz Grygienc 1
2910 cover Gertrude Stein and the Politics of Participation: Democracy, Rights and Modernist Authorship, 1909–1933 [1 ed.] Isabelle Parkinson 1
2911 cover Contemporary Arab Women’s Life Writing and the Politics of Resistance [1 ed.] Hiyem Cheurfa 1
2912 cover The Social and Cultural History of Palestine: Essays in Honour of Salim Tamari [1 ed.] Sarah Irving (editor) 1
2913 cover Neo-traditionalism in Islam in the West: Orthodoxy, Spirituality and Politics Walaa Quisay
2914 cover Revolutionaries and Global Politics: War Machines from the Bolsheviks to Isis Ondrej Ditrych, Jakub Záhora, Jan Daniel
2915 cover The Politics of Voice in Education: Reforming Schools after Deleuze and Guattari Eve Mayes
2916 cover Medieval Syria and the Onset of the Crusades: The Political World of Bilad Al-Sham 1050-1128 James Wilson
2917 cover The Struggle to Reshape the Middle East in the 21st Century Samer Shehata (editor) 1
2918 cover Noise and Noise Law: A Practitioner’s Guide Francis McManus, Andy Mckenzie
2919 cover Performance, Theatricality and the US Presidency: The Currency of Distrust Julia Peetz
2920 cover State Atrophy in Syria: War, Society and Institutional Change Harout Akdedian
2921 cover Violence, Image and Victim in Bataille, Agamben and Girard John Lechte
2922 cover Gabriele D’Annunzio and World Literature: Multilingualism, Translation, Reception Elisa Segnini (editor), Michael Subialka (editor)
2923 cover Robert Burns and Scottish Cultural Politics: The Bard of Contention (1914-2014) Paul Malgrati
2924 cover Why Islamists Go Green: Politics, Religion and the Environment Emmanuel Karagiannis
2925 cover Turkey’s Political Leaders: Authoritarian Tendencies in a Democratic State Tezcan Gümüş
2926 cover Failures East and West: Cultural Encounters between East Asia and Europe Ralf Hertel (editor), Kirsten Sandrock (editor)
2927 cover An Age of Transition: British Politics 1880-1914: Parliamentary History Vol.16.1 E H H Green
2928 cover Modern Philosopher Kings: Wisdom and Power in Politics Haig Patapan
2929 cover Plastics, Environment, Culture and the Politics of Waste Tatiana Konrad (editor)
2930 cover Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World, 1880-1940: Liberal and Anti-Liberal Political Thought in Comparative Perspective Leandro Losada
2931 cover Journalism in the Grey Zone: Pluralism and Media Capture in Lebanon and Tunisia Kjetil Selvik, Jacob Høigilt
2932 cover Japanese Racial Identities within U.S.-Japan Relations, 1853-1919 Tarik Merida
2933 cover The Egyptian Social Contract: A History of State-Middle Class Relations Relli Shechter
2934 cover Geopolitics and Governance in North Africa: Local Challenges, Global Implications Sarah Yerkes (editor)
2935 cover Law, Surveillance and the Humanities Anne Brunon-Ernst (editor), Jelena Gligorijevic (editor), Desmond Manderson (editor), Claire Wrobel (editor)
2936 cover Democracy and the Future: Future-Regarding Governance in Democratic Systems Michael MacKenzie (editor), Maija Setälä (editor), Simo Kyllönen (editor)
2937 cover Moderate Liberalism and the Scottish Enlightenment: Montesquieu, Hume, Smith and Ferguson Constantine Christos Vassiliou
2938 cover Martialling Peace: How the Peacekeeper Myth Legitimises Warfare Nicole Wegner
2939 cover Displacement and Erasure in Palestine: The Politics of Hope Noa Shaindlinger
2940 cover Town and Country Planning in the Scottish Borders, 1946-1996: From Planning Backwater to the Centre of the Maelstrom Douglas Hope
2941 cover Choose Your Bearing: Édouard Glissant, Human Rights, and Decolonial Ethics Benjamin P. Davis
2942 cover Theopolitical Figures: Scripture, Prophecy, Oath, Charisma, Hospitality [1 ed.] Montserrat Herrero 1
2943 cover Dilemmas of European Democracy: New Perspectives on Democratic Politics in the European Union Niklas Bremberg (editor), Ludvig Norman (editor)
2944 cover Iran’s Soft Power in Afghanistan and Pakistan Zahid Ahmed, Ali Akbar
2945 cover Judith Butler and Politics Adriana Zaharijevic
2946 cover Democratic Partisanship: Party Activism in an Age of Democratic Crises Lise Esther Herman
2947 cover Reluctant Remilitarisation: Transforming the Armed Forces in Germany, Italy and Japan After the Cold War Fabrizio Coticchia, Matteo Dian, Francesco Moro
2948 cover William Morris on Socialism: Uncollected Essays Florence Boos (editor)
2949 cover Late Roman Italy: Imperium to Regnum Jeroen Wijnendaele (editor)
2950 cover Global Perspectives on Anti-Feminism: Far-Right and Religious Attacks on Equality and Diversity Judith Goetz, Stefanie Mayer (editors)
2951 cover Animals and Capital Dinesh Wadiwel
2952 cover An Exodus from Turkey: Tales of Migration and Exile Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, Bahar Baser
2953 cover Disentangling Jihad, Political Violence and Media Simone Pfeifer, Christoph Günther, Robert Dörre (editors)
2954 cover Objective Fictions: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marxism [1 ed.] Adrian Johnston (editor), Boštjan Nedoh (editor), Alenka Zupančič (editor) 1
2955 cover Political Thought in the Mamluk Period: The Unnecessary Caliphate Mohamad El-Merheb
2956 cover Regimes of Mobility: Borders and State Formation in the Middle East, 1918-1946 [1 ed.] Jordi Tejel (editor), Ramazan Hakkı Öztan (editor) 1
2957 cover Superhero Blockbusters: Seriality and Politics Felix Brinker
2958 cover Plasticity: The Promise of Explosion [1 ed.] Catherine Malabou, Tyler M. Williams (editor) 1
2959 cover Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer Series: A Critical Introduction and Guide (Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer) [1 ed.] Colby Dickinson 1
2960 cover New Authoritarian Practices in the Middle East and North Africa [1 ed.] Ozgun Topak (editor), Merouan Mekouar (editor), Francesco Cavatorta (editor) 1
2961 cover Literary Neo-Orientalism and the Arab Uprisings: Tensions in English, French and German Language Fiction [1 ed.] Julia Wurr 1
2962 cover Data Justice and the Right to the City Morgan Currie, Jeremy Knox, Callum McGregor
2963 cover Russian Political Philosophy: Anarchy, Authority, Autocracy Evert van der Zweerde
2964 cover Dynastic Politics in the Age of Diocletian, AD 284-311 Byron Waldron
2965 cover Identities and Ideologies in the Medieval East Roman World Yannis Stouraitis
2966 cover The Gendered and Colonial Lives of Gurkhas in Private Security: From Military to Market Amanda Chisholm
2967 cover Digital, Class, Work: Before and During COVID-19 John Michael Roberts
2968 cover Deleuze and Guattari and Terror (Deleuze Connections) [1 ed.] Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha (editor), Saswat Samay Das (editor) 1
2969 cover Deleuze and Guattari and Fascism (Deleuze Connections) [1 ed.] Rick Dolphijn (editor), Rosi Braidotti (editor) 1
2970 cover Form of Life: Agamben and the Destitution of Rules (Encounters in Law & Philosophy) Gian Giacomo Fusco
2971 cover Prefigurative Democracy: Protest, Social Movements and the Political Institution of Society Mathijs van de Sande
2972 cover Temporal Politics: Contested Pasts, Uncertain Futures Adrian Little
2973 cover Constituent Power: Law, Popular Rule and Politics Matilda Arvidsson, Leila Brännström, Panu Minkkinen
2974 cover Armenia and Azerbaijan: Anatomy of a Rivalry Laurence Broers
2975 cover Leibniz: A Contribution to the Archaeology of Power [1 ed.] Stephen Connelly 1
2976 cover Towards an Improper Politics [1 ed.] Mark Devenney 1
2977 cover Turkish Politics and 'the People': Mass Mobilisation and Populism Spyros A. Sofos
2978 cover Conscientious Objection in Turkey: A Socio-legal Analysis of the Right to Refuse Military Service Demet Aslı Çaltekin
2979 cover Assessing Intelligence: The Bildungsroman and the Politics of Human Potential in England, 1860-1910 Sara Lyons
2980 cover The Edinburgh Companion to the Politics of American Health Martin Halliwell (editor)
2981 cover Arabic Political Discourse in Transition El Mustapha Lahlali
2982 cover The North Caucasus Borderland: Between Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire, 1555-1605 Murat Yasar
2983 cover Politics and the People: Scotland, 1945-1979 Malcolm Petrie
2984 cover Crossings in Nineteenth-Century American Culture: Junctures of Time, Space, Self and Politics Edward Sugden (editor)
2985 cover A History of the Scottish Liberals and Liberal Democrats David Torrance
2986 cover The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume Gil Morejón
2987 cover Global Displacement in the Twenty-first Century: Towards an Ethical Framework Phillip Cole
2988 cover Women’s Political Representation in Iran and Turkey: Demanding a Seat at the Table Mona Tajali
2989 cover Marx’s Theory of Land, Rent and Cities Don Munro
2990 cover Poetic Prosthetics: Trauma and Language in Contemporary Veteran Writing Ron Ben-Tovim
2991 cover The Dilemma of Authoritarian Local Governance in Egypt Hani Awad
2992 cover Literary Representations of the Palestine/Israel Conflict After the Second Intifada Ned Curthoys (editor)
2993 cover Age of Rogues: Rebels, Revolutionaries and Racketeers at the Frontiers of Empires Ramazan Öztan, Alp Yenen
2994 cover Midterms and Mandates: Electoral Reassessment of Presidents and Parties Patrick Andelic (editor)
2995 cover Who Runs Edinburgh? David McCrone
2996 cover Global Security in an Age of Crisis Aiden Warren
2997 cover Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention Hendrik Kraetzschmar, Paola Rivetti
2998 cover European Integration: Historical Trajectories, Geopolitical Contexts Johann P. Arnason
2999 cover Devolution - Scottish Answers to Scottish Questions? Catherine Bromley, John Curtice, Kerstin Hinds, Alison Park
3000 cover Women, Political Philosophy and Politics Liz Sperling
3001 cover Bullets to Ballots: Collective De-Radicalisation of Armed Movements Omar Ashour
3002 cover Russia’s New Authoritarianism: Putin And The Politics Of Order [1st Edition] David G. Lewis 1
3003 cover The Trial of Hatred: An Essay on the Refusal of Violence Marc Crépon
3004 cover The Fragility of Concern for Others: Adorno and the Ethics of Care Estelle Ferrarese, Steven Corcoran
3005 cover Regicide and Republicanism: Politics and Ethics in the English Revolution, 1646-1659 Sarah Barber
3006 cover Black Mountain: Land, Class & Power in the Eastern Orange Free State Colin Murray
3007 cover Spies, Spin and the Fourth Estate: British Intelligence and the Media Paul Lashmar
3008 cover Hans Kelsen's Political Realism Robert Schuett
3009 cover The Decline of the Ottoman Empire and The Rise of the Turkish Republic: Observations of an American Diplomat, 1919-1927 Hakan Özoğlu
3010 cover Essays on Politics and Literature Bernard Crick
3011 cover Derrida's Politics of Friendship: Amity and Enmity Luke Collison (editor), Cillian Ó Fathaigh (editor), Georgios Tsagdis (editor)
3012 cover Imagined States: Law and Literature in Nigeria 1900-1966 Katherine Isobel Baxter
3013 cover The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with the ‘South’ Stefan Nygard
3014 cover Visions of Council Democracy: Castoriadis, Lefort, Arendt Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen
3015 cover Industry, Reform and Empire: Scotland, 1790-1880 Iain Hutchison
3016 cover Shakespeare in the North: Place, Politics and Performance in England and Scotland Adam Hansen
3017 cover Scotland: the Making and Unmaking of the Nation C. 1100-1707: Volume 4 Readings: C. 1500-1707 Alan MacDonald, Bob Harris
3018 cover William Pitt and the French Revolution, 1785-1795 Jennifer Mori
3019 cover Strategic Uses of Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict: Interest and Identity in Russia and the Post-Soviet Space Pål Kolstø
3020 cover Sexuality and Democracy: Identities and Strategies in Lesbian and Gay Politics [1 ed.] Momin Rahman 1
3021 cover Global Justice and Climate Governance: Bridging Theory and Practice Alix Dietzel
3022 cover Rethinking Political Judgement: Arendt And Existentialism Hannah Arendt, Maša Mrovlje
3023 cover Local Legitimacy and International Peacebuilding Oliver P. Richmond, Roger Mac Ginty
3024 cover The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past Matteo Barbato
3025 cover Political Parties in the Arab World: Continuity and Change Francesco Cavatorta, Lise Storm
3026 cover Security as Politics: Beyond the State of Exception Andrew W. Neal
3027 cover Dangerous Trade Daniel Szechi
3028 cover Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics Vanessa Lemm
3029 cover Scottish Liturgical Traditions and Religious Politics: From Reformers to Jacobites, 1560-1764 Allan I. Macinnes, Patricia Barton, Kieran German
3030 cover Discourses of Disorder: Riots, Strikes and Protests in the Media [1 ed.] Christopher Hart (editor), Darren Kelsey (editor) 1
3031 cover The Art and Politics of Film John Orr
3032 cover Resisting Militarism: Direct Action and the Politics of Subversion Chris Rossdale
3033 cover Deleuze And Anarchism Chantelle Gray Van Heerden, Aragorn Eloff
3034 cover Islamic Political Thought William Montgomery Watt
3035 cover Collective Action and Political Transformations: The Entangled Experiences in Brazil, South Africa and Europe Aurea Mota, Peter Wagner
3036 cover Irigaray and Politics: A Critical Introduction Laura Roberts
3037 cover Post-Marxism: A Reader Stuart Sim
3038 cover Constructing Presidential Legacy: How We Remember the American President Michael Patrick Cullinane, Sylvia Ellis
3039 cover A Diverse Assembly: The Debate on a Scottish Parliament Lindsay Paterson
3040 cover Political Scandals in the USA Robert Williams
3041 cover Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark: Supporting the Struggle in Syria Anne Sofie Schøtt
3042 cover Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity and Muslims in Britain Tariq Modood
3043 cover Italian Politics and Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture Patricia Cove
3044 cover Scotland: The Making and Unmaking of the Nation c.1100-1707: Volume 1: The Scottish Nation: Origins to c. 1500 Bob Harris, Alan R. MacDonald
3045 cover Women Writers of the 1930s: Gender, Politics and History Mary Joannou
3046 cover Obama v. Trump: The Politics of Presidential Legacy and Rollback Clodagh Harrington, Alex Waddan
3047 cover Dreaming of Freedom in South Africa: Literature Between Critique and Utopia David Johnson
3048 cover The Politics of Community: Theory and Practice Adrian Little
3049 cover Standing Up for Scotland: Nationalist Unionism and Scottish Party Politics, 1884-2014 David Torrance
3050 cover A Political Theory of Muslim Democracy Ravza Altuntaş-Çakır
3051 cover Arabic Sociolinguistics: Topics in Diglossia, Gender, Identity, and Politics, Second Edition Reem Bassiouney
3052 cover Arendt, Natality and Biopolitics: Toward Democratic Plurality and Reproductive Justice Rosalyn Diprose, Ewa Plonowska Ziarek
3053 cover Sexual Politics: An Introduction Richard Dunphy
3054 cover Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics Maria Pia Paganelli, Dennis C. Rasmussen, Craig Smith
3055 cover After the Arab Revolutions: Decentring Democratic Transition Theory Abdelwahab El-Affendi, Khalil Al Anani
3056 cover Scottish Government and Politics: An Introduction Peter Lynch
3057 cover The Politics of Property: Labour, Freedom and Belonging Laura Brace
3058 cover Kant's Cosmopolitics : Contemporary Issues and Global Debates Garrett Wallace Brown and Áron Telegdi-Csetri
3059 cover The Political Theology of Kierkegaard Saitya Brata Das
3060 cover British Cinema and a Divided Nation John White
3061 cover Popular Politics in Early Industrial Britain: Bolton, 1825-1850 Peter F. Taylor
3062 cover The Road to Home Rule: Images Of Scotland's Cause Christopher Harvie, Peter Jones
3063 cover Taylor and Politics: A Critical Introduction Craig Browne, Andrew Lynch
3064 cover The Politics of Islam: The Muslim Brothers and the State in the Arab Gulf Birol Başkan
3065 cover Ethics of Drone Strikes: Restraining Remote-Control Killing Christian Enemark
3066 cover C B Macpherson: and the Problem of Liberal Democracy Jules Townshend
3067 cover Trump's America: Political Culture and National Identity Liam Kennedy
3068 cover The Kurds in Erdoğan’s Turkey: Balancing Identity, Resistance and Citizenship William Gourlay
3069 cover Politics of Impunity: Torture, the Armed Forces and the Failure of Transitional Justice in Brazil Henrique Tavares Furtado
3070 cover Language, Politics and Society in the Middle East: Essays in Honour of Yasir Suleiman Yonatan Mendel, Abeer AlNajjar
3071 cover The Edinburgh Companion to Political Realism Robert Schuett, Miles Hollingworth
3072 cover Religion, Identity and Power Turkey and the Balkans in the Twenty-First Century Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, Jeffrey Haynes
3073 cover Theatres of Struggle and the End of Apartheid Belinda Bozzoli
3074 cover Neoliberalism and Political Theology : From Kant to Identity Politics Raschke, Carl A.
3075 cover Cinematic Political Thought: Narrating Race, Nation and Gender Michael Shapiro
3076 cover Ottoman Historical Documents: The Institutions of an Empire V.L. Ménage, Colin Imber
3077 cover The Common and Counter-Hegemonic Politics: Re-Thinking Social Change Alexandros Kioupkiolis
3078 cover The Persian Prison Poem: Sovereignty and the Political Imagination Rebecca Ruth Gould
3079 cover Gender, Governance and Islam Deniz Kandiyoti, Nadje Al-Ali, Kathryn Spellman Poots
3080 cover The Autonomy of Modern Scotland Lindsay Paterson
3081 cover Union and Revolution: Scotland and Beyond, 1625-1745 Laura Stewart, Janay Nugent
3082 cover Hydrofictions: Water, Power and Politics in Israeli and Palestinian Literature [1 ed.] Hannah Boast 1
3083 cover Who's in the Money?: The Great Depression Musicals and Hollywood’s New Deal Harvey G. Cohen
3084 cover The Sixties in America: History, Politics and Protest Michael J. Heale
3085 cover Politics and Policy in China's Social Assistance Reform: Providing for the Poor? Daniel R. Hammond
3086 cover The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation Lisa Disch, Mathijs van de Sande, Nadia Urbinati
3087 cover Deindustrialisation and the Moral Economy in Scotland since 1955 Jim Phillips, Valerie Wright, Jim Tomlinson
3088 cover Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Text and Discourse: From Poetics to Politics Christopher Hart
3089 cover Recovering Scottish History: John Hill Burton and Scottish National Identity in the Nineteenth Century Craig Beveridge
3090 cover Get Set for Politics Keith Faulks, Ken Phillips, Alex Thomson
3091 cover The Government and Politics of Wales Russell Deacon, Alison Denton, Robert Southall
3092 cover Scots and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity, Activism and Humanitarianism Fraser Raeburn
3093 cover Militant Democracy and Its Critics: Populism, Parties, Extremism Anthoula Malkopoulou, Alexander Kirshner
3094 cover The Pilgrims Society and Public Diplomacy, 1895–1945 Stephen Bowman
3095 cover History of the Social-Democratic Federation Martin Crick
3096 cover Cosmo-nationalism: American, French and German Philosophy Oisín Keohane
3097 cover Russia Before and After Crimea: Nationalism and Identity, 2010–17 Pål Kolstø, Helge Blakkisrud
3098 cover The Rise of Islamic Political Movements and Parties: Morocco, Turkey and Jordan Esen Kirdiş
3099 cover Popular Politics and Political Culture: Urban Scotland, 1918-1939 Malcolm Petrie
3100 cover Innovation, Incentive and Reward: Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Hume Papers on Public Policy 5.3 Hector MacQueen, Brian G. Main
3101 cover The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence Claudia Leeb
3102 cover Black Nationalism in American History: From the Nineteenth Century to the Million Man March Mark Newman
3103 cover Scotland: Early modern Scotland : c.1500-1707 Alan R. MacDonald, Bob Harris
3104 cover Politics of the Russian Language Beyond Russia Christian Noack
3105 cover Making War on Bodies: Militarisation, Aesthetics and Embodiment in International Politics Catherine Baker
3106 cover Commercial Arbitration: The Scottish and International Perspectives Hong-Lin Yu
3107 cover Obama's Fractured Legacy: The Politics and Policies of an Embattled Presidency François Vergniolle de Chantal
3108 cover Nationhood, Migration and Global Politics: An Introduction Raymond Taras
3109 cover Seeing Degree Zero: Barthes/Burgin and Political Aesthetics Ryan Bishop, Sunil Manghani
3110 cover US Foreign Policy and China: Security Challenges During the Bush, Obama, and Trump Administrations [1 ed.] Aiden Warren, Adam Bartley 1
3111 cover How Much For A Leg?: Assessing the Process of Assessment of Non-Pecuniary Personal Injury Damages in Scotland William J. Stewart
3112 cover Habermas and Politics: A Critical Introduction Matheson Russell
3113 cover Liberalism And The 'Politics Of Difference' Andrea Baumeister
3114 cover The Republican Party and the War on Poverty: 1964-1981 Mark Mclay
3115 cover Writing the Radio War: Literature, Politics, and the BBC, 1939-1945 Ian Whittington
3116 cover Control Culture: Foucault and Deleuze after Discipline Frida Beckman
3117 cover Scottish Independence: A Practical Guide Jo E. Murkens, Peter Jones, Michael Keating
3118 cover Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography David Harvey
3119 cover US Intelligence and Al Qaeda: Analysis by Contrasting Narratives Peter de Werd
3120 cover A Call to Dissent: Defending Democracy Against Extremism and Populism Stuart Sim
3121 cover Mallarme and the Politics of Literature: Sartre, Kristeva, Badiou, Rancière Robert Boncardo
3122 cover Iran and Saudi Arabia: Taming a Chaotic Conflict Ibrahim Fraihat
3123 cover Scotland: the Making and Unmaking of the Nation C. 1100-1707: Volume 4 Readings: C. 1500-1707 Alan MacDonald, Bob Harris
3124 cover Ruth Davidson's Conservatives: The Scottish Tory Party, 2011-19 David Torrance
3125 cover Outsourcing US Intelligence: Contractors and Government Accountability Damien Van Puyvelde
3126 cover Raymond Aron's Philosophy of Political Responsibility: Freedom, Democracy and National Identity Christopher Adair-Toteff
3127 cover Modernism, Music and the Politics of Aesthetics Gemma Moss
3128 cover The Kizilbash-Alevis in Ottoman Anatolia: Sufism, Politics and Community Ayfer Karakaya-Stump
3129 cover Turkey's Necropolitical Laboratory: Democracy, Violence and Resistance Banu Bargu
3130 cover EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967-2019 Anders Persson
3131 cover Diversity and Integration in Private International Law Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Maria Blanca Noodt Taquela
3132 cover The War on Drugs and Anglo-American Relations: Lessons from Afghanistan, 2001-2011 Philip A. Berry
3133 cover Queer Communism and the Ministry of Love: Sexual Revolution in British Writing of the 1930s Glyn Salton-Cox
3134 cover Scottish Popular Politics: From Radicalism to Labour W. Hamish Fraser
3135 cover Disordered Violence: How Gender, Race and Heteronormativity Structure Terrorism Caron Gentry
3136 cover The Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915: Sojourners, Smugglers and Dubious Citizens David Gutman
3137 cover Henrietta Liston's Travels: The Turkish Journals, 1812-1820 Kenneth Weisbrode, Patrick Hart, Valerie Kennedy, Dora Petherbridge, F. Özden Mercan
3138 cover R.B. Cunninghame Graham and Scotland: Party, Prose, and Political Aesthetic Lachlan Munro
3139 cover The Scottish Parliament: Law and Practice Mark Lazarowicz, Jean McFadden
3140 cover New Scotland, New Politics? [1 ed.] Lindsay Paterson, Alice Brown, John Curtice, Kerstin Hinds 1
3141 cover Positive Atheism: Bayle, Meslier, d’Holbach, Diderot Charles Devellennes
3142 cover Spinoza and the Politics of Freedom Dan Taylor
3143 cover Migration and Border-Making: Reshaping Policies and Identities Robert Sata, Jochen Roose, Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski
3144 cover The Practical Turn in Political Theory Eva Erman, Niklas Möller
3145 cover Local States in an Imperial World: Identity, Society and Politics in the Early Modern Deccan Roy S. Fischel
3146 cover The Military-Peace Complex: Gender and Materiality in Afghanistan Hannah Partis-Jennings
3147 cover Open Scotland?: Journalists, Spin Doctors and Lobbyists Philip Schlesinger, David Miller, William Dinan
3148 cover The Politics of Association in Hellenistic Rhodes Christian Thomsen
3149 cover Time and Tide: The Feminist and Cultural Politics of a Modern Magazine Catherine Clay
3150 cover The Scots Afrikaners: Identity Politics and Intertwined Religious Cultures Retief Muller
3151 cover Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science Mirko Canevaro, Andrew Erskine, Benjamin Gray, Josiah Ober
3152 cover Reframing 1968: American Politics, Protest and Identity Martin Halliwell, Nick Witham
3153 cover Elements in Political Science Frank Bealey, Richard A. Chapman, Michael Sheehan
3154 cover Earthbound: The Aesthetics of Sovereignty in the Anthropocene Daniel Matthews
3155 cover Soviet Defectors: Revelations of Renegade Intelligence Officers, 1924-1954 Kevin Riehle
3156 cover Big Data and Democracy Kevin Macnish, Jai Galliott
3157 cover The Story of the Scottish Parliament: The First Two Decades Explained Gerry Hassan
3158 cover Hezbollah: Socialisation and its Tragic Ironies Adham Saouli
3159 cover Tacit Alliance: Franklin Roosevelt and the Anglo-American 'Special Relationship' before Churchill, 1933-1940 Tony McCulloch
3160 cover Uncontainable Legacies: Theses on Intellectual, Cultural, and Political Inheritance Gerhard Richter
3161 cover The Foreign Policy of Islamist Political Parties: Ideology in Practice Olivier Roy, Mohamed-Ali Adraoui
3162 cover Refugees in Britain: Practices of Hospitality and Labelling Gillian McFadyen
3163 cover Women and Contemporary Scottish Politics: An Anthology Esther Breitenbach, Fiona Mackay
3164 cover Scottish Coal Miners in the Twentieth Century Jim Phillips
3165 cover Medicine, Law and Public Policy in Scotland: c. 1850-1990 Mark Freeman, Eleanor Gordon, Krista Maglen
3166 cover Reclaiming Wonder : After the Sublime Genevieve Lloyd
3167 cover The Politics Of Slavery [1 ed.] Laura Brace 1
3168 cover Politics, Ontology and Knowledge in Spinoza Alexandre Matheron, Filippo Del Lucchese, David Maruzzella, Gil Morejon, David Maruzzella
3169 cover Agamben and the Existentialists Marcos Norris, Colby Dickinson
3170 cover The Spinoza-Machiavelli Encounter: Time and Occasion Vittorio Morfino, Dave Mesing
3171 cover The British Labour Government and The Greek Civil War: 1945-1949 Athanasios D Sfikas
3172 cover How Information Warfare Shaped the Arab Spring: The Politics of Narrative in Egypt and Tunisia Nathaniel Greenberg
3173 cover The Politics of Immigration in Scotland Aubrey Westfall
3174 cover New Scotland, New Society?: Are Social and Political Ties Fragmenting? John Curtice, David McCrone, Alison Park, Lindsay Paterson
3175 cover The Philosophical Foundations of the Late Schelling: The Turn to the Positive Sean J. McGrath
3176 cover Matzpen: A History of Israeli Dissidence Lutz Fiedler, Jake Schneider
3177 cover British Government's China Policy, 1945-1950 Zhong-ping Feng
3178 cover We Ourselves: The Politics of Us, Letting Be II Tristan Garcia, Christopher RayAlexander, Abigail RayAlexander, Jon Cogburn
3179 cover Kinship, State Formation and Governance in the Arab Gulf States Scott Weiner
3180 cover The Politics of Toleration: Tolerance and Intolerance in Modern Life Susan Mendus
3181 cover The Politics of Muslim Identities in Asia Iulia Lumina (editor)
3182 cover French Revolutions, 1815-1914: An Introduction Sharif Gemie
3183 cover Nineteenth Century Local Governance in Ottoman Bulgaria: Politics in Provincial Councils M. Safa Saracoglu
3184 cover Armenians Beyond Diaspora: Making Lebanon their Own Tsolin Nalbantian
3185 cover War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics Bleddyn E. Bowen
3186 cover Hegel and Marx: The Concept of Need Ian Fraser
3187 cover Technology, Innovation and Access to Justice: Dialogues on the Future of Law Siddharth Peter de Souza, Maximilian Spohr
3188 cover Militant Cosmopolitics: Another World Horizon [1 ed.] Tamara Caraus 1
3189 cover Towards a Critical Existentialism: Truth, Relevance and Politics (Intersections in Continental and Analytic Philosophy) [1 ed.] Jeffrey A. Bell 1
3190 cover Laughter As Politics: Critical Theory in an Age of Hilarity (Taking on the Political) [1 ed.] Patrick Giamario 1
3191 cover Political Agency and the Medicalisation of Negative Emotions (Taking on the Political) [1 ed.] Dan Degerman 1
3192 cover The Political Theology of Schelling [1 ed.] Saitya Brata Das 1
3193 cover Gender and Seriality: Practices and Politics of Contemporary US Television [1 ed.] Maria Sulimma 1
3194 cover The Incomplete Project of Schizoanalysis: Collected Essays on Deleuze and Guattari [1 ed.] Ian Buchanan 1
3195 cover The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey [1 ed.] Pierre Hecker (editor), Ivo Furman (editor), Kaya Akyıldız (editor) 1
3196 cover How ISIS Fights: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt [1 ed.] Omar Ashour 1
3197 cover Biopolitics After Truth: Knowledge, Power and Democratic Life [1 ed.] Sergei Prozorov 1
3198 cover Authoritarianism and Kurdish Alternative Politics: Governmentality, Gender and Justice [1 ed.] Latif Tas 1
3199 cover Towards a Geopolitical Image of Thought [1 ed.] Gregg Lambert 1
3200 cover Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy Tilottama Rajan, Antonio Calcagno
3201 cover Nietzsche's Human, All Too Human (Edinburgh Critical Guides to Nietzsche) [1 ed.] Ruth Abbey 1
3202 cover The Arab Lefts: Histories and Legacies, 1950s–1970s [1 ed.] Laure Guirguis 1
3203 cover Language, Ideology and Sociopolitical Change in the Arabic-Speaking World: A Study of the Discourse of Arabic Language Academies Chaoqun Lian
3204 cover Cognitive Bias in Intelligence Analysis: Testing the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses Method (Intelligence, Surveillance and Secret Warfare): Improving Analytical Efforts for National Intelligence Martha Whitesmith
3205 cover Affect and Attention After Deleuze and Whitehead: Ecological Attunement [1 ed.] Russell J. Duvernoy 1
3206 cover Agamben's Philosophical Trajectory [1 ed.] Adam Kotsko 1
3207 cover Critical Affect: The Politics of Method [1 ed.] Ashley Barnwell 1
3208 cover Deliberative Theory and Deconstruction: A Democratic Venture [1 ed.] Steven Gormley 1
3209 cover Diplomacy Arabic [1 ed.] Elisabeth Kendall, Yehia A. Mohamed 1
3210 cover Donald Trump and American Populism [1 ed.] Richard S. Conley 1
3211 cover Lyotard and Politics: A Critical Introduction [1 ed.] Stuart Sim 1
3212 cover Restitution and the Politics of Repair: Tropes, Imaginaries, Theory [1 ed.] Magdalena Zolkos 1
3213 cover Biopolitics, Materiality and Meaning in Modern European Drama [1 ed.] Hedwig Fraunhofer 1
3214 cover Sensing Justice through Contemporary Spanish Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics, Law [1 ed.] Mónica López Lerma 1
3215 cover Oscar Wilde and the Radical Politics of the Fin de Siècle [1 ed.] Deaglán Ó Donghaile 1
3216 cover Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Art Cinema [1 ed.] James Harvey 1
3217 cover The Invisibilities of Political Torture: The Presence of Absence in US and Chilean Cinema and Television [1 ed.] Berenike Jung 1
3218 cover Spinoza and Relational Autonomy: Being with Others [Hardcover ed.] Aurelia Armstrong, Keith Green, Andrea Sangiacomo
3219 cover Chile, the CIA and the Cold War: a transatlantic perspective James Lockhart
3220 cover The Literary Politics of Scottish Devolution: Voice, Class, Nation [1 ed.] Scott Hames 1
3221 cover The Fin-de-Siècle Scottish Revival: Romance, Decadence and Celtic Identity [1 ed.] Michael Shaw 1
3222 cover The Egalitarian Sublime: A Process Philosophy [1 ed.] James Williams 1
3223 cover French Blockbusters: Cultural Politics of a Transnational Cinema [1 ed.] Charlie Michael 1
3224 cover The Politics of Kathy Acker: Revolution and the Avant-Garde [1 ed.] Emilia Borowska 1
3225 cover Process Philosophy and Political Liberalism: Rawls, Whitehead, Hartshorne [1 ed.] Daniel A. Dombrowski 1
3226 cover Contemporary Political Cinema Matthew Holtmeier
3227 cover Political Sociology: A Critical Introduction Keith Faulks
3228 cover Classical Sociological Theory: A Reader Ian McIntosh
3229 cover Sinn Féin and the IRA: From Revolution to Moderation [1st ed.] Mathew Whiting 1
3230 cover Thinking Antagonism: Political Ontology After Laclau Oliver Marchart
3231 cover Agonistic Mourning: Political Dissidence and the Women in Black Athena Athanasiou
3232 cover Derrida's Secret: Perjury, Testimony, Oath Charles Barbour
3233 cover Denying the Spoils of War: The Politics of Invasion and Non-recognition [1 ed.] Joseph O'Mahoney 1
3234 cover Intelligence Arabic Julie Manning, Elisabeth Kendall
3235 cover Jimmy Carter and the Anglo-American Special Relationship [1 ed.] Thomas K. Robb 1
3236 cover Scotland’s Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity Peter Hopkins (ed.)
3237 cover Shame: A Genealogy of Queer Practices in the 19th Century Bogdan Popa
3238 cover Agamben and Radical Politics [Hardcover ed.] Daniel McLoughlin
3239 cover Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy Karl Widerquist, Grant S. McCall
3240 cover Political Change in the Middle East and North Africa: After the Arab Spring Inmaculada Szmolka
3241 cover British Multiculturalism and the Politics of Representation Lasse Thomassen
3242 cover Irish Drama and the Other Revolutions: Playwrights, Sexual Politics and the International Left, 1892-1964 Harris, Susan Cannon
3243 cover Viking Law and Order: Places and Rituals of Assembly in the Medieval North [1 ed.] Alexandra Sanmark 1
3244 cover Contemporary Turkey in Conflict: Ethnicity, Islam and Politics Tahir Abbas
3245 cover Resistance and Psychoanalysis: Impossible Divisions Simon Morgan Wortham
3246 cover A Wealthier, Fairer Scotland : The Political Economy of Constitutional Change [1 ed.] Michael Keating 1
3247 cover The Politics of Arabic in Israel: A Sociolinguistic Analysis Camelia Suleiman
3248 cover The Politics of Diplomacy: U.S. Presidents and the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1967-1998 James Cooper
3249 cover The Arab World and Western Intelligence: Analysing the Middle East, 1956-1981 Dina Rezk
3250 cover American Grand Strategy under Obama: Competing Discourses Georg Löfflmann
3251 cover Human Rights and Community-led Development: Lessons from Tostan Ben Cislaghi
3252 cover A Foucauldian Interpretation of Modern Law: From Sovereignty to Normalisation and Beyond Jacopo Martire
3253 cover Asia after Versailles: Asian Perspectives on the Paris Peace Conference and the Interwar Order, 1919-33 Urs Matthias Zachmann
3254 cover Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention in the 21st Century Aiden Warren, Damian Grenfell
3255 cover Theatrical Milton: Politics and Poetics of the Staged Body Brendan Prawdzik
3256 cover Strategy in War and Peace: A Critical Introduction Aaron Edwards
3257 cover A Not-So-Special Relationship: The US, The UK and German Unification, 1945-1990 Luca Ratti
3258 cover American Imperialism: The Territorial Expansion of the United States, 1783-2013 Adam Burns
3259 cover James Benning's Environments: Politics, Ecology, Duration Nikolaj Lübecker, Daniele Rugo
3260 cover Debating Foreign Policy in the Renaissance: Speeches on War and Peace by Francesco Guicciardini Marco Cesa
3261 cover Global Statesman: How Gordon Brown Took New Labour to the World David M. Webber
3262 cover Multicultural Governance in a Mobile World Anna Triandafyllidou
3263 cover Digital Resistance in the Middle East: New Media Activism in Everyday Life Deborah Wheeler
3264 cover Scotland's Choices: The Referendum and What Happens Afterwards Iain McLean, Jim Gallagher, Guy Lodge 2
3265 cover Scotland's Choices : The Referendum and What Happens Afterwards [2 ed.] Iain McLean, Jim Gallagher, Guy Lodge 2
3266 cover Human Rights and Cultural Diversity: Core Issues and Cases Andrew Fagan
3267 cover Scotland's Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity Peter Hopkins
3268 cover The New Russian Nationalism: Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism 2000–2015 Pål Kolstø, Helge Blakkisrud, (eds.)
3269 cover The Invention of Palestinian Citizenship, 1918-1947 [1 ed.] Lauren Banko 1
3270 cover From Violence to Speaking Out: Apocalypse and Expression in Foucault, Derrida and Deleuze Leonard Lawlor
3271 cover Kropotkin: Reviewing the Classical Anarchist Tradition [Hardcover ed.] Ruth Kinna
3272 cover Deleuze and the City Hélène Frichot, Catharina Gabrielsson, Jonathan Metzger (editors)
3273 cover Cicero’s Law, Rethinking Roman Law of the Late Republic Paul J. du Plessis
3274 cover Plastic sovereignties: Agamben and the politics of aesthetics Agamben, Giorgio,De Boever, Arne
3275 cover The refusal of politics Browning, Cory,Dubreuil, Laurent
3276 cover Deleuze and Baudrillard: From Cyberpunk to Biopunk Sean McQueen
3277 cover Regime Change in Contemporary Turkey: Politics, Rights, Mimesis Necati Polat
3278 cover Just Enough: Sufficiency as a Demand of Justice [1 ed.] Liam Shields 1
3279 cover Islamic Law and Empire in Ottoman Cairo [1 ed.] James E. Baldwin 1
3280 cover The Politics of Romanticism: The Social Contract and Literature Zoe Beenstock
3281 cover Natural Catastrophe: Climate Change and Neoliberal Governance Brian Elliott
3282 cover Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation Margaret Malloch, Paul Rigby
3283 cover The Cuban Missile Crisis: Origins, Course and Aftermath Jonathan Colman
3284 cover Counsel for Kings: Wisdom and Politics in Tenth-Century Iran: Volume I: The Nasihat al-muluk of Pseudo-Mawardi: Contexts and Themes Louise Marlow
3285 cover African American Anti-Colonial Thought 1917-1937 Cathy Bergin
3286 cover A History of Military Occupation from 1792 to 1914 Peter M. R. Stirk
3287 cover Counsel for Kings: Wisdom and Politics in Tenth-Century Iran: Volume II: The Nasihat al-muluk of Pseudo-Mawardi: Texts, Sources and Authorities L. Marlow
3288 cover Hollywood and the Great Depression: American Film, Politics and Society in the 1930s Iwan Morgan, Philip John Davies
3289 cover Social Transformations and Revolutions: Reflections and Analyses Johann P. Arnason, Marek Hrubec
3290 cover Hobbes and Modern Political Thought Yves Charles Zarka, James Griffith
3291 cover Multiculturalism and Interculturalism: Debating the Dividing Lines Nasar Meer, Tariq Modood, Ricard Zapata-Barrero
3292 cover Britain and the European Union Alistair Jones 2
3293 cover The Trouble with Democracy: Political Modernity in the 21st Century Gerard Rosich, Peter Wagner
3294 cover The Biopolitics of Stalinism: Ideology and Life in Soviet Socialism Sergei Prozorov
3295 cover Swedish Military Intelligence: Producing Knowledge Gunilla Eriksson
3296 cover Shakespeare's Fugitive Politics Thomas P. Anderson
3297 cover The Practices of Global Ethics: Historical Backgrounds, Current Issues, and Future Prospects Frederick Bird, Sumner B. Twiss, Kusumita Pedersen, Clark A. Miller, Bruce Grelle
3298 cover Democratisation in the Maghreb J.N.C. Hill
3299 cover Democracy: A Reader [2nd Revised edition] Ricardo Blaug, John Schwarzmantel 2
3300 cover Nancy and the Political [1 ed.] Sanja Dejanovic 1
3301 cover The Invention of a People: Heidegger and Deleuze on Art and the Political [1 ed.] Janae Sholtz 1
3302 cover Discourses of Regulation and Resistance: Censoring Translation in the Stalin and Khrushchev Era Soviet Union Samantha Sherry
3303 cover The Nancy Dictionary [1 ed.] Peter Gratton, Marie-Eve Morin 1
3304 cover Scotland and the French Revolutionary War, 1792-1802 [1 ed.] Atle Wold 1
3305 cover Butler and Ethics [1 ed.] Moya Lloyd 1
3306 cover Political Philosophy of Niccolo Machiavelli Filippo Del Lucchese
3307 cover History and Event: From Marxism to Contemporary French Theory [1 ed.] Nathan Coombs 1
3308 cover The cultural politics of emotion [Second edition] Ahmed, Sara
3309 cover The Cultural Politics of Emotion Sara Ahmed
3310 cover The Rise of Democracy: Revolution, War and Transformations in International Politics since 1776 Christopher Hobson
3311 cover The post-political and its discontents spaces of depoliticization, spectres of radical politics [Reprint ed.] Japhy Wilson, E. Swyngedouw
3312 cover Space, Politics and Aesthetics [1 ed.] Mustafa Dikeç 1
3313 cover Fear and the Making of Foreign Policy: Europe and Beyond Raymond Taras
3314 cover Liberty, Property and Popular Politics: England and Scotland, 1688-1815. Essays in Honour of H. T. Dickinson Gordon Pentland, Michael Davis
3315 cover The Legacy of Iraq: From the 2003 War to the 'Islamic State' Benjamin Isakhan
3316 cover Multiculturalism Rethought: Interpretations, Dilemmas and New Directions Varun Uberoi, Tariq Modood
3317 cover Governing Taiwan and Tibet: Democratic Approaches Baogang He
3318 cover Solidarity Across Divides: Promoting the Moral Point of View George Vasilev
3319 cover The European Charter of Local Self-Government: A Treaty for Local Democracy Chris Himsworth
3320 cover African, American and European Trajectories of Modernity: Past Oppression, Future Justice? Peter Wagner
3321 cover Virginia Woolf: Ambivalent Activist Clara Jones
3322 cover The Concept of the State in International Relations: Philosophy, Sovereignty and Cosmopolitanism Robert Schuett, Peter M. R. Stirk
3323 cover Egyptian Dream Noha Mellor
3324 cover The Voice of the People: Hamish Henderson and Scottish Cultural Politics Corey Gibson
3325 cover Thomas Reid on Society and Politics Thomas Reid, Knud Haakonssen, Paul Wood
3326 cover Masculinity and Italian Cinema: Sexual Politics, Social Conflict and Male Crisis in the 1970s Sergio Rigoletto
3327 cover Agamben and Politics : a Critical Introduction [1 ed.] Agamben, Giorgio, Prozorov, Sergei 1
3328 cover The Figure of This World: Agamben and the Question of Political Ontology [1 ed.] Mathew Abbott 1
3329 cover Language and Identity in Modern Egypt Reem Bassiouney
3330 cover The Transition Towards Revolution and Reform: The Arab Spring Realised? Sonia L. Alianak
3331 cover War power, police power [1 ed.] Neocleous, Mark 1
3332 cover Cultural Politics of Emotion [2nd Revised edition] Sara Ahmed 2
3333 cover The Morality of Peacekeeping [1 ed.] Daniel H. Levine 1
3334 cover Ambiguous Citizenship in an Age of Global Migration Aoileann Ní Mhurchú
3335 cover Badiou and the Political Condition Marios Constantinou
3336 cover A Military History of Scotland [Illustrated] Jeremy Crang, Jeremy A. Crang
3337 cover Remembering the Past in Nineteenth-Century Scotland: Commemoration, Nationality and Memory James Coleman
3338 cover Democracy Against Itself: Sustaining an Unsustainable Idea Mark Chou
3339 cover State Ideology and Language in Tanzania: Second and revised edition Jan Blommaert 2
3340 cover Bannockburns: Scottish Independence and Literary Imagination, 1314-2014 Robert Crawford
3341 cover The Scots and the Union : Then and Now [2 ed.] Christopher A Whatley 2
3342 cover The Long 1890s in Egypt: Colonial Quiescence, Subterranean Resistance Marilyn Booth, Anthony Gorman
3343 cover Foucault and Politics: A Critical Introduction Mark G. E. Kelly
3344 cover Politics of Dialogue: Non-consensual Democracy and Critical Community Leszek Koczanowicz
3345 cover Obligation in Exile: The Jewish Diaspora, Israel and Critique Ilan Zvi Baron
3346 cover Religion and Politics: European and Global Perspectives Johann P. Arnason, Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski
3347 cover Power and Propaganda: Scotland 1306-1488 Katie Stevenson
3348 cover Deliberative Democracy: Issues and Cases Stephen Elstub, Peter McLaverty
3349 cover The Post-Political and Its Discontents: Spaces of Depoliticisation, Spectres of Radical Politics Japhy Wilson, Erik Swyngedouw
3350 cover The Political Aesthetics of Global Protest: The Arab Spring and Beyond Pnina Werbner, Martin Webb, Kathryn Spellman-Poots
3351 cover Agamben and the Politics of Human Rights: Statelessness, Images, Violence John Lechte, Saul Newman
3352 cover Immigration Justice Peter Higgins
3353 cover New Frontiers: Law and Society in the Roman World [1 ed.] Paul J. du Plessis 1
3354 cover Politics of Nostalgia in the Arabic Novel: Nation-State, Modernity and Tradition [1 ed.] Wen-chin Ouyang 1
3355 cover The Edinburgh Companion to Poststructuralism [1 ed.] Benoît Dillet, Robert Porter, Iain Mackenzie 1
3356 cover Global solidarity [1 ed.] Wilde, Lawrence 1
3357 cover The end of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC : conquest and crisis Catherine Steel
3358 cover The Politics of International Law and International Justice Edwin Egede, Peter Sutch
3359 cover The Edinburgh Companion to the Arab Novel in English: The Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab American Literature and Culture [1 ed.] Nouri Gana 1
3360 cover Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Nationalism, 1917-1948 [1 ed.] Noah Haiduc-Dale 1
3361 cover Arabic in the Fray: Language Ideology and Cultural Politics Yasir Suleiman
3362 cover The Making of the Tunisian Revolution: Contexts, Architects, Prospects Nouri Gana
3363 cover Zizek and Communist Strategy: On the Disavowed Foundations of Global Capitalism Chris McMillan
3364 cover Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US: Historiography since 1945 Christopher R. Moran and Christopher J. Murphy
3365 cover Europe after Derrida: Crisis and Potentiality [1 ed.] Agnes Czajka (editor), Bora Isyar (editor) 1
3366 cover Virginia Woolf and Classical Music: Politics, Aesthetics, Form [1 ed.] Emma Sutton 1
3367 cover Postcolonial Literature [1 ed.] Dave Gunning 1
3368 cover Modernist Literature and Postcolonial Studies [1 ed.] Rajeev S. Patke 1
3369 cover The Crisis of Social Democracy in Europe [1 ed.] Michael Keating, Yves Meny, David McCrone, Donald Sassoon, Milada Anna Vachudova, Sven Steinmo, Bo Rothstein, Martin Rhodes, Henry Milner, Colin Crouch 1
3370 cover The European Court of Human Rights: Implementing Strasbourg’s Judgments on Domestic Policy Dia Anagnostou
3371 cover Private Law and Human Rights: Bringing Rights Home in Scotland and South Africa Elspeth Reid, Daniel Visser
3372 cover The American Left: Its Impact on Politics and Society since 1900 Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
3373 cover Working with Walter Benjamin: Recovering a Political Philosophy Andrew Benjamin
3374 cover The Scots in Victorian and Edwardian Belfast: A Study in Elite Migration Kyle Hughes
3375 cover Republican Democracy: Liberty, Law and Politics Andreas Niederberger, Philipp Schink
3376 cover Muslim Political Participation in Europe Jørgen S. Nielsen
3377 cover Understanding Ethics Torbjörn Tännsjö 3
3378 cover Ethics and Politics after Poststructuralism: Levinas, Derrida and Nancy [1 ed.] Madeleine Fagan 1
3379 cover British Government and Politics: A Comparative Guide Duncan Watts 2
3380 cover Agamben and Colonialism Marcelo Svirsky
3381 cover Deleuze’s Literary Clinic: Criticism and the Politics of Symptoms [1 ed.] Aidan Tynan 1
3382 cover Constitutional Violence: Legitimacy, Democracy and Human Rights [1 ed.] Antoni Abat i Ninet 1
3383 cover Devolution in the United Kingdom [2nd Edition] Russell Deacon 2
3384 cover Plague, Quarantines and Geopolitics in the Ottoman Empire [1 ed.] Birsen Bulmus 1
3385 cover Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284: The Critical Century Clifford Ando
3386 cover An Introduction to Political Thought: A Conceptual Toolkit Peri Roberts, Peter Sutch 2
3387 cover Félix Guattari in the Age of Semiocapitalism [1 ed.] Gary Genosko (ed.) 1
3388 cover Augustan Rome 44 BC to AD 14: The Restoration of the Republic and the Establishment of the Empire J. S. Richardson
3389 cover Gillian Rose: A Good Enough Justice Kate Schick
3390 cover The Political Archive of Paul de Man: Property, Sovereignty and the Theotropic Martin McQuillan
3391 cover Retheorising Statelessness : A Background Theory of Membership in World Politics [1 ed.] Kelly Staples 1
3392 cover Whatever Happened to Tory Scotland? [1 ed.] David Torrance 1
3393 cover Nonviolence in Political Theory [1 ed.] Iain Atack 1
3394 cover Challenging Multiculturalism: European Models of Diversity Raymond Taras
3395 cover The Strange Death of Labour Scotland Gerry Hassan, Eric Shaw
3396 cover Friendship's Shadows: Women's Friendship and the Politics of Betrayal in England, 1640-1705 Penelope Anderson
3397 cover Islam and the Foundations of Political Power Ali Abdel Razek, Abdou Filali-Ansary, Maryam Loutfi
3398 cover Political Parties in Britain Matt Cole, Helen Deighan
3399 cover Health Inequalities and Global Justice Patti Tamara Lenard, Christine Straehle
3400 cover Hegel's Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right Thom Brooks
3401 cover Oman, Culture and Diplomacy Jeremy Jones, Nicholas Ridout
3402 cover The history of Islamic political thought from the Prophet to the present [2 ed] Black, Antony 2
3403 cover The Agamben Dictionary Alex Murray, Jessica Whyte
3404 cover Deleuze and Sex (Deleuze Connections) Frida Beckman
3405 cover Hannah Arendt and political theory : challenging the tradition [1 ed.] Arendt, Hannah, Arendt, Hannah, Buckler, Steve 1
3406 cover The Nation and Nationalism in Europe: An Introduction [1st ed.] Pawel Karolewski, Andrzej Marcin Suszycki 1
3407 cover The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The Politics of Community in French Mandate Syria Benjamin Thomas White
3408 cover American Politics in Hollywood Film [2nd Edition] Ian Scott 2
3409 cover Wittgenstein and Political Theory: The View from Somewhere [1 ed.] Christopher C. Robinson 1
3410 cover Music Video and the Politics of Representation [1 ed.] Diane Railton, Paul Watson 1
3411 cover Levinas and the postcolonial : race, nation, other [1 ed.] Lévinas, Emmanuel, Lévinas, Emmanuel, Drabinski, John E 1
3412 cover Politics of the gift : exchanges in poststructuralism [1 ed.] Moore, Gerald 1
3413 cover Women's Rights as Multicultural Claims: Reconfiguring Gender and Diversity in Political Philosophy [Reprint ed.] Monica Mookherjee
3414 cover The Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture Christian Robert Lange, Songül Mecit
3415 cover Evil in Contemporary Political Theory Bruce Haddock (editor), Peri Roberts (editor), Peter Sutch (editor)
3416 cover Sweden, the Swastika and Stalin: The Swedish experience in the Second World War [1 ed.] John Gilmour 1
3417 cover Noble Power in Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution Keith Brown
3418 cover Sovereignty After Empire : Comparing the Middle East and Central Asia [1 ed.] Sally N. Cummings, Raymond Hinnebusch 1
3419 cover European Multiculturalisms : Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Challenges [1 ed.] Anna Triandafyllidou, Tariq Modood, Nasar Meer 1
3420 cover Humanitarian Intervention and the United Nations Norrie MacQueen
3421 cover Inside the IRA: Dissident Republicans and the War for Legitimacy Andrew Sanders
3422 cover Democracy and Political Violence John Schwarzmantel
3423 cover The History of Islamic Political Thought: From the Prophet to the Present Antony Black
3424 cover Political Discourse and National Identity in Scotland Murray Stewart Leith, Daniel P. J. Soule
3425 cover Imagining the Cape Colony: History, Literature, and the South African Nation David Johnson
3426 cover Cultural Identity and Political Ethics Paul Gilbert
3427 cover Medieval Literature and Postcolonial Studies (Postcolonial Literary Studies) Lisa Lampert-Weissig
3428 cover Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Language Judith Allen
3429 cover The politics of postanarchism [1 ed.] Newman, Saul 1
3430 cover Language and identities [1 ed.] Llamas, Carmen, Watt, Dominic James Landon 1
3431 cover Contemporary Political Movements and the Thought of Jacques Rancière: Equality in Action Todd May
3432 cover Literature, cinema and politics, 1930-1945 : reading between the frames [1 ed.] Feigel, Lara 1
3433 cover Postcolonial Agency: Critique and Constructivism [1 ed.] Simone Bignall 1
3434 cover Culture and Power in Cultural Studies : The Politics of Signification [1 ed.] John Storey 1
3435 cover Young British Muslims : Identity, Culture, Politics and the Media [1 ed.] Nahid A. Kabir 1
3436 cover Electoral Systems and Voting in the United Kingdom [1 ed.] Chris Robinson 1
3437 cover Gender and Political Identities in Scotland, 1919-1939 [1 ed.] Annmarie Hughes 1
3438 cover Active Citizenship : What Could it Achieve and How? [1 ed.] Bernard Crick, Andrew Lockyer 1
3439 cover US Government and Politics William Storey
3440 cover Impaled Upon a Thistle: Scotland since 1880 Ewen Cameron
3441 cover Dictionary of American Government and Politics Duncan Watts
3442 cover The History of the Scottish Parliament: Parliament in Context, 1235-1707 Keith Brown, Alan R. MacDonald
3443 cover Britain, Ireland and the Second World War Ian S. Wood
3444 cover American Thought and Culture in the Twenty First Century: American Thought and Culture in the 21st Century [1 ed.] Morley, Catherine, Halliwell, Martin 1
3445 cover The Ethics of Peacebuilding (Edinburgh Studies in World Ethics) [1 ed.] Tim Murithi 1
3446 cover Plato's 'Republic' Darren Sheppard
3447 cover The Politics of Religious Change on the Upper Guinea Coast: Iconoclasm Done and Undone Ramon Sarro
3448 cover Plato's Republic: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide D.J. Sheppard
3449 cover Political Communication Steven Foster
3450 cover Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Postcolonial Studies (Postcolonial Literary Studies) Suvir Kaul
3451 cover Nationalism: Theories and Cases Erika Harris
3452 cover Philosophies of Exclusion: Liberal Political Theory and Immigration [1 ed.] Phillip Cole 1
3453 cover The Modern SNP: From Protest to Power Gerry Hassan
3454 cover The Politics of Radical Democracy Adrian Little
3455 cover International Politics : An Introductory Guide [1 ed.] Alasdair Blair, Steven Curtis, Steven Curtis 1
3456 cover Liberal Peace Transitions : Between Statebuilding and Peacebuilding [1 ed.] Oliver P. Richmond, Jason Franks 1
3457 cover Assessing the George W. Bush Presidency : A Tale of Two Terms [1 ed.] Andrew Wroe, Jon Herbert, Jason Ralph, Robert Singh, Jonathan Parker 1
3458 cover Revolution or Evolution? The 2007 Scottish Elections : The 2007 Scottish Elections [1 ed.] John Curtice, David McCrone, Nicola McEwen, Michael Marsh, Rachel Ormston 1
3459 cover Democracy, Law and the Modernist Avant-Gardes : Writing in the State of Exception [1 ed.] Sascha Bru 1
3460 cover The United States and Iraq since 1979 : Hegemony, Oil and War [1 ed.] Steven Hurst 1
3461 cover The Politics of Military Occupation Peter M. R. Stirk
3462 cover Obafemi Awolowo and the Making of Remo: The Local Politics of a Nigerian Nationalist Insa Nolte
3463 cover UK Parliament Moyra Grant
3464 cover Enlightenment and Change: Scotland 1746-1832 Bruce Lenman
3465 cover Intending Scotland: Explorations in Scottish Culture since the Enlightenment Cairns Craig
3466 cover Rituals of Islamic Monarchy: Accession and Succession in the First Muslim Empire Andrew Marsham
3467 cover Border Politics: The Limits of Sovereign Power Nick Vaughan-Williams
3468 cover The Carbon Footprint Wars: What Might Happen If We Retreat From Globalization? Stuart Sim
3469 cover Obama's America Carl Pedersen
3470 cover Women's Rights as Multicultural Claims: Reconfiguring Gender and Diversity in Political Philosophy Monica Mookherjee
3471 cover Victorian Literature and Postcolonial Studies Patrick Brantlinger
3472 cover A Glossary of Political Theory John Hoffman
3473 cover The European Union Duncan Watts
3474 cover Neo-Liberal Ideology: History, Concepts, and Policies Rachel Turner
3475 cover The Future of Multicultural Britain: Confronting the Progressive Dilemma Pathik Pathak
3476 cover The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière: Creating Equality Todd May
3477 cover The Lacanian Left : Essays on Psychoanalysis and Politics Stavrakakis, Yannis
3478 cover The Lacanian Left: Psychoanalysis, Theory, Politics Yannis Stavrakakis
3479 cover Deleuze and Politics Nicholas Thoburn, Ian Buchanan
3480 cover Deleuze and Memorial Culture: Desire, Singular Memory and the Politics of Trauma Adrian Parr
3481 cover The political mind, or, 'How to think differently' [1 ed.] Laird, Kieran 1
3482 cover Dissenting Histories : Religious Division and the Politics of Memory in Eighteenth-Century England [1 ed.] John Seed 1
3483 cover Towards a Deliberative and Associational Democracy Stephen Elstub
3484 cover Citizenship in Contemporary Europe Michael Lister, Emily Pia
3485 cover A Glossary of the European Union Alistair Jones
3486 cover The Politics of Northern Ireland Joanne McEvoy
3487 cover The Union of 1707: New Dimensions: Scottish Historical Review Supplementary Issue S J Brown, Christopher Whatley
3488 cover Scotland and the Union 1707-2007 Tom M. Devine
3489 cover Men of Influence: Stalin's Diplomats in Europe, 1930-1939 Sabine Dullin, Richard Veasey, Editions Payot
3490 cover Academic Patronage in the Scottish Enlightenment: Glasgow, Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities Roger L. Emerson
3491 cover Democratic Piety: Complexity, Conflict and Violence Adrian Little
3492 cover Global Democracy: The Case for a World Government Torbjörn Tännsjö
3493 cover Religion, Culture, and Politics in the Twentieth-Century United States Mark Hulsether
3494 cover Post-foundational political thought : political difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau [1 ed.] Marchart, Oliver 1
3495 cover The Idea of Britain and the Origins of Scottish Independence: From the Picts to the Declaration of Arbroath Dauvit Broun
3496 cover Post-Marxism Versus Cultural Studies: Theory, Politics and Intervention Paul Bowman
3497 cover Nationalism and ethnosymbolism: history, culture and ethnicity in the formation of nations Steven Elliott Grosby, Athena S. Leoussi
3498 cover Violence and the Cultural Politics of Trauma Jane Kilby
3499 cover Negotiating Demands: The Politics of Skid Row Policing in Edinburgh, San Francisco, and Vancouver Laura Huey 1
3500 cover Turkish Myth and Muslim Symbol: The Battle of Manzikert Carole Hillenbrand
3501 cover Political Philosophy A–Z Jon Pike
3502 cover Scottish Independence and the Idea of Britain: From the Picts to Alexander III Dauvit Broun
3503 cover Ethics, Economics and International Relations Peter G. Brown
3504 cover Manifesto for Silence: Confronting the Politics and Culture of Noise Stuart Sim
3505 cover Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Difference, Populism, Revolution, Agitation Benjamin Arditi
3506 cover Democracy: Problems and Perspectives Roland Axtmann
3507 cover Red Scotland!: The Rise and Fall of the Radical Left, c. 1872 to 1932 William Kenefick
3508 cover Scotland Re-formed, 1488-1587 Jane Dawson
3509 cover The Scottish Parliament under Charles II, 1660-1685 Gillian MacIntosh
3510 cover Pressure Groups Duncan Watts
3511 cover Islamic Political Radicalism: A European Perspective Tahir Abbas
3512 cover A Glossary of US Politics and Government Alex Thomson
3513 cover World Ethics: The New Agenda Nigel Dower 2
3514 cover A Glossary of UK Government and Politics Duncan Watts
3515 cover Ancient tyranny [1 ed.] Lewis, Sian 1
3516 cover Speaking Against Number: Heidegger, Language and the Politics of Calculation Stuart Elden
3517 cover Deliberative Democracy and Divided Societies Ian O'Flynn
3518 cover Twentieth-Century German Political Thought Peter M.R. Stirk
3519 cover Media Policy and Globalization Paula Chakravartty, Katharine Sarikakis
3520 cover Hugh MacDiarmid's Poetry and Politics of Place: Imagining a Scottish Republic Scott Lyall
3521 cover Ethnicity and Cultural Authority: From Arnold to Du Bois Daniel G. Williams
3522 cover The Scots and the Union Christopher A. Whatley, Derek J. Partick
3523 cover Medieval Islamic Political Thought Patricia Crone
3524 cover Propaganda, Censorship and Irish Neutrality in the Second World War Robert Cole
3525 cover Has Devolution Delivered? Catherine Bromley, John Curtice, David McCrone, Alison Park
3526 cover The Judiciary, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Steven Foster
3527 cover Democracy in Britain Matt Cole
3528 cover The Changing Constitution Kevin Harrison, Tony Boyd
3529 cover The Twenties in America: Politics and History Niall Palmer
3530 cover The Prime Minister and Cabinet Stephen Buckley
3531 cover Media Regulation, Public Interest and the Law Mike Feintuck, Mike Varney 2
3532 cover British Propaganda and News Media in the Cold War John Jenks
3533 cover Ethnicity and the Making of History in Northern Ghana Carola Lentz
3534 cover Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA Ian S. Wood
3535 cover Cold War US Foreign Policy: Key Perspectives Steven Hurst
3536 cover The Ethics of Peace and War [1 ed.] Iain Atack 1
3537 cover Nations and Nationalism: A Reader Philip Spencer, Howard Wollman
3538 cover Political Concepts: A Reader and Guide Iain MacKenzie
3539 cover Medicine Murder in Colonial Lesotho: The Anatomy of a Moral Crisis Colin Murray, Peter Sanders
3540 cover Visions of the City: Utopianism, Power and Politics in Twentieth-Century Urbanism David Pinder
3541 cover Radical Spenser: Pastoral, Politics and the New Aestheticism Richard Chamberlain
3542 cover Just War Theory: A Reappraisal Mark Evans
3543 cover The Politics of Islamic Finance. Henry.
3544 cover Diocletian and the Tetrarchy Roger Rees
3545 cover Scottish Local Government Allan McConnell
3546 cover The Scottish Labour Party: History, Institutions and Ideas Gerry Hassan
3547 cover Athenian Democracy P. J. Rhodes
3548 cover An Alternative Internet: Radical Media, Politics and Creativity Chris Atton
3549 cover Untimely Politics Samuel A. Chambers
3550 cover The Kingdom of the Scots: Government, Church and Society from the Eleventh to the Fourteenth Century [2 ed.] Geoffrey Barrow 2
3551 cover An Introduction to Global Citizenship [1 ed.] Nigel Dower 1
3552 cover The Political Mapping of Cyberspace Jeremy Crampton
3553 cover The Scotsman Guide to Scottish Politics [illustrated edition] Professor Matthew Spicer, Matthew Spicer
3554 cover Politics and post-structuralism: an introduction Jeremy Valentine, Alan Finlayson
3555 cover The Road to the Scottish Parliament Brian Taylor
3556 cover Sexual Politics Richard Dunphy
3557 cover British Idealism and Political Theory David Boucher, Andrew Vincent
3558 cover Race and Urban Space in Contemporary American Culture Liam Kennedy
3559 cover Peoples, Cultures and Nations in Political Philosophy Paul Gilbert
3560 cover Industrial Nation: Work, Culture and Society in Scotland, 1800-Present [Illustrated] William Knox
3561 cover World Ethics:The New Agenda Nigel Dower
3562 cover Land, ecology and resistance in Kenya, 1880-1952 A. Fiona D. Mackenzie, Fiona Mackenzie
3563 cover Reconstructing Realism Alastair J. H. Murray
3564 cover The Presidential Election Game, Second Edition [2nd ed.] Steven J. Brams 2
3565 cover Politics, Logic, and Love: The Life of Jean Van Heijenoort Anita Burdman Feferman 1
3566 cover Physician’s Guide to Terrorist Attack [1 ed.] Bonnie L. Smoak MD, PhD, MPH, James A. Geiling MD, FACP, FCCP (auth.), Michael J. Roy MD, MPH, FACP (eds.) 1
3567 cover Care of the Aged [1 ed.] Sheila M. Neysmith (auth.), James M. Humber, Robert F. Almeder (eds.) 1
3568 cover Postcolonial Con-Texts: Writing Back to the Canon (Literature Culture And Identity) John Thieme
3569 cover Emotion in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Etiology, Assessment, Neurobiology, and Treatment [1 ed.] Matthew Tull (editor), Nathan Kimbrel (editor) 1
3570 cover Staging West German Democracy: Governmental PR Films and the Democratic Imaginary, 1953-1963 Jan Uelzmann, Imke Meyer
3571 cover Food Safety and Quality Systems in Developing Countries Volume One: Export Challenges and Implementation Strategies
3572 cover Marx and Engels on Law [1st ed.] Karl Marx 1
3573 cover Usability in Government Systems
3574 cover ABC of Child Protection [4th ed] Sir Roy Meadow, Jacqueline Mok, Donna Rosenberg 4
3575 cover World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems [v. 2, 2nd ed] George Thomas Kurian 2
3576 cover Social Policy. Essential Primary Sources K. Lee, Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth, Lerner, Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner
3577 cover Government, Politics, and Protest: Essential Primary Sources K. Lee Lerner 1
3578 cover Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States [6th ed.] The Gale Group Staff Writers 6
3579 cover Cities of the World: A Compilation of Current Information on Cultural, Geographical, and Political Conditions in the Countries and Cities of Six Continents, Based on the Department of State's "Post Reports" · Volume 4 Gale Group 6
3580 cover The Palgrave Encyclopedia Of Peace And Conflict Studies [1 ed.] Oliver P. Richmond, Gëzim Visoka 1
3581 cover The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity [1 ed.] Steven Ratuva 1
3582 cover Major Acts of Congress Vol 1 (A-E) Brian K. Landsberg
3583 cover Major Acts of Congress Vol 2 (F-M) Brian K. Landsberg
3584 cover Major Acts of Congress Vol 3 (N-Z) Brian K. Landsberg
3585 cover Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender.: New Perspectives on Her Life and Work Marcel Bois (editor), Bernadette Reinhold (editor)
3586 cover Tibetan Houses: Vernacular Architecture of the Himalayas and Environs [2 ed.] Peter Herrle, Anna Wozniak 2
3587 cover Political Geometry: Rethinking Redistricting in the US with Math, Law, and Everything In Between Moon Duchin (editor), Olivia Walch (editor)
3588 cover Architecture of Normal: The Colonization of the American Landscape Daniel Kaven
3589 cover Coping with Urban Climates: Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance Sascha Roesler (editor), Madlen Kobi (editor), Lorenzo Stieger (editor)
3590 cover The Enriched Field: Urbanising the Central Plains of China Leonardo Ramondetti
3591 cover Leandro Valencia Locsin: Filipino architect Jean-Claude Girard
3592 cover Design & Democracy: Activist Thoughts and Examples for Political Empowerment Maziar Rezai, Michael Erlhoff
3593 cover Structures of Displacement Baerbel Mueller (editor), Frida Robles (editor), Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (editor)
3594 cover Impact: The effect of climate change on coastlines Alex MacLean
3595 cover Politics of Things: A Critical Approach Through Design Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi
3596 cover Spaces of Intensity: 3h architects Claus Käpplinger (editor)
3597 cover Who Plans the Planning?: Architecture, Politics, and Mankind Lucius Burckhardt (editor), Jesko Fezer (editor), Martin Schmitz (editor)
3598 cover Dwelling Urbanism: City Making through Corporeal Practice in Mexico City Christian von Wissel
3599 cover The Urban Microclimate as Artifact: Towards an Architectural Theory of Thermal Diversity Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi
3600 cover Ride a Bike! : Reclaim the City Annette, Becker, Cachola, Schmal Peter, Lessano, Negussie, Stefanie, Lampe
3601 cover The Process of Making: Five Parameters to Shape Buildings Maki Kuwayama, Joachim Käppeler
3602 cover Modeling Post-Socialist Urbanization: The Case of Budapest Daniel Kiss
3603 cover Challenging The City Scale: Journeys in People-Centred Design Cité du Design (editor), CLEAR VILLAGE (editor)
3604 cover Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security Vol 2 K Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner
3605 cover Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security Vol 2 [F-Q] K Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner
3606 cover Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security Vol 3 K Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner
3607 cover Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security [Volume 2, 1 ed.] K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner 1
3608 cover Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security [Volume 3, 1 ed.] K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner 1
3609 cover Swiss Sensibility: The Culture of Architecture in Switzerland Anna Roos
3610 cover Tibetan houses vernacular architecture of the Himalayas and environs Anna Woźniak, Peter Herrle
3611 cover Encounters and Positions: Architecture in Japan Susanne Kohte Hubertus, Adam Daniel Hubert
3612 cover [APPLIED] FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Investigating spatial phenomena in rural and urban Sub-Saharan Africa Baerbel Mueller (editor)
3613 cover Critique of Urbanization. Selected Essays Neil Brenner
3614 cover Architecture Activism GRAFT
3615 cover China's Urban Communities: Concepts, Contexts, and Well-Being Peter G. Rowe, Ann Forsyth, Har Ye Kan
3616 cover Cities of Change – Addis Ababa: Transformation Strategies for Urban Territories in the 21st Century [2nd and rev. ed.] Marc Angélil (editor), Dirk Hebel (editor) 2
3617 cover Critique of Urbanization: Selected Essays Neil Brenner
3618 cover Positional Games [1 ed.] Dan Hefetz, Michael Krivelevich, Miloš Stojaković, Tibor Szabó (auth.) 1
3619 cover Urban Intensities : Contemporary Housing Types and Territories Kan, Har Ye, Rowe, Peter G
3620 cover Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture Christian Borch (editor), Christian Prof. Borch (editor), Gernot Böhme (editor), Olafur Eliasson (editor), Juhani Pallasmaa (editor)
3621 cover Decoding the City: Urbanism in the Age of Big Data Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti
3622 cover Rural Urban Framework: Transforming the Chinese Countryside Joshua Bolchover, John Lin
3623 cover The Vexing Case of Igor Shafarevich, a Russian Political Thinker [1 ed.] Krista Berglund (auth.) 1
3624 cover Palimpsests: Biographies of 50 City Districts. International Case Studies of Urban Change Paul Knox
3625 cover The East Asian City in Transition: Public Architecture in the Urban Context Peter G. Rowe 1
3626 cover Drawing the Ground – Landscape Urbanism Today: The Work of Palmbout Urban Landscapes Frits Palmboom
3627 cover Sustainable Design: Towards a New Ethic in Architecture and Town Planning Marie-Hélène Contal-Chavannes, Jana Revedin, Elizabeth Kugler
3628 cover Light for Cities: Lighting Design for Urban Spaces. A Handbook Ulrike Brandi, Christoph Geissmar-Brandi (auth.)
3629 cover Light Zone City: Light Planning in the Urban Context Christa van Santen
3630 cover The Public Nature of Science under Assault: Politics, Markets, Science and the Law [1 ed.] Helga Nowotny 1
3631 cover The Role of Norms and Electronic Institutions in Multi-Agent Systems: The HarmonIA Framework [1 ed.] Javier Vázquez-Salceda (auth.) 1
3632 cover Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Hydroacoustics [1 ed.] Catherine deGroot-Hedlin, John Orcutt (auth.), Catherine deGroot-Hedlin, John Orcutt (eds.) 1
3633 cover Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem Solving among Science, Technology, and Society: An Effective Way for Managing Complexity [1 ed.] Rudolf Häberli, Walter Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Julie Thompson Klein (auth.), Julie Thompson Klein, Rudolf Häberli, Roland W. Scholz, Walter Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Alain Bill, Myrtha Welti (eds.) 1
3634 cover Environmental Policy Between Regulation and Market [1 ed.] Claude Jeanrenaud (auth.), Prof.Dr. Claude Jeanrenaud (eds.) 1
3635 cover The Verification Challenge: Problems and Promise of Strategic Nuclear Arms Control Verification [1 ed.] Richard A. Scribner, Theodore J. Ralston, William D. Metz (auth.) 1
3636 cover Going Sour: Science and Politics of Acid Rain Roy Gould (auth.)
3637 cover Uncommon Sense [1 ed.] N. Metropolis, Gian-Carlo Rota, David Sharp, J. Robert Oppenheimer (auth.), N. Metropolis, Gian-Carlo Rota, David Sharp, J. Robert Oppenheimer (eds.) 1
3638 cover Thought and Action in Foreign Policy: Proceedings of the London Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy March 1973 [1 ed.] G. Matthew Bonham, Michael J. Shapiro (auth.), G. Matthew Bonham, Michael J. Shapiro (eds.) 1
3639 cover Concepts and Tools of Computer-assisted Policy Analysis: Vol. 1: Basic Concepts [1st ed.] BOSSEL 1
3640 cover The Parthenon Marbles Dispute: Heritage, Law, Politics (The Art Law Library) Alexander Herman
3641 cover Dialogue with the Dictator: Authoritarian Legitimation and Information Management in Putin's Russia Hannah S. Chapman
3642 cover Conflict Zone Literatures: A Genre in the Making DEBAMITRA. KAR
3643 cover Communicating Politics Online: Disruption and Democracy Chapman Rackaway
3644 cover Rural Poverty Today: Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain Mark Shucksmith, Jayne Glass, Polly Chapman, Jane Atterton
3645 cover Empire of Normality: Neurodiversity and Capitalism [1 ed.] Robert Chapman 1
3646 cover The Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Policy Mahua Basu
3647 cover Cartooning China: Punch, Power, & Politics in the Victorian Era Amy Matthewson, Harriet E H Earle (editor)
3648 cover Bengal Muslims and Colonial Education, 1854-1947: A Study of Curriculum, Educational Institutions, and Communal Politics Nilanjana Paul
3649 cover The Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence [1 ed.] Maurizio Tinnirello 1
3650 cover AI and Society: Tensions and Opportunities (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series) [1 ed.] Christo El Morr 1
3651 cover Life-Changing Cross-Cultural Friendships: How You Can Help Heal Racial Divides, One Relationship at a Time Gary Chapman, Clarence Shuler
3652 cover Modern Applied Regressions: Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis of Categorical and Limited Response Variables with R and Stan Jun Xu
3653 cover Democratic Community John W. Chapman (editor), Ian Shapiro (editor)
3654 cover Election Day: How We Vote and What It Means for Democracy Emilee Booth Chapman
3655 cover Social Media for Civic Education: Engaging Youth for Democracy (Palgrave Studies in Educational Media) Amy L. Chapman
3656 cover Public Policy Analytics: Code and Context for Data Science in Government Ken Steif
3657 cover Artificial Intelligence and Global Society: Impact and Practices [1 ed.] Puneet Kumar (editor), Vinod Kumar Jain (editor), Dharminder Kumar (editor) 1
3658 cover Ecce Humanitas: Beholding the Pain of Humanity Brad Evans and Jake Chapman
3659 cover The Troubled Triangle: U.S.-Pakistan Relations Under the Taliban's Shadow Zafar Iqbal Yousafzai
3660 cover Marxist-Leninist Perspectives on Black Liberation and Socialism Frank Chapman
3661 cover Digitalization of Higher Education using Cloud Computing: Implications, Risk, and Challenges (Chapman & Hall/CRC Cloud Computing for Society 5.0) [1 ed.] S. L. Gupta (editor), Nawal Kishor (editor), Niraj Mishra (editor), Sonali Mathur (editor), Utkarsh Gupta (editor) 1
3662 cover The Unorthodox Presidency of Donald J. Trump Paul Rutledge, Chapman Rackaway
3663 cover Private Property, Freedom, and Order: Social Contract Theories From Hobbes to Rawls Mehmet Kanatlı
3664 cover Cunning Machines: Your Pocket Guide to the World of Artificial Intelligence Jędrzej Osiński
3665 cover Woman Suffrage and Politics: The Inner Story of the Suffrage Movement Carrie Chapman Catt, nettie Rogers Shuler
3666 cover Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics [1 ed.] Andre Python 1
3667 cover The Global Citizenship Nexus: Critical Studies Debra D. Chapman, Tania Ruiz-Chapman and Peter Eglin
3668 cover Understanding Elections through Statistics: Polling, Prediction, and Testing [1 ed.] Ole J. Forsberg 1
3669 cover The History of French Colonial Policy, 1870-1925 Stephen H. Roberts
3670 cover Immigration and Integration Policy in Europe: Denmark and Sweden, 1970-2010 Haider Abbas
3671 cover Majorities and Minorities: Nomos XXXII John W. Chapman (editor), Alan Wertheimer (editor)
3672 cover Due Process: Nomos XVIII Ronald Pennock (editor), John W. Chapman (editor)
3673 cover The Western University on Trial [Reprint 2020 ed.] John W. Chapman (editor) 2020
3674 cover Jacinda Ardern: A New Kind of Leader Madeleine Chapman
3675 cover Transformative Law and Public Policy Sony Pellissery, Babu Mathew, Arvind Narrain, Avinash Govindjee
3676 cover The Politics of Ministry: Navigating Power Dynamics and Negotiating Interests Bob Burns, Tasha Chapman, Donald Guthrie
3677 cover Temporary Migration, Transformation and Development: Evidence from Europe and Asia Pirkko Pitkanen, Tomoko Hayakawa, Kerstin Schmidt, Mustafa Aksakal, S. Irudaya Rajan
3678 cover Understanding Public Opinion Polls [1 ed.] Jelke Bethlehem 1
3679 cover American Political Parties Under Pressure: Strategic Adaptations for a Changing Electorate [1 ed.] Chapman Rackaway, Laurie L. Rice (eds.) 1
3680 cover Health, Human Rights and the United Nations: Inconsistent Aims and Inherent Contradictions? [1 ed.] Theodore Macdonald, Diane Plamping 1
3681 cover Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, Third Edition [3rd ed] Lentini, John J 3
3682 cover France’s Long Reconstruction: In Search of the Modern Republic [Illustrated] Herrick Chapman
3683 cover The Inner Story of the Suffrage Movement: Woman Suffrage and Politics, Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment Carrie Chapman Catt, Nettie Rogers Shuler, Mary Sumner Boyd, Henry Wade Rogers
3684 cover France’s Long Reconstruction: In Search of the Modern Republic Herrick Chapman
3685 cover Introduction to Elementary Particles David J. Griffiths 2
3686 cover Global Health, Human Rights, and the Challenge of Neoliberal Policies Audrey R. Chapman
3687 cover The Geopolitics of South Asia: From Early Empires to the Nuclear Age Graham Chapman
3688 cover The Bonin Islanders, 1830 to the Present : Narrating Japanese Nationality David Chapman
3689 cover Civic Failure and Its Threat to Democracy : Operator Error Chapman Rackaway
3690 cover Saturnalia: Traveling from Cape Town to Kampala in Search of an African Utopia Justin Chapman
3691 cover Biosimilars : design and analysis of follow-on biologics Shein-Chung Chow
3692 cover Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada [1 ed.] Liat Ben-Moshe, Chris Chapman, Allison C. Carey (eds.) 1
3693 cover Communicating Politics Online Chapman Rackaway (auth.)
3694 cover Japan's Household Registration System and Citizenship: Koseki, Identification and Documentation [1 ed.] David Chapman (editor), Karl Jakob Krogness (editor) 1
3695 cover How to write well: a guide for health and social care students Keeling, June, Chapman, Hazel M., Williams, Julie
3696 cover Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012: Uneasy Stasis and Fragile Peace D. Suba Chandran, P. R. Chari
3697 cover Open Government: A Study of the Prospects of Open Government Within the Limitations of the British Political System Richard A. Chapman, Michael Hunt
3698 cover Simulating Nature: A Philosophical Study of Computer-Simulation Uncertainties and Their Role in Climate Science and Policy Advice, Second Edition [2 ed.] Arthur C. Petersen 2
3699 cover Social scientists explain the Tea Party movement: with a selection of primary documents Chapman, Roger
3700 cover Securing Approval: Domestic Politics and Multilateral Authorization for War Terrence L. Chapman
3701 cover Treacherous Texts: An Anthology of U.S. Suffrage Literature, 1846-1946 Mary Chapman, Angela Mills
3702 cover Arguing Americanism: Pro-Franco Lobbyists, Roosevelt's Foreign Policy, and the Spanish Civil War Michael E. Chapman
3703 cover A History of Water Volume 3: Water, Geopolitics and the New World Order Terje Tvedt, Graham Chapman, Roar Hagen (editors)
3704 cover Cross-border Partnerships in Higher Education: Strategies and Issues Robin Sakamoto, David W. Chapman 1
3705 cover Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Voices, and Viewpoints Roger Chapman
3706 cover Military Doctrine: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary Military, Strategic, and Security Issues) Albert T. Chapman III
3707 cover The Geopolitics of South Asia [3rd ed.] Graham P. Chapman 3
3708 cover Knowledge Discovery for Counterterrorism and Law Enforcement [1 ed.] David Skillicorn 1
3709 cover Postcolonialism : South/African Perspectives [1 ed.] Michael Chapman 1
3710 cover Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes (Lifelong Learning Book Series) [1 ed.] David N. Aspin, Judith D. Chapman 1
3711 cover Jungle Capitalists: A Story of Globalisation, Greed and Revolution Peter Chapman
3712 cover Equality [1 ed.] John W. Chapman (editor), J. Roland Pennock (editor) 1
3713 cover Open Government in a Theoretical and Practical Context Richard A. Chapman, Michael Hunt
3714 cover Radiation Threats and Your Safety: A Guide to Preparation and Response for Professionals and Community [1 ed.] Armin Ansari 1
3715 cover Woman Suffrage by Federal Constitutional Amendment Carrie Chapman Catt
3716 cover Space Warfare and Defense - A Historical Encyclopedia and Research Guide [1 ed.] Albert T. Chapman III 1
3717 cover Bananas : how the United Fruit Company shaped the world [2nd print. ed.] Peter Chapman 2
3718 cover Democratizing Technology: Risk, Responsibility and the Regulation of Chemicals Anne Chapman
3719 cover Countervailing Forces in African-American Civic Activism, 1973-1994 Fredrick C. Harris, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, Brian D. McKenzie
3720 cover The Portland Edge: Challenges And Successes In Growing Communities [1 ed.] Connie Ozawa, Jennifer Dill, Alan Yeakley, Mattew Witt, Steven Reed Johnson, Gerald Sussman, J.R. Estes, Chet Orloff, Carl Abbot, Deborah Howe, Nancy Chapman, Hollie Lund, Sy Adler, John Provo, Karen Gibson, Tracy Prince 1
3721 cover Pleasure, politics, and piety : the artistic patronage of Marie de Brabant Hamilton, Tracy Chapman
3722 cover Race in France: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Politics of Difference Herrick Chapman (editor), Laura Levine Frader (editor)
3723 cover One Nation, Indivisible? Sara S. Chapman, Ursula S. Colby
3724 cover The Geopolitics of South Asia: From Early Empires to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Graham P. Chapman
3725 cover Male Order: Unwrapping Masculinity Jonathan Rutherford and Rowena Chapman
3726 cover Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse (RLE Feminist Theory) [Reprint 2012 ed.] Rosemary Hennessy 2012
3727 cover The Changing Geography of Africa and the Middle East [1 ed.] Graham Chapman 1
3728 cover Politics, Feminism and the Reformation of Gender [1 ed.] Jennife Chapman 1
3729 cover United States & The Politicizati Bartram Stewart Brown
3730 cover Human Rights in the World Community: Issues and Action J. Roland Pennock, John W. Chapman
3731 cover Constitutionalism and Democracy Pennock, J. R., Chapman, J. W. (EDs.).
3732 cover Compromise in Ethics, Law, and Politics Pennock, J. R., Chapman, J. W. (EDs.).
3733 cover Human Nature in Politics J. Roland Pennock, John W. Chapman
3734 cover Participation in Politics J. Roland Pennock, John W. Chapman
3735 cover Police State Brian Chapman (auth.)
3736 cover Political and Legal Obligation J. Roland Pennock, John W. Chapman
3737 cover Forward into Light: The Struggle for Woman's Suffrage (Perspectives on History) Madeleine Meyers, Sojourner Truth, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt
3738 cover The Risorgimento: Italy, 1815-1871 Tim Chapman
3739 cover An Introduction to International Relations McDonald, Patrick J., Terrence L. Chapman, Robert Moser
3740 cover Regional Policy in Britain: The North-south Divide Paul N. Balchin
3741 cover Military Veterinary Services Leslie G. Huck, Ronald L. Burke
3742 cover The Battle Behind Bars: Navy and Marine POWS in the Vietnam War: Navy and Marine POWS in the Vietnam War Rochester, Stuart I., (U.S.), Naval History &, Heritage Command
3743 cover Symbols of the United States Government: Ben's Activity Book United States Government Printing Office
3744 cover Political Warfare and Psychological Operations: Rethinking the US Approach Carnes Lord, Frank R Barnett
3745 cover Political Parties of the World [7 ed.] D. J. Sager 7
3746 cover Checks and Balances The Three Branches of the American Government Vol 1 Daniel E Brannen, Jr., U-X-L (Firm)
3747 cover Checks and Balances The Three Branches of the American Government Vol 2 Daniel E Brannen, Jr., U-X-L (Firm)
3748 cover Checks and Balances The Three Branches of the American Government Vol 3 Daniel E Brannen, Jr., U-X-L (Firm)
3749 cover Revolutionary and Dissident Movements of the World [4 ed.] Bogdan Szajkowski 4
3750 cover Guerrillas In The Mist: Expanded and Updated [Expanded, Updated] R.P. Newman
3751 cover The Partisan's Companion: Deadly Techniques of Soviet Freedom Fights During World War II U.S.S.R Communist Party, Paul J. Schmitt
3752 cover Invisible Resistance To Tyranny: How to Lead a Secret Life of Insurgency in an Increasingly Unfree World Mack Jefferson
3753 cover Disguised Weapons: The Law Enforcemnt Guide To Covert Guns, Knives, And Other Weapons Craig Meissner
3754 cover Secrets Of A Back Alley ID Man: Fake ID Construction Techniques Of The Underground Sheldon Charrett
3755 cover Surviving Street Patrol: The Officer's Guide to Safe and Effective Policing Steve Albrecht
3756 cover The Quick and Dirty Guide to Learning Languages Fast [1 ed.] A. G. Hawke 1
3757 cover Bug Book: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Electronic Eavesdropping ... But Were Afraid to Ask M.L. Shannon,
3758 cover Underground Railroad: Practical Advice for Finding Passengers Getting Them to Safety, and Staying One Step Ahead of the Tyrants Jefferson Mack
3759 cover Ragnar's Guide To Interviews, Investigations, And Interrogations: How To Conduct Them, How To Survive Them [1 ed.] Ragnar Benson 1
3760 cover Far Beyond Defensive Tactics: Advanced Concepts, Techniques, Drills, and Tricks for Cops on the Street Loren Christensen
3761 cover Privacy for Sale: How Big Brother and Others Are Selling Your Private Secrets for Profit [1 ed.] Michael E. Chesbro 1
3762 cover The Phone Book: The Latest High-Tech Techniques and Equipment For Preventing Electronic Eavesdropping, Recording Phone Calls, Ending Harassing Calls, and Stopping Toll Fraud M. L. Shannon
3763 cover The modern identity changer: how to create a new identity for privacy and personal freedom Charrett, Sheldon
3764 cover Running A Ring Of Spies: Spycraft And Black Operations In The Real World Of Espionage Jefferson Mack
3765 cover SWAT Leadership and Tactical Planning: The SWAT Operator's Guide to Combat Law Enforcement Tony L. Jones
3766 cover The Gestapo and SS manual Carl Hammer
3767 cover Sex Crime Investigations: The Complete Investigators Handbook F.D. Jordan
3768 cover SWAT Battle Tactics: How to Organize, Train, and Equip a SWAT Team for Law Enforcement or Self-Defense John McSweeney, Pat Cascio
3769 cover The Armed-Citizen Solution To Crime In The Streets: So Many Criminals, So Few Bullets [1 ed.] Mack Tanner 1
3770 cover Beat The Border: An Insider's Guide To How The U.S. Border Works and How To Beat It Ned Beaumont
3771 cover Tales From the Joint [1 ed.] K. Hawkeye Gross 1
3772 cover Killing Zone: A Professional's Guide to Preparing or Preventing Ambushes Gary Stubblefield, Mark Monday
3773 cover S.W.A.T. Team Manual Robert P. Cappel
3774 cover S.W.A.T. Team Manual [Reprinted] Robert P. Cappel
3775 cover Preemployment Integrity Testing: How to Ace the Test and Land the Job Charles Clifton
3776 cover Death Investigator's Handbook: A Field Guide to Crime Scene Processing, Forensic Evaluations, and Investigative Techniques [Illustrated] Louis N. Eliopulos
3777 cover Ragnar's Big Book of Homemade Weapons: Building and Keeping Your Arsenal Secure Ragnar Benson
3778 cover Don't Bug Me: The Latest High-Tech Spy Methods M.L. Shannon
3779 cover Marijuana Field Booby Traps: The Police Guide To Lethal Explosive Devices [Illustrated] Paladin Press
3780 cover Police Crowd Control: Risk-Reduction Strategies for Law Enforcement Charles Beene, Rex Applegate
3781 cover Deception Detection: Winning The Polygraph Game [1 ed.] Charles Clifton 1
3782 cover Counterbomb: Protecting Yourself Against Car, Mail, And Area-Emplaced Bombs Lawrence W. Myers
3783 cover The Poor Man's Fort Knox: Home Security with Inexpensive Safes Duncan Long
3784 cover Arson: The Complete Investigator's Manual [1 ed.] Paladin Press 1
3785 cover CIA Catalog Of Clandestine Weapons, Tools, And Gadgets John Minnery
3786 cover How to Build a Bugproof Room Angus Glas
3787 cover CIA Field-Expedient Key Casting Manual C. I. A.
3788 cover CIA Field-Expedient Key Casting Manual [Revised] C.I.A.
3789 cover Dea Narcotics Investigator’s Manual U. S. Government Staff
3790 cover Real World Of Alternate ID Acquisition D.P. Rochelle
3791 cover Crime Scene Search And Physical Evidence Handbook Richard H. Fox, Carl Cunningham
3792 cover Vanish: Disappearing Through ID Acquisition Johnny Yount
3793 cover Secret Freedom Fighter: Fighting Tyranny Without Terrorizing The Innocent Jefferson Mack
3794 cover The Rescuers: The World's Top Anti-Terrorist Units Leroy Thompson
3795 cover How to Hide Anything [1 ed.] Michael Connor 1
3796 cover Sneak It Through: Smuggling Made Easier Michael Connor
3797 cover Find 'Em Fast: A Private Investigator's Workbook John D. McCann
3798 cover New I.D. In America [First Printing ed.] Anonymous
3799 cover SWAT Tactics Jeffrie Jacobs
3800 cover Police Guide to Bomb Search Techniques Frank A. Moyer
3801 cover Police Tactics in Armed Operations [1 ed.] Colin Greenwood 1
3802 cover CIA Flaps And Seals Manual John M. Harrison
3803 cover How to Avoid Electronic Eavesdropping and Privacy Invasion William W. Turner
3804 cover Foundations of Mental Health Care [6th ed] Morrison-Valfre, Michelle 6
3805 cover Food Will Win the War: The Politics, Culture, and Science of Food on Canada’s Home Front Ian Mosby
3806 cover The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace (Princeton Studies in International History and Politics, 207) Elizabeth N. Saunders
3807 cover China's Strategic Arsenal: Worldview, Doctrine, and Systems James M. Smith, Paul J. Bolt, Nancy Gallagher, Bates Gill, Hans M. Kristensen, David C. Logan, Brad Roberts, Phillip C. Saunders, Andrew Scobell, Sugio Takahashi, Christopher P. Twomey
3808 cover When Citizens Talk About Politics Clare Saunders, Bert Klandermans
3809 cover Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care [8 ed.] Diana J. Mason, Elizabeth Lynne Dickson, (Gloria) Adriana Perez, Monica R. McLemore 8
3810 cover International Law And The Cold War [1st Edition] Matthew Craven, Sundhya Pahuja, Gerry Simpson, Anna Saunders 1
3811 cover Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir: What Television Series Tell Us About World Politics [1 ed.] Robert A. Saunders 1
3812 cover Corporal Punishment of Children: Comparative Legal and Social Developments towards Prohibition and Beyond Bernadette J. Saunders (editor), Pernilla Leviner (editor), Bronwyn Naylor (editor)
3813 cover Popular Geopolitics: Plotting an Evolving Interdiscipline Robert A. Saunders (editor), Vlad Strukov (editor)
3814 cover Yes to Europe!: The 1975 Referendum and Seventies Britain [1 ed.] Robert Saunders 1
3815 cover Indentured Labour in the British Empire, 1834-1920 Kay Saunders
3816 cover The Political Dimension of Labor-Management Relations: National Trends and State Level Developments in Massachusetts (Volume 2) Phillip Saunders
3817 cover The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution Cheryl Saunders, Adrienne Stone
3818 cover International Political Theory and the Refugee Problem Natasha Saunders
3819 cover Free Expression And Democracy: A Comparative Analysis [1 ed.] Kevin W. Saunders 1
3820 cover Facets of Power: Politics, Profits and People in the Making of Zimbabwe's Blood Diamonds Richard Saunders, Tinashe Nyamunda, Alan Martin, Shamiso Mtisi, Farai Maguwu, Mathew Ruguwa, Crescentia Madebwe, Victor Madebwe, Melanie Chiponda
3821 cover Popular Geopolitics and Nation Branding in the Post-Soviet Realm [1 ed.] Robert A. Saunders 1
3822 cover Democracy and the Vote in British Politics, 1848-1867: The Making of the Second Reform Act Robert Saunders
3823 cover PLA Influence on China's National Security Policymaking Phillip C. Saunders (editor), Andrew Scobell (editor)
3824 cover Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care [Paperback ed.] Diana J. Mason, Judith K. Leavitt, Mary W. Chaffee
3825 cover Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law Mark Tushnet, Thomas Fleiner, Cheryl Saunders
3826 cover Remembering and Rethinking the GDR: Multiple Perspectives and Plural Authenticities Anna Saunders, Debbie Pinfold (eds.)
3827 cover Constitutional Law: Model Problems and Outstanding Answers [1 ed.] Kevin Saunders, Michael Lawrence 1
3828 cover Environmental Networks and Social Movement Theory Clare Saunders
3829 cover Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education: A Meta-Analysis of Programs That Provide Education to Incarcerated Adults [1 ed.] Lois M. Davis, Robert Bozick, Jennifer L. Steele, Jessica Saunders, Jeremy N V Miles 1
3830 cover Honecker's Children: Youth and Patriotism in Eastern Germany, 1979-2002 Anna Saunders
3831 cover On Human Nature: Essays in Ethics and Politics Schopenhauer, Arthur,Saunders, T. Bailey,Thomas Bailey Saunders
3832 cover Region-Building in Southern Africa: Progress, Problems and Prospects Chris Saunders, Gwinyayi A. Dzinesa, Dawn Nagar (editors)
3833 cover Arrival City: How the Largest Migration in History Is Reshaping Our World Doug Saunders
3834 cover Sustained Dialogue in Conflicts: Transformation and Change Harold H. Saunders, Teddy Nemeroff, Priya Narayan Parker, Randa M. Slim B.S. and M.A., Philip D. Stewart (auth.)
3835 cover Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care [Sixth Edition] Diana J. Mason, Judith K. Leavitt, Mary W. Chaffee
3836 cover Ethnopolitics in Cyberspace: The Internet, Minority Nationalism, and the Web of Identity Saunders, R.A.
3837 cover Down and out: Poverty and exclusion in Australia Peter Saunders
3838 cover Leaders at War: How Presidents Shape Military Interventions Elizabeth N. Saunders
3839 cover Documenting Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa Select papers from the Nordic Africa Documentation Project workshop, 26–27 November 2009, Pretoria, South Africa Chris Saunders
3840 cover The Politics Aristotle, Saunders Trevor(J)
3841 cover The Braindead Megaphone George Saunders
3842 cover Lamentation and Modernity in Literature, Philosophy, and Culture Rebecca Saunders (auth.)
3843 cover Direct Cinema: Observational Documentary and the Politics of the Sixties Dave Saunders
3844 cover Legislative, Executive, And Judicial Governance in Federal Countries Katy Le Roy, Cheryl Saunders, John Kincaid
3845 cover Global Environmental Negotiations and US Interests Deborah Saunders Davenport (auth.)
3846 cover Urban Planning Today: A Harvard Design Magazine Reader William S. Saunders 1
3847 cover Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries: Volume 3 Katy Le Roy, Cheryl Saunders
3848 cover The Laws [Rev. ed.] Plato.,Saunders, Trevor J
3849 cover Politics Is about Relationship: A Blueprint for the Citizens' Century Harold H. Saunders
3850 cover The Laws Plato, Trevor J. Saunders
3851 cover Politics Is about Relationship: A Blueprint for the Citizens’ Century Harold H. Saunders (auth.)
3852 cover Acquiring New ID: How to Easily Use the Latest Technology to Drop Out, Start Over, and Get On with Your Life [1 ed.] Ragnar Benson 1
3853 cover Mug Shots: A Police Artist's Guide to Remembering Faces Douglas P. Hinkle
3854 cover Saving Our Children from the First Amendment (Critical America Series) Kevin Saunders
3855 cover Asia-Pacific Constitutional Systems Graham Hassall, Cheryl Saunders
3856 cover South Africa: A Modern History [5 ed.] T. R. H. Davenport, Christopher Saunders (auth.) 5
3857 cover Printing in Deseret: Mormons, Economy, Politics and Utah’s Incunabula 1849-1851 Richard L. Saunders
3858 cover A Public Peace Process: Sustained Dialogue to Transform Racial and Ethnic Conflicts [1 ed.] Harold H. Saunders (auth.) 1
3859 cover Anti-Lawyers: Religion and the Critics of Law and State [1 ed.] David Saunders 1
3860 cover Violence As Obscenity: Limiting the Media’s First Amendment Protection Kevin W. Saunders
3861 cover Politics: Books I and II Aristotle, Trevor J. Saunders (transl.)
3862 cover Economics and Politics of Transition Christopher T. Saunders (eds.)
3863 cover East-West Economic Relations in the 1990s [1 ed.] Gary Bertsch, Christopher T. Saunders (eds.) 1
3864 cover 1676, the end of American independence Stephen Saunders Webb
3865 cover Rural Electrification and Development: Social and Economic Impact in Costa Rica and Colombia John Saunders, J. Michael Davis, Galen Moses, James E. Ross
3866 cover Everyday Politics in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Matteo Capasso
3867 cover Arabs in Turkish Political Cartoons, 1876-1950: National Self and Non-National Other Ilkim Büke Okyar
3868 cover Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile Talar Chahinian
3869 cover Turkey's State Crisis: Institutions, Reform, and Conflict Bülent Aras
3870 cover Our Knowledge Is Not Primitive: Decolonizing Botanical Anishinaabe Teachings [Hardcover ed.] Wendy Makoons Geniusz, Annmarie Geniusz
3871 cover Understanding Hezbollah: The Hegemony of Resistance Abed T. Kanaaneh
3872 cover Readings in Syrian Prison Literature: The Poetics of Human Rights R. Shareah Taleghani
3873 cover Watermelon Democracy: Egypt's Turbulent Transition Joshua Stacher
3874 cover Politics, Culture, and the Irish American Press Debra Reddin Van Tuyll
3875 cover The Autocratic Parliament: Power and Legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011 Irene Weipert-Fenner
3876 cover Iran's Experiment with Parliamentary Governance: The Second Majles, 1909-1911 Mangol Bayat
3877 cover Resistance, Repression, and Gender Politics in Occupied Palestine and Jordan [ebook ed.] Frances S. Hasso
3878 cover Making the New Middle East: Politics, Culture, and Human Rights Valerie J. Hoffman
3879 cover Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context Tahir Abbas, Sadek Hamid
3880 cover Ottoman Children and Youth during World War I [Illustrated] Nazan Maksudyan
3881 cover Why Alliances Fail: Islamist and Leftist Coalitions in North Africa [Paperback ed.] Matt Buehler
3882 cover Palestinian Women’s Activism: Nationalism, Secularism, Islamism [ebook ed.] Islah Jad
3883 cover Respectability and Reform: Irish American Women's Activism, 1880-1920 Tara M. McCarthy
3884 cover From Rice Fields to Killing Fields: Nature, Life, and Labor under the Khmer Rouge James A. Tyner
3885 cover Democracy and the Nature of American Influence in Iran, 1941-1979 David R. Collier
3886 cover Resistance, Revolt, and Gender Justice in Egypt Mariz Tadros
3887 cover The Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception Kevin R. Cox
3888 cover Syria from Reform to Revolt: Volume 2: Culture, Society, and Religion Christa Salamandra, Leif Stenberg (eds.)
3889 cover Syria from Reform to Revolt: Volume 1: Political Economy and International Relations Raymond Hinnebusch, Tina Zintl
3890 cover America in the Nineties Nina Esperanza Serrianne
3891 cover Laura Cornelius Kellogg: Our Democracy and the American Indian and Other Works Kristina Ackley
3892 cover Prelude to Prison: Student Perspectives on School Suspension [1 ed.] Marsha Weissman 1
3893 cover Social Concern and Left Politics in Jewish American Art : 1880-1940 Matthew Baigell
3894 cover Postcolonial Overtures : The Politics of Sound in Contemporary Northern Irish Poetry Julia C. Obert
3895 cover Nepali Migrant Women : Resistance and Survival in America Shobha Hamal Gurung, Dorothy Smith
3896 cover National Elections in Turkey: People, Politics, and the Party System F. Michael Wuthrich
3897 cover Imagined Identities: Identity Formation in the Age of Globalization Gonul Pultar
3898 cover Colonial Jerusalem: The Spatial Construction of Identity and Difference in a City of Myth, 1948-2012 Thomas Philip Abowd
3899 cover Orphans and Destitute Children in the Late Ottoman Empire Nazan Maksudyan
3900 cover The Shi’ites of Lebanon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah’s Islamists Rula Jurdi Abisaab, Malek Abisaab
3901 cover Reading Arabia: British Orientalism in the Age of Mass Publication, 1880–1930 Andrew C. Long
3902 cover Women, Islam, and Identity: Public Life in Private Spaces in Uzbekistan Svetlana Peshkova
3903 cover Suicide prohibition : the shame of medicine [1st ed] Thomas Stephen Szasz 1
3904 cover The Moroccan Women's Rights Movement Amy Young Evrard
3905 cover Gay Is Good: The Life and Letters of Gay Rights Pioneer Franklin Kameny Michael G. Long
3906 cover The Ideal Refugees : Gender, Islam, and the Sahrawi Politics of Survival Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
3907 cover Democracy and Conflict Resolution : The Dilemmas of Israel's Peacemaking Miriam Fendius Elman, Oded Haklai, Hendrik Spruyt
3908 cover We Are Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in a Time of War Nadje Al-Ali
3909 cover The Second Coming of Paisley: Militant Fundamentalism and Ulster Politics [1 ed.] Richard Jordan 1
3910 cover Becoming Turkish: nationalist reforms and cultural negotiations in early republican Turkey, 1923-1945 [1. ed] Yilmaz, Hale 1
3911 cover Raging Against the Machine: Political Opposition Under Authoritarianism in Egypt Holger Albrecht
3912 cover Pax Syriana: Elite Politics in Postwar Lebanon [1 ed.] Rola El-Husseini 1
3913 cover Green Syndicalism: An Alternative Red/Green Vision [Hardcover ed.] Jeff Shantz
3914 cover The Time Remaining Samuel Hazo
3915 cover From Empire To Empire: Jerusalem Between Ottoman and British Rule Abigail Jacobson
3916 cover Back Channel Negotiation : Secrecy in the Middle East Peace Process Anthony Wanis-St. John
3917 cover Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes : The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco Eva Wegner
3918 cover A Band of Noble Women: Racial Politics in the Women's Peace Movement Melinda Plastas
3919 cover The Sport of Kings and the Kings of Crime : Horse Racing, Politics, and Organized Crime in New York 1865­–1913 Steven Riess, Steven Riess
3920 cover The International Politics of the Persian Gulf Mehran Kamrava
3921 cover Beside One's Self: Homelessness Felt and Lived Catherine Robinson
3922 cover The Kurdish Quasi-state: Development and Dependency in Post-gulf War Iraq Denise Natali
3923 cover A Guerrilla Odyssey: Modernization, Secularism, Democracy, and Fadai Period of National Liberation in Iran, 1971-1979 [Illustrated] Peyman Vahabzadeh
3924 cover Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution Stephen Zunes, Jacob Mundy, George S. McGovern
3925 cover Contesting Realities: The Public Sphere and Morality in Southern Yemen (Gender, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East) Susanne Dahlgren
3926 cover Art and Politics / Politics and Art D Melhem
3927 cover 41 Shots . . . and Counting: What Amadou Diallo's Story Teaches Us About Policing, Race, and Justice (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) Beth Roy
3928 cover Bundist Counterculture in Interwar Poland Jack Jacobs
3929 cover The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) Harry Anastasiou
3930 cover Frontiers of Femininity: A New Historical Geography of the Ninteenth-Century American West Karen M. Morin
3931 cover The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus: The Impasse of Ethnonationalism (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) Harry Anastasiou
3932 cover Arab Women's Lives Retold: Exploring Identity Through Writing (Gender, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East) Nawar Al-Hassan Golley
3933 cover The Medicalization of Everyday Life: Selected Essays Thomas Szasz
3934 cover The Politics of Public Memory in Turkey Esra Özyürek
3935 cover Holy Land in Transit: Colonialism and the Quest for Canaan Steven Salaita
3936 cover Algeria and France, 1800-2000: Identity, Memory, Nostalgia Patricia Lorcin
3937 cover An Uneasy Relationship: American Jewish Leadership and Israel, 1948-1957 Zvi Ganin
3938 cover The Kurds and the state : evolving national identity in Iraq, Turkey, and Iran [1. ed.] Denise Natali 1
3939 cover In Harness: Yiddish Writers' Romance with Communism Gennady Estraikh
3940 cover Pharmacracy - Medicine and Politics in America Thomas Stephen Szasz
3941 cover Jerusalem: A City and Its Future [Hardcover ed.] Marshall J. Breger, Ora Ahimeir
3942 cover Fatal Freedom: The Ethics and Politics of Suicide Thomas Szasz
3943 cover The Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought: A Study in the Modernization of Turkish Political Ideas Şerif Mardin
3944 cover The Strangest Dream: Communism, Anticommunism, and the U. S. Peace Movement, 1945-1963 (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) Robbie Lieberman
3945 cover Brian Friel's (Post) Colonial Drama: Language, Illusion, and Politics Friel, Brian,McGrath, Francis Charles 1
3946 cover Freedom, Modernity and Islam: Toward a Creative Synthesis (Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East) [1st ed.] Richard K. Khuri 1
3947 cover Iranian Intellectuals and the West: The Tormented Triumph of Nativism Mehrzad Boroujerdi
3948 cover The Long War: The IRA and Sinn Féin, Second Edition [Paperback ed.] Brendan O’Brien
3949 cover Gender and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the politics of women's resistance Simona Sharoni
3950 cover The Crystallization of the Arab State System, 1945-1954 Bruce Maddy-Weitzmann
3951 cover Oil, Power, and Principle: Iran's Oil Nationalization and Its Aftermath Mostafa Elm
3952 cover Egypt's Other Wars: Epidemics and the Politics of Public Health Nancy Elizabeth Gallagher
3953 cover The Rise Of Egyptian Communism, 1939-1970 Selma Botman
3954 cover Northern Ireland: The Background to the Conflict John Darby
3955 cover How Institutions Think Mary Douglas
3956 cover The Arab-Israeli Dilemma [Paperback ed.] Fred J. Khouri
3957 cover The Arab Left Tareq Y. Ismael
3958 cover Politics of Federal Aid to Education in 1965: A Study in Political Innovation Philip Meranto
3959 cover The Arab Ba'th Socialist Party: History, Ideology and Organization Kamel Abu Jaber
3960 cover The Soviet Regime: Communism in Practice W.W. Kulski
3961 cover Figures That Speak: The Vocabulary of Turkish Nationalism (Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East) Matthew deTar
3962 cover Bioenergy from Dendromass for the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas [1 ed.] Ammer, Christian, Bemman, Albrecht, Bredemier, Michael, Butler-Manning, David, Lamersdorf, Norbert 1
3963 cover BSL3 and BSL4 Agents: Proteomics, Glycomics, and Antigenicity [1 ed.] Jiri Stulik, Rudolf Toman, Patrick Butaye, Robert G. Ulrich 1
3964 cover Detection of Highly Dangerous Pathogens: Microarray Methods for BSL 3 and BSL 4 Agents [1 ed.] Tanja Kostic, Patrick Butaye, Jacques Schrenzel 1
3965 cover The Firebrand of Bolshevism: The True Story of the Bolsheviki and the Forces that Directed Them Catherine Radziwill
3966 cover Liberalism and the Social Problem: Century People Winston S. Churchill
3967 cover Imperialism: Part Two Of The Origins Of Totalitarianism Arendt, Hannah
3968 cover Cultural anthropology : a contemporary perspective [3 ed.] Roger M. Keesing 3
3969 cover Great political thinkers : Plato to the present [5 ed.] William Ebenstein 5
3970 cover Unholy Alliances: Working The Tawana Brawley Story Mike Taibbi, Anna Sims-Phillips
3971 cover Populism [1 ed.] Margaret Canovan 1
3972 cover Paris Journal, 1965-1971 Janet Flanner
3973 cover Expansion & Coexistence: Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917 to 1973 Adam B. Ulam
3974 cover The Bormann brotherhood William Stevenson
3975 cover The American Left in the Twentieth Century John P. Diggins
3976 cover Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics; Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics and Revolution Hannah Arendt
3977 cover The Culture of Cities Lewis Mumford
3978 cover On Violence (Harvest Book) [1 ed.] Hannah Arendt 1
3979 cover Machiavelli : a dissection [1 ed.] Sydney Anglo 1
3980 cover Across the Pacific: An Inner History of American-East Asian Relations Akira Iriye
3981 cover Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia: The Eighteenth-century Nobility Marc Raeff
3982 cover Imperial Democracy: The Emergence of America as a Great Power Ernest R. May
3983 cover Marxism : the view from America. Clinton Rossiter
3984 cover Seedtime of the Republic: the origin of the American tradition of political liberty Clinton Rossiter
3985 cover America's Strategy in World Politics: The United States and the Balance of Power Nicholas John Spykman
3986 cover Unlikely Allies: Nazi German and Ukrainian Nationalist Collaboration in the General Government During World War II Pawel Markiewicz
3987 cover The Impact of the Presidency of Donald Trump on American Jewry and Israel Steven J. Ross, Steven F Windmueller, Lisa Ansell
3988 cover Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War Mate Nikola Tokić
3989 cover History of Yugoslavia Calic, Marie-Janine
3990 cover Re-Visioning Terrorism : A Humanistic Perspective Elena Coda, Ben Lawton
3991 cover Pet Politics : The Political and Legal Lives of Cats, Dogs, and Horses in Canada and the United States Susan Hunter, Richard A. Brisbin
3992 cover Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives Robert X. Browning
3993 cover Lemberg, Lwów, L'viv, 1914 - 1947 Christoph Mick
3994 cover Lemberg, Lwow, and Lviv 1914-1947: Violence and Ethnicity in a Contested City Christopher Mick
3995 cover Understanding the Global Energy Crisis (Purdue Studies in Public Policy) Richard A. Simmons, Eugene D. Coyle
3996 cover The C-SPAN Archives : An Interdisciplinary Resource for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement Robert X. Browning
3997 cover Animal Cruelty and Freedom of Speech : When Worlds Collide Abigail Perdue, Randall Lockwood
3998 cover Composing the Party Line: Music and Politics in Early Cold War Poland and East Germany David G. Tompkins
3999 cover American Politics and the Jewish Community Dan Schnur, Bruce Zuckerman
4000 cover Voices of Resistance: Communication and Social Change Mohan J. Dutta
4001 cover Unleashed Fury: The Political Struggle for Dog-friendly Parks Julie Walsh
4002 cover Balkan Anschluss Srdja Pavlovic
4003 cover British History 1815-1914 [Second Edition] Norman McCord, Bill Purdue
4004 cover State Collapse in South-Eastern Europe: New Perspectives on Yugoslavia’s Disintegration Lenard J. Cohen, Jasna Dragović-Soso
4005 cover The politics of ethnic survival: Germans in Prague, 1861-1914 Gary B. Cohen
4006 cover The Political Pulpit Revisited Roderick P. Hart, John L. Pauley II
4007 cover The Ambivalence of Identity: The Austrian Experience of Nation-Building in a Modern Society Peter Thaler
4008 cover Staging the Past: The Politics of Commemoration in Habsburg Central Europe, 1848 to the Present Maria Bucur, Nancy Meriwether Wingfield
4009 cover Child abuse, domestic violence, and animal abuse: linking the circles of compassion for prevention and intervention Frank R. Ascione, Phil Arkow
4010 cover The Naval Policy of Austria-Hungary, 1867–1918. Navalism, Industrial Development, and the Politics of Dualism Lawrence Sondhaus
4011 cover The Arguments of Agriculture Jan Wojcik
4012 cover Governance and Grievance: Habsburg Policy and Italian Tyrol in the Eighteenth Century Miriam J Levy
4013 cover The Political Pulpit Roderick P. Hart
4014 cover Human Trafficking Kathryn Cullen-DuPont
4015 cover Human trafficking [1 ed.] Kathryn Cullen-DuPont 1
4016 cover African-American Political Leaders [2 Reprint ed.] Charles W. Carey, Liz Sonneborn 2
4017 cover Congress Investigates: A Critical and Documentary History, Revised Edition, 2-Volume Set [Revised] Roger A. Bruns
4018 cover First Ladies: A Biographical Dictionary (Political Biographies) [3 ed.] Dorothy Schneider, Carl J. Schneider 3
4019 cover My Fellow Citizens: The Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States, 1789–2009 [1 ed.] Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. (editor and Introduction), Fred L. Israel (editor and Commentary) 1
4020 cover Religion and the state Goldstein, Natalie
4021 cover The Civil War and Reconstruction: 1860 to 1876 (Handbook to Life in America) [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle 1
4022 cover The Colonial and Revolutionary Era: Beginnings to 1783 [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle 1
4023 cover The Gilded Age: 1870 to 1900 [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle 1
4024 cover Winning the White House 2008: The Gallup Poll, Public Opinion, and the Presidency [1 ed.] Frank Newport, Jeffrey M. Jones, Lydia Saad, Alec M. Gallup, Fred L. Israel 1
4025 cover The Age of Reform: 1890 to 1920 (Handbook to Life in America) [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle 1
4026 cover Welfare and Welfare Reform (Library in a Book) [annotated edition] Tom Streissguth
4027 cover Contemporary America: 1970 to The Present (Handbook to Life in America, Vol IX) [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle 1
4028 cover Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics Michael A. Genovese, Lori Cox Han
4029 cover Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution: Volume 1 David Schultz 1
4030 cover Encyclopedia of the U.S. Constitution [1 ed.] David Schultz 1
4031 cover Censorship (Global Issues) Frank Caso
4032 cover Encyclopedia Of Women And American Politics (Facts on File Library of American History) Lynne E. Ford
4033 cover Terrorism and Global Security Ann E. Robertson, James O., III Ellis
4034 cover Spain and Portugal: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present Julia Ortiz Griffin, William D. Griffin
4035 cover Encyclopedia of Terrorism (Facts on File Library of World History) [2 Revised] Cindy C. Combs, Martin W. Slann 2
4036 cover World encyclopedia of political systems and parties [4th ed.] edited by George E. Delury. 4
4037 cover The 1990s (Eyewitness History Series) Richard Alan Schwartz
4038 cover The Encyclopedia of Adoption Christine A. Adamec, Laurie C. Miller 3
4039 cover Encyclopedia Of The United States Congress (Facts on File Library of American History) John David, Jr. Rausch
4040 cover Korean War Almanac (Almanacs of American Wars) Paul M. Edwards
4041 cover Encyclopedia Of American Political Parties And Elections (Facts on File Library of American History) Larry J. Sabato, Howard R. Ernst
4042 cover World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties, Volume 2 George E Delury, Neil Schlager
4043 cover Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court [1st ed] Schultz, David Andrew 1
4044 cover The Progressive Era: Eyewitness History Faith Jaycox
4045 cover Empires Of Medieval West Africa: Ghana, Mali, And Songhay David C. Conrad
4046 cover Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy Glenn Hastedt
4047 cover Encyclopedia of Federal Agencies and Commissions (Facts on File Library of American History) Kathleen Thompson Hill, Gerald N. Hill
4048 cover Landmark Supreme Court Cases: The Most Influential Decisions of the Supreme Court (Facts on File Library of American History) Roy M. Mersky, Gary R. Hartman, Cindy Tate Slavinski, Cindy L. Tate
4049 cover Racial Profiling (Library in a Book) Fred C. Pampel
4050 cover Campaign and Election Reform (Library in a Book) Harry Henderson
4051 cover Encyclopedia of Public Administration & Public Policy [illustrated edition] David Schultz
4052 cover Encyclopedia of American Religion and Politics Paul A. Djupe, Laura R. Olson
4053 cover The Encyclopedia of High-Tech Crime and Crime-Fighting (Facts on File Crime Library) Michael Newton
4054 cover Encyclopedia of African-American Politics Robert C. Smith
4055 cover American Religious Leaders (American Biographies) Timothy L. Hall
4056 cover American Political Leaders Richard L. Wilson
4057 cover A to Z of American Women Leaders and Activists (A to Z of Women) Donna Hightower-Langston
4058 cover Encyclopedia of American Law (Facts on File Library of American History) David A. Schultz
4059 cover Encyclopedia of Political Thought (Facts on File Library of World History) Garrett Ward Sheldon
4060 cover Encyclopedia of Cold War Politics (Facts on File Library of World History) Brandon Toropov
4061 cover Blue Magic - The People, Power and Politics Behind the IBM Personal Computer James Chposky, Ted Leonsis
4062 cover Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law - Volume VI: Nuclear Disarmament and Security at Risk – Legal Challenges in a Shifting Nuclear World Jonathan L. Black-Branch (editor), Dieter Fleck (editor)
4063 cover English Nationalism: A Short History Jeremy Black
4064 cover A Crisis of Leadership and the Role of Citizens in Black America: Leaders of the New School Stephen C. W. Graves
4065 cover The Politics and Poetics of Black Film: Nothing But a Man [Illustrated] David C. Wall, Michael T. Martin (eds.)
4066 cover Banishment in the Early Atlantic World: Convicts, Rebels and Slaves Gwenda Morgan, Peter Rushton
4067 cover Leisured Resistance: Villas, Literature and Politics in the Roman World Michael Dewar
4068 cover On the Arab Revolts and the Iranian Revolution: Power and Resistance Today Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
4069 cover The 1711 Expedition to Quebec: Politics and the Limitations of British Global Strategy Adam Lyons
4070 cover Anglo-American Crossroads: Urban Planning and Research in Britain, 1940-2010 Mark Clapson
4071 cover 'Your Secret Language': Classics in the British Colonies of West Africa Barbara Goff
4072 cover NATO and Terrorism: Organizational Expansion and Mission Transformation James W. Peterson
4073 cover The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China's Future Elizabeth C. Economy
4074 cover Writing the Holocaust Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Daniel Langton
4075 cover Heidegger, Politics and Climate Change: Risking It All Ruth Irwin
4076 cover Whitaker's Almanack 2011 [143 ed.] Whitaker's 143
4077 cover The Land is the Source of the Law: A Dialogic Encounter with Indigenous Jurisprudence [1 ed.] C.F. Black 1
4078 cover The International Relations of Sub-Saharan Africa Ian Taylor
4079 cover The Cecils: Privilege and Power Behind the Throne David Loades
4080 cover Power Politics Martin Wight
4081 cover Rebirth: A Political History Of Europe Since World War II, Second Edition [Second Edition] Cyril Black, Jonathan E. Helmreich, Robert English, A. James Mcadams, Paul C Helmreich
4082 cover Anarchy After Leftism Bob Black
4083 cover English Law in the Age of the Black Death, 1348-1381: A Transformation of Governance and Law (Studies in Legal History) Robert C. Palmer
4084 cover IoT for Defense and National Security Keith Gremban, Ananthram Swami, Robert Douglass, Stephan Gerali
4085 cover Smart Energy for Transportation and Health in a Smart City Qi Hong Lai, Chun Sing Lai, Loi Lei Lai
4086 cover Emergent Information Technologies and Enabling Policies for Counter-Terrorism (IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence) [1 ed.] Robert L. Popp, John Yen 1
4087 cover Global Networks: Engineering, Operations and Design [1 ed.] G. Keith Cambron 1
4088 cover An Encouragement of Learning IEEE Staff,, IEEE Staff
4089 cover War in Ukraine: Conflict, Strategy, and the Return of a Fractured World Hal Brands (editor)
4090 cover The Brave New World: A History of Early America [3 ed.] Peter Charles Hoffer 3
4091 cover Modernizing Medicare: Harnessing the Power of Consumer Choice and Market Competition Robert Emmet Moffit, Marie Fishpaw
4092 cover Building a Unified American Health Care System: A Blueprint for Comprehensive Reform Gilead I. Lancaster
4093 cover The Interlopers: Early Stuart Projects and the Undisciplining of Knowledge Vera Keller
4094 cover The Present Illness: American Health Care and Its Afflictions Martin F. Shapiro
4095 cover The Deadly Rise of Anti-science Peter J. Hotez
4096 cover Constitutional Inquisitors: The Origins and Practice of Early Federal Prosecutors Scott Ingram
4097 cover Liar in a Crowded Theater - Freedom of Speech in a World of Misinformation [1 ed.] Jeff Kosseff 1
4098 cover Can Schools Save Democracy? Michael J. Feuer
4099 cover Parliamentary America: The Least Radical Means of Radically Repairing Our Broken Democracy Maxwell L. Stearns
4100 cover Terminus: Westward Expansion, China, and the End of American Empire Stuart Rollo
4101 cover The Silent Shore: The Lynching of Matthew Williams and the Politics of Racism in the Free State Charles L. Chavis Jr.
4102 cover It's Not Free Speech: Race, Democracy, and the Future of Academic Freedom Michael Berube, Jennifer Ruth
4103 cover Transparent Designs: Personal Computing and the Politics of User-Friendliness (Studies in Computing and Culture) Michael L. Black
4104 cover Conspiracy: Why the Rational Believe the Irrational Michael Shermer
4105 cover Inheriting the Bomb: The Collapse of the USSR and the Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine Mariana Budjeryn
4106 cover Misinformation Nation: Foreign News and the Politics of Truth in Revolutionary America Jordan E. Taylor
4107 cover Inspectors for Peace: A History of the International Atomic Energy Agency Elisabeth Roehrlich
4108 cover Conservative Thought and American Constitutionalism since the New Deal Johnathan O'Neill
4109 cover Because Data Can't Speak for Itself: A Practical Guide to Telling Persuasive Policy Stories David Chrisinger, Lauren Brodsky
4110 cover Street Diplomacy: The Politics of Slavery and Freedom in Philadelphia, 1820–1850 Elliott Drago
4111 cover Cold War Correspondents: Soviet and American Reporters on the Ideological Frontlines Dina Fainberg
4112 cover Eastward of Good Hope: Early America in a Dangerous World Dane A. Morrison
4113 cover Brazil in the Global Nuclear Order, 1945–2018 Carlo Patti
4114 cover Making Liberalism New: American Intellectuals, Modern Literature, and the Rewriting of a Political Tradition Ian Afflerbach
4115 cover Papal Bull: Print, Politics, and Propaganda in Renaissance Rome (Singleton Center Books in Premodern Europe) Margaret Meserve
4116 cover What Universities Owe Democracy: Access, Mobility, Fairness Ronald J. Daniels, Grant Shreve, Phillip Spector
4117 cover Unequal Cities: Structural Racism and the Death Gap in America's Largest Cities Maureen R. Benjamins
4118 cover The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America Lawrence T. Brown
4119 cover Why Are Health Disparities Everyone's Problem? Lisa Cooper
4120 cover What's Public about Public Higher Ed? : Halting Higher Education's Decline in the Court of Public Opinion [1 ed.] Stephen M. Gavazzi, E. Gordon Gee 1
4121 cover From Enforcers to Guardians: A Public Health Primer on Ending Police Violence Hannah L. F. Cooper, Mindy Thompson Fullilove
4122 cover Malignant : how bad policy and bad evidence harm people with cancer Vinayak K. Prasad
4123 cover Suffrage at 100: Women in American Politics since 1920 Stacie Taranto
4124 cover Breakaway Americas: The Unmanifest Future of the Jacksonian United States Thomas Richards
4125 cover LGBTQ Health Research: Theory, Methods, Practice Ron Stall
4126 cover Narrative Matters: Writing to Change the Health Care System [2 ed.] Jessica Bylander 2
4127 cover Age of Fear: Othering and American Identity during World War I Zachary Smith
4128 cover Manufacturing Advantage: War, the State, and the Origins of American Industry, 1776–1848 Lindsay Schakenbach Regele
4129 cover Revolutionary Networks: The Business and Politics of Printing the News, 1763–1789 [Hardcover ed.] Joseph M Adelman
4130 cover Marxism and Deconstruction: A Critical Articulation [Paperback ed.] Michael Ryan
4131 cover Bridge Across The Bosporus: The Foreign Policy of Turkey Ferenc Albert Vali
4132 cover The Algiers Motel Incident John Hersey
4133 cover Under the big tree: extraordinary stories from the movement to end neglected tropical diseases Ellen Agler
4134 cover Africa and Global Health Governance: Domestic Politics and International Structures [1 ed.] Amy S. Patterson 1
4135 cover Pandemics, Pills, and Politics: Governing Global Health Security Stefan Elbe
4136 cover Freedom’s Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science Audra J. Wolfe
4137 cover American National Security Michael J. Meese, Suzanne C Nielsen, Rachel M Sondheimer
4138 cover Common Core: National Education Standards and the Threat to Democracy Nicholas Tampio
4139 cover Facing Empire: Indigenous Experiences in a Revolutionary Age Kate Fullagar, Michael A. McDonnell (eds.)
4140 cover The Rebel Café: Sex, Race, and Politics in Cold War America’s Nightclub Underground Stephen R. Duncan
4141 cover The Class of '74: Congress After Watergate and the Roots of Partisanship John A. Lawrence
4142 cover The Secret History of the Jersey Devil: How Quakers, Hucksters, and Benjamin Franklin Created a Monster Brian Regal, Frank J. Esposito
4143 cover Persian Interventions: The Achaemenid Empire, Athens, and Sparta, 450–386 BCE John O. Hyland
4144 cover Baltimore: A Political History Matthew A. Crenson
4145 cover Civil War Memories: Contesting the Past in the United States since 1865 Robert J. Cook
4146 cover Red Modernism: American Poetry and the Spirit of Communism Mark Steven
4147 cover How NATO Adapts: Strategy and Organization in the Atlantic Alliance since 1950 Seth A. Johnston
4148 cover The Draining of the Fens: Projectors, Popular Politics, and State Building in Early Modern England Eric H. Ash
4149 cover Burdens of War : Creating the United States Veterans Health System [1 ed.] Jessica L. Adler 1
4150 cover Higher Education Rulemaking: The Politics of Creating Regulatory Policy Rebecca S. Natow
4151 cover Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy Larry Jay Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, Christopher Walker
4152 cover Illiberal Practices. Territorial Variance Within Large Federal Democracies [Paperback ed.] Jacqueline Behrend, Laurence Whitehead
4153 cover Dying and living in the neighborhood: a street-level view of America's healthcare promise Singh, Prabhjot
4154 cover The Revolt of 1916 in Russian Central Asia Edward Dennis Sokol, S. Frederick Starr
4155 cover Selma's Bloody Sunday: Protest, Voting Rights, and the Struggle for Racial Equality [1 ed.] Robert A. Pratt 1
4156 cover The 20th-Century American City: Problem, Promise & Reality Jon C. Teaford
4157 cover Austerity Blues: Fighting for the Soul of Public Higher Education Michael Fabricant, Stephen Brier
4158 cover The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798: Testing the Constitution Terri Diane Halperin
4159 cover Groundless : Rumors, Legends, and Hoaxes on the Early American Frontier [1 ed.] Gregory Evans Dowd 1
4160 cover Pain: A Political History Keith Wailoo
4161 cover Palace of Ashes: China and the Decline of American Higher Education Mark S. Ferrara
4162 cover Pluralism by Default : Weak Autocrats and the Rise of Competitive Politics Lucan Way
4163 cover Democracy in Decline? Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner (eds.)
4164 cover British Romanticism and the Critique of Political Reason Timothy Michael
4165 cover Ex Oriente Lex: Near Eastern Influences on Ancient Greek and Roman Law [1 ed.] Raymond Westbrook, Deborah Lyons, Kurt Raafla (eds.) 1
4166 cover The Best War Ever: America and World War II [Second edition] Adams, Michael C C,
4167 cover Fuels paradise : seeking energy security in Europe, Japan, and the United States [1 ed.] Paradise-John, Fuels, Duffield, S 1
4168 cover Constitutional Calculus: The Math of Justice and the Myth of Common Sense Suzuki, Jeff
4169 cover The Battle of Arginusae: Victory at Sea and Its Tragic Aftermath in the Final Years of the Peloponnesian War [Illustrated] Debra Hamel
4170 cover Killer Apes, Naked Apes, and Just Plain Nasty People: The Misuse and Abuse of Science in Political Discourse Richard J. Perry
4171 cover The Politics of Performance Funding for Higher Education : Origins, Discontinuations, and Transformations [1 ed.] Kevin J. Dougherty, Rebecca S. Natow 1
4172 cover Weapons of Democracy : Propaganda, Progressivism, and American Public Opinion [1 ed.] Jonathan Auerbach 1
4173 cover Education and Empowered Citizenship in Mali [1 ed.] Jaimie Bleck 1
4174 cover American Crossings : Border Politics in the Western Hemisphere [1 ed.] Maiah Jaskoski, Arturo C. Sotomayor, Harold A. Trinkunas 1
4175 cover Invisible Sovereign : Imagining Public Opinion from the Revolution to Reconstruction Mark G. Schmeller
4176 cover Politics in the Corridor of Dying: AIDS Activism and Global Health Governance [1 ed.] Jennifer Chan 1
4177 cover Why Mars: NASA and the Politics of Space Exploration W. Henry Lambright
4178 cover Maxwell's Demon and the Golden Apple: Global Discord in the New Millennium Schweller, Randall L
4179 cover Dealing with Darwin : place, politics, and rhetoric in religious engagements with evolution Darwin, Charles, Livingstone, David N
4180 cover Freedom Time: The Poetics and Politics of Black Experimental Writing Reed, Anthony
4181 cover Professors and Their Politics Gross, Neil, Simmons, Solon
4182 cover Rivalry and Alliance Politics in Cold War Latin America Christopher Darnton
4183 cover The Day Commodus Killed a Rhino: Understanding the Roman Games Jerry Toner
4184 cover Clientelism, Social Policy, and the Quality of Democracy Abente Brun, Diego, Diamond, Larry (eds.)
4185 cover The Resilience of the Latin American Right Juan Pablo Luna, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
4186 cover Seizing Power: The Strategic Logic of Military Coups Naunihal Singh
4187 cover Democracy's Double-Edged Sword: How Internet Use Changes Citizens' Views of Their Government Catie Snow Bailard
4188 cover Star-Spangled Banner Ferris, Marc
4189 cover Forging China's Military Might: A New Framework for Assessing Innovation Tai Ming Cheung
4190 cover Engineering War and Peace in Modern Japan, 1868–1964 Takashi Nishiyama
4191 cover Crisis in an Atlantic Empire: Spain and New Spain, 1808-1810 Barbara H. Stein, Stanley J. Stein
4192 cover The Myth of the Democratic Peacekeeper : Civil-Military Relations and the United Nations [1 ed.] Arturo C. Sotomayor 1
4193 cover North Korean Nuclear Operationality : Regional Security and Nonproliferation [1 ed.] Gregory J. Moore, Graham T. Allison 1
4194 cover Securing the West : Politics, Public Lands, and the Fate of the Old Republic, 1785-1850 [1 ed.] John R. Van Atta 1
4195 cover Governed by a Spirit of Opposition : The Origins of American Political Practice in Colonial Philadelphia [1 ed.] Jessica Choppin Roney 1
4196 cover Defect or Defend : Military Responses to Popular Protests in Authoritarian Asia [1 ed.] Terence Lee 1
4197 cover Digital Politics in Western Democracies: A Comparative Study Cristian Vaccari
4198 cover Leaving without losing : the war on terror after Iraq and Afghanistan Mark N. Katz
4199 cover National Security Through A Cockeyed Lens: How Cognitive Bias Impacts U.S. Foreign Policy [1st Edition] Steve A. Yetiv 1
4200 cover Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis Daniel W. Webster, Jon S. Vernick
4201 cover Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and the State in Cold War America Audra J. Wolfe
4202 cover To Touch the Face of God: The Sacred, the Profane, and the American Space Program, 1957–1975 Kendrick Oliver
4203 cover Imaginary Citizens : Child Readers and the Limits of American Independence, 1640-1868 [1 ed.] Courtney Weikle-Mills 1
4204 cover Civil-Military Relations and Shared Responsibility : A Four-Nation Study [1 ed.] Dale R. Herspring 1
4205 cover Noncommunicable Diseases in the Developing World : Addressing Gaps in Global Policy and Research [1 ed.] Louis Galambos, Jeffrey L. Sturchio 1
4206 cover The Tea Party: A Brief History Ronald P. Formisano
4207 cover Getting to graduation : the completion agenda in higher education Andrew P. Kelly &, Mark Schneider (eds.)
4208 cover Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion Einstein, Albert, Gimbel, Steven, Einstein, Albert
4209 cover Justice, Dissent, and the Sublime Canuel, Mark
4210 cover The empire of the self : self-command and political speech in Seneca and Petronius Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Star, Christopher, Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Petronius Arbiter
4211 cover The Savant and the State: Science and Cultural Politics in Nineteenth-Century France Robert Fox
4212 cover Liberation Technology Social Media and the Struggle for Democracy Marc F. Plattner, Larry Jay Diamond,
4213 cover Plague, Fear, and Politics in San Francisco's Chinatown [1 ed.] Guenter B. Risse 1
4214 cover Russian Eurasianism: An Ideology of Empire (Woodrow Wilson Center Press) Marlene Laruelle
4215 cover The Great Game 1856-1907: Russo-British Relations in Central and East Asia Evgeny Sergeev
4216 cover The Resurgence of the Latin American Left [1 ed.] Steven Levitsky, Kenneth M. Roberts 1
4217 cover The Vegetarian Imperative Saxena, Anand M
4218 cover Torture and state violence in the United States : a short documentary history Robert M. Pallitto
4219 cover Green Alternatives and National Energy Strategy : The Facts Behind the Headlines [1 ed.] Philip G. Gallman 1
4220 cover Bureaucratic Ambition : Careers, Motives, and the Innovative Administrator [1 ed.] Manuel P. Teodoro 1
4221 cover STEM the Tide : Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in America [1 ed.] David E. Drew 1
4222 cover Plato's Political Philosophy [1 ed.] Mark Blitz 1
4223 cover The Limits of U.S. Military Capability: Lessons from Vietnam and Iraq James H. Lebovic
4224 cover Religious Politics and Secular States: Egypt, India, and the United States [1 ed.] Scott W. Hibbard 1
4225 cover Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1560–1660 Avner Ben-Zaken
4226 cover The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe: Italy, Spain, and Romania, 1870--1945 Dylan Riley
4227 cover Regime change in the Yugoslav successor states : divergent paths toward a new Europe Mieczysław P. Boduszyński
4228 cover Irrational Security : The Politics of Defense from Reagan to Obama [1 ed.] Daniel Wirls 1
4229 cover For Business and Pleasure : Red-Light Districts and the Regulation of Vice in the United States, 1890-1933 [1 ed.] Mara Laura Keire 1
4230 cover Policy and Performance in American Higher Education: An Examination of Cases across State Systems Richard Richardson Jr., Mario Martinez
4231 cover Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda : Constructing the War on Drugs Andrew B Whitford, Jeff Yates
4232 cover Clio and the Crown: The Politics of History in Medieval and Early Modern Spain Richard L. Kagan
4233 cover Stalin's Police: Public Order and Mass Repression in the USSR, 1926–1941 Paul Hagenloh
4234 cover Venetians in Constantinople: Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science) Eric R Dursteler
4235 cover Adam's Ancestors: Race, Religion, and the Politics of Human Origins David N. Livingstone
4236 cover The State of Disunion: Regional Sources of Modern American Partisanship Nicole Mellow
4237 cover Great Powers and Geopolitical Change [1 ed.] Jakub J. Grygiel 1
4238 cover Power and Military Effectiveness: The Fallacy of Democratic Triumphalism Michael C. Desch
4239 cover Southern Sons: Becoming Men in the New Nation [annotated edition] Lorri Glover
4240 cover Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics Gerardo L. Munck, Richard Snyder
4241 cover The Construction of Democracy: Lessons from Practice and Research (Democratic Transition and Consolidation) Jorge I. Domínguez, Anthony Jones
4242 cover Reprogenetics: Law, Policy, and Ethical Issues [1 ed.] Lori P. Knowles, Gregory E. Kaebnick 1
4243 cover A Theory of Parties and Electoral Systems [1 ed.] Richard S. Katz 1
4244 cover The World Map, 1300-1492: The Persistence of Tradition and the Transformation Edson, Evelyn
4245 cover Leading Representatives : The Agency of Leaders in the Politics of the U. S. House Randall Strahan
4246 cover Managing the President's Message : The White House Communications Operation [1 ed.] Martha Joynt Kumar 1
4247 cover To Enlarge the Machinery of Government : Congressional Debates and the Growth of the American State, 1858-1891 [1 ed.] Williamjames Hull Hoffer 1
4248 cover Water Policy for Sustainable Development [1 ed.] Dave Feldman 1
4249 cover The Paradox of Democratic Capitalism: Politics and Economics in American Thought David F. Prindle
4250 cover Runaway State-Building: Patronage Politics and Democratic Development Conor O'Dwyer
4251 cover Governing Health: The Politics of Health Policy Carol S. Weissert, William G. Weissert 3
4252 cover Blessed Motherhood, Bitter Fruit: Nelly Roussel and the Politics of Female Pain in Third Republic France [1 ed.] Elinor Accampo 1
4253 cover Informal Institutions and Democracy: Lessons from Latin America Gretchen Helmke, Steven Levitsky, eds.
4254 cover Electoral Systems and Democracy (A Journal of Democracy Book) [1 ed.] Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner 1
4255 cover Breeding Bin Ladens: America, Islam, and the Future of Europe Zachary Shore
4256 cover Narrative Matters: The Power of the Personal Essay in Health Policy [1 ed.] Fitzhugh Mullan, Ellen Ficklen, Kyna Rubin 1
4257 cover The Unraveling of Representative Democracy in Venezuela [1 ed.] Jennifer L. McCoy, David J. Myers 1
4258 cover The Brave New World: A History of Early America Second Edition [2nd ed.] Peter Charles Hoffer 2
4259 cover Victory of Law: The Fourteenth Amendment, the Civil War, and American Literature, 1852--1867 Deak Nabers
4260 cover Purity Lost: Transgressing Boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1000--1400 (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science) [1 ed.] Steven A. Epstein 1
4261 cover Styles of Enlightenment : taste, politics and authorship in eighteenth-century France Elena Russo
4262 cover Leo Strauss: an introduction to his thought and intellectual legacy Pangle, Thomas L.,Strauss, Leo
4263 cover French Writers and the Politics of Complicity: Crises of Democracy in the 1940s and 1990s Richard J. Golsan
4264 cover Madison's Managers : Public Administration and the Constitution Anthony M. Bertelli, Jr. Laurence E. Lynn
4265 cover Nuclear First Strike : Consequences of a Broken Taboo [1 ed.] George H. Quester 1
4266 cover The Violence of Modernity: Baudelaire, Irony, and the Politics of Form Debarati Sanyal
4267 cover High-speed dreams: NASA and the technopolitics of supersonic transportation, 1945-1999 USA National Aeronautics and Space Administration,Conway, Erik M
4268 cover From Warfare to Welfare: Defense Intellectuals and Urban Problems in Cold War America Jennifer S. Light
4269 cover Persons, Humanity, and the Definition of Death [1 ed.] John P. Lizza 1
4270 cover Hurricanes and Society in the British Greater Caribbean, 1624-1783 Matthew Mulcahy
4271 cover Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar
4272 cover The Creation of the British Atlantic World [1 ed.] Elizabeth Mancke, Carole Shammas 1
4273 cover The Big Vote: Gender, Consumer Culture, and the Politics of Exclusion, 1890s–1920s Liette Gidlow
4274 cover Old Dominion, Industrial Commonwealth: Coal, Politics, and Economy in Antebellum America Sean P. Adams
4275 cover Combating Proliferation: Strategic Intelligence and Security Policy [1 ed.] Jason D. Ellis, Geoffrey D. Kiefer 1
4276 cover Political Philosophy and the God of Abraham Thomas L. Pangle
4277 cover Faster, Better, Cheaper: Low-Cost Innovation in the U.S. Space Program (New Series in NASA History) Howard E. McCurdy
4278 cover Victorian Literature and the Victorian State: Character and Governance in a Liberal Society Lauren M. E. Goodlad
4279 cover Constructing democratic governance in Latin America [2nd ed.] Domínguez, Jorge I., Shifter, Michael 2
4280 cover Europe without borders : remapping territory, citizenship, and identity in a transnational age Martin Schain, Mabel Berezin
4281 cover Uneasy Balance : Civil-Military Relations in Peacetime America Since 1783 [1 ed.] Thomas S. Langston 1
4282 cover Refinancing the College Dream : Access, Equal Opportunity, and Justice for Taxpayers [1 ed.] Edward P. St. John, Eric H. Asker 1
4283 cover Objectivity in the Making: Francis Bacon and the Politics of Inquiry [Revised] Julie Robin Solomon
4284 cover Big Plans: The Allure and Folly of Urban Design Kenneth Kolson
4285 cover The Price of Progress: Public Services, Taxation, and the American Corporate State, 1877 to 1929 R. Rudy Higgens-Evenson
4286 cover Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia and Latin America (A Journal of Democracy Book) Laurence Whitehead
4287 cover Across This Land: A Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (Creating the North American Landscape) John C. Hudson
4288 cover The Transformation of Governance: Public Administration for Twenty-First Century America Professor Donald F. Kettl
4289 cover Bioethics in a Liberal Society: The Political Framework of Bioethics Decision Making Thomas May
4290 cover The Rise of the States: Evolution of American State Government Jon C. Teaford
4291 cover Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women’s Liberation Kate Weigand
4292 cover Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations Raymond Cohen, Raymond Westbrook
4293 cover Ecological Planning : A Historical and Comparative Synthesis [1 ed.] Forster Ndubisi 1
4294 cover Ecosystem Change and Public Health: A Global Perspective [1 ed.] Dr. Joan L. Aron PhD, Dr. Jonathan A. Patz MD MPH 1
4295 cover The Limits of Rawlsian Justice Roberto Alejandro
4296 cover Constituting Federal Sovereignty: The European Union in Comparative Context (The Johns Hopkins Series in Constitutional Thought) Leslie Friedman Goldstein
4297 cover Remembering Defeat: Civil War and Civic Memory in Ancient Athens Professor Andrew Wolpert
4298 cover Political Parties and Democracy Dr. Larry Diamond, Professor Richard Gunther
4299 cover Christian Clergy in American Politics Sue E. S. Crawford, Laura R. Olson
4300 cover California Earthquakes: Science, Risk, and the Politics of Hazard Mitigation Carl-Henry Geschwind
4301 cover The Lost Art of Caring: A Challenge to Health Professionals, Families, Communities, and Society [1 ed.] Leighton E. Cluff, Robert H. Binstock 1
4302 cover Deep souths: Delta, Piedmont, and Sea Island society in the age of segregation J. William Harris
4303 cover After the Revolution: Gender and Democracy in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala Ilja A. Luciak
4304 cover Suburban Landscapes : Culture and Politics in a New York Metropolitan Community [1 ed.] Paul H. Mattingly 1
4305 cover Assisted Living : Needs, Practices, and Policies in Residential Care for the Elderly [1 ed.] Sheryl Zimmerman, Philip D. Sloane, J. Kevin Eckert 1
4306 cover Global Human Smuggling: Comparative Perspectives David Kyle, Rey Koslowski
4307 cover Writings on Empire and Slavery [1 ed.] Alexis de de Tocqueville 1
4308 cover Constructing socialism: technology and change in East Germany 1945-1990 [1 ed.] Raymond G. Stokes 1
4309 cover Threats and Promises: The Pursuit of International Influence [1 ed.] James W. Davis 1
4310 cover Surviving Diversity: Religion and Democratic Citizenship Jeff Spinner-Halev
4311 cover Conservative Parties, the Right, and Democracy in Latin America [1 ed.] Kevin J. Middlebrook 1
4312 cover Consumers in the Country: Technology and Social Change in Rural America [Revised ed.] Ronald R. Kline
4313 cover Real Politics - At Center of Everyday Life Jean Bethke Elshtain
4314 cover Globalization, Power, and Democracy Marc F. Plattner, Aleksander Smolar
4315 cover Gestures and Acclamations in Ancient Rome Gregory S. Aldrete
4316 cover Sultanistic Regimes [1st ed.] Houchang E. Chehabi, Juan J. Linz 1
4317 cover The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age Walter A. McDougall
4318 cover Good Government in the Tropics Judith Tendler
4319 cover Left Out: Pragmatism, Exceptionalism, and the Poverty of American Marxism, 1890-1922 Professor Brian Lloyd
4320 cover Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe Juan J. Linz, Alfred Stepan
4321 cover Democratizing Mexico: public opinion and electoral choices Dominguez, Jorge I., McCann, James A.
4322 cover America's Half Century: United States Foreign Policy In The Cold War And After Thomas J. McCormick
4323 cover Gender and the politics of social reform in France, 1870-1914 Elinor Ann Accampo, Rachel Ginnis Fuchs, Mary Lynn Stewart
4324 cover From Renaissance monarchy to absolute monarchy: French kings, nobles, & estates J. Russell Major
4325 cover The problem of freedom: race, labor, and politics in Jamaica and Britain, 1832-1938 Holt, Thomas Cleveland
4326 cover Ennobling of Democracy - Challenge of Postmodern Age Thomas L. Pangle
4327 cover Sex, Politics, and Science in the Nineteenth-Century Novel Ruth Bernard Yeazell (editor)
4328 cover Eroticism and the Body Politic (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society) Lynn Hunt
4329 cover The Space Station Decision: Incremental Politics and Technological Choice [1 ed.] Howard E. McCurdy 1
4330 cover Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies Guillermo O’Donnell, Philippe Schmitter
4331 cover American Anti-Communism: Combating the Enemy Within, 1830-1970 M.J. Heale
4332 cover The Idea of the American South, 1920-1941 (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science) Professor Michael O'Brien
4333 cover Liberty in absolutist Spain: the Habsburg sale of towns, 1516-1700 Helen Nader
4334 cover African Perspectives on Colonialism A. Adu Boahen
4335 cover Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy Lauro Martines
4336 cover Masters and Statesmen: The Political Culture of American Slavery Kenneth S. Greenberg
4337 cover Grenada: The Jewel Despoiled [Second Printing ed.] Professor Gordon Lewis
4338 cover State and Countryside: Development Policy and Agrarian Politics in Latin America Merilee S. Grindle
4339 cover Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Comparative Perspectives [3] Guillermo O’Donnell, Philippe C. Schmitter, Laurence Whitehead 3
4340 cover Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 1: Southern Europe Guillermo O’Donnell, Philippe C. Schmitter, Laurence Whitehead
4341 cover Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 2: Latin America Guillermo O’Donnell, Philippe C. Schmitter, Laurence Whitehead
4342 cover Between Peace and War: The Nature of International Crisis Richard Ned Lebow
4343 cover The International Crisis of the Caribbean Anthony Payne
4344 cover James I and the Politics of Literature: Jonson, Shakespeare, Donne, and Their Contemporaries Jonathan Goldberg
4345 cover Sohar: Culture and Society in an Omani Town Professor Fredrik Barth
4346 cover The Fall of the First British Empire: Origins of the War of American Independence Robert W. Tucker, David C. Hendrickson
4347 cover A People in Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Society in New York 1760-1790 (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science) Professor Edward Countryman
4348 cover The Dominican Crisis: The 1965 Constitutional Revolt and American Intervention Piero Gleijeses
4349 cover Women under Communism [1 ed.] Barbara Jancar-Webster 1
4350 cover The breakdown of democratic regimes, Chile Arturo Valenzuela
4351 cover Radical Republicans in the North: State Politics During Reconstruction Professor James C. Mohr
4352 cover The Conditions of Freedom: Essays in Political Philosophy Harry V. Jaffa
4353 cover Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic: The Politics of Reparations David Felix
4354 cover Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment Richard Green, John Money
4355 cover Money and Conquest: Allied Occupation Currencies in World War II (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science) [1St Edition] Professor Vladimir Petrov 1
4356 cover Iraq Under General Nuri: My Recollection of Nuri Al-Said, 1954-1958 [Hardcover ed.] Waldemar J. Gallman
4357 cover The political meeting places of the Greeks William A. McDonald
4358 cover Plastics and the environment Harrison, Roy M., Hester, Ronald E
4359 cover Groundwater science and policy : an international overview Ph Quevauviller
4360 cover Fallujah Redux: The Anbar Awakening and the Struggle with Al-Qaeda Daniel R. Green, William F. Mullen III, Gen. John Allen USMC (Ret.)
4361 cover Afghanistan-An Introduction to the Country and People
4362 cover Wilderness and Rescue Medicine
4363 cover Governing Japan: divided politics in a resurgent economy / [4 ed.] J. A. A. Stockwin. 4
4364 cover The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity Ken Parry
4365 cover The Blackwell companion to globalization George Ritzer
4366 cover Spaces of Colonialism: Delhi's Urban Governmentalities Stephen Legg 1
4367 cover Neglected children and their families [2nd ed] Olive Stevenson 2
4368 cover Other Asias Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
4369 cover Kingship: The Politics of Enchantment [1 ed.] Francis Oakley 1
4370 cover Greek political thought Ryan K Balot
4371 cover The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology Peter Scott, William T. Cavanaugh
4372 cover Republicanism in the Modern World John Maynor
4373 cover Britain since 1945 [1 ed.] Jonathan Hollowell 1
4374 cover Unpacking queer politics: a lesbian feminist perspective Sheila Jeffreys
4375 cover Jews and the German State: The Political History of a Minority, 1848-1933 Peter G. J. Pulzer
4376 cover Coercion Capital and European States A D 990-1990 [illustrated edition] Charles Tilly
4377 cover The Violence of Abstraction: The Analytic Foundations of Historical Materialism [1 ed.] Derek Sayer 1
4378 cover The Great Arch: English State Formation As Cultural Revolution Philip Corrigan, Derek Sayer
4379 cover Fénelon: Moral and Political Writings Ryan Patrick Hanley
4380 cover Rethinking 'Democratic Backsliding' in Central and Eastern Europe Licia Cianetti, James Dawson, Seán Hanley
4381 cover The Impact of the Troubles on the Republic of Ireland, 1968-79: Boiling Volcano? Brian Hanley
4382 cover The Impact of the Troubles on the Republic of Ireland, 1968-79 Brian Hanley
4383 cover The Lit de Justice of the Kings of France: Constitutional Ideology in Legend, Ritual, and Discourse [Course Book ed.] Sarah Hanley
4384 cover Organize!: building from the local for global justice Shragge, Eric,Choudry, Aziz,Hanley, Jill
4385 cover Correctional Administration and Change Management [1 ed.] Martha Henderson Hurley, Dena Hanley 1
4386 cover The Lost Revolution: The Story of the Official IRA and the Workers’ Party [Paperback ed.] Brian Hanley, Scott Millar
4387 cover Beyond the Nation State: Parties in the Era of Integration [First Edition] David Hanley
4388 cover The New Right in the New Europe: Czech Transformation and Right-Wing Politics, 19892006 (Basees Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) [1 ed.] SeA?n Hanley 1
4389 cover Centre-Right Parties in Post-Communist East-Central Europe Seán Hanley, Aleks Szczerbiak
4390 cover Life Energies, Forces and the Shaping of Life: Vital, Existential: Book I [1 ed.] Catriona Hanley (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.) 1
4391 cover The IRA, 1926 1936 [Hardcover ed.] Brian Hanley
4392 cover Party, Society, Government : Republican Democracy in France [1 ed.] David Hanley 1
4393 cover May ‘68: Coming of Age [1 ed.] D. L. Hanley, A. P. Kerr (eds.) 1
4394 cover Contemporary France: Politics and Society since 1945 [2 ed.] D. L. Hanley 2
4395 cover Same-Sex Marriage: Exploring the Issues (Religion in Politics and Society Today) [Annotated] Scott A. Merriman
4396 cover The U.S.-Mexico Border: A Reference Handbook Michael LeMay
4397 cover Modern African Conflicts: An Encyclopedia of Civil Wars, Revolutions, and Terrorism Timothy Stapleton
4398 cover Foster Care in America Christina G. Villegas
4399 cover Combating Terrorism in the 21st Century: American Laws, Strategies, and Agencies Joseph R. Rudolph Jr., William J. Lahneman
4400 cover Modern France Michael F. Leruth
4401 cover Marijuana in America: Cultural, Political, and Medical Controversies James Hawdon, Bryan Lee Miller, Matthew Costello
4402 cover The Federal Bureau of Investigation: History, Powers, and Controversies of the FBI, 2-Volume Set Douglas M. Charles, Aaron J. Stockham
4403 cover Free Speech and Censorship Cari Lee Skogberg Eastman
4404 cover Modern Germany Wendell G. Johnson, Katharina Barbe
4405 cover Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law [3 volumes] [3 ed.] Jaclyn Schildkraut (editor), Gregg Lee Carter (editor) 3
4406 cover The Holocaust: The Essential Reference Guide Paul R. Bartrop, Eve E. Grimm
4407 cover 9/11 : the Essential Reference Guide Stephen E. Atkins
4408 cover The Turkish War of Independence: a Military History, 1919-1923 Edward J. Erickson
4409 cover Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in America: A Reference Handbook [Annotated] Michael C. LeMay
4410 cover World Oceans: A Reference Handbook David Newton
4411 cover Atheism and Agnosticism: Exploring the Issues [Annotated] Peter A. Huff
4412 cover Hate Groups David E. Newton
4413 cover Plastics and Microplastics: A Reference Handbook David E. Newton
4414 cover First Amendment Freedoms Michael C. LeMay
4415 cover Today's Health Care Issues Robert B. Hackey, Todd M. Olszewski
4416 cover Conflict in the Holy Land: From Ancient Times to the Arab-Israeli Conflicts Robert C. DiPrizio (Editor)
4417 cover Suffrage: The Epic Struggle for Women's Right to Vote Susan L. Poulson
4418 cover Modern Saudi Arabia Valerie Anishchenkova
4419 cover The History of China: Third Edition [3 ed.] David Curtis Wright 3
4420 cover Examining Internet and Technology around the World Laura Steckman
4421 cover Fascism through History [2 volumes]: Culture, Ideology, and Daily Life [Annotated] Patrick G. Zander 2
4422 cover The Climate Change Debate: A Reference Handbook David E. Newton
4423 cover Family Separation and the U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis Laurie Collier Hillstrom
4424 cover Violence in American Society [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Trends, Problems, and Perspectives Chris Richardson (editor)
4425 cover Cyber Warfare: A Documentary And Reference Guide [1 ed.] Paul J. Springer 1
4426 cover The Liberty Bell and Its Legacy: An Encyclopedia of an American Icon in U.S. History and Culture John Vile
4427 cover Voting and Political Representation in America Mark P. Jones
4428 cover Darfur Genocide Alexis Herr
4429 cover Votes for Women! the American Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment Marion W. Roydhouse
4430 cover The Declaration Of Independence: America’s First Founding Document In U.S. History And Culture John R. Vile
4431 cover Disability in American Life: An Encyclopedia of Concepts, Policies, and Controversies Tamar Heller, Sarah Parker Harris, Carol J. Gill, and Robert Gould, (Eds.)
4432 cover Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives S. Megan Berthold &, Kathryn Libal (ed.)
4433 cover Behind Barbed Wire: An Encyclopedia Of Concentration And Prisoner-Of-War Camps [1st Edition] Alexander Mikaberidze 1
4434 cover Hate Groups And Extremist Organizations In America: An Encyclopedia [1st Edition] Barry J. Balleck 1
4435 cover Disability - A Reference Handbook Rembis, Michael
4436 cover Gun Control in the United States: a Reference Handbook [Enhanced Credo edition.,Second edition] Carter, Gregg Lee
4437 cover Examining War and Conflict around the World David Jerome
4438 cover Global Crime: An Encyclopedia of Cyber Theft, Weapons Sales, and Other Illegal Activities [2 volumes] Philip Reichel (editor) 2
4439 cover Spotlight on Current Events: Essays on Contemporary World Issues David E. Newton (editor)
4440 cover 50 Events That Shaped African American History: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic [2 volumes] Jamie J. Wilson 2
4441 cover Religion and Contemporary Politics: A Global Encyclopedia [2 Volumes] Timothy J Demy, Jeffrey M Shaw 2
4442 cover American Political Humor: Masters of Satire and Their Impact on U.S. Policy and Culture [2 Volumes] Jody C. Baumgartner 2
4443 cover Saving the Electoral College Robert M. Hardaway
4444 cover Daily Life in the 1960s Counterculture Jim Willis
4445 cover The American Congress Sara L. Hagedorn, Michael C. LeMay
4446 cover The Rules and Politics of American Primaries Andrew E. Busch
4447 cover Poverty and Welfare in America David Wagner
4448 cover Political Advocacy for School Librarians Ann Dutton Ewbank
4449 cover Modern American Extremism and Domestic Terrorism: An Encyclopedia of Extremists and Extremist Groups Barry J. Balleck
4450 cover Abortion in the United States: A Reference Handbook [2nd ed.] Dorothy E. McBride, Jennifer L. Keys 2
4451 cover Black Power Encyclopedia: From "Black Is Beautiful" to Urban Uprisings [2 vols., ebook ed.] Akinyele Umoja (editor), Karin L. Stanford (editor), Jasmin A. Young (editor) 2
4452 cover Life after Foster Care Loring Paul Jones
4453 cover They Took the Kids Last Night Diane L. Redleaf
4454 cover An Unprecedented Election Benjamin R. Warner
4455 cover Emerging Security Challenges: American Jihad, Terrorism, Civil War, and Human Rights Seung-Whan Choi
4456 cover Healthcare Reform in America: a Reference Handbook [Enhanced Credo edition.,Second edition] Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs,Kronenfeld, Michael R
4457 cover Reforming America: A Thematic Encyclopedia and Document Collection of the Progressive Era [2 volumes] Jeffrey A. Johnson, (ed.) 2
4458 cover Encyclopedia of Cyber Warfare Paul J. Springer
4459 cover The Great Depression and the New Deal: Key Themes and Documents James S. Olson, Mariah Gumpert
4460 cover Modern Conflict in the Greater Middle East: A Country-By-Country Guide Spencer C. Tucker
4461 cover 1960s counterculture: documents decoded [Enhanced Credo edition] Willis, Jim
4462 cover Today's Environmental Issues: Democrats and Republicans Teri J. Walker
4463 cover Today's Foreign Policy Issues: Democrats and Republicans (Across the Aisle) [Unabridged] Trevor Rubenzer
4464 cover Afghanistan at War: from the 18th-Century Durrani Dynasty to the 21st Century Tom Lansford
4465 cover Why Irrational Politics Appeals Mari Fitzduff
4466 cover Fighting for the Progressive Center in the Age of Trump Joseph M. Hoeffel
4467 cover Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties [2|ENL ed.] Kara E. Stooksbury 2
4468 cover Internet censorship: a reference handbook [Enhanced Credo edition] Schell, Bernadette Hlubik
4469 cover The global water crisis : a reference handbook [Annotated edition] David E Newton]
4470 cover The Global Water Crisis: A Reference Handbook David E. Newton
4471 cover Conflict in Ancient Greece and Rome [3 volumes]: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia Sara E. Phang, Iain Spence Ph.D., Douglas Kelly Ph.D., Peter Londey Ph.D.
4472 cover Covering American Politics in the 21st Century [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of News Media Titans, Trends, and Controversies Lee Banville
4473 cover Bosnian Genocide: The Essential Reference Guide Paul R. Bartrop
4474 cover Why Don't Americans Vote? Causes and Consequences: Causes and Consequences King, Bridgett, A,Hale, Kathleen
4475 cover Crisis in a divided Korea: a chronology and reference guide Matray, James Irving
4476 cover Mass Shootings: Media, Myths, and Realities Schildkraut, Jaclyn,Elsass, H. Jaymi
4477 cover Boko Haram and the War on Terror Caroline Varin
4478 cover The Politics of Loopholes: The Improbable Prospects for U.S. Tax Reform John F. Witte
4479 cover Today's Social Issues: Democrats and Republicans (Across the Aisle) Timothy Kneeland
4480 cover The Spanish Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, Volume 2 [2] H. Micheal Tarver, Emily Slape 2
4481 cover The Spanish Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, Volume I [1] H. Micheal Tarver, Emily Slape 1
4482 cover Pay-to-Play Politics: How Money Defines the American Democracy Heath Brown
4483 cover Urban American Indians: Reclaiming Native Space Donna Martinez, Grace Sage, Azusa Ono
4484 cover Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic Conflicts [2 Volumes] Joseph R. Rudolph Jr 2
4485 cover A history of counterinsurgency Fremont-Barnes, Gregory
4486 cover Illegal Immigration: A Reference Handbook, 2nd Edition [Second edition] Michael C. LeMay Ph.D
4487 cover Imperialism and expansionism in American history. A social, political, and cultural encyclopedia and document collection. 4 vols Berstein, David C.,Magoc, Chris J
4488 cover Border Disputes 3 Volume Set: A Global Encyclopedia [Hardcover ed.] Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly
4489 cover Women’s Rights in the United States: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Issues, Events, and People (4 Volumes) [Hardcover ed.] Tiffany K. Wayne, Lois Banner (eds.)
4490 cover Germany's Defeat in the First World War: The Lost Battles and Reckless Gambles That Brought Down the Second Reich: The Lost Battles and Reckless Gambles That Brought Down the Second Reich Mark D. Karau
4491 cover Atrocities, massacres, and war crimes: an encyclopedia [Enhanced Credo edition] Mikaberidze, Alexander
4492 cover Counting the Votes Thomas, G. Scott
4493 cover A Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments Vile, John R
4494 cover Cyber Threat: The Rise of Information Geopolitics in U.S. National Security Chris Bronk
4495 cover America is not Post-racial: Xenophobia, Islamophobia, Racism, and the 44th President Algernon Austin
4496 cover Contemporary Immigration in America Kathleen R. Arnold
4497 cover Governments around the World: From Democracies to Theocracies Fred M. Shelley
4498 cover The Civil Rights Movement in America: From Black Nationalism to the Women's Political Council Peter B. Levy
4499 cover Weapons of Mass Psychological Destruction and the People Who Use Them Larry C. James Ph.D.
4500 cover Encyclopedia of Populism in America: A Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes] Alexandra Kindell, Elizabeth S. Demers, (eds.) 2
4501 cover The Triumph of the Gun-Rights Argument Wilson, Harry
4502 cover Drugs in American Society [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law [Illustrated] 3
4503 cover The Death Penalty: Documents Decoded Joseph A. Melusky, Keith A. Pesto
4504 cover The New Faces of American Poverty: A Reference Guide to the Great Recession Lindsey K. Hanson
4505 cover Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Anna Ochoa O'Leary
4506 cover Native Americans in the American Revolution Ethan A.. Schmidt
4507 cover When Race and Policy Collide: Contemporary Immigration Debates Donathan L. Brown, Amardo Rodriguez
4508 cover Science and Political Controversy: a Reference Handbook : A Reference Handbook David E. Newton
4509 cover Dirty Deals?: An Encyclopedia of Lobbying, Political Influence, and Corruption [3 volumes] Amy Handlin 13
4510 cover Global Security Watch—Syria Fred H. Lawson
4511 cover Nation Shapes: The Story Behind the World's Borders Fred M. Shelley
4512 cover Religious Nationalism: A Reference Handbook Atalia Omer, Jason Springs
4513 cover Presidential Campaigns: Documents Decoded Daniel M. Shea, Brian M. Harward
4514 cover Environmental Security: A Guide to the Issues Elizabeth L. Chalecki
4515 cover The Failure of Counterinsurgency Ivan Eland
4516 cover Mental Health Care Issues in America Michael Shally-Jensen
4517 cover Presidential Upsets: Dark Horses, Underdogs, and Corrupt Bargains Douglas J. Clouatre
4518 cover Daily Life of Victorian Women Lydia Murdoch
4519 cover Future Jobs: Solving the Employment and Skills Crisis Edward E. Gordon
4520 cover Daily Life behind the Iron Curtain Jim Willis
4521 cover The Civil War in the Border South : Civil War in the Border South Christopher Phillips
4522 cover Global HIV/AIDS Politics, Policy, and Activism: Persistent Challenges and Emerging Issues [3 Volumes] : Persistent Challenges and Emerging Issues Raymond A. Smith, Raymond A Smith
4523 cover Cuban Missile Crisis: The Essential Reference Guide Priscilla Roberts
4524 cover Cold War: The Essential Reference Guide James R. Arnold, Roberta Wiener
4525 cover Michelle Obama, a biography Obama, Michelle,Bond, Alma Halbert
4526 cover Arms Control: History, Theory, and Policy Robert E. Williams Jr., Paul R. Viotti
4527 cover A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide Paul R. Bartrop
4528 cover Bureau of Indian Affairs Donald L. Fixico
4529 cover The History of Costa Rica Monica A. Rankin
4530 cover Sonia Sotomayor: A Biography Meg Greene
4531 cover Why Germany Nearly Won Steven D. Mercatante
4532 cover Jury Duty: Reclaiming Your Political Power and Taking Responsibility : Reclaiming Your Political Power and Taking Responsibility Michael Singer
4533 cover Europe, A Political Profile: An American Companion to European Politics, 2 volumes Hans Slomp
4534 cover The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War 4 volumes : A Political, Social, and Military History [2nd ed.] Spencer Tucker (editor) 2
4535 cover The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History [2nd Edition] Spencer Tucker 2
4536 cover Modern Homelessness: A Reference Handbook Mary Ellen Hombs
4537 cover Iraq's Dysfunctional Democracy David Ghanim
4538 cover Space and Security: A Reference Handbook Peter L. Hays
4539 cover North Korea Under Kim Chong-il: Power, Politics, and Prospects for Change [1 ed.] Ken E. Gause 1
4540 cover Ethiopia Paulos Milkias
4541 cover Encyclopedia of Media and Propaganda in Wartime America [2 volumes] M. Manning, et. al., 2
4542 cover Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage [2 Vols] G. Hastedt 2
4543 cover 9/11 and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. A Chronology and Reference Guide Tom Lansford Ph.D.
4544 cover Conflict and conquest in the Islamic world : a historical encyclopedia. Alexander Mikaberidze
4545 cover Encyclopedia of media and propaganda in wartime America Manning, Martin J
4546 cover Voices of Shakespeare's England: Contemporary Accounts of Elizabethan Daily Life John A. Wagner
4547 cover When Political Parties Die: A Cross-National Analysis of Disalignment and Realignment [1 ed.] Charles S. Mack 1
4548 cover Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Raphael Bernier Ph.D., Jennifer Gerdts
4549 cover Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues [4 Volumes] Michael Shally-Jensen
4550 cover Encyclopedia of the U.S. Government and the Environment 2 volumes : History, Policy, and Politics Matthew J. Lindstrom Ph.D.
4551 cover Same-Sex Marriage: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) David E. Newton
4552 cover Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History 3 volumes : An Encyclopedia Steven L. Danver
4553 cover The Russian Revolution, 1917-1945 [1 ed.] Anthony D'Agostino 1
4554 cover Global Refugee Crisis: A Reference Handbook [2nd ed.] Mark Gibney 2
4555 cover African Americans in the Nineteenth Century: People and Perspectives (Perspectives in American Social History Series) [Illustrated] Dixie Haggard (editor)
4556 cover Focus on Single-Parent Families: Past, Present, and Future : Past, Present, and Future Annice Yarber, Paul M. Sharp, Paul Sharp
4557 cover Civil Liberties in China Xiaobing Li
4558 cover The Militant Kurds: a Dual Strategy for Freedom : A Dual Strategy for Freedom Vera Eccarius-Kelly
4559 cover Hybrid Learning: the Perils and Promise of Blending Online and Face-To-Face Instruction in Higher Education : The Perils and Promise of Blending Online and Face-To-Face Instruction in Higher Education Jason Allen Snart
4560 cover Belligerents, Brinkmanship, and the Big Stick: A Historical Encyclopedia of American Diplomatic Concepts [1 ed.] John Dobson 1
4561 cover The Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars: A Political, Social, and Military History 3 Volumes [vol 1-3] Spencer C. Tucker 13
4562 cover Women and Politics around the World: A Comparative History and Survey [2 volume set, 1 ed.] Joyce Gelb, Marian Lief Palley 1
4563 cover Conflict and Security in Central Asia and the Caucasus Hooman Peimani
4564 cover Identity Theft: A Reference Handbook Sandra K. Hoffman, Tracy G. McGinley
4565 cover China (Asia in Focus) Robert Andre LaFleur
4566 cover Waste Management: A Reference Handbook Jacqueline Vaughn
4567 cover A History of the U. S. Political System: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions Richard A. Harris, Daniel J. Tichenor
4568 cover A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East , Volume I: ca. 3000 BCE–1499 CE [1 ed.] Spencer C. Tucker 1
4569 cover Lobbying In America: A Reference Handbook Ronald J. Hrebenar, Bryson B. Morgan
4570 cover America's Prophets: How Judicial Activism Makes America Great : How Judicial Activism Makes America Great David R. Dow
4571 cover Al-Qaeda Goes to College: Impact of the War on Terror on American Higher Education James Ottavio Castagnera
4572 cover Under a Watchful Eye: Privacy Rights and Criminal Justice William P. Bloss, Rolando V.Del Carmen
4573 cover Political Campaigns and Political Advertising: a Media Literacy Guide : A Media Literacy Guide Frank W. Baker
4574 cover The Montgomery Bus Boycott: a History and Reference Guide : A History and Reference Guide Cheryl Phibbs
4575 cover The Lowering of Higher Education in America: Why Financial Aid Should Be Based on Student Performance : Why Financial Aid Should Be Based on Student Performance Jackson Toby
4576 cover Euthanasia: a reference handbook [2nd ed] Jennifer Fecio McDougall, Martha Gorman 2
4577 cover Cold War: A Student Encyclopedia
4578 cover The Encyclopedia of the Cold War: A Political, Social, and Military History, 5 Volume Set Spencer C. Tucker, Priscilla Mary Roberts
4579 cover Sentencing: [1 ed.] Dean J. Champion 1
4580 cover The Encyclopedia of North American Colonial Conflicts to 1775: A Political, Social, and Military History Spencer C. Tucker, James Arnold, Roberta Wiener
4581 cover Conflict Between India and Pakistan: An Encyclopedia (Roots of Modern Conflict) Peter Lyon
4582 cover Ireland and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History (Transatlantic Relations) Philip Coleman, James Byrne, Jason King
4583 cover Nations and Nationalism 4 volumes : A Global Historical Overview [1 ed.] Guntram H. Herb, David H. Kaplan 1
4584 cover Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview, Volume 1: 1770 to 1880 [1 ed.] Guntram H. Herb and David H. Kaplan (editors) 1
4585 cover Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview, Volume 2: 1880 to 1945 [1 ed.] Guntram H. Herb and David H. Kaplan (editors) 1
4586 cover Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview, Volume 3: 1945 to 1989 [1 ed.] Guntram H. Herb and David H. Kaplan (editors) 1
4587 cover Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview, Volume 4: 1989 to Present [1 ed.] Guntram H. Herb and David H. Kaplan (editors) 1
4588 cover Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources: A Reference Handbook Zachary A. Smith
4589 cover Utopias in American history [1 ed.] Jyotsna Sreenivasan 1
4590 cover Crisis at the Polls: an Electoral Reform Handbook : An Electoral Reform Handbook Robert M. Hardaway, Richard D. Lamm
4591 cover Nigeria's Stumbling Democracy and Its Implications for Africa's Democratic Movement Victor Okafor, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor
4592 cover Eurasia Rising: Democracy and Independence in the Post-Soviet Space : Democracy and Independence in the Post-Soviet Space Georgeta Pourchot
4593 cover Intellectual Property: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Aaron Schwabach
4594 cover Religion and the Law in America: An Encyclopedia of Personal Belief and Public Policy [1 ed.] Scott A. Merriman 1
4595 cover Adoption: A Reference Handbook Barbara A. Moe 2
4596 cover Turning Points - Actual and Alternate Histories: America in Revolt during the 1960s and 1970s [1 ed.] Rodney P. Carlisle, J. Geoffrey Golson 1
4597 cover Abortion in the United States. A Reference Handbook Dorothy McBride
4598 cover Jamestown Colony: A Political, Social, and Cultural History [1 ed.] Frank Grizzard, D. Boyd Smith 1
4599 cover The Judicial Branch of State Government: People, Process, and Politics Sean O Hogan
4600 cover Illegal Immigration: A Reference Handbook Michael LeMay
4601 cover World Population [2 ed.] Geoffrey Gilbert 2
4602 cover Military Aircraft, Origins to 1918: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (Weapons and Warfare) Justin D. Murphy
4603 cover Rifles: An Illustrated History of Their Impact David Westwood
4604 cover Destroyers: An Illustrated History of Their Impact Eric Osborne
4605 cover Globalization: Encyclopedia of Trade, Labor, and Politics (2 Volume Set) Ashish Vaidya
4606 cover Weapons of Mass Destruct Eric Croddy
4607 cover International Environmental Disputes: A Reference Handbook Aaron Schwabach
4608 cover Cults: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition (Contemporary World Issues) [2 ed.] James R. Lewis 2
4609 cover Illicit Trafficking: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Robert J. Kelly, Jesse L. Maghan, Joseph D. Serio
4610 cover Forest Fires: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Phillip Omi
4611 cover France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History (Transatlantic Relations) 3 vol. set [illustrated edition] Bill Marshall
4612 cover Presidents from Adams through Polk, 1825-1849 : Debating the Issues in Pro and Con Primary Documents David Smith
4613 cover Teen Life in Europe Shirley Steinberg, Richard M. Lerner
4614 cover Battleships: An Illustrated History of Their Impact Stanley Sandler, Spencer Tucker
4615 cover Pistols: An Illustrated History of Their Impact Jeff Kinard, Spencer Tucker
4616 cover Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology, and History [2 volume set, illustrated edition] Eric Croddy, James Wirtz, Jeffrey Larsen 2
4617 cover Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology, and History; Volume I: Chemical and Biological Weapons and Volume II:: ... Technology, and History Eric A. Croddy, James J. Wirtz, Jeffrey A. Larsen
4618 cover Machine Guns: An Illustrated History of Their Impact James Willbanks, Spencer Tucker
4619 cover Tanks: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (Weapons and Warfare) Spencer Tucker
4620 cover Cybercrime: A Reference Handbook Clemens Martin, Bernadette Schell, Mildred Vasan
4621 cover Ancient Canaan and Israel : New Perspectives <p>Jonathan</p> <p>M.</p> <p>Golden</p> (Author)
4622 cover Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, and Policy Gwendolyn Mink, Alice O'Connor
4623 cover Drug Use: A Reference Handbook [annotated edition] Richard Isralowitz
4624 cover Women and Political Participation: A Reference Handbook (Political Participation in America) Barbara Burrell
4625 cover Counterterrorism: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Graeme C S Steven, Rohan Gunaratna
4626 cover Profiling and Criminal Justice in America: A Reference Handbook Jeffrey Bumgarner
4627 cover Freedom of Association. Rights and Liberties under the Law Robert Bresler
4628 cover Migration and Immigration : A Global View Maura Toro-Morn, Marixsa Alicea
4629 cover Oil and Development in Venezuela During the 20th Century Jorge Salazar-Carrillo, Bernadette West
4630 cover Adopting Maternity: White Women Who Adopt Transracially or Transnationally : White Women Who Adopt Transracially or Transnationally Nora Moosnick
4631 cover Our Runaway and Homeless Youth : A Guide to Understanding Natasha Slesnick
4632 cover Communal Utopias and the American Experience: Secular Communities, 1824-2000 : Secular Communities, 1824-2000 Robert P. Sutton
4633 cover Reviewing Delegation: an Analysis of the Congressional Reauthorization Process : An Analysis of the Congressional Reauthorization Process James H. Cox
4634 cover Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union Natalie Mychajlyszyn, Harald von Riekhoff, Harald Von Riekhoff
4635 cover The Red Scare, Politics, and the Federal Communications Commission, 1941-1960 Susan L. Brinson
4636 cover In the Adopted Land: Abused Immigrant Women and the Criminal Justice System : Abused Immigrant Women and the Criminal Justice System Hoan Bui
4637 cover National Days/National Ways: Historical, Political, and Religious Celebrations around the World Linda Fuller
4638 cover Conflict in Afghanistan: A Historical Encyclopedia (Roots of Modern Conflict) Frank A. Clements
4639 cover Political Corruption in America: An Encyclopedia of Scandals, Power, and Greed [2nd Ed] Mark Grossman 2
4640 cover China: A Global Studies Handbook [annotated edition] Robert Andre LaFleur
4641 cover Women in Prison: A Reference Handbook Cyndi Banks
4642 cover Gay and Lesbian Issues: A Reference Handbook [annotated edition] Chuck K. Stewart
4643 cover Indonesia: A Global Studies Handbook Florence Lamoureux
4644 cover Colonialism: An International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia Melvin Page, Penny Sonnenberg
4645 cover The Waite Court: Justices, Rulings, and Legacy (ABC-Clio Supreme Court Handbooks) Donald Stephenson
4646 cover Freedom of Speech : Rights and Liberties under the Law (America's Freedoms) Ken Kersch
4647 cover Australia, Oceania, & Antarctica: A Continental Overview of Environmental Issues (Hillstrom, Kevin, World's Environments.) Kevin Hillstrom, Laurie Hillstrom
4648 cover Ocean Politics and Policy: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) [annotated edition] Peter Jacques, Zachary Smith
4649 cover Asia: a continental overview of environmental issues Kevin Hillstrom, Laurie Collier Hillstrom
4650 cover Waging war on trial: a handbook with cases, laws, and documents [annotated edition] Brian R. Dirck
4651 cover Europe: a continental overview of environmental issues Kevin Hillstrom, Laurie Collier Hillstrom
4652 cover American Foreign Relations Since 1600: A Guide to the Literature, Second Edition [2nd ed.] Robert L. Beisner 2
4653 cover Beyond the Boundaries: a Transdisciplinary Approach to Learning and Teaching : A Transdisciplinary Approach to Learning and Teaching Douglas Kaufman, David Moss, Terry A. Osborn
4654 cover NATO and European Security: Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism : Alliance Politics from the End of the Cold War to the Age of Terrorism Alexander Moens, Lenard J. Cohen, Allen G. Sens, Art Eggleton
4655 cover A History of Organized Labor in Brazil Robert J. Alexander, Eldon M Parker
4656 cover An Eternal Struggle: How the National Action Party Transformed Mexican Politics : How the National Action Party Transformed Mexican Politics Michael J. Ard
4657 cover Amici Curiae and Strategic Behavior in State Supreme Courts Scott A. Comparato
4658 cover Political Support in a Frustrated America Stephen J. Farnsworth
4659 cover Presidents from Hayes through McKinley, 1877-1901 : Debating the Issues in Pro and Con Primary Documents Amy Sturgis
4660 cover From Adversaries to Partners? Chinese and Russian Military Cooperation after the Cold War : Chinese and Russian Military Cooperation after the Cold War Ming-Yen Tsai
4661 cover The Progressive Era's Health Reform Movement: a Historical Dictionary : A Historical Dictionary Ruth Clifford Engs
4662 cover Turning the World Upside down: the War of American Independence and the Problem of Empire : The War of American Independence and the Problem of Empire Neil L. York
4663 cover Religion and Politics [1st ed.] Glenn H. Utter 1
4664 cover Gay and Lesbian Americans and Political Participation: A Reference Handbook [annotated edition] Raymond A. Smith, Donald P. Haider-Markel
4665 cover Voting Rights on Trial: A Handbook With Cases, Laws, and Documents (On Trial) [annotated edition] Charles L. Zelden
4666 cover War Crimes and Justice: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) [annotated edition] Howard Ball
4667 cover Jewish Americans and Political Participation: A Reference Handbook (Political Participation in America) Rafael Medoff
4668 cover The Historian's Wizard of Oz: Reading L. Frank Baum's Classic as a Political and Monetary Allegory Ranjit S. Dighe
4669 cover Interstate Cooperation: Compacts and Administrative Agreements : Compacts and Administrative Agreements Joseph F. Zimmerman
4670 cover Health Care Reform Around the World Andrew Twaddle
4671 cover British Political Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary Keith Laybourn
4672 cover The War on Drugs: An International Encyclopedia Ron Chepesiuk
4673 cover Adolescence in America [2 Volumes]: An Encyclopedia Jacqueline V. Lerner, Richard M. Lerner, Jordan Finkelstein 2
4674 cover The Family in America: An Encyclopedia [2 Volumes] Joseph M. Hawes, Elizabeth F. Shores 2
4675 cover The Louisiana Purchase: A Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia Junius P. Rodriguez (editor)
4676 cover Encyclopedia of Prisoners of War and Internment [1 ed.] Jonathan F. Vance 1
4677 cover Parenthood in America: An Encyclopedia [2 Volumes] Lawrence Balter
4678 cover Army Relations with Congress : Thick Armor, Dull Sword, Slow Horse Stephen Scroggs
4679 cover From Suffrage to the Senate: An Encyclopedia of American Women in Politics 2 Volumes Suzanne O'Dea Schenken
4680 cover Censorship in America: A Reference Handbook [annotated edition] Mary E. Hull
4681 cover Prisons in America: A Reference Handbook [annotated edition] Nicole Hahn Rafter, Debra L. Stanley
4682 cover Natural disasters: hurricanes : a reference handbook [annotated edition] Patrick J. Fitzpatrick
4683 cover The Recognition of States : Law and Practice in Debate and Evolution. Grant, Thomas D.
4684 cover Religion in the schools: a reference handbook [annotated edition] James Jurinski
4685 cover Indoor pollution: a reference handbook [annotated edition] Eugene Willard Miller, Ruby M. Miller
4686 cover Search: a handbook for adoptees and birthparents [3 ed.] Jayne Askin 3
4687 cover Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution Heidi Burgess, Guy M. Burgess
4688 cover Women in the Third World: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) [annotated edition] Karen L. Kinnear
4689 cover Campaign and Election Reform: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) [annotated edition] Glenn H. Utter, Ruth Ann Strickland
4690 cover Recycling in America: a reference handbook [2 ed.] Debra L. Strong 2
4691 cover The New Information Revolution: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Martin Gay
4692 cover Gangs: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) [First Edition] Karen L. Kinnear
4693 cover Environmental Justice: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) David E. Newton
4694 cover Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1789-1995 John R. Vile
4695 cover Native American issues: a reference handbook William Norman Thompson
4696 cover Violence and the media: a reference handbook David E. Newton
4697 cover United States immigration: a reference handbook Eugene Willard Miller, Ruby M. Miller
4698 cover Marriage, Family, and Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia (Human Experience) Gwen J. Broude
4699 cover Law and Politics: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia (Encyclopedias of the Human Experience) Daniel P. Strouthes
4700 cover The Ozone Dilemma: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) [annotated edition] David E. Newton
4701 cover Domestic violence: a reference handbook Margi Laird McCue
4702 cover The religious right: a reference handbook Glenn H. Utter, John Woodrow Storey
4703 cover Violent children: a reference handbook Karen L. Kinnear
4704 cover Animal rights: a reference handbook Clifford J. Sherry
4705 cover Wilderness preservation: a reference handbook Kenneth A. Rosenberg
4706 cover Rainforests of the World: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Kathlyn Gay
4707 cover Sexual Harrassment: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) Lynne Eisaguirre
4708 cover Environmental hazards: marine pollution Martha Gorman
4709 cover Public schooling in America: a reference handbook Richard D. Van Scotter
4710 cover Environmental Hazards: Air Pollution : A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) E. Willard Miller, Ruby M. Miller
4711 cover The Ethnic Phenomenon Pierre Van Den Berghe
4712 cover Communism in the World since 1945 - an annotated bibliography VV AA
4713 cover China and Japan: Search for Balance Since World War I [1 ed.] Alvin Coox 1
4714 cover Diplomats In Crisis: United States Chinese-Japanese Relations, 1919 - 1941 Edward M Burns, Richard Dean and Bennett
4715 cover Native Fascism in the Successor States, 1918-1945 (Twentieth Century Series) Peter F. Sugar
4716 cover The Fuller Court: Justices, Rulings, and Legacy (ABC-Clio Supreme Court Handbooks) James Ely,Jr.
4717 cover Marijuana Politics Robert M. Hardaway
4718 cover The COVID-19 Pandemic (21st-Century Turning Points) Laurie Collier Hillstrom
4719 cover The behavior of federal judges: a theoretical and empirical study of rational choice Landes, William M.,Posner, Richard A.,Epstein, Lee
4720 cover Chinese religious life David A Palmer, Glenn Landes Shive, Philip L Wickeri
4721 cover Feminism, the Public and the Private Joan B. Landes (ed.)
4722 cover Lex Petrolea and International Investment Law: Law and Practice in the Persian Gulf [1 ed.] Nima Mersadi Tabari 1
4723 cover Nourishing Tomorrow: Clean Engineering and Nature-friendly Living David S-K Ting, Jacqueline A. Stagner
4724 cover Fostering Scientific Citizenship in an Uncertain World: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2021 Conference (Contributions from Science Education Research, 13) Graça S. Carvalho (editor), Ana Sofia Afonso (editor), Zélia Anastácio (editor)
4725 cover Authoritarian Party Systems: Party Politics In Autocratic Regimes, 1945-2019 Grigorii V. Golosov
4726 cover COVID-19's Economic Impact and Countermeasures in China Shiyi Chen, Zhiqing Li
4727 cover Global Nationalism: Ideas, Movements and Dynamics in the Twenty-first Century Pablo de Orellana, Nicholas Michelsen
4728 cover Dealing With Disagreements David Chan (editor)
4729 cover Liberalism Unveiled: Forging A New Third Way In Singapore Bryan Cheang &, Donovan Choy
4730 cover Standing tall: the Goh Chok Tong years, volume 2 Peh, Shing Huei
4731 cover Introduction to Cyber Forensic Psychology: Understanding the Mind of the Cyber Deviant Perpetrators Majeed Khader, Whistine Xiau Ting Chai, Loo Seng Neo, Khader (editor), Majeed (editor), Neo (editor), Loo Seng (editor), Chai (editor), Whistine Xiau Ting (editor)
4732 cover Women Hold Up Half the Sky: The Political-economic And Socioeconomic Narratives of Women in China Tai Wei Lim
4733 cover Singapore Perspectives: Politics Natalie Pang (editor), Shamil Zainuddin (editor)
4734 cover Dynamics of the Korean State: From the Paleolithic Age to Candlelight Democracy Robert E Bedeski
4735 cover The Rule of Three and the Evolution of Governance Charles Tsungnan Lee, Peter deH Caldwell
4736 cover Life and Work in Post Soviet Russia Chris Cheang
4737 cover Understanding Singapore Politics [2 ed.] Bilveer Singh 2
4738 cover Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in International Relations Bhaso Ndzendze, Tshilidzi Marwala
4739 cover Rebel City: Hong Kong's Year Of Water And Fire Jeffie Lam
4740 cover Greening The Urban Habitat: A Quantitative And Empirical Approach Ho David Kim Hin,
4741 cover Hong Kong's 2019-2020 Social Unrest: The Trigger, History and Lessons Bernard Yeung
4742 cover Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World: Gramscian Concepts for the History of Science Massimiliano Badino, Pietro Daniel Omodeo
4743 cover Shadows Across the Golden Land: Myanmar's Opening, Foreign Influence and Investment Simon S C Tay
4744 cover Singapore perspectives 2018 : together Arivalagan, Yvonne, Chao, Fengqing, Gee, Christopher
4745 cover Crossing The Red Line: The Nuclear Option Gerald E. Marsh
4746 cover Avoiding the Terrorist Trap: Why Respect for Human Rights is the Key to Defeating Terrorism Tom Parker
4747 cover Basic Principles of Chinese Philosophy: Volume 1 Jiaxiang Hu
4748 cover The Resurgence of Ideological Differences and Its Social Political Consequences: Case Studies of 36 Industrialized Countries Leizhen Zang
4749 cover Public transportation systems : principles of system design, operations planning and real-time control Carlos F. Daganzo, Yanfeng Ouyang
4750 cover Hunger and Malnutrition as Major Challenges of the 21st Century Raghbendra Jha
4751 cover Crime And Behaviour: An Introduction To Criminal And Forensic Psychology Majeed Khader
4752 cover Timor-Leste/Australia Conciliation, The: A Victory for Unclos and Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Hao Duy Phan, Robert Beckman, Tara Davenport
4753 cover Sri Lanka at Crossroads: Geopolitical Challenges and National Interests Asanga Abeyagoonasekera
4754 cover A Critical Decade: China's Foreign Policy (2008-2018) Zhiqun Zhu
4755 cover Public Trust in Singapore David Chan
4756 cover Crisis Of Cultural Intelligence, The: The Anthropology Of Civil-military Operations David Hyndman, Scott Flower
4757 cover Crafting a Republic for the World: Scientific, Geographic, and Historiographic Inventions of Colombia [Paperback ed.] Lina del Castillo
4758 cover Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story. Volume 1, Volume 1 Shing Huei Peh 1
4759 cover China's township system: governance and reform Wu, Licai
4760 cover Studying Hong Kong: 20 Years of Political, Economic and Social Developments
4761 cover New Zealand and the World: Past, Present and Future Robert G. Patman (editor), Iati Iati (editor), Balazs Kiglics (editor)
4762 cover The State and the Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions Terence Chong
4763 cover Inception Point: The Use of Learning and Development to Reform the Singapore Public Service James Low
4764 cover Interpreting China's Legal System Lin Li
4765 cover New Humanism and Global Governance Lijun Yang, Wei Shan
4766 cover China's Omnidirectional Peripheral Diplomacy Jianwei Wang, Tiang Boon Hoo
4767 cover Power Broking in the Shade: Party Finances and Money Politics in Southeast Asia Wolfgang Sachsenröder
4768 cover The South China Sea Disputes and the Us-China Contest: International Law and Geopolitics James C Hsiung
4769 cover Living in Troubled Times: A New Political Era Thierry de Montbrial
4770 cover China in Comparative Perspective Hans Steinmüller, Stephan Feuchtwang
4771 cover Southeast Asia and China: a contest in mutual socialization Dittmer, Lowell, Ngeow, Chow Bing
4772 cover Understanding Singapore Politics Bilveer Singh
4773 cover China's Economic Statecraft: Co-Optation, Cooperation and Coercion Mingjang Li
4774 cover How Working Together Matters David Chan, Lee Hsien Loong
4775 cover South Korea In the United Nations: Global Governance, Inter-Korean Relations and Peace Building Gabriel Jonsson
4776 cover Politics, Culture and Identities in East Asia: Integration and Division Peng Er Lam
4777 cover Multilateral Approach in China's Foreign Policy Joseph Yu Cheng
4778 cover Urban Ethics Under Conditions of Crisis: Politics, Architecture, Landscape Sustainability and Multidisciplinary Engineering Konstantinos Moraitis, Stamatina Th. Rassia
4779 cover Pathways to Global Health: Case Studies in Global Health Diplomacy Stephen Matlin, Ilona Kickbusch
4780 cover Is Non-Western Democracy Possible?: A Russian Perspective Alexei D. Voskressenski
4781 cover National Security, Public Opinion and Regime Asymmetry: A Six-Country Study Wei-Chin Lee, Tun-Jen Cheng
4782 cover Asean 50: Regional Security Cooperation Through Selected Documents Chua Daniel Wei Boon, Lim Eddie Meng Chong
4783 cover The Challenges of Governance in a Complex World (Ips-nathan Lecture) Peter Ho
4784 cover Modi and the World: (Re) Constructing Indian Foreign Policy Sinderpal Singh
4785 cover Here Comes Everyone: Anthropology and World Affairs Ralph Pettman
4786 cover Singapore Perspectives 2015: Choices Carol SOON, HOE Su Fern
4787 cover The Rise of Singapore: Volume 1 Mark Hong
4788 cover The Ocean in a Drop: Singapore: The Next Fifty Years HO Kwon Ping
4789 cover Open Innovation: A Multifaceted Perspective (in 2 Parts) [1, Hardcover ed.] Anne-Laure Mention, Marko Torkkeli 1
4790 cover The China Horizon Weiwei Zhang
4791 cover Majulah!: 50 Years of Malay/Muslim Community in Singapore ZAINUL ABIDIN RASHEED, NORSHAHRIL SAAT
4792 cover Paradigms of Peace: A Pragmatist Introduction to the Contribution to Peace of Paradigms of Social Science Timo Kivimaki
4793 cover Singapore and UNICEF: Working for Children Peggy Peck Gee Kek, Penny Whitworth
4794 cover Ganga Rejuvenation: Governance Challenges and Policy Options Ora-Orn Poocharoen, Robert James Wasson, Xun Wu
4795 cover 20 Years of Asia-Europe Relations Peggy Peck Gee Kek
4796 cover In Search of a People-Centric Order in Asia Baogang He
4797 cover China's Foreign Policy: Challenges and Prospects Joseph Yu-Shek Cheng
4798 cover Myanmar: Reintegrating Into the International Community Chenyang Li, Chaw Chaw Sein, Xianghui Zhu
4799 cover China's Belt and Road Initiatives and Its Neighboring Diplomacy Jie Zhang
4800 cover Shifting Sands: Essays on Sports and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa James Michael Dorsey
4801 cover Understanding The Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency Yan-Ping Yuan
4802 cover Dealing With an Ambiguous World Bilahari Kausikan
4803 cover Democracy in China: Challenge or Opportunity Yu Keping
4804 cover Lee Kuan Yew Through the Eyes of Chinese Scholars Yang Chen Ning, Wang Gungwu, Yu Ying-Shih
4805 cover The Permanence of Diplomacy: Studies of US Relations With Korea, Pakistan and Afghanistan Juergen Kleiner
4806 cover Hong Kong in the World: Implications to Geopolitics and Competitiveness Simon Shen
4807 cover Singapore and Switzerland: Secrets to Small State Success Yvonne Guo, J J Woo
4808 cover Managing Diversity In Singapore: Policies And Prospects Mathew Mathews, Wai Fong Chiang
4809 cover John Stuart Mill: Political Economist Samuel Hollander
4810 cover Lessons from the Disturbed Waters: The Diaoyu/Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands Disputes Hui-Yi Katherine Tseng (
4811 cover Forces of the Quantum Vacuum: An Introduction to Casimir Physics Simpson W.M.R., Leonhardt U. (eds.)
4812 cover Understanding Japan-China Relations: Theories and Issues Ming Wan
4813 cover The Hope and Vision of J Robert Oppenheimer Michael A Day
4814 cover Singapore Perspectives 2014: Differences Mathew Mathews, Christopher Gee, Chiang Wai Fong (eds)
4815 cover Japan’s Demographic Revival: Rethinking Migration, Identity and Sociocultural Norms: Rethinking Migration, Identity and Sociocultural Norms [ebook ed.] Stephen Robert Nagy
4816 cover Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn? Lloyd S. Davis (editor), Robert G. Patman (editor)
4817 cover Singapore-China Relations: 50 Years Yongnian Zheng (editor), Liang Fook Lye (editor)
4818 cover Battle for Hearts and Minds: New Media and Elections in Singapore Tarn How Tan, Arun Mahizhnan, Peng Hwa Ang
4819 cover 50 Years of Singapore-Europe Relations: Celebrating Singapore's Connections With Europe Lay Hwee Yeo, Barnard Turner
4820 cover 50 Years of Social Issues in Singapore David Chan, Tharman Shanmugaratnam
4821 cover Perspectives on the Security of Singapore: The First 50 Years Barry Desker, Cheng Guan Ang
4822 cover People Matter David Chan
4823 cover International Strategic Relations and China's National Security Nationa Institute For Strategic Studies
4824 cover 50 Years Of Singapore And The United Nations Tommy Koh, Li Lin Chang
4825 cover Applied Psychology : Proceedings of the 2015 Asian Congress of Applied Psychology (ACAP 2015) Jane M. Montague, Lee Ming Tan, (eds.)
4826 cover Ethics in Tissue Establishments Jorge Morales Pedraza
4827 cover Confucian Culture and Democracy John Fuh-sheng Hsieh, John Fuh-sheng Hsieh
4828 cover Indonesia Matters : Asia's Emerging Democratic Power Amitav Acharya
4829 cover Understanding the Political Economy of the Arab Uprisings [1 ed.] Ishac Diwan, Ishac Diwan 1
4830 cover De-Politicization of Ethnic Questions in China [1 ed.] Lizhong Xie, Lizhong Xie 1
4831 cover China Among Unequals: Asymmetric Foreign Relationships in Asia Brantly Womack
4832 cover Chinese Politics Illustrated: The Cultural, Social, and Historical Context Lance L. P. Gore
4833 cover The Accidental Diplomat: The Autobiography of Maurice Baker Maurice Baker
4834 cover A Critical History of Financial Crises: Why Would Politicians and Regulators Spoil Financial Giants? Haim Kedar Levy
4835 cover Township Governance and Institutionalization in China Shukai Zhao
4836 cover The World Scientific Handbook of Energy Gerard M Crawley, Gerard M Crawley, <,b>,<,/b>,
4837 cover Risk : A Study of Its Origins, History and Politics Matthias Beck, Beth Kewell
4838 cover Singapore Perspectives 2013: Governance [1 ed.] Gillian Koh (editor) 1
4839 cover Hong Kong Under Chinese Rule - Economic Integration and Political Gridlock [1 ed.] Yong-Nian Zheng, Chiew Ping Yew 1
4840 cover Resilient States from a Comparative Regional Perspective: Central and Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia [1 ed.] Francois Bafoil 1
4841 cover Singapore Perspectives 2012: Singapore Inclusive: Bridging Divides Kang Soon Hock, Leong Chan-Hoong (eds)
4842 cover Social Suffering and Political Confession: Suku in Modern China Feiyu Sun = 孙飞宇
4843 cover China Renaissance, The: The Rise of XI Jinping and the 18th Communist Party Congress Jonathan Sharp
4844 cover Human Security Studies Sorpong Peou
4845 cover China: Development And Governance Gungwu Wang, Yongnian Zheng
4846 cover China's Diplomacy: Theory And Practice Jiemian Yang
4847 cover Singapore Perspectives 2011: Our Inclusive Society: Going Forward Faizal bin Yahya (ed)
4848 cover Writing the Modern History of Iraq: Historiographical and Political Challenges Jordi Tejel et al. (eds.)
4849 cover The Political Logic of Weiwen in Contemporary China Xie Yue
4850 cover Japan's Strategic Challenges In A Changing Regional Environment Purnendra Jain, Peng Er Lam
4851 cover Climate Change Policy Failures: Why Conventional Mitigation Approaches Cannot Succeed Howard A Latin
4852 cover East Asia: Developments And Challenges : Developments and Challenges Yongnian Zheng, Liang Fook Lye
4853 cover Sino-japanese Relations: Rivals Or Partners In Regional Cooperation? Niklas Swanstrom, Ryosei Kokubun
4854 cover Building Service-oriented Government: Lessons, Challenges And Prospects : Lessons, Challenges and Prospects Wei Wu
4855 cover South Asia: Beyond the Global Financial Crisis [1 ed.] Amitendu Palit 1
4856 cover Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations Since 1979: Policy Adjustment and Institutional Change Across the Straits [1 ed.] Kevin G. Cai (ed.) 1
4857 cover Human Security: From Concept to Practice : Case Studies from Northeast India and Orissa Amitav Acharya, Subrat Kumar Singhdeo, M. Rajaretnam
4858 cover The People's Republic of China Today: Internal and External Challenges Zhiqun Zhu
4859 cover State and Secularism: Some Asian Perspectives Michael Siam-Heng Heng
4860 cover Snow on the Pine: Japan's Quest for a Leadership Role in Asia Kyoko Hatakeyama and Craig Freedman
4861 cover New Dynamics Between China and Japan in Asia: How to Build the Future from the Past? Guy Faure
4862 cover Beyond Iraq: The Future of World Order Amitav Acharya, Hiro Katsumata
4863 cover Russian Mathematics Education: History and World Significance (Series on Mathematics Education) Alexander Karp and Bruce R. Vogeli
4864 cover China's Policies on Its Borderlands and the International Implications Bill K. P. Chou, Yufan Hao, Bill K. P. Chou, Yufan Hao
4865 cover The New Central Asia: The Regional Impact of International Actors Emilian Kavalski
4866 cover World Affairs: An Analytical Overview Pettman Ralph
4867 cover Chinese Under Globalization: Emerging Trends In Language Use In China Jin Liu, Hongyin Tao
4868 cover Political Booms: Local Money and Power in Taiwan, East China, Thailand, and the Philippines Lynn T. White
4869 cover China's Reforms At 30: Challenges and Prospects (Series on Contemporary China) Dali L. Yang, Litao Zhao
4870 cover American Foreign Affairs: A Compact History Gordon Tullock
4871 cover Political Economy In A Globalized World Jørgen Ørstrøm Møller
4872 cover China's New Social Policy: Initiatives For A Harmonious Society Litao Zhao, Tin Seng Lim
4873 cover Diplomatic Practice: Between Tradition And Innovation Juergen Kleiner
4874 cover Little Red Dot, The: Reflections By Singapore's Diplomats - Volume Ii, Volume 2 Tommy Koh, Li Lin Chang
4875 cover Asean Environmental Law, Policy And Governance: Selected Documents (Volume I) Kheng Lian Koh
4876 cover Nuclear weapons: a very short introduction Joseph M. Siracusa
4877 cover Changes in the human-monsoon system of East Asia in the context of global change Congbin Fu, J R Freney, J W B Stewart
4878 cover The Proceedings Of The 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit: Water Security: Leadership and Commitment 3-4 December 2007 B-con Plaza Beppu City Oita Prefecture Japan Secretariat of the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit
4879 cover Asia Rising: Who Is Leading? Amitav Acharya
4880 cover Open Secrets of American Foreign Policy Gordon Tullock
4881 cover Discontented Miracle: Growth, Conflict, and Institutional Adaptations in China (Series on Contemporary China) (Series on Contemporary China) Dali L. Yang
4882 cover Dynamic Governance: Embedding Culture, Capabilities and Change in Singapore Neo Boon Siong, Geraldine Chen
4883 cover Harmony and development : ASEAN-China relations Hongyi Lai, Tin Seng Lim
4885 cover Divided China: Preparing for Reunification 883-947 Wang Gungwu
4886 cover China's Elite Politics: Political Transition And Power Balancing : Political Transition and Power Balancing Zhiyue Bo
4887 cover Automorphic Representations of Low Rank Groups Yuval Z. Flicker
4888 cover China-ASEAN relations : economic and legal dimensions John Wong, Keyuan Zou, Huaqun Zeng
4889 cover Sources Of Conflict And Cooperation In The Taiwan Strait Yongnian Zheng, Raymond Ray-Kuo Wu
4890 cover Fighting Terror in Cyberspace Mark Last, Abraham Kandel
4891 cover China Under Hu Jintao: Opportunities, Dangers, and Dilemmas (Series on Contemporary China) Tun-Jen Cheng
4892 cover Catching Up and Falling Behind: Post-Communist Transformation in Historical Perspective David A. Dyker
4893 cover Knowing China Gregory C Chow, Gregory C. Chow
4894 cover International Seminar On Nuclear War And Planetary Emergencies - 31st Session: The Cultural Planetary Emergency-Focus on Terrorism Richard C Ragaini, Richard C Ragaini
4895 cover Mathematical Logic in the 20th Century Gerald E. Sacks
4896 cover Fighting Corruption in Asia: Causes, Effects and Remedies John Kidd, Frank-Jurgen Richter
4897 cover Taiwan's Modernization: Americanization and Modernizing Confucian Manifestations Wei-Bin Zhang
4898 cover The Restoration and Management of Derelict Land: Modern Approaches M. H. Wong, A. D. Bradshaw
4899 cover Taiwan In Troubled Times: Essays On The Chen Shui-bian Presidency John F Copper
4900 cover Korea: A Century of Change [1st ed.] Jurgen Kleiner 1
4901 cover Taiwanisation: Its Origin & Politics [1st ed.] George Tsai Woei, Peter Yu Kien-Hong 1
4902 cover 48th Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs: The Long Roads to Peace [First Edition] Joseph Rotblat
4903 cover Japan - Between Myth and Reality Lee Khoon Choy
4904 cover The Retreat Of Scientific Racism: Changing Concepts Of Race In Britain And The United States Between The World Wars Elazar Barkan
4905 cover World Views and Scientific Discipline Formation: Science Studies in the German Democratic Republic Papers from a German-American Summer Institute, 1988 [1 ed.] William R. Woodward (auth.), William R. Woodward, Robert S. Cohen (eds.) 1
4906 cover Abstracts: 10th World Congress on Pain, August 17-22, 2002, San Diego, California, USA IASP Scientific Program Committee
4907 cover The Making of Southeast Asian Nations leo Suryadinata
4908 cover WORLD POLITICS: Trend and Transformation [18 ed.] Shannon L. Blanton 18
4909 cover Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science [3 ed.] Kevin L. Dooley, Joseph N. Patten 3
4910 cover State and Local Government [11 ed.] Ann O'M. Bowman, Richard C. Kearney, Carmine P. F. Scavo 11
4911 cover American Government and Politics Today [11 ed.] Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C. Shelley, Barbara A. Bardes 11
4912 cover American Government and Politics Today [18 ed.] Lynne E. Ford, Barbara A. Bardes, Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C. Shelley II 18
4913 cover The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics [15 ed.] Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M. Berry, Jerry Goldman, Deborah Schildkraut, Paul Manna 15
4914 cover International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs [005 ed.] Paul D'Anieri 5
4915 cover Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology [10 ed.] Andrew Karmen 10
4916 cover World Politics: Trend and Transformation [17 ed.] Shannon L. Blanton, Charles W. Kegley 17
4917 cover American government : institutions and policies [Sixteenth edition] Bose, Meenekshi, DiIulio, John J., Levendusky, Matthew, Wilson, James Q
4918 cover Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas [8 ed.] William A. Joseph, Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger 8
4919 cover GOVT [with MindTap Political Science 1-Term Access Code] [10th Edition] Edward I. Sidlow 10
4920 cover Govt10: principles of American government [10th edition] Henschen, Beth,Sidlow, Edward 10
4921 cover Texas Politics: Ideal and Reality [13 ed.] Charldean Newell 13
4922 cover PRACTICING TEXAS POLITICS. [17 ed.] 17
4923 cover Practicing Texas Politics, 2017 - 2018 Edition Lyle C. Brown, Joyce A. Langenegger, Sonia R. Garcia, Robert E. Biles, Ryan Rynbrandt, Veronica Vega Ryan, Juan Carlos Huerta
4924 cover American Government and Politics Today [10th ed.] Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack Shelley, Barbara Bardes 10
4925 cover American Government and Politics Today, Brief [Paperback ed.] Steffen W. Schmidt
4926 cover American Government: Institutions and Policies [13th, brief ed.] James Q Wilson et al. 13
4927 cover Texas Politics Today 2017-2018 Edition [18th ed.] Mark P. Jones, William Earl Maxwell, Ernest Crain, Morhea Lynn Davis, Christopher Wlezein 18
4928 cover American Government and Politics Today: No Separate Policy Chapters Version, 2016-2017 Edition [Paperback ed.] Lynne E. Ford, Barbara A. Bardes, Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C Shelley
4929 cover Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government [Paperback ed.] John G. Geer, Wendy J. Schiller, Jeffrey A. Segal, Richard Herrera
4930 cover Nelson Outdoor and Environmental Studies Marcia Cross, Philip Hughes, Andrew Mannion &, Leigh Park 4
4931 cover Judicial Process: Law, Courts, and Politics in the United States [7 ed.] David W. Neubauer &, Stephen S. Meinhold 7
4932 cover Public Policymaking James E Anderson
4933 cover Public Policymaking: An Introduction [7th ed.] James E. Anderson 7
4934 cover Texas Politics 2014-2015 Charldean Newell, David F. Prindle, James Riddlesperger
4935 cover Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives [Hardcover ed.] Karen K. Kirst-Ashman
4936 cover Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues [Paperback ed.] Thomas M. Magstadt
4937 cover Essentials of Criminal Justice [Paperback ed.] Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall
4938 cover Living in the Environment George Taylor Miller, Dave Hackett, Carl Wolfe 4
4939 cover American Government: Institutions and Policies [15 ed.] James Q. Wilson, John J. DiIulio Jr., Meena Bose, Matthew Levendusky 15
4940 cover Essential Research Methods for Social Work [4 ed.] Allen Rubin, Earl Babbie 4
4941 cover Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science (Text Only) [2 ed.] Kevin L. Dooley, Joseph N. Patten 2
4942 cover The China Dream and the China Path [1 ed.] Tianyong Zhou 1
4943 cover The Rise of The Global South: Philosophical, Geopolitical and Economic Trends of the 21st Century [1 ed.] Justin Dargin 1
4944 cover The Great Equal Society : Confucianism, China and the 21st Century [1 ed.] Young-Oak Kim, Jung-Kyu Kim 1
4945 cover Acting Alone: A Scientific Study of American Hegemony and Unilateral Use-of-Force Decision Making (Innovations in the Study of World Politics) Bradley F. Podliska
4946 cover Cengage Advantage Books: American Government and Politics Today, Brief Edition, 2014-2015 [8 ed.] Steffen W. Schmidt, II Mack C. Shelley, Barbara A. Bardes 8
4947 cover Analyzing Politics [Paperback ed.] Ellen Grigsby
4948 cover Theories for Direct Social Work Practice [3rd ed.] Joseph Walsh 3
4949 cover The irony of democracy: an uncommon introduction to American politics [Sixteenth edition] Zeigler, Luther Harmon,Schubert, Louis,Dye, Thomas R 16
4950 cover Anthropology: the human challenge [Fourteenth edition] Walrath, Dana,Prins, Harald E. L.,McBride, Bunny,Haviland, William A
4951 cover Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges [9 ed.] Charles Hauss 9
4952 cover Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration [9 ed.] Kenneth J. Meier, Jeffrey L. Brudney, John Bohte 9
4953 cover Major Problems in American History Since 1945 [4 ed.] Natasha Zaretsky, Mark Lawrence, Robert Griffith, Paula Baker 4
4954 cover Politics in a Changing World [7 ed.] Marcus E. Ethridge, Howard Handelman 7
4955 cover Research Methods for Social Work [8 ed.] Allen Rubin, Earl R. Babbie 8
4956 cover Archaeology: Down to Earth [5 ed.] Robert L. Kelly, David Hurst Thomas 5
4957 cover The Practice of Macro Social Work [4 ed.] William G Brueggemann 4
4958 cover Study Guide Samaha, Joel 12
4959 cover Study guide for siegel's introduction to criminal justice [14 ed.] Larry J Siegel 14
4960 cover Criminal Justice in Action: The Core [7 ed.] Larry K. Gaines and Roger LeRoy Miller 7
4961 cover American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy and Citizenship [2 ed.] Joseph M. Bessette, John J. Pitney 2
4962 cover The Dobe Ju/’hoansi [4 ed.] Richard B. Lee 4
4963 cover Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate [Hardcover ed.] Bruce S. Jansson
4964 cover Making The Most of Field Placement [3rd ed.] Helen Cleak, Jill Wilson 3
4965 cover Comparative Criminal Justice Systems [5 ed.] Harry R. Dammer, Jay S. Albanese 5
4966 cover Highway scene safety Leslie J Greenwood
4967 cover Living in the Environment G. Miller, S. Spoolman 17
4968 cover Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789 [10 ed.] Marvin Perry, Myrna Chase, James Jacob, Margaret Jacob, Theodore H. Von Laue 10
4969 cover Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice Dean H. Hepworth, Ronald H. Rooney, Glenda Dewberry Rooney, Kim Strom-Gottfried 9
4970 cover Understanding Politics [10 ed.] Thomas M. Magstadt 10
4971 cover Essentials of Criminal Justice [8 ed.] Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall 8
4972 cover Elements of Culture: An Applied Perspective Susan Andreatta, Gary Ferraro
4973 cover Archaeology 6th edition [6 ed.] Robert L. Kelly, David Hurst Thomas 6
4974 cover Texas Politics [12th Edition] Charldean Newell and David F Prindle 12
4975 cover Statistics : a tool for social research [9th ed] Joseph F. Healey 9
4976 cover Terrorism and Homeland Security [8th ed.] Jonathan R. White 8
4977 cover Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: An Introduction to Family Social Work [4 ed.] Donald Collins, Catheleen Jordan, Heather Coleman 4
4978 cover Criminal Law [11 ed.] Thomas J. Gardner, Terry M. Anderson 11
4979 cover Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society , Eleventh Edition [11 ed.] Mary Ann Lamanna, Agnes Riedmann 11
4980 cover Interviewing for Solutions [4 ed.] Peter De Jong, Insoo Kim Berg 4
4981 cover Criminology , Eleventh Edition [11 ed.] Larry J. Siegel 11
4982 cover Cengage Advantage Books: American Government [10 ed.] Alan Gitelson, Robert Dudley, Melvin Dubnick 10
4983 cover The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics (11th Edition) [11th ed.] Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M. Berry, Jerry Goldman 11
4984 cover Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement [6 ed.] Karen M. Hess, Christine Hess Orthmann 6
4985 cover Understanding American Government, Thirteenth edition (no separate policy chapters version) [13th ed.] Susan Welch, John Gruhl, John Comer, Susan M. Rigdon, Sue Thomas 13
4986 cover Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th Edition [13th ed.] Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall 13
4987 cover International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs [2 ed.] Paul D'Anieri 2
4988 cover American Government: The Essentials James Q. Wilson, John J. DiIulio Jr., Meena Bose 12
4989 cover Texas Politics Today, 2011-2012 Edition [15th ed.] William Earl Maxwell, Ernest Crain, Adolfo Santos 15
4990 cover Professionalism in policing : an introduction [1st ed] David J Thomas 1
4991 cover Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration [8 ed.] Kenneth J. Meier, Jeffrey L. Brudney, John Bohte 8
4992 cover An invitation to social research : how it's done [4th ed] Emily Stier Adler, Roger Clark 4
4993 cover Debating Democracy: A Reader in American Politics [7 ed.] Bruce Miroff, Raymond Seidelman, Todd Swanstrom 7
4994 cover Crime and punishment : a history of the criminal justice system [2nd ed] Roth, Mitchel P 2
4995 cover Dynamics of the Singapore Success Story: Insights by Ngiam Tong Dow NGIAM Tong Dow
4996 cover Caring for School-Age Children [Paperback ed.] Phyllis M. Click, Jennifer Parker
4997 cover Research methods for social work [7th ed., International ed] Babbie, Earl R.,Rubin, Allen 7
4998 cover Essentials of sociology [8th ed] Brinkerhoff, David B 8
4999 cover Evolution & prehistory: the human challenge [9. ed] Haviland, William A 9
5000 cover Criminology: the core [4th ed] Siegel, Larry J 4
5001 cover Organized Crime [9 ed.] Howard Abadinsky 9
5002 cover Theories for direct social work practice [2 ed.] Joseph Walsh 2
5003 cover Democracy for the Few [9 ed.] Michael Parenti 9
5004 cover Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives, 3rd Edition [3rd Edition] Karen Kay Kirst-Ashman 3
5005 cover Cengage Advantage Books: American Government and Politics Today, Brief Edition, 2010-2011 [6 ed.] Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C. Shelley, Barbara A. Bardes 6
5006 cover State and Local Politics: Institutions and Reform, 2nd Edition [2nd ed.] Todd Donovan, Christopher Z. Mooney, Daniel A. Smith 2
5007 cover The Politics of United States Foreign Policy , Fifth Edition [5 ed.] Jerel A. Rosati, James M. Scott 5
5008 cover Govt, 2011 California Student Edition [2 ed.] Edward I. Sidlow, Beth Henschen, Larry N. Gerston, Terry Christensen 2
5009 cover Global Politics, 10th Edition [10th ed.] Juliet Kaarbo, James Ray 10
5010 cover World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2010 - 2011 Edition, 13th Edition [13th ed.] Charles W. Kegley, Shannon L. Blanton 13
5011 cover Criminal Law and Procedure [seventh ed.] John M. Scheb
5012 cover Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images, Realities, and Policies, 4th Edition [4th ed.] Ray Surette 4
5013 cover Nations and Government: Comparative Politics in Regional Perspective, 6th Edition [6th ed.] Thomas M. Magstadt 6
5014 cover Sense and Nonsense about Crime, Drugs, and Communities, 7th Edition [7th ed.] Samuel Walker 7
5015 cover Social Psychology, 7th Edition [7th ed.] John D. DeLamater, Daniel J. Myers 7
5016 cover Cities, Change, and Conflict [4 ed.] Nancy Kleniewski, Alexander R. Thomas 4
5017 cover Texas Politics [11 ed.] Charldean Newell, David F. Prindle, James Riddlesperger 11
5018 cover Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology Henry L. Tischler 10
5019 cover Policing and Society: A Global Approach [1 ed.] Michael J. Palmiotto, N. Prabha Unnithan 1
5020 cover American government: historical, popular, and global perspectives [2 ed.] Kenneth Dautrich, David A. Yalof 2
5021 cover A people and a nation: a history of the United States [Brief 8th ed., Student ed] Norton, Mary Beth 8
5022 cover Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills [8 ed.] Dean H. Hepworth, Ronald H. Rooney, Glenda Dewberry Rooney 8
5023 cover Ten Questions: A Sociological Perspective [7 ed.] Joel M. Charon 7
5024 cover Comparative Politics in Transition [6 ed.] John McCormick 6
5025 cover The Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research, 2nd Edition [2 ed.] Joseph F. Healey 2
5026 cover International Relations: Perspectives and Controversies [3 ed.] Keith L. Shimko 3
5027 cover American Foreign Policy and Process [5 ed.] James M. McCormick 5
5028 cover American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 1: To 1920 [7 ed.] Thomas Paterson, J. Garry Clifford, Shane J. Maddock, Deborah Kisatsky, Kenneth Hagan 7
5029 cover Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs: A Values Perspective [2 ed.] Elizabeth A. Segal 2
5030 cover Program Evaluation: An Introduction [5 ed.] David Royse, Bruce A. Thyer, Deborah K. Padgett 5
5031 cover Juvenile Justice [5 ed.] Kären M. Hess 5
5032 cover California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach [10 ed.] Larry N. Gerston, Terry Christensen 10
5033 cover Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions George Tyler Miller, Scott Spoolman 16
5034 cover Terrorism and Homeland Security , Sixth Edition [6 ed.] Jonathan Randall White 6
5035 cover Public Administration in America , Tenth Edition [10 ed.] Michael E. Milakovich, George J. Gordon 10
5036 cover American foreign policy: pattern and process [7 ed.] Eugene R. Wittkopf, Christopher Martin Jones, Charles W. Kegley 7
5037 cover European Politics in Transition [6 ed.] Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, Christopher S. Allen, Joan DeBardeleben, Stephen Hellman 6
5038 cover American Passages: A History in the United States, Volume I: To 1877 [4 ed.] Edward L. Ayers, Lewis L. Gould, David M. Oshinsky, Jean R. Soderlund 4
5039 cover Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society: Since 1400 [9 ed.] Marvin Perry, Margaret Jacob, James Jacob, Myrna Chase, Theodore H. Von Laue 9
5040 cover American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 [4 ed.] Edward L. Ayers, Lewis L. Gould, David M. Oshinsky, Jean R. Soderlund 4
5041 cover Singapore's success: engineering economic growth [1 ed.] Henri C. Ghesquière 1
5042 cover California: The Politics of Diversity [5 ed.] David G. Lawrence 5
5043 cover Essentials of Texas Politics [10 ed.] Richard H. Kraemer, Charldean Newell, David F. Prindle 10
5044 cover India: Government and Politics in a Developing Nation [7 ed.] Stanley A. Kochanek, Robert L. Hardgrave 7
5045 cover Why Nations Go to War [10 ed.] John G. Stoessinger 10
5046 cover Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People [5th ed.] John M. Murrin, Paul E. Johnson, James M. McPherson, Alice Fahs, Gary Gerstle, Emily S. Rosenberg, Norman L. Rosenberg 5
5047 cover Global Politics 9th Edition [9 ed.] James Ray, Juliet Kaarbo 9
5048 cover Sociology: your compass for a new world [3 ed.] Robert J. Brym, John Lie 3
5049 cover World Link Book 2: Developing English Fluency [1st ed.] Susan Stempleski, James R. Morgan, Nancy Douglas, Andy Curtis 1
5050 cover European Imperialism, 1830-1930: Climax and Contradiction Alice L. Conklin, Ian Christopher Fletcher 1
5051 cover Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media [Paperback ed.] Michael Parenti
5052 cover Make-Believe Media: The Politics of Entertainment [Paperback ed.] Michael Parenti
5053 cover #You Know You're Black in France When: The Fact of Everyday Antiblackness Trica Keaton
5054 cover A Case for Climate Engineering Keith, David W
5055 cover A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence John Zerilli, John Danaher, James Maclaurin, Colin Gavaghan, Alistair Knott, Joy Liddicoat, Merel Noorman
5056 cover A Constitution for All Times Karlan, Pamela S
5057 cover A Diagnosis for Our Times : Alternative Health, from Lifeworld to Politics [1 ed.] Matthew Schneirov, Jonathan David Geczik 1
5058 cover A Fragmented Continent: Latin America and the Global Politics of Climate Change [1 ed.] Guy Edwards, J. Timmons Roberts 1
5059 cover A New Beginning: A Textual Frame Analysis on the Political Campaign Film Joanne Morreale
5060 cover A Nuclear Winter's Tale: Science and Politics in the 1980s Lawrence Badash
5061 cover A Politics of Emancipation Miguel Abensour,Martin Breaugh,Paul Mazzocchi,, Martin Breaugh, Paul Mazzocchi
5062 cover A queer way out: the politics of queer emigration from Israel Amit, Hila
5063 cover A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deviations from Deleuze and Guattari Brian Massumi
5064 cover A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming Paul N. Edwards
5065 cover Abolishing Boundaries: Global Utopias in the Formation of Modern Chinese Political Thought, 1880–1940 Peter Zarrow
5066 cover Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering Ronald Deibert, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, Jonathan Zittrain, Janice Gross Stein
5067 cover Acid Rain Science and Politics in Japan: A History of Knowledge and Action toward Sustainability (Politics, Science, and the Environment) Ken Wilkening
5068 cover Advanced Transport Systems: Analysis, Modeling, and Evaluation of Performances [1 ed.] Milan Janić (auth.) 1
5069 cover Aesthetic Politics in Fashion Elke Gaugele (ed.)
5070 cover Aesthetics Equals Politics: New Discourses Across Art, Architecture, and Philosophy Mark Foster Gage
5071 cover After Authority: War, Peace, and Global Politics in the 21st Century Ronnie D. Lipschutz
5072 cover After the orgy : toward a politics of exhaustion Pettman, Dominic
5073 cover Against the state : an introduction to anarchist political theory Sartwell, Crispin
5074 cover Agency and Ethics: The Politics of Military Intervention Anthony F Lang Jr
5075 cover America Goes to College: Political Theory for the Liberal Arts [1 ed.] John E. Seery 1
5076 cover American Dolorologies: Pain, Sentimentalism, Biopolitics Strick, Simon
5077 cover Ancient and Modern Israel: An Exploration of Political Parallels [1 ed.] Ira Sharkansky 1
5078 cover Apprehending Politics : News Media and Individual Political Development [1 ed.] Marco Calavita 1
5079 cover Aristotle's Politics today Goodman, Lenn Evan, Talisse, Robert B., Aristotle
5080 cover Art, Science, And The Politics Of Knowledge [1 ed.] Hannah Star Rogers 1
5081 cover Atlantic Transformations: Empire, Politics, And Slavery During The Nineteenth Century [1st Edition] Dale W. Tomich 1
5082 cover Avant-Gardes in Crisis: Art and Politics in the Long 1970s Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Andrew Strombeck
5083 cover B Is for Bad Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics, and Cultural Value Perkins, Claire Elizabeth, Verevis, Constantine
5084 cover Bastard Politics: Sovereignty and Violence Nick Mansfield
5085 cover Being Ecological Timothy Morton
5086 cover Being Goral: Identity Politics And Globalization in Postsocialist Poland [annotated edition] Deborah Cahalen Schneider
5087 cover Being nuclear : Africans and the global uranium trade Gabrielle Hecht
5088 cover Between Athens and Jerusalem: Philosophy, Prophecy, and Politics in Leo Strauss’s Early Thought David Janssens
5089 cover Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) Jurgen Habermas
5090 cover Between Nihilism and Politics: The Hermeneutics of Gianni Vattimo Vattimo, Gianni, Vattimo, Gianni, Schroeder, Brian, Benso, Silvia
5091 cover Between the Flag and the Banner: Women in Israeli Politics Yael Yishai
5092 cover Between the Norm and the Exception: The Frankfurt School and the Rule of Law William E. Scheuerman
5093 cover Beyond 9/11 Chappell Lawson, Alan Bersin, Juliette Kayyem
5094 cover Beyond Climate Breakdown: Envisioning New Stories of Radical Hope Peter Friederici
5095 cover Beyond Data: Reclaiming Human Rights at the Dawn of the Metaverse Elizabeth M. Renieris
5096 cover Beyond red and blue : how twelve political philosophies shape American debates [First Edition, First Printing] Wenz, Peter S
5097 cover Beyond the big ditch : politics, ecology, and infrastructure at the Panama Canal Carse, Ashley
5098 cover Beyond the Secular: Jacques Derrida and the Theological-Political Complex Andrea Cassatella
5099 cover Big data is not a monolith Hamid Reza Ekbia (editor), Cassidy R. Sugimoto (editor), Michael Mattioli (editor)
5100 cover Big Hunger: The Unholy Alliance between Corporate America and Anti-Hunger Groups Andrew Fisher
5101 cover Biopolitical Screens: Image, Power, and the Neoliberal Brain Pasi Väliaho
5102 cover Bitter Greens: Essays on Food, Politics, and Ethnicity from the Imperial Kitchen Anthony Di Renzo
5103 cover Black Atlantic Politics: Dilemmas of Political Empowerment in Boston and Liverpool William E. Nelson, Jr.
5104 cover Black Feminist Voices in Politics Evelyn M. Simien
5105 cover Black Power in the Suburbs: The Myth or Reality of African American Suburban Political Incorporation Valerie C. Johnson
5106 cover Black Presidential Politics in America: A Strategic Approach Ronald W. Walters
5107 cover Black Women in Politics: Demanding Citizenship, Challenging Power, and Seeking Justice Julia S. Jordan-Zachary and Nikol G. Alexander-Floyd
5108 cover Borders As Infrastructure: The Technopolitics Of Border Control [1 ed.] Huub Dijstelbloem 1
5109 cover Born Out of Struggle: Critical Race Theory, School Creation, and the Politics of Interruption David Omotoso Stovall
5110 cover Building Genetic Medicine: Breast Cancer, Technology, and the Comparative Politics of Health Care (Inside Technology) [1 ed.] Shobita Parthasarathy 1
5111 cover Capital Hates Everyone: Fascism or Revolution Maurizio Lazzarato
5112 cover Carbon Capture [Paperback ed.] Howard J. Herzog
5113 cover Carbon Captured: How Business and Labor Control Climate Politics Matto Mildenberger
5114 cover Carbon Coalitions: Business, Climate Politics, and the Rise of Emissions Trading Jonas Meckling
5115 cover Care-Centered Politics: From the Home to the Planet Robert Gottlieb
5116 cover Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenomenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka Edward F. Findlay
5117 cover Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences George, Alexander L. and Andrew Bennett
5118 cover Catastrophe and Redemption: The Political Thought of Giorgio Agamben Agamben, Giorgio, Agamben, Giorgio, Whyte, Jessica Stephanie
5119 cover Change of State: Information, Policy, and Power Sandra Braman
5120 cover Changing Climates in North American Politics: Institutions, Policymaking, and Multilevel Governance [1st ed.] Henrik Selin, Stacy D. VanDeveer (Eds.) 1
5121 cover Chemicals without Harm: Policies for a Sustainable World Ken Geiser 1
5122 cover Citizenship Dimitry Kochenov
5123 cover Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning) W. Lance Bennett
5124 cover Civil Service Reform in the States : Personnel Policy and Politics at the Subnational Level [1 ed.] J. Edward Kellough, Lloyd G. Nigro 1
5125 cover Civil Society and Political Theory Jean L. Cohen, Andrew Arato
5126 cover Class, Politics, and Early Industrial Capitalism: A Study of Mid-Nineteenth Century Toulouse, France Ronald Aminzade
5127 cover Clean New World: Culture, Politics, and Graphic Design Maud Lavin
5128 cover Climate of Capitulation: An Insider's Account of State Power in a Coal Nation [Illustrated] Vivian E. Thomson
5129 cover Coding democracy : how a growing hacking movement is disrupting concentrations of power, mass surveillance, and authoritarianism in the digital age Maureen Webb, Cory Doctorow
5130 cover Coming Clean: Information Disclosure and Environmental Performance Mark Stephan, Troy D. Abel, Michael E. Kraft, Sheldon Kamieniecki 1
5131 cover Communications Policy in Transition: The Internet and Beyond [1st ed.] Benjamin M. Compaine, Shane Greenstein 1
5132 cover Communism for Kids Bini Adamczak
5133 cover Community Literacy Programs and the Politics of Change Jeffrey T. Grabill
5134 cover Comparative Environmental Politics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects Paul F. Steinberg, Stacy D. VanDeveer
5135 cover Comparing Apples and Mangoes: The Overpoliticized State in Developing Countries S. N. Sangmpam
5136 cover Complexity in World Politics: Concepts And Methods of a New Paradigm Neil E. Harrison
5137 cover Composing Useful Pasts: History As Contemporary Politics Edmund E. Jacobitti
5138 cover Confessing Excess: Women and the Politics of Body Reduction Carole Spitzack
5139 cover Conflict in Ukraine: The Unwinding of the Post–Cold War Order Rajan Menon, Eugene Rumer
5140 cover Confucian Democracy: A Deweyan Reconstruction Sor-Hoon Tan
5141 cover Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and the Flow of Political Communication Stephen Coleman, Rachel Gibson, Peter M. Shane, Vincent Price, Andrew Chadwick, Joachim Åström, Åke Grönlund, Steven J. Balla, Sungsoo Hwang, Scott Wright 1
5142 cover Consensus and Global Environmental Governance: Deliberative Democracy in Nature's Regime Walter F. Baber, Robert V. Bartlett, Frank Biermann, Oran R. Young 1
5143 cover Constitutional Politics in Canada and the United States Stephen L. Newman
5144 cover Constructing Knowledges: The Politics of Theory-Building and Pedagogy in Composition Sidney I. Dobrin
5145 cover Contradictions of the Welfare State Claus Offe, John Keane
5146 cover Convention and Materialism: Uniqueness Without Aura Paolo Virno
5147 cover Cooperating Rivals: The Riparian Politics of the Jordan River Basin Jeffrey K. Sosland
5148 cover Coping in Politics with Indeterminate Norms: A Theory of Enlightened Localism [1 ed.] Benjamin Gregg 1
5149 cover Countering Terrorism: Dimensions of Preparedness Arnold M. Howitt, Robyn L. Pangi
5150 cover Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) Carl Schmitt
5151 cover Critical Care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet Angelika Fitz, Elke Krasny, Architekturzentrum Wien
5152 cover Critical Essays On Israeli Society, Politics, And Culture [Hardcover ed.] Ian S. Lustick
5153 cover Critical Theory and Public Life John Forester
5154 cover Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth [1 ed.] Bruno Latour (editor), Peter Weibel (editor) 1
5155 cover Cryopolitics: Frozen Life in a Melting World Joanna Radin und Emma Kowal (eds.)
5156 cover Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias Peter Ludlow
5157 cover Cryptographic City : Decoding the Smart Metropolis Richard Coyne
5158 cover Cultural-political interventions in the unfinished project of enlightenment Axel Honneth (ed.)
5159 cover Cyber Republic: Reinventing Democracy in the Age of Intelligent Machines George Zarkadakis
5160 cover Cyber Rights: Defending Free speech in the Digital Age [Rev Upd ed.] Mike Godwin
5161 cover Cybernetic revolutionaries : technology and politics in Allende's Chile Medina, Eden
5162 cover Cyberpolitics in international relations Choucri, Nazli
5163 cover International Relations in the Cyber Age: The Co-Evolution Dilemma Nazli Choucri, David D. Clark
5164 cover Cyborg Laura Forlano, Danya Glabau
5165 cover Cycling for Sustainable Cities Ralph Buehler
5166 cover Daoism, Dandyism, and Political Correctness Thorsten Botz-Bornstein
5167 cover Data Paradoxes : The Politics Of Intensified Data Sourcing In Contemporary Healthcare [1 ed.] Klaus Hoeyer 1
5168 cover David Dinkins And New York City Politics: Race, Images, And the Media Wilbur C. Rich
5169 cover Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music Kyle Devine
5170 cover Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics James Bohman, William Rehg
5171 cover Democracy at the Ballpark: Sport, Spectatorship, and Politics Thomas David Bunting
5172 cover Democracy Despite Itself: Why a System That Shouldn’t Work at All Works So Well Danny Oppenheimer, Mike Edwards
5173 cover Democracy in a Hotter Time: Climate Change and Democratic Transformation David W. Orr
5174 cover Democracy's Dilemma: Environment, Social Equity, and the Global Economy [1St Edition] Robert C. Paehlke 1
5175 cover Democratic Dilemmas: Joint Work, Education Politics, and Community Julie A. Marsh
5176 cover Democratic Experiments: Problematizing Nanotechnology and Democracy in Europe and the United States Brice Laurent
5177 cover Democratizing Global Politics: Discourse Norms, International Regimes, and Political Community Rodger A. Payne, Nayef H. Samhat, James N Rosenau 1
5178 cover Democratizing Our Data:A Manifesto Julia Lane
5179 cover Design After Capitalism: Transforming Design Today for an Equitable Tomorrow Matthew Wizinsky
5180 cover Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need Sasha Costanza–chock
5181 cover Digital Lifeline? ICTs for Refugees and Displaced Persons Carleen F. Maitland
5182 cover Digital Media and Democracy: tactics in hard times Boler, Megan
5183 cover Dimensions of Blackness: Racial Identity and Political Beliefs [Hardcover ed.] Jas M Sullivan, Jonathan Winburn, William E Cross
5184 cover Disaggregating International Regimes: A New Approach to Evaluation and Comparison Olav Schram Stokke, Frank Biermann, Oran R. Young 1
5185 cover Discard Studies: Wasting, Systems, and Power Max Liboiron, Josh Lepawsky
5186 cover Discriminating Data: Correlation, Neighborhoods, and the New Politics of Recognition Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Alex Barnett
5187 cover Disenchanted Realists: Political Science and the American Crisis Edward J. Harpham, Raymond Seidelman, James Farr
5188 cover Disenchanted Realists: Political Science and the American Crisis, 1884-1984 Raymond Seidelman
5189 cover Disorganized Capitalism: Contemporary Transformations of Work and Politics [1 ed.] Claus Offe 1
5190 cover Divided Natures: French Contributions to Political Ecology Kerry H. Whiteside
5191 cover DIY Citizenship: Critical Making And Social Media Matt Ratto, Megan Boler
5192 cover Doing Democracy: Activist Art and Cultural Politics Nancy S. Love, Mark Mattern
5193 cover Double Jeopardy: Combating Nuclear Terror and Climate Change Daniel B Poneman
5194 cover Dream Chasers: Immigration and the American Backlash John Tirman 1
5195 cover Earth System Governance : World Politics in the Anthropocene Frank Biermann
5196 cover Ecstatic Worlds: Media, Utopias, Ecologies Marchessault, Janine
5197 cover Effective School District Leadership : Transforming Politics into Education [1 ed.] Kenneth Leithwood, K Leithwood 1
5198 cover Electing To Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go To War [Hardcover ed.] Edward D. Mansfield, Jack Snyder
5199 cover Electoral Politics Is Not Enough : Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Urban Politics [1 ed.] Peter F. Burns 1
5200 cover Elites, Language, and the Politics of Identity: The Norwegian Case in Comparative Perspective Gregg Bucken-Knapp
5201 cover Emancipating Cultural Pluralism Cris E. Toffolo
5202 cover Empire of Culture Waiyee Loh,
5203 cover Ending the fossil fuel era Manno, Jack,Martin, Pamela,Princen, Thomas
5204 cover Energy and Empire: The Politics of Nuclear and Solar Power in the United States George A. Gonzalez
5205 cover Engaging the Everyday: Environmental Social Criticism and the Resonance Dilemma John M. Meyer 1
5206 cover Engineers and the Making of the Francoist Regime (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology) Lino Camprubí
5207 cover Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement Ronald Sandler, Phaedra C. Pezzullo
5208 cover Environmental Politics and Policy in Industrialized Countries Uday Desai
5209 cover Espionage: A Concise History Kristie Macrakis
5210 cover Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics (The Graham Foundation MIT Rosalyn Deutsche
5211 cover Ex Uno Plura: State Constitutions and Their Political Cultures James T. McHugh
5212 cover Existence and the Good : Metaphysical Necessity in Morals and Politics [1 ed.] Franklin I. Gamwell 1
5213 cover Experimental Politics Work, Welfare, and Creativity in the Neoliberal Age Maurizio Lazzarato
5214 cover Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, Stephen D. Krasner
5215 cover Extremism Berger, John M
5216 cover Failed promises : evaluating the federal government's response to environmental justice David M. Konisky
5217 cover Fake News: Understanding Media and Misinformation in the Digital Age Melissa Zimdars
5218 cover Feminism's Progress: Gender Politics in British and American Literature and Television since 1830 Carol Colatrella
5219 cover Fighting corruption is dangerous: the story behind the headlines Okonjo-Iweala, Ngozi
5220 cover First to Arrive: State and Local Responses to Terrorism Juliette N. Kayyem, Robyn L. Pangi
5221 cover For Better or Worse: How Political Consultants Are Changing Elections in the United States David A. Dulio
5222 cover For Foucault: Against Normative Political Theory Mark G. E. Kelly
5223 cover Forget Chineseness: On the Geopolitics of Cultural Identification Allen Chun
5224 cover Forgotten Values: The World Bank and Environmental Partnerships (Earth System Governance) Teresa Kramarz
5225 cover Form and Flow: The Spatial Politics of Urban Resilience and Climate Justice Kian Goh
5226 cover Fracture Feminism: The Politics of Impossible Time in British Romanticism David Sigler
5227 cover Fragile Rise: Grand Strategy and the Fate of Imperial Germany, 1871-1914 Qiyu Xu, Graham Allison, Joshua Hill
5228 cover Free Berlin: Art, Urban Politics, and Everyday Life Briana J. Smith
5229 cover Friendship As a Way of Life: Foucault, AIDS, and the Politics of Shared Estrangement Tom Roach
5230 cover From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism, 1985-1995 Ward Churchill, Howard Zinn
5231 cover From Big Oil to Big Green: Holding the Oil Industry to Account for the Climate Crisis Marco Grasso
5232 cover From Snake Pits to Cash Cows : Politics and Public Institutions in New York [1 ed.] Paul J. Castellani 1
5233 cover From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen: Urban Informatics, Social Media, Ubiquitous Computing, and Mobile Technology to Support Citizen Engagement Marcus Foth, Laura Forlano, Christine Satchell, Martin Gibbs, Judith Donath
5234 cover From the Inside Out: The Fight for Environmental Justice within Government Agencies Jill Lindsey Harrison
5235 cover Frustrated Nationalism: Nationalism and National Identity in the Twenty-First Century Gregory S. Mahler (editor)
5236 cover Garbage wars: the struggle for environmental justice in Chicago David N. Pellow
5237 cover Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and Childhood in the Age of the Internet [1 ed.] Kathryn C. Montgomery 1
5238 cover Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality Meryl Alper
5239 cover Global Catastrophes and Trends: the next 50 years [First Edition] Vaclav Smil
5240 cover Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change Kathryn Harrison, Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom
5241 cover Global Environmental Assessments Information and Influence [illustrated edition] Ronald B. Mitchell, William C. Clark, David W. Cash, Nancy M. Dickson
5242 cover Global justice and transnational politics: essays on the moral and political challenges of globalization Pablo De Greiff, Ciaran P. Cronin
5243 cover Global Liberalism and Political Order: Toward a New Grand Compromise? Steven F. Bernstein, Louis W. Pauly
5244 cover Globalization, Security, And The Nation-State: Paradigms In Transition Ersel Aydinli, James N. Rosenau
5245 cover Good Science: The Ethical Choreography of Stem Cell Research (Inside Technology (Hardcover)) Charis Thompson
5246 cover Gore Capitalism Sayak Valencia
5247 cover Governance and Information Technology: From Electronic Government to Information Government Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, David Lazer, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger 1
5248 cover Governing the Air : The Dynamics of Science, Policy, and Citizen Interaction [1 ed.] Rolf Lidskog, Håkan Pleijel, Goran Sundqvist, Casey Stevens, Stacy D. VanDeveer, Jørgen Wettestad, Håkan Pleijel, Bernd Siebenhüner, Håkan Pleijel, Bernd Siebenhüner 1
5249 cover Green Giants?: Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union [illustrated edition] Norman J. Vig, Michael G. Faure
5250 cover Greening Berlin : the co-production of science, politics, and urban nature Jens Lachmund
5251 cover Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science From the Bottom Up [1 ed.] Joshua M. Epstein, Robert L. Axtell 1
5252 cover Habermas and Modernity Richard J. Bernstein (ed.)
5253 cover Hacker States [First Edition] Follis, Luca, Fish, Adam,, Adam Fish
5254 cover Hannah Arendt: Twenty Years Later (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) [1 ed.] Larry May, Jerome Kohn 1
5255 cover Hate Speech Caitlin Ring Carlson
5256 cover Hate spin: the manufacture of religious offense and its threat to democracy George, Cherian
5257 cover History and Class Consciousness [1st ed.] Georg Lukacs, Rodney Livingstone 1
5258 cover History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [MIT Press ed.] Georg Lukács, Rodney Livingstone
5259 cover How Artifacts Afford: The Power and Politics of Everyday Things Jenny L. Davis
5260 cover How to Talk to a Science Denier McIntyre Lee (author)
5261 cover Human Rights In The Age Of Platforms Rikke Frank Jørgensen
5262 cover Human Rights Standards: Hegemony, Law, and Politics Makau Mutua
5263 cover Ideology and the Urban Crisis Peter J. Steinberger
5264 cover If Schools Didn't Exist: A Study in the Sociology of Schools Nils Christie, Lucas Cone
5265 cover Immigrant Protest: Politics, Aesthetics, and Everyday Dissent Marciniak &, Katarzyna Marciniak &, Imogen Tyler
5266 cover Immunodemocracy Capitalist Asphyxia Donatella Di Cesare
5267 cover In the Name of Terrorism: Presidents on Political Violence in the Post-world War II Era Carol K. Winkler
5268 cover In the Spirit of Critique: Thinking Politically in the Dialectical Tradition Douglas, Andrew J
5269 cover In the Swarm: Digital Prospects Byung-Chul Han, Erik Butler
5270 cover Information politics on the Web Richard Rogers
5271 cover Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance James N. Rosenau, J. P. Singh
5272 cover Infrastructural Brutalism: Art and the Necropolitics of Infrastructure Michael Truscello
5273 cover Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers Oran R. Young, Frank Biermann 1
5274 cover Institutional interaction in global environmental governance: synergy and conflict among international and EU policies Sebastian Oberthür, Thomas Gehring, Oran R. Young
5275 cover Institutions And The Politics Of Survival In Jordan: Domestic Responses To External Challenges, 1988-2001 Lucas Russell E., Russell E. Lucas
5276 cover Integrating Climate, Energy, and Air Pollution Policies Gary Bryner, Robert J. Duffy 1
5277 cover Intellectuals at a Crossroads: The Changing Politics of China's Knowledge Workers Zhidong Hao
5278 cover Interest Groups and Political Change in Israel [1St Edition] Marcia Drezon-Tepler 1
5279 cover International relations and global climate change [1st ed.] Urs Luterbacher 1
5280 cover Intervention in the Brain: Politics, Policy, and Ethics Robert H Blank
5281 cover Ivory Bridges: Connecting Science and Society [First Edition] Gerhard Sonnert, Gerald Holton
5282 cover Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking: Expositions of World, Ontology, Politics, and Sense Nancy, Jean-Luc, Nancy, Jean-Luc, Gratton, Peter, Morin, Marie-Eve
5283 cover Just Housing: The Moral Foundations of American Housing Policy Casey J. Dawkins
5284 cover Justice and Interpretation (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) [1st MIT Press ed] Georgia Warnke 1
5285 cover Fusion: Science, Politics, and the Invention of a New Energy Source [Second Printing ed.] Joan Lisa Lisa Bromberg
5286 cover Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics Willy Apollon, Richard Feldstein (eds.)
5287 cover Land of Paradoxes: Interest Politics in Israel [1 ed.] Yael Yishai 1
5288 cover Law as Refuge of Anarchy. Societies Without Hegemony Or State Hermann Amborn
5289 cover Laws, Outlaws, and Terrorists: Lessons from the War on Terrorism Gabriella Blum, Philip B. Heymann, Sean M. Lynn-Jones, Steven E. Miller 1
5290 cover Learning in Governance: Climate Policy Integration in the European Union (Earth System Governance) Katharina Rietig
5291 cover Letters, Power Lines, and Other Dangerous Things: The Politics of Infrastructure Security Ryan Ellis
5292 cover Liberalism in Practice : The Psychology and Pedagogy of Public Reason [1 ed.] Olivia Newman 1
5293 cover Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and U. S. Intervention David L. Phillips, Nicholas Burns 1
5294 cover Liberty, Property, and the Foundations of the American Constitution Ellen Frankel Paul, Howard Dickman
5295 cover Living Well Now and in the Future: Why Sustainability Matters (The MIT Press) [1 ed.] Randall Curren, Ellen Metzger 1
5296 cover Love and Politics: Re-interpreting Hegel Alice Ormiston
5297 cover Low Power to the People: Pirates, Protest, and Politics in FM Radio Activism Christina Dunbar-Hester
5298 cover Machineries of oil: an infrastructural history of BP in Iran British Petroleum Company.,Shafiee, Katayoun
5299 cover Maimonides’ Political Thought: Studies in Ethics, Law, and the Human Ideal Howard Kreisel
5300 cover Making Democracy Fun: How Game Design Can Empower Citizens and Transform Politics Josh Lerner
5301 cover Making Games. The Politics and Poetics of Game Creation Tools Stefan Werning
5302 cover Making Games: The Politics and Poetics of Game Creation Tools Stefan Werning
5303 cover Making Open Development Inclusive: Lessons from IDRC Research Matthew L. Smith, Ruhiya Kristine Seward
5304 cover Making Time on Mars Zara Mirmalek
5305 cover Managing Meaning in Ukraine: Information, Communication, and Narration since the Euromaidan Revolution Goran Bolin, Per Stahlberg
5306 cover Managing the Sense of a Region Kevin Lynch
5307 cover Manifestos Edouard Glissant, Patrick Chamoiseau
5308 cover Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine : How Occupied Landscapes Shape Scientific Knowledge Jess Bier
5309 cover Mercury Stories: Understanding Sustainability through a Volatile Element Henrik Selin
5310 cover Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design [second edition] Peter Baccini, Paul H. Brunner
5311 cover Mexico Unmanned: The Cultural Politics of Masculinity in Mexican Cinema Samanta Ordóñez
5312 cover Michael Oakeshott and the Conversation of Modern Political Thought Oakeshott, Michael, Plotica, Luke Philip
5313 cover Militant Acts: The Role of Investigations in Radical Political Struggles Marcelo Hoffman
5314 cover Mindmade Politics : The Cognitive Roots of International Climate Governance Manjana Milkoreit
5315 cover Missed information : better information for building a wealthier, more sustainable future David Sarokin, Jay Schulkin
5316 cover Monetary and fiscal policy, - Politics [Vol. 2] Torsten Persson, Guido Tabellini 2
5317 cover Mussolini's Nature: An Environmental History of Italian Fascism Marco Armiero, Roberta Biasillo, Wilko Graf von Hardenberg
5318 cover Mutual Othering: Islam, Modernity, and the Politics of Cross-Cultural Encounters in Pre-Colonial Moroccan and European Travel Writing Ahmed Idrissi Alami
5319 cover Nationalism and Social Communication: An Inquiry Into the Foundations of Nationality Karl Wolfgang Deutsch, Richard L. Merritt 2
5320 cover Natural Experiments: Ecosystem-Based Management and the Environment (American and Comparative Environmental Policy) Judith A. Layzer
5321 cover Nervous Conditions: Science And the Body Politic in Early Industrial Britain Elizabeth Green Musselman, Elizabeth Green Musselman
5322 cover Networked Press Freedom: Creating Infrastructures for a Public Right to Hear Mike Ananny
5323 cover Networks and states: the global politics of Internet governance [First MIT Pbk. ed] Mueller, Milton
5324 cover New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene [1 ed.] Simon Nicholson, Sikina Jinnah 1
5325 cover NGO Diplomacy: The Influence of Nongovernmental Organizations in International Environmental Negotiations Michele M. Betsill, Elisabeth Corell, Felix Dodds
5326 cover Nietzsche and Politicized Identities Rebecca Bamford,Allison Merrick,, Allison Merrick
5327 cover No future for you : salvos from "the Baffler" Frank, Thomas, Lehmann, Chris, Summers, John
5328 cover Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence James Lovelock, Bryan Appleyard
5329 cover Now:The Invisible Committee The Invisible Committee
5330 cover OD : Naloxone and the Politics of Overdose Nancy D. Campbell
5331 cover On Disinformation : How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy Lee McIntyre
5332 cover Open for Business: Conservatives' Opposition to Environmental Regulation Judith A. Layzer, Sheldon Kamieniecki, Michael E. Kraft 1
5333 cover Opening standards: the global politics of interoperability [1 ed.] Laura DeNardis (editor) 1
5334 cover Order, Crisis, and Redemption: Political Theology after Schmitt Peter Langford, Saul Newman
5335 cover Ordinariness and light;: urban theories 1952-1960 and their application in a building project 1963-1970 Alison and Peter Smithson.
5336 cover Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets!: Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement Sasha Costanza-Chock
5337 cover Owning the Street: The Everyday Life of Property Amelia Thorpe
5338 cover Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution [1 ed.] Saleem H. Ali (editor) 1
5339 cover Perfection and Progress: Two Modes of Utopian Thought Elisabeth Hansot
5340 cover Performing Pedagogy : Toward an Art of Politics [1 ed.] Charles R. Garoian 1
5341 cover Perils of Anarchy: Contemporary Realism and International Security Michael E. Brown, Sean M. Lynn-Jones, Steven E. Miller
5342 cover Perpetual peace : essays on Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal Bohman, James, Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias
5343 cover Philosophical-Political Profiles Jurgen Habermas
5344 cover Photography After Capitalism Ben Burbridge
5345 cover Pirate Politics : the New Information Policy Contests Burkart, Patrick
5346 cover Plagues and the paradox of progress: why the world Is getting healthier in worrisome ways Bollyky, Thomas J
5347 cover Planning a Pluralist City : Conflicting Realities in Ciudad Guayana Donald Appleyard
5348 cover Planning Ideas That Matter : Livability, Territoriality, Governance, and Reflective Practice [1 ed.] Bishwapriya Sanyal, David Wachsmuth, Lawrence J. Vale, Christina D. Rosan, Gary Hack, Robert Fishman, Timothy Beatley, Michael Teitz, Robert Yaro, Neil Brenner 1
5349 cover Plantation Politics and Campus Rebellions Bianca C. Williams, Dian D. Squire, Frank A. Tuitt
5350 cover Plato’s Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics John Sallis (ed.)
5351 cover Plato's Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology William Ophuls
5352 cover Polarized America: The Dance of Ideology and Unequal Riches [Second edition] McCarty, Nolan M.,Poole, Keith T.,Rosenthal, Howard
5353 cover Political Assassinations by Jews: A Rhetorical Device for Justice Nachman Ben-Yehuda
5354 cover Political Bodies: Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought Paula Landerreche Cardillo (editor), Rachel Silverbloom (editor)
5355 cover Political Culture and Foreign Policy in Latin America: Case Studies from the Circum-Caribbean Roland H. Ebel, Raymond Taras, James D. Cochrane
5356 cover Political Economy and Instruments of Environmental Politics [1 ed.] Friedrich Schneider, Philipp Hieronymi, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl, Cees van Beers, Elisa Belfiori, Frank J. Convery, Peter Egger, Denny Ellerman, Dominic Hauck 1
5357 cover Political handbook of the world : governments and intergovernmental organizations as of January 1. 1975 Council on Foreign Relations., State University of New York. Center for Comparative Political Research., Arthur S. Banks
5358 cover Political nature: environmentalism and the interpretation of Western thought John M. Meyer
5359 cover Political power in America : class conflict and the subversion of democracy Anthony R. Dimaggio
5360 cover Political Romanticism Carl Schmitt, Guy Oakes
5361 cover Political Space: Frontiers of Change and Governance in a Globalizing World Yale H. Ferguson, R. J. Barry Jones
5362 cover Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) Carl Schmitt, George Schwab
5363 cover Political Theory and Global Climate Change Steve Vanderheiden, John Barry (eds.)
5364 cover Political Theory and Partisan Politics Edward Bryan Portis, Adolf G. Gundersen, Ruth Lessl Shively
5365 cover Politically Red Eduardo Cadava, Sara Nadal-Melsio
5366 cover Politics and Policy Implementation: Project Renewal in Israel Frederick A. Lazin
5367 cover Politics in Palestine: Arab Factionalism and Social Disintegration, 1939-1948 Issa Khalaf
5368 cover Politics in the New South : Representation of African Americans in Southern State Legislatures [1 ed.] Charles E. Menifield, Stephen D. Shaffer 1
5369 cover Politics of education : essays from radical teacher Susan Gushee O’Malley, Robert C Rosen, Leonard Vogt
5370 cover Popular Culture and Political Change in Modern America Ronald Edsforth
5371 cover Pornotopia: An Essay on Playboy’s Architecture and Biopolitics (Mit Press) Paul Preciado
5372 cover Post-Chineseness: Cultural Politics and International Relations Chih-Yu Shih
5373 cover Postfeminist News : Political Women in Media Culture [1 ed.] Mary Douglas Vavrus 1
5374 cover Postmodernism and Public Policy: Reframing Religion, Culture, Education, Sexuality, Class, Race, Politics, and the Economy John B Cobb Jr
5375 cover Postmodernism, feminism, and cultural politics : redrawing educational boundaries Giroux, Henry A.
5376 cover Postpolitics and the Limits of Nature: Critical Theory, Moral Authority, and Radicalism in the Anthropocene Andy Scerri
5377 cover Post-Treaty Politics: Secretariat Influence in Global Environmental Governance Sikina Jinnah, Oran R. Young, Frank Biermann 1
5378 cover Power in a Warming World: The New Global Politics of Climate Change and the Remaking of Environmental Inequality David Ciplet, J. Timmons Roberts, Mizan R. Khan
5379 cover Principle and prudence in western political thought Lynch, Christopher,Marks, Jonathan
5380 cover Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau
5381 cover Privacy On The Line: The Politics Of Wiretapping And Encryption | Updated And expanded [2 ed.] Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau 2
5382 cover Progressive Minds, Conservative Politics: Leo Strauss's Later Writings on Maimonides Maimonides, Moses, Strauss, Leo, Maimonides, Moses, Tepper, Aryeh, Strauss, Leo
5383 cover Protecting Children Online? Cyberbullying Policies Of Social Media Companies Tijana Milosevic, Sonia Livingstone
5384 cover Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva Kristeva, Julia, Kristeva, Julia, Oliver, Kelly, Kristeva, Julia, Keltner, S. K
5385 cover Psychoanalytic Politics, Second Edition, with a New Preface : Jacques Lacan and Freud's French Revolution Sherry Turkle,
5386 cover Public Deliberation: Pluralism, Complexity, and Democracy (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) James Bohman
5387 cover Racist Logic: Markets, Drugs, Sex Donna Murch
5388 cover Radical Politics in West Bengal Marcus F. Franda
5389 cover Rational Choice and Security Studies: Stephen Walt and His Critics Michael E. Brown
5390 cover Rawls and religion: the case for political liberalism Daniel A Dombrowski
5391 cover Reason and Less: Pursuing Food, Sex, and Politics Vinod Goel
5392 cover Reassembling Rubbish: Worlding Electronic Waste Josh Lepawsky
5393 cover Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access Martin Paul Eve and Jonathan Gray
5394 cover Recovering the Later Georg Lukács: A Study on the Unity of His Thought Matthew J. Smetona
5395 cover Recycling Finn Arne Jorgensen
5396 cover Red Lines: Political Cartoons and the Struggle Against Censorship Cherian George, Sonny Liew
5397 cover Regulating Code: Good Governance And Better Regulation In The Information Age [1st Edition] Ian Brown, Christopher T. Marsden 1
5398 cover Religion and politics in contemporary Iran: clergy-state relations in the Pahlavī period Shahrough Akhavi
5399 cover Religious Radicalism and Politics in the Middle East [First Printing ed.] Emmanuel Sivan and Menachem Friedman
5400 cover Remaking Berlin: A History of the City Through Infrastructure, 1920-2020 Timothy Moss
5401 cover Reproducing Sectarianism: Advocacy Networks and the Politics of Civil Society in Postwar Lebanon Paul W T Kingston
5402 cover Reshaping Rogue States: Preemption, Regime Change, and US Policy toward Iran, Iraq, and North Korea Alexander T.J. Lennon, Camille Eiss
5403 cover Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China Anna Lora-Wainwright
5404 cover Resistance To The Current: The Dialectics Of Hacking [1 ed.] Johan Söderberg, Maxigas 1
5405 cover Resisting Global Toxics: Transnational Movements for Environmental Justice (Urban and Industrial Environments) [1 ed.] David Naguib Pellow 1
5406 cover Rethinking Law Amy Kapczynski
5407 cover Revitalizing America’s Cities: Neighborhood Reinvestment and Displacement Michael H. Schill, Richard P. Nathan
5408 cover Revolution in Higher Education: How a Small Band of Innovators Will Make College Accessible and Affordable Richard A. Demillo, Jr. Andrew J. Young, Andrew J. Young 1
5409 cover Rhetoric, Innovation, Technology: Case Studies of Technical Communication in Technology Transfers Stephen Doheny-Farina
5410 cover Ritual, Politics, and the City in Fatimid Cairo [1 ed.] Paula Sanders 1
5411 cover Rivertown: Rethinking Urban Rivers Paul Stanton Kibel
5412 cover Roberto Esposito: Biopolitics and Philosophy Inna Viriasova (editor), Antonio Calcagno (editor)
5413 cover Running in the red: the political dynamics of urban fiscal stress Irene Rubin
5414 cover Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces: Diversity and Free Expression in Education John Palfrey
5415 cover Sampled-data models for linear and nonlinear systems [1 ed.] Juan I. Yuz, Graham C. Goodwin (auth.) 1
5416 cover Satan and Apocalypse: And Other Essays in Political Theology Thomas J. J. Altizer
5417 cover Saving Global Fisheries: Reducing Fishing Capacity to Promote Sustainability J. Samuel Barkin, Elizabeth R. DeSombre
5418 cover Science and Environment in Chile: The Politics of Expert Advice in a Neoliberal Democracy (Urban and Industrial Environments) [1 ed.] Javiera Barandiarán, Robert Gottlieb 1
5419 cover Science and Technology in the Global Cold War Naomi Oreskes, John Krige
5420 cover Science in Environmental Policy: The Politics of Objective Advice (Politics, Science, and the Environment) Ann Campbell Keller
5421 cover Science Not Silence: Voices from the March for Science Movement (The MIT Press) [Illustrated] Stephanie Fine Sasse, Lucky Tran, Jason Halley, Patrick Merino, Michael Levad
5422 cover Scripting the Black Masculine Body: Identity, Discourse, And Racial Politics in Popular Media Ronald L. Jackson II
5423 cover Seed Activism: Patent Politics and Litigation in the Global South Karine E. Peschard
5424 cover Seeds, science, and struggle : the global politics of transgenic crops Abby J Kinchy
5425 cover Seeing Human Rights: Video Activism As A Proxy Profession [1 ed.] Sandra Ristovska 1
5426 cover Selfie Democracy: The New Digital Politics of Disruption and Insurrection Elizabeth Losh
5427 cover Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America's Post-Suburban Future Nicholas A. Phelps
5428 cover Seven American Utopias: Architecture of Communitarian Socialism, 1790-1975 [First Edition] Dolores Hayden
5429 cover Shaping the Network Society: The New Role of Civil Society in Cyberspace Douglas Schuler, Peter Day
5430 cover Shop Floor Culture and Politics in Egypt Samer S. Shehata
5431 cover Shutdown at Youngstown: Public Policy for Mass Unemployment Terry F. Buss, Steven Redburn
5432 cover Signs and Machines: capitalism and the production of subjectivity Maurizio Lazzarato
5433 cover Site Planning, 2nd Edition Kevin Lynch
5434 cover Slavophile Thought and the Politics of Cultural Nationalism Susanna Rabow-Edling
5435 cover Social Media in Iran: Politics and Society After 2009 David M. Faris, Babak Rahimi
5436 cover Social Science for What? Battles over Public Funding for the “Other Sciences” at the National Science Foundation Mark Solovey
5437 cover Socialist cities : municipal politics and the grass roots of American socialism Richard William Judd
5438 cover Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community Hauke Brunkhorst, Jeffrey Flynn
5439 cover Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Franco ",Bifo", Berardi
5440 cover Specimen science: ethics and policy implications Bierer, Barbara E.,Cohen, I. Glenn,Lynch, Holly Fernandez,Rivera, Suzanne Marie
5441 cover Sprawl & Politics: The Inside Story of Smart Growth in Maryland (S U N Y Series on Urban Public Policy) John W. Frece
5442 cover State Constitutions for the Twenty-First Century, Volume 1: The Politics of State Constitutional Reform Robert F. Williams (ed.). G. Alan Tarr (ed.)
5443 cover Subtractive Schooling: U.S.-Mexican Youth and the Politics of Caring Angela Valenzuela
5444 cover Subversion, Conversion, Development: Cross-Cultural Knowledge Exchange and the Politics of Design James Leach, Jerome Lewis, Lee Wilson, Laura Watts, Gregers Petersen, Michael Christie, Helen Verran, Hildegard Diemberger, Stephen Hugh-Jones, Poline Bala 1
5445 cover Supremely Political: The Role of Ideology and Presidential Management in Unsuccessful Supreme Court Nominations John Massaro
5446 cover Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options Jefferson W. Tester, Elisabeth M. Drake, Michael J. Driscoll, Michael W. Golay, William A. Peters, Elisabeth M. Drake, Michael J. Driscoll, Michael W. Golay 2
5447 cover Sustainable Urban Metabolism [1 ed.] Paulo Ferrão, John E. Fernández 1
5448 cover Synthetic Biology and Morality: Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature Gregory E. Kaebnick (editor), Thomas H. Murray (editor)
5449 cover Tactical biopolitics: art, activism, and technoscience Beatriz da Costa, Kavita Philip (editors)
5450 cover Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet Varun Sivaram
5451 cover Teach Truth to Power: How to Engage in Education Policy David R. Garcia
5452 cover Technoprecarious Precarity Lab
5453 cover Technoscience and Environmental Justice: Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement Gwen Ottinger, Benjamin R. Cohen, Kim Fortun
5454 cover Tenacious Beasts: Wildlife Recoveries That Change How We Think about Animals Christopher J. Preston
5455 cover Terrorism and America: A Commonsense Strategy for a Democratic Society [1 ed.] Philip B. Heymann 1
5456 cover The Alienation of Fact: Digital Educational Privatization, Ai, and the False Promise of Bodies and Numbers Kenneth J Saltman
5457 cover The Angolan Revolution Volume 2: Exile Politics and Guerrilla Warfare (1962-1976) [hardcover ed.] John A. Marcum
5458 cover The Anorexic Self: A Personal, Political Analysis of a Diagnostic Discourse Paula Saukko
5459 cover The Architecture Machine: Toward a More Human Environment Nicholas Negroponte
5460 cover The Art of Jihad: Realism in Islamic Political Thought Malik Mufti
5461 cover The Art of Rulership: A Study of Ancient Chinese Political Thought Roger T. Ames
5462 cover The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Using Soft Power to Undermine Terrorist Networks Alexander T. J. Lennon
5463 cover The Bias That Divides Us: The Science and Politics of Myside Thinking Keith E. Stanovich
5464 cover The Chomsky Effect: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower [First Edition] Robert F Barsky
5465 cover The Civic Web: Young People, the Internet, and Civic Participation [1st ed.] Shakuntala Banaji, David Buckingham 1
5466 cover The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America Paul N. Edwards
5467 cover The Cold War and American Science: The Military-Industrial-Academic Complex at Mit and Stanford Stuart W. Leslie
5468 cover The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptation (Politics, Science, and the Environment) Bonnie J. McCay, Nives Dolšak, Elinor Ostrom
5469 cover The Computer Boys Take Over: Computers, Programmers, And The Politics Of Technical Expertise [1 ed.] Nathan L. Ensmenger 1
5470 cover The Conservation of European Cities Donald Appleyard (editor)
5471 cover The Continuing Evolution of Europe Thiess Buettner, Wolfgang Ochel
5472 cover The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Middle East Politics and the Quest for Regional Order [1St Edition] Avraham Sela 1
5473 cover The Democratic Ideal and the Shoah: The Unthought in Political Modernity Shmuel Trigano
5474 cover The Demon of Writing: Powers and Failures of Paperwork (Mit Press) [1 ed.] Ben Kafka 1
5475 cover The Demonstration Society (Infrastructures) Claude Rosental
5476 cover The Divide - How Fanatical Certitude Is Destroying Democracy [1 ed.] Taylor Dotson 1
5477 cover The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change [1st ed.] Vaclav Smil 1
5478 cover The Economic Dynamics of Environmental Law David M. Driesen
5479 cover The Elections in Israel 1992 Asher Arian, Michal Shamir
5480 cover The Elections in Israel 1999 [1 ed.] Asher Arian, Michal Shamir 1
5481 cover The Emancipatory Promise of Charter Schools : Toward a Progressive Politics of School Choice [1 ed.] Eric Rofes, Lisa M. Stulberg, Herbert Gintis 1
5482 cover The ends of solidarity : discourse theory in ethics and politics Pensky, Max
5483 cover The Ends of Solidarity: Discourse Theory in Ethics and Politics Max Pensky
5484 cover The Environmental Advantages of Cities: Countering Commonsense Antiurbanism William B. Meyer 1
5485 cover The Epicenter of Crisis: The New Middle East Alexander T.J. Lennon (Editor)
5486 cover The Failures of American and European Climate Policy: International Norms, Domestic Politics, and Unachievable Commitments Loren R. Cass
5487 cover The Femicide Machine Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez
5488 cover The Final Arbiter : The Consequences of Bush V. Gore for Law and Politics [1 ed.] Christopher P. Banks, David B. Cohen, John C. Green 1
5489 cover The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories, and Political Significance (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) Rolf Wiggershaus
5490 cover The Future Is Not What It Used to Be: Climate Change and Energy Scarcity Jörg Friedrichs 1
5491 cover The Gift of the Other: Levinas and the Politics of Reproduction Lisa Guenther
5492 cover The Green State: Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty Robyn Eckersley
5493 cover The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics Karen T. Litfin
5494 cover The Ideology of Civic Engagement: AmeriCorps, Politics, and Pedagogy Sara Carpenter
5495 cover The Imaginary Institution of Society Cornelius Castoriadis
5496 cover The Impeachment of Governor Sulzer : A Story of American Politics [1 ed.] Matthew L. Lifflander 1
5497 cover The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) Jürgen Habermas
5498 cover The intellectuals and McCarthy: the radical specter Michael Paul Rogin
5499 cover The Internet Upheaval: Raising Questions, Seeking Answers in Communications Policy [1st ed.] Ingo Vogelsang, Benjamin M. Compaine 1
5500 cover The Intolerable Present, the Urgency of Revolution: Minorities and Classes Maurizio Lazzarato
5501 cover The Largest Art: A Measured Manifesto for a Plural Urbanism Brent D. Ryan
5502 cover The Leak: Politics, Activists, and Loss of Trust at Brookhaven National Laboratory Robert P. Crease
5503 cover The Limits of Culture: Islam and Foreign Policy [illustrated edition] Brenda Shaffer
5504 cover The Logic of Political Survival Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith, Randolph M. Siverson, James D. Morrow
5505 cover The Monopoly of Man Anna Kuliscioff
5506 cover The Morals and Politics of Psychology: Psychological discourse and the status quo Isaac Prilleltensky
5507 cover The Most Human Right: Why Free Speech Is Everything Eric Heinze
5508 cover The Myth of Mondragon: Cooperatives, Politics, and Working-Class Life in a Basque Town Sharryn Kasmir
5509 cover The New American Farmer: Immigration, Race, and the Struggle for Sustainability Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern
5510 cover The New Science of Cities Michael Batty
5511 cover The Next Great War?: The Roots of World War I and the Risk of U.S.-China Conflict Richard N. Rosecrance, Steven E. Miller
5512 cover The order of joy : beyond the cultural politics of enjoyment Wilson, Scott
5513 cover The Palestinian-Arab Minority in Israel, 1948-2000: A Political Study As'ad Ghanem
5514 cover The Paradox of Scale: How NGOs Build, Maintain, and Lose Authority in Environmental Governance Cristina M. Balboa
5515 cover The Pentagon, Climate Change, and War: Charting the Rise and Fall of U.S. Military Emissions Neta C. Crawford
5516 cover The Philosopher’s Voice: Philosophy, Politics, and Language in the Nineteenth Century Andrew G. Fiala
5517 cover The Political Consequences of Thinking: Gender and Judaism in the Work of Hannah Arendt Jennifer Ring
5518 cover The Political Forms of Modern Society: Bureaucracy, Democracy, Totalitarianism Claude Lefort, John B. Thompson (editor)
5519 cover The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia Cheng Chen and Meredith L. Weiss
5520 cover The Political Theory of Aristophanes: Explorations in Poetic Wisdom Aristophanes, Aristophanes., Frost, Bryan-Paul, Mhire, Jeremy J
5521 cover The Political Theory of Salvage Jason Kosnoski
5522 cover The Politics and Strategy of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East: Opacity, Theory, and Reality, 1960-1991 : An Israeli Perspective [1St Edition] Shlomo Aronson 1
5523 cover The Politics of Air Pollution: Urban Growth, Ecological Modernization, and Symbolic Inclusion George A. Gonzalez
5524 cover The Politics of Dating Apps: Gender, Sexuality, and Emergent Publics in Urban China Lik Sam Chan
5525 cover The Politics of Denial Michael A. Milburn, Sheree D. Conrad
5526 cover The Politics of Identity : Solidarity Building among America's Working Poor [1 ed.] Erin E. O'Brien 1
5527 cover The Politics of Mass Digitization [Hardcover ed.] Nanna Bonde Thylstrup
5528 cover The Politics of Mourning in Early China [illustrated edition] Miranda Brown
5529 cover The Politics of Myth: A Study of C.G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell Robert Ellwood
5530 cover The Politics of Orientation: Deleuze Meets Luhmann Hannah Richter
5531 cover The Politics of Paradigms: Thomas S. Kuhn, James B. Conant, and the Cold War "struggle for Men’s Minds" [Hardcover ed.] George A. Reisch
5532 cover The Politics of Parenthood: Causes and Consequences of the Politicization and Polarization of the American Family Laurel Elder, Steven Greene
5533 cover The Politics of Presidential Impeachment Daniel P. Franklin, Stanley M. Caress, Robert M. Sanders, Cole D. Taratoot
5534 cover The Politics of Rights of Nature: Strategies for Building a More Sustainable Future Craig M. Kauffman, Pamela L. Martin
5535 cover The Politics of Salvation: The Hegelian Idea of the State Paul Lakeland
5536 cover The Politics of Spirit : Phenomenology, Genealogy, Religion [1 ed.] Tim Murphy 1
5537 cover The Politics of Torah: The Jewish Political Tradition and the Founding of Agudat Israel Alan L. Mittleman
5538 cover The Politics of Turkish Democracy : İsmet İnönü and the Formation of the Multi-Party System, 1938-1950 [1 ed.] John M. VanderLippe 1
5539 cover The Politics of Unreason : The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism Lars Rensmann
5540 cover The Politics of Usability: A Practical Guide to Designing Usable Systems in Industry [1 ed.] Lesley Trenner, Joanna Bawa (auth.) 1
5541 cover The privacy advocates: resisting the spread of surveillance [1 ed.] Colin J. Bennett 1
5542 cover The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope Daniel Greene
5543 cover The Promise of Democracy: Political Agency and Transformation Fred R. Dallmayr
5544 cover The Radiance of France: Nuclear Power and National Identity After World War II Gabrielle Hecht
5545 cover The Resistance Dilemma: Place-Based Movements and the Climate Crisis George Hoberg
5546 cover Right to Be Elected Jennifer M. Piscopo, Shauna Shames
5547 cover The secure information society: ethical, legal and political challenges [1 ed.] Chris Bronk (auth.), Jörg Krüger, Bertram Nickolay, Sandro Gaycken (eds.) 1
5548 cover The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future (Strong Ideas) [1 ed.] Ben Green 1
5549 cover The Specter of Babel: A Reconstruction of Political Judgment Michael J. Thompson
5550 cover The State of Desire: Religion and Reproductive Politics in the Promised Land Lea Taragin-Zeller
5551 cover The State of Sovereignty: Lessons from the Political Fictions of Modernity Gratton, Peter
5552 cover The step back : ethics and politics after deconstruction Wood, David
5553 cover The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere Jürgen Habermas, Thomas Burger
5554 cover The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought) [5th or later ed.] Jürgen Habermas 5
5555 cover The Structures of Love: Art and Politics Beyond the Transference Penney, James
5556 cover The Synthetic Age: Outdesigning Evolution, Resurrecting Species, and Reengineering Our World [Original retail ed.] Christopher J. Preston
5557 cover The Technology of Nonviolence: Social Media and Violence Prevention Joseph G. Bock, John Paul Lederach
5558 cover The Touch of the Present: Educational Encounters, Aesthetics, and the Politics of the Senses Sharon Todd
5559 cover The Tragedy of Liberalism: An Alternative Defense of a Political Tradition Bert Van Den Brink
5560 cover The Transformation of Plantation Politics: Black Politics, Concentrated Poverty, and Social Capital in the Mississippi Delta Sharon D. Wright Austin
5561 cover The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach Manuel Castells
5562 cover The Wild and the Wicked: On Nature and Human Nature Benjamin Hale
5563 cover The Yijing And Chinese Politics: Classical Commentary And Literati Activism in the Northern Song Period, 960-1127 Tze-Ki Hon
5564 cover Theories of War and Peace Michael E. Brown
5565 cover Theory and Politics: Studies in the Development of Critical Theory Helmut Dubiel
5566 cover Titans of the Climate: Explaining Policy Process in the United States and China Kelly Sims Gallagher, Xiaowei Xuan
5567 cover To Know the World: A New Vision for Environmental Learning Mitchell Thomashow
5568 cover Toward a Credible Pacifism: Violence and the Possibilities of Politics Dustin Ells Howes
5569 cover Toward a Political Philosophy of Race Falguni A. Sheth
5570 cover Transcritique: On Kant and Marx Kojin Karatani, Sabu Kohso
5571 cover Transforming Nuclear Safeguards Culture: The Iaea, Iraq, and the Future of Non-Proliferation Trevor Findlay
5572 cover Transition and Economics: Politics, Markets, and Firms Gérard Roland
5573 cover Transparency in Global Environmental Governance : Critical Perspectives [1 ed.] Aarti Gupta, Bharath Jairaj, Michael Mason, James Van Alstine, Graeme Auld, Klaus Dingwerth, Milou Dubois, Timothy Ehresman, Margot Eichinger, Ann Florini 1
5574 cover Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility Reina Gossett, Eric A. Stanley, Johanna Burton (eds.)
5575 cover Uncertainty Sheila Jasanoff
5576 cover Unconscionable Crimes: How Norms Explain and Constrain Mass Atrocities Paul C. Morrow
5577 cover Uncoupling American Empire : Cultural Politics of Deviance and Unequal Difference, 1890-1910 [1 ed.] Yu-Fang Cho 1
5578 cover Understanding Korean Politics : An Introduction Soong Hoom Kil, Chung-in Moon
5579 cover Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man Marshall McLuhan, Lewis H. Lapham
5580 cover United We Stand?: Divide-And-Conquer Politics and the Logic of International Hostility Aaron Belkin
5581 cover Unmaking the bomb: a fissile material approach to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation Feiveson, Harold A.,Glaser, Alexander,Mian, Zia,Von Hippel, Frank
5582 cover Urban Operating Systems: Producing the Computational City [1 ed.] Andres Luque-Ayala, Simon Marvin 1
5583 cover Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Style Pamela J. Transue
5584 cover Voting: What Is, What Could Be Charles M. Vest, David Baltimore
5585 cover Waging Nuclear Peace: The Technology and Politics of Nuclear Weapons Robert Ehrlich
5586 cover Waiting to Inhale: Cannabis Legalization and the Fight for Racial Justice Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, Tahira Rehmatullah
5587 cover War and Aesthetics: Art, Technology, and the Futures of Warfare (Prisms: Humanities and War) Jens Bjering (editor), Anders Engberg-Pedersen (editor), Solveig Gade (editor), Christine Strandmose Toft (editor)
5588 cover Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East Gad Barzilai
5589 cover Waste is information: infrastructure legibility and governance Offenhuber, Dietmar,Ratti, Carlo
5590 cover Water Resources and Inter-Riparian Relations in the Nile Basin: The Search for an Integrative Discourse Okbazghi Yohannes
5591 cover We, the Data : Human Rights in the Digital Age Wendy H. Wong
5592 cover Weaving the Dark Web: Legitimacy on Freenet, Tor, and I2P Robert W. Gehl
5593 cover What a city is for : remaking the politics of displacement Matt Hern
5594 cover What's That Smell? : A Philosophy of the Olfactory Simon Hajdini,
5595 cover What's the Worst That Could Happen? Existential Risk and Extreme Politics [1 ed.] Andrew Leigh 1
5596 cover What's Wrong with Obamamania?: Black America, Black Leadership, and the Death of Political Imagination Ricky L. Jones
5597 cover When the Marching Stopped: The Politics of Civil Rights Regulatory Agencies Hanes Walton
5598 cover White House to Your House: Media and Politics in Virtual America Edwin Diamond, Robert A. Silverman
5599 cover White Sight: Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness Nicholas Mirzoeff
5600 cover Whither Socialism? (Wicksell Lectures) Joseph E. Stiglitz
5601 cover Who’s Asking? Native Science, Western Science, and Science Education Douglas L. Medin, Megan Bang
5602 cover Without a Map: Political Tactics and Economic Reform in Russia [Reprint ed.] Andrei Shleifer, Daniel Treisman
5603 cover Wonder and Generosity: Their Role in Ethics and Politics La Caze, Marguerite
5604 cover World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life Emilian Kavalski (editor)
5605 cover Yesterday's Tomorrow: On the Loneliness of Communist Specters and the Reconstruction of the Future Bini Adamczak
5606 cover You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polarized Speech, Conspiracy Theories, and Our Polluted Media Landscape Whitney Phillips, Ryan M. Milner
5607 cover You'll see this message when it is too late: The Legal and Economic Aftermath of Cybersecurity Breaches (Information Policy) Josephine Wolff, Sandra Braman, Paul T. Jaeger
5608 cover Zoning China: Online Video, Popular Culture, and the State (Information Policy) Luzhou Li
5609 cover Global Politics Juliet Kaarbo
5610 cover A New Politics From the Left Wainwright Hilary
5611 cover American Politics For Dummies [UK Edition] Matthew Alan Hill
5612 cover Before the lights go out: conquering the energy crisis before it conquers us Maggie Koerth-Baker
5613 cover Blockchain For Dummies Manav Gupta
5614 cover British Politics for Dummies Julian Knight
5615 cover Comparative Politics: Principles of Democracy and Democratization (POPS - Principles of Political Science) [1 ed.] John T. Ishiyama 1
5616 cover Competency-Based Assessments in Mental Health Practice: Cases and Practical Applications Susan W. Gray, Gray, 1
5617 cover Darknet: Geopolitics and Uses Gayard, Laurent
5618 cover Contemporary debates in political philosophy Christman, John Philip,Christiano, Thomas
5619 cover Feminism and the Politics of 'Resilience': Essays on Gender, Media and the End of Welfare Angela McRobbie
5620 cover Frontier assemblages: the emergent politics of resource frontiers in Asia Cons, Jason, Eilenberg, Michael
5621 cover Geopolitical Alpha: An Investment Framework for Predicting the Future [1. ed.] Marko Papic 1
5622 cover Global Energy Politics Thijs Van de Graaf,Benjamin K. Sovacool,, Benjamin K. Sovacool
5623 cover Governing global land deals : the role of the state in the rush for land Wendy Wolford, Saturnino M Borras, Ruth Hall, (Professor), Ian Scoones, Benjamin White
5624 cover Improving Healthcare Through Advocacy: A Guide for the Health and Helping Professions Bruce S. Jansson 1
5625 cover Inclusion of the Other Studies in Political Theory [1. Auflage] Cronin, Ciaran,De Greiff, Pablo,Habermas, Jürgen 1
5626 cover INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT: the politics at the bottom of the pyramid PANSERA, MARIO
5627 cover Languages in the world : how history, culture, and politics shape language [1 ed.] Andresen, Julie Tetel, Carter, Phillip M 1
5628 cover Local energy autonomy: spaces, scales, politics Coutard, Olivier, Lopez, Fanny, Pellegrino, Margot
5629 cover Political Attitudes: Computational and Simulation Modelling Voinea, Camelia F
5630 cover Political Theory and the Modern State [1., Auflage] Held, David 1
5631 cover Politics for Dummies [3 ed.] Ann M. DeLaney 3
5632 cover Republicanism and Political Theory Laborde, Cecile,Maynor, John
5633 cover Social Media and Everyday Politics Tim Highfield
5634 cover Spatial politics: essays for Doreen Massey Massey, Doreen B.,Painter, Joe,Featherstone, David
5635 cover The metacolonial state: Pakistan, critical ontology, and the biopolitical horizons of political Islam Jan, Najeeb A
5636 cover The New Constellation The Ethical-Political Horizons of Modernity/Postmodernity [1., Auflage] Bernstein, Richard J 1
5637 cover The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy: an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade [Second edition] Rivoli, Pietra
5638 cover Violence and Political Theory Elizabeth Frazer, Kimberly Hutchings
5639 cover What's the Point of Political Philosophy? Jonathan Floyd
5641 cover "Media Performance" in: The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication online [First ed.] Dennis McQuail
5642 cover 1974 Annual Supplement : An Annual Supplement to the UNIVERSAL REFERENCE SYSTEM’s Political Science Series, employing a single Index and Catalog to carry materials pertaining to the ten basic volumes in the series [1 ed.] Joan Schmitz Bergholt (auth.), Joan Schmitz Bergholt (eds.) 1
5643 cover 1995: A New Beginning for the NPT? [1 ed.] Joseph F. Pilat, Robert E. Pendley (auth.), Joseph F. Pilat, Robert E. Pendley (eds.) 1
5644 cover A Nation of Adversaries: How the Litigation Explosion Is Reshaping America [1 ed.] Patrick M. Garry (auth.) 1
5645 cover AIDS Impact on Public Policy: An International Forum: Policy, Politics, and AIDS [1 ed.] David Axelrod M.D., David Sencer M.D., M.P.H., Edward Koch (auth.), Robert F. Hummel, William F. Leavy, Michael Rampolla, Sherry Chorost (eds.) 1
5646 cover American Political Science Research Guide: Volume 1 George W. Johnson (auth.), George W. Johnson (eds.)
5647 cover Andean Archaeology I: Variations in Sociopolitical Organization [1 ed.] William H. Isbell, Helaine Silverman (auth.), William H. Isbell, Helaine Silverman (eds.) 1
5648 cover Basic Coastal Engineering, Volume 10 Robert M. Sorensen (auth.)
5649 cover Birth or Abortion?: Private Struggles in a Political World [1 ed.] Kate Maloy, Maggie Jones Patterson (auth.) 1
5650 cover Confucian Geopolitics: Chinese Geopolitical Imaginations Of The US War On Terror Ning An
5651 cover Contemporary Masters in Criminology [1 ed.] Albert J. Reiss Jr. (auth.), Joan McCord, John H. Laub (eds.) 1
5652 cover Continuity and Discontinuity in Criminal Careers [1 ed.] Paul E. Tracy, Kimberly Kempf-Leonard (auth.) 1
5653 cover Corporate Governance in Developing Economies: Country Studies of Africa, Asia and Latin America [1 ed.] Robert W. McGee (auth.), Robert W. McGee (eds.) 1
5654 cover Corporate Governance, Financial Markets and Global Convergence [1 ed.] Ana Isabel Fernández Álvarez, Silvia Gómez (auth.), Morten Balling, Elizabeth Hennessy, Richard O’Brien (eds.) 1
5655 cover Corporate versus National Interest in US Trade Policy: Chiquita and Caribbean Bananas [1st ed.] Richard L. Bernal 1
5656 cover Criminal Incapacitation [1 ed.] William Spelman (auth.) 1
5657 cover Data and Measures in Health Services Research Boris Sobolev, Adrian Levy, Sarah Goring (eds.)
5658 cover Delinquency Careers in Two Birth Cohorts Paul E. Tracy, Marvin E. Wolfgang, Robert M. Figlio (auth.) 1
5659 cover Design Review: Challenging Urban Aesthetic Control [1 ed.] Brenda Case Scheer (auth.), Brenda Case Scheer, Wolfgang F. E. Preiser (eds.) 1
5660 cover Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology: Proceedings of the first IFIP WG 8.6 working conference on the diffusion and adoption of information technology, Oslo, Norway, October 1995 [1 ed.] Karlheinz Kautz, Jan Pries-Heje (auth.), Karlheinz Kautz, Jan Pries-Heje (eds.) 1
5661 cover Empirical Studies in Comparative Politics [1 ed.] Melvin J. Hinich, Michael C. Munger (auth.), Melvin J. Hinich, Michael C. Munger (eds.) 1
5662 cover Family Diversity and Family Policy: Strengthening Families for America’s Children [1 ed.] Richard M. Lerner, Elizabeth E. Sparks, Laurie D. McCubbin (auth.) 1
5663 cover Game-theoretic Models of the Political Influence of Interest Groups [1 ed.] Randolph Sloof (auth.) 1
5664 cover Globalization and Children: Exploring Potentials for Enhancing Opportunities in the Lives of Children and Youth [1 ed.] Natalie Hevener Kaufman, Irene Rizzini (auth.) 1
5665 cover Handbook of Justice Research in Law [1 ed.] Joseph Sanders, V. Lee Hamilton (auth.), Joseph Sanders, V. Lee Hamilton (eds.) 1
5666 cover Handbook of the Life Course: Volume II Glen H. Elder Jr., Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson, Robert Crosnoe (auth.), Jeylan T. Mortimer, Michael J. Shanahan (eds.) 1
5667 cover Handbook of Urban and Community Forestry in the Northeast [1 ed.] Jean Koch (auth.), John E. Kuser (eds.) 1
5668 cover Handbook of Youth and Justice [1 ed.] Susan O. White (auth.), Susan O. White (eds.) 1
5669 cover Health Research in Practice: Political, ethical and methodological issues [1 ed.] Ann Daniel (auth.), Derek Colquhoun, Allan Kellehear (eds.) 1
5670 cover Human Factors and Voice Interactive Systems John Karat, Jennifer Lai, Catalina Danis (auth.), Daryle Gardner-Bonneau (eds.)
5671 cover Identity Politics in US National Elections Tauna S. Sisco, Jennifer C. Lucas, Christopher J. Galdieri
5672 cover Ideology and the Evolution of Vital Institutions: Guilds, The Gold Standard, and Modern International Cooperation [2 ed.] Earl A. Thompson, Charles R. Hickson (auth.) 2
5673 cover Institutions, Politics and Fiscal Policy [1 ed.] Luisa Lambertini (auth.), Rolf R. Strauch, Jürgen von Hagen (eds.) 1
5674 cover Integrating Europe: The Transition Economies at Stake [1 ed.] Jozef M. van Brabant (auth.) 1
5675 cover International Investment, Political Risk, and Growth [1 ed.] Philipp Harms (auth.) 1
5676 cover International Regulation of Underwater Sound: Establishing Rules and Standards to Address Ocean Noise Pollution Elena McCarthy (auth.) 1
5677 cover Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment G. Daniel Lassiter, Jennifer J. Ratcliff (auth.), G. Daniel Lassiter (eds.) 1
5678 cover Judicial Decision Making: Is Psychology Relevant? [1 ed.] Lawrence S. Wrightsman (auth.) 1
5679 cover Landscapes of Power, Landscapes of Conflict: State Formation in the South Scandinavian Iron Age [1 ed.] Tina L. Thurston (eds.) 1
5680 cover Language in the Judicial Process Judith N. Levi (auth.), Judith N. Levi, Anne Graffam Walker (eds.) 1
5681 cover Leaders and Health Care Organizational Change: Art, Politics and Process [1 ed.] Stewart Gabel (auth.) 1
5682 cover Making Leisure Provision for People with Profound Learning and Multiple Disabilities [1 ed.] Judith Cavet (auth.), Professor James Hogg, Judith Cavet (eds.) 1
5683 cover Mass Hate: The Global Rise of Genocide and Terror [1 ed.] Neil J. Kressel (auth.) 1
5684 cover Mississippian Political Economy [1 ed.] Jon Muller (auth.) 1
5685 cover New Directions in the Study of Justice, Law, and Social Control Michael Musheno, David Altheide (auth.) 1
5686 cover Old Age Abuse: A new perspective [1 ed.] Claudine McCreadie (auth.), Mervyn Eastman (eds.) 1
5687 cover Old Age in Modern Society: A textbook of social gerontology [1 ed.] Christina R. Victor (auth.) 1
5688 cover OSHA and the Politics of Health Regulation [1 ed.] David P. McCaffrey (auth.) 1
5689 cover Outcome-Based Evaluation [2 ed.] Robert L. Schalock (auth.) 2
5690 cover Personal Liberty and Community Safety: Pretrial Release in the Criminal Court [1 ed.] John S. Goldkamp, Michael R. Gottfredson, Peter R. Jones, Doris Weiland (auth.) 1
5691 cover Policy Challenges and Political Responses: Public Choice Perspectives on the Post-9/11 World [1 ed.] William F. Shughart II, Robert D. Tollison (auth.), William F. Shughart II, Robert D. Tollison (eds.) 1
5692 cover Political and Social Inquiry Dickinson McGaw, George Watson
5693 cover Political Economy, Linguistics and Culture: Crossing Bridges [1 ed.] Leland B. Yeager (auth.), Jürgen G. Backhaus (eds.) 1
5694 cover Political Science Abstracts: 1990 Annual Supplement [1st ed.] IFI/Plenum Data Company staff 1
5695 cover Political Science Abstracts: 1991 Annual Supplement [1st ed.] 1
5696 cover Political Science Abstracts: 1992 Annual Supplement [1st ed.] 1
5697 cover Political Science Abstracts: 1994 Annual Supplement [1 ed.] 1
5698 cover Political Science Abstracts: 1995 Annual Supplement In three volumes Volume 2 [1 ed.] 1
5699 cover Political Science Abstracts: 1996 Annual Supplement;Volume 1
5700 cover Politics and Psychology: Contemporary Psychodynamic Perspectives [1 ed.] Leanne Domash Ph.D., Joan Offerman-Zuckerberg Ph.D. (auth.), Joan Offerman-Zuckerberg Ph.D. (eds.) 1
5701 cover Population and world politics: The interrelationships between demographic factors and international relations [1 ed.] Marcel Leroy (auth.) 1
5702 cover Preparing the Ground for Renewal of Nuclear Power [1 ed.] Behram N. Kursunoglu (auth.), Behram N. Kursunoglu, Stephan L. Mintz, Arnold Perlmutter (eds.) 1
5703 cover Public Lands Conflict and Resolution: Managing National Forest Disputes [1 ed.] Julia M. Wondolleck (auth.) 1
5704 cover Readings in Public Choice and Constitutional Political Economy [1 ed.] Charles K. Rowley, Friedrich G. Schneider (auth.) 1
5705 cover Redefining Greek–US Relations, 1974–1980: National Security and Domestic Politics [1st ed.] Athanasios Antonopoulos 1
5706 cover Regionalism Versus Multilateralism: The Organization of American States in a Global Changing Environment [1 ed.] Christopher R. Thomas, Juliana T. Magloire (auth.) 1
5707 cover Serving Children and Families Through Community-University Partnerships: Success Stories [1 ed.] Thomas R. Chibucos, Richard M. Lerner (auth.), Thomas R. Chibucos, Richard M. Lerner (eds.) 1
5708 cover Silent Politics: Polls and the Awareness of Public Opinion [Unknown Binding ed.] Leo Bogart
5709 cover Social Change, Public Policy, and Community Collaborations: Training Human Development Professionals for the Twenty-First Century [1 ed.] Richard M. Lerner, Penny A. Ralston (auth.), Penny A. Ralston, Richard M. Lerner, Ann K. Mullis, Coby B. Simerly, John P. Murray (eds.) 1
5710 cover Sociophysics: a Physicist's Modeling of Psycho-political Phenomena Galam, Serge
5711 cover Sociopolitical Ecology: Human Systems and Ecological Fields [1 ed.] Frederick L. Bates (auth.) 1
5712 cover Success Stories as Hard Data: An Introduction to Results Mapping [1 ed.] Barry M. Kibel (auth.) 1
5713 cover SWAT Teams: Explosive Face-Offs with America’s Deadliest Criminals [1 ed.] Robert L. Snow (auth.) 1
5714 cover Systems Analysis of Political Life [Underlining ed.] David Easton
5715 cover The Acoustics of Crime: The New Science of Forensic Phonetics Harry Hollien (auth.) 1
5716 cover The American Prison: Issues in Research and Policy Lynne Goodstein, Doris Layton MacKenzie (auth.), Lynne Goodstein, Doris Layton MacKenzie (eds.) 1
5717 cover The Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires [1 ed.] Tamara L. Bray (auth.), Tamara L. Bray (eds.) 1
5718 cover The Beginnings of Political Economy: Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi [1 ed.] Jürgen G. Backhaus (auth.), Jürgen Georg Backhaus (eds.) 1
5719 cover The Causes and Cures of Criminality Hans J. Eysenck, Gisli H. Gudjonsson (auth.) 1
5720 cover The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Corruption, Decadence, and the American Dream [1 ed.] Tony Bouza (auth.) 1
5721 cover The History and Politics of Public Radio: A Comprehensive Analysis of Taxpayer-Financed US Broadcasting (Studies in Public Choice, 41) James T. Bennett
5722 cover The Human in Command: Exploring the Modern Military Experience [1 ed.] Ross Pigeau, Carol McCann (auth.), Carol McCann, Ross Pigeau (eds.) 1
5723 cover The Ingenious Mind of Nature: Deciphering the Patterns of Man, Society, and the Universe [1 ed.] George M. Hall (auth.) 1
5724 cover The Justice Motive as a Personal Resource: Dealing with Challenges and Critical Life Events [1 ed.] Claudia Dalbert (auth.) 1
5725 cover The Mass Psychology of Ethnonationalism [1 ed.] Dusan Kecmanovic (auth.) 1
5726 cover The Muse of History and the Science of Culture [1 ed.] Robert L. Carneiro (auth.) 1
5727 cover The Political Economy of Globalization [1 ed.] Francis Adams, Satya Dev Gupta (auth.), Satya Dev Gupta (eds.) 1
5728 cover The Political Economy of Government Regulation Jason F. Shogren (auth.), Jason F. Shogren (eds.) 1
5729 cover The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking [1 ed.] Charles K. Rowley, Gordon Tullock (auth.), Charles K. Rowley, Robert D. Tollison, Gordon Tullock (eds.) 1
5730 cover The Political Economy of War and Peace [1 ed.] Carl H. Groth Jr. (auth.), Murray Wolfson (eds.) 1
5731 cover The Politics of Spectacle and Emotion in the 2016 Presidential Campaign [1st ed.] Heather E. Yates 1
5732 cover The Psychology of Vandalism [1 ed.] Arnold P. Goldstein (auth.) 1
5733 cover The Social Psychology of Politics [1 ed.] Victor C. Ottati, Robert S. Wyer, Megan Deiger, David Houston (auth.), Victor C. Ottati, R. Scott Tindale, John Edwards, Fred B. Bryant, Linda Health, Daniel C. O’Connell, Yolanda Suarez-Balzacar, Emil J. Posavac (eds.) 1
5734 cover The Soft Budget Constraint — The Emergence, Persistence and Logic of an Institution [1 ed.] Gun Eriksson Skoog (auth.) 1
5735 cover Trends in Youth Development: Visions, Realities and Challenges [1 ed.] Karen Pittman, Merita Irby, Thaddeus Ferber (auth.), Peter L. Benson, Karen Johnson Pittman (eds.) 1
5736 cover Urban Ecology: An International Perspective on the Interaction Between Humans and Nature Peter M. Vitousek, Harold A. Mooney, Jane Lubchenco, Jerry M. Melillo (auth.), John M. Marzluff, Eric Shulenberger, Wilfried Endlicher, Marina Alberti, Gordon Bradley, Clare Ryan, Ute Simon, Craig ZumBrunnen (eds.) 1
5737 cover US Foreign Policy In The Eastern Mediterranean: Power Politics And Ideology Under The Sun [1st Edition] Spyridon N. Litsas 1
5738 cover Violence and the Politics of Research [1 ed.] Willard Gaylin, Ruth Macklin (auth.), Willard Gaylin, Ruth Macklin, Tabitha M. Powledge (eds.) 1
5739 cover Violent Neoliberalism: Development, Discourse, and Dispossession in Cambodia Simon Springer (auth.)
5740 cover World Economic Issues at the United Nations: Half a Century of Debate [1 ed.] Mahfuzur Rahman (auth.) 1
5741 cover Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy Ngo, Andy
5742 cover Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in Sanders, Bernie
5743 cover Invoking Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century British Imagination Swaminathan, Srividhya
5744 cover The Rationing Wheelan, Charles
5745 cover Women as Wartime Rapists Sjoberg, Laura
5746 cover Open Your Mind to Change: A Guidebook to the Great Awakening Geddes, Martin
5747 cover Evil Geniuses Andersen, Kurt
5748 cover Civility, Nonviolent Resistance, and the New Struggle for Social Justice Amin Asfari
5749 cover Beauvoir in Time [1 ed.] Meryl Altman 1
5750 cover Anna Seghers: The Challenge of History Helen Fehervary, Christiane Zehl Romero, Amy Kepple Strawser
5751 cover Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations Jennifer Kling
5752 cover Philosophical Foundations of the African Humanities through Postcolonial Perspectives Helen Yitah, Helen Lauer
5753 cover Anarchism and the Avant-Garde: Radical Arts and Politics in Perspective Carolin Kosuch
5754 cover Policing Literary Theory [Lam ed.] Takayuki Yokota-Murakami, Clin-Andrei Mihilescu
5755 cover Strangers, Aliens, Foreigners: The Politics of Othering from Migrants to Corporations Marissa Sonnis-Bell, David E. Bell, Michelle Ryan
5756 cover Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics Boletsi Maria
5757 cover Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis Cecile Sandten (editor), Annika Bauer (editor)
5758 cover Media, Modernity and Dynamic Plants in Early 20th Century German Culture Janet Janzen
5759 cover The Global Trajectories of Queerness: Re-thinking Same-Sex Politics in the Global South Ashley Tellis and Sruti Bala (eds.)
5760 cover In the captivity of the Matrix : Soviet Lithuanian historiography, 1944-1985 Švedas Aurimas
5761 cover Fantasy, Politics, Postmodernity Andrew Rayment
5762 cover Kierkegaard’s indirect politics : interludes with Lukács, Schmitt, Benjamin and Adorno Adorno, Theodor W., Benjamin, Walter, Kierkegaard, Søren, Lukács, György, Ryan, Bartholomew, Schmitt, Carl
5763 cover The Pragmatics of Early Modern Politics: Power and Kingship in Shakespeares History Plays Urszula Kizelbach
5764 cover Poetic Revolutionaries Marion May Campbell
5765 cover Baltic Eugenics : Bio-Politics, Race and Nation in Interwar Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1918-1940 Bjorn M. Felder, Paul J. Weindling (Eds)
5766 cover Cormac McCarthy and the Writing of American Spaces Andrew Keller Estes
5767 cover The Politics of Adaptation: Contemporary African Drama and Greek Tragedy Astrid Van Weyenberg
5768 cover The End of Prisons: Reflections from the Decarceration Movement Mechthild E. Nagel, Anthony J. Nocella II
5769 cover Environmentality: Ecocriticism and the Event of Postcolonial Fiction Roman Bartosch
5770 cover Scientific Realism and Democratic Society: The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher Wenceslao J. Gonzalez
5771 cover The Metamorphosis of War Avery Plaw
5772 cover SS Thinking and the Holocaust Andr Mineau &, Andre Mineau
5773 cover Niccolò Machiavelli: History, Power, and Virtue Edited by Leonidas Donskis
5774 cover Forgotten Pages in Baltic History: Diversity and Inclusion. (On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination in the Baltics) Martyn Housden, David J. Smith
5775 cover Traversing Transnationalism: The Horizons of Literary and Cultural Studies Pier Paolo Frassinelli, Ronit Frenkel, David Watson (editors)
5776 cover Remembrance and Reconciliation. Rob Gildert, Dennis Rothermel
5777 cover Hexagonal variations : diversity, plurality and reinvention in contemporary France Jo McCormack, Murray Pratt, Alistair Rolls
5778 cover Neo-Victorian Families. : Gender, Sexual and Cultural Politics Marie-Luise Kohlke, Christian Gutleben
5779 cover Negotiating identities : constructed selves and others Vella Bonavita, Helen
5780 cover No Maps for These Territories: Cities, Spaces, and Archaeologies of the Future in William Gibson Karin Hoepker
5781 cover Exiles, Emigres and Intermediaries: Anglo-Italian Cultural Transactions. (Internationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen & Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft) Barbara Schaff
5782 cover Cultural Transformations: Perspectives on Translocation in a Global Age Henry Johnson, Vijay Devadas, Chris Prentice
5783 cover Europeanisation and Hibernicisation: Ireland and Europe. (European Studies) Cathal McCall, Thomas M. Wilson
5784 cover The Jukebox in the Garden: Ecocriticism and American Popular Music Since 1960 David Ingram
5785 cover Neo-Victorian Tropes of Trauma: The Politics of Bearing After-Witness to Nineteenth-Century Suffering. Marie-Luise Kohlke, Christian Gutleben
5786 cover From Modernism to Postmodernism: Concepts and Strategies of Postmodern American Fiction Gerhard Hoffmann
5787 cover Hope against hope : philosophies, cultures and politics of possibility and doubt Horrigan, Janet, Wiltse, Ed
5788 cover Representation and Contestation: Cultural Politics in a Political Century Ching-Yu Lin, John McSweeney
5789 cover Shrinking Citizenship: Discursive Practices That Limit Democratic Participation in Latvian Politics Maria Golubeva (editor), Robert Gould (editor)
5790 cover Political Performances: Theory and Practice. E.J. Westlake, Deirdre Heddon, Avraham Oz
5791 cover Global Community: Global Security. [1st ed.] Randall E. Osborne, Paul Kriese 1
5792 cover Parceling the Globe; Philosophical Explorations in Globalization, Global Behavior, and Peace. Danielle Poe, Eddy Souffrant
5793 cover Rethinking Postmodernism(s): Charles S. Peirce and the Pragmatist Negotiations of Thomas Pynchon, Toni Morrison, and Jonathan Safran Foer Katrin Amian
5794 cover Translating and Interpreting Conflict. SALAMA-CARR, Myriam (ed.), SALAMA-CARR, Myriam
5795 cover Lithuania 1940: Revolution from Above. (On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination in the Baltics) Alfred Erich Senn
5796 cover Global Fragments. (Dis)Orientation in the New World Order. Asnel Papers 10. (Cross Cultures 90) (Cross Cultures: Readings in the Post Colonial Literatures in English) BARTELS, Anke and Dirk WIEMANN (Eds.)
5797 cover The power of argumentation Suárez-Iñiguez, Enrique,Popper, Karl Raimund
5798 cover Problems for Democracy (Value Inquiry Book) [1St Edition] Mary Lenzi (Editor) John Kultgen (Editor) 1
5799 cover Food, Drink and Identity in Europe (European Studies 22) Thomas M. Wilson
5800 cover The Phraseology of Administrative French: A Corpus-based Study Wendy J. Anderson
5801 cover Diaspora and Memory: Figures of Displacement in Contemporary Literature, Arts and Politics Marie-Aude Baronian, Stephan Besser, Yolande Jansen
5802 cover Adorno and the Concept of Genocide Ryan Crawford, Erik M. Vogt (eds.)
5803 cover Hidden Mutualities. Faustian Themes from Gnostic Origins to the Postcolonial Michael Mitchell
5804 cover Literature and Law (Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature, 30) (Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature) Michael J. Meyer
5805 cover Democracy and the Post-Totalitarian Experience (Value Inquiry Book, 167) Leszek Koczanowicz, Beth J. Singer
5806 cover Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration Robert Harmsen
5807 cover Democracy and the Quest for Justice: Russian and American Perspectives Tatiana Alekseeva, William Gay
5808 cover Africa's Quest for a Philosophy of Decolonization (Value Inquiry Book Series, Volume 153) Messay Kebede
5809 cover Beneath the Crust of Culture: Psychoanalytic Anthropology and the Cultural Unconscious in American Life (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies) Howard F. Stein
5810 cover Bounds of Freedom: Popper, Liberty and Ecological Rationality (Series in the Philosophy of Karl R. Popper and Critical Rationalism, 16) Mahasweta Chaudhury
5811 cover Vampires: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil Peter Day
5812 cover The Politics of English as a World Language: New Horizons in Postcolonial Cultural Studies (Cross Cultures 65) (Cross Cultures) Christian Mair (Editor)
5813 cover Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinarity and Translation Stefan Herbrechter, (Ed.)
5814 cover Politically Incorrect Dialogues: Topics Not Discussed in Polite Circles Howard P. Kainz
5815 cover The Totalitarian Paradigm After the End of Communism: Towards a Theoretical Reassessment Achim Siegel (ed.)
5816 cover The Intrinsic Value of Nature Leena Vilkka
5817 cover Social Cohesion and Legal Coercion: A Critique of Weber, Durkheim, and Marx Leon Shaskolsky Sheleff
5818 cover An Introduction to the American Legal System (Aspen Paralegal) [5 ed.] John M Scheb, Hemant Sharma 5
5819 cover Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases And Materials Paul Brest, Sanford Levinson, Jack M. Balkin, Akhil Reed Amar, Reva B. Siegel 7
5820 cover Examples & Explanations: Constitutional Law: National Power and Federalism [7 ed.] Christopher N. May, Allan Ides, Simona Grossi 7
5821 cover Criminal procedure: the constitution and the police [Eighth edition.] Bloom, Robert M., Brodin, Mark S.
5822 cover Examples & Explanations: Constitutional Law: Individual Rights [7 ed.] Allan Ides 7
5823 cover IEL Commercial and Economic Law in Australia, 2nd edition [POD] [2 ed.] Eugene Clark, Lynden Griggs, George Cho, Arthur Hoyle, John McLaren 2
5824 cover Religion and Law in Slovenia Blaž Ivanc 1
5825 cover Development and Planning Law in New South Wales John Whitehouse 1
5826 cover Global Perspectives on Counterterrorism [Paperback ed.] Amos N. Guiora
5827 cover Regulation of Energy in International Trade Law, WTO, NAFTA and Energy Charter Yulia Selivanova
5828 cover Parks and People in Postcolonial Societies [1 ed.] Maano Ramutsindela 1
5829 cover Environmental chemistry.. Asian lessons Vachkin V.N.
5830 cover Language policy in the Soviet Union Grenoble, Lenore A
5831 cover Advances in Digital Government: Technology, Human Factors, and Policy William J. McIver Jr., Ahmed K. Elmagarmid 1
5832 cover From cause to causation: a Peircean perspective [1 ed.] Menno Hulswit 1
5833 cover Space politics and policy : an evolutionary perspective Sadeh, Eligar
5834 cover Traditional Neutrality Revisited:Law, Theory, and Case Studies [1 ed.] Elizabeth Chadwick 1
5835 cover Women, armed conflict, and international law [1 ed.] Judith Gail Gardam, Michelle J. Jarvis 1
5836 cover Revisiting children's rights: 10 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child [1 ed.] Deirdre Fottrell 1
5837 cover Reflections on an International Environmental Court Ellen Hey
5838 cover Handbook of the history of general topology, [vol.2] Aull C.E., Lowen R. (eds.) 2
5839 cover Liber amicorum Professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in honour of his 80th birthday Gerhard Hafner, Gerhard Loibl, Alfred Rest, Lilly Sucharipa-Behrmann, Karl Zemanek
5840 cover Kant's Transcendental Deduction: An Analysis of Main Themes in His Critical Philosophy [1 ed.] Robert C. Howell 1
5841 cover Elements of Responsible Politics [1 ed.] Bernard P. Dauenhauer 1
5842 cover In the Presence of the Past: Essays in Honor of Frank Manuel (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées) [1 ed.] R.T. Bienvenu, M. Feingold (editors) 1
5843 cover Causality, Method, and Modality: Essays in Honor of Jules Vuillemin [1 ed.] G.G. Brittan (ed.) 1
5844 cover Money, method and the market process: essays Mises, Ludwig von,Ebeling, Richard M.,Mises, Margit von
5845 cover International law and the developing countries : confrontation or cooperation? Ram Prakash Anand
5846 cover Democracy at Work: The Report of the Norwegian Industrial Democracy Program [1 ed.] Fred Emery, Einar Thorsrud 1
5847 cover Not in My Backyard: How Citizen Activists Nationalized Local Politics in the Fight to Save Green Springs Brian Balogh
5848 cover The Postmodern Predicament: Existential Challenges of the Twenty-First Century Bruce Ackerman
5849 cover NATO: From Cold War to Ukraine, a History of the World's Most Powerful Alliance Sten Rynning
5850 cover Democracy and Solidarity: On the Cultural Roots of America's Political Crisis James Davison Hunter
5851 cover Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right David Austin Walsh
5852 cover The Yemen Model Alexandra Stark,
5853 cover What Really Went Wrong: The West and the Failure of Democracy in the Middle East Fawaz A. Gerges
5854 cover Origins of Victory: How Disruptive Military Innovation Determines the Fates of Great Powers Andrew F. Krepinevich Jr.
5855 cover Spain: The Trials and Triumphs of a Modern European Country Michael Reid
5856 cover The Struggle for a Decent Politics: On "Liberal" As an Adjective Michael Walzer
5857 cover The Return of the Taliban: Afghanistan after the Americans Left Hassan Abbas
5858 cover The Age of Atlantic Revolution: The Fall and Rise of a Connected World Patrick Griffin
5859 cover Homelands: A Personal History of Europe Timothy Garton Ash
5860 cover Roe: The History of a National Obsession Mary Ziegler
5861 cover The Tragic Mind: Fear, Fate, and the Burden of Power Robert D. Kaplan
5862 cover Fragile Victory: The Making and Unmaking of Liberal Order James E. Cronin
5863 cover Everything Is Possible: Antifascism and the Left in the Age of Fascism Joseph Fronczak
5864 cover Manufacturing Consensus: Understanding Propaganda in the Era of Automation and Anonymity Samuel Woolley
5865 cover China’s Law of the Sea: The New Rules of Maritime Order Isaac B. Kardon
5866 cover Democracy in Our America: Can We Still Govern Ourselves? Paul W. Kahn
5867 cover Pacific Power Paradox: American Statecraft and the Fate of the Asian Peace Van Jackson
5868 cover Heidegger in Ruins: Between Philosophy and Ideology Richard Wolin
5869 cover Making the Imperial Nation: Colonization, Politics, and English Identity, 1660-1700 Gabriel Glickman
5870 cover Life: A Journey through Science and Politics Paul R. Ehrlich
5871 cover The Origins of Victory: How Disruptive Military Innovation Determines the Fates of Great Powers Andrew F. Krepinevich
5872 cover The Lost Future: And How to Reclaim It Jan Zielonka
5873 cover Supreme Hubris: How Overconfidence Is Destroying the Court―and How We Can Fix It Aaron Tang
5874 cover Revolutionary Things: Material Culture and Politics in the Late Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World Ashli White
5875 cover The Private Is Political: Networked Privacy and Social Media Alice E. Marwick
5876 cover China and Russia: Four Centuries of Conflict and Concord Philip Snow
5877 cover From Conquest to Colony: Empire, Wealth, and Difference in Eighteenth-Century Brazil Kirsten Schultz
5878 cover The Year That Broke Politics: Collusion and Chaos in the Presidential Election of 1968 Luke A. Nichter
5879 cover On Wars Michael Mann
5880 cover Latin America's Democratic Crusade: The Transnational Struggle against Dictatorship, 1920s-1960s Allen Wells
5881 cover The Rise and Fall of the EAST: How Exams, Autocracy, Stability, and Technology Brought China Success, and Why They Might Lead to Its Decline Yasheng Huang
5882 cover Liberalism against Itself: Cold War Intellectuals and the Making of Our Times Samuel Moyn
5883 cover How States Think: The Rationality of Foreign Policy John J. Mearsheimer, Sebastian Rosato
5884 cover Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West Peter Heather, John Rapley
5885 cover Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City Richard Sennett
5886 cover Women in Intelligence: The Hidden History of Two World Wars Helen Fry
5887 cover Our Palestine Question: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978 Geoffrey Levin
5888 cover The Lost Peace: How the West Failed to Prevent a Second Cold War Richard Sakwa
5889 cover Democracy in Darkness: Secrecy and Transparency in the Age of Revolutions Katlyn Marie Carter
5890 cover Circle of Stars: A History of the EU and the People Who Made It Dermot Hodson
5891 cover Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics―and How to Cure It Richard L. Hasen
5892 cover Empires of Eurasia: How Imperial Legacies Shape International Security Jeffrey Mankoff
5893 cover A Blue New Deal : Why We Need a New Politics for the Ocean Chris Armstrong
5894 cover The Weaponisation of Everything: A Field Guide to the New Way of War Mark Galeotti
5895 cover The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family Nelly Lahoud
5896 cover Public Freedoms in the Islamic State Rached Ghannouchi, David L. Johnston
5897 cover Black Wind, White Snow: Russia's New Nationalism Charles Clover
5898 cover Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace - And How to Restore It [1 ed.] Lucas Kello 1
5899 cover Taliban: The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond [Third Edition] Ahmed Rashid
5900 cover The Unresolved Question: The Anglo-Irish Settlement and Its Undoing 1912-72 Nicholas Mansergh
5901 cover The Nature of Politics Roger Masters
5902 cover Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration Arend Lijphart
5903 cover America through Russian Eyes, 1874-1926 Olga Hasty
5904 cover Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe Sarah Terry
5905 cover Group Psychology and Political Theory C. Alford
5906 cover Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives Stephen Roach
5907 cover Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism Erwin Chemerinsky
5908 cover A Murderous Midsummer: The Western Rising of 1549 Mark Stoyle
5909 cover Justice, Equal Opportunity and the Family James Fishkin
5910 cover Dollars for Life: The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Fall of the Republican Establishment Mary Ziegler
5911 cover Joseph Chamberlain: Entrepreneur in Politics Peter Marsh
5912 cover Indispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in a Turbulent World Robert J. Lieber
5913 cover Cairo 1921: Ten Days that Made the Middle East C. Brad Faught
5914 cover Morality and Politics in Modern Europe: The Harvard Lectures Michael Oakeshott
5915 cover Goodbye, Great Britain: The 1976 IMF Crisis Kathleen Burk
5916 cover The Propagandists' Playbook: How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy Francesca Bolla Tripodi
5917 cover Legitimate Opposition Alexander S. Kirshner
5918 cover Competitive Arms Control: Nixon, Kissinger, and SALT, 1969-1972 John D. Maurer
5919 cover Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union Vladislav M. Zubok
5920 cover Turkey Under Erdogan: How a Country Turned from Democracy and the West Dimitar Bechev
5921 cover Principles and Agents: The British Slave Trade and Its Abolition David Richardson
5922 cover The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America Francesca Lessa
5923 cover Ranquil: Rural Rebellion, Political Violence, and Historical Memory in Chile Thomas Miller Klubock
5924 cover Prestige, Manipulation, and Coercion: Elite Power Struggles in the Soviet Union and China after Stalin and Mao Joseph Torigian
5925 cover The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler Kathryn S. Olmsted
5926 cover The Long Land War: The Global Struggle for Occupancy Rights Jo Guldi
5927 cover The Return of the State: And Why it is Essential for our Health, Wealth and Happiness Graeme Garrard
5928 cover Security and Conservation: The Politics of the Illegal Wildlife Trade Rosaleen Duffy
5929 cover The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation [Fifth Edition, New Edition] Andrew Wilson
5930 cover The Last Shah: America, Iran, and the Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty Ray Takeyh
5931 cover This Is Not Normal: The Politics of Everyday Expectations Cass R. Sunstein
5932 cover An Insider's Guide to the UN [4 ed.] Linda Fasulo 4
5933 cover Northern Ireland: The Fragile Peace Feargal Cochrane
5934 cover Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence Kate Crawford
5935 cover Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship Dr. Andrew Wilson
5936 cover Latecomer State Formation: Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin America Sebastian Mazzuca
5937 cover Mission France: The True History of the Women of SOE Kate Vigurs
5938 cover Intentions in Great Power Politics: Uncertainty and the Roots of Conflict Sebastian Rosato
5939 cover The King's Harvest: A Political Ecology of China from the First Farmers to the First Empire Brian Lander
5940 cover Kashmir at the Crossroads: Inside a 21st-Century Conflict Sumantra Bose
5941 cover A World after Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right Matthew Rose
5942 cover American Democratic Socialism: History, Politics, Religion, and Theory Gary Dorrien
5943 cover Disorder: A History of Reform, Reaction, and Money in American Medicine Peter A. Swenson
5944 cover Why the New Deal Matters Eric Rauchway
5945 cover The Will to See: Dispatches from a World of Misery and Hope Bernard-Henri Levy
5946 cover The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict Elbridge A. Colby
5947 cover On Democracy Robert A. Dahl, Ian Shapiro
5948 cover Stronger: Adapting America’s China Strategy in an Age of Competitive Interdependence Ryan Hass
5949 cover The War of Words: A Glossary of Globalization Harold James
5950 cover Constitutional Processes and Democratic Commitment Donald L. Horowitz
5951 cover An Insider’s Guide to the UN Linda Fasulo
5952 cover Unrevolutionary Mexico: The Birth of a Strange Dictatorship Paul Gillingham
5953 cover Reality of Dreams: Post-Neoliberal Utopias in the Ecuadorian Amazon Japhy Wilson
5954 cover The Art of War in an Age of Peace: U.S. Grand Strategy and Resolute Restraint Michael O'Hanlon
5955 cover After Democracy: Imagining Our Political Future Zizi Papacharissi
5956 cover Vietnam: Rising Dragon [New Edition, Revised and Updated] Bill Hayton
5957 cover Nine-Tenths of the Law: Enduring Dispossession in Indonesia Christian Lund
5958 cover Democracy and Executive Power: Policymaking Accountability in the US, the UK, Germany, and France Susan Rose-Ackerman
5959 cover Europe Didn't Work: Why We Left and How to Get the Best from Brexit Larry Elliott, Dan Atkinson
5960 cover Reclaiming Patriotism in an Age of Extremes Steven B. Smith
5961 cover Hidden Laws: How State Constitutions Stabilize American Politics Robinson Woodward-Burns
5962 cover Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016-2021 Thomas Piketty
5963 cover Post Wall, Post Square: How Bush, Gorbachev, Kohl, and Deng Shaped the World After 1989 Kristina Spohr
5964 cover Military Strategy: A Global History Jeremy Black
5965 cover The Internet In Everything: Freedom And Security In A World With No Off Switch [1st Edition] Laura DeNardis 1
5966 cover The Third Walpurgis Night: The Complete Text (The Margellos World Republic of Letters) Karl Kraus
5967 cover American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from Smallpox to COVID-19 John Fabian Witt
5968 cover Anti-Pluralism: The Populist Threat To Liberal Democracy William A. Galston
5969 cover The Hidden Face Of Rights: Toward A Politics Of Responsibilities [1st Edition] Kathryn Sikkink 1
5970 cover The Invention of China Bill Hayton
5971 cover Drugs and Thugs: The History and Future of America’s War on Drugs Russell C. Crandall
5972 cover Power on the Precipice: The Six Choices America Faces in a Turbulent World Andrew Imbrie
5973 cover The People’s Revolt: Texas Populists and the Roots of American Liberalism Gregg Cantrell
5974 cover Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (Veritas Paperbacks) James C. Scott
5975 cover City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism Abram C. Van Engen
5976 cover That Is Not Who We Are!: Populism and Peoplehood Rogers M. Smith
5977 cover Past and Prologue: Politics and Memory in the American Revolution Michael D. Hattem
5978 cover Climate Change from the Streets: How Conflict and Collaboration Strengthen the Environmental Justice Movement Michael Mendez
5979 cover Britain and Europe in a Troubled World Vernon Bogdanor
5980 cover Late Stalinism: The Aesthetics of Politics Evgeny Dobrenko, Jesse M. Savage
5981 cover To Rule Eurasia’s Waves: The New Great Power Competition at Sea Geoffrey F. Gresh
5982 cover A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order G. John Ikenberry
5983 cover Crossing the Rubicon: Caesar's Decision and the Fate of Rome Luca Fezzi
5984 cover The Losing Parties: Out-Party National Committees, 1956-1993 Philip A. Klinkner
5985 cover The Emperor's New Road: China and the Project of the Century Jonathan E Hillman
5986 cover Sovereignty, RIP Don Herzog
5987 cover Overcoming Necessity: Emergency, Constraint, and the Meanings of American Constitutionalism Thomas P. Crocker
5988 cover Substate Dictatorship: Networks, Loyalty, and Institutional Change in the Soviet Union Yoram Gorlizki, Oleg Khlevniuk
5989 cover The Logic of Evil: The Social Origins of the Nazi Party, 1925-1933 William Brustein
5990 cover Security Empire: The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe Molly Pucci
5991 cover An Aristocracy of Critics: Luce, Hutchins, Niebuhr, and the Committee That Redefined Freedom of the Press Stephen Bates
5992 cover Congress: The First Branch--Companion Readings Benjamin Ginsberg (editor), Kathryn Wagner Hill (editor)
5993 cover MI9: A History of the Secret Service for Escape and Evasion in World War Two Helen Fry
5994 cover Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws William N. Eskridge, Christopher R. Riano
5995 cover Muslims and Citizens: Islam, Politics, and the French Revolution Ian Coller
5996 cover Provincializing Global History: Money, Ideas, and Things in the Languedoc, 1680-1830 James Gerard Livesey
5997 cover Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform James S. Fishkin
5998 cover Election Meltdown: Dirty Tricks, Distrust, and the Threat to American Democracy Richard L. Hasen
5999 cover Constitutional Revolution Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn, Yaniv Roznai
6000 cover In the Dragon's Shadow: Southeast Asia in the Chinese Century Sebastian Strangio
6001 cover The Challenges of Multilateralism Kathryn C. Lavelle
6002 cover Dragonomics: How Latin America Is Maximizing (or Missing Out on) China's International Development Strategy Carol Wise
6003 cover Arms and Influence : with an introduction by anne-marine staughter Thomas C. Schelling, Anne-Marie Slaughter
6004 cover The Postwar Moment: Progressive Forces in Britain, France, and the United States after World War II Isser Woloch
6005 cover Whistleblowers: Honesty in America from Washington to Trump Allison Stanger
6006 cover Social Democracy In The Making Political And Religious Roots Of European Socialism Gary Dorrien
6007 cover Florence Under Siege: Surviving Plague in an Early Modern City [1 ed.] John Henderson 1
6008 cover Putin v. the People: the Perilous Politics of a Divided Russia [Unabridged edition] Tantor Media,, Greene, Samuel A., Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Robertson, Graeme B., Waterson, Matthew
6009 cover Mr. Smith Goes to China: Three Scots in the Making of Britain’s Global Empire Jessica Hanser
6010 cover Quest for Status: Chinese and Russian Foreign Policy Deborah Welch Larson, Alexei Shevchenko
6011 cover Safe Enough Spaces: A Pragmatist's Approach to Inclusion, Free Speech, and Political Correctness on College Campuses Michael S. Roth
6012 cover Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America: Third Edition [3 ed.] George C. Edwards 3
6013 cover Congress: The First Branch [Illustrated] Benjamin Ginsberg, Kathryn Wagner Hill
6014 cover Clear and Present Safety: The World Has Never Been Better and Why That Matters to Americans Michael A. Cohen, Micah Zenko
6015 cover Surviving Genocide: Native Nations and the United States from the American Revolution to Bleeding Kansas Jeffrey Ostler
6016 cover Choosing the Leader: Leadership Elections in the U.S. House of Representatives Matthew N. Green, Douglas B. Harris
6017 cover Contested Territory: Dien Bien Phu and the Making of Northwest Vietnam Christian C. Lentz
6018 cover The Walls Have Ears: The Greatest Intelligence Operation of World War II Helen Fry
6019 cover Why Liberalism Failed Patrick J. Deneen
6020 cover African States since Independence: Order, Development, and Democracy Darin Christensen, David D. Laitin
6021 cover Red Flags: Why Xi's China Is in Jeopardy George Magnus
6022 cover Urban Rage: The Revolt of the Excluded Mustafa Dikec
6023 cover Seapower States: Maritime Culture, Continental Empires and the Conflict That Made the Modern World Andrew Lambert
6024 cover 1587, A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline Ray Huang
6025 cover The European Seaborne Empires: From the Thirty Years' War to the Age of Revolutions Gabriel Paquette
6026 cover The Levant Express: The Arab Uprisings, Human Rights, and the Future of the Middle East Micheline R. Ishay
6027 cover Stalin's Master Narrative: A Critical Edition of the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Short Course David Brandenberger (editor), Mikhail V. Zelenov (editor)
6028 cover Futureproof: How to Build Resilience in an Uncertain World Jon Coaffee
6029 cover The Lessons of Tragedy: Statecraft and World Order Hal Brands, Charles Edel
6030 cover Another Kind of War: The Nature and History of Terrorism John A. Lynn
6031 cover Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution Shlomo Avineri
6032 cover The Soul of the First Amendment Floyd Abrams
6033 cover See It/Shoot It : The Secret History of the CIA’s Lethal Drone Program Christopher J. Fuller
6034 cover Revolution Against Empire: Taxes, Politics, and the Origins of American Independence Justin du Rivage
6035 cover The Conquest of Death: Violence and the Birth of the Modern English State Matthew Lockwood
6036 cover A Foreign Policy for the Left Michael Walzer
6037 cover The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution Marci Shore
6038 cover Why Marx Was Right [1 ed.] Terry Eagleton 1
6039 cover Why Marx was right [Second edition] Eagleton, Terry,Marx, Karl
6040 cover Empire in Retreat: The Past, Present, and Future of the United States Victor Bulmer-Thomas
6041 cover Impeachment: A Handbook [New Edition] Charles L., Jr. Black, Philip Bobbitt
6042 cover The Dawn of Eurasia: On the Trail of the New World Order [Hardcover ed.] Bruno Maçães
6043 cover Catholics on the Barricades: Poland, France, and "Revolution," 1891–1956 Piotr H. Kosicki
6044 cover Free Speech on Campus [Paperback edition] Chemerinsky, Erwin,Gillman, Howard
6045 cover Constitutional cliffhangers: a legal guide for presidents and their enemies Kalt, Brian C
6046 cover American Religion, American Politics: An Anthology Joseph Kip Kosek (editor), Jon Butler (editor)
6047 cover Last Days of Europe: A Diplomatic Journey in 1939 Grigore Gafencu
6048 cover Russia and Postwar Europe David J. Dallin
6049 cover The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo Erwin R. Goodenough, Howard L. Goodhart
6050 cover Lions and Lambs: Conflict in Weimar and the Creation of Post-Nazi Germany Noah Benezra Strote
6051 cover The Secret World: A History of Intelligence Christopher Andrew
6052 cover Race, Nation, Translation: South African Essays, 1990-2013 [Illustrated] Zoë Wicomb, Andrew van der Vlies (editor)
6053 cover The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities John J. Mearsheimer
6054 cover Migrant Brothers: A Poet's Declaration of Human Dignity Patrick Chamoiseau, Matthew Amos, Fredrik Rönnbäck
6055 cover Corporations Are People Too: (And They Should Act Like It) Kent Greenfield
6056 cover My Parent's Keeper: The Guilt, Grief, Guesswork, and Unexpected Gifts of Caregiving Jody Gastfriend, Patrick J. Kennedy
6057 cover The Faces of Injustice Judith N. Shklar
6058 cover The Politics of Public Management William G. Hyland
6059 cover Five Days in London, May 1940 John Lukacs
6060 cover When the Money Runs Out: The End of Western Affluence [Revised Edition] Stephen D. King
6061 cover Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War Micah Goodman, Eylon Levy
6062 cover Congress: Keystone of the Washington Establishment, Revised Edition Morris P. Plato, R. Allen
6063 cover The Great Alignment: Race, Party Transformation, and the Rise of Donald Trump Alan I. Abramowitz
6064 cover Who Votes? Charles Hartshorne
6065 cover Republic of Denial Orcutt Frost
6066 cover Dryden and the Problem of Freedom William Clark (editor), James J. Holmberg (editor)
6067 cover The Japanese Voter Martha Elliott
6068 cover What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters Leah Price (editor)
6069 cover Responsible Parties: Saving Democracy from Itself Frances McCall Rosenbluth, Ian Shapiro
6070 cover The British Monarchy and the French Revolution Albert L. Hurtado
6071 cover How to Rig an Election Nic Cheeseman, Brian Klaas
6072 cover For-Profit Democracy: Why the Government Is Losing the Trust of Rural America Loka Ashwood
6073 cover Invisible Countries: Journeys to the Edge of Nationhood Joshua Keating
6074 cover What Are Journalists For? Mark Nathan Cohen
6075 cover The New Eugenics: Selective Breeding in an Era of Reproductive Technologies Judith Daar
6076 cover David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society David Hume (editor), Angela Coventry (editor), Andrew Valls (editor)
6077 cover Scots and Catalans: Union and Disunion J. H. Elliott
6078 cover Hitler's Monsters Eric Kurlander
6079 cover Privatopia Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan
6080 cover Charter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Together with Scholarly Commentaries and Essential Historical Documents Ian Shapiro (editor), Adam Tooze (editor)
6081 cover Free the Beaches: The Story of Ned Coll and the Battle for America's Most Exclusive Shoreline Andrew W. Kahrl
6082 cover Metamorphosis: How to Transform Punishment in America Robert A Ferguson
6083 cover The Poverty of Welfare Reform Morris P. Fiorina
6084 cover The Search for Peace in Afghanistan Robert J. Stoller, I. S. Levine
6085 cover Ethnic Conflict Mary G. McCrea Curnen (editor), Howard Spiro (editor), Deborah St James (editor)
6086 cover Secularism and Revivalism in Turkey Charles Rosen
6087 cover The Tragedy of Cambodian History Benjamin McArthur
6088 cover Liberty, Equality, and the Market Harold Bolitho
6089 cover Peace Now! American Society and the Ending of the Vietnam War Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
6090 cover Strategic Assessment in War Scott Sigmund Gartner
6091 cover Children in Jeopardy Robert Louis Wilken
6092 cover Ritual, Politics, and Power David I. Kertzer (editor), Frank Sewell (editor)
6093 cover Italy and its Monarchy Walter J. Ong
6094 cover Class Matters: The Strange Career of an American Delusion Steve Fraser
6095 cover Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1934-1941 Paul Colinvaux
6096 cover The Clash of Rights Maris A. Vinovskis
6097 cover Crisis and Political Beliefs Fred Pine
6098 cover The Secret World: A History of Intelligence Christopher Andrew
6099 cover Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era T. V. Paul
6100 cover American Politics in the Early Republic: The New Nation in Crisis James Roger Sharp
6101 cover Strange Bird: The Albatross Press and the Third Reich Michele K. Troy
6102 cover Scientists under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich Alan D. Beyerchen
6103 cover Apocalypse as Holy War: Divine Politics and Polemics in the Letters of Paul Emma Wasserman (editor), John Collins (editor)
6104 cover The Justice of Contradictions: Antonin Scalia and the Politics of Disruption Richard L. Hasen
6105 cover The Least Dangerous Branch Alexander M. Bickel
6106 cover The Logic of Congressional Action R. Douglas Arnold (editor), Bernard Schweizer (editor)
6107 cover The History of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror Ronald Radosh (editor), Mary Habeck (editor), Grigory Sevostianov (editor)
6108 cover The CIA and American Democracy Brooks Mather Kelley 3
6109 cover The African Colonial State in Comparative Perspective Crawford Young
6110 cover Stalin's Letters to Molotov, 1925-1936 Josef Stalin
6111 cover Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War Frank Chalk, Kurt Jonassohn
6112 cover The Voice of the People H. D. Forbes
6113 cover Chinese Society in the Eighteenth Century Mirjan R. Damaska
6114 cover Ideas and International Political Change John R. Stilgoe
6115 cover Inheritance in Public Policy R. Po-chia Hsia
6116 cover Scorched Earth: Stalin's Reign of Terror Jörg Baberowski, Steven Gilbert, Ivo Komljen, Samantha Jeanne Taber
6117 cover Brazil 1964-1985: the military regims of Latin America in the cold war Klein, Herbert S.,Luna, Francisco Vidal
6118 cover Self-Evident Truths: Contesting Equal Rights from the Revolution to the Civil War Richard D. Brown
6119 cover The Land Is Full: Addressing Overpopulation in Israel Alon Tal
6120 cover The Crimean Nexus: Putin's War and the Clash of Civilizations Constantine Pleshakov
6121 cover The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of Connection in a Networked World Anne-Marie Slaughter
6122 cover The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age [1 ed.] James Kirchick 1
6123 cover Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich Eric Kurlander
6124 cover Illness and inhumanity in Stalin's Gulag. The violence of Stalin's labor camps Golfo Alexopoulos
6125 cover The Six Day War: The Breaking of the Middle East Guy Laron
6126 cover All Measures Short of War: The Contest for the Twenty-First Century and the Future of American Power Thomas J. Wright
6127 cover The London Cage: The Secret History of Britain’s World War II Interrogation Centre Helen Fry
6128 cover North Korea’s Hidden Revolution: How The Information Underground Is Transforming A Closed Society Jieun Baek
6129 cover Corridors of power: the politics of environmental aid to Madagascar Corson, Catherine A
6130 cover Justice and Empathy: Toward a Constitutional Ideal Robert A. Burt (editor), Frank Iacobucci (editor), Robert C. Post (editor)
6131 cover Closing the Courthouse Door: How Your Constitutional Rights Became Unenforceable Erwin Chemerinsky
6132 cover Freedom’s Debtors: British Antislavery in Sierra Leone in the Age of Revolution Padraic X. Scanlan
6133 cover The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World's Most Dynamic Region Michael R. Auslin
6134 cover Hell No: The Forgotten Power of the Vietnam Peace Movement Tom Hayden
6135 cover Babies of Technology: Assisted Reproduction and the Rights of the Child Mary Ann Mason, Tom Ekman
6136 cover The Democratic Faith: Essays on Democratic Citizenship Paul M. Sniderman
6137 cover Listening In: Cybersecurity in an Insecure Age Susan Landau
6138 cover Dictators Without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia Alexander A. Cooley, John Heathershaw
6139 cover Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy Trita Parsi
6140 cover Presidents’ Secrets: The Use and Abuse of Hidden Power Mary Graham
6141 cover The Soul of the First Amendment: Why Freedom of Speech Matters Floyd Abrams
6142 cover Digital World War: Islamists, Extremists, and the Fight for Cyber Supremacy Haroon K. Ullah
6143 cover Words Are Weapons: Inside ISIS's Rhetoric of Terror Philippe-Joseph Salazar, Dorna Khazeni
6144 cover Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest Zeynep Tufekci
6145 cover Analytics, Policy, and Governance Jennifer Bachner (editor), Benjamin Ginsberg (editor), Kathryn Wagner Hill (editor)
6146 cover The Townshend Moment: The Making of Empire and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century Patrick Griffin
6147 cover Rival Power: Russia in Southeast Europe Dimitar Bechev
6148 cover Russia's Path toward Enlightenment: Faith, Politics, and Reason, 1500-1801 Gary M. Hamburg
6149 cover Plutocrats united : campaign money, the Supreme Court, and the distortion of American elections Hasen, Richard L
6150 cover Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World [1 ed.] Adrian Goldsworthy 1
6151 cover The city of tomorrow: sensors, networks, hackers, and the future of urban life Carlo Ratti, Matthew Claudel
6152 cover An International Civil War: Greece, 1943-1949 André Gerolymatos
6153 cover Stalin’s Music Prize: Soviet Culture and Politics [Hardcover ed.] Marina Frolova-Walker
6154 cover Bad Moon Rising: How the Weather Underground Beat the FBI and Lost the Revolution Arthur M. Eckstein
6155 cover The Art of the Bribe: Corruption under Stalin, 1943–1953 [Hardcover ed.] James Heinzen
6156 cover Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics [Hardcover ed.] Chris Knight
6157 cover The Spartan Regime: Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy Paul Anthony Rahe
6158 cover Gender Nonconformity and the Law Kimberly A. Yuracko
6159 cover Teaching Common Sense: The Grand Strategy Program at Yale University Linda Kulman, Henry Kissinger
6160 cover Sudan - Failure and Division of African State Richard Cockett 2
6161 cover The City of Tomorrow: Sensors, Networks, Hackers, and the Future of Urban Life Carlo Ratti,Matthew Claudel
6162 cover Presidential government Ginsberg, Benjamin
6163 cover The Impossibility of Palestine: History, Geography, and the Road Ahead Mehran Kamrava
6164 cover Slaves of One Master: Globalization and Slavery in Arabia in the Age of Empire Matthew S. Hopper
6165 cover Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World Goldsworthy, Adrian,Perkins, Derek
6166 cover Inglorious Revolution: Political Institutions, Sovereign Debt, and Financial Underdevelopment in Imperial Brazil William R. Summerhill
6167 cover Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire Agnia Grigas
6168 cover The Romans and Their World: A Short Introduction [New Edition] Brian Campbell
6169 cover The Progressives' Century: Political Reform, Constitutional Government, and the Modern American State Stephen Skowronek (editor), Stephen M. Engel (editor), Bruce Ackerman (editor)
6170 cover 23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-Term Solitary Confinement Keramet Reiter
6171 cover Desert Kingdoms to Global Powers: The Rise of the Arab Gulf Rory Miller
6172 cover Hitler's Compromises: Coercion and Consensus in Nazi Germany Nathan Stoltzfus
6173 cover Charand-o Parand: Revolutionary Satire from Iran, 1907-1909 Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda (editor), Andrew March (editor), Janet Afary (editor), John R. Perry (editor)
6174 cover Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring Ibrahim Fraihat
6175 cover The Tragedy of U.S. Foreign Policy: How America's Civil Religion Betrayed the National Interest Walter A. McDougall
6176 cover Climate Diplomacy from Rio to Paris: The Effort to Contain Global Warming William Sweet
6177 cover The Colonel Who Would Not Repent: The Bangladesh War and Its Unquiet Legacy Salil Tripathi
6178 cover The Watershed of Modern Politics: Law, Virtue, Kingship, and Consent (1300–1650) [1 ed.] Francis Oakley 1
6179 cover A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective Steven L. Taylor, Matthew Soberg Shugart, Arend Lijphart, Bernard Grofman
6180 cover The Hearing-Loss Guide: Useful Information and Advice for Patients and Families [1 ed.] John M. Burkey, Robert L. Daniels 1
6181 cover Realism in the Age of Impressionism: Painting and the Politics of Time [1 ed.] Marnin Young 1
6182 cover When Britain Saved the West: The Story of 1940 Robin Prior
6183 cover An Insider's Guide to the UN: Third Edition [Third Edition] Linda Fasulo
6184 cover Underdog Politics: The Minority Party in the U.S. House of Representatives Matthew N. Green
6185 cover The Art of Peacemaking: Political Essays by István Bibó [1 ed.] István Bibó, Iván Zoltán Dénes, Péter Pásztor, Agnieszka Marczyk, Adam Michnik 1
6186 cover Do Guns Make Us Free?: Democracy and the Armed Society Firmin DeBrabander
6187 cover Revolutions without Borders: The Call to Liberty in the Atlantic World Janet Polasky
6188 cover The American Census: A Social History, Second Edition [2 ed.] Margo J. Anderson 2
6189 cover Worlds Apart: Poverty and Politics in Rural America, Second Edition [2 ed.] Cynthia M. Duncan, Angela Blackwell 2
6190 cover The Killing Compartments: The Mentality of Mass Murder Abram de Swaan
6191 cover The Baltimore School of Urban Ecology: Space, Scale, and Time for the Study of Cities [1 ed.] J. Morgan Grove, Mary Cadenasso, Steward T. Pickett, Gary E. Machlis, William R. Burch Jr., Laura A. Ogden 1
6192 cover An Argument Open to All: Reading "The Federalist" in the 21st Century Sanford Levinson
6193 cover On Democracy [Second Edition] Robert A. Dahl, Ian Shapiro (Preface) 2
6194 cover Italian Venice: a history[Electronic book] Bosworth, R. J. B
6195 cover Global Rules: America, Britain and a Disordered World James E. Cronin
6196 cover The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation [3rd ed.] Andrew Wilson 3
6197 cover The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation [4 ed.] Andrew Wilson 4
6198 cover The Stronghold: How Republicans Captured Congress but Surrendered the White House Thomas F. Schaller
6199 cover Home Rule: Households, Manhood, and National Expansion on the Eighteenth-Century Kentucky Frontier Honor Sachs
6200 cover The Rise of Thomas Cromwell: Power and Politics in the Reign of Henry VIII, 1485-1534 Michael Everett
6201 cover The Tyranny of the Moderns Nadia Urbinati, Martin Thom
6202 cover Ukrainian Nationalism: Politics, Ideology, and Literature, 1929-1956 Myroslav Shkandrij
6203 cover The Cherokee Diaspora: An Indigenous History of Migration, Resettlement, and Identity Gregory D. Smithers
6204 cover The Politics of Cultural Retreat: Imperial Bureaucracy in Austrian Galicia, 1772-1867 Iryna Vushko
6205 cover France 1940: Defending the Republic Philip Nord
6206 cover The Question of Intervention: John Stuart Mill and the Responsibility to Protect Michael W. Doyle
6207 cover Blood, Dreams and Gold: The Changing Face of Burma Richard Cockett
6208 cover Democracy and the Origins of the American Regulatory State Samuel DeCanio
6209 cover Sex, Money and Personal Character in Eighteenth-Century British Politics Marilyn Morris
6210 cover Democracy's Beginning: The Athenian Story Thomas N. Mitchell
6211 cover The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos Cult, Polis, and Change in the Graeco-Roman World Göttin Artemis,Rogers, Guy MacLean
6212 cover Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America Melissa V. Harris-Perry
6213 cover Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff between Privacy and Security Daniel J. Solove
6214 cover The second Arab awakening: and the battle for pluralism Marwan Muasher
6215 cover A History of South Africa, Fourth Edition [4 Rev Upd ed.] Leonard Thompson, Lynn Berat 4
6216 cover Why Nudge?: The Politics of Libertarian Paternalism (The Storrs Lectures Series) Cass R. Sunstein
6217 cover Hun Sen’s Cambodia Sebastian Strangio
6218 cover Family Politics: Domestic Life, Devastation and Survival, 1900-1950 Paul Ginsborg
6219 cover Ukraine Crisis: What It Means for the West Andrew Wilson
6220 cover The International Novel [1 ed.] Annabel Patterson 1
6221 cover The Politics of Religion in Early Modern France Joseph Bergin
6222 cover The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 41: Volume 41: September 16, 1783, through February 29, 1784 Benjamin Franklin, Ellen R. Cohn
6223 cover Secret Cables of the Comintern, 1933-1943 [Hardcover ed.] Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov, Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, Lynn Visson
6224 cover Utopia [2nd edition] Harp, Jerry,Miller, Clarence H.,Thomas More 2
6225 cover The Declaration of Independence in Historical Context: American State Papers, Petitions, Proclamations, and Letters of the Delegates to the First National Congresses Barry Alan Shain
6226 cover Japan: The Paradox of Harmony Keiko Hirata, Mark Warschauer
6227 cover Hun Sen's Cambodia Sebastian Strangio
6228 cover Weimar: From Enlightenment to the Present Michael H. Kater
6229 cover The Trouble with History: Morality, Revolution, and Counterrevolution Adam Michnik (editor), Irena Grudzinska Gross (editor), Elzbieta Matynia (editor), Agnieszka Marczyk (editor), Roman Czarny (editor), James Davison Hunter (editor)
6230 cover Brazil: The Troubled Rise of a Global Power Michael Reid
6231 cover Founders as Fathers: The Private Lives and Politics of the American Revolutionaries Lorri Glover
6232 cover The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier Hassan Abbas
6233 cover Through a Screen Darkly: Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy, and America's Image Abroad Martha Bayles
6234 cover Famine Politics in Maoist China and the Soviet Union Felix Wemheuer
6235 cover The Great War for Peace William Mulligan
6236 cover The Global War for Internet Governance Laura DeNardis
6237 cover Genocide on the Drina River Edina Becirevic
6238 cover Charter of the United Nations: Together with Scholarly Commentaries and Essential Historical Documents Ian Shapiro (editor), Joseph Lampert (editor)
6239 cover Failed Statebuilding: Intervention, the State, and the Dynamics of Peace Formation Oliver Richmond
6240 cover Breaking Democracy's Spell John Dunn
6241 cover The Struggle for Iraq's Future: How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism Have Undermined Democracy Zaid Al-Ali
6242 cover A Theory of Militant Democracy: The Ethics of Combatting Political Extremism Alexander S. Kirshner
6243 cover Blockades or Breakthroughs?: Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State Yale D. Belanger (editor), P. Whitney Lackenbauer (editor)
6244 cover A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama's Diplomacy with Iran [Reprint ed.] Trita Parsi
6245 cover The Incidental Steward: Reflections on Citizen Science [First Edition] Akiko Busch, Debby Cotter Kaspari
6246 cover Democracy, Expertise, and Academic Freedom: A First Amendment Jurisprudence for the Modern State [Reprint ed.] Robert C. Post
6247 cover Practicing Stalinism: Bolsheviks, boyars, and the persistence of tradition Kommunisticheskai︠a︡ partii︠a︡ Sovetskogo Soi︠u︡za, Getty, John Arch
6248 cover The Future of Nature: Documents of Global Change [Paperback ed.] Libby Robin, Sverker Sörlin, Paul Warde
6249 cover Syria: The Fall of the House of Assad [Hardcover ed.] David W. Lesch
6250 cover American Zion: The Old Testament as a Political Text from the Revolution to the Civil War Eran Shalev
6251 cover The Voice of the People: Letters from the Soviet Village, 1918-1932 A.K. Sokolov (editor), C. J. Storella (editor), C. J. Storella (editor)
6252 cover The Snail Darter and the Dam: How Pork-Barrel Politics Endangered a Little Fish and Killed a River Zygmunt Jan Broel Plater
6253 cover Restless Valley Philip Shishkin
6254 cover The Passage to Europe: How a Continent Became a Union Luuk van Middelaar
6255 cover Household Politics: Conflict in Early Modern England Don Herzog
6256 cover Against the Profit Motive: The Salary Revolution in American Government, 1780-1940 Nicholas R. Parrillo
6257 cover Rebranding Rule: The Restoration and Revolution Monarchy, 1660-1714 Kevin Sharpe
6258 cover Funding Loyalty: The Economics of the Communist Party Eugenia Belova, Valery Lazarev
6259 cover Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century Patrick Smith
6260 cover Friend of the Court: On the Front Lines with the First Amendment Floyd Abrams, Karen Gantz Zahler Literary Management
6261 cover A Mere Machine: The Supreme Court, Congress, and American Democracy Anna Harvey
6262 cover Democracy in Retreat: The Revolt of the Middle Class and the Worldwide Decline of Representative Government Joshua Kurlantzick
6263 cover Civil Disobedience: An American Tradition Lewis Perry
6264 cover Stumbling Giant: The Threats to China's Future Timothy Beardson
6265 cover What Changed When Everything Changed: 9/11 and the Making of National Identity Joseph Margulies
6266 cover Nation of Devils: Democratic Leadership and the Problem of Obedience Stein Ringen
6267 cover The Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay Jess Bravin
6268 cover Northern Ireland: The Elusive Peace Feargal Cochrane
6269 cover Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries Lijphart, Arend 2
6270 cover Apocalyptic Realm: Jihadists in South Asia Dilip Hiro
6271 cover The New Continentalism: Energy and Twenty-First-Century Eurasian Geopolitics [Paperback ed.] Kent E. Calder
6272 cover The Limits of Detente: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1969-1973 [ebook ed.] Craig Daigle
6273 cover The Battle for the Arab Spring: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the Making of a New Era [Hardback ed.] Lin Noueihed, Alex Warren
6274 cover Endowed by Our Creator: The Birth of Religious Freedom in America Michael I. Meyerson
6275 cover A World Connected: Globalization in the 21st Century Nayan Chanda (editor), Susan Froetschel (editor)
6276 cover Mexico: Democracy Interrupted Jo Tuckman
6277 cover Hermeneutics as Politics: Second Edition [2nd Revised ed.] Stanley Rosen 2
6278 cover Good Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future [Translation ed.] Bill Emmott
6279 cover Of Africa Wole Soyinka
6280 cover Mobilizing Inclusion: Transforming the Electorate through Get-Out-the-Vote Campaigns Lisa García Bedolla, Melissa R. Michelson
6281 cover Liberty's Refuge: The Forgotten Freedom of Assembly John D. Inazu
6282 cover The End of Race? Donald R. Kinder, Allison Dale-Riddle
6283 cover The Moral Foundations of Politics Ian Shapiro
6284 cover "Partly Laws Common to All Mankind": Foreign Law in American Courts' Jeremy Waldron
6285 cover Ending Wars Well: Order, Justice, and Conciliation in Contemporary Post-Conflict Eric D. Patterson
6286 cover Making Ireland English: The Irish Aristocracy in the Seventeenth Century Jane Ohlmeyer
6287 cover The Voting Wars: From Florida 2000 to the Next Election Meltdown Richard L. Hasen
6288 cover Good Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future Bill Emmott
6289 cover The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx (editor), Friedrich Engels (editor), Jeffrey C. Isaac (editor)
6290 cover The Value of Species Edward L. McCord
6291 cover Roads to the Temple: Truth, Memory, Ideas, and Ideals in the Making of the Russian Revolution, 1987-1991 Leon Aron
6292 cover The End of the Chinese Dream: Why Chinese People Fear the Future Gerard Lemos
6293 cover Patterns of Democracy [2 ed.] Arend Lijphart 2
6294 cover Creating the Administrative Constitution: The Lost One Hundred Years of American Administrative Law Jerry L. Mashaw
6295 cover The Great Famine in China, 1958-1962: A Documentary History Xun Zhou
6296 cover Constitutional Cliffhangers Brian C. Kalt
6297 cover The Mortgage of the Past: Reshaping the Ancient Political Inheritance (1050-1300) Francis Oakley
6298 cover Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War R. M. Douglas
6299 cover In God's Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible Michael Walzer
6300 cover The Lomborg Deception: Setting the Record Straight About Global Warming Howard Friel
6301 cover The Myth of Choice: Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits Kent Greenfield
6302 cover How to Change the World: Reflections on Marx and Marxism Eric Hobsbawm
6303 cover The Peacekeeping Economy: Using Economic Relationships to Build a More Peaceful, Prosperous, and Secure World Lloyd J. Dumas
6304 cover Kenya: Between Hope and Despair, 1963-2011 Daniel Branch
6305 cover Egypt on the Brink: From the Rise of Nasser to the Fall of Mubarak [2, Revised and updated edition] Tarek Osman 2
6306 cover Egypt on the brink: from the rise of Nasser to the fall of Mubarak [Revised Edition] Osman, Tarek
6307 cover Blu Virginia Grise, David Hare
6308 cover The Hour of Europe: Western Powers and the Breakup of Yugoslavia Josip Glaurdic
6309 cover Lyric Poetry and Modern Politics: Russia, Poland, and the West Clare Cavanagh
6310 cover Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed Mary Heimann
6311 cover A Lancastrian Mirror for Princes: The Yale Law School New Statutes of England [Illustrated] Rosemarie McGerr
6312 cover Constitutional Sentiments Andras Sajo
6313 cover The Tragedy of William Jennings Bryan: Constitutional Law and the Politics of Backlash Gerard N. Magliocca
6314 cover Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth-Century Europe Jan-Werner Müller
6315 cover The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel Ilan Pappé
6316 cover The Peacekeeping Economy Lloyd J. Dumas
6317 cover Sedition: Everyday Resistance in the Soviet Union under Khrushchev and Brezhnev Vladimir A. Kozlov (editor), Sheila Fitzpatrick (editor), Sergei V. Mironenko (editor), State Archive (GARF) Russian Federation (editor), Olga Livshin (editor)
6318 cover Tocqueville and His America: A Darker Horizon Arthur Kaledin
6319 cover Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight Timothy Pachirat
6320 cover Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict, Tenth Anniversary Edition Donna Hicks, Desmond Tutu
6321 cover Southern Africa : Old Treacheries and New Deceits Stephen Chan
6322 cover Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity: A History, 1789-2007 Carter V. Findley
6323 cover The Settlers: And the Struggle over the Meaning of Zionism Gadi Taub
6324 cover Leviathan: or, The matter, forme and power of a commonwealth ecclesiasticall and civil [New ed. /] Hobbes, Thomas,Shapiro, Ian
6325 cover Sudan: Darfur and the failure of an African state Cockett, Richard
6326 cover Financial Fraud and Guerrilla Violence in Missouri's Civil War, 1861-1865 Mark W. Geiger
6327 cover Superpower Illusions: How Myths and False Ideologies Led America Astray--And How to Return to Reality Jack F., Jr. Matlock
6328 cover Regulating from Nowhere: Environmental Law and the Search for Objectivity Douglas A. Kysar
6329 cover Yemen: Dancing on the Heads of Snakes Victoria Clark
6330 cover In the Name of God and Country: Reconsidering Terrorism in American History Michael Fellman
6331 cover Knowledge in the Making: Academic Freedom and Free Speech in America's Schools and Universities Joan DelFattore
6332 cover First Strike: America, Terrorism, and Moral Tradition Mark Totten
6333 cover Law's Environment: How the Law Shapes the Places We Live John Copeland Nagle
6334 cover War by Land, Sea, and Air David Jablonsky
6335 cover History and the Enlightenment Hugh Trevor-Roper
6336 cover Letters from America Alexis de Tocqueville (editor), Frederick Brown (editor)
6337 cover The Death of the Shtetl Joachim Burmeister
6338 cover Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order Charles Hill
6339 cover Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity: A History Carter Vaughn Findley
6340 cover Breaking the Logjam: Environmental Protection That Will Work David Schoenbrod, Richard B. Stewart, Katrina M. Wyman, Deborah Paulus-Jagric
6341 cover Dubai: Gilded Cage Syed Ali
6342 cover The Disappearing Center: Engaged Citizens, Polarization, and American Democracy Alan I. Abramowitz
6343 cover Terror by Quota: State Security from Lenin to Stalin (an Archival Study) (The Yale-Hoover Series on Stalin, Stalinism, and the Cold War) [First Edition] Prof. Paul R. Gregory
6344 cover One State, Two States: Resolving the Israel Palestine Conflict [First ed.] Prof. Benny Morris
6345 cover Dominion from Sea to Sea: Pacific Ascendancy and American Power [1 ed.] Bruce Cumings 1
6346 cover Ordering the City: Land Use, Policing, and the Restoration of Urban America Prof. Nicole Stelle Garnett
6347 cover Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy (2nd Ed., With a New Afterword by the Author) [2 ed.] Michael H. Hunt 2
6348 cover Genocide Before the Holocaust Cathie Carmichael
6349 cover The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia [First edition] James C. Scott
6350 cover Living With Hitler: Liberal Democrats in the Third Reich Eric Kurlander
6351 cover Soft Despotism, Democracy’s Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect Paul Anthony Rahe
6352 cover Montesquieu and the Logic of Liberty: War, Religion, Commerce, Climate, Terrain, Technology, Uneasiness of Mind, the Spirit of Political Vigilance, and the Foundations of the Modern Republic Paul Anthony Rahe
6353 cover The Jesse Jackson Phenomenon: The Crisis of Purpose in Afro-American Politics Adolph L. Reed Jr. 1
6354 cover Cruel and Unusual: The Culture of Punishment in America Anne-Marie Cusac
6355 cover In Confidence: When to Protect Secrecy and When to Require Disclosure Ronald Goldfarb
6356 cover For the Common Good: Principles of American Academic Freedom Matthew W. Finkin, Robert C. Post
6357 cover Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift Talvikki Ansel
6358 cover Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Essays and Provocations Henry Fairlie (editor), Jeremy McCarter (editor), Leon Wieseltier (editor)
6359 cover The Trouble with City Planning Susan E. Eaton
6360 cover Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World Jeffrey Herf
6361 cover The Triumph of Provocation Józef Mackiewicz
6362 cover TRIPLEX: Secrets from the Cambridge Spies Nigel West (editor), Oleg Tsarev (editor)
6363 cover The Conservatives: Ideas and Personalities Throughout American History Patrick Allitt
6364 cover The Myth of American Exceptionalism Godfrey Hodgson
6365 cover Civil Society and Empire: Ireland and Scotland in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World James Gerard Livesey
6366 cover Constitutional Courts and Democratic Values: A European Perspective Víctor Ferreres Comella
6367 cover The Tragedy of Child Care in America Edward F. Zigler, Katherine Marsland, Heather Lord
6368 cover Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations Kent E. Calder
6369 cover Bedouin Law from Sinai and the Negev: Justice without Government Clinton Bailey
6370 cover The Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton (editor), James Madison (editor), John Jay (editor), Ian Shapiro (editor)
6371 cover Comparative Studies and the Politics of Modern Medical Care Theodore R. Marmor, Richard Freeman, Kieke G. H. Okma
6372 cover Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, Alexander Vassiliev
6373 cover Savages & Scoundrels: The Untold Story of America's Road to Empire Through Indian Territory Paul VanDevelder
6374 cover Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States Trita Parsi
6375 cover War and Reason: Domestic and International Imperatives Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, David Lalman
6376 cover Imagining Nabokov: Russia Between Art and Politics Nina L. Khrushcheva
6377 cover Free Speech and Human Dignity [1 ed.] Prof. Steven J. Heyman 1
6378 cover One America in the 21st Century: The Report of President Bill Clinton's Initiative on Race Steven F. Lawson, John Hope Franklin
6379 cover The People's State: East German Society from Hitler to Honecker Mary Fulbrook
6380 cover Arms and Influence Thomas C. Schelling
6381 cover The Myth of American Diplomacy: National Identity and U.S. Foreign Policy [Hardcover ed.] Walter L. Hixson
6382 cover The Strange Death of American Liberalism H.W. Brands
6383 cover On Political Equality Dahl, Robert A
6384 cover The Arab Center: The Promise of Moderation Marwan Muasher
6385 cover Politics and Passion: Toward a More Egalitarian Liberalism Walzer, Michael
6386 cover From the New Deal to the New Right: Race and the Southern Origins of Modern Conservatism Joseph E. Lowndes
6387 cover Clean Coal/Dirty Air: or How the Clean Air Act Became a Multibillion-Dollar Bail-Out for High-Sulfur Coal Producers Bruce Ackerman, William T. Hassler
6388 cover History's Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks Sean McMeekin
6389 cover On Liberal Revolution Piero Gobetti (editor), Nadia Urbinati (editor), William McCuaig (editor)
6390 cover Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr
6391 cover The Modern Prince: What Leaders Need to Know Now Carnes Lord
6392 cover Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic Joanne B. Freeman
6393 cover Reforming Liberalism: J.S. Mill's Use of Ancient, Religious, Liberal, and Romantic Moralities Robert Devigne
6394 cover William Sloane Coffin Jr.: A Holy Impatience Warren Goldstein
6395 cover Uniting America: Restoring the Vital Center to American Democracy (The Future of American Democracy Series) [1st Printing ed.] Norton Garfinkle, Daniel Yankelovich 1
6396 cover Revolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China (Yale Agrarian Studies Series) Edward Friedman, Paul G. Pickowicz, Mark Selden
6397 cover Leo Strauss and the politics of American empire [First edition] Strauss, Leo, Strauss, Leo, Norton, Anne
6398 cover History's Locomotives: Revolutions and the Making of the Modern World [1 ed.] Martin Malia 1
6399 cover Finding Common Ground: Governance and Natural Resources in the American West Ronald D. Brunner, Christine H. Colburn, Christina M. Cromley, Roberta A. Klein
6400 cover Selected Writings of Girolamo Savonarola: Religion and Politics, 1490-1498 Girolamo Savonarola (editor), Donald Beebe (editor), Anne Borelli (editor), Maria Pastore Passaro (editor), Giuseppe Mazzotta (editor)
6401 cover Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation’s Life and Death in Marxism, 1918-1968 Marci Shore
6402 cover The Constitution and Criminal Procedure: First Principles Akhil Reed Amar
6403 cover Freedom and Time: A Theory of Constitutional Self-Government Jed Rubenfeld
6404 cover Election 2008: A Voter's Guide William Burt
6405 cover "Complicity with Evil": The United Nations in the Age of Modern Genocide Adam LeBor
6406 cover The Ship of State: Statecraft and Politics from Ancient Greece to Democratic America Norma Thompson
6407 cover America?s Inadvertent Empire William E. Odom, Robert Dujarric
6408 cover The FBI: A History Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
6409 cover Keeping Faith with Nature: Ecosystems, Democracy, and America’s Public Lands Robert B. Keiter
6410 cover Welfare Justice: Restoring Social Equity Neil Gilbert
6411 cover Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Life of American Democracy Jedediah Purdy (editor), Anthony T. Kronman (editor), Cynthia Farrar (editor)
6412 cover The Constitution of Empire: Territorial Expansion and American Legal History Gary Lawson, Guy Seidman
6413 cover Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context Elisabeth Ellis
6414 cover The Russian Parliament: Institutional Evolution in a Transitional Regime, 1989-1999 Thomas F. Remington
6415 cover Enemies Within the Gates?: The Comintern and the Stalinist Repression, 1934-1939 William J. Chase, Vadim A. Staklo
6416 cover On the Ideological Front: The Russian Intelligentsia and the Making of the Soviet Public Sphere Stuart Finkel
6417 cover The New Majority: Toward a Popular Progressive Politics Stanley B. Greenberg (editor), Theda Skocpol (editor)
6418 cover The Jewish Political Tradition, Volume 1: Authority Michael Walzer, Menachem Lorberbaum, Noam J. Zohar, Yair Loberbaum
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6420 cover Red Lines, Black Spaces: The Politics of Race and Space in a Black Middle-Class Suburb Bruce D. Haynes
6421 cover Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy Amitai Etzioni
6422 cover Leave No Child Behind: Preparing Today’s Youth for Tomorrow’s World James Comer
6423 cover Evidence Law Adrift Mirjan R. Damaska
6424 cover King Hussein of Jordan: A Political Life Nigel Ashton
6425 cover Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights Harold Koh (editor), Ronald C. Slye (editor)
6426 cover Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad Matthew Levitt, Dennis Ross
6427 cover Fixing Intelligence: For a More Secure America William E. Odom
6428 cover The Quest for Drug Control: Politics and Federal Policy in a Period of Increasing Substance Abuse, 1963†“1981 David F. Musto, Pamela Korsmeyer
6429 cover Fugitive Landscapes: The Forgotten History of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands Samuel Truett
6430 cover Ensuring Greater Yellowstone's Future: Choices for Leaders and Citizens Susan Gail Clark
6431 cover Democracy by Decree: What Happens When Courts Run Government Ross Sandler, David Schoenbrod
6432 cover Distributive Justice and Disability: Utilitarianism against Egalitarianism Mark S. Stein
6433 cover Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law Robert F. Drinan
6434 cover Does American Democracy Still Work? Alan Wolfe
6435 cover Power Without Responsibility: How Congress Abuses the People through Delegation David Schoenbrod
6436 cover Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History James A. Morone
6437 cover Perception and Prejudice: Race and Politics in the United States Jon Hurwitz (editor), Mark Peffley (editor)
6438 cover Downtown: Its Rise and Fall, 1880†“1950 Robert M. Fogelson
6439 cover Immigration and Race: New Challenges for American Democracy Gerald D. Jaynes
6440 cover Same Sex, Different States: When Same-Sex Marriages Cross State Lines Andrew Koppelman
6441 cover The First Three Years and Beyond: Brain Development and Social Policy Edward F. Zigler, Matia Finn-Stevenson, Nancy W. Hall
6442 cover Politics and Symbols: The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism David I. Kertzer
6443 cover Modernization and Its Political Consequences: Weber, Mannheim, and Schumpeter Hans Blokland, Nancy Smyth Van Weesep
6444 cover Out of Reach: Place, Poverty, and the New American Welfare State Scott W. Allard
6445 cover The Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union, and Communism Stanley G. Payne
6446 cover The Future of Liberal Revolution Bruce Ackerman
6447 cover The Preemption War: When Federal Bureaucracies Trump Local Juries Thomas O. McGarity
6448 cover Why Arendt Matters Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
6449 cover Partisan Hearts and Minds: Political Parties and the Social Identities of Voters Donald Green, Bradley Palmquist, Eric Schickler
6450 cover Patriotism and Other Mistakes George Kateb
6451 cover The Nation’s Crucible: The Louisiana Purchase and the Creation of America Peter J. Kastor
6452 cover The Collapse of Soviet Military Power William E. Odom
6453 cover Forgotten Continent: The Battle for Latin America's Soul Michael Reid
6454 cover The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia Robert V. Daniels
6455 cover The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace Ali A. Allawi
6456 cover Financial Statecraft: The Role of Financial Markets in American Foreign Policy [1 ed.] Dr. Benn Steil, Professor Robert E. Litan 1
6457 cover Heidegger's Polemos: From Being to Politics Gregory Fried
6458 cover Race, Campaign Politics, and the Realignment in the South James M. Glaser
6459 cover The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change and Creating a Sustainable World John Firor, Judith E. Jacobsen
6460 cover Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956 David Holloway
6461 cover Parties and Policies: How the American Government Works David R. Mayhew
6462 cover Justice in Plainclothes: A Theory of American Constitutional Practice Lawrence G. Sager
6463 cover The Destruction of the European Jews: Volume 1 Raul Hilberg
6464 cover Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany, and World War II Stanley G. Payne
6465 cover Politics, Law, and Morality: Essays by V.S. Soloviev Vladimir Soloviev (editor), Vladimir Wozniuk (editor)
6466 cover Bush v. Gore: The Question of Legitimacy Bruce Ackerman (editor)
6467 cover The Soviet world of American communism Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, K M Anderson, Rossiĭskiĭ t︠s︡entr khranenii︠a︡ i izuchenii︠a︡ dokumentov noveĭsheĭ istorii
6468 cover Age of Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union David Satter
6469 cover Best Truth: Intelligence in the Information Age Bruce D. Berkowitz, Allan E. Goodman
6470 cover Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State David Satter
6471 cover 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War Benny Morris
6472 cover The Case for Greatness: Honorable Ambition and Its Critics Robert Faulkner
6473 cover Democracy’s Privileged Few: Legislative Privilege and Democratic Norms in the British and American Constitutions Josh Chafetz
6474 cover Off Center: The Republican Revolution and the Erosion of American Democracy Jacob S. Hacker, Paul Pierson
6475 cover Two treatises of government : and a letter concerning toleration John Locke, Ian Shapiro
6476 cover Before the Next Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism Bruce Ackerman
6477 cover The Stalin-Kaganovich Correspondence, 1931†“36 R. W. Davies (editor), Oleg Khlevniuk (editor), E. A. Rees (editor), Liudmila P. Kosheleva (editor), Larisa A. Rogovaya (editor), Steven Shabad (editor)
6478 cover The Hand of the Past in Contemporary Southern Politics James M. Glaser
6479 cover Totalitarianism and the Modern Conception of Politics Michael Halberstam
6480 cover Russia’s Dangerous Texts: Politics Between the Lines Kathleen F. Parthé
6481 cover Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America Robert Alan Goldberg
6482 cover The National Security Constitution: Sharing Power after the Iran-Contra Affair Harold Koh (editor), Mark Jay Mirsky (editor)
6483 cover The Anti-Marcos Struggle: Personalistic Rule and Democratic Transition in the Philippines Mark R. Thompson, Evelyn S. Rawski
6484 cover American Law in the Twentieth Century Lawrence M. Friedman
6485 cover Lodge in Vietnam: A Patriot Abroad Anne E. Blair
6486 cover Crises in U.S. Foreign Policy: An International History Reader Michael H. Hunt
6487 cover The American Jury System Randolph N. Jonakait
6488 cover Battleground Berlin: CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War David E. Murphy, Sergei A. Kondrashev, George Bailey
6489 cover The Eagle and the Lion Bradford Keyes Mudge
6490 cover Originalism, Federalism, and the American Constitutional Enterprise: A Historical Inquiry Carl F. Kaestle, Helen Damon-Moore, Lawrence C. Stedman
6491 cover The Unfinished Revolution: Making Sense of the Communist Past in Central-Eastern Europe James Mark
6492 cover Henry F. du Pont and Winterthur Allen Forte
6493 cover America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy [First Printing ed.] Francis Fukuyama
6494 cover Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution [Updated] Nikki R. Keddie, Yann Richard
6495 cover Alexis de Tocqueville: A Life Hugh Brogan
6496 cover The Myth of Judicial Activism : Making Sense of Supreme Court Decisions Kermit Roosevelt, III Kermit Roosevelt
6497 cover Red Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global Environment [2 ed.] Professor James Gustave Speth 2
6498 cover Plato's Republic: a study Rosen, Stanley
6499 cover Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in an American City, Second Edition [2 ed.] Robert A. Dahl, Douglas W. Rae 2
6500 cover Ukraine's Orange Revolution Wilson, Andrew
6501 cover Democracy and Populism: Fear and Hatred John Lukacs
6502 cover Perestroika!: The Raucous Rebellion in Political Science [1 ed.] Kristen Renwick Monroe (editor) 1
6503 cover Democracy and Populism John Lukacs
6504 cover Inside CIA's Private World: Declassified Articles from the Agency's Internal Journal, 1955-1992 Ericksen
6505 cover Divided We Govern: Party Control, Lawmaking, and Investigations, 1946-2002 [2 ed.] David R. Mayhew 2
6506 cover How Pol Pot Came to Power [2nd edition] Kiernan, Ben,Pol Pot 2
6507 cover The Nation's Crucible: The Louisiana Purchase and the Creation of America Peter J. Kastor
6508 cover Remapping Global Politics: History’s Revenge and Future Shock Yale H. Ferguson, Richard W. Mansbach
6509 cover America's Inadvertent Empire Gen. William E. Odom, Robert Dujarric
6510 cover Democracy in Modern Spain Richard Gunther
6511 cover Taxation and Democracy: Swedish, British, and American Approaches to Financing the Modern State Sven Steinmo
6512 cover Race, Poverty, and Domestic Policy C. Michael Henry
6513 cover City: Urbanism and Its End [1st ed] Douglas W. Rae 1
6514 cover Pakistan: Eye of the Storm Owen Bennett Jones 2
6515 cover A dangerous mind : Carl Schmitt in post-war European thought Schmitt, Carl, Müller, Jan-Werner, Schmitt, Carl
6516 cover 95 Theses on Politics, Culture, and Method Anne Norton
6517 cover Dirty War, Clean Hands Paddy Woodworth
6518 cover Hermeneutics as Politics Deborah Hertz
6519 cover Recasting Conservatism Grant Gilmore
6520 cover Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: Raising the Iron Curtain Yale Richmond
6521 cover American Law in the 20th Century Lawrence M. Friedman
6522 cover The Not So Common Sense: Differences in How People Judge Social and Political Life Professor Shawn W. Rosenberg
6523 cover Science and Colonial Expansion: The Role of the British Royal Botanic Garden: The Role of the British Royal Botanic Gardens [Illustrated] Lucile H. Brockway
6524 cover The Policy Process: A Practical Guide for Natural Resource Professionals Susan G. Clark
6525 cover Empire: The Russian Empire and Its Rivals Dominic Lieven
6526 cover A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia Jean Grondin, Joel Weinsheimer
6527 cover The Market System Charles E. Lindblom
6528 cover Spanish Rome, 1500-1700 Professor Thomas James Dandelet
6529 cover Democratic Justice (The Yale ISPS series) Ian Shapiro
6530 cover Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (Annals of Communism) [First ed.] Laura E. Wolfson
6531 cover Empire: The Russian Empire and Its Rivals Dominic Lieven
6532 cover The Power of Kings: Monarchy and Religion in Europe 1589-1715 [Paperback ed.] Paul Kleber Monod
6533 cover German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial Associate Prof. John Horne, Dr. Alan Kramer, Alan Kramer
6534 cover Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War [1 ed.] Ronald Radosh (editor), Mary Habeck (editor), Grigory Sevostianov (editor) 1
6535 cover The Mobilization of Shame S.B. Chrimes
6536 cover The Soul of Latin America Larry Neal
6537 cover Collapse of the Soviet Military Gen. William E. Odom
6538 cover Forests and peasant politics in modern France Tamara L. Whited
6539 cover The Faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the Twentieth Century A. James Gregor
6540 cover A Darwinian Left: Politics, Evolution, and Cooperation [1st ed.] Peter Singer 1
6541 cover Fighting for American Manhood: How Gender Politics Provoked the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars Kristin L. Hoganson
6542 cover From War to Peace: Altered Strategic Landscapes in the Twentieth Century Paul Kennedy
6543 cover Philip III and the Pax Hispanica, 1598-1621: The Failure of Grand Strategy (Yale Historical Publications) Paul C. Allen
6544 cover Brandeis and the Progressive Constitution: Erie, the Judicial Power, and the Politics of the Federal Courts in Twentieth-Century America [Illustrated] Edward A. Purcell
6545 cover Bitter Fruit: The Politics of Black-Korean Conflict in New York City Claire Jean Kim
6546 cover Elections as Instruments of Democracy Frank B. Golley
6547 cover Bitter Fruit Stanley Rosen
6548 cover Then I Was Black Mario Bunge
6549 cover Political Will and Personal Belief: The Decline and Fall of Soviet Communism Paul Hollander
6550 cover On Toleration Michael Walzer
6551 cover Hegel's Philosophy of Freedom Paul Franco
6552 cover Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917 Orlando Figes, Boris Kolonitskii
6553 cover Dreams and Delusions: The Drama of German History Fritz Stern
6554 cover Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939 J. Arch Getty, Oleg V. Naumov 1
6555 cover Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity Steven B. Smith
6556 cover Not Without Honor: The History of American Anticommunism [Paperback ed.] Richard Gid Powers
6557 cover The Reign of Law Marbury v. Madison and the Construction of America Paul W. Kahn
6558 cover Greed, Chaos, and Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law Mashaw, Jerry L.
6559 cover The Bolsheviks in Russian Society: The Revolution and the Civil Wars Vladimir N. Brovkin
6560 cover Political Paranoia: The Psychopolitics of Hatred Robert S. Robins, Jerrold M. Post
6561 cover Modern Italy: A Political History Denis Mack Smith
6562 cover Opera and Politics: From Monteverdi to Henze [1 ed.] John Bokina 1
6563 cover The Constitution of deliberative democracy [First Edition] Carlos Santiago Nino
6564 cover Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science Green, Donald P.,Shapiro, I.,Shapiro, Ian
6565 cover The Rational Choice Controversy: Economic Models of Politics Reconsidered Jeffrey Friedman
6566 cover Reflections of a Cold Warrior: From Yalta To The Bay Of Pigs Richard M. Bissell Jr., Jonathan E. Lewis, Frances T. Pudlo
6567 cover The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Scepticism Michael Oakeshott, Timothy Fuller
6568 cover The Secret World of American Communism Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov
6569 cover American Civil Procedure Geoffrey C. Hazard, Michele Taruffo
6570 cover French Fascism: The Second Wave, 1933-1939 Robert Soucy
6571 cover In the Shadow of War: The United States Since the 1930s Michael S. Sherry
6572 cover Argentina's Lost Patrol: Armed Struggle, 1969-1979 Maria José Moyano
6573 cover Untimely Thoughts: Essays on Revolution, Culture, and the Bolsheviks, 1917-1918 Maxim Gorky, Herman Ermolaev, Mark D. Steinberg
6574 cover Modernity and Nostalgia: Art and Politics in France Between the Wars Romy Golan
6575 cover Japan among the powers, 1890-1990 Sydney Giffard
6576 cover The Fate of Marxism in Russia Alexander Yakovlev
6577 cover Chinese Village, Socialist State Edward Friedman, Mark Selden, Paul G. Pickowicz, Kay Ann Johnson
6578 cover Arendt, Camus and Modern Rebellion Jeffrey C. Isaac
6579 cover Domination and the Arts of Resistance. Hidden transcripts James C. Scott
6580 cover Dean Acheson: The Cold War Years, 1953-71 Douglas Brinkley
6581 cover Fauve painting: the making of cultural politics James D. Herbert
6582 cover Belonging to America: Equal Citizenship and the Constitution Kenneth L. Karst
6583 cover Marx and Modern Fiction [1 ed.] Edward J. Ahearn 1
6584 cover Democracy and Its Critics [Reissue ed.] Robert A. Dahl
6585 cover After the Revolution?: Authority in a Good Society, Revised Edition Robert A. Dahl
6586 cover Neither East Nor West: Iran, the Soviet Union, and the United States [Hardcover ed.] Nikki R. Keddie
6587 cover Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics, Enlarged Edition Emmanuel Sivan
6588 cover Spanish Imperialism and the Political Imagination: Studies in European and Spanish-American Social and Political Theory 1513-1830 Anthony Pagden
6589 cover The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations [Paperback ed.] James A. Bill
6590 cover The formation of science in Japan : building a research tradition Bartholomew, James R.
6591 cover Communism and Collaboration: Simon Sabiani and Politics in Marseille, 1919-1944 Paul Jankowski
6592 cover Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition, and Racism in Everyday Life Detlev J.K. Peukert, Richard Deveson
6593 cover The Materialist Conception of History Karl Kautsky
6594 cover Corruption and the Decline of Rome Ramsay MacMullen
6595 cover Marxism and Democracy in Chile: From 1932 to the Fall of Allende Julio Faúndez
6596 cover Decolonization and African Independence: The Transfers of Power, 1960-1980 Prosser Gifford, Wm. Roger Louis
6597 cover Ideology and U.S Foreign Policy Michael H. Hunt
6598 cover The Fellow Travelers: Intellectual Friends of Communism David Caute
6599 cover Logic and Politics: Hegel's Philosophy of Right Peter J. Steinberger
6600 cover Closed Borders: The Contemporary Assault on Freedom of Movement Alan Dowty
6601 cover A Diplomatic History of The American Revolution Jonathan R. Dull
6602 cover Apartheid's Rebels: Inside South Africa's Hidden War [pbk. ed.] Stephen M. Davis
6603 cover Faces of Justice and State Authority - A Comparative Approach to the Legal Process Mirjan R. Damaska
6604 cover Drug, Set, and Setting: The Basis for Controlled Intoxicant Use [1 ed.] Norman Zinberg 1
6605 cover The Least Dangerous Branch: Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics [2nd ed.] Alexander M. Bickel, Harry H. Wellington 2
6606 cover Russia As A "Developing Society" [1] Teodor Shanin 1
6607 cover The Roots of Otherness: Russia's Turn of Century · Volume 2 Teodor Shanin 2
6608 cover Citizenship without consent: illegal aliens in the American polity Peter H. Schuck, Rogers M. Smith
6609 cover American Hostages in Iran: The Conduct of a Crisis [1st ed.] Warren Christopher et al. 1
6610 cover The Tragedy of Political Science: Politics, Scholarship, and Democracy [1st ed.] David M. Ricci 1
6611 cover Benjamin Constant and Making of Modern Liberalism Stephen Holmes
6612 cover Republicans and imperialists : Anglo-Irish relations in the 1930s Deirdre McMahon
6613 cover Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy: Autonomy vs. Control Robert A. Dahl
6614 cover Religion and Politics in Iran: Shi'ism from Quietism to Revolution Keddie
6615 cover Social Justice in the Liberal State Bruce Ackerman
6616 cover The War Trap [1 ed.] Professor Bruce Bueno de Mesquita 1
6617 cover Distorting mirrors: Visions of the crowd in late nineteenth-century France [1 ed.] Susanna Barrows 1
6618 cover Arrow’s Theorem, The Paradox of Social Choice: A Case Study in the Philosophy of Economics [1st ed.] Alfred F. MacKay 1
6619 cover Arab Politics: The Search for Legitimacy [Hardcover ed.] Michael C. Hudson
6620 cover The Politics of Catherinian Russia: The Panin Party David L. Ransel
6621 cover Modern Social Politics in Britain and Sweden: From Relief to Income Maintenance Hugh Heclo
6622 cover The Cosmology of Freedom Robert C. Neville
6623 cover The French Colonial Myth And Constitution Making In The Fourth Republic D. Bruce Marshall
6624 cover Source Book for Russian History from Early Times to 1917, Vol. 2: Peter the Great to Nicholas I George Vernadsky
6625 cover Agrarian Reform and Peasant Revolution in Spain: Origins of the Civil War Edward E. Malefakis
6626 cover Social Choice and Individual Values: Issue 12 Kenneth J. Arrow 2
6627 cover The Archaic Community of the Romans (Yale Classical Studies) [Reissue ed.] Robert E. A. Palmer
6628 cover China in Revolution: The First Phase 1900-1913 Mary Clabaugh Wright
6629 cover Politics, Strategy, And American Diplomacy: Studies In Foreign Policy, 1873 - 1917 George Young
6630 cover Socialist parties in postwar Japan Allan B. Cole, George O. Totten, Cecil H. Uyehara
6631 cover Slave Society in the British Leeward Islands at the End of the Eighteenth Century Elsa V. Goveia
6632 cover The Rule of Law in European Integration: The Path of the Schuman Plan Stuart A. Scheingold
6633 cover the pure theory of politics Bertrand de Jouvenel
6634 cover Yugoslavia at the Paris Peace Conference. A Study in Frontier Making. [With Plates.]. Ivo J. Lederer
6635 cover The Myth of the State. [1St Edition] Ernst. Cassirer 1
6636 cover Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City [1 ed.] Robert A. Dahl 1
6637 cover Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power Karl A. Wittfogel
6638 cover The Liberal Temper in Greek Politics Eric Havelock
6639 cover Control of Japanese foreign policy : a study of civil-military rivalry, 1930-1945 Yale Candee Maxon
6640 cover The Real Soviet Russia David J. Dallin
6641 cover Secretary Of Europe; The Life Of Friedrich Gentz, Enemy Of Napoleon Golo Mann
6642 cover The Second Duma: A Study of the Social-Democratic Party and the Russian Constitutional Experiment Alfred Levin
6643 cover The Diplomatic Background of the War, 1870-1914 Charles Seymour
6644 cover Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge [Original retail ed.] Alan M. Dershowitz
6645 cover The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East Christopher Phillips
6646 cover The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Cases, Materials, and Commentary Derek M. Jones
6647 cover Understanding computers and cognition Terry Winograd, Fernando Flores
6648 cover The Geopolitical Orbits of Ancient India: The Geographical Frames of the Ancient Indian Dynasties Chakrabarty, Dilip K.
6649 cover Les Héritiers du Milieu Thierry Colombié
6650 cover Les héritiers de la république Fottorino, Eric
6651 cover Les Indiens Virmani Arundhati
6652 cover Les Irlandais Agnès Maillot
6653 cover Les Inuits, résistants ! Anne Pélouas
6654 cover Les Joies d'en bas: Tout sur le sexe feminin Nina Brochmann, Ellen Støkken dahl
6655 cover Les journalistes ne devraient pas dire ça Gaetner Gilles
6656 cover Les jeunes femmes de cinquante ans Desclaux, Mylène
6657 cover Impasse and Grievance Resolution Colin Gee
6658 cover Dans la tête de ma psy, et comment choisir le sien Wieviorka, Sylvie
6659 cover Shared Housing, Shared Lives Sue Heath &amp, Katherine Davies &amp, Gemma Edwards and Rachael M. Scicluna
6660 cover Empire of Crime Tim Newark
6661 cover Les Épreuves (1984-1988) Favier, Pierre &amp, Martin-Roland, Michel
6662 cover Le syndrome de Vichy: De 1944 à nos jours ROUSSO, Henry
6663 cover Radiographie (DOCUMENTS) RUQUIER, Laurent
6664 cover Cartografías del cuerpo. Biopolítica de la ciencia y la tecnología
6665 cover España salvaje
6666 cover Federations
6667 cover La España de Abel
6668 cover Memoria de la Segunda República
6669 cover Neofascismo
6670 cover The technological society Ellul, Jacques
6671 cover The politics of God and the politics of man Ellul, Jacques, 1912-1994
6672 cover The political illusion Ellul, Jacques
6673 cover Missile Gap Charles Stross
6674 cover Ta carrière est fi-nie ! SHEPARD, Zoé
6675 cover The Paris Peace Conference 1919 SHEPLEY, Nick
6676 cover Réflexes primitifs SLOTERDIJK, Peter
6677 cover L'Europe de 1815 à nos jours SOUTOU, Georges-Henri
6678 cover Corruption: Club corruption Jenika Snow &amp, Sam Crescent
6679 cover From Dictatorship to Democracy Gene Sharp
6680 cover Terror: Antologia
6681 cover The End of the Myth: From the frontier to the border wall in the mind of america Grandin, Greg
6682 cover The Invincible Family Kimberly Ells
6683 cover Panfleto contra la democracia realmente existente Gustavo Bueno
6684 cover Autopsie des morts célèbres Charlier, Philippe &amp, Alliot, David
6685 cover Le pouvoir de la voix Abitbol, Jean
6686 cover À ouvrir en cas d'apocalypse Dartnell, Lewis
6687 cover Radio libre Albemut Philip K. Dick
6688 cover Les Super-Héros Brunner, Vincent
6689 cover Empire colonial et capitalisme français: Histoire d'un divorce (Bibliothèque de l'Evolution de l'Humanité) Marseille, Jacques
6690 cover Comment Hitchcock m'a guéri Tisseron, Serge
6691 cover Les tisserands Abdennour Bidar
6692 cover Le renseignement criminel François Farcy, Jean-François Gayraud
6693 cover Omerta sur la viande Hinard, Pierre
6694 cover Peut-on prévoir l'avenir ? Attali, Jacques
6695 cover Les Successeurs De Marx Ellul, Jacques
6696 cover Dites-nous, Luc Perino, à quoi sert vraiment un médecin ? Perino, Luc
6697 cover Martin Scorsese, l'infiltré Régis Dubois
6698 cover En cas d'urgence, faites le 15 Xavier Emmanuelli &amp,&amp, Suzanne Tartière
6699 cover La malédiction d'être fille Sigaud, Dominique
6700 cover Utopie Bouchet Thomas
6701 cover Les morts de la Deûle Statius, Tomas
6702 cover Deliver Us From Evil Jones, Conrad
6703 cover Les libéraux n'aiment pas les femmes Lanctôt, Aurélie
6704 cover Les médias sont-ils dangereux ?
6705 cover Les Micros du canard Angeli, Claude, Mesnier, Stéphanie
6706 cover Les métiers du développement territorial au Québec Martin Robitaille
6707 cover Les Mirages de la certitude Siri Hustvedt
6708 cover Les Napolitains Marcelle Padovani
6709 cover Les musulmans ne sont pas des bébés phoques André VERSAILLE
6710 cover Les Néo-conservateurs Grange, Juliette
6711 cover Les mousquetaires du Président Alain Le Caro, Gilles Halais
6712 cover Les Nouveaux Héritiers Nicolas Fremeaux
6713 cover Les nouveaux remèdes naturels Pelt, Jean-Marie
6714 cover Les nouvelles guerres Boris Razon, Étienne Huver
6715 cover How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits Berest, Anne &amp, Diwan, Audrey &amp, Maigret, Caroline de &amp, Mas, Sophie
6716 cover Les Paradoxes de l'Iran Adelkhah, Fariba
6717 cover Les paradoxes de Monsieur Hulot Jean-Luc Bennahmias
6718 cover Les Palestiniens Melinee Le priol, Chloe Rouveyrolles &amp, Chloé Rouveyrolles
6719 cover Les Passeurs de livres de Daraya. Une bibliothèque clandestine en Syrie Delphine Minoui
6720 cover Les Orphelins politiques Paul St-Pierre Plamondon
6721 cover Maman... cet océan entre nous Gabrielle Lazure
6722 cover Un: Par pauteur de jonathan livingston le goelnad d'llusions d'Un pont sur I'infini et de fuir sa securite Richard Bach
6723 cover Les Français jihadistes David Thomson
6724 cover La foire aux illuminés Taguieff
6725 cover Du fond des ténèbres - 11 John Rebus Rankin Ian
6726 cover L'homme nu Marc Dugain &amp, Christophe Labbé
6727 cover Humanitude Gineste
6728 cover A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling
6729 cover South Sudan: A Slow Liberation Edward Thomas
6730 cover The Most Dangerous Man In the World Andrew Fowler
6731 cover Democracia feminista Alicia Miyares
6732 cover Empujando al patriarcado Enloe, Cynthia
6733 cover Hij@s del mercado Balaguer, María Luisa
6734 cover Simple: Una idea para transformar el futuro de america latina Frigerio, Gerónimo
6735 cover Ici pour aller ailleurs Dyer, Geoff
6736 cover Bienvenue dans le pire des mondes Comité ORWELL &amp, Natacha POLONY
6737 cover Comprendre Levinas Akamatsu
6738 cover Organiser le monde Sandrine Kott
6739 cover Le harcèlement sexuel Muriel Salmona
6740 cover India Unmade Yashwant Sinha &amp, Aditya Sinha
6741 cover Les Polonais, audacieux ! Maja Szymanowska
6742 cover Les Polonais, entrepreneurs Maja Szymanowska
6743 cover Les Présidents face à Dieu Tronchot, Marc
6744 cover Unto This Last, and Other Essays on Political Economy Ruskin, John
6745 cover A Brief History of Indonesia Hannigan, Tim
6746 cover Critique and Praxis Harcourt, Bernard E.
6747 cover How Parliament Works Rogers, Robert,Walters, R. H.
6748 cover Liberalism: Find a Cure Dice, Mark
6749 cover Out of the Shadows: Portugal From Revolution to the Present Day Lochery, Neill
6750 cover Secret Societies Reconsidered: Perspectives on the Social History of Early Modern South China and Southeast Asia Robert J. Antony
6751 cover The Fall of Paris Horne, Alistair
6752 cover The Politics and Philosophy of Chinese Power R. James Ferguson,Rosita Dellios
6753 cover True Crimes and Misdemeanors Toobin, Jeffrey
6754 cover Gettysburg: The Confederate High Tide 15 Champ Clark
6755 cover American Madness Krulos, Tea
6756 cover Death of Innocence Till-Mobley, Mamie
6757 cover Ethics and Policies for Cyber Operations: A NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Initiative
6758 cover Encyclopedia of American Activism B. DiCanio, Margaret Ph.D.
6759 cover Judenstaat Zelitch, Simone
6760 cover Liberalism and Pluralism: Towards a politics of compromise Richard Bellamy
6761 cover Maid: Hard work,low pay,and a mother's will to survive Land, Stephanie
6762 cover Rachel Maddow Rogak, Lisa
6763 cover The Politics Book DK Publishing, Inc.
6764 cover The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1 [of 3] Benjamin Franklin 3
6765 cover Empire of Secrets Calder Walton
6766 cover Great Britain and the American Civil War (Civil War Classics) 1 Adams, Ephraim Douglass
6767 cover A Perfidious Distortion of History Tampke, Jurgen
6768 cover Adam Smiths Political Philosophy: The invisible hand and spontaneous order Smith, Craig
6769 cover Foreign Policy Analysis: New Approaches Alden, Chris,Aran, Amnon
6770 cover Die Vergangenheit vor Augen. Erinnerungsräume bei den attischen Rednern 116 Kostopoulos, Katharina
6771 cover Les québecois Laurence Pivot, Nathalie Schneider &amp, Nathalie Schneider
6772 cover Les relations internationales depuis 1945 - 14e édition Vaïsse
6773 cover Les relations internationales depuis 1945 - 16e éd. Maurice Vaïsse
6774 cover Les Religions, le sexe et nous Aurélie Godefroy
6775 cover Les revenants. Ils étaient partis faire le jihad, ils sont de retour en France David Thomson
6776 cover Les semences: un patrimoine vital en voie de disparition Pierre Rabhi, Juliette Duquesne
6777 cover Les services secrets israéliens, Aman, Mossad et Shin Beth Eric Denécé, David Elkaïm
6778 cover Les Siciliens Giovanni Privitera
6779 cover In Search of Isaiah Berlin Hardy, Henry
6780 cover The Cruel Radiance: Photography and Political Violence Linfield, Susie
6781 cover The Grifter's Club Sarah Blaskey, Nicholas Nehamas, Caitlin Ostroff and Jay Weaver
6782 cover Generation Erdogan · Die Türkei · ein zerrissenes Land im 21. Jahrhundert Akyol, Cigdem
6783 cover Two War Years in Constantinople / Sketches of German and Young Turkish Ethics and Politics Harry Stürmer
6784 cover Les Rien-pensants Lévy Élisabeth
6785 cover Hitler ganó la guerra Walter Graziano
6786 cover Retrotopia Bauman, Zygmunt
6787 cover Fail-Safe Eugene Burdick, Harvey Wheeler
6788 cover #papacuentameotravez Daniel Serrano
6789 cover 11 de Septiembre Chomsky, Noam
6790 cover 20 History of Political Ideas, V2 Eric Voegelin
6791 cover 20 idées reçues sur la Turquie Gourisse, Benjamin
6792 cover 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Yuval Noah Harari
6793 cover 33 ans avec vous ! Pernaut, Jean-Pierre
6794 cover A Critical Theory of Police Power: The Fabrication of Social Order Mark Neocleous
6795 cover A Land between Waters: Environmental Histories of Modern Mexico Christopher R. Boyer
6796 cover A Politics of Love Marianne Williamson
6797 cover A situação da classe trabalhadora na Inglaterra Friedrich Engels
6799 cover ¿Quién domina el mundo? Chomsky, Noam
6800 cover Élysée Circus: Une histoire drôle et cruelle des présidentielles Garrigues, Jean &amp, Ruhlmann, Jean
6801 cover ABSOLUMENT DÉ-BOR-DÉE&nbsp;! Shepard, Zoe
6802 cover Adamya Sahas (Hindi) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
6803 cover Advanced Administration Mary E Williams
6804 cover Afrotopia Sarr Felwine
6805 cover Agent Sonya Macintyre, Ben
6806 cover Agir ensemble Nadeau, Christian
6807 cover An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (Oxford World's Classics) Godwin, William
6808 cover Analytical Marxism: A Critique Marcus Roberts
6809 cover And Never Let Her Go Ann Rule
6810 cover At War with Asia: Essays on Indochina Noam Chomsky
6811 cover Ataque a la democracia y al bien social Vicenç Navarro
6812 cover AUGUSTE COMTE
6813 cover Aur Kitani Nirbhya Sharma, Vinayak
6815 cover Backlash Thor, Brad
6816 cover Barrio Dreams: Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and the Neoliberal City Arlene Dávila
6817 cover Between Existentialism and Marxism Sartre, Jean-Paul
6818 cover Beyond the Chains of Illusion Erich Fromm
6819 cover Bharat Bhagya Vidhata (Hindi) Kalam, APJ Abdul
6820 cover Black Freemasonry - Cecile Revauger 1 1 F3thinker !
6821 cover bolivarianas
6822 cover Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism Walia, Harsha
6823 cover Breaking and Entering Jeremy N. Smith
6824 cover Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right about Why You Hate Your Job Gavin Mueller
6825 cover Burma's Mass Lay Meditation Movement: Buddhism and the Cultural Construction of Power Ingrid Jordt
6826 cover Caesar's Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History Denis Feeney
6827 cover Cahiers secrets de la Ve République, tome 4 (1997-2007) Cotta &amp, Michèle Cotta
6828 cover Cahiers secrets de la Ve République: 1965-1977 Michèle Cotta
6829 cover Cahiers secrets de la Ve République: 1986-1997 Michèle Cotta
6830 cover Centres and Peripheries in the Post-Soviet Space. Relevance and Meanings of a Classical Distinction 21 Alexander Filippov, Nicolas Hayoz, Jens Herlth (Eds.)
6831 cover Changed Scarlett Grove
6832 cover Chomsky esencial Noam Chomsky
6833 cover Chomsky Notebook Julie Franck and Jean Bricmont (eds.)
6834 cover Chronicles of Dissent: Interviews with David Barsamian Noam Chomsky
6835 cover Churchill. La biografia Roberts, Andrew
6836 cover CITE DES MOTS (LA) Alberto Manguel
6837 cover Combate por la concordia Fernández, Roberto
6838 cover Comme ses pieds Dhorasoo, Vikash
6839 cover Comme un musulman en France Saidi, Ismaël
6840 cover Comment j'ai cessé d'être juif Shlomo Sand
6841 cover Continental Divide Seymour Martin Lipset
6842 cover Culture of Terrorism Noam Chomsky
6843 cover Daech, la main du diable Moniquet Claude
6844 cover De bruit et de fureur De Clausade, Virginie
6845 cover De la postcolonie Mbembe, Achille
6846 cover De Vichy à la Communauté européenne Antonin Cohen
6847 cover Dealbreaker L. X. Beckett
6848 cover Decolonising the Mind Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
6849 cover Deep State Stewart, James B.
6850 cover Deh Hi Desh Srivastava, Garima
6851 cover Del contrato social al contrato psicoanalítico Gregorio G. Kaminsky
6852 cover Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism Peter Marshall
6853 cover Democracy and Power: The Delhi Lectures Noam Chomsky
6854 cover det Le Monde selon Kim Jong-un Morillot, Juliette &amp, Malovic, Dorian
6855 cover Deterring Democracy Noam Chomsky
6856 cover Dialogue entre un carnivore et un végétarien Michael Huemer
6857 cover Dictator Robert Harris
6858 cover Die Revolution ist fällig: Aber sie ist verboten Müller, Albrecht
6859 cover Dis, quand reviendras-tu ? Ballay, Hubert
6860 cover Discourse on Colonialism Aimé Césaire
6861 cover Divers contes Dumas, Alexandre
6862 cover Divertirse hasta morir Neil Postman
6863 cover Double Crossfire Tata, Anthony J.
6864 cover Dr. Ambedkar Rajneeti, Dharm Aur Samvidhan Vichar (Hindi) JADHAV, NARENDRA
6865 cover Dreams of Leaving and Remaining James Meek
6866 cover Du pain et du jasmin Monia Mazigh
6867 cover El Fabricante de Capuchas Arácnido
6868 cover El Imperio y la Multitud Principal
6869 cover El intercambio imposible Jean Baudrillard
6870 cover El lado correcto de la historia Shapiro, Ben
6871 cover El manifiesto Comunista
6872 cover El mito de Hitler Ian Kershaw
6873 cover el principio del estado Mijail Bakunin
6874 cover El refugio Nessa Odalys
6875 cover El Socialismo Max Weber
6876 cover Elysée Circus: Une histoire drôle et cruelle des présidentielles Garrigues, Jean &amp, Ruhlmann, Jean
6877 cover Encuentro con el General Rosas Charles Darwin
6878 cover Eric Voegelin History of Political Ideas V7 Eric Voegelin
6879 cover Esclave de Daech (Documents) B., Jinan
6880 cover Estados fallidos Chomsky, Noam
6881 cover Etat du monde 2021 Le Monde Politique
6882 cover Europa contra Europa, 1914-1945 Casanova, Julián
6883 cover Europe and the Financial Crisis Pompeo Della Posta &amp, Leila Simona Talani
6884 cover Extermination Brown, E. William
6885 cover FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order
6886 cover Fracture Coloniale, LA Blanchard, Pascal
6887 cover François Furet: Les chemins de la mélancolie Prochasson, Christophe
6888 cover François Mauriac Jean-Luc Barré
6889 cover Géopolitique des énergies Tellenne, Cédric
6890 cover Gaza in Crisis Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé
6891 cover Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Assault: Challenging the Myths Corina Schulze, Sarah Koon-Magnin, Valerie Bryan
6892 cover GILLES DELEUZE Jon
6893 cover God and the State Michael Bakunin
6894 cover God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Hitchens, Christopher
6895 cover Grands mots d'ordre et petites phrases pour gagner la présidentielle Lucot, Hubert
6896 cover Guerilla Obertone, Laurent
6897 cover Guerres invisibles Gomart, Thomas
6898 cover GUERRILLAS IN THE MIST: Expanded and Updated R.P. Newman
6899 cover Hacia la República Federal Ibérica Gibson, Ian
6900 cover Hindu Rashtra Ashutosh
6901 cover Histoire de l'Espagne contemporaine: de 1808 à nos jours Jordi Canal
6902 cover History of Political Ideas, V1, Part 1 Eric Voegelin
6903 cover History of Political Ideas, V1, Part 2 Eric Voegelin
6904 cover History of Political Ideas, V5, Religion and the Rise of Modernity Eric Voegelin
6905 cover Hopes and Prospects Noam Chomsky
6906 cover How the World Works Noam Chomsky, David Barsamian, Arthur Naiman
6907 cover IDA- Buck Black, Tasha
6908 cover Il venait d'avoir dix-sept ans Sylvie Bommel
6909 cover Imperial Ambitions DAVID BARSAMIAN
6910 cover Imperialismo y globalización
6911 cover Impostor Arácnido
6912 cover Inconceivable Morrison, KT
6913 cover Internationalism or Extinction Noam Chomsky
6914 cover IRISH Jaime Lewis
6915 cover J'ai séquestré Kim Kardashian Abbas, Yunice
6916 cover Jail Speak Langston, Ben
6917 cover Je suis né à 17 ans Beccaro, Thierry
6918 cover Jean Baudrillard
6919 cover Jinetes del Radio Arácnido
6920 cover Joe Biden, de Scranton à la Maison Blanche Cadier, Jean-Bernard
6921 cover Karl Marx's Capital Marx, Karl
6922 cover Keeping the Rabble in Line: Interviews with David Barsamian Noam Chomsky
6923 cover Killing the SS O'Reilly, Bill
6924 cover Kitne Pakistan (Hindi) Kamleshwar
6925 cover La berlina de Prim Gibson, Ian
6926 cover La Couleur au cinéma Yannick Mouren
6927 cover La demolición: La gran traición de Sánchez a la democracia Rosa Díez
6928 cover La force du gentil Malouines, Marie-Eve
6929 cover La France dans le monde Charillon, Frédéric (sd)
6930 cover La France et l'Europe de Napoléon 1804-1814 Thierry Lentz
6931 cover La géopolitique des séries Moïsi Dominique
6932 cover La Karaba Juan Valera
6933 cover La mesure de la force - Traité de stratégie de l'École de guerre Martin Motte &amp, Georges-Henri Soutou &amp, Jérôme de Lespinois &amp, Olivier Zajec
6934 cover La Promesa de la Politica Hannah Arendt
6935 cover La putain du califat Daniel, Sara &amp, Kanabus, Benoît
6936 cover La santé autrement Dr Antoine DEMONCEAUX
6937 cover La supplication: Tchernobyl, chroniques du monde après l'apocalypse (Essais et documents) Alexievitch, Svetlana
6938 cover L'État succursale Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay
6939 cover L'Afrique au-delà du miroir Diop Boubacar Boris
6940 cover Language and Politics Noam Chomsky
6941 cover Las Siete Partidas servidor
6942 cover L'Atome expliqué à mes petits-enfants Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond
6943 cover Le Cinéma Dans Le Sang Tavernier, Bertrand
6944 cover Le crépuscule des idoles progressistes Levet Bérénice
6945 cover Le Mythe Hitler Ian Kershaw
6946 cover Le naufrage des civilisations Maalouf, Amin
6947 cover Le petit roman de Haïti Menant Marc
6948 cover Le prophète et la pandémie Kepel, Gilles
6949 cover Le séparatisme islamiste Darmanin, Gérald
6950 cover Le virus et le Président Izambert, Jean-Loup &amp, Janvier, Claude
6951 cover Le voleur d'amour Malka, Richard
6952 cover Leadershit. Warum es Arschlöcher in Wirtschaft und Politik am weitesten bringen: Mit großem Bestimmungsteil: Wie erkennt man ein Arschloch Maier, Michael
6953 cover Les Animaux Et Leurs Langages Meijer, Eva
6954 cover Les apprentis sorciers Mailly, Jean-Claude
6955 cover Les faux jetons Sophie, Coignard
6956 cover Les générations déshéritées Mangot, Mickaël
6957 cover Les guerriers sans nom Notin, Jean-Christophe
6958 cover Les inamovibles de la République Chloé MORIN
6959 cover Les mercredis de l'Élysée - Conseil des ministres Bonte, Bérengère
6960 cover Les narcos français brisent l'omerta Ploquin, Frédéric
6961 cover Les Sud-Africiains Valérie Hirsch
6962 cover Les Thaïlandais Eugenie Merieau
6963 cover Les tireuses d'élite de l'Armée rouge Vinogradova, Liouba
6964 cover Les Usurpateurs. Comment les entreprises transnationales prennent le pouvoir Susan George
6965 cover Les vingt prochaines années - L'avenir vu par les services de renseignements américains Bruno Tertrais
6966 cover Les violences sournoises dans le couple Isabelle LEVERT
6967 cover Lettre d'un député inquiet à un premier ministre qui devrait l'être Nadeau-Dubois, Gabriel
6968 cover Lettre ouverte aux fidèles et aux rebelles de l'Église Alain de La Morandais
6969 cover Lettres à un souverainiste Léa Clermont-Dion
6970 cover Lettres des animaux à ceux qui les prennent pour des bêtes Allain Bougrain-dubourg
6971 cover Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas,Gaskin, J. C. A.
6972 cover L'homme qui ne devait pas être président Rissouli
6973 cover L'homme qui s'était infiltré à Auschwitz Avey, Denis &amp, Broomby, Rob
6974 cover L'homme-chevreuil. Sept ans de vie sauvage Delorme, Geoffroy
6975 cover Liban - identités, pouvoirs et conflits Meier, Daniel
6976 cover Liberté, égalité, fraternité - Sur le républicanisme français Vincent Peillon
6977 cover Libra DeLillo, Don
6978 cover L'inconnu de la poste Aubenas Florence
6979 cover L'islam dans tous ses états Jacques Rifflet
6980 cover Little Red Lee, Caroline
6981 cover L'ivrogne et la marchande de fleurs: Autopsie d'un meurtre de masse, 1937-1938 Werth, Nicolas
6982 cover L'Oligarchie des incapables Sophie Coignard &amp, Romain Gubert
6983 cover Love et caetera Banon, Tristane
6984 cover Lucha de ideas en nuestramérica Hugo E. Biagini
6985 cover L'Utopie Thomas More
6986 cover Ma Bibliothèque Ladjali ,Cécile
6987 cover Ma Vie Chez Les Milliardaires Russes Freyssac, Marie
6988 cover Mâles d'hier, hommes d'aujourd'hui - Les confidences du pénis Ismael Khelifa
6989 cover Médecin de guerre, de l'Afghanistan à Paris Cohen, Elie paul
6990 cover Médecine, régimes Marc Menant
6991 cover Médiarchie Yves Citton
6992 cover Méfiez-vous des blancs, habitants du rivage ! Alain Badiou
6993 cover Mélanie, française et musulmane Mélanie Georgiades
6994 cover Bismarck Mémoires Bismarck, Otto von
6995 cover Métamorphoses d'Israël depuis 1948 Mati Ben-Avraham
6996 cover Macron ou la démocratie de fer Darmon, Michaël
6997 cover Macron par Touraine TOURAINE, Alain
6998 cover Made in Sweden Roslund Anders - Thunberg Stefan
6999 cover Mai 68: by Boris Gobille Boris Gobille
7000 cover Main basse sur Marseille... et la Corse Jean-Michel Verne
7001 cover Maintenir la paix en zones postconflit Samuel Tanner, Benoit Dupont
7002 cover Malade! Vadeboncœur, Alain
7003 cover Manifeste Femen Collectif Femen
7004 cover Manifiesto del Partido Comunista Carlos Marx y Federico Engels
7005 cover Marianne porte plainte ! Fatou Diome
7006 cover Marins de nos vies Buchet, Christian
7007 cover Martin Luther King Laurent, Sylvie
7008 cover Marx en el siglo XXI James Petras
7009 cover Marx's Concept of Man Erich Fromm
7010 cover Matigari Thiong'o, Ngugi wa
7011 cover Maudites Bougrab, Jeannette
7012 cover Maurice Garrel, le veilleur Morice, Jacques
7013 cover Media Control: The spectacular achievements of propaganda Chomsky, Noam 2
7014 cover Menace sur nos libertés Julian, Assange
7015 cover Mes 25 ans aux USA Richard Hétu
7016 cover Mes années avec Mitterrand Bianco, Jean-Louis
7017 cover Mi vida y mi doctrina Hipólito Yrigoyen
7018 cover Miedo. Trump en la Casa Blanca Woodward, Bob
7019 cover Minutes of Glory Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
7020 cover Miroirs des princes Michel Schneider
7021 cover MOAB Jouannais, Jean-Yves
7022 cover Mobutu Langellier, Jean-Pierre
7023 cover Mohammad Réza Pahlavi Yves BOMATI, Houchang NAHAVANDI
7024 cover Moi, Emmanuel Macron, je me dis que... Bilger Philippe
7025 cover Mon djihad. Itinéraire d'un repenti (ESSAIS-DOCUMENT) Dounia Bouzar &amp, Farid Benyettou
7026 cover Mon frère Depardieu, Alain
7027 cover Monde arabe, le grand chambardement Aubin de La Messuzière, Yves
7028 cover Monstre Gérard DEPARDIEU
7029 cover Mortelle transparence Olivennes, Denis &amp, Chichportich, Mathias
7030 cover Mossad
7031 cover Négociateur au Raid Caupenne, Christophe
7032 cover N'abandonnez jamais, ne renoncez à rien Francis HUSTER
7033 cover Napoléon et 40 millions de sujets Jean Tulard, Marie-José Tulard
7034 cover Napoléon et la Conquête de l'Europe Thierry Lentz
7035 cover Napoléon expliqué à mes enfants Boudon, jacques-Olivier
7036 cover NASH. La maladie de la malbouffe Dominique Lannes, Catherine Siguret
7037 cover Nationalisme et protection sociale Daniel Béland, André Lecours
7038 cover Natural Law Liberalism Christopher Wolfe
7039 cover Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies Noam Chomsky
7040 cover Never Again L.E. Bross
7041 cover Never Forget Hedlund, Jody
7042 cover Not Just A Civil Servant 1 Anil Swaroop
7043 cover N'oublie pas de vivre Chancel, Jacques
7044 cover N'oubliez pas !. Faits et gestes de la présidence Collectif, Mediapart
7045 cover oberts 1 K.D. Robertson
7046 cover On India: Kushwant & amp, Singh Kushwant &amp, Singh
7047 cover On Nature and Language Noam Chomsky
7048 cover On Tyranny Snyder, Timothy
7049 cover Open Minds Morrison, KT
7050 cover Other People's Money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People? John Kay
7051 cover Our Damaged Democracy Joseph A. Califano
7052 cover Parler vrai Manon Massé
7053 cover Performing Digital Activism: New Aesthetics and Discourses of Resistance Fidèle A. Vlavo
7054 cover Plowshares into Swords: From Zionism to Israel Arno J. Mayer
7055 cover Political history of ancient India, from the accession of Parikshit to the extinction of the Gupta dynasty Raychaudhuri, Hem Channdra
7056 cover Political Speeches Cicero, Berry, D.H.
7057 cover Political Theory Rajvansh, Abhishek &amp, Bagai, Mithila Urmila
7058 cover Politique du secret, regard sur Le bureau des légendes Trotignon, Yves
7059 cover Populism Versus the New Globalization Barrie Axford
7060 cover Poutine de A à Z Fédorovski, Vladimir
7061 cover Powers and Prospects Noam Chomsky
7062 cover Predatory Value Extraction Shin, Jang-Sup &amp, Lazonick, William
7063 cover Prepare to Attack Gary Lane
7064 cover Preserving Electronic Evidence for Trial: A Team Approach to the Litigation Hold, Data Collection, and Evidence Preservation
7065 cover Prey of Avarice - C. Richard Franklins Press, Circle
7066 cover Profession Imam Oubrou, Tareq
7067 cover Psychology of Intelligence Analysis Richards J. Heuer, Jr.
7068 cover Psychopolitics Byung-Chul Han
7069 cover Quand le fer coûtait plus cher que l'or Giraudo, Alessandro
7070 cover Regimes and Repertoires Charles Tilly
7071 cover Relaciones Caballero, Fernán
7072 cover Renovation: by London, Mia London, Mia
7073 cover Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--and a Plan to Stop It Lessig, Lawrence
7074 cover Responsabilidad y Juicio Hannah Arendt
7075 cover Responsibility of Intellectuals: Reflections by Noam Chomsky and Others after 50 years Nicholas Allott, Chris Knight and Neil Smith (eds.)
7076 cover Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution Rand, Ayn &amp, Schwartz, Peter
7077 cover Revolution Rowse, Jessica
7078 cover Robert Badinter, un juriste en politique Cassia, Paul
7079 cover Rock'n philo (Volume 2) Francis Métivier
7080 cover Roland Dumas, le virtuose diplomate DESSY, François
7081 cover Room for All of Us Adrienne Clarkson
7082 cover Saadat Hasan Manto ki Utkrisht Kahaniyan Manto, Saadat Hasan
7083 cover Sarkoberlusconisme, la crise finale ? Pierre MUSSO
7084 cover Schluss mit euren ewigen Mogelpackungen!: Wir lassen uns nicht für dumm verkaufen Hahne, Peter
7085 cover Secrets, Lies and Democracy Noam Chomsky
7086 cover Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor Nixon, Rob
7087 cover SNCF et la Shoah. Le procès G. Lipietz contre État Alain Lipietz
7088 cover Sobre la violencia Hannah Arendt
7089 cover Soft power: the evolution of a concept Joseph S. Nye
7090 cover Solo trabajo Roberts, Nora
7091 cover South Korea's Changing Foreign Policy: The Impact of Democratizacion and Globalization Wonjae Hwang
7092 cover Spirit wars: Native North American religions in the age of nation building Ronald Niezen
7093 cover SSS Year 3 Wilson, Yumoyori
7094 cover Staat im Ausverkauf · Privatisierung in Deutschland Engartner, Tim
7095 cover Statism and Anarchy Mikhail Bakunin
7096 cover Subverting Syria Tony Cartalucci
7097 cover Suffrage: by Susan L. Poulson Susan L. Poulson
7098 cover Sunburn Felton, James
7099 cover Survivant d'Auschwitz - J'ai eu 13 ans en camp de concentration Geve, Thomas
7100 cover Swaraj (Hindi) Kejriwal, Arvind
7101 cover Tales Ablaze of a Sinless Lady MacAdams, Ava
7102 cover Targeting Iran David Barsamian et al.
7103 cover Tenir ses promesses Biden, Joe
7104 cover Terra incognita McDonald, Ian
7105 cover Terrorizing the Neighborhood: American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era Noam Chomsky
7106 cover The 21 Biggest Lies About Donald Trump Schlichter, Kurt
7107 cover The Anarchist Reader George Woodcock (ed.)
7108 cover The Anarchist Turn Blumenfeld, Jacob, Bottici, Chiara and Critchley, Simon
7109 cover The Aristos John Fowles
7110 cover The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom John Pomfret
7111 cover The cage Diamante, Lorella
7112 cover The China Mirage James Bradley
7113 cover The Death of Asylum: Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago Alison Mountz
7114 cover The Difference a Day Makes Matthews, Carole
7115 cover The Elites Vincent, Ruby
7116 cover The Essential Chomsky Anthony Arnove (ed.)
7117 cover The Imperial Mode of Living: Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism Ulrich Brand &amp, Markus Wissen
7118 cover The Last Man: A Novel Flynn, Vince
7119 cover The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials Peter Van den Bossche &amp, Werner Zdouc
7120 cover The Leviathan's Waltz 5 Marler, Kuta
7121 cover The Long Game Aaron, Alexie
7122 cover The Mass Psychology of Fascism Wilhelm Reich
7123 cover The problems with liberalism Muhammad hijab
7124 cover The Queen's Lady: A Gavin Rownt Medieval Mystery 4 Lionarons, Joyce
7125 cover The Rebel Archer, C. J.
7126 cover The Republic (AmazonClassics Edition) Plato
7127 cover The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems: An Intersectional Political Economy Nancy Folbre
7128 cover The Rise and Decline of Thai Absolutism Kullada Kesboonchoo Mead
7129 cover The Road to Serfdom Hayek, F. A.
7130 cover The Sane Society Erich Fromm
7131 cover The Traitor's Gamble Archer, C. J.
7132 cover The Umbrella of U.S. Power Noam Chomsky
7133 cover The United States of Trump Bill O'Reilly
7134 cover The Unstoppable Ruth Bader Ginsburg Felix, Antonia
7135 cover The Uprising Meldon, Liz
7136 cover The Virtuous Assassin Charlotte Anne
7137 cover Them Sasse, Ben
7138 cover These Truths Lepore, Jill
7139 cover Thinking in a Pandemic Boston Review
7140 cover This is Our Land Chatfield, Michael
7141 cover Three Slices Kevin Hearne &amp, Delilah S. Dawson &amp, Chuck Wendig
7142 cover Toxique Planète André Cicolella
7143 cover Transition: by Banks, Iain M. Banks, Iain M.
7144 cover Trump: by Romano, Sergio Romano, Sergio
7145 cover Tu le raconteras plus tard Jean-Louis Debré
7146 cover Turning the Tide Noam Chomsky
7147 cover Un État dans l'État Coignard, Sophie
7148 cover Una Nueva Generacion Dicta las Reglas Noam Chomsky
7149 cover Undercover: Avoir vingt ans a la CIA Fox, Amaryllis
7150 cover Undercover: Ein V-Mann packt aus - Ein SPIEGEL-Buch Fidelius Schmid &amp, Roman Lehberger &amp, Jörg Diehl
7151 cover Understanding Power Peter R. Mitchell &amp,&amp, John Schoeffel (eds.)
7152 cover Une histoire de la langue de bois Christian Delporte
7153 cover Unfair Benforado, Adam
7154 cover Unsere Welt neu denken. Eine Einladung Göpel, Maja
7156 cover Vagabond de la bonne nouvelle Gilbert, Guy
7157 cover Vaigyanik Bharat (Hindi) Kalam, Apj Abdul
7158 cover Vengeance: by Erica Stevens Erica Stevens
7159 cover Villeret, du rire aux larmes Durieux, Gilles &amp, Sartirano, Claude
7160 cover Violencia CD LAB, S.A.
7161 cover Virginia at War, 1861 William C. Davis
7162 cover Wahnsinn der Massen - Wie Meinungsmache und Hysterie unsere Gesellschaft vergiften Douglas Murray
7163 cover Weep Not, Child James Ngugi
7164 cover What Uncle Sam Really Wants Noam Chomsky
7165 cover What We Say Goes Noam Chomsky with David Barsamian
7166 cover Who's to Say What's Obscene? Paul Krassner
7167 cover Without Honor Stuart, Elizabeth
7168 cover Writings from the Late Notebooks Friedrich Nietzsche
7169 cover Yuddha Mein Ayodhya Hemant Sharma
7170 cover Diplomatic Impunity A Midnight Sentinel Adventure By Jens H. Altmann
7171 cover This Freedom A. S. M. Hutchinson
7172 cover Qué nos ha pasado, España Ónega, Fernando
7173 cover El rey de la cocaína Adams, Fausto
7174 cover Formation of the Union Albert Bushnell Hart
7175 cover England's Case Against Home Rule Albert Venn Dicey
7176 cover Elements of Civil Government Alexander L. Peterman
7177 cover Manhood of Humanity Alfred Korzybski
7178 cover Accessory Before The Fact Algernon Blackwood
7179 cover Colony,--or Free State Alpheus H. Snow
7180 cover Regime Change and Succession Politics in Africa: Five Decades of Misrule Amutabi, Maurice Nyamanga &amp, Nasong'o, Shadrack Wanjala
7181 cover Los amantes bajo el Danubio Andahazi, Federico
7182 cover Official Secrets Andrew Raymond
7183 cover The Government Class Book Andrew W. Young
7184 cover The Case For India Annie Besant
7185 cover The British North America Act, 1867 Anon.
7186 cover The Warden Anthony Trollope
7187 cover The Eustace Diamonds Anthony Trollope
7188 cover The Prime Minister Anthony Trollope
7189 cover Nos chers espions en Afrique Antoine Glaser, Thomas Hofnung
7190 cover We Own the Future Aronoff, Kate
7191 cover The War Terror Arthur B. Reeve
7192 cover The iron furnace: or, Slavery and secession Aughey, John H. (John Hill), 1828-1911
7193 cover The Imperial Messenger Bélen Fernández
7194 cover Days of Fire Baker, Peter
7195 cover La frontera salvaje Balbuena, Francisco
7196 cover Contesting International Society in East Asia Barry Buzan &amp, Yongjin Zhang
7197 cover Beginnings of the American People Becker, Carl Lotus &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7198 cover China, su historia y cultura hasta 1800 Beja, Flora Botton
7199 cover Equality Bellamy, Edward
7200 cover Miss Ludington's Sister Bellamy, Edward
7201 cover El agua envenenada Benìtez, Fernando
7202 cover The System Benedict, Jeff
7203 cover A Plan for Colonial Union Benjamin Franklin
7204 cover A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Benjamin Harrison
7205 cover Face Pidgin Bennett, James W. &amp, Munsey's
7206 cover Votre fatwa ne s'applique pas ici Bennoune, Karima
7207 cover The Story of Russia Bergen, R. Van &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7208 cover Propaganda Bernays, Edward
7209 cover La Révolution Française - Dynamique et Ruptures 1787-1804 BIARD, Michel &amp, DUPUY, Pascal
7210 cover Back Stories: U.S. News Production and Palestinian Politics Bishara, Amahl
7211 cover Less than Human Blade, Zoë
7212 cover Algo va mal Bocos, Fermín
7213 cover Pandemic Bone, Jesse F.
7214 cover El reñidero español Borkenau, Franz
7215 cover Le temps du reportage - Entretiens avec les maîtres du journalisme littéraire Boynton Robert S.
7216 cover His, His or His? Bradley, Hanleigh
7217 cover PANDEMIC Brock, Robert R.
7218 cover Una historia americana Butazzoni, Fernando
7220 cover Cyanide Surtax By Norman A. Daniels
7221 cover State of the Union Addresses Calvin Coolidge Calvin Coolidge
7222 cover Terrorscape Campbell, Nenia
7224 cover Cómo alcanzar la verdadera paz interior Carreño, Mauricio Rubiano
7225 cover Rebel: How to Overthrow the Emerging Oligarchy Carswell, Douglas
7226 cover ¡Viva Franco! (con perdón) Casas, Fernando Vizcaíno
7227 cover La historia me absolverá Castro, Fidel
7228 cover Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition Cedric J. Robinson
7229 cover A Narrative Of The Siege Of Delhi Charles John Griffiths
7230 cover Women and Politics Charles Kingsley
7231 cover Northern California Charles Nordhoff
7232 cover Un Héritier inadéquat CHARLES, K.J.
7233 cover Killing the Same Person Every Time Chen, Tan
7234 cover The Napoleon of Notting Hill Chesterton, Gilbert K. &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7235 cover Theorising Democide: Why and How Democracies Fail Chou, Mark
7236 cover Zombie Capitalism: Global Crisis and the Relevance of Marx Chris Harman
7237 cover Los nueve mil millones de nombres de Dios Clarke, Arthur C.
7238 cover El viaje de Puigdemont Claudín, Fernando
7239 cover Paper Tigers Collett, Meg
7240 cover Harry Escombe Collingwood, Harry &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7241 cover How Global Institutions Rule the World Colomer, Josep M.
7242 cover The Failed Promise of Originalism Cross, Frank
7243 cover The Last Spike Cy Warman
7244 cover Schools for Conflict or for Peace in Afghanistan Dana Burde
7245 cover La distancia del presente Daniel Bernabé
7246 cover Social Relations in our Southern States Daniel Robinson Hundley
7247 cover The Cost David Graham Phillips
7249 cover WOMEN SUFFRAGE Emma Goldman
7250 cover The Pivot of Civilization Margaret Sanger
7251 cover THE GERMAN CRISIS Michael Bakunin
7252 cover THE CLASS WAR Michael Bakunin
7253 cover Revolutionary Catechism Michael Bakunin
7254 cover Science of Logic Georg Hegel
7255 cover Proposed Roads To Freedom Bertrand Russell
7256 cover POLITICS AND THE STATE Michael Bakunin
7257 cover On Rousseau's Theory of the State Michael Bakunin
7258 cover ON THE SOCIAL UPHEAVAL Michael Bakunin
7260 cover Founding of the Worker's International Mikhail Bakunin
7261 cover Ten Days That Shook the World John Reed
7262 cover Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 Frederick Jackson Turner
7263 cover North America, V. II Anthony Trollope
7264 cover North America, Vol. 1 Anthony Trollope
7265 cover DOWN WITH THE CITIES! Tadashi Nakashima
7266 cover Appeal to my Russian Brothers Michael Bakunin
7267 cover The Old Northwest Frederic Austin Ogg
7268 cover California Legislature of 1909 Franklin Hichborn
7269 cover CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates John L. Helgerson
7270 cover Democracy In America, Volume 2 Alexis de Toqueville
7272 cover Plunkitt of Tammany Hall William L. Riordon
7274 cover The Communist Manifesto Friedrich Engels
7277 cover The Elements of Law Natural and Politic Thomas Hobbes
7278 cover The Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton
7279 cover AN ASPIRANT FOR CONGRESS P. H. Woodward
7280 cover A Discourse on Political Economy Jean Jacques Rousseau
7281 cover DISAPPEARANCES Elizabeth Gaskell
7282 cover Little Britain Washington Irving
7283 cover North America, Vol. 2 Anthony Trollope
7285 cover On Sophistical Refutations by Aristotle
7286 cover Politics Aristotle
7287 cover Raw Material George Gissing
7288 cover The Athenian Constitution Aristotle
7289 cover Topics: by Aristotle Aristotle
7290 cover WAR OF THE CLASSES Jack London
7291 cover Spain Jacques Casanova
7292 cover Obama face au pouvoir Debré, Guillaume
7293 cover La Discothèque idéale de la musique classique Dermoncourt, Bertrand
7294 cover Black Mass Dick Lehr
7295 cover Sovereignty and Its Other: Toward the Dejustification of Violence Dimitris Vardoulakis
7296 cover To Play the King Dobbs, Michael
7297 cover Game Of Thorns: The Inside Story of Hillary Clinton's Failed Campaign and Donald Trump's Winning Strategy Doug Wead
7298 cover Reforming Democracies: Six Facts About Politics That Demand a New Agenda Douglas A. Chalmers
7299 cover Governing Immigration Through Crime: A Reader Dowling, Julie &amp, Inda, Jonathan
7300 cover EUROPE Dramatized from a story by Henry James By Frank J. Morlock
7301 cover Political Theory and Architecture Duncan Bell, Bernardo Zacka
7302 cover Libya Edited by Helen Chapin Metz
7303 cover A Letter to a Noble Lord Edmund Burke
7304 cover The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. VIII. Edmund Burke
7305 cover The History of the Fabian Society Edward R. Pease
7306 cover The Media and Human Rights: The Cosmopolitan Promise Ekaterina Balabanova
7307 cover Nous ne vivrons pas sur Mars, ni ailleurs Ekström, Sylvia &amp, Nombela, Javier G.
7308 cover Disappearances Elizabeth Gaskell
7309 cover Lincoln Emil Ludwig
7310 cover La transición Emilia Pardo Bazán
7311 cover Resource Management and Contested Territories in East Asia Emmers, Ralf
7312 cover Principios del comunismo Engels, Friedrich
7313 cover Socialism and Modern Science Enrico Ferri
7314 cover The Discources Epictetus
7315 cover Party Ballots, Reform, and the Transformation of America's Electoral System Erik J. Engstrom &amp, Samuel Kernell
7316 cover The Politics of Obedience Etienne de la Boetie
7317 cover ¡A votar se va leído! F. Ronin
7318 cover A Century of Wrong F. W. Reitz
7319 cover Lettre à un paysan sur le vaste merdier qu'est devenue l'agriculture Fabrice Nicolino
7320 cover Populismo de izquierdas y neoliberalismo Fassin, Éric
7321 cover Les Défis (1988-1991) Favier, Pierre &amp, Martin-Roland, Michel
7322 cover Les Déchirements (1991-1995) Favier, Pierre &amp, Martin-Roland, Michel
7323 cover Del fascismo al populismo en la historia Federico Finchelstein
7324 cover La dictadura silenciosa Federico Jiménez Losantos
7325 cover La vuelta del comunismo Federico Jiménez Losantos
7326 cover Los años perdidos de Mariano Rajoy Federico Jiménez Losantos
7327 cover Memoria del comunismo Federico Jiménez Losantos
7328 cover Ni vivos ni muertos (edición actualizada) Federico Mastrogiovanni
7329 cover Kronos. La puerta del tiempo Felipe Botaya
7330 cover Nuestra América Felipe Fernández-Armesto
7331 cover Revolución e ideología Felipe Martínez Marzoa
7332 cover Palabras como puños Fernando del Rey (director) &amp, Gonzalo Álvarez Chillida &amp, Manuel Álvarez Tardío &amp, Hugo García Fernández &amp, Eduardo González Calleja &amp, Pedro Carlos González Cuevas &amp, Diego Palacios Cerezales &amp, Javier Zamora Bonilla
7333 cover Crímenes sin castigo Fernando Martínez Laínez
7334 cover Banderas lejanas Fernando Martínez Laínez &amp, Carlos Canales Torres
7335 cover IG Farben Fernando Navarro
7336 cover Patriotas de la muerte Fernando Reinares
7337 cover Terrorismo global Fernando Reinares
7338 cover La Casa II Fernando Rueda
7339 cover Por qué nos da miedo el CNI-Cesid Fernando Rueda
7340 cover Contra las patrias Fernando Savater
7341 cover El mito nacionalista Fernando Savater
7342 cover Política para Amador Fernando Savater
7343 cover Contra el separatismo Fernando Savater
7344 cover Vichy, 1940 Fernando Schwartz
7345 cover El evangelio fascista Ferran Gallego
7346 cover De Auschwitz a Berlín Ferran Gallego
7347 cover La vuelta del exiliado Fidel Prado
7348 cover Cuadrilla de expoliadores (2ª Ed.) Fidel Prado
7349 cover Un reportaje espinoso Fidel Prado
7350 cover Estrategias de poder Fidel Sendagorta
7351 cover El ruta Fidel Vela
7352 cover Un fracaso heroico Fintan O’Toole
7353 cover Tattlings of a Retired Politician Forrest Crissey
7354 cover Celebrating Insurrection: The Commemoration and Representation of the Nineteenth-Century Mexican Pronunciamiento Fowler, Will
7355 cover El pasado de una ilusión François Furet
7356 cover Franco-Gallia Francis Hotoman
7357 cover Karl Marx Francis Wheen
7358 cover La agonía de la República Francisco Alía Miranda
7359 cover Callar al mensajero Francisco Espinosa Maestre
7360 cover El fenómeno revisionista o los fantasmas de la derecha española Francisco Espinosa Maestre
7361 cover Nueve mujeres en las Cortes de la II República Francisco Márquez Hidalgo
7362 cover México negro Francisco Martín Moreno
7363 cover El socialista sentimental Francisco Umbral
7364 cover La República bananera USA Francisco Umbral
7365 cover La derechona Francisco Umbral
7366 cover Madrid, tribu urbana Francisco Umbral
7367 cover Los políticos Francisco Umbral
7368 cover Immortals Crowned by the French Academy: A Romance of Youth, v1 Francois Coppee
7369 cover Never Again Frank L. Packard
7370 cover The Great War Syndicate Frank Stockton
7371 cover Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass
7372 cover Rousseau's Critique of Inequality: Reconstructing the Second Discourse Frederick Neuhouser
7373 cover Berlín, 1945 Frei, Pierre
7374 cover Legally Yours French, Nicole
7375 cover La fatal arrogancia Friedrich A. Hayek
7376 cover Germany and the Next War Friedrich von Bernhardi
7377 cover The Barbarism of Berlin G. K. Chesterton
7378 cover Lepanto G.K. Chesterton
7379 cover The Appetite of Tyranny G.K. Chesterton
7380 cover Tsunami Gabriela Jauregui
7381 cover Cuando era feliz e indocumentado García Márquez, Gabriel
7382 cover Climat - comment éviter un désastre Gates, Bill
7383 cover The Indian on the Reservation George Bird Grinnell
7384 cover Value in Marx: The Persistence of Value in a More-Than-Capitalist World George Henderson
7385 cover The Nation in a Nutshell George Makepeace Towle
7386 cover The Black Bar George Manville Fenn
7387 cover The Celt and Saxon George Meredith
7388 cover Notas sobre el nacionalismo George Orwell
7389 cover Political Pamphlets George Saintsbury
7390 cover State of the Union Addresses Gerald R Ford Gerald R. Ford
7391 cover Sea of Spies Gerlis, Alex
7392 cover Making Capitalism Without Capitalists: The New Ruling Elites in Eastern Europe Gil Eyal, Ivan Szelenyi, Eleanor Townsley
7393 cover Utopia of Usurers and other Essays Gilbert K. Chesterton
7394 cover La guerra del neoliberalismo contra la educación superior Giroux, Henry A.
7395 cover Locating Postcolonial Narrative Genres Goebel, Walter &amp, Schabio, Saskia
7396 cover Islamic Feminism in Kuwait: The Politics and Paradoxes González, Alessandra L.
7397 cover Human Nature In Politics Graham Wallas
7398 cover Cyber Policy in China Greg Austin
7399 cover Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 1: Essays and Letters on Economic Theory Grossman, Henryk
7400 cover A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Grover Cleveland
7401 cover La ola detenida Guédez, Juan Carlos Méndez
7402 cover The Laws Of War H. Byerley Thomson
7403 cover What Is Coming H. G. Wells
7405 cover White Ink: Interviews on Sex, Text and Politics Hélène Cixous
7406 cover United Front Hakari Enki
7407 cover The Origins of the Lebanese National Idea: 1840-1920 Hakim, Carol
7408 cover In the Wake of War Hallie Erminie Rives
7409 cover Scientific Methods of Inquiry for Intelligence Analysis Hank Prunckun
7410 cover An Urban Politics of Climate Change: Experimentation and the Governing of Socio-Technical Transitions Harriet A. Bulkeley &amp, Vanesa Castán Broto &amp, Gareth A. S. Edwards
7411 cover International Students and Scholars in the United States: Coming From Abroad Hazen, Helen D. &amp, Alberts, Heike C.
7412 cover Sous-culture. Le sens du style Hebdige, Dick
7413 cover Woman and the Republic Helen Kendrick Johnson
7414 cover Violencias de género: Las mentiras del patriarcado Hendel, Liliana
7415 cover Daniel Webster Henry Cabot Lodge
7416 cover The True Patriot Henry Fielding
7417 cover Europe Henry James
7418 cover The War of Steel and Gold Henry N. Brailsford
7419 cover Debate On Woman Suffrage Henry W. Blair, J.E. Brown, J.N. Dolph, G.G. Vest, Geo. F. Hoar.
7420 cover By Right of Conquest Henty, G. A. &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7421 cover The Fight Over Digital Rights: The Politics of Copyright and Technology Herman, Bill D.
7422 cover For Her Honor Holly Bush
7423 cover Ireland In The New Century Horace Plunkett
7424 cover Counselling Skills and Theory Hough, Margaret
7425 cover Bolshevism and the Labour Movement Hunter, Robert
7426 cover France and the Republic Hurlbert, William Henry &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7427 cover The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950–1951 I. F. Stone
7428 cover Calm Before The Storm IngramSpark Book-Building Tool v1.0.0
7429 cover The Great Awakening IngramSpark Book-Building Tool v1.0.0
7430 cover Generation Unbound: Drifting Into Sex and Parenthood Without Marriage Isabel V. Sawhill
7431 cover The Transvaal from Within J. P. Fitzpatrick
7432 cover Realism and international relations Jack Donnelly
7433 cover War of the Classes Jack London
7434 cover Messages and Papers of the Presidents James D. Richardson
7435 cover Precaution James Fenimore Cooper
7436 cover The Land-War In Ireland James Godkin
7437 cover Unter Ultras James Montague
7438 cover The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions and Why We Won't Admit It Jason Weeden &amp, Robert Kurzban
7439 cover The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right Jean Jacques Rousseau
7440 cover Nos ancêtres les Arabes Jean Pruvost
7442 cover Voter Suppression in U.S. Elections Jim Downs
7443 cover The Great Conspiracy John Alexander Logan
7444 cover An Apologie for the Royal Party John Evelyn
7445 cover American Political Ideas John Fiske
7446 cover Civil Government in the United States John Fiske
7447 cover Newfoundland and the Jingoes John Fretwell
7448 cover From Isolation to Leadership, Revised John Holladay Latane
7449 cover México bárbaro John Kenneth Turner
7450 cover Two Treatises of Government John Locke
7451 cover Indian speeches John Morley (AKA Viscount Morley)
7452 cover A Compilation of Messages and Letters of the Presidents John Quincy Adams
7453 cover Diez días que estremecieron el mundo John Reed
7454 cover Bolshevism John Spargo
7455 cover The Contest in America John Stuart Mill
7456 cover Considerations of a Representative Government John Stuart Mill
7457 cover Tyranny Unmasked John Taylor of Caroline
7458 cover John Quincy Adams John. T. Morse
7459 cover The Visionary Jonas Lie
7460 cover The Drapier's Letters Jonathan Swift
7461 cover Historical and Political Tracts--Irish Jonathan Swift
7462 cover Neoliberalismo como teología política José Luis Villacañas
7463 cover An Anarchist Joseph Conrad
7464 cover Liberalismo Juan Ramón Rallo
7465 cover L'Afrique à l'heure de la gouvernance mondiale Kaly Niang
7466 cover Wage Labour and Capital KARL MARX
7467 cover Herr Vogt Karl Marx
7468 cover The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved Inside America's Underground Food Movements Katz, Sandor Ellix
7469 cover Accidental Immigrants and the Search for Home: Women, Cultural Identity, and Community Kelley, Carol E.
7470 cover TRUST Kelley, Pamela M.
7471 cover The conservative affirmation Kendall, Willmoore, 1909-1967
7472 cover La fracture Kepel, Gilles
7473 cover Sortir du chaos Kepel, Gilles
7474 cover La nature est un champ de bataille Keucheyan Razmig
7475 cover On the Juche Idea Kim Jong Il
7476 cover Mutual Aid Kropotkin, P.
7477 cover The Conquest of Bread Kropotkin, Peter &amp, Munsey's
7478 cover Cuba in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism, and Transnationalism Krull, Catherine
7479 cover Balancing Act Laderchi, Olivier, Trimble
7480 cover Non assistance à peuples en danger Larrouturou, Pierre
7481 cover Winner Take All Larry Evans
7482 cover The Guantánamo Effect: Exposing the Consequences of U.S. Detention and Interrogation Practices Laurel E. Fletcher &amp, Eric Stover
7483 cover Le nouvel empire: L'Europe du vingt et unième siècle LE MAIRE, Bruno
7484 cover Ne vous résignez pas ! LE MAIRE, Bruno
7485 cover Protected Lear, Jackson
7486 cover Risk Assessment: Tools, Techniques, and Their Applications Lee T. Ostrom &amp, Cheryl A. Wilhelmsen
7487 cover Everything for Us Leighton, M.
7488 cover Enforcing Normalcy Lennard J. Davis
7489 cover Determined to Believe?: The sovereignty of God, faith and human responsibility Lennox, John C
7490 cover On the Significance of Science and Art Leo Tolstoy
7491 cover War and Peace, v8 Leo Tolstoy
7492 cover War and Peace, v11 Leo Tolstoy
7493 cover The Liberty Amendments Levin, Mark R.
7494 cover The Republicans: A History of the Grand Old Party Lewis L. Gould
7495 cover The Second Coming of the KKK Linda Gordon
7496 cover Global Issues beyond Sovereignty Love, Maryann Cusimano
7497 cover Athenian Democracy: A Sourcebook Luca Asmonti
7498 cover The Insurgent Ludovic Halevy
7499 cover THE POLITICAL TINKER Ludvig Holberg
7500 cover Nación, Estado y economía Ludwig von Mises
7501 cover An Essay on the Trial By Jury Lysander Spooner
7502 cover A LETTER to Grover Cleveland on his False Inaugural Address LYSANDER SPOONER
7503 cover The Letters of Cassiodorus Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
7504 cover América Maiakovski, Vladimir
7505 cover Tu seras une femme ! Mailfert, Anne-Cecile
7506 cover Les guerres de l'information à l'ère numérique Marangé, Céline &amp, Quessard, Maud
7507 cover The Way to Peace Margaret Wade Campbell Deland
7508 cover La llamada de la tribu Mario Vargas Llosa
7509 cover Libertarian Philosophy in the Real World: The Politics of Natural Rights Mark D. Friedman
7510 cover State of the Union Addresses Martin van Buren Martin van Buren
7511 cover The Jamesons Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
7512 cover El político y el científico Max Weber
7513 cover The Common Man McCord, Guy &amp, Munsey's
7514 cover Beyond Bin Laden Meacham, Jon
7515 cover Nos Clichés préférés (2007-2010) Mercier, Anne-Sophie &amp, Bernard, Daniel
7516 cover The Chinese Dream: Xi Jinping thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era 49 Michael A. Peters
7517 cover Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights Miller, Kelly &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7518 cover The Dialectical Meaning of Offshored Work: Neoliberal Desires and Labour Arbitrage in Post-Socialist Romania Miszczyński, Miłosz
7519 cover Cuando México perdió la esperanza Moreno, Francisco Martín
7520 cover Ladrón de esperanzas Moreno, Francisco Martín
7521 cover Bref, jai fait de la médecine esthétique Nadine Coll, Alexandra favre
7522 cover What's These Worlds Coming To? Nancy, Jean-Luc &amp, Barrau, Aurelien &amp, Holloway, Travis &amp, Mechain, Flor
7523 cover The Social Consequences of Literacy in Medieval Scandinavia Nedkvitne, Arnved
7524 cover Deux ou trois leçons de snobisme Neuhoff Eric
7525 cover The Swedish-Norwegian Union Crisis Nordlund, Karl &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7526 cover The Governments of Europe Ogg, Frederic Austin &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7527 cover The Political Situation Olive Schreiner
7528 cover The Best of Enemies Osha Gray Davidson
7529 cover Targeted Killings and International Law: With Special Regard to Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Otto, Roland
7530 cover The Murder Machine Padraic H. Pearse
7531 cover Histoire du petit livre rouge Pascale NIVELLE
7532 cover La loi des pères Patric Jean
7533 cover From Black Power to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism Patricia Hill Collins
7534 cover Utopía Patrignani, Leonardo
7535 cover Martin Heidegger Payen Guillaume
7536 cover Election Perrotta, Tom
7537 cover Black Mayors, White Majorities: The Balancing Act of Racial Politics Perry, Ravi
7538 cover Direct Struggle Against Capital: A Peter Kropotkin Anthology Peter Kropotkin
7539 cover Life in Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors Without Borders Peter Redfield
7540 cover Allies At War: America, Europe and the Crisis Over Iraq Philip Gordon , Jeremy Shapiro
7541 cover Adolf Hitler: ou la vengeance de la planche à billets Pierre, Jovanovic
7542 cover The Mercenaries Piper, Henry Beam &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7543 cover Republic Plato
7544 cover Germany and the Germans from an American Point of View Price Collier
7545 cover PLUNDER of KURDISTAN PRICE, By E. HOFFMANN &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7546 cover Congress, the Press, and Political Accountability R. Douglas Arnold
7547 cover Nacionalismo Rabindranath Tagore
7548 cover Leo Strauss's Defense of the Philosophic Life: Reading ''What Is Political Philosophy?'' Rafael Major
7549 cover Reading Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century Ramakrishnan, Niranjan
7550 cover Carnets de guerre Covid-19 Raoult, Didier
7551 cover Reign of Error Ravitch, Diane
7552 cover Revolution Reynolds, Dallas McCord &amp, Munsey's
7554 cover Arte y revolución Richard Wagner
7555 cover Climate Change and European Security Richard Youngs
7556 cover The Forfeiture Riviere Dufresny
7557 cover An Historical Relation Of The Island Ceylon In The East Indies Robert Knox
7558 cover A New View of Society Robert Owen
7559 cover Wolf's Furniture Mine Roeder, Ralph J. &amp, Munsey's
7560 cover La conquista de la voluntad Rojas, Enrique
7561 cover State of the Union Addresses Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan
7562 cover The Political Economy of Space in the Americas: The New Pax Americana Roncallo, Alejandra
7563 cover The Loyalists of America and Their Times Ryerson, Edgerton &amp, Lives, Blackmask
7564 cover Morocco S.L. Bensusan
7565 cover The Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent S.M. Hussey
7566 cover Las edades de la globalización Sachs, Jeffrey D.
7567 cover Sexisme Story Sanfourche, Paul
7568 cover Media and Left Savas Oban
7569 cover Jerusalem Selma Lagerloef
7570 cover Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress Toward Racial Equality Sharkey, Patrick
7571 cover Children's Social Consciousness and the Development of Social Responsibility Sheldon Berman
7572 cover El liberalismo del miedo Shklar, Judith
7573 cover The Fragile Absolute Slavoj Zizek
7574 cover Native Life in South Africa Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje
7575 cover Socialism Spargo, John &amp, Munsey's
7576 cover Britain at Bay Spenser Wilkinson
7577 cover Lifted Masks Susan Glaspell
7578 cover Women in the Club: Gender and Policy Making in the Senate Swers, Michele L.
7579 cover Newjack - Dans la peau d'un gardien de prison Ted Conover
7580 cover Etat d'urgence technologique Tesquet, Olivier
7581 cover État d'urgence technologique Tesquet, Olivier
7582 cover Thucydides and Political Order: Lessons of Governance and the History of the Peloponnesian War Thauer, Christian R. &amp, Wendt, Christian &amp, Baltrusch, Ernst
7583 cover Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung The Little Red Book
7584 cover Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Theodore Roosevelt
7585 cover The Leviathan Thomas Hobbes
7586 cover Technocreep: The Surrender of Privacy and the Capitalization of Intimacy Thomas P. Keenan
7587 cover The Later Marxism Thorstein Veblen
7588 cover Globalization and Mass Politics: Retaining the Room to Maneuver Timothy Hellwig
7589 cover The Adventures of an Atom Tobias Smollett
7590 cover Capitalism as Civilisation: A History of International Law Tzouvala, Ntina
7591 cover Cuidar: Una revolución en el cuidado de las personas Urrutia Beaskoa, Ana
7592 cover The State and Revolution V. I. LENIN
7593 cover Criminal-mente: La criminología como ciencia Velasco de la Fuente, Paz
7594 cover How Labour Governs Vere Gordon Childe
7595 cover Constructive Imperialism Viscount Milner
7596 cover Psicología de las sociedades en conflicto: Psicoanálisis, relaciones internacionales y diplomacia Volkan, Vamik
7597 cover La Terre inhabitable Wallace-Wells, David
7598 cover The English Constitution Walter Bagehot
7599 cover A Preface to Politics Walter Lippmann
7600 cover Être communiste en U.R.S.S. sous Staline Werth, Nicolas
7601 cover Becoming Native to This Place Wes Jackson
7602 cover Government and Administration of the United States Westel W. Willoughby &amp, William F. Willoughby
7603 cover The Louisiana Scalawags: Politics, Race, and Terrorism During the Civil War and Reconstruction Wetta, Frank J.
7604 cover Peace Be Still: Modern Black America From World War II to Barack Obama Whitaker, Matthew C.
7605 cover Civil Government of Virginia William F. Fox
7606 cover Ethics in Service William Howard Taft
7607 cover A Critical Examination of Socialism William Hurrell Mallock
7608 cover State of the Union Addresses William J Clinton William J. Clinton
7609 cover OUR STREET William Makepeace Thackeray
7610 cover The History of Sumatra William Marsden
7611 cover Life in a Thousand Worlds William Shuler Harris
7612 cover The New Freedom Woodrow Wilson
7613 cover Boer Politics Yves Guyot
7614 cover Costly Democracy: Peacebuilding and Democratization After War Zürcher, Christoph &amp, Manning, Carrie &amp, Evenson, Kristie &amp, Hayman, Rachel &amp, Riese, Sarah &amp, Roehner, Nora
7615 cover Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin's Snuff Box to Citizens United Zephyr Teachout
7616 cover The China Dream and the China Path 3 Zhou Tianyong
7617 cover Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers Don Marquis
7618 cover Negotiation
7619 cover American Eloquence, Volume IV. Alexander Johnston
7620 cover American Eloquence, Volume II.
7621 cover The Altruist in Politics
7622 cover FILMER
7623 cover Justice John Galsworthy
7624 cover Our Government
7625 cover FRANCE AT WAR
7626 cover ESSAYS, Political, Economical and Philosophical.
7627 cover The Northwest Ordinance
7628 cover US Presidential Inagural Addresses
7629 cover U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses
7630 cover The Culture of Military Organizations
7631 cover Hammer and hoe Alabama Communists during the Great Depression
7632 cover The 911 Commission Report
7633 cover WHAT IS COMING
7634 cover Tres periodistas en la revolución de Asturias
7635 cover The Ultimate Goal
7636 cover The Spymasters
7637 cover The Three Comrades
7638 cover Annie Besant 2
7639 cover Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices Anol Bhattacherjee
7640 cover How Obama Betrayed America....And No One Is Holding HIm Accountable Horowitz, David
7641 cover The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies Caplan, Bryan
7642 cover Taming Babel: Language in the Making of Malaysia Rachel Leow
7643 cover El Despertar Natasha Preston
7644 cover Human Growth and Development Chris Beckett, Hilary Taylor
7645 cover Introduction To Environmental Impact Assessment Therivel, Riki &amp, Glasson, John 5
7646 cover Social Legislation of the East India Company Nancy Gardner Cassels
7647 cover When Serfs Stood Up In Tibet Anna Louise Strong
7648 cover Worse Than Trump: The American Plantation Dayvon Love
7649 cover Eyewitness to Hitler's Escape Peter David Orr
7650 cover Auf der Straße gilt unser Gesetz: Arabische Clans – Ein Insider erzählt seine Geschichte Kensche, Christine &amp, O., Khalil
7651 cover Die Macht der Clans: Arabische Großfamilien und ihre kriminellen Imperien Meyer-Heuer, Claas &amp, Heise, Thomas
7652 cover Arabische Clans Ghadban, Ralph
7653 cover I'm a Nurse: Warum ich meinen Beruf als Krankenschwester liebe – trotz allem Kubsova, Jarka &amp, Böhler, Franziska
7654 cover Poetry and politics Mortimer Jerome Adler
7655 cover The common sense of politics Mortimer Jerome Adler
7656 cover Pax americana - Die Geschichte einer Weltmacht Effenberger, Wolfgang u. Löw, Konrad
7657 cover Fiestas, baños y exilios: los gays porteños en la última dictadura Flavio Rapisardi y Alejandro Modarelli
7658 cover Politics: A New Translation Aristotle, C. D. C. Reeve (trans., intro.)
7659 cover Hitler's Police Battalions: Enforcing Racial War in the East 1 Edward B. Westermann
7660 cover La vida simple Sylvain Tesson
7661 cover Narcissism and the Novel Berman, Jeffrey
7662 cover Thinking Fragments: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Postmodernism in the Contemporary West Flax, Jane
7663 cover Neuro-Esclaves (nouvelle édition mise à jour et amplifiée): Techniques et psychopathologies de la manipulation politique, économique et religieuse (Vérités Cachées) Luna, Marco Della &amp, Paolo Cioni
7664 cover Adler, Mortimer J. How to Think About War and Peace by Mortimer J. Adler. New York Adler, Mortimer J.
7665 cover None dare call it conspiracy Gary Allen
7666 cover How Marxism Works Harman, Chris
7667 cover Apocalypse Never - Sample Shellenberger, Michael
7668 cover La esperanza de México: Un encuentro con la política y la historia James D. Cockcroft
7669 cover The World Turned Upside Down: A History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution Yang Jisheng
7670 cover Le printemps le plus long Castonguay Alec
7671 cover Assassination on Embassy Row JOHN DINGES &amp,&amp, SAUL LANDAU
7672 cover A Cry For Justice: Empirical Insights From Balochistan Dr Qaiser Bengali
7673 cover Cómo hablar con un conservador Álvarez, Gloria
7674 cover E. P. Thompson. Marxismo e Historia social Sanz, Julián &amp, Babiano, José &amp, Erice, Francisco
7675 cover The Little Red Book Mao Tse Tung
7676 cover Derecho Constitucional Mexicano José Ignacio Burgoa
7677 cover Revising the soft power concept: what are the means and mechanisms of soft power? 4 Steven B. Rothman
7678 cover South Korea Country Report Rod Fisher
7679 cover Future City Architecture for Optimal Living Rassia, ST , Pardalos, PM (Editors)
7680 cover The Rape Of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II Iris Chang
7681 cover Droit constitutionnel Bernard Chantebout
7682 cover Pula 2 2 Ma-ta
7683 cover Botswana & Namibia Travel Guide Lonely Planet
7684 cover How They Rule the World: The 22 Secret Strategies of Global Power Baños, Pedro &amp, Soutar, Jethro
7685 cover The Political Thought of William Ockham Arthur Stephen McGrade
7686 cover The essentials of governance Wu Jing (吳兢, 吴兢)
7687 cover Russia Under the Old Regime Richard Pipes
7688 cover Libérez Votre Cerveau (Réponses) Aberkane, Idriss
7689 cover Le Scandale des mariages forcés Diouf Fatou, Ghosn Charles-Arnaud
7690 cover L'Entraîneur et l'enfant Luneau-Daurignac, Pierre-Emmanuel
7691 cover Les barrières invisibles dans la vie d'une femme Nathalie Rapoport-Hubschman
7692 cover Gobernanza, Gobernabilidad: Defensa & Seguridad Ricardo Torres Medrano
7693 cover Oficio de difuntos Arturo Uslar Pietri
7694 cover Legality and Legitimacy Carl Schmitt
7695 cover The Political Theory of Bolshevism A Critical Analysis Hans Kelsen
7696 cover America'S Forgotten Middle East Initiative Patrick, Andrew
7697 cover Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances Michael Salla
7698 cover The Socialist Phenomenon Shafarevich, Igor R. &amp, Tjalsma, William &amp, Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
7699 cover The Big Lie Dinesh D'Souza
7700 cover Destrezas sociales Lozano Luzón, José Luis(Author)
7701 cover Diálogos terapéuticos en la red social Tom Erik Arnkill &amp, Jaakko Seikkula
7702 cover Gustar, ganar y gobernar: Cómo triunfar en el arte de convencer Arias, Gonzalo
7703 cover Política y emoción (Manuales Prácticos) Bisquerra, Rafael
7704 cover Conflictología: Curso de resolución de conflictos Camp, Eduard Vinyamata
7705 cover Psicología política (Síntesis psicología. Psicología social) Cameselle, José Manuel Sabucedo
7706 cover The Penguin History of Britain: A Monarchy Transformed, Britain 1630-1714: A Monarchy Transformed, Britain 1630-1714 v. 6 Kishlansky, Mark
7707 cover Principios de Derecho de la Información (Derecho - Biblioteca Universitaria De Editorial Tecnos) Urías, Joaquín
7708 cover El regreso a la cabaña: Aquí suceden más cosas de las que nunca te atreviste a soñar. Kruger, C. Baxter
7709 cover Recuperar la democracia (El Ojo del Tiempo) Ignacio Gomez de Liaño
7710 cover CUIDA-2 (Psicología) María Dolores Calero García &amp, Elena Navarro &amp, Miriam Sanjuán &amp, María José Calero García &amp, Ana Raquel Ortega
7711 cover Calidad de vida y bienestar en la vejez (Psicología) Carlos Freire Rodríguez &amp, María del Mar Ferradás Canedo
7712 cover No tengáis miedo de lo nuevo: Trabajo y sindicato en el capitalismo globalizado José Luis López Bulla &amp, Javier Tébar Hurtado
7713 cover China ¿Dragón o parásito? (Actual) Pavón, Julián
7714 cover Los sótanos del universo: La determinación natural y sus mecanismos ocultos (Obras de referencia) Arana, Juan
7715 cover ¡No te prives!: Defensa de la ciudadanía Savater, Fernando
7716 cover La sociedad dolida de la Fuente, Juan Ramón
7717 cover AMLO y la religión Bernardo Barranco &amp, Roberto Blancarte
7718 cover AMLO y la tierra prometida Barranco, Bernardo
7719 cover Así termina la democracia Runciman, David
7720 cover Catalanes y escoceses: Unión y discordia Elliott, John H.
7721 cover Cleptocracia: El nuevo modelo de la corrupción Villamil, Jenaro
7722 cover Conspiración: Cómo Rusia ayudó a Trump a ganar las elecciones Harding, Luke
7723 cover Crítica de la víctima Giglioli, Daniele
7724 cover Crónica de la victoria Fabrizio Madrid &amp, Fabrizio Mejía Madrid
7725 cover Crónica de un sexenio fallido Albarrán, Ernesto Núñez
7726 cover Cómo hablar con un progre (Edición española) Cross, Gloria Álvarez
7727 cover Cómo mueren las democracias Steven Levitsky &amp, Daniel Ziblatt
7728 cover ¿Cómo nos arreglamos?: Testimonio del primer fiscal anticorrupción en México Canales Santos, Ernesto
7729 cover De La Pepa a Podemos: Historia de las ideas políticas en la España contemporánea de Vicente Algueró, Felipe-José
7730 cover Educación y democracia Zuleta, Estanislao
7731 cover El agua o la vida (Colección Vital) Lemus, J. Jesús
7732 cover El esbirro (Astor) Kourdakov, Sergei
7733 cover El hombre, animal político García, Francisco Javier Conde
7734 cover El horizonte democrático: El hiperpluralismo y la renovación del liberalismo político Ferrara, Alessandro
7735 cover El nacimiento de las instituciones Krauze, Enrique
7736 cover El policía: La guerra sucia no se olvida Castañeda, Rafael Rodríguez
7737 cover El sentido común en Gramsci Crehan, Kate
7738 cover España vista por sus intelectuales (Biblioteca Palabra) Burgos (Ed.), Juan Manuel
7739 cover España y su mundo (1500-1700) John H. Elliott
7740 cover Estado de emergencia: De la guerra de Calderón a la guerra de Peña Nieto Fazio, Carlos
7741 cover Fascismo: Una advertencia Albright, Madeleine
7742 cover Fuego y cenizas. Éxito y fracaso en política Ignatieff, Michael
7743 cover Hacia una economía moral López Obrador, Andrés Manuel
7744 cover Islam y modernidad: Reflexiones blasfemas Žižek, Slavoj
7745 cover K. O. PPK Sifuentes, Marco
7746 cover La Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto (edición actualizada): La historia que cimbró a un gobierno Daniel Lizarraga &amp, Rafael Cabrera &amp, Irving Huerta &amp, Sebastián Barragán
7747 cover La cara oculta de la inseguridad en México Gledhill, John
7748 cover La corrección política (VOLUMEN INDEPENDIENTE) Jordan B. Peterson &amp, Stephen Fry &amp, Michael Eric Dyson &amp, Michelle Goldberg
7749 cover La democracia Dahl, Robert A.
7750 cover La democracia en América: La influencia de las ideas y sentimientos democráticos (Doce Uvas) de Tocqueville, Alexis
7751 cover La democracia en sus textos Rafael del Águila, Fernando Vallespín Oña
7752 cover La Edad Virtual: Vivir, amar y trabajar en un mundo acelerado López Cambronero, Marcelo
7753 cover La guerra que nos ocultan Cruz, Francisco
7754 cover La laicidad Àlex&nbsp,Seglers
7755 cover La modernidad global: Una revolución copernicana en los asuntos humanos Iglesias, Fernando
7756 cover La raíz (de todos los males): Cómo el poder montó un sistema para la corrupción y la impunidad en la Argentina Alconada Mon, Hugo
7757 cover Larga vida a la socialdemocracia Barragué, Borja
7758 cover La sociedad de coste marginal cero: El Internet de las cosas, el procomún colaborativo y el eclipse del capitalismo Rifkin, Jeremy
7759 cover La sociedad de la externalización Lessenich, Stephan
7760 cover La ventaja de mirar insistentemente una lata de sopa de Haro, Fernando
7761 cover Los amos del mundo están al acecho Martín Jiménez, Cristina
7762 cover Los demonios del sindicalismo mexicano MARTIN, MORENO F.
7763 cover Los derechos humanos Mestre Chust, José Vicente
7764 cover Malversados Spector, Ezequiel
7765 cover Manual de sociedad civil y movimientos sociales (Ciencias políticas) Ibarra, Pedro
7766 cover Marcos de guerra: Las vidas lloradas Butler, Judith
7767 cover Mundo Orwell Gómez de Ágreda, Ángel
7768 cover México a tres bandas Juan Miguel Zunzunegui &amp, Leopoldo Mendivil &amp, Pedro J. Fernández
7769 cover México en Llamas: el legado de Calderón Hernández, Anabel
7770 cover Negocio y traición: La burguesía catalana de Felipe V a Felipe VI Laínz Fernández, Jesús
7771 cover No pienses en un elefante: Lenguaje y debate político Lakoff, George
7772 cover Ortega y Unamuno en la España de Franco: El debate intelectual durante los años cuarenta y cincuenta Puerta, Antonio Martín
7773 cover Oye, Trump López Obrador, Andrés Manuel
7774 cover Pensar políticamente Walzer, Michael
7775 cover Sinceramente Fernández de Kirchner, Cristina
7776 cover Sistemas políticos de América Latina: 1 (Derecho - Biblioteca Universitaria De Editorial Tecnos) Sáez, Manuel Alcántara
7778 cover Traficantes de personas: El negocio de los secuestros y la crisis de los refugiados Napoleoni, Loretta
7779 cover UN CANTO DE AMOR A LA TIERRA Hanh, Tich Nhat
7780 cover Voces de Chernóbil: Crónica del futuro Alexievich, Svetlana
7781 cover ¡Basta de historias!: La obsesión latinoamerican con el pasado y las doce claves para el futuro Oppenheimer, Andrés
7782 cover ¡El mundo va mucho mejor de lo que piensas! Lecomte, Jacques
7783 cover ¿Tenemos derecho a un futuro? Guerrero, Fabrizzio
7784 cover Asha o la fuerza de la esperanza Barca, Aina
7785 cover Inútilmente guapo (Fuera de colección) Reverte, Jorje Martínez
7786 cover Libres: Historias y testimonios de Rusia Parravicini, Giovanna
7787 cover Inmigrantes y refugiados: Trauma, duelo permanente, prejuicio y psicología fronteríza Volkan, Vamik
7788 cover El cártel de Sinaloa Osorno, Diego Enrique
7789 cover Las guerras ocultas del narco Cedillo, Juan Alberto
7790 cover Los infiltrados: El narco dentro de los gobiernos Aponte, David
7791 cover Mariguana a la mexicana Lozano, Nacho
7792 cover E3 Aumenta tu energía a la tercera potencia Grout, Pam
7793 cover Ciencias y matemáticas en acción: Actividades fascinantes para la primera infancia Davis, Beth R.Beth
7794 cover Didáctica de la participación: Teoría, metodología y práctica Ventosa, Víctor J.
7795 cover El profesor cosmopolita en un mundo global: Buscando el equilibrio entre la apertura a lo nuevo y la lealtad a lo conocido Hansen, David T.
7796 cover La capacidad cerebral en la primera infancia: Cómo lograr un desarrollo óptimo Schiller, Pam
7797 cover La función de tutoría: Carta de navegación para tutores Antonio González Pérez &amp, José María Solano Chía
7798 cover La mediación va a la escuela: Hacia un buen plan de convivencia en el centro Boqué Torremorell, Maria Carme
7799 cover Mentoría de menores y jóvenes: Guía práctica Pat Dolan &amp, Bernadine Brady
7800 cover Políticas educativas en un mundo globalizado Fazal Rizvi &amp, Bob Lingard
7801 cover Trabajando con menores vulnerables: Actividades lúdicas que mejoran la comunicación Audrey Tait &amp, Helen Wosu
7802 cover La vibración del amor: Descubre cómo los ciudadanos globales cambiarán el mundo Isha
7803 cover Cartas. Libros VI-X (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos) Símaco
7804 cover Comunismo hermenéutico: De Heidegger a Marx Gianni Vattimo &amp, Santiago Zabala
7805 cover Constitución de los Atenienses. Económicos. (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos) Aristóteles &amp, Pseudo-Aristóteles
7806 cover El aroma del tiempo: Un ensayo filosófico sobre el arte de demorarse Han, Byung-Chul
7807 cover El manual del dictador (El Ojo del Tiempo) Bruce Bueno de Mesquita &amp, A. Smith
7808 cover Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey Bernstein, Richard
7809 cover Hannah Arendt: El orgullo de pensar Birulés, Fina
7810 cover Heidegger y el mito de la conspiración mundial de los judíos Trawny, Peter
7811 cover La filosofía frente al comunismo: De Sartre a hoy (Mínima) Badiou, Alain &amp, Setton, Román
7812 cover La igualibertad Balibar, Étienne
7813 cover Líneas de frontera: Filosofía y postcolonialismo Emanuela
7814 cover Paternalismo libertario: ¿Por qué un empujoncito? Sunstein, Cass R.
7815 cover Política (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos) Aristóteles
7816 cover Sobre la República (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos) Cicerón
7817 cover Sobre vivir Fernando Savater
7818 cover Tierra de nadie: Cómo pensar (en) la sociedad global Campillo, Antonio
7819 cover Una filosofía para América Latina Feinmann, José Pablo
7820 cover Diseño de Proyectos Sociales: Aplicaciones prácticas para su planificación, gestión y evaluación Pérez Serrano, Gloria
7821 cover Manual para la gestión de la intervención social Azcoaga, Fernando Fantova
7822 cover Problemas sociales y trabajo social: Hacia la inclusión y el cambio sociales (Educación crítica) Gerald Smale &amp, Graham Tuson &amp, Daphne Statham
7823 cover Eley, Geoff
7824 cover The Gorbachev Phenomenon Moshe Lewin
7825 cover Rethinking the Soviet Experience Stephen F. Cohen
7826 cover Die Kronzeugin Sayragul Sauytbay
7827 cover Altermarxisme. Un autre marxisme pour un autre monde Jacques Bidet, Gérard Duménil
7828 cover Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in the Trump White House Sims, Cliff
7829 cover The Untold History of the United States Stone, Oliver, Kuznick, Peter
7830 cover Teoría general de los derechos humanos Germán J. Bidart Campo
7831 cover Crude Chronicles: Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil, and Neoliberalism in Ecuador Suzana Sawyer
7832 cover Communism Alfred G. Meyer
7833 cover Black Flags Warrick, Joby
7834 cover Deciphering Sun Tzu: How to Read The Art of War Yuen, Derek M. C.
7835 cover Slavoj Zizek Kul-Want, Christopher, Piero
7836 cover The Mitrokhin Archive II - The KGB in the World Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin
7837 cover Dongri to Dubai - Six Decades of the Mumbai Mafia Zaidi, Hussain
7838 cover From Chanakya to Modi: Evolution of India's Foreign Policy Pande, Aparna
7839 cover India After Gandhi Guha, Ramachandra
7840 cover The Politics of Gun Control Spitzer, Robert J.
7841 cover The Philosophy of Marx: New and Updated Edition Balibar, Étienne
7842 cover The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir John Bolton
7843 cover Letters to Change the World: From Pankhurst to Orwell Elborough, Travis
7844 cover Le Prince de la coke - La suite Fauré, Gérard
7845 cover Brotherhood of Power: Afrikaaner Broederbond
7846 cover The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power Deanna Spingola
7847 cover PRINCE AT WAR Ashok K. Banker
7848 cover Die Corona-Lüge - demaskiert Hermann von Bering
7849 cover The World is Flat Steven
7850 cover Organizing While Undocumented Escudero, Kevin
7851 cover Organisationsbuch der NSDAP Ley, Robert
7852 cover El sistema de dominación azteca: el Imperio Tepaneca Santamarina Novillo, Carlos
7853 cover Digital Archaeology: Bridging method and theory Thomas L.Evans and Patrick Daly (Edt)
7854 cover Ambedkar: An Overview Ambedkar, B. R.
7855 cover El derecho de los derechos Carlos Bernal Pulido
7856 cover Nationalism, Political Islam, and the Kurdish Question in Iran in the Late Twentieth Century Said Shams
7857 cover Consumed Wright, Suzanne
7858 cover Oltre il rumore Pavolini, Antonio
7859 cover State and Local Government and Politics: Prospects for Sustainability Christopher A. Simon
7860 cover Excelsior Barbacetto, Gianni &amp, Maroni, Marco
7861 cover An introduction to social work The Open University
7862 cover Resistance Aspen, Jay
7863 cover The Apostate Hardin, Jack
7864 cover Media Power! Yoo Seong
7865 cover A Very British Lord Snodgrass, G.L.
7866 cover Le régime de Vichy: 1940-1944 Baruch, Marc Olivier
7867 cover Mélancolique Rodéo JARRE, Jean-Michel
7868 cover And Then After That (Final Volume) Amagi, Shousuke
7869 cover Un rien peut tout changer Clear, James
7870 cover La grande histoire du système immunitaire Richtel Matt
7871 cover La otra verdad Merini, Alda
7872 cover L'avocat était une femme Minkowski, Julia &amp, Vignoli, Lisa
7873 cover El 23-F y los otros golpes de Estado de la Transición Bolaños, Roberto Muñoz
7874 cover Despertar L. J. Smith
7875 cover Abril rojo Santiago Roncagliolo
7876 cover Conflicto L. J. Smith
7877 cover 10 Minutes From Home: Episode 8 Howard, Bill
7878 cover D'argent et de sang Arfi Fabrice
7879 cover J'ai tué le fils du chef Robert, Denis
7880 cover Pourquoi Mitterrand ? Joxe, Pierre
7881 cover Nous avons fait l'amour, vous allez faire la guerre Bothorel Jean
7882 cover Nous ne sommes pas des fleurs Van Woerkens, Martine
7883 cover Nous, peuples d'Europe George, Susan
7884 cover Nous étions jeunes et insouciants Fignon
7885 cover Nouvelles affaires africaines Péan, Pierre
7886 cover Nouvelles guerres, Comprendre les conflicts du XXIè siècle Bertrand Badie &amp, Dominique Vidal (dir)
7887 cover #32MARS NUIT DEBOUT
7888 cover Chemin de croix Nuzzi, Gianluigi
7889 cover THE NEW COMMUNISM Bob Avakian
7890 cover The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History Daryaee, Touraj
7891 cover Argent sale : la traque Mugg, Quentin &amp, Constanty, Hélène
7892 cover Économie utile pour des temps difficiles Banerjee, Abhijit V. &amp, Duflo, Esther
7893 cover Basculements Baschet, Jérôme
7894 cover Le communisme Adler, Alexandre
7895 cover Slaves in Paradise: A Priest Stands Up for Exploited Sugarcane Workers García, Jesús
7896 cover Entre la pierre et la plume IAM &amp, Bouthier, Baptiste
7897 cover La historia de la república Chumel Torres
7898 cover La voluntad del Gudari Soldevilla, Gaizka Fernández
7899 cover La fabrique de malades Boukris, Sauveur
7900 cover Los diarios de Emilio Renzi. Un día en la vida Piglia, Ricardo
7901 cover Yugoslavia Noam Chomsky
7902 cover Dangerously Canadian 2 Duval, Lula
7903 cover The Man in the Street Martin Howe
7904 cover The Outlaw Ocean Urbina, Ian
7905 cover Liberate and Leave: Fatal Flaws in the Early Strategy for Postwar Iraq Eberly, Don
7906 cover My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel Shavit, Ari
7907 cover The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of Darpa, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency JACOBSEN, ANNIE
7908 cover Sand and Blood: America's Stealth War on the Mexico Border FREY, JOHN CARLOS
7909 cover La guerra de Gaza (2006-2014) Marie Fauré
7910 cover El derecho al voto de las mujeres en Francia Rémi Spinassou
7911 cover La guerra Irán-Irak Corentin de Favereau
7912 cover La caida del muro de Berlín Véronique Van Driessche
7913 cover Dáesh Benoît Lefèvre
7914 cover La ONU Camille David
7915 cover Les écolos nous mentent ! de Kervasdoué, Jean
7916 cover 10K La década robada Lanata, Jorge
7917 cover La désobéissance civile et nous: À l'école de Gandhi et de Luther King Durand, Guy
7918 cover Géopolitique De L'Iran Bernard Hourcade
7919 cover Murmures à la jeunesse Christiane Taubira
7920 cover Emmanuel Macron Anne Fulda
7921 cover La seule exactitude Alain Finkielkraut
7922 cover Histoire secrète de la corruption sous la Ve République Yvonnick Denoël, Jean Garrigues
7923 cover La Stratégie du Chaos
7924 cover Wir sehen uns in der Hölle: Noch mehr wahre Geschichten von einem deutschen Hells Angel Uli (Ulrich Detrois), Bad Boy
7925 cover Rockerkrieg: Warum Hells Angels und Bandidos immer gefährlicher werden - Ein SPIEGEL-Buch Diehl, Jörg &amp, Thomas Heise &amp, Claas Meyer-Heuer
7926 cover Wie die Hells Angels Deutschlands Unterwelt eroberten Schubert, Stefan
7927 cover Reparation Smillie, Andy
7928 cover The skull harvest McNeill, Graham
7929 cover Shifting Alliances 4 Storm, Riley
7930 cover Le Manifeste du Parti Communiste Karl Marx – Friedrich Engels
7931 cover Grandes miradas Cueto, Alonso
7932 cover Examen multidimensionnel de la Côte d'Ivoire OCDE
7933 cover Conflict Moonen, Susan
7934 cover Les Oligarques Ockrent, Christine
7935 cover On ne peut éternellement se contenter de regarder passer les cadavres sous les ponts Eric DE MONTGOLFIER
7936 cover ONU : La grande imposture Liétar, Pauline
7937 cover 1940 vérités et légendes Porte, Rémy
7938 cover Le salaire de la destruction Tooz, Adam
7939 cover The Revolution: A Manifesto Paul, Ron
7940 cover Opération urnes Vicens Laia, Tedó Xavi
7941 cover Orient Occident - Le Choc ? Chesnot, Christian &amp, Sfer, Antoine
7942 cover Désolé, nous avons raté la piste ! Stephan Orth, Antje Blinda
7943 cover Métaphysique quantique Sven ORTOLI, Jean-Pierre PHARABOD
7944 cover Où sont passés nos espions ? Dubois Christophe, Pelletier Éric, &amp, Dubois Christophe, Pelletier Éric
7945 cover Où va l'Etat ? Essai sur les nouvelles élites du pouvoir Pierre Birnbaum
7946 cover Le Dernier homme de Fukushima Antonio Pagnotta
7947 cover Papineau Yvan Lamonde, Jonathan Livernois
7948 cover Paradoxes de la transgression Hastings, Michel &amp, Nicolas, Loïc &amp, Passard, Cédric
7949 cover Paradiplomatie identitaire: nations minoritaires et politiques extérieures Justin Massie &amp, Marjolaine Lamontagne
7950 cover Parents après 40 ans Levilain, Hervé &amp, Bessin, Marc
7951 cover Paris-Marrakech Jean-pierre Tuquoi
7952 cover Paris, l'insurrection capitale Jean-Claude CARON
7953 cover Adulte ? Jamais Pier Paolo Pasolini
7954 cover Passage des larmes Waberi
7955 cover Partigia Luzzatto, Sergio
7956 cover Je viens de si loin Chau, Frédéric
7957 cover Le Charme discret de l'intestin: Tout sur un organe mal aimé Enders, Giulia
7958 cover Dealer du Tout-Paris Fauré, Gérard
7959 cover Albert Camus, Elisée Reclus et l'Algérie Pelletier, Philippe
7960 cover Manuel indocile de sciences sociales Copernic, Fondation
7961 cover Rescapée du goulag chinois Morgat, Rozenn &amp, Haitiwaji, Gulbahar
7962 cover Surprise, Kill, Vanish: The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins JACOBSEN, ANNIE
7963 cover Mediocracia: cuando los mediocres toman el poder Deneault, Alain
7964 cover Beyond Democracy: Why Democracy Does Not Lead to Solidarity, Prosperity, and Liberty but to Social Conflict, Runaway Spending, and Tyrannical Government Frank Karsten, Karel Beckman
7965 cover Hard Choices DeLeo, Bernard Lee
7966 cover The Fail Safe Heath, Jack
7967 cover À la poursuite du Thunder Engdal, Eskil &amp, Sæter, Kjetil
7968 cover La géographie, reine des batailles BOULANGER, Philippe
7969 cover Libérez votre cerveau ! Aberkane, Idriss
7970 cover Le sabre et le turban Colosimo, Jean-François
7971 cover Le Diable dans la démocratie Legutko, Ryszard
7972 cover La Poésie du futur Horvat Srećko
7973 cover 11-M El atentado que cambió la historia de España Jaime Ignacio del Burgo
7974 cover In Deep David Rohde
7975 cover The Season of Sin (Peace In The Storm Publishing Presents) Stacy-Deanne
7976 cover On ne réveille pas un fonctionnaire qui dort Morin
7977 cover Paix en guerre Ronan Farrow
7978 cover Palestine, la trahison europénne Hessel, Stéphane
7979 cover PARIS de femmes Malouines
7980 cover Paroles libres Khodorkovski, Mikhaïl
7981 cover Passé(e) de mode ? Viviane Blassel
7982 cover Éloge du mondialisme par un «anti» présumé Passet René
7983 cover Globalists Quinn Slobodian
7984 cover La fabrique du crétin digital - Les dangers des écrans pour nos enfants Desmurget, Michel
7985 cover Parkland Cullen, Dave
7986 cover American Royals McGee, Katharine
7987 cover Les valeurs des Européens Bréchon &amp, Sous la Direction de &amp, Bréchon Pierre &amp, Gonthier Frédéric
7988 cover Das Corona Dossier Osrainik, Flo
7989 cover Vivre avec nos morts Horvilleur, Delphine
7990 cover Three Guineas Virginia Woolf
7991 cover The Trial of Adolf Hitler David King
7992 cover L'oeil de l'État James C. SCOTT
7993 cover Nine-tenths of the Law Witt, L.A.
7994 cover Im Namen der Völker · Der lange Kampf des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs Dürr, Benjamin
7995 cover Reines d'Afrique HUGEUX, Vincent
7996 cover Political Murder Lathen, Emma
7998 cover From Stalinism to Eurocommunism: The Bitter Fruits of Socialism in One Country Mandel, Ernest
7999 cover 5 Crises, 11 nouvelles questions d'économie Askenazy, Philippe &amp, Cohen, Daniel
8000 cover Socialist Planning Michael Ellman
8001 cover Kropotkin Laughlin, Jim Mac
8002 cover The analects of Confucius Confucius &amp, Soothill, William Edward, 1861-1935, ed
8003 cover La política en México. ¿Consolidación democrática o deterioro? (Politica y Derecho) Ai Camp, Roderic
8004 cover Cruzando el mar Bauer, Wolfgang
8005 cover Transiciones democráticas Bitar, Sergio &amp, Lowenthal, Abraham F.
8006 cover Las crisis de Europa Castells, Manuel
8007 cover Fascismo Griffin, Roger
8008 cover Hirak en Algérie Benderra, Omar
8009 cover Messiah Online Rain, Seth
8010 cover La moral como anomalía Valdecantos, Antonio
8011 cover Los últimos días de Hitler Trevor-Roper, Hugh
8012 cover Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less Are Thekeys to Sustainability Owen, David
8013 cover War on Peace Ronan Farrow
8014 cover Winter is Coming Kasparov, Gary
8015 cover Killer Investigation Stevens, Amanda
8016 cover A Place in the World Maroney, Amy
8017 cover Creedme Ken Armstrong y T. Christian Miller
8018 cover Las grandes operaciones del Mossad Bar-Zohar, Michael &amp, Mishal, Nissim
8019 cover France-Algérie: 50 ans d'histoires secrètes (1962-1992) Naoufel Brahimi El Mili
8020 cover Forges inédito Forges
8021 cover La Chica V Robarts, Mya
8022 cover La herida perpetua Almudena Grandes
8023 cover Understanding Power Chomsky, Noam, Schoeffel, John (Edited by)
8024 cover The company Littell, Robert
8025 cover La verdad de la pandemia Jiménez, Cristina Martín
8026 cover Nadar desnudas Carla Guelfenbein
8027 cover Identidad Fukuyama, Francis
8028 cover Muertes por desesperación y el futuro del capitalismo Case, Anne &amp, Deaton, Angus
8029 cover La palabra contraria Luca, Erri De
8030 cover El eterno retorno del populismo en América Latina y el Caribe
8031 cover Pardines: Cuando ETA empezó a matar Fernández, Gaizka &amp, Domínguez, Florencio
8032 cover El Papa de Hitler Cornwell, John
8033 cover The Venezuelan King, Bill
8034 cover Considérations sur la France Maistre, Joseph de
8035 cover Uncivil Defense M. Ruth Myers
8036 cover Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities Hussein T. Mouftah &amp, Melike Erol-Kantarci &amp, Mubashir Husain Rehmani
8037 cover Dictionnaire de l'impossible VAN CAUWELAERT, Didier
8038 cover Lettre aux professeurs sur la liberté d'expression François Héran
8039 cover Getting Back Dietrich, William
8040 cover Point of no Return Carson, John
8041 cover Without Apology Bondurant, Aubrey
8042 cover Sueño y destrucción de España José María Marco
8043 cover La fracture coloniale (La Découverte/Poche) Blanchard, Pascal
8044 cover La route vers le nouveau désordre mondial Scott, Peter Dale
8045 cover 50 Core American Documents: Required Reading for Students, Teachers, and Citizens Burkett, Christopher
8046 cover Panjab: Journeys Through Fault Lines Sandhu, Amandeep
8047 cover Empreintes Farrier, David
8048 cover Afropéens Pitts, Johny
8049 cover Guerre et eau Galland, Franck
8050 cover ¿Ya es mañana? Krastev, Ivan
8051 cover Sangre, sudor y lágrimas Lukacs, John
8052 cover Le guide de la conspiration mondiale Icke, David
8053 cover Quién es fascista (Libros Singulares (Ls)) Gentile, Emilio
8054 cover Desobedecer Frédéric Gros
8055 cover L'African terror Dominique, Antoine-Louis
8056 cover El archipiélago liberal Kukathas, Chandran
8057 cover Pasado imperfecto; Los intelectuales franceses 1944-1946 Tony Judt
8058 cover El quinto riesgo Lewis, Michael
8059 cover El poder de las banderas Marshall, Tim
8060 cover 1989, el año que cambió el mundo Guardia, Ricardo Martín de la
8061 cover Blackout Owens, Candace
8062 cover La (verdadera) revolución en los asuntos militares Andrei Martyanov
8063 cover Lo stato mondiale Ernst, Jünger
8064 cover Rêves de montagnes (Nouvelle édition) Krakauer, Jon
8065 cover No Way Back Florentia, Kelly
8066 cover El nuevo zar Myers, Steven Lee
8067 cover La caída del Muro de Berlín Gonin, Jean-Marc &amp, Guez, Olivier
8068 cover Por la razón o la fuerza Rosenmann, Marcos Roitman
8069 cover Imágenes de un futuro socialista Eugene Richter
8070 cover El mundo tal y como es Rhodes, Ben
8071 cover Democracia y humanización en el Chile contemporáneo Luis Pacheco Pastene
8072 cover Ganar o morir Pablo Iglesias Turrión
8073 cover Sull'estetica Edgar Morin
8074 cover Ridere Breton, David Le
8075 cover African History: A Very Short Introduction John Parker &amp, Richard Rathbone
8076 cover American Legal History: A Very Short Introduction White, G. Edward
8077 cover American Politics: A Very Short Introduction Valelly, Richard M.
8078 cover Aristocracy: A Very Short Introduction Doyle, William
8079 cover The Aztecs: A Very Short Introduction Carrasco, David
8080 cover Borders: A Very Short Introduction Alexander C. Diener &amp, Joshua Hagen
8081 cover The British Constitution: A Very Short Introduction Loughlin, Martin
8082 cover British Politics: A Very Short Introduction Wright, Tony
8083 cover Citizenship: A Very Short Introduction Bellamy, Richard
8084 cover The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction McMahon, Robert J.
8085 cover Communism: A Very Short Introduction Holmes, Leslie
8086 cover The Conquistadors: A Very Short Introduction Matthew Restall &amp, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
8087 cover Diaspora: A Very Short Introduction Kenny, Kevin
8088 cover The European Union: A Very Short Introduction John Pinder &amp, Simon Usherwood
8089 cover Fascism: A Very Short Introduction Passmore, Kevin
8090 cover Feminism: A Very Short Introduction Walters, Margaret
8091 cover Foucault: A Very Short Introduction Gutting, Gary
8092 cover Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction Ruthven, Malise
8093 cover Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction Dodds, Klaus
8094 cover Governance: A Very Short Introduction Bevir, Mark
8095 cover Habermas: A Very Short Introduction Finlayson, James Gordon
8096 cover Ideology: A Very Short Introduction Freeden, Michael
8097 cover International Relations: A Very Short Introduction Wilkinson, Paul
8098 cover International Security: A Very Short Introduction Browning, Christopher S.
8099 cover Magna Carta: A Very Short Introduction Vincent, Nicholas
8100 cover Marx: A Very Short Introduction Singer, Peter
8101 cover Modern Ireland: A Very Short Introduction Paseta, Senia
8102 cover Modern Japan: A Very Short Introduction Goto-Jones, Christopher
8103 cover Modern War: A Very Short Introduction English, Richard
8104 cover The Napoleonic Wars: A Very Short Introduction Rapport, Mike
8105 cover Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction Grosby, Steven
8106 cover Northern Ireland: A Very Short Introduction Mulholland, Marc
8107 cover The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction Bunton, Martin
8108 cover Politics: A Very Short Introduction Minogue, Kenneth
8109 cover Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction Miller, David
8110 cover Privacy: A Very Short Introduction Wacks, Raymond
8111 cover Progressivism: A Very Short Introduction Nugent, Walter
8112 cover Rousseau: A Very Short Introduction Wokler, Robert
8113 cover The Russian Revolution: A Very Short Introduction Smith, S. A.
8114 cover Scotland: A Very Short Introduction Houston, Rab
8115 cover Socialism: A Very Short Introduction Newman, Michael
8116 cover The Soviet Union: A Very Short Introduction Lovell, Stephen
8117 cover The Spanish Civil War: A Very Short Introduction Graham, Helen
8118 cover Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction Townshend, Charles
8119 cover Tocqueville: A Very Short Introduction Mansfield, Harvey C.
8120 cover The Tudors: A Very Short Introduction Guy, John
8121 cover The U.S. Supreme Court:A Very Short Introduction Greenhouse, Linda
8122 cover The United Nations: A Very Short Introduction Hanhimaki, Jussi M.
8123 cover Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China Osnos, Evan
8124 cover World Order Kissinger, Henry
8125 cover Biomiméthique Delannoy, Emmanuel
8126 cover Hear Me Out Harding, Sarah
8127 cover Give People Money Lowrey, Annie
8128 cover Why Leaders Lie Mearsheimer, John J.
8129 cover Vivre en pleine conscience - Voir Hanh, Thich Nhat
8130 cover Moi, microbiote, maître du monde - Les microbes, 30 billions d'amis Yong, Ed
8131 cover La guerre sociale en France Godin Romaric
8132 cover Le Couteau jaune Johannes, Franck
8133 cover Les fugitives Coutard Hélène
8134 cover Regards croisés sur les pandémies Gibert, Patricia
8135 cover Danser au milieu du chaos Kankyo Tannier
8136 cover Le Métier de citoyen dans la Rome républicaine Nicolet, Claude
8137 cover The Killing Year King, Catriona
8138 cover End Game Gallagher, Charlie
8139 cover City of Sparrows Nour, Eva
8140 cover Jerusalem Jones, Conrad
8141 cover A Different War Thomas, Craig
8142 cover Des idées qui viennent Droit, Roger-Pol &amp,&amp, Sperber, Dan
8143 cover Understanding Socialism Wolff, Richard D.
8144 cover Trees in Trouble: Wildfires, Infestations, and Climate Change Mathews, Daniel
8145 cover Sputnik Dickson, Paul
8146 cover Riot Grrrls Manon LABRY
8147 cover Death in Florence Pierce, Blake
8148 cover Introducing Comparative Politics Stephen Walter Orvis &amp, Carol Ann Drogus
8149 cover Unacceptable Korn, Melissa &amp, Levitz, Jennifer
8150 cover Fifth Round 2 Tape, Arizona &amp, Greenwood, Laura
8151 cover Progreso Y Pobreza Spanish Drake George, Henry &amp, Drake, Bob
8152 cover Japanization Pesek, William
8153 cover China Goes Global: The Partial Power Shambaugh, David
8154 cover Dealing with China Paulson, Henry M.
8155 cover Die Dritte Macht - 1945 bis Heute? Sternhoff, Gilbert
8156 cover Die Atom-Lüge Adamek, Sascha
8157 cover Die weiße Mafia: Wie Ärzte und die Pharmaindustrie unsere Gesundheit aufs Spiel setzen Wittig, Frank
8158 cover Rockerkrieg Diehl, Jörg, Heise, Thomas, Meyer-Heuer, Claas
8159 cover Wer bin ich? Dobelli, Rolf
8160 cover Farm der Tiere Orwell, George
8161 cover Ich bin dann mal im Keller Gabrielsen, Bjørn
8162 cover Kanzlerdemokratie in Deutschland - Kommt es auf den Kanzler an? Fuß, Thomas
8163 cover Guerre de mouvement et guerre de position Gramsci, Antonio
8164 cover Tausend Teufel Goldammer, Frank
8165 cover The New World Order (1940) and The Open Conspiracy H.G. Wells
8166 cover Vergesst Auschwitz!: Der deutsche Erinnerungswahn und die Endlösung der Israel-Frage Broder, Henryk M.
8167 cover Feindbild Russland Hofbauer, Hannes
8168 cover Wir müssen leider draußen bleiben Kathrin Hartmann
8169 cover Die Macht der Geheimdienste: Agenten, Spione und Spitzel vom Mittelalter bis zum Cyberwar - Ein SPIEGEL-Buch Uwe Klußmann
8170 cover Asterix. 100 Seiten: Reclam 100 Seiten Fündling, Jörg
8171 cover Der Fall Erdogan Dagdelen, Sevim
8172 cover Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET Salla, Michael
8173 cover Sie wissen alles · Wie intelligente Maschinen in unser Leben eindringen und wir um unsere Freiheit kämpfen müssen Hofstetter, Yvonne
8174 cover Täuschend echt und glatt gelogen Konnikova, Maria
8175 cover Pour une anthropologie anarchiste Graeber, David
8176 cover Vergangenheit und Zukunft
8177 cover Wenn man weiß, wo der Verstand ist, hat der Tag Struktur · Anleitung zum Selberdenken in verrückten Zeiten Unzicker, Alexander
8178 cover Allein unter Flüchtlingen Tenenbom, Tuvia
8179 cover Meine Pandemie mit Professor Drosten Walter van Rossum
8180 cover Weltmacht im Treibsand
8181 cover Wer regiert die Welt? – Warum Zivilisationen herrschen oder beherrscht werden Morris, Ian
8182 cover ''Ohne Gurt kostet 50 extra!'' Weidenbach, Cordula
8183 cover Echte Liebe: Ein Leben mit dem BVB Horeni, Michael &amp, Watzke, Hans-Joachim
8184 cover 25 mythes a deboulonner en politique quebecoise Auger, Michel C.
8185 cover White Power Rockwell
8186 cover Science and Pseudoscience in Social Work Practice Bruce A. Thyer PhD, LCSW, BCBA-D,Monica G. Pignotti PhD, LMSW
8187 cover The Right to Be Elected
8188 cover Without Hesitation Talia Jager
8189 cover Vieilles Canailles Bernett, Sam
8190 cover The Brethren Bob Woodward &amp, Scott Armstrong
8191 cover La Tyrannie du mérite – Qu'avons-nous fait du bien commun ? Sandel, Michael J.
8192 cover Obligation Rose Reynolds, Aurora
8193 cover Das Megatrend-Prinzip: Wie die Welt von morgen entsteht Horx, Matthias
8194 cover Die Kunst des klaren Denkens: 52 Denkfehler, die Sie besser anderen überlassen Dobelli, Rolf
8195 cover Hurra wir dürfen zahlen: Der Selbstbetrug der Mittelschicht Herrmann, Ulrike
8196 cover Kluge Geldanlage in der Schuldenkrise -Austrian Investing Braunschweig, Christoph &amp, Kablitz, Susanne
8197 cover Ohne Krisen keine Harmonie: Eine kleine Geschichte der Gleichgewichtsstörungen in der Wirtschaft Plumpe, Werner
8198 cover Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken Kahneman, Daniel
8199 cover Schuld und Sühne Dostojewski, Fjodr Michailowitsch
8200 cover Was Sie nicht wissen sollen!: Einigen wenigen Familien gehört die gesamte westliche Welt ? und nun wollen sie den Rest! Morris, Michael
8201 cover Rajneetik Baat-Bebaat Bhawesh Chand
8202 cover Colombia siglo XX César Miguel Torres Del Río
8203 cover The Second Chinese Revolution Halstead, Ted
8204 cover Et le Bien dans tout ça ? Kahn, Axel
8205 cover Sommes-nous encore en démocratie ? Polony, Natacha
8206 cover A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard AND the Art of War by Sun Tzu Hubbard, Elbert &amp, Tzu, Sun
8207 cover Au pays des brumes Doyle, Arthur Conan
8208 cover Der stille Putsch: Wie eine geheime Elite aus Wirtschaft und Politik sich Europa und unser Land unter den Nagel reißt Roth, Jürgen
8209 cover Die Millionärsformel: Der Weg zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit Maschmeyer, Carsten
8210 cover Welcome to Britain: Fixing Our Broken Immigration System Colin Yeo
8211 cover Free Speech And Why It Matters Doyle, Andrew
8212 cover Killer Politics Ed Schultz
8213 cover Contra el fascismo Umberto Eco
8214 cover De la Habana a la paz William Ospina
8215 cover Der Antikapitalist Polleit, Thorsten
8216 cover жемчуг кархайма Adrian J Smith
8217 cover Becoming Free Becoming Black Race Freedom And Law In Cuba Virginia And Louisiana
8218 cover The Us Role In Natos Survival After The Cold War
8219 cover Canadian Federalism: Performance, Effectiveness, and Legitimacy Bakvis, Herman (Editor) &amp, Skogstad, Grace (Editor)
8220 cover The Mission House Davies, Carys
8221 cover The Battlefield Roberts, Hugh
8222 cover Primary Season Sara Celi &amp, S. Celi
8223 cover Politics in India since independence NCERT
8224 cover Political theory NCERT
8225 cover La dictadura intelectual populista: El rol de los think tanks liberales en el cambio social Marty, Antonella S.
8226 cover Young Haikor Mette Ivie Harrison
8227 cover Black and Blue Ian Rankin
8228 cover Murda Season: Business is Near Personal Romell Tukes
8229 cover War Criminals Gavin Smith
8230 cover Democracy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) Crick, Bernard
8231 cover Bal Thackeray & The Rise of the Shiv Sena Vaibhav Purandare
8232 cover Daughter of Destiny: an Autobiography Benazir Bhutto
8233 cover Love Across Borders Naheed Hassan &amp, Sabahat Muhammad
8234 cover Osama Bin Laden Michael Scheuer
8235 cover The Pirates of Somalia Jay Bahadur
8236 cover Red Star Over the Third World Vijay Prashad
8237 cover This Land Is Our Land Suketu Mehta
8238 cover When Google Met WikiLeaks Julian Assange
8239 cover Why Blame Israel? The Facts Behind the Headlines Neill Lochery
8240 cover The Red Sari: A Novel Javier Moro
8241 cover EMC DE PEDOPSYCHIATRIE OCT 2011 Elsevier Masson
8242 cover A Modern View of the Law of Torts J. S. Colyer and W. A. J. Farndale (Auth.)
8243 cover Adolescent Girls At Risk [1st ed.] Harold Marchant, Helen M. Smith and Jean P. Nursten (Auth.) 1
8244 cover Advances in food security and sustainability. Volume 1 [First edition] Barling, David
8245 cover An Interactive History of the Clean Air Act: Scientific and Policy Perspectives Jonathan M Davidson, Joseph M Norbeck
8246 cover Anthropology and the Public Interest. Fieldwork and Theory P. Sanday
8247 cover Applied Crime Analysis. A Social Science Approach to Understanding Crime, Criminals, and Victims [1 ed.] Wayne Petherick (Auth.) 1
8248 cover Arrow Impossibility Theorems [First Edition] Jerry S. Kelly and Karl Shell (Auth.)
8249 cover Automated fingerprint identification systems Peter Komarinski Master of Arts Criminal Justice
8250 cover Automating open source intelligence : algorithms for OSINT [1 ed.] Layton, Robert, Watters, Paul A 1
8251 cover China : Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Development Strategies [1 ed.] Yanqing Jiang 1
8252 cover Cities in Action Eugene Van Cleef and G. Chandler (Auth.)
8253 cover Climate Change: Alternate Governance Policy for South Asia [1 ed.] Ranadhir Mukhopadhyay, S.M. Karisiddaiah, Julie Mukhopadhyay 1
8254 cover Coastal Zone Management: Global Perspectives, Regional Processes, Local Issues Mu Ramkumar (editor), Arthur James (editor), David Menier (editor), Kumaraswamy K (editor)
8255 cover Cognition Vol. 8, No. 1 [8] William Marslen-Wilson, Lorraine Komisarjevsky Tyler, John R. Anderson, L. Jonathan Cohen &, Michael Studdert-Kennedy 8
8256 cover Communism in Europe. Continuity, Change, and the Sino–Soviet Dispute William E. Griffith (Eds.)
8257 cover Community Rehabilitation Services for People with Disabilities [1 ed.] Orv C. Karan, Stephen Greenspan 1
8258 cover Comparative Regional Systems. West and East Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Developing Countries Werner J. Feld and Gavin Boyd (Eds.)
8259 cover Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology: Carbohydrates, Nucleosides & Nucleic Acids [Volume 6, 1 ed.] Lewis Mander, Hung-Wen Liu 1
8260 cover Consumer Education in the Human Services Alan Gartner, etc
8261 cover Contributions of Technology to International Conflict Resolution [1st ed.] H. Chestnut 1
8262 cover Controversies in Victimology [2 ed.] Laura J. Moriarty 2
8263 cover Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation [7 ed.] Patricia Van Voorhis, Michael C. Braswell, David Lester 7
8264 cover Counterterrorist Detection Techniques of Explosives Jehuda Yinon
8265 cover Creativity and Humor Baer, John,Kaufman, James C.,Luria, Sarah R
8266 cover Crime, violence, and global warming [1 ed.] John P Crank, Linda S Jacoby 1
8267 cover Current Issues in Energy. A Selection of Papers [1st ed.] Chauncey Starr (Auth.) 1
8268 cover Cyber crime and cyber terrorism investigator's handbook [1 ed.] Babak Akhgar, Andrew Staniforth, Francesca Bosco 1
8269 cover Designing the New European Union [1 ed.] Helge Berger and Thomas Moutos (Eds.) 1
8270 cover Development, Human Rights and the Rule of Law. Report of a Conference Held in the Hague on 27 April–1 May 1981 [1st ed.] International Commission of Jurists (Auth.) 1
8271 cover Disaster Prevention Policies. A Challenging and Critical Outlook [1st Edition] Patrick Pigeon and Julien Rebotier (Auth.) 1
8272 cover Disasters and Public Health, Second Edition: Planning and Response [Second edition] Casani, Julie Ann P., Clements, Bruce
8273 cover Education Policy and Evaluation. A Context for Change Louise K. Comfort (Auth.)
8274 cover Efficiency of Investment in a Socialist Economy Mieczyslaw Rakowski (Eds.)
8275 cover Elsevier's Dictionary of the Labour Market Ulla Von Kunhardt (editor), Ingrid Llistosella-Matzky (editor)
8276 cover Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict [2nd ed.] Kurtz, Lester R. (Ed.) 2
8277 cover Energy and the Environment Cost-Benefit Analysis. Proceedings of a Conference Held June 23–27, 1975, Sponsored by the School of Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, U.S.A. R A Karam, K Z Morgan, Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Nuclear Engineering
8278 cover Energy in an Age of Limited Availability and Delimited Applicability [1st ed.] Philip Sporn (Auth.) 1
8279 cover Environmental design guidelines for low crested coastal structures
8280 cover Environmental Foresight and Models: A Manifesto [1 ed.] M.B. Beck (Eds.) 1
8281 cover Explosion Hazards and Evaluation W.E. BAKER, P.A. COX, P.S. WESTINE, J.J. KULESZ and R.A. STREHLOW (Eds.)
8282 cover Family Violence and Criminal Justice: A Life-Course Approach [3 ed.] Brian J. Payne, Randy R. Gainey 3
8283 cover Freudianism V. N. Voloshinov (Auth.)
8284 cover From Fragments to Objects: Segmentation and Grouping in Vision [1st ed.] Thomas F. Shipley and Philip J. Kellman (Eds.) 1
8285 cover General immunology [1st ed] Edwin L Cooper 1
8286 cover Green chemistry and processes [1 ed.] Mukesh Doble, Anil Kumar 1
8287 cover Halophytes for food security in dry lands [1 ed.] Ahmed, Muhammad Zaheer, Gul, Bilquees, Khan, M. Ajmal, Öztürk, Münir Ahmet 1
8288 cover Handbook of Traffic Psychology Bryan E. Porter
8289 cover Hands-on Guide to Windows Media Joe Follansbee
8290 cover High Technology Aids for the Disabled [1 ed.] W. J. Perkins 1
8291 cover History of topology [1st ed] I M James 1
8292 cover Housing Economics George Fallis (Auth.)
8293 cover Human Rights & Education Heinz-Dieter Haustein
8294 cover Identity by Design [1st ed] Georgia Butina-Watson, Ian Bentley 1
8295 cover Incest [1ST ed.] Joseph Shepher (Auth.) 1
8296 cover Integrating microelectronics into gas distribution William F Rush, James E Huebler, Jared R W Smith, Institute of Gas Technology
8297 cover Intl Review of Research in Mental Retardation - Vol 26
8298 cover Introduction to International Disaster Management , Second Edition [2 ed.] Damon P. Coppola 2
8299 cover Introduction to Global Variational Geometry, Volume 13 (North-Holland Mathematical Library) Demeter Krupka
8300 cover Investigating child exploitation and pornography : the internet, the law and forensic science Monique Mattei Ferraro, Eoghan Casey, Michael McGrath
8301 cover Investigating child exploitation and pornography: the Internet, the law and forensic science [1 ed.] Monique Ferraro, Eoghan Casey 1
8302 cover Landed Obligation: The Practice of Power in Buganda Holly Elisabeth Hanson
8303 cover Lighting for Digital Video and Television John Jackman
8304 cover Liquid Chromatography Detectors [2 Rev Sub ed.] R.P.W. Scott (Eds.) 2
8305 cover Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management [1 ed.] Islam, Tanveer, Ryan, Jeffrey R 1
8306 cover Interviewing and Interrogation for Law Enforcement John E. Hess
8307 cover Juvenile Justice. An Introduction John T. Whitehead and Steven P. Lab (Auth.)
8308 cover History of Criminal Justice [4th ed] Jones, Gerald Mark 4
8309 cover How to Find Out About Local Government Wilfrid H. Snape and G. Chandler (Auth.)
8310 cover Media and the American child George A Comstock, Erica Scharrer
8311 cover Multilateral Negotiation and Mediation. Instruments and Methods Arthur S. Lall
8312 cover National Energy Plans in the Asia–Pacific Region. Proceedings of Workshop III of the Asia–Pacific Energy Studies Consultative Group (APESC) Guy J. Pauker (Eds.)
8313 cover No Limits to Learning. Bridging the Human Gap: the Report to the Club of Rome J. W. Botkin, M. Elmandjra and M. Malitza (Auth.)
8314 cover Nuclear Safeguards, Security and Nonproliferation: Achieving Security with Technology and Policy Doyle, J.
8315 cover One from Seven Hundred. A Year in the Life of Parliament William Norris (Auth.)
8316 cover Perspectives on Environmental Problems Pieter Glasbergen and Andrew Blowers (Eds.)
8317 cover Phytoremediation Technology for the Removal of Heavy Metals and Other Contaminants from Soil and Water Vineet Kumar, Maulin P. Shah, Sushil Kumar Shahi
8318 cover Planning in the Soviet Union P. Bernard
8319 cover Positive Youth Development Richard M. Lerner, Jacqueline V. Lerner and Janette B. Benson (Eds.)
8320 cover Practical Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice [1 ed.] Gennaro F. Vito and George E Higgins (Auth.) 1
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8322 cover Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues [1 ed.] A. John Chandler, T. Taylor Eighmy, Jan Hartlén, Ole Hjelmar, David S. Kosson, Steven E. Sawell, Hans A. van der Sloot and Jürgen Vehlow (Eds.) 1
8323 cover Paths to Peace: the UN Security Council and Its Presidency Nicol, Davidson,Staff, UNITAR
8324 cover Process and Action in Work with Groups. The Preconditions for Treatment and Growth Ken Heap and Jean P. Nursten (Auth.)
8325 cover Psychology and the internet : intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal implications Jayne Gackenbach
8326 cover Public Policy [2 ed.] Anke Hassel 2
8328 cover Protecting the Social Service Client. Legal and Structural Controls on Official Discretion Joel F. Handler and Robert H. Haveman (Auth.)
8329 cover Rational Politics. Decisions, Games, and Strategy [Revised] Steven J. Brams (Auth.)
8330 cover Rape investigation handbook John O Savino, Brent E Turvey, John J Baeza, et al
8331 cover Rape investigation handbook [1 ed.] John O. Savino, Brent E. Turvey, John O. Savino, Brent E. Turvey 1
8332 cover Residential Care for the Mentally Retarded. A Symposium Held at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School on 28th November 1968 Under the Auspices of the Institute for Research Into Mental Retardation, London [1st ed.] Elspeth Stephen 1
8333 cover Residential Care. A Reader in Current Theory and Practice [1st ed.] Walton 1
8334 cover Science Progress in China [1 ed.] Lu Yongxiang 1
8335 cover Secondary School Graduation: University Entrance Qualification in Socialist Countries. A Comparative Study Wolfgang Mitter (Auth.)
8336 cover Selected Speeches and Writings Chernenko, Konstantin
8337 cover Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. Volume 2 Mao Tse-Tung (Auth.)
8338 cover Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. Volume 5 Mao Tse-Tung (Auth.)
8339 cover Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence: Convergent Systems for Planning, Design, and Operations [1 ed.] Christopher Grant Kirwan, Zhiyong Fu 1
8340 cover Smart Cities: Issues and Challenges: Mapping Political, Social and Economic Risks and Threats Anna Visvizi (editor)
8341 cover Smart Urban Mobility: Transport Planning in the Age of Big Data and Digital Twins Ivana Semanjski
8342 cover Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities: Emerging Approaches and Tools for A Climate-Sensitive Urban Development [1 ed.] Adriana Galderisi, Angela Colucci 1
8343 cover Social Work Research and the Analysis of Social Data. Social Work Division [1st ed.] A. E. Philip, J. W. McCulloch, N. J. Smith and Jean P. Nursten (Auth.) 1
8344 cover Social Issues in Computing C. C. Gotlieb, A. Borodin and Werner Rheinboldt (Auth.)
8345 cover Solving Urban Infrastructure Problems Using Smart City Technologies: Handbook on Planning, Design, Development, and Regulation [1 ed.] John R. Vacca 1
8346 cover Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Criminological Perspectives Mathieu Deflem (Ed.)
8347 cover The copyright librarian : a practical handbook [1 ed.] Frederiksen, Linda 1
8348 cover The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires : Nature's Phoenix DellaSala, Dominick A, Hanson, Chad T.
8349 cover The European Connection. Implications of EEC Membership [1st ed.] Richard Bailey (Auth.) 1
8350 cover The Evolution of the Us-japan Alliance The Eagle and the Chrysanthemum [1 ed.] Dian, Matteo 1
8351 cover The Impacts of Climate Change: A Comprehensive Study of Physical, Biophysical, Social, and Political Issues [1 ed.] Trevor Letcher (editor) 1
8352 cover The Mentally Handicapped Adolescent. The Slough Project of the National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children: an Experimental Step Towards Life in the Community [1 ed.] Eileen P. Baranyay and H. L. Freeman (Auth.) 1
8353 cover The Petrov Affair. Politics and Espionage [First Edition] Robert Manne (Auth.)
8354 cover The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, Fifth Edition [5 ed.] D. A. Andrews, James Bonta 5
8355 cover The Urban Climate Helmut E. Landsberg (Eds.)
8356 cover Towards Sustainable Road Transport [1 ed.] Ronald Dell, Patrick T. Moseley and David A. J. Rand (Auth.) 1
8357 cover Urban Climate Adaptation and Mitigation [1 ed.] Sharifi, Khavarian 1
8358 cover Urban Transportation and Air Pollution [1 ed.] Akula Venkatram, Nico Schulte 1
8359 cover Urban, Regional and National Planning (UNRENAP). Environmental Aspects Toru Hasegawa, K. Inoue
8360 cover Validamycin and its Derivatives. Discovery, Chemical Synthesis, and Biological Activity [1st Edition] Xiaolong Chen, Yuele Lu, Yongxian Fan and Yinchu Shen (Auth.) 1
8361 cover Virtualization and Forensics: A Digital Forensic Investigator's Guide to Virtual Environments Diane Barrett, Greg Kipper
8362 cover Wildland Fires and Air Pollution [1 ed.] Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Michael J. Arbaugh, Allen R. Riebau and Christian Andersen (Eds.) 1
8363 cover Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. Volume 1 Mao Tse-Tung (Auth.)
8364 cover Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung. Volume 3 Mao Tse-Tung (Auth.)
8365 cover Social Learning Practice in Residential Child Care [First Edition] Barrie Brown and Marilyn Christie (Auth.)
8366 cover Society, Schools and Progress in Tanzania J. Cameron, W. A. Dodd and Edmund King (Auth.)
8367 cover Sociolinguistic Metatheory [1st ed.] E. Figueroa (Auth.) 1
8368 cover Sociology and Social Work. Perspectives and Problems [1st ed.] Brian J. Heraud and Jean P. Nursten (Auth.) 1
8369 cover Supply and Demand Management in Ride-Sourcing Markets Jintao Ke, Hai Yang, Hai Wang, Yafeng Yin
8370 cover The Air Transportation Industry: Economic Conflict and Competition Rosario Macario, Eddy Van de Voorde
8371 cover The Anglo-African Commonwealth. Political Friction and Cultural Fusion Ali A. Mazrui, Kenneth Bradley and D. Taylor (Auth.)
8372 cover The Learning Society Revisited Torsten Husen
8373 cover The Many Facets of Human Settlements. Papers Prepared for AAAS Activities in Connection with HABITAT: the U.N. Conference on Human Settlements [1st ed.] 1
8374 cover The Mentally Subnormal. Social Work Approaches [2nd ed.] Margaret Adams, H. Lovejoy 2
8375 cover Theoretical and Experimental Methods for Defending Against DDOS Attacks [1 ed.] Amiri, Iraj Sadegh, Soltanian, Mohammad Reza Khalifeh 1
8376 cover Transportation Amid Pandemics: Practices and Policies Junyi Zhang, Yoshitsugu Hayashi
8377 cover Urban Disasters and Resilience in Asia [1 ed.] Rajib Shaw, Atta-ur-Rahman, Akhilesh Surjan, Gulsan Ara Parvin 1
8378 cover Urban Energy Transition: From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Power [1 ed.] Peter Droege 1
8379 cover #NeverAgain: A New Generation Draws the Line David Hogg, Lauren Hogg
8380 cover (Tessa Leoni 01) Y yo a ti más
8381 cover 17 minutos: Entrevista con el dictador Jorge Ramos
8382 cover 1914: The Belgian Massacres Paul Ham
8383 cover 1914: The Year the World Ended Paul Ham
8384 cover 22 Murders : Investigating the Massacres, Cover-up and Obstacles to Justice in Nova Scotia Paul Palango
8385 cover 50 Things You Want to Know About World Issues. . . But Were Too Afraid to Ask Keith Suter
8386 cover 550 AP U.S. Government & Politics Practice Questions Princeton Review
8387 cover 7 deadly scenarios: a military futurist explores war in the 21st century Krepinevich, Andrew F
8388 cover 99 Maps to Save the Planet Magazine KATAPULT, Benjamin Fredrich (Editor-in-Chief )
8389 cover A Close Run Thing (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 1): A high-octane and fast-paced military action adventure guaranteed to have you gripped! Allan Mallinson
8390 cover A Conversation with Ernest Mandel Ernest Mandel,Ali Tariq,
8391 cover A Dirty Little War John Martinkus, Xanana Gusmão
8392 cover A Heckuva Job: More of the Bush Administration in Rhyme Calvin Trillin
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8394 cover A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties Carson,Ben,Carson,Candy,Jackson, J. D
8395 cover A People's Tragedy (The Russian Revolution 1891-1924) Orlando Figes
8396 cover A people's tragedy: the Russian Revolution 1891-1924 [One hundredth anniversary edition] Figes, Orlando
8397 cover A Post-Truth World : Politics, Polarization, and a Vision for Transcending the Chaos Ken Wilber,
8398 cover A thousand sighs, a thousand revolts: journeys in Kurdistan Bird, Christiane
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8400 cover A Very British Killing: The Death of Baha Mousa A. T. Williams
8401 cover A World Apart: Women, Prison, and Life Behind Bars Cristina Rathbone
8402 cover ¿Un nuevo ciclo de la guerra en Colombia? Francisco Gutierrez Sanin
8403 cover Abolish the Monarchy: Why we should and how we will [UK Edition] Graham Smith
8404 cover Abraham Lincoln. Speeches & Writings 1832-1858 (Library of America #45) Abraham Lincoln
8405 cover Abraham Lincoln. Speeches & Writings 1859-1865 (Library of America #46) Abraham Lincoln
8406 cover Adel des Geistes Ein vergessenes Ideal Riemen, Rob,Hüsmert, Waltraud
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8408 cover Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster [1st ed.] Peter Brimelow 1
8409 cover Alt-America: the Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump Neiwert, David
8410 cover Alter Egos: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Twilight Struggle over American Power Mark Landler
8411 cover Amarres perros: La fe en tiempos de crisis Jorge G. Castañeda
8412 cover America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History Andrew J. Bacevich
8413 cover American vertigo: traveling America in the footsteps of Tocqueville [1st ed] Lévy, Bernard-Henri,Tocqueville, Alexis de,Lévy, Bernard Henri 1
8414 cover America's bitter pill: how Obamacare proves that our system is broken Brill, Steven
8415 cover America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Back-Room Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System Steven Brill
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8417 cover America's Reign of Terror: World War I, the Red Scare, and the Palmer Raids Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht
8418 cover AMLO en la balanza: De la esperanza a la incertidumbre José Antonio Crespo
8419 cover An Autumn of War - What America Learned From September 11 and the War on Terrorism Victor Davis Hanson
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8429 cover Asaltar los cielos: Podemos o la política después de la crisis José Ignacio Torreblanca
8430 cover ASAP U.S. Government & Politics Princeton Review (Firm)
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8432 cover Assault on the Liberty: The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship James M. Ennes, Jr.
8433 cover Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union Jack Matlock
8434 cover Bad elements: Chinese rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing [1st ed] Buruma, Ian 1
8435 cover Bad People – and How to Be Rid of Them: A Plan B for Human Rights Geoffrey Robertson
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8442 cover Bent. Australia's Crooked Cops James Morton,Susanna Lobez
8443 cover Better Than Sex Clinton, Bill,Thompson, Hunter S
8444 cover Between War and Peace: Lessons from Afghanistan to Iraq [1 ed.] Victor Davis Hanson 1
8445 cover Beyond the messy truth: how we came apart, how we come together [First edition] Jones, Van
8446 cover Bill of Wrongs: The Executive Branch's Assault on America's Fundamental Rights Molly Ivins, Lou Dubose
8447 cover Biohazard : the Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World-Told from the Inside by the Man who Ran it [Di 1 ban ed.] Alibek, Ken, Handelman, Stephen 1
8448 cover Black Square: Adventures in the Post-Soviet World Sophie Pinkham
8449 cover Blood Brothers: The Anzac Genesis Jeff Hopkins-Weise
8450 cover Blood on the page: a murder, a secret trial and a search for the truth Harding, Thomas
8451 cover Bob Hawke: Demons and Destiny Troy Bramston
8452 cover Borrowed Spaces: Life Between the Cracks of Modern Hong Kong Christopher DeWolf
8453 cover Brave journeys: profiles in gay and lesbian courage Bailey, Dennis,Mixner, David B
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8457 cover Cómo hacer ciencia política: Lógica, método y lenguaje en las ciencias sociales Giovanni Sartori
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8459 cover Can You Hear Me Now?: How I Found My Voice and Learned to Live with Passion and Purpose Celina Caesar-Chavannes
8460 cover Cassidy's run: the secret spy war over nerve gas [1st ed] Cassidy, Joseph Edward,Wise, David 1
8461 cover Cesar Chavez: Hope for the People Cloverdale Press
8462 cover CHARGED: overzealous prosecutors, the quest for mercy, and the fight to transform criminal ... justice in america Bazelon, Emily
8463 cover Charged: The New Movement to Transform American Prosecution and End Mass Incarceration Emily Bazelon
8464 cover City of protest: a recent history of dissent in Hong Kong Dapiran, Antony
8465 cover Civilización: Occidente y el resto Ferguson, Niall
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8467 cover Climate of Fear: The quest for dignity in a dehumanized world Wole Soyinka
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8469 cover Close Pursuit Stroud, Carsten
8470 cover Cold new world: growing up in a harder country [Modern Library pbk. ed] Finnegan, William
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8473 cover Communism, fascism, and democracy, the theoretical foundations Carl Cohen
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8482 cover Crónica de una guerrilla perdida Dario Villamizar Herrera
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8484 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2016, Premium Edition Princeton Review
8485 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2017, Premium Edition Princeton Review
8486 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2018 [Premium edition] Princeton Review (Firm)
8487 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2020, Premium Edition: 5 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review The Princeton Review
8488 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam, 2014 Edition Princeton Review
8489 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam, 2015 Edition Princeton Review
8490 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam, 2016 Edition Princeton Review
8491 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam, 2017 Edition: Proven Techniques to Help You Score a 5 Princeton Review
8492 cover Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam, 2018 Edition: Proven Techniques to Help You Score a 5 Princeton Review
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8495 cover Curveball: Spies, Lies, and the Con Man Who Caused a War [1 ed.] Bob Drogin 1
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8513 cover Dignity: seeking respect in back row America Arnade, Chris
8514 cover Vixen 03: A Novel Clive Cussler
8515 cover Disorientation : Being Black in the World [1 ed.] Ian Williams 1
8516 cover Dogfight: the 2012 presidential campaign in verse Obama, Barack,Romney, Mitt,Trillin, Calvin
8517 cover Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer [Hardcover ed.] Edward Jay Epstein
8518 cover Dreamland Patton, Phil
8519 cover Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power Maddow, Rachel
8520 cover Ecuador entre dos siglos: Osvaldo Hurtado Osvaldo Hurtado
8521 cover El abogado de la mafia [1 ed.] Martha Soto 1
8522 cover El último peronista Walter Curia
8523 cover El arte de ganar Jaime Durán Barba, Santiago Nieto
8524 cover El cártel chilango: Origen, poder y saña de la Unión Tepito Antonio Nieto
8525 cover El cártel incómodo: El fin de los Beltrán Leyva y la hegemonía del Chapo Guzmán José Reveles Morado
8526 cover El Código García Santiago Roncagliolo, Daniel Alarcon, Jesús Cossio
8527 cover El Chapo Guzmán: el juicio del siglo Alejandra Ibarra
8528 cover El choque inevitable Raúl Cortés
8529 cover El día que se inventó el Peronismo: La construcción del 17 de Octubre Mariano Ben Plotkin
8530 cover El dulce poder: Así funciona la politica en Colombia La Silla Vacía
8531 cover El eslabón perdido: La historia secreta de los magnicidios que cambiaron la historia de México Humberto Hernández Haddad
8532 cover El infierno tan temido: El secuestro en México Saskia Niño de Rivera, Manuel López San Martín
8533 cover El libro de la alegría: Alcanza la felicidad duradera en un mundo en cambio constante Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams
8534 cover El marxismo en México : una historia intelectual [1 ed.] Carlos Illades 1
8535 cover El naufragio de México: 16 ensayos sobre el futuro del país Francisco Martín Moreno
8536 cover El niño de Hollywood Óscar Martínez, Juan José Martínez
8537 cover El nieto: La trágica y luminosa historia de Ignacio "Guido" Montoya Carlotto María Seoane, Roberto Caballero
8538 cover El ocaso de la democracia: La seducción del autoritarismo Anne Applebaum
8539 cover El otro modelo del orden neoliberal al régimen de lo público [1. ed] Atria, Fernando, Benavente H., José Miguel, Larraín Ríos, Guillermo, Couso, Javier, Joignant, Alfredo 1
8540 cover El parlamento de la humanidad : la historia de las Naciones Unidas [1a ed.] Paul M. Kennedy 1
8541 cover El pasado, presente y futuro de México Ricardo Anaya
8542 cover El poder político en el Ecuador Osvaldo Hurtado
8543 cover El príncipe moderno: Democracia, política y poder Pablo Simón
8544 cover El presidente.: El Príncipe en el tiempo de las urnas Carlos Alberto Montaner
8545 cover El saqueo corporativo Raúl Olmos
8546 cover El show de Trump Mark Singer
8547 cover El siglo que despierta Carlos Fuentes
8548 cover El suicidio de Venezuela (Flash Ensayo): Lecciones de un estado fallido Moisés Naím, Francisco Toro
8549 cover El traidor: El diario secreto del hijo del Mayo Anabel Hernandez
8550 cover El virus interminable: Verdades, errores y mentiras Miguel Sebastián
8551 cover Elogio de lo impuro Carolin Emcke
8552 cover En defensa del Modelo Guillermo Moreno
8553 cover En sus trece: Prensa que irrita al poder (2011-2018) César Hildebrandt
8554 cover endlich.: über trauer reden Susann Brückner, Caroline Kraft
8555 cover Entre la araña y la flecha: La trama civil contra la Unidad Popular Mario Amorós
8556 cover Es geht ums Tun und nicht ums Siegen Engagement zwischen Wut und Zärtlichkeit Spannbauer, Christa,Glassman, Bernard,Wecker, Konstantin
8557 cover Estados Unidos: en la intimidad y a la distancia Jorge G. Castañeda
8558 cover Europe East and West Davies, Norman
8559 cover Europe’s Fault Lines Elizabeth ’Liz’ Fekete
8560 cover Europe's Last Summer David Fromkin
8561 cover Europe's Last Summer. Who Started the Great War in 1914 Fromkin David
8562 cover Eve was shamed: how British justice is failing women Kennedy, Helena
8563 cover Fake news: la nueva realidad Illades, Esteban
8564 cover Fascism Roger Eatwell
8565 cover Fear: anti-semitism in Poland after Auschwitz Jan Gross
8566 cover Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House Mark Felt, John O'Connor
8567 cover Fermentados: Kéfir, kombucha, chucrut, kimchi. Ciencia, técnica y más de 50 recetas Tomás Linch, Catalina Linch
8568 cover Fight the Right Conservative Party of Canada.,Kinsella, Warren
8569 cover Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon on 9/11 Patrick Creed, Rick Newman
8570 cover First: Sandra Day O’Connor Evan Thomas
8571 cover For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign Jean Baudrillard
8572 cover For the People: A Story of Justice and Power Larry Krasner
8573 cover Fox: negocios a la sombra del poder Raúl Olmos, Valeria Durán
8574 cover Frames of war: when is life grievable? Butler, Judith
8575 cover Free and Equal Daniel Chandler
8576 cover Free and Equal. What Would a Fair Society Look Like [1 ed.] Daniel Chandler 1
8577 cover Fully Automated Luxury Communism Aaron Bastani
8578 cover Future of Denial Tad Delay,
8579 cover Futures of Socialism: The Pandemic and the Post-Corbyn Era Grace Blakeley (editor)
8580 cover Get It Together: Why We Deserve Better Politics Zoe Williams
8581 cover Global gay: Cómo la revolución gay está cambiando el mundo Frédéric Martel
8582 cover Global Justice Ernesto Che Guevara,
8583 cover Godless: The Church of Liberalism [Original retail ed.] Ann Coulter
8584 cover Granny D: Walking Across America in My Ninetieth Year Doris Haddock, Dennis Burke
8585 cover Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids and the Long Con That Is Breaking America Taibbi, Matt
8586 cover Growing Up: Sex in the Sixties Peter Doggett
8587 cover Guerra en Ucrania Carlos Alberto Patiño
8588 cover Guerracruz: Rinconcito donde hacen su nido las hordas del mal Violeta Santiago
8589 cover Guerras Recicladas Maria Teresa Ronderos
8590 cover Guest House for Young Widows: Among the Women of ISIS Azadeh Moaveni
8591 cover Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide [1st ed] Kristof, Nicholas D.,WuDunn, Sheryl 1
8592 cover Hambruna roja. La guerra de Stalin contra Ucrania Anne Applebaum
8593 cover Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental Studies. Abt. 3, South-East Asia. Bd. 18, Social dynamics in the Highlands of Southeast Asia: reconsidering Political systems of Highland Burma by E.R. Leach Robinne, François,Sadan, Mandy,Leach, Edmund Ronald
8594 cover Hannah Arendt Arendt, Hannah
8595 cover He Who Must Be Obeid: The Untold Story Kate McClymont
8596 cover Health in the Highlands: Indigenous Healing and Scientific Medicine in Guatemala and Ecuador David Carey
8597 cover Here Comes the Snake in the Grass [1 ed.] Eric Miyeni 1
8598 cover Hero or deserter?: Gordon Bennett and the tragic defeat of 8th division Australia. Australian Army. Division, 8th,Bennett, Henry Gordon,Maynard, Roger
8599 cover High minds: the Victorians and the birth of modern Britain Heffer, Simon
8600 cover High stakes: the rising cost of America's gambling addiction Skolnik, Sam
8601 cover Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador [1 ed.] A. Kim Clark (editor), Marc Becker (editor) 1
8602 cover Historia mundial de la megalomanía: Desmesuras, desvaríos y fantasías del culto a la personalidad en la política Aguirre, Pedro
8603 cover Historias de amor en campos de guerra Vanessa De La Torre
8604 cover Home, Land, Security: Deradicalization and the Journey Back From Extremism Carla Power
8605 cover Honeymoon With A Killer Don Lasseter,Ronald E. Bowers
8606 cover How Civil Wars Start: And How to Stop Them Barbara F. Walter
8607 cover How Democracies Die Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt
8608 cover How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them Jason Stanley
8609 cover How to Change It: Make a Difference Virasami, Joshua
8610 cover How to Run the World Parag Khanna
8611 cover How to Spot a Fascist Umberto Eco
8612 cover How to Stop Brexit (And Make Britain Great Again) Nick Clegg
8613 cover How to Write About Africa: Collected Works Binyavanga Wainaina
8614 cover How We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change Joe Clark
8615 cover Human Cargo: A Journey Among Refugees [New edition] Moorehead, Caroline
8616 cover Humo umano. Los orígenes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el fin de la Civilización Nicholson Baker
8617 cover Hurrah for the Blackshirts! Martin Pugh
8618 cover I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year Carol Leonnig, Philip Rucker
8619 cover Ich glaube, der Fliesenleger ist tot! Ein lustiges Baubuch Karnick, Julia
8620 cover Idiot America Charles P. Pierce
8621 cover Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free Pierce, Charles Patrick
8622 cover Imaginary Homelands Salman Rushdie
8623 cover Impeachment: an American history [First edition, Modern Library edition] Baker, Peter,Engel, Jeffrey A.,Meacham, Jon,Naftali, Timothy J
8624 cover In Europe's shadow : two cold wars and a thirty-year journey through Romania and beyond [1. edition] Kaplan, Robert D 1
8625 cover In My Own Name Maureen McTeer
8626 cover In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines Stanley Karnow
8627 cover In praise of blood: the crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front Judi Rever
8628 cover In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect [Reprint ed.] Ronald Kessler
8629 cover In the Shadow of Tungurahua: Disaster Politics in Highland Ecuador A.J. Faas
8630 cover In the Tracks of Historical Materialism Perry Anderson
8631 cover Insane Clown President Matt Taibbi
8632 cover Insane clown president: dispatches from the 2016 circus [1. edition] Taibbi, Matt,Trump, Donald J 1
8633 cover Inside Delta Force: the story of America's elite counterterrorist unit [Dell mass market ed] Haney, Eric L
8634 cover Intelligence matters: the CIA, the FBI, Saudi Arabia, and the failure of America's war on terror [1st ed] Nussbaum, Jeff, Graham, Bob 1
8635 cover Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City Andrea Elliott
8636 cover Iraq: The Cost of War Jeremy Greenstock
8637 cover Is Blood Thicker Than Water? James M. McPherson
8638 cover Istanbul: city of majesty at the crossroads of the world Madden, Thomas F
8639 cover Jedes Kind ist hoch begabt: Die angeborenen Talente unserer Kinder und was wir aus ihnen machen Hüther, Gerald &, Hauser, Uli
8640 cover Joder para transformar: Mi última rendición de cuentas Daniel Olivares
8641 cover José Mujica Rabuffetti, Mauricio
8642 cover Justice Denied: The Role of Forensic Science in the Miscarriage of Justice David Klatzow
8643 cover Karl Marx: a life [First American edition] Marx, Karl,Wheen, Francis
8644 cover Keep it pithy: useful observations in a tough world [First edition] O'Reilly, Bill
8645 cover Kids' Letters to President Obama Bill Adler
8646 cover Kinship and Clientage: Highland Clanship 1451-1609 Alison Cathcart
8647 cover Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic Michael Scammell
8648 cover La audacia y el cálculo Beatriz Sarlo
8649 cover La cancelación: El pecado original de AMLO Javier Jiménez Espriú
8650 cover La casa gris: Todo lo que revela el mayor escándalo obradorista Raúl Olmos
8651 cover La CIA, Camarena y Caro Quintero: La historia secreta J. Jesús Esquivel
8652 cover La cuarta espada: la historia de Abimael Guzmán y Sendero Luminoso Santiago Roncagliolo
8653 cover La DEA en México: Una historia oculta del narcotráfico contada por los agentes J. Jesús Esquivel
8654 cover La economía de los paramilitares: Redes de corrupción, negocios y política Mauricio Romero (ed.)
8655 cover La guerra senderista: Hablan los enemigos Antonio Zapata
8656 cover La historia de la República Chumel Torres
8657 cover La invasión consentida Diego G. Maldonado
8658 cover La nueva soledad de América Latina: Una conversación Ricardo Lagos, Héctor Aguilar Camín
8659 cover La revancha de los poderosos: Cómo los autócratas están reinventando la política en el siglo XXI Moisés Naím
8660 cover La revolución imaginada: Un libro de La revolución y la tierra Gonzalo Benavente Secco, Grecia Barbieri Rodríguez
8661 cover La torre elevada: Al-Qaeda y los orígenes del 11-S Bin Laden, Osama,Wright, Lawrence
8662 cover La trampa. Cronología documentada de un fracaso: Por qué y cómo el Proceso tomó la decisión de ocupar las Malvinas Juan B. Yofre
8663 cover La urna rota: La crisis política e institucional del modelo español Politikon
8664 cover Landscapes of liberation : Mission and development in Peru's Southern Highlands, 1958-1988 Noah Oehri
8665 cover Las guerrillas en Colombia: Una historia desde los orígenes hasta los confines Dario Villamizar Herrera
8666 cover Las ideas en la guerra: Justificación y crítica en la Colombia contemporánea Jorge Giraldo Ramirez
8667 cover Lavado de dinero y corrupción política: El arte de la delincuencia organizada internacional Edgardo Buscaglia
8668 cover Law in America: A Short History Lawrence M. Friedman
8669 cover Left in dark times : a stand against the new barbarism [1st ed] Lévy, Bernard-Henri 1
8670 cover Leningrado: La tragedia de una ciudad asediada 1941-1944 Anna Reid
8671 cover Line of Fire: True Stories from the New Zealand Police Armed Offenders Squads John Lockyer
8672 cover Live From Downing Street Robinson, Neville
8673 cover Lo mejor del amor: Por qué funciona el kirchnerismo Roberto Caballero
8674 cover Lo que no dije en "Recuerdo de la muerte" Miguel Bonasso
8675 cover Los 70, la década que siempre vuelve: Toda la verdad sobre Perón, la guerrilla, la dictadura, los desaparecidos y las otras víctimas CEFERINO REATO
8676 cover Los años del tropel Alfredo Molano Bravo
8677 cover Los cómplices del presidente Anabel Hernández
8678 cover Los días de la Revolución (1806--1820): Una historia de Argentina cuando no era Argentina Eduardo Sacheri
8679 cover Los derechos del hombre de Thomas Paine [Primera ed.] Christioher Hitchens
8680 cover Los hijos de la cárcel: La reclusión infantil en los sistemas penitenciarios de México. Yohali Reséndiz
8681 cover Los intelectuales y la política en la Argentina: el combate por las ideas, 1983-2012. [1 ed.] Héctor Pavón 1
8682 cover Los Peores: Vagos, chorros, ocupas y violentos. Alegatos del humanismo cascoteado Juan Grabois
8683 cover Los pueblos indios de México Carlos Montemayor
8684 cover Los señores de la guerra Gustavo Duncan
8685 cover Los secretos de los ministros de Economía Liliana Franco
8686 cover Los siete hábitos de la gente desinformada: Cómo informarse y tomar decisiones en las redes sociales Marc Argemí Ballbé
8687 cover Los verdugos voluntarios de Hitler [1 ed.] Daniel Jonah Goldhagen 1
8688 cover Luis Batlle Berres: El Uruguay del optimismo Sanguinetti, Julio María
8689 cover México a cielo abierto: De cómo el boom minero resquebrajó al país J. Jesús Lemus
8690 cover México, manual de usuario: Guía para -no-habitar este país mágico y en ruinas Chumel Torres
8691 cover Maldito estereotipo Yolanda Domínguez
8692 cover Man of Contradictions Ben Bland
8693 cover Manifiesto mexicano: Cómo perdimos el rumbo y cómo recuperarlo Denise Dresser
8694 cover Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media Chomsky, Noam,Herman, Edward S
8695 cover Mares de cocaína: Las rutas náuticas del narcotráfico Ana Lilia Pérez
8696 cover Marx and human nature - refutation of a legend Geras, Norman
8697 cover Marx's 'Das Kapital' For Beginners [Online-ausg ed.] Choi, Sungyoon,Wayne, Michael
8698 cover Masacre en el comedor: La bomba de Montoneros en la Policía Federal. El atentado más sangriento de los 70 Ceferino Reato
8699 cover Massa Diego Genoud
8700 cover Maya Ethnolinguistic Identity: Violence, Cultural Rights, and Modernity in Highland Guatemala [First Edition] Brigittine M. French
8701 cover Me the people, or, One man's quest to rewrite the constitution of the United States of America Bleyer, Kevin
8702 cover Mexicanas en pie de lucha: Pese al gobierno machista, las violencias y el patriarcado Nayeli Roldán, Valeria Durán, Daniela Rea, Claudia Ramos, Laura Castellanos, Ivonne Melgar
8703 cover Mi Viaje al Infierno María Jimena Duzan
8704 cover Minicandidatos: Última temporada electoral de la serie política peruana 50+1 Grupo de Análisis Político
8705 cover Minnesota Rag Fred W. Friendly
8706 cover Minorías: Historias de desigualdad y valentía Desirée Bela-Lobedde
8707 cover Molehunt - Secret Search for Traitors That Shattered CIA David Wise
8708 cover Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She? Molly Ivins
8709 cover Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power Robert D. Kaplan
8710 cover Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World Tracy Kidder
8711 cover Mountains beyond mountains: the quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a man who would cure the world [1st ed] Farmer, Paul,French, Michael,Kidder, Tracy 1
8712 cover Mouth Full of Blood: Essays, Speeches, Meditations Toni Morrison
8713 cover My Fourth Time, We Drowned : Seeking Refuge on the World's Deadliest Migration Route Sally Hayden,
8714 cover My promised land: the triumph and tragedy of Israel [Unabridged] Boehmer, Paul,Books on Tape, Inc.,Shavit, Ari
8715 cover Narco CDMX: El monstruo que nadie quiere ver Sandra Romandia, David Fuentes, Antonio Nieto
8716 cover Narcomania: How Britain Got Hooked On Drugs Max Daly, Steve Sampson
8717 cover Neoporfirismo: Hoy como ayer Andrés Manuel López Obrador
8718 cover Nicht den Ängsten folgen, den Mut wählen: Denkstationen eines Bürgers (German Edition) Joachim Gauck
8719 cover Nixon in White House - Frustration of Power Rowland Evans Jr., Robert D. S. Novak
8720 cover No decir adiós a la esperanza Andrés Manuel López Obrador
8721 cover No es normal Viri Ríos
8722 cover No Island of Sanity: Paula Jones v. Bill Clinton: The Supreme Court on Trial Vincent Bugliosi
8723 cover No Left Turn: The Distortion of New Zealand's History By Greed, Bigotry and Right-wing Politics Chris Trotter
8724 cover No One Can Hurt Him Anymore Scott Cupp,Carol J. Rothgeb
8725 cover No Silly Questions Zara Seidler &, Sam Koslowski
8726 cover No. More. Plastic.: What You Can Do to Make a Difference – the #2minutesolution Martin Dorey
8727 cover Nosotros somos los culpables: La tragedia de la guardería ABC Diego Enrique Osorno
8728 cover Not am Mann: Sexismus gegen Männer Arne Hoffmann
8729 cover Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War on You [First edition] Gutfeld, Greg
8730 cover Notes from China [Trade paperback edition] Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim
8731 cover Object Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything [1st ed.] Graham Harman 1
8732 cover Odebrecht. la historia completa.: Los secretos de un escándalo de corrupción que desestabilizó a América Latina Jorge Enrique González Patiño
8733 cover Official Negligence : How Rodney King and the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the LAPD [1st ed.] Lou Cannon 1
8734 cover On borrowed time : how World War II began Leonard Mosley
8735 cover On socialist democracy [1st American ed] Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev 1
8736 cover On the Firing Line: The Public Life of Our Public Figures [1 ed.] William F. Buckley Jr. 1
8737 cover One minute to midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the brink of nuclear war [1st ed] Dobbs, Michael 1
8738 cover One's Company: a Journey to China in 1933 Fleming, Peter
8739 cover Optimismo contra el desaliento: Sobre el capitalismo, el imperio y el cambio social Noam Chomsky, C. J. Polychroniou
8740 cover Oración María Moreno
8741 cover Orden mundial: Reflexiones sobre el carácter de las naciones y el curso de la historia Henry Kissinger
8742 cover Origins of Modern America, 1860-1900 Allen Weinstein
8743 cover Out of poverty: and into something more comfortable Recorded Books, Inc.,Stackhouse, John
8744 cover Overkill Lyn Riddle
8745 cover País rico, país pobre: La Argentina que no miramos. Un propuesta para salir de la trampa de la pobreza Eduardo Amadeo
8746 cover Pakeha and the Treaty: Why It's Our Treaty Too Patrick Snedden
8747 cover Paradise now : the story of American utopianism [First edition] Jennings, Chris
8748 cover París rebelde: Guía política y turística de una ciudad Ignacio Ramonet, Ramón Chao
8749 cover Pennsylvania Avenue: profiles in backroom power [1st ed] Harwood, John,Seib, Gerald F 1
8750 cover Pensar el siglo XX Tony Judt
8751 cover Pensar Medio Oriente Maruan Soto Antaki
8752 cover Plain, honest men: the making of the American Constitution [Random House trade pbk. ed] USA,Beeman, Richard
8753 cover Planet Canada: How Our Expats Are Shaping the Future John Stackhouse
8754 cover Playbook 2012: The Right Fights Back (Politico Inside Election 2012) Mike Allen, Evan Thomas, Politico
8755 cover Playing with fire: pakistan at war with itself Constable, Pamela
8756 cover Podemos: la cuadratura del círculo [Spanish Edi] Politikon
8757 cover Poetry from the Future: Why a Global Liberation Movement Is Our Civilisation’s Last Chance [1st ed.] Srecko Horvat 1
8758 cover Political Prisoners in America [1 ed.] Charles Goodell 1
8759 cover Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure Edmund Ronald Leach
8760 cover Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail Frances Fox Piven, Richard A. Cloward
8761 cover Populistas y Plutocratas.: La irresistible tentación del poder Carlos Fazio
8762 cover Populistas: ¿Cuán populistas somos los peruanos? Un estudio empírico Carlos Meléndez
8763 cover Por las sendas del Ubérrimo [2 ed.] Iván Cepeda, Alirio Uribe Muñoz 2
8764 cover Postwar : A History of Europe Since 1945 Tony Judt,
8765 cover Poverty, by America Matthew Desmond,
8766 cover Power Shift: The Rise of the Southern Rim and Its Challenge to the Eastern Establishment Kirkpatrick Sale
8767 cover Presidential Lottery : the reckless gamble in our electoral system [Dial Press trade paperback edition] Berry, Steve, Michener, James Albert
8768 cover Princeton Review AP U. S. Government and Politics Premium Prep 2022 6 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies and Techniques. The Princeton The Princeton Review
8769 cover Princeton Review AP U.S. Government & Politics Premium Prep, 2021: 6 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques The Princeton Review
8770 cover Princeton Review AP U.S. Government & Politics Premium Prep, 2023: 6 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques The Princeton Review
8771 cover Princeton Review AP U.S. Government & Politics Prep : 3 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques [22 ed.] The Princeton Review 22
8772 cover Princeton Review AP U.S. Government & Politics Prep, 2022: Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques The Princeton Review
8773 cover Princeton Review AP U.S. Government & Politics Prep, 2023: 3 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques The Princeton Review
8774 cover Princeton Review AP U.S. Government & Politics Prep: 3 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques The Princeton Review
8775 cover Prisionero del sistema: Testimonios de un sobreviviente a la tortura y la injusticia carcelaria Rafael Méndez Valenzuela
8776 cover Promise of a Dream Sheila Rowbotham
8777 cover Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power Butler, Erik,Han, Byung-Chul
8778 cover Rage for fame: the ascent of Clare Boothe Luce Luce, Clare Boothe,Morris, Sylvia Jukes
8779 cover Reagan and Gorbachev: How the Cold War Ended Jack Matlock
8780 cover Red Flag Unfurled Ronald Suny
8781 cover Red Orchestra: The Story of the Berlin Underground and the Circle of Friends Who Resisted Hitler Anne Nelson
8782 cover Refuge Transforming a Broken Refugee System Alexander Betts, Paul Collier
8783 cover Regreso a la jaula Roger Bartra
8784 cover Regreso a la jaula: El fracaso de López Obrador Roger Bartra
8785 cover Renegades : Hitler's Englishmen Weale, Adrian
8786 cover Rethinking Mexican Indigenismo: The INI’s Coordinating Center in Highland Chiapas and the Fate of a Utopian Project [Hardcover ed.] Stephen E. Lewis
8787 cover Revelaciones al final de una guerra: Testimonio del jefe negociador del gobierno colombiano en La Habana Humberto De La Calle
8788 cover Revival 2.0: How the Obama White House Is Making Its Political Comeback Obama, Barack,Wolffe, Richard
8789 cover Revolución (Spanish Edition) Van Reybrouck, David
8790 cover Revolution in the Revolution? Armed Struggle and Political Struggle in Latin America Regis Debray
8791 cover Revolutionary immortality; Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese Cultural Revolution [1] Robert Jay Lifton 1
8792 cover Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations Ronen Bergman
8793 cover Rogues' Gallery Matthew Blackman, Nick Dall
8794 cover Rules for radical conservatives: beating the left at its own game to take back america Kahane, David
8795 cover Rules for radicals : a practical primer for realistic radicals [[1st ed] Saul David Alinsky 1
8796 cover Rusted Off: Why country Australia is fed up Gabrielle Chan
8797 cover Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA Jim Hougan
8798 cover Secrets & Lies: Wouter Basson and South Africa's Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme Burger, Marléne
8799 cover Seize the Fire: Three Speeches Richard Flanagan, Richard Flanagan
8800 cover Selbstverbrennung Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
8801 cover Shakedown: How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights Levant, Ezra
8802 cover Shanghai Fury Thompson, Peter Alexander
8803 cover Sleepwalking to Surrender: Dealing with Terrorism in Pakistan Khaled Ahmed
8804 cover Slow Death James Fielder
8805 cover Snowden. Sin un lugar donde esconderse Greenwald, Glenn
8806 cover Sobre las ruinas de la clase media Christophe Guilluy
8807 cover Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World Moore, Barrington
8808 cover Sociedades peligrosas. La historia detrás de los Panama Papers: La historia detrás de los Panamá Papers Bronstein, J.Scott Vásquez, Rita/
8809 cover SOE: an outline history of the Special Operations Executive, 1940-1946 [New edition /] Foot, Michael Richard Daniell
8810 cover Soldados de Perón Richard Gillespie
8811 cover Southeast Asia. The Politics of National Integration John T. McAlister Jr
8812 cover Sozialstaats-Dämmerung (German Edition) Jürgen Borchert
8813 cover Speak for Britain! a new history of the Labour Party [New ed.] Pugh, Martin
8814 cover Speeches that Shaped South Africa Evans, Martha
8815 cover Spy Book - The Encyclopedia of Espionage Norman Polmar, Thomas B. Allen
8816 cover St Petersburg - Three Centuries of Murderous Desire [1 ed.] Jonathan Miles 1
8817 cover Stalling for Time Gary Noesner
8818 cover Staring at God Britain in the Great War Heffer, Simon
8819 cover Stephen Harper Harper, Stephen,Ibbitson, John
8820 cover Subject to Debate: Sense and Dissents on Women, Politics, and Culture Katha Pollitt
8821 cover Swadeshi Steam A.R. Venkatachalapathy
8822 cover Teardown: how to rebuild democracy from the ground up Meslin, Dave
8823 cover Tension city : inside the Presidential debates, from Kennedy-Nixon to Obama-McCain [1st ed] Tension City: Inside the Presidential Debates, From Kennedy-Nixon to Obama-McCain 1
8824 cover Terra Incognita Ian Goldin, Robert Muggah
8825 cover Terra Incognita: 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years Ian Goldin, Robert Muggah
8826 cover The Almanac of Political Corruption, Scandals, and Dirty Politics Kim Long
8827 cover The American Bar Association legal guide for military families: everything you need to know about family law, estate planning, and the Service-Members Civil Relief Act Association, American Bar
8828 cover The American Military Adrift in Afghanistan's Pech Valley Wesley Morgan
8829 cover The Arrogance of Power J. William Fulbright
8830 cover The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace Jack Kornfield
8831 cover The Automatic Fetish Beverley Best,
8832 cover The Balfour Declaration Jonathan Schneer
8833 cover The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill [Modern Library paperback edition] Mill, John Stuart,Miller, Dale E.,Schneewind, Jerome B
8834 cover The Blanqui Reader Louis Auguste Blanqui,Peter Hallward,Philippe Le Goff
8835 cover The boys on the bus Crouse, Timothy,Thompson, Hunter S(Foreword)
8836 cover The Boys on the Bus [1st ed.] Crouse, Timothy 1
8837 cover The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama Remnick, David
8838 cover The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI Betty Medsger
8839 cover The Burning Forest: India’s War Against the Maoists Nandini Sundar
8840 cover The Campaign of the Century: Upton Sinclair's Race for Governor of California and the Birth of Media Politics [1st ed] Sinclair, Upton, Mitchell, Greg, Sinclair, Upton 1
8841 cover The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War [1 ed.] Robert D. Kaplan 1
8842 cover The Coming Collapse of China Gordon G. Chang
8843 cover The Complete Yes Minister [New Ed] Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay
8844 cover The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda Paul Wellstone
8845 cover The Constitutional Convention: A Narrative History from the Notes of James Madison [1st ed., Modern Library pbk. ed] Madison, James,Winship, Michael,Larson, Edward John 1
8846 cover The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy [Unabridged] Hoffman, David
8847 cover The Death of Conservatism Sam Tanenhaus
8848 cover The death of innocents: an eyewitness account of wrongful executions [1st ed] Prejean, Helen 1
8849 cover The Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Rise of Amy Coney Barrett, and Twelve Months That Transformed the Supreme Court Linda Greenhouse
8850 cover The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States Maier, Pauline
8851 cover The Dictator’s Learning Curve: Inside The Global Battle For Democracy [1st Edition] William J. Dobson 1
8852 cover The Drinking Water Book Colin Ingram
8853 cover The eagle's throne Carlos Fuentes, Kristina Cordero
8854 cover The education of Brett Kavanaugh: an investigation Kavanaugh, Brett,Kelly, Kate,Pogrebin, Robin
8855 cover The end of the line: Romney vs. Obama: the 34 days that decided the election Thrush, POLITICOs Glenn
8856 cover The End of the Line: Romney vs. Obama: the 34 days that decided the election: Playbook 2012 Martin, Jonathan,Obama, Barack,Romney, Mitt,Thrush, Glenn
8857 cover The Essential Writings of James Weldon Johnson Byrd, Rudolph,Johnson, Charles,Johnson, James Weldon
8858 cover The Essential Writings of Machiavelli Machiavelli, Niccolo
8859 cover The fallout: how a guilty liberal lost his innocence Anthony, Andrew
8860 cover The FBI Killer Aphrodite Jones,Fiona Zedde
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8863 cover The Gift of Ford: Rob Ford: How Toronto's Unlikeliest Man Became its Most Notorious Mayor Ivor Tossell
8864 cover The great derangement: a terrifying true story of war, politics, and religion at the twilight of the American empire [1st ed] Matt Taibbi 1
8865 cover The Great Republic: The History of America [1 ed.] Sir Winston S. Churchill 1
8866 cover The Hacker Ethic Himanen P
8867 cover The imperfect environmentalist: a practical guide to clearing your body, detoxing your home, and saving the earth (without losing your mind) [First edition] Gilbert, Sara
8868 cover The Iran Wars: Spy Games, Bank Battles, and the Secret Deals That Reshaped the Middle East Jay Solomon
8869 cover The Land Is Ours: South Africa's First Black Lawyers and the Birth of Constitutionalism Tembeka Ngcukaitobi
8870 cover The Lessons of Terror: A History of Warfare Against Civilians: Why It Has Always Failed and Why It Will Fail Again Caleb Carr
8871 cover The lion, the fox and the eagle: a story of generals and justice in Yugoslavia and Rwanda Nations Unies,Arbour, Louise,Dallaire, Roméo,MacKenzie, Lewis,Off, Carol,Dallaire, Roméo A
8872 cover The Loom of Time - Between Empire and Anarchy, from the Mediterranean to China [1 ed.] Robert D. Kaplan 1
8873 cover The Main Enemy: The Inside Story of the CIA's Final Showdown with the KGB Milton Bearden, James Risen
8874 cover The main enemy: the inside story of the CIA's final showdown with the KGB [1st ed] Soviet Union. Komitet gosudarstvennoĭ bezopasnosti.,Sowjetunion Komitet Gosudarstvennoj Bezopasnosti,Risen, James,Bearden, Milt 1
8875 cover The majesty of the law: reflections of a Supreme Court Justice [2004 Random House trade pbk. ed] O'Connor, Sandra Day,Joyce, Craig 2004
8876 cover The Melancholia of Class: A Manifesto for the Working Class Cynthia Cruz
8877 cover The Model Occupation Madeleine Bunting
8878 cover The model occupation : the Channel Islands under German rule, 1940-45 [2nd ed.] Bunting, Madeline 2
8879 cover The Monarchy: A Critique of Britain's Favourite Fetish Hitchens, Christopher
8880 cover The Much Too Promised Land Aaron David Miller
8881 cover The much too promised land: America's elusive search for Arab-Israeli peace Miller, Aaron David
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8883 cover The New Class War: Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite Michael Lind
8884 cover The New Germany and the Old Nazis [1 ed.] TETENS, T.H. 1
8885 cover The new radicalism in America, 1889-1963: the intellectual as a social type [2nd print ed.] Lasch, Christopher 2
8886 cover The New Russians Hedrick Smith
8887 cover The next 100 years: a forecast for the 21st century [1st ed] Friedman, George 1
8888 cover The Nordic Edge: Policy Possibilities for Australia Andrew Scott, Rod Campbell
8889 cover The oil and the glory: the pursuit of empire and fortune on the Caspian Sea Steve LeVine
8890 cover The Oil and the Glory: The Pursuit of Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea [1st ed] Levine, Steve 1
8891 cover The Only Average Guy: Inside the Uncommon World of Rob Ford John Filion
8892 cover The Other Side of the River : Red China Today Edgar Snow
8893 cover The Ottoman endgame : war, revolution, and the making of the modern Middle East, 1908-1923 [1st ed.] McMeekin, Sean 1
8894 cover The Paper Chase - The Printer, the Spymaster, and the Hunt for the Rebel Pamphleteers Joseph Hone
8895 cover The Parliament of Man - The Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations [1 ed.] Paul Kennedy 1
8896 cover The Pattern of Soviet Power Edgar Snow
8897 cover The Persian Puzzle: The Conflict Between Iran and America Kenneth M. Pollack
8898 cover The Politics of Totalitarianism: The Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1934 to the Present John A. Armstrong
8899 cover The Price of Civilization Sachs, Jeffrey D
8900 cover The Princeton Review : Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2019 [2019 edition.] Princeton Review 2019
8901 cover The Promise of Politics Arendt, Hannah
8902 cover The public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1938 volume, The continuing struggle for liberalism. [7] coll. 7
8903 cover The public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1940 volume, War-and aid to democracies. [9] coll. 9
8904 cover The public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Volume four, The court disapproves, 1935. [4] coll. 4
8905 cover The public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Volume one, The genesis of the New Deal, 1928-1932. [1] coll. 1
8906 cover The public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Volume three, The advance of recovery and reform, 1934. [3] coll. 3
8907 cover The public papers and addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Volume two, The year of crisis, 1933. [2] coll. 2
8908 cover The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty [1 ed.] Jane Jacobs 1
8909 cover The Return of Marco Polo’s World: War, Strategy, and American Interests in the Twenty-first Century Robert D. Kaplan
8910 cover The return of Marco Polo's world: war, strategy, and American interests in the Twenty-first Century Kaplan, Robert D
8911 cover The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate Robert D. Kaplan
8912 cover The revenge of geography: what the map tells us about coming conflicts and the battle against fate [Random House Trade paperback ed] Random House.,Kaplan, Robert D
8913 cover The Rise and Fall of Australia: How a great nation lost its way Nick Bryant
8914 cover The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service Carol Leonnig
8915 cover The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson Jeffrey Toobin
8916 cover The Samson option Seymour M. Hersh 1
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8918 cover The Sense Of Reality: Studies in Ideas and their History Isaiah Berlin
8919 cover The Shankill Butchers: a case study of mass murder Martin Dillon
8920 cover The Sixth Man: The Extraordinary Life of Paddy Costello James Mcneish
8921 cover The Social Distance Between Us Darren McGarvey
8922 cover The sociology of Max Weber Julien Freund, Mary Ilford (transl.)
8923 cover The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels Jon Meacham
8924 cover The soul of America: the battle for our better angels [Random House trade paperback edtion] Meacham, Jon
8925 cover The strongest tribe: war, politics, and the endgame in Iraq West, Francis J
8926 cover The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together Heather McGhee
8927 cover The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House John F. Harris
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8929 cover The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Inspire and Define Our Country Howard Fineman
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8933 cover The uninhabitable earth: life after warming Wallace-Wells, David
8934 cover The Unmaking of America: A Recent History Kurt Andersen
8935 cover The US Antifascism Reader Bill V. Mullen,Christopher Vials,, Christopher Vials
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8937 cover The Vagrants Yiyun Li
8938 cover The Violence Inside Us: A Brief History of an Ongoing American Tragedy Chris Murphy
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8940 cover The War on Choice: The Right-Wing Attack on Women's Rights and How to Fight Back Gloria Feldt
8941 cover The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914 Margaret MacMillan
8942 cover The Whiskey Rebels: A Novel David Liss
8943 cover The world that never was: a true story of dreamers, schemers, anarchists and secret agents [1st U.S. ed] Butterworth, Alex 1
8944 cover The Wrong War: Grit, Strategy, and the Way Out of Afghanistan Bing West
8945 cover The wrong war: grit, strategy, and the way out of afghanistan [Unabridged] West, Bing
8946 cover Third World America: how our politicians are abandoning the middle class and betraying the American dream [1st ed] Huffington, Arianna Stassinopoulos 1
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8948 cover This is our Constitution: discover America with a Gold Star father [First edition] Khan, Khizr,Quirk, Anne
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8955 cover Treason In Tudor England: Politics and Paranoia Smith, Lacey Baldwin
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8958 cover Troup 6000: The Girl Scout Troop That Began in a Shelter and Inspired the World Nikita Stewart
8959 cover Truth and Consequences: Special Comments on the Bush Administration's War on American Values Keith Olbermann
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8961 cover Twilight of Democracy : The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism Anne Applebaum,
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8967 cover Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump Sarah Posner
8968 cover United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good Booker, Cory
8969 cover unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation Brooks Jackson, Kathleen Hall Jamieson
8970 cover Unwinnable: Britain’s War in Afghanistan, 2001-2014 Theo Farrell
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8978 cover Votos, drogas y violencia: La lógica política de las guerras criminales en México Guillermo Trejo, Sandra Ley
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8980 cover War: How Conflict Shaped Us Margaret MacMillan
8981 cover Water and power in highland Peru : the cultural politics of irrigation and development Gelles, Paul H.
8982 cover We Do Our Part: Toward a Fairer and More Equal America Charles Peters
8983 cover Web of deceit: Britain's real role in the world Curtis, Mark
8984 cover Weil die Welt sich ändert Politik aus Leidenschaft - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven Stoiber, Edmund
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8989 cover White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy Tom Schaller, Paul Waldman
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8991 cover Who let the dogs in?: incredible political animals I have known [1ST ed.] Molly Ivins 1
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8993 cover Who’s Afraid of Gender? Judith Butler
8994 cover Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump Sarah Posner
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9000 cover Y mi palabra es la ley: AMLO en Palacio Nacional Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra
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9006 cover Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service Carol Leonnig
9007 cover One Hundred Thousand Moons: An Advanced Political History of Tibet. 1 Tsepon Wangchuk Deden Shakabpa (Author), Derek F. Maher (Translator) 1
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9022 cover A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, 2nd Edition author
9023 cover A Country in Despair: Indonesia Between 1997 and 2000 C (Kees) Dijk
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9027 cover A Decade of Mozambique : Politics, Economy and Society 2004-2013 [1 ed.] Joseph Hanlon 1
9028 cover A Decade of Namibia : Politics, Economy and Society - the Era Pohamba, 2004-2015 [1 ed.] Henning Melber 1
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9030 cover A Decade of Nigeria : Politics, Economy and Society 2004-2016 [1 ed.] Heinrich Bergstresser 1
9031 cover A Decade of Tanzania : Politics, Economy and Society 2005-2017 [1 ed.] Kurt Hirschler, Rolf Hofmeier 1
9032 cover A Decade of Zimbabwe : Politics, Economy and Society 2008-2017 [1 ed.] Amin Kamete 1
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9034 cover A Dialectical Pedagogy of Revolt: Gramsci, Vygotsky, and the Egyptian Revolution Brecht de Smet
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9036 cover A Failed Parricide: Hegel and the Young Marx Roberto Finelli
9037 cover A Few Poorly Organized Men: Interreligious Violence in Poso, Indonesia Dave McRae
9038 cover A Heterodox Marxist and His Century: Lelio Basso Selected Writings Leilo Basso (Author), Chiara Giorgi (Editor) Matteo Mandarini (Translator) David Broder (Translator)
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9040 cover A History of Nationalism in Modern Japan: Placing the People (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 5 Japan) Kevin M. Doak
9041 cover A History of Ottoman Political Thought Up to the Early Nineteenth Century Marinos Sariyannis
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9046 cover A Marxist Philosophy of Language Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Gregory Elliott
9047 cover A New Criminal Type in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today James T. Siegel
9048 cover A new look at the Tanzimat: The case of the Province of Jerusalem Haim Gerber
9049 cover A Philosophy for Communism : Rethinking Althusser (Historical Materialism Book Series, #211) Panagiotis Sotiris
9050 cover A Place in Politics: São Paulo, Brazil, from Seigneurial Republicanism to Regionalist Revolt James P. Woodard
9051 cover A Political And Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, 1863-1901 M. Hassan Kakar
9052 cover A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution: The Abbé Sieyes and What is the Third Estate? William H Sewell Jr.
9053 cover A Rule of Law : Elite Political Authority and the Coming of the Revolution in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1763-1776 [1 ed.] Aaron Palmer 1
9054 cover A Transnational Human Rights Approach to Human Trafficking : Empowering the Powerless [1 ed.] Yoon Jin Shin 1
9055 cover A World at War, 1911-1949: Explorations in the Cultural History of War Catriona Pennell, Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses
9056 cover A World of Becoming William E. Connolly
9057 cover A Year in the Life of the Supreme Court Rodney A. Smolla
9058 cover Ästhetik, Politik und schiitische Repräsentation im zeitgenossischen Iran Christian Funke
9059 cover „We Shall Overcome“ Die DDR und die amerikanische Bürgerrechtsbewegung Maria Schubert
9060 cover Absolute erotic, absolute grotesque : the living, dead, and undead in Japan’s imperialism, 1895-1945 Driscoll, Mark W.
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9062 cover Across the German Sea: Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region Kathrin Zickermann
9063 cover Activists Under 30 : Global Youth, Social Justice, and Good Work [1 ed.] Shirley R. Steinberg 1
9064 cover Adjudicating International Human Rights : Essays in Honour of Sandy Ghandhi [1 ed.] James A. Green, Christopher P. M. Waters 1
9065 cover Adorno's Critique of Political Economy Dirk Braunstein, Adam Baltner (ed.)
9066 cover Adversarial Case-Making: An Ethnography of English Crown Court Procedure Thomas Scheffer
9067 cover Advocating Social Change Through International Law: Exploring the Choice Between Hard and Soft International Law [1 ed.] Daniel Bradlow, David Hunter 1
9068 cover Afghanistan, Iraq, and Post-Conflict Governance: Damoclean Democracy? [1 ed.] Imtiaz Hussain 1
9069 cover Africa Writing Europe : Opposition, Juxtaposition, Entanglement [1 ed.] Maria Olaussen, Christina Angelfors 1
9070 cover Africa Yearbook Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2020 [Ebook ed.] Albert Awedoba, Benedikt Kamski, Andreas Mehler, David Sebudubudu
9071 cover Africa Yearbook Volume 3 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara In 2006 [1 ed.] Andreas Mehler, Klaas van Walraven, Henning Melber 1
9072 cover Africa Yearbook Volume 6 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara In 2009 [1 ed.] Andreas Mehler, Henning Melber, Klaas van Walraven 1
9073 cover Africa Yearbook Volume 8 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara In 2011 [1 ed.] Andreas Mehler, Henning Melber, Klaas van Walraven, Rolf Hofmeier 1
9074 cover African Engagements: Africa Negotiating an Emerging Multipolar World Ton Dietz et al.
9075 cover Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections between African Americans and Asian Americans Fred Ho and Bill V. Mullen, (eds.)
9076 cover After the End: Making U.S. Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War World James M. Scott
9077 cover After the Imperial Turn: Thinking with and through the Nation Antoinette Burton
9078 cover After the Soviet Empire: Legacies and Pathways [Lam ed.] Sven Eliaeson, Lyudmila Harutyunyan, Larissa Titarenko
9079 cover Again, dangerous visions: essays in cultural materialism Burgmann, J. R.,Milner, Andrew
9080 cover Against Capitalism and Bureaucracy: Ernest Mandel's Theoretical Contributions Manuel Kellner
9081 cover Against Normalization: Writing Radical Democracy in South Africa Anthony O'Brien
9082 cover Against the Law Paul F. Campos, Pierre Schlag, Steven D. Smith
9083 cover Agents of the People Pasi Ihalainen
9084 cover Agrarian History of the Cuban Revolution: Dilemmas of Peripheral Socialism Joana Salém Vasconcelos
9085 cover Agricultural Reform and Rural Transformation in China Since 1949 [1 ed.] Thomas Dubois, Huaiyin Li 1
9086 cover AIDS TV: Identity, Community, and Alternative Video Alexandra Juhasz
9087 cover Alienation: Recuperating the Classical Discussion of Marx et al. Asger Sørensen
9088 cover Aliens before the European Court of Human Rights Ensuring Minimum Standards of Human Rights Protection (Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe) Edited by &lt, b&gt, David Moya&lt, /b&gt, , University of Barcelona, and &lt, Georgios Milios&lt, , University of Barcelona
9089 cover Alimentary Tracts: Appetites, Aversions, and the Postcolonial Parama Roy (editor), Inderpal Grewal (editor), Caren Kaplan (editor), Robyn Wiegman (editor)
9090 cover All in the Family: On Community and Incommensurability Kennan Ferguson
9091 cover Alliance of Adversaries: The Congress of the Toilers of the Far East John Sexton (ed.)
9092 cover Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism Noenoe K. Silva
9093 cover Althusser and Theology: Religion, Politics and Philosophy [Hardcover ed.] Agon Hamza
9094 cover Althusser: the detour of theory Althusser, Louis,Elliott, Gregory
9095 cover Amassing Power: J. B. Duke and the Saguenay River, 1897-1927 [First Edition] David Massell
9096 cover American Anarchism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 57) [1 ed.] Steve J. Shone 1
9097 cover American Empire and the Politics of Meaning: Elite Political Cultures in the Philippines and Puerto Rico during U.S. Colonialism Julian Go
9098 cover American War of Independence: a visual history Fewster, Helen
9099 cover Amnesty for Crimes against Humanity under International Law Ntoubandi, F.Z.
9100 cover An Aesthetic Occupation ; The Immediacy of Architecture and the Palestine Conflict Daniel Bertrand monk
9101 cover An African Voice: The Role of the Humanities in African Independence Robert William July
9102 cover An Introduction to International Human Rights Law Azizur Rahman Chowdhury, Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan
9103 cover Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940: The Praxis of National Liberation, Internationalism, and Social Revolution issue 1874-6705 Edited by Steven Hirsch and Lucien van der Walt
9104 cover Anarchy and Society. Reflections on Anarchist Sociology [ebook ed.] Jeff Shantz, Dana M. Williams
9105 cover Anatomy of a Duchy: The Political and Ecclesiastical Structures of Early Přemyslid Bohemia David Kalhous
9106 cover Ancient Egyptian Administration Juan Carlos Moreno García
9107 cover Ancient models in the early modern republican imagination Velema, Wyger, Weststeijn, Arthur
9108 cover Annexation and the Unhappy Valley. The Historical Anthropology of Sindh’s Colonization Matthew A. Cook
9109 cover Anthology of the Works of Ugo Spirito (Value Inquiry Book / Values in Italian Philosophy, 344) Anthony G. Costantini, California State University Northridge
9110 cover Anthropological Intelligence: The Deployment and Neglect of American Anthropology in the Second World War David H. Price
9111 cover Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1939-1945: Forms and Varieties John Paul Newman, Ljubinka Škodrić, Rade Ristanović
9112 cover Antisemitism in North America: New World, Old Hate Steven K. Baum, Neil J. Kressel, Florette Cohen, Steven Leonard Jacobs (eds.)
9113 cover Antonio Gramsci: Towards an Intellectual Biography Alistair Davidson
9114 cover Application of big data for national security: a practitioner's guide to emerging technologies Akhgar, Babak,Arabnia, Hamid,Bayerl, Petra,Hill, Richard,Saathoff, Gregory B.,Staniforth, Andrew
9115 cover Arab Marxism and National Liberation: Selected Writings of Mahdi Amel Mahdi Amel, Hicham Safieddine (editor)
9116 cover Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey, and the Modern House Esra Akcan
9117 cover Article 31(3)(c) VCLT and the principle of systemic integration normative shadows in Plato's Cave [Pp ed.] Panos Merkouris
9118 cover Article 33 of the un Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities : National Structures for the Implementation and Monitoring of the Convention [1 ed.] Gauthier de Beco 1
9119 cover Artificial Intelligence: Robot Law, Policy and Ethics (Nijhoff Law Specials, 102) Nathalie Rébé
9120 cover Arts of the Political: New Openings for the Left Ash Amin, Nigel Thrift
9121 cover ASEAN and Human Trafficking: Case Studies of Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam [Lam ed.] Naparat Kranrattanasuit
9122 cover Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization Kuan-Hsing Chen
9123 cover Asia's New Mothers Kyoto University, and Barbara Molony, Santa Clara University Edited by Emiko Ochiai
9124 cover Aspects of Ancient Institutions and Geography: Studies in Honor of Richard J. A. Talbert Lee L. Brice, Daniëlle Slootjes
9125 cover Assessing the Legacy of the ICTY [1 ed.] Richard H. Steinberg 1
9126 cover At the President's Pleasure: FDR's Leadership of Wartime Sino-US Relations Sally K. Burt
9127 cover Atlas of European Values. Trends and Traditions at the Turn of the Century [1 ed.] Loek Halman, Inge Sieben, Marga van Zundert 1
9128 cover Atlas of Southeast Europe (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) [Lam ed.] Hötte Hans H.A.
9129 cover Atlas of Southeast Europe: Geopolitics and History. Volume Two: 1699-1815 Hans H.A. Hötte
9130 cover Atlas of the Near East: State Formation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1918-2010 Fabrice Balanche
9131 cover Au coeur du harem: Les princesses ottomanes à l’aune du pouvoir (XVe-XVIIIe s.) [75] Juliette Dumas 75
9132 cover Audible Empire: Music, Global Politics, Critique Ronald Radano, Tejumola Olaniyan (eds.)
9133 cover Australia and Taiwan : Bilateral Relations, China, the United States, and the South Pacific [1 ed.] Joel Atkinson 1
9134 cover Australia’s War Crimes Trials 1945–51 Georgina Fitzpatrick, Tim McCormack, Narrelle Morris (eds.)
9135 cover Authoritarian Modernization in Indonesia’s Early Independence Period. The Foundation of the New Order State (1950– 1965) Farabi Fakih
9136 cover Autonomy and Demilitarisation in International Law: The Åland Islands in a Changing Europe [1 ed.] Lauri Hannikainen (ed.), Frank Horn (ed.) 1
9137 cover Avantgarde und Komik Ludger Scherer (editor), Rolf Lohse (editor)
9138 cover Axel Honneth: Critical Essays - With a Reply by Axel Honneth Edited by Danielle Petherbridge
9139 cover Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation: A Political History of Comic Books in Mexico Anne Rubenstein
9140 cover Balkan Transitions to Modernity and Nation-States: Through the Eyes of Three Generations of Merchants (1780s-1890s) Evguenia Davidova
9141 cover Barack, Inc.: winning business lessons of the Obama campaign Libert, Barry,Faulk, Rick
9142 cover Barons and Castellans: The Military Nobility of Renaissance Italy Christine Shaw
9143 cover Basic Documents on International Migration Law [3 Revised] Richard Plender (ed.) 3
9144 cover Becoming an International Humanitarian Aid Worker [1 ed.] Chen Reis, Tania Bernath 1
9145 cover Becoming Imperial Citizens: Indians in the Late-Victorian Empire Sukanya Banerjee
9146 cover Becoming Marxist: studies in philosophy, struggle, and endurance Marx, Karl,Stolze, Ted
9147 cover Before the Nation: Kokugaku and the Imagining of Community in Early Modern Japan Susan L. Burns
9148 cover Behind the Crisis (Historical Materialism Book Guglielmo Carchedi
9149 cover Behind the crisis : Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge Marx, Karl, Marx, Karl, Carchedi, Guglielmo
9150 cover Belarus: A Perpetual Borderland (Russian History and Culture) Andrew Savchenko
9151 cover Bending toward justice: the Voting Rights Act and the transformation of American democracy May, Gary
9152 cover Bernie Bros Gone Woke Class, Identity, Neoliberalism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 217) Marc James Léger, Independent Scholar
9153 cover Between East and West: Trieste, the United States, and the Cold War, 1941-1954 Roberto G. Rabel
9154 cover Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory Of International Law China Mieville
9155 cover Between Hollywood and Moscow: The Italian Communists and the Challenge of Mass Culture, 1943-1991 (American Encounters Global Interactions) Stephen Gundle
9156 cover Between Occultism and Nazism: Anthroposophy and the Politics of Race in the Fascist Era Peter Staudenmaier
9157 cover Between woman and nation : nationalisms, transnational feminisms, and the state Caren Kaplan, Norma Alarcon, Minoo Moallem
9158 cover Beyond Autonomy: Practical and Theoretical Challenges to 21st Century Federalism Tracy B. Fenwick and Andrew C. Banfield
9159 cover Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the Governance of Life and Death Patricia Ticineto Clough (editor), Craig Willse (editor)
9160 cover Beyond Friend and Foe Volker Heins
9161 cover Beyond Imperfect Justice: Legality and Fair Labelling in International Criminal Law [63, 1 ed.] Talita Dias 1
9162 cover Beyond Liberal Egalitarianism. Marx and Normative Social Theory in the Twenty-First Century Tony Smith
9163 cover Beyond Lines of Control: Performance and Politics on the Disputed Borders of Ladakh, India Ravina Aggarwal
9164 cover Beyond Marx Marcel van der Linden, Karl Heinz Roth, Max Henninger
9165 cover Beyond Nature: Animal Liberation, Marxism, and Critical Theory Marco Maurizi
9166 cover Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals Evelyn B. Pluhar
9167 cover Beyond Shangri-La: America and Tibet's Move into the Twenty-First Century John Kenneth Knaus
9168 cover Beyond Systemic Discrimination ~ The Erik Castrén Institute Monographs on International Law and Human Rights Gynther
9169 cover Beyond Victor’s Justice? The Tokyo War Crimes Trial Revisited Yuki Tanaka, Tim McCormack, Gerry Simpson
9170 cover Big Swords, Jesuits, and Bondelswarts : Wilhelmine Imperialism, Overseas Resistance, and German Political Catholicism, 1897-1906 [1 ed.] John S. Lowry 1
9171 cover Biopolitics: A Reader Timothy Campbell, Adam Sitze (eds.)
9172 cover 'Bitter with the Past but Sweet with the Dream': Communism in the African American Imaginary. Representations of the Communist Party, 1940-1952 Cathy Bergin
9173 cover Black Ops: The Rise of Special Forces in the C.I.A., the S.A.S., and Mossad Tony Geraghty
9174 cover Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Forced Migration [1 ed.] Stefan Salomon, Lisa Heschl, Gerd Oberleitner, Wolfgang Benedek 1
9175 cover 'Boat Refugees' and Migrants at Sea: A Comprehensive Approach Violeta Moreno-Lax
9176 cover Bodies and Artefacts. Historical Materialism as Corporeal Semiotics Joseph Fracchia
9177 cover Borders of Chinese Civilization: Geography and History at Empire's End Douglas Howland
9178 cover Brazilian Bourgeoisie and Foreign Policy Tatiana Berringer
9179 cover Brill’s Companion to Insurgency and Terrorism in the Ancient Mediterranean Timothy Otis Howe, Lee L. Brice
9180 cover Brill's Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy: From the Late Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era Dino Piovan, Giovanni Giorgini
9181 cover British communism and the politics of race Communist Party of Great Britain.,Smith, Evan
9182 cover British Contributions to International Law, 1915-2015 (Set): An Anthology Set Jill Barrett, Jean-Pierre Gauci
9183 cover Bundesland und Reichsgau: Demokratie, "Ständestaat" und NS-Herrschaft in der Steiermark 1918 bis 1945
9184 cover Byzantium and Bulgaria, 775-831 (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450) Panos Sophoulis
9185 cover Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci: Hegemony and the Crisis of Modernity Francesca Antonini
9186 cover Can Politics Be Thought? [Hardcover ed.] Alain Badiou, Bruno Bosteels
9187 cover Capital, Race and Space: The Far Right from ‘post-fascism’ to Trumpism (2) (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 250) Richard Saull
9188 cover Capital, Race and Space: The Far Right from Bonapartism to Fascism (1) (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 245) Richard Saull
9189 cover Care: How People of Faith Can Respond to Our Broken Health System G. Scott Morris
9190 cover Cataclysm 1914 : the First World War and the making of modern world politics Anievas, Alexander
9191 cover Central European Constitutional Courts in the Face of EU Membership : The Influence of the German Model in Hungary and Poland [1 ed.] Allan F. Tatham 1
9192 cover Ceremonial Entries, Municipal Liberties and the Negotiation of Power in Valois France, 1328-1589 Neil Murphy
9193 cover Challenges for Human Rights (Nijhoff Law Specials, 71) [1 ed.] Falcón y Tella 1
9194 cover Challenging Future Practice Possibilities [1 ed.] Joy Higgs, Steven Cork, Debbie Horsfall 1
9195 cover Challenging the Status Quo: Diversity, Democracy, and Equality in the 21st Century David G. Embrick (editor), Sharon M. Collins (editor), Michelle S. Dodson (editor)
9196 cover Challenging U. S. Apartheid: Atlanta and Black Struggles for Human Rights, 1960-1977 Winston A. Grady-Willis
9197 cover Changes of Regime and Social Dynamics in West Java: Society, State and the Outer World of Banten, 1750-1830 Atsushi Ota
9198 cover Child Fostering in West Africa : New Perspectives on Theory and Practices [1 ed.] Erdmute Alber, Jeannett Martin, Catrien Notermans 1
9199 cover Child-Friendly Justice : A Quarter of a Century of the un Convention on the Rights of the Child [1 ed.] Said Mahmoudi, Pernilla Leviner, Anna Kaldal, Katrin Lainpelto 1
9200 cover Children and the Responsibility to Protect [1 ed.] Bina D'Costa, Luke Glanville 1
9201 cover Children and Youth in Armed Conflict [1 ed.] Ann-Charlotte Nilsson 1
9202 cover Children of Facundo: Caudillo and Gaucho Insurgency during the Argentine State-Formation Process (La Rioja, 1853-1870) Ariel de la Fuente
9203 cover Children, Autonomy and the Courts : Beyond the Right to Be Heard [1 ed.] Aoife Daly 1
9204 cover Children’s Rights: Progress and Perspectives Michael Freeman (ed.)
9205 cover Children's Rights: New Issues, New Themes, New Perspectives Michael Freeman (ed.)
9206 cover China Diplomacy, 1914-1918 Madeleine Chi
9207 cover China in the World: Culture, Politics, and World Vision Ban Wang
9208 cover China, East Asia and the European Union : Strong Economics, Weak Politics? [1 ed.] Tjalling Halbertsma, Jan van der Harst 1
9209 cover Chinese Assertiveness in the South China Sea: Power Sources, Domestic Politics, and Reactive Foreign Policy [1 ed.] Richard Q. Turcsányi (auth.) 1
9210 cover Chinese Australians : Politics, Engagement and Resistance [1 ed.] Sophie Couchman, Kate Bagnall 1
9211 cover Chinese Indonesians and Regime Change Marleen Dieleman, Juliette Koning, Peter Post
9212 cover Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic [1 ed.] Timo Koivurova, Sanna Kopra 1
9213 cover Chinese Research Perspectives on the Environment, Volume 3: Public Action and Government Accountability [1 ed.] L. I. U. Jianqiang 1
9214 cover Chinese Thought in Early German Enlightenment from Leibniz to Goethe: Abortive Approaches to Transcultural Understanding (New Research in the History of Western Philosophy, 2) Bretislav Horyna
9215 cover Choral Societies and Nationalism in Europe Lajosi Krisztina et Andreas Stynen eds
9216 cover Circling Marx: Essays 1980-2020 Peter Beilharz
9217 cover Circular Design for Zero Emission Architecture and Building Practice: It is the Green Way or the Highway Marwa Dabaieh
9218 cover Cities and Citizenship James Holston (editor)
9219 cover Citizen Participation in Multi-Level Democracies [1 ed.] Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle, Sabine Kropp, Francesco Palermo, Karl-Peter Sommermann 1
9220 cover Citizens in the Graeco-Roman world: aspects of citizenship from the archaic period to AD 212 Busetto, Anna, Cecchet, Lucia
9221 cover Citizens of the World : Pluralism, Migration and Practices of Citizenship [1 ed.] Robert Danisch 1
9222 cover Citizens’ Rights and the Right to Be a Citizen Ernst Hirsch Ballin
9223 cover Citizenship and Democratization in Southeast Asia [Lam ed.] Ward Berenschot
9224 cover City Landscape. A Contribution to the Council of Europe's European Campaign for Urban Renaissance A. B. Grove and R. W. Cresswell (Eds.)
9225 cover City of Extremes: The Spatial Politics of Johannesburg Martin J. Murray
9226 cover City on the Ocean Sea: La Rochelle, 1530-1650: Urban Society, Religion, and Politics on the French Atlantic Frontier (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions) Kevin C Robbins
9227 cover Civic Ideology, Organization, and Law in the Rule Scrolls: A Comparative Study of the Covenanters' Sect and Contemporary Voluntary Associations Yonder Moynihan Gillihan
9228 cover Civic Patronage in the Roman Empire John Nicols
9229 cover Civilizing Missions in the Twentieth Century Boris Barth, Rolf Hobson
9230 cover Civil-Military 'Legal' Relations: Where to from Here? : The Civilian Courts and the Military in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia [1 ed.] Pauline Therese Collins 1
9231 cover Claiming the Dispossession: The Politics of Hi/Storytelling in Post-imperial Europe (Balkan Studies Library, 19) Vladimir Biti
9232 cover Claiming the Dispossession: The Politics of Hi/storytelling in Post-Imperial Europe [1 ed.] Vladimir Biti 1
9233 cover Clans and Democratization: Chechnya, Albania, Afghanistan and Iraq [1 ed.] Charlotte Hille 1
9234 cover Class Trouble. Eine Mediengeschichte der Klassengesellschaft Stephan Georgy
9235 cover Class Warfare: Inside the Fight to Fix America’s Schools [Hardcover ed.] Steven Brill
9236 cover Class, Capital, State, and Late Development: The Political Economy of Military Interventions in Turkey (Studies in Critical Social Sciences: New Scholarship in Political Economy, 276-27) Gnen Uysal
9237 cover Close Encounters of Empire: Writing the Cultural History of U.S. Latin American Relations Gilbert M. Joseph, Catherine C. LeGrand, Ricardo D. Salvatore (eds.)
9238 cover Cochabamba, 1550-1900 : colonialism and agrarian transformation in Bolivia [Expanded ed.] Brooke Larson
9239 cover Coercion, Conversion and Counterinsurgency in Louis XIV’s France Roy McCullough
9240 cover Coercive Diplomacy, Sanctions and International Law [1 ed.] Natalino Ronzitti 1
9241 cover Cohabiter L'espace Postcolonial: Écologie Du Roman Africain Francophone (Francopolyphonies, 33) (French Edition) Etienne-Marie Lassi
9242 cover Cold War Books in the Other Europe and What Came After Jiřina Šmejkalová
9243 cover Collaborative Projects: An Interdisciplinary Study (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 66) [Lam ed.]
9244 cover Collaborative Projects: An Interdisciplinary Study [Lam ed.] Andy Blunden
9245 cover Collected papers on Greek colonization Graham, A. J.
9246 cover Colonial Fantasies: Conquest, Family, and Nation in Precolonial Germany, 1770-1870 Susanne Zantop
9247 cover Coloniality at Large: Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate Mabel Moraña, Enrique Dussel, Carlos A. Jáuregui
9248 cover Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Mark E. Villiger
9249 cover Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 14: The Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience And Religion Eva Brems
9250 cover Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28: The Right to Education Mieke Verheyde
9251 cover Commodities and Colonialism: The Story of Big Sugar in Indonesia, 1880-1942 G. Roger Knight
9252 cover Communes and Workers' Control in Venezuela: Building 21st Century Socialism from Below [eBook ed.] Dario Azzellini, Ned Sublette
9253 cover Communism and the Avant-Garde in Weimar Germany: A Selection of Documents Ben Fowkes
9254 cover Complex Equality and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Reconciling Diversity and Harmonization [1 ed.] Richard Lang 1
9255 cover Compliance With Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: States on a Spectrum of Democratisation (International Studies in Human Rights, 143) Ramute Remezaite
9256 cover Comprehensive Security in Asia: Views from Asia and the West on a Changing Security Environment Kurt W. Radtke, Raymond Feddema
9257 cover Comrades, Clients and Cousins: Colonialism, Socialism and Democratization in São Tomé and Príncipe Gerhard Seibert
9258 cover Conciliation in International Law : The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration [1 ed.] Christian Tomuschat, Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, Daniel Thürer 1
9259 cover Concrete Critical Theory: Althusser's Marxism (Historical Materialism Book, 249) William S. Lewis, Skidmore College
9260 cover Confronting the American Dream: Nicaragua under U.S. Imperial Rule Michel Gobat
9261 cover Confucian Marxism: A Reflection on Religion and Global Justice Weigang Chen
9262 cover Congress and the Constitution Neal Devins (editor), Keith Whittington (editor), Mark A. Graber (editor)
9263 cover Congress Volume: Uppsala 1971
9264 cover Conquest and Resistance in the Ethiopian Empire, 1880 - 1974 : The Case of the Arsi Oromo [1 (e-book) ed.] Abbas H. Gnamo 1
9265 cover Conrad Summenhart’s Theory of Individual Rights Jussi Varkemaa
9266 cover Conrad’s Presence in Contemporary Culture: Adaptations and Appropriations (Dqr Studies in Literature, 65) Agnieszka Adamowicz-pospiech (editor), Nathalie Martinire (editor), Josiane Paccaud (editor), Veronique Pauly (editor)
9267 cover Consensus-Based Interpretation of Regional Human Rights Treaties [1 ed.] Francisco Pascual-Vives 1
9268 cover Consent In European Data Protection Law [3, 1 ed.] Eleni Kosta 1
9269 cover Constitutional Deliberation in Congress: The Impact of Judicial Review in a Separated System J. Mitchell Pickerill
9270 cover Constitutional Failure: Carl Schmitt in Weimar Ellen Kennedy
9271 cover Constitutional Principles of Local Self-Government in Europe [1 ed.] Giovanni Boggero 1
9272 cover Constitutional Theory Carl Schmitt, Jeffrey Seitzer
9273 cover Constitutionalism - Human Rights - Separation of Powers : The Cyprus Precedent [1 ed.] Georghios M. Pikis 1
9274 cover Constitutionalism and Political Reconstruction Arjomand, S.A., Said Amir Arjomand
9275 cover Constitutionalism: New Challenges, European Law from a Nordic Perspective (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library) Joakim Nergelius
9276 cover Constructing Marxist Ethics: Critique, Normativity, Praxis Michael J. Thompson (Ed.)
9277 cover Constructing Suiyuan: The Politics Of Northwestern Territory And Development in Early Twentieth China (Brill's Inner Asian Library) (Brill's Inner Asian Library) Justin Tighe
9278 cover Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers (2012): 6 Arthur W Rovine (editor)
9279 cover Contemporary Russian Conservatism : Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives [1 ed.] Mikhail Suslov, Dmitry Uzlaner 1
9280 cover Contested Communities : Class, Gender, and Politics in Chile's el Teniente Copper Mine, 1904-1951 [1 ed.] Thomas Miller Klubock 1
9281 cover Contested Liberations, Transitions and the Crisis in Zimbabwe: Encounters With Post-colonial Counter-cultures 2000-2020 (African Social Studies, 48) Oliver Nyambi
9282 cover Contested Power in Ethiopia : Traditional Authorities and Multi-Party Elections [1 ed.] Kjetil Tronvoll, Tobias Hagmann 1
9283 cover Contesting the Yellow Dragon: Ethnicity, Religion, and the State in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland Xiaofei Kang, Donald S. Sutton
9284 cover Contingent Citizenship : The Law and Practice of Citizenship Deprivation in International, European and National Perspectives [1 ed.] Sandra Mantu 1
9285 cover Converting Cultures: Religion, Ideology and Transformations of Modernity (Social Sciences in Asia) Washburn, D. (ed.), Reinhart, A.K. (ed.)
9286 cover Co-operative Struggles: Work Conflicts in Argentina’s New Worker Co-operatives Denise Kasparian
9287 cover Copyright, freedom of speech, and cultural policy in the Russian Federation Michiel Elst
9288 cover Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy Vrasidas Karalis (Editor)
9289 cover Corona Phenomenon: Philosophical and Political Questions (Value Inquiry Books / Social Philosophy, 376) Edited by Pegah Mossleh, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS) in Tehran (Iran)
9290 cover Corporal Punishment of Children: a Human Rights Violation [1 ed.] Susan Bitensky 1
9291 cover Corruption As an Empty Signifier : Politics and Political Order in Africa [1 ed.] Lucy Koechlin 1
9292 cover COSATU'S Contested Legacy: South African Trade Unions in the Second Decade of Democracy Sakhela Buhlungu and Malehoko Tshoaedi Eds.
9293 cover Counter-Terrorism Financing : International Best Practices and the Law [1 ed.] Nathalie Rébé 1
9294 cover Covert Racism: Theories, Institutions, and Experiences Rodney D. Coates (ed.)
9295 cover Creating Our Own ; Folklore, Performance, and Identity in Cuzco, Peru Zoila S. Mendoza
9296 cover Crimes against humanity in the 21st century: law, practice, and threats to international peace and security Robert Dubler, Matthew Kalyk
9297 cover Crises and Hegemonic Transitions: From Gramsci's Quaderni to the Contemporary World Economy Lorenzo Fusaro
9298 cover Crisis and Contradiction: Marxist Perspectives on Latin America in the Global Political Economy Edited by Susan J. Spronk and Jeffery R. Webber (Eds.)
9299 cover Crisis and Criticism: Literary, Cultural and Political Essays, 2009-2021 (Historical Materialism Book, 307) Benjamin Noys
9300 cover Crisis, Politics and Critical Sociology (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 17) author, Graham Cassano (editor), Richard A. Dello Buono (editor)
9301 cover Critical Approaches to International Relations: Philosophical Foundations and Current Debates M. Kürşad Özekin (editor), Engin Sune (editor)
9302 cover Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism
9303 cover Critical Marxism in Mexico: Adolfo Sanchez Vazquez and Bolivar Echeverria Stefan Gandler
9304 cover Critical Moves: Dance Studies in Theory and Politics Martin, Randy
9305 cover Critical Perspectives in Politics and Socio-Economic Development in Ghana Wisdom Tettey, Korbla P. Puplampu, Bruce J. Berman
9306 cover Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law Marcia H. Rioux, Lee Ann Basser, Melinda Jones
9307 cover Critical Readings on Tang China [Volume 1] Paul W. Kroll 1
9308 cover Critical Readings on Tang China [Volume 2] Paul W. Kroll 2
9309 cover Critical Readings on Tang China [Volume 3] Paul W. Kroll 3
9310 cover Critical Readings on Tang China [Volume 4] Paul W. Kroll 4
9311 cover Criticism of Earth : On Marx, Engels and Theology Roland Boer
9312 cover Criticism of Heaven Roland Boer
9313 cover Criticism of heaven : on Marxism and theology Boer, Roland
9314 cover Criticism of religion : on Marxism and theology, II Boer, Roland
9315 cover Criticism of theology : on Marxism and theology III Boer, Roland
9316 cover Cruel Modernity Jean Franco
9317 cover Cuba Was Different Views of the Cuban Communist Party on the Collapse of Soviet and Eastern European Socialism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences / Critical Global Studies, 14, 177) Even Sandvik Underlid
9318 cover Cultural Commodities in Japanese Rural Revitalization : Tsugaru Nuri Lacquerware and Tsugaru Shamisen [1 ed.] Anthony Rausch 1
9319 cover Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America [1 ed.] Bernd Sommer 1
9320 cover Cultural Heritage in the Crosshairs : Protecting Cultural Property During Conflict [1 ed.] Joris Kila, James Zeidler 1
9321 cover Cultural Heritage in the European Union : A Critical Inquiry into Law and Policy [1 ed.] Andrzej Jakubowski, Kristin Hausler, Francesca Fiorentini 1
9322 cover Cultural Heritage Issues: The Legacy of Conquest, Colonization, and Commerce James A.R. Nafziger, Ann M. Nicgorski
9323 cover Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies Dennis Dworkin
9324 cover Cultural Rights As Collective Rights : An International Law Perspective [1 ed.] Andrzej Jakubowski 1
9325 cover Cultural Rights in International Law : Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Beyond [1 ed.] Elissavet Stamatopoulou-Robbins 1
9326 cover Cultural Rights in International Law and Discourse : Contemporary Challenges and Interdisciplinary Perspectives [1 ed.] Stephenson Chow 1
9327 cover Culture and Social Transformations in Reform Era China Cao Tian Yu, Wen Hua Yu She Hui Zhuan Xing English
9328 cover Culture and Social Transformations: Theoretical Framework and Chinese Context Tianyu Cao, Xueping Zhong, Liao Kebin, Ban Wang
9329 cover Culture, Power, and Authoritarianism in the Indonesian State: Cultural Policy Across the Twentieth Century to the Reform Era Tod Jones
9330 cover Cultured States: Youth, Gender, and Modern Style in 1960s Dar es Salaam Andrew Ivaska
9331 cover Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development (Historical Materialism Book, 180) [Illustrated] James Christie
9332 cover Cultures of United States Imperialism Amy Kaplan, Donald E. Pease, Myra Jehlen
9333 cover Current Issues in Human Rights and International Relations : Papers from the Clemens Nathan Research Centre [1 ed.] Clemens Nathan 1
9334 cover Cyber Attacks: Protecting National Infrastructure [1 ed.] Edward Amoroso 1
9335 cover Dangerous Anarchist Strikers Steve J. Shone
9336 cover Das Februarpatent 1861: Zur Geschichte und Zukunft der österreichischen Landtage
9337 cover Das Kosovo-Gutachten des IGH vom 22. Juli 2010 Peter Hilpold
9338 cover Das Recht auf saubere Luft: Bürger und Bürgerinnen zwischen Politik und Gerichten
9339 cover David Duke and the Politics of Race in the South [1st ed.] John C. Kuzenski, Charles S. Bullock III, Ronald Keith Gaddie 1
9340 cover Deadly Metal Rain: the Legality of Flechette Weapons in International Law : A Reappraisal Following Israel's Use of Flechettes in the Gaza Strip (2001-2009) [1 ed.] Eitan Barak 1
9341 cover Death Penalty Cases [3 ed.] Barry Latzer and David McCord 3
9342 cover Death Penalty Cases: Leading U.S. Supreme Court Cases on Capital Punishment Barry Latzer
9343 cover Debating Public Diplomacy: Now and Next [1 ed.] Jan Melissen and Jian Wang 1
9344 cover Decentering the Regime: Ethnicity, Radicalism, and Democracy in Juchitán, Mexico Jeffrey W. Rubin
9345 cover Deciding to Intervene: The Reagan Doctrine and American Foreign Policy James M. Scott
9346 cover Deconstructing Postmodernist Nietzscheanism: Deleuze and Foucault Jan Rehmann
9347 cover Deep hiStories: Gender and Colonialism in Southern Africa Gary Minkley, Patricia Hayes, Wendy Woodward
9348 cover Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies David P. Gushee
9349 cover Defending Neutrality: The Netherlands Prepares for War, 1900–1925 Wim Klinkert
9350 cover Defiant Nikondeha, Kelley
9351 cover Defining Human Trafficking and Identifying Its Victims : A Study on the Impact and Future Challenges of International, European and Finnish Legal Responses to Prostitution-Related Trafficking in Human Beings [1 ed.] Venla Roth 1
9352 cover Deliverance from Slavery: Attempting a Biblical Theology in the Service of Liberation Dick Boer
9353 cover Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics Jodi Dean
9354 cover Democracy and the Rule of Law in China [1 ed.] Keping Yu 1
9355 cover Democracy, Emergency, and Arbitrary Coercion: A Liberal Republican View Nick C. Sagos
9356 cover Democratic Citizenship and the Free Movement of People [1 ed.] Willem Maas 1
9357 cover Democratic Elitism: New Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology) Heinrich Best, John Higley (Editors)
9358 cover Democratization and Securitization : The Case of Romania [1 ed.] Adina Stefan 1
9359 cover Democratizing Taiwan J. Bruce Jacobs
9360 cover Denmark and the Crusades, 1400-1650 Janus Møller Jensen
9361 cover Dependency Theory After Fifty Years The Continuing Relevance of Latin American Critical Thought (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 207) Claudio Katz, University of Buenos Aires. Translated by Stanley Malinowitz.
9362 cover Der Kampf um Polen. Die abenteuerliche Geschichte der Zweiten Polnischen Republik 1918–1939 Wolfgang Templin
9363 cover Der lange Umweg zur Macht: Die Geschichte der Grünen in Salzburg bis 2013 Michael Mair, Robert Kriechbaumer
9364 cover Der Ostmark treue Alpensöhne: Die Integration der Österreicher in die großdeutsche Wehrmacht, 1938-45 Thomas R. Grischany
9365 cover Der Wille zum Feind. Über populistische Rhetorik Reinhard Olschanski
9366 cover Derrida and the time of the political Pheng Cheah, Suzanne Guerlac
9367 cover Describing the City, Describing the State : Representations of Venice and the Venetian Terraferma in the Renaissance [1 ed.] Sandra Toffolo 1
9368 cover Desiring China: Experiments in Neoliberalism, Sexuality, and Public Culture Lisa Rofel
9369 cover Detention of Non-State Actors Engaged in Hostilities : The Future Law [1 ed.] Gregory Rose, Bruce Oswald 1
9370 cover Development as a Battlefield Irene Bono, Béatrice Hibou
9371 cover Dialectics of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism Alex Levant, Vesa Oittinen (ed.)
9372 cover Dialogangebote. Die Anrede des Kaisers jenseits der offiziellen Titulatur Sophia Bönisch-Meyer
9373 cover Diaspora at War : The Chinese of Singapore Between Empire and Nation, 1937-1945 [1 ed.] Ernest Koh 1
9374 cover Didactics of Military Ethics : From Theory to Practice [1 ed.] Thomas R. Elßner, Reinhold Janke 1
9375 cover Die »Judäo-Kommune« Ein Feindbild in Polen. Das polnische Selbstverständnis im Schatten des Antisemitismus 1939–1948 Agnieszka Pufelska
9376 cover Die Exekutiven der Revolutionen. Deutschland 1848/49 [1. ed.] Karsten Ruppert (ed.) 1
9377 cover Die Freiheit der politischen Meinungsäußerung: Ihre Entwicklung im österreichischen und britischen Verfassungsrecht und ihre staatsphilosophischen Wurzeln Stephan G. Hinghofer-Szalkay
9378 cover Die gefährdete Staatlichkeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Beiträge zur Bewahrung ihrer verfassungsrechtlichen Organisationsstruktur Albert Janssen
9379 cover Die Politik Der Sklaverei: Praxis Und Konflikt in Kastilien Und Spanisch-Amerika Im 16. Jahrhundert (German Edition) Jonas Schirrmacher
9380 cover Die politische Rolle der stadtrömischen Plebs in der Kaiserzeit Katja Kröss
9381 cover Die Volksabstimmung in Oberschlesien 1921: Nationale Selbstbestimmung oder geopolitisches Machtspiel?
9382 cover Digital Borders and Real Rights: Effective Remedies for Third-Country Nationals in the Schengen Information System Evelien Brouwer
9383 cover Digital Fissures: Bodies, Genders, Technologies Julia Heim, Sole Anatrone, Carlotta Cossutta, Valentina Greco, Arianna Rubi Mainardi (eds.)
9384 cover Digitalized Finance: Financial Capitalism and Informational Revolution Edemilson Paraná
9385 cover Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity: In Memory of Metin Kunt Seyfi Kenan and Selçuk Aksin Somel
9386 cover Diplomacy for Professionals and Everyone (Diplomatic Studies, 20) Alisher Faizullaev, Webster University in Tashkent.
9387 cover Diplomatic and Judicial Means of Dispute Settlement [1 ed.] Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Marcelo Kohen, Jorge E. Viñuales, Marcelo Kohen 1
9388 cover Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina's "Dirty War" Diana Taylor
9389 cover Disaster Communications in a Changing Media World George D. Haddow, Kim S. Haddow
9390 cover Disaster Resilient Cities. Concepts and Practical Examples [1 ed.] Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Shinji Sato, Kenichi Tsukahara 1
9391 cover Discordant Neighbours: a Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian Conflicts : A Reassessment of the Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian Conflicts [1 ed.] B. George Hewitt 1
9392 cover Discovering imperialism : social democracy to World War I Gaido, Daniel, Day, Richard B
9393 cover Disputing Strategies in Medieval Scandinavia Kim Esmark
9394 cover Dissidence and Persecution in Byzantium From Constantine to Michael Psellos Danijel Džino, Ryan W. Strickler
9395 cover Dissident for Life : Alexander Ogorodnikov and the Struggle for Religious Freedom in Russia Koenraad De Wolf, David Alton, Nancy Forest-Flier
9396 cover Does God Believe in Human Rights? Nazila Ghanea, Alan Stephens, Raphael Walden
9397 cover Doing Good and Ridding Evil in Ming China. The Political Career of Wang Yangming Israel G.
9398 cover Double Agents: Cultural and Political Brokerage in Early Modern Europe (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions) Marika Keblusek &, Badeloch Vera Noldus
9399 cover Double Standards Pertaining to Minority Protection [1 ed.] Kristin Henrard 1
9400 cover Drones and Other Unmanned Weapons Systems under International Law [1 ed.] Stuart Casey-Maslen, Maziar Homayounnejad, Hilary Stauffer, Nathalie Weizmann 1
9401 cover Drums of War, Drums of Development: The Formation of a Pacific Ruling Class and Industrial Transformation in East and Southeast Asia, 1945-1980 Jim Glassman
9402 cover Due Diligence and Its Application to Protect Women from Violence Benninger-Budel, C. (ed.)
9403 cover Due Process and International Terrorism Roza Pati
9404 cover Dutch and British colonial intervention in Sri Lanka, 1780-1815: expansion and reform Schrikker, A.
9405 cover Dutch East India Company Merchants at the Court of Ayutthaya: Dutch Perceptions of the Thai Kingdom, c. 1604-1765 [annotated edition] Bhawan Ruangsilp
9406 cover Dynamics of China's Economy: Growth, Cycles and Crises from 1949 to the Present Day (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 234) Zhiming Long, Remy Herrera
9407 cover Dynastic Lycia. A Political History of the Lycians and their Relations with Foreign Powers, c. 545-362 B.C. Keen, Antony G.
9408 cover Early Bourbon Spanish America : Politics and Society in a Forgotten Era (1700-1759) [1 ed.] Francisco A. Eissa-Barroso, Ainara Vázquez Varela 1
9409 cover Early Israel: Anthropological and Historical Studies on the Israelite Society Before the Monarchy Niels Peter Lemche
9410 cover Early Modern Sovereignties Theory and Practice of a Burgeoning Concept in the Netherlands (Legal History Library) De Erik Bom
9411 cover East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century: An End to Unity? Roald Dijkstra, Sanne van Poppel, Daniëlle Slootjes (eds.)
9412 cover East-West Identities (International Comparative Social Studies) Chan, K. (ed.), Walls, Hayward
9413 cover Economic Issues and Political Conflict: US–Latin American Relations Jorge I. Domínguez (Eds.)
9414 cover Economies of Abandonment: Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism Elizabeth A. Povinelli
9415 cover Ecuadors Good Living Crises, Discourse and Law (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 175 / Critical Global Studies, 13) Carlos E. Gallegos-Anda
9416 cover Effective Participation of National Minorities and Conflict Prevention William Romans, Iryna Ulasiuk, Anton Petrenko Thomsen
9417 cover Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East) S. Bar, D. Kahn, J.J. Shirley (editors)
9418 cover Eighteenth-Century Gujarat: The Dynamics of Its Political Economy, 1750-1800 Ghulam A. Nadri
9419 cover Eighteenth-century Periodicals As Agents of Change: Perspectives on Northern Enlightenment Ellen Krefting, Aina Nøding, Mona Ringvej (eds.)
9420 cover El Alto, Rebel City: Self and Citizenship in Andean Bolivia Sian Lazar
9421 cover Eleanor Smith's Hull House Songs: The Music of Protest and Hope in Jane Addams's Chicago Graham Cassano, Rima Lunin Schultz, Jessica Payette
9422 cover Elections in Times of a Pandemic - Dilemmas and Challenges: Experiences of the European Countries (International Comparative Social Studies, 59) Magdalena Musial-karg (editor), Izabela Kapsa (editor)
9423 cover Electronic Surveillance Devices [1 ed.] Paul Brookes 1
9424 cover Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India Ranajit Guha
9425 cover Elite Configurations at the Apex of Power (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology) Mattei Dogan
9426 cover Elites: New Comparative Perspectives [1 ed.] Masamichi Sasaki 1
9427 cover Empire and Dissent: The United States and Latin America Fred Rosen (editor)
9428 cover Empire and religion: religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel, Lozano, Lozano Gómez, Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena
9429 cover Empire Speaks Out: Languages of Rationalization and Self-Description in the Russian Empire (Russian History and Culture) Ilya Gerasimov, Jan Kusber, Alexander Semyonov
9430 cover Empire, Religion, and Identity: Modern South Asia and the Global Circulation of Ideas Soumen Mukherjee (editor)
9431 cover Empires, Nations, and Natives: Anthropology and State-Making Benoît de L'Estoile, Federico Neiburg, Lygia Sigaud
9432 cover Empiriomonism: Essays in Philosophy, Books 1–3 Alexander Bogdanov
9433 cover Empowered Participation or Political Manipulation? : State, Civil Society and Social Funds in Egypt and Bolivia Rabab El-Mahdi
9434 cover Energy Analysis and Policy. Selected Works Mohan Munasinghe (Auth.)
9435 cover Engaging Social Justice: Critical Studies of 21st Century Social Transformation (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 13) David Fasenfest
9436 cover England's Second Domesday and the Expulsion of the English Peasantry (Historical Materialism, 310) Spencer Dimmock
9437 cover English Lessons: The Pedagogy of Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century China [Illustrated] James L. Hevia
9438 cover Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume Four : Concepts, Approaches, And (Self-)Representations [1 ed.] Roumen Dontchev Daskalov, Diana Mishkova, Tchavdar Marinov, Alexander Vezenkov 1
9439 cover Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume One: National Ideologies and Language Policies Roumen Dontchev Daskalov (editor), Tchavdar Marinov (editor)
9440 cover Entangled Histories of the Balkans (Balkan Studies Library, 9) Roumen Daskalov, Tchavdar Marinov
9441 cover Entanglements, or Transmedial Thinking About Capture Rey Chow
9442 cover Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries Asit K. Biswas and S. B. C. Agarwal (Eds.)
9443 cover Environmental Management in Soviet Union and Yugoslavia - Structure and Regulation in Federal Communist States Barbara Jancar
9444 cover Environmental Sovereignty and the WTO: Trade Sanctions and International Law [1 ed.] Bradly Condon 1
9445 cover Ernst Bloch’s Speculative Materialism: Ontology, Epistemology, Politics Cat Moir
9446 cover Esperanza y Sufrimiento Desmond Tutu
9447 cover Essays on International Law and Practice [1St Edition] Rosenne, S. 1
9448 cover Essays on Marx’s Capital: Summaries, Appreciations and Reconstructions Geert Reuten
9449 cover Essential Rules of Behaviour for Police in Armed Conflict, Disturbance and Tension: Legal Framework, International Cases and Instruments [1 ed.] Ralph Crawshaw, Leif Holmström 1
9450 cover Ethics and Moral Philosophy Thom Brooks
9451 cover Ethiopia in Theory: Revolution and Knowledge Production, 1964-2016 Elleni Centime Zeleke
9452 cover Ethno-Cultural Diversity and Human Rights: Challenges and Critiques [122] Gaetano Pentassuglia (ed.) 122
9453 cover EU Citizenship, Nationality and Migrant Status : An Ongoing Challenge [1 ed.] Kristīne Krūma 1
9454 cover EU External Migration Policies in an Era of Global Mobilities: Intersecting Policy Universes Sergio Carrera, Leonhard den Hertog, Marion Panizzon, Dora Kostakopoulou
9455 cover EU Immigration and Asylum Law: Text and Commentary [1 ed.] Steve Peers, Nicola Rogers (eds.) 1
9456 cover EU Management of Global Emergencies : Legal Framework for Combating Threats and Crises [1 ed.] Inge Govaere, Sara Poli 1
9457 cover European Climate Diplomacy in the USA and China Embassy Narratives and Coalitions (Diplomatic Studies, 17) Katrin Buchmann
9458 cover European Encounters : Intellectual Exchange and the Rethinking of Europe 1914-1945 [1 ed.] Carlos Reijnen, Marleen Rensen 1
9459 cover European Judicial Responses to Security Council Resolutions : A Consequentialist Assessment [1 ed.] Kushtrim Istrefi 1
9460 cover European Political Cooperation. Towards a Foreign Policy for Western Europe David Allen, Reinhardt Rummel, Wolfgang Wessels and François Duchêne (Auth.)
9461 cover European Readmission Policy Nils Coleman
9462 cover European Small States and the Role of Consuls in the Age of Empire [1 ed.] Aryo Makko 1
9463 cover European Union Administration: Legitimacy and Efficiency [illustrated edition] Nedergaard, P.N.E.
9464 cover Euroscepticisms: The Historical Roots of a Political Challenge: 36 (European Studies) Mark Gilbert, Daniele Pasquinucci
9465 cover Everyday forms of state formation : revolution and the negotiation of rule in modern Mexico Gilbert M. Joseph, Daniel Nugent (eds.)
9466 cover Evidence from Earth Observation Satellites : Emerging Legal Issues [1 ed.] Ray Purdy, Denise Leung 1
9467 cover Evolving Practice in EU Enlargement with Case Studies in Agri-Food and Environment Law [1 ed.] Kirstyn Inglis 1
9468 cover EX(TRA)TERRITORIAL Reassessing Territory in Literature, Culture and Languages / Les Territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en question Didier Lassalle and Dirk Weissmann
9469 cover Expanded EU: from Autonomy to Alliance [1 ed.] Nejat Dogan, Kseniya M. Khovanova, Maksym Kovalov 1
9470 cover Expansionism in International Human Rights Law (Brill Research Perspectives in International Legal Theory and Practice) Isil Aral, Jean d'Aspremont
9471 cover Expert Negotiator [2 ed.] Raymond Saner 2
9472 cover Explorations in Critical Criminology in Honor of William J. Chambliss (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 145) Dawn L. Rothe
9473 cover Explorations in Jewish Historical Experience: The Civilizational Dimension S. N. Eisenstadt
9474 cover Exploring Marx's Capital philosophical, economic and political dimensions Bidet, Jacques
9475 cover Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536-2020 Merethe Roos (editor), Kjell Lars Berge (editor), Henrik Edgren (editor), Pirjo Hiidenmaa (editor), Christina Matthiesen (editor)
9476 cover Exploring the Boundaries of Refugee Law : Current Protection Challenges [1 ed.] Jean-Pierre Gauci, Mariagiulia Giuffré, Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi 1
9477 cover Exploring Transylvania: Geographies of Knowledge and Entangled Histories in a Multiethnic Province, 1790-1918 [1 ed.] Borbála Zsuzsanna Török 1
9478 cover Facetten der Gegenwart. 52 F.A.Z.-Essays aus dem Epochenjahr 2022 [1. ed.] Daniel Deckers (ed.) 1
9479 cover Faith and Fake News: A Guide to Consuming Information Wisely Rachel I. Wightman
9480 cover Families, Friends and Allies: Boulogne and Politics in Northern France and England, c. 879-1160 Heather J. Tanner
9481 cover Fear and the Shaping of Early American Societies [1 ed.] Lauric Henneton, Louis Roper 1
9482 cover Fearing food: risk, health and environment Julian Morris, Roger Bate
9483 cover Feasting and Polis Institutions Floris van den Eijnde, Josine Blok, Rolf Strootman
9484 cover Feeding Istanbul: The Political Economy of Urban Provisioning Candan Turkkan
9485 cover Field Hospital - Church's Engagement with Wounded World William T. Cavanaugh
9486 cover Filipino American Transnational Activism: Diasporic Politics Among the Second Generation Robyn M. Rodriguez
9487 cover Financial markets of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union François Perquel
9488 cover Financial Penalties in the Roman Republic: A Study of Confiscations of Individual Property, Public Sales, and Fines (509-58 BC) Sofia Piacentin
9489 cover Financialisation in crisis Lapavitsas, Costas
9490 cover Finding Allies and Making Revolution: The Early Years of the Chinese Communist Party Tony Saich
9491 cover Fire over Luoyang. A History of the Later Han Dynasty 23–220 AD Rafe de Crespigny
9492 cover First Do No Harm: Medical Ethics in International Humanitarian Law [1 ed.] Sigrid Mehring 1
9493 cover First forts : essays on the archaeology of proto-colonial fortifications Eric C Klingelhofer
9494 cover Five Classics of Fengshui: Chinese Spiritual Geography in Historical and Environmental Perspective Michael Paton
9495 cover Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality Aihwa Ong
9496 cover Flexible Europe: Differentiated Integration, Fairness, and Democracy Richard Bellamy, Sandra Kröger, Marta Lorimer
9497 cover Fool Me Twice: Intelligence Failure and Mass Casualty Terrorism [1 ed.] Thomas E. Copeland 1
9498 cover For Nonconformism: Max Horkheimer and Friedrich Pollock: the Other Frankfurt School Nicola Emery
9499 cover For the Sake of Humanity: Essays in Honour of Clemens N. Nathan Alan Stephens, Raphael Walden
9500 cover Foreign Affairs Litigation in United States Courts [1 ed.] John Norton Moore 1
9501 cover Foreign front : Third World politics in sixties West Germany Slobodian, Quinn
9502 cover Foreign Policy: From Conception to Diplomatic Practice [1 ed.] Ernest Petrič 1
9503 cover Forging New Conventional Wisdom Beyond International Policing: Learning from Complex Political Realities [1 ed.] Bryn Hughes, Charles T. Hunt, Jodie Curth-Bibb 1
9504 cover Fortress Attica: Defense of the Athenian Land Frontier, 404-322 B.C J. Ober
9505 cover Foucault's Discipline: The Politics of Subjectivity John S. Ransom
9506 cover Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War Scott Laderman, Edwin A. Martini
9507 cover Framing a Radical African Atlantic: African American Agency, West African Intellectuals and the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers Holger Weiss
9508 cover Framing the Environmental Humanities [1 ed.] Hannes Bergthaller, Peter Mortensen 1
9509 cover Free Access to the Past Lotte Jensen, Joep Leerssen, Marita Mathijsen
9510 cover Freedom and Tenure in the Academy William W. Van Alstyne (editor)
9511 cover Freedom Not Yet: Liberation and the Next World Order Kenneth Surin
9512 cover Freedom of Religion [1 ed.] A. van de Beek, Eduardus van der Borght, Bernardus Vermeulen 1
9513 cover Freedom of Religion and Religious Pluralism Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan, Carla M. Zoethout
9514 cover Freedom of Religion in the 21st Century : A Human Rights Perspective on the Relation Between Politics and Religion [1 ed.] Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Ernst Hirsch Ballin 1
9515 cover Freiheit und Wiederholung. Politisches Handeln ohne Zukunft [1. ed.] Birte Löschenkohl 1
9516 cover Freud and the Limits of Bourgeois Individualism Léon Rozitchner (auth.), Bruno Bosteels (transl.)
9517 cover From a Marxist Feminist Point of View: Essays on Freedom, Rationality and Human Nature Nancy Holmstrom
9518 cover From Binational Society to Jewish State: Federal Concepts in Zionist Political Thought, 1920-1990, and the Jewish People (Jewish Identities in a Changing World, V. 7) Yosef Gorni
9519 cover From Capture to Sale: The Portuguese Slave Trade to Spanish South America in the Early Seventeenth Century Newson, L.A., Minchin, S.
9520 cover From 'Civil Society' to 'Europe' (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology) Grazyna Skapska
9521 cover From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt: Federal Policy, Economic Development, and the Transformation of the South 1938–1980 Bruce J. Schulman
9522 cover From Enlightenment to Revolution Eric Voegelin
9523 cover From Feudalism to Capitalism: Social and Political Change in Castile and Western Europe, 1250-1520 Carlos Astarita
9524 cover From Grand Estates to Grand Corruption: The battle over the possessions of Prince Albert of Thurn and Taxis in interwar Yugoslavia Klaus Buchenau
9525 cover From Recognition to Restoration : Latvia's History As a Nation-State [1 ed.] David J. Smith, David J. Galbreath, Geoffrey Swain 1
9526 cover From the Files of a Security Expert Witness [1 ed.] Charles A. Sennewald CPP 1
9527 cover From the Volhynian Massacre to Operation Vistula. The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict 1943–1947 [1. ed.] Grzegorz Motyka 1
9528 cover From Twitter to Capitol Hill. Far-Right Authoritarian Populist Discourses, Social Media and Critical Pedagogy Panayota Gounari
9529 cover From Value to Uneven Development: Selected Writings by John Weeks in the Marxist Tradition Ben Fine, Simon Mohun, Alfredo Saad-Filho (eds.)
9530 cover From Yugoslavia to the Western Balkans: Studies of a European Disunion, 1991-2011 Robert Hayden
9531 cover Frontiers for Peace in the Medieval North: The Norwegian-Scottish Frontier C. 1260-1470 (Northern World) Ian Peter Grohse
9532 cover Frontiers for Peace in the Medieval North: The Norwegian-Scottish Frontier, c. 1260-1470 (Northern World, 79) Ian Peter Grohse
9533 cover Fundamental Problems of the Sociology of Thinking Konstantin Megrelidze, Craig Brandist (editor)
9534 cover Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development Nico Schrijver
9535 cover Gaining and Losing Imperial Favour in Late Antiquity: Representation and Reality Kamil Cyprian Choda, Maurits Sterk de Leeuw, Fabian Schulz
9536 cover Gaius Meets Cicero : Law and Rhetoric in the School Controversies [1 ed.] Tessa G. Leesen 1
9537 cover Gender Equality and United Nations Peace Operations in Timor Leste (International Peacekeeping) L. Olsson, Louise Olsson
9538 cover Gender Equality on a Grand Tour : Politics and Institutions - the Nordic Council, Sweden, Lithuania and Russia [1 ed.] Eva Blomberg, Yulia Gradskova, Ylva Waldemarson, Alina Zvinkliene 1
9539 cover General Principles for Business and Human Rights in International Law [1 ed.] Ludovica Chiussi Curzi 1
9540 cover General Principles of Law: Natural Rights, Legal Methods and System Principles Daiga Rezevska
9541 cover Generationalität und Gewalt: Kriegergruppen im Ostafrika des 19. Jahrhunderts. Dissertationsschrift Sascha Reif
9542 cover Generosity and Refugees: the Kosovars in Exile [1 ed.] Robert Carr 1
9543 cover Geopolitics and International Relations Grounding World Politics Anew (Geopolitics and International Relations, 1) Edited by David Criekemans, University of Antwerp
9544 cover Georg Lukács and the Possibility of Critical Social Ontology Michael J. Thompson
9545 cover Georg Lukács and the Possibility of Critical Social Ontology (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 148) Michael J. Thompson
9546 cover German Villages in Crisis: Rural Life in Hesse-Kassel and the Thirty Years War, 1580-1720 John Theibault
9547 cover Geschichte Polens 1939-2015 Andrzej Friszke, Antoni Dudek, Bernard Wiaderny (transl., ed.)
9548 cover Gilded Voices: Economics, Politics, and Storytelling in the Yangzi Delta Since 1949 Qiliang He
9549 cover Give a Man a Fish: Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution James Ferguson
9550 cover Global Justice and International Affairs Thom Brooks
9551 cover Global Political Economy and the Modern State System [Lam ed.] Tobias Ten Brink, Jeff Bale
9552 cover Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order [3. print ed.] Ferguson, James 3
9553 cover Global Studies Directory : People, Organizations, Publications [1 ed.] Alexander N. Chumakov, Ivan I. Mazour, Ilya Ilyin 1
9554 cover Globalisation: A Systematic Marxian Account [First Edition] Tony Smith
9555 cover Globalization (a Public Culture book) Arjun Appadurai
9556 cover Globalization and Changes in China's Governance [1 ed.] Keping Yu 1
9557 cover Globalization and Political Ethics Richard B. Day, Joseph Masciulli
9558 cover Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation Michaeline A. Crichlow, Patricia Northover
9559 cover Globalization, Violence and World Governance Laura Westra
9560 cover Globalizing Afghanistan: Terrorism, War, and the Rhetoric of Nation Building Zubeda Jalalzai, David Jefferess
9561 cover Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism Mattias Gardell
9562 cover Good Neighbourliness in the European Legal Context [1 ed.] Dimitry Kochenov, Elena Basheska 1
9563 cover Governing Gaeldom: The Scottish Highlands and the Restoration State, 1660-1688 Allan D. Kennedy
9564 cover Governing Gaza Feldman, Ilana
9565 cover Governing New Guinea : An Oral History of Papuan Administrators, 1950-1990 [1 ed.] Leontine Visser 1
9566 cover Governing the Empire: Provincial Administration in the Almohad Caliphate (1224-1269): Critical Edition, Translation, and Study of Manuscript 4752 of the Ḥasaniyya Library in Rabat Containing 77 Taqādīm ( Appointments ) [1 ed.] Pascal Buresi, Hicham El Aallaoui 1
9567 cover Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing: The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen, Ana Nordberg
9568 cover Governmentality Studies in Education Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley, Mark Olssen, Susanne Maurer, Susanne Weber
9569 cover Gramsci and languages : unification, diversity, hegemony Carlucci, Alessandro, Gramsci, Antonio
9570 cover Gramsci Contested: Interpretations, Debates, and Polemics, 1922-2012 (Historical Materialism Book, 250) Guido Liguori
9571 cover Gramsci's Laboratory: Philosophy, History and Politics [2 ed.] Alvaro Bianchi 2
9572 cover Gramsci's Pathways Guido Liguori
9573 cover Grappling with the Beast : Indigenous Southern African Responses to Colonialism, 1840-1930 [1 ed.] Peter Limb, Norman Etherington, Peter Midgley 1
9574 cover Grass in their Mouths: The Upper Doab of India under the Company's Magna Charta, 1793-1830 Dirk H.A. Kolff
9575 cover Great Powers’ Foreign Policy: Approaching the Global Competition and the Russian War Against the West Valentin Naumescu (editor)
9576 cover Green Delusions: An Environmentalist Critique of Radical Environmentalism [1 ed.] Martin W. Lewis 1
9577 cover Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets, and Community among a Migrant Pastoral People Arun Agrawal
9578 cover Groove : an aesthetic of measured time [Lam ed.] Abel, Mark
9579 cover Guarded Neutrality: Diplomacy and Internment in the Netherlands during the First World War Susanne Wolf
9580 cover Guerrilla War, Counterinsurgency, and State Formation in Ottoman Yemen, 1872-1911 Vincent Wilhite
9581 cover Hölderlin-Jahrbuch: Einundvierzigster Band 2018-2019 Sabine Doering, Johann Kreuzer, Martin Vöhler
9582 cover Habsburg England: Politics and Religion in the Reign of Philip I (1554-1558) Gonzalo Velasco Berenguer
9583 cover Hakata : The Cultural Worlds of Northern Kyushu [1 ed.] Andrew Cobbing 1
9584 cover Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872-1908 Johann Bussow
9585 cover Handbook of Environmental Engineering Assessment
9586 cover Handbook of Industrial Lighting Stanley L. Lyons (Auth.)
9587 cover Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography Pierre-Étienne Will
9588 cover Hating Girls An Intersectional Survey of Misogyny (Studies in Critical Social Sciences) &lt Edited by Debra Meyers, i&gt, Northern Kentucky University&lt, /i&gt, &lt and Mary Sue Barnett, Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests (ARCWP)&lt
9589 cover Havana beyond the Ruins: Cultural Mappings after 1989 Anke Birkenmaier (editor), Esther Whitfield (editor)
9590 cover Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 2: Political Writings [2] Henryk Grossman, Rick Kuhn 2
9591 cover Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 3: The Law of Accumulation and Breakdown of the Capitalist System, Being also a Theory of Crises Henryk Grossman, Rick Kuhn (editor), Rick Kuhn, Jairus Banaji (trans.)
9592 cover Henryk Grossman Works, Volume I: Essays and Letters on Economic Theor Henryk Grossman, Rick Kuhn (ed.), Dominika Balwin (trans.)
9593 cover Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America Elizabeth Dore, Elizabeth Dore, Maxine Molyneux, Maxine Molyneux, Eugenia Rodriguez, Maria EugeniaChaves, Rebecca Earle, Donna J.Guy, Ann Varley, Jo Fisher, Fiona McCaulay
9594 cover Hinterlands and Commodities : Place, Space, Time and the Political Economic Development of Asia over the Long Eighteenth Century [1 ed.] Tsukasa Mizushima, George Bryan Souza, Dennis O. Flynn 1
9595 cover Historical Title, Self-Determination and the Kashmir Question: Changing Perspectives in International Law Fozia Nazir Lone
9596 cover Historical-critical Dictionary of Marxism: A Selection Wolfgang-fritz Haug (editor), Frigga Haug (editor), Peter Jehle (editor), Wolfgang Kttler (editor), Konstantin Baehrens (editor), Juha Koivisto (editor), Victor Strazzeri (editor)
9597 cover Histories of Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding in the Nordic and Baltic Countries : Representing the Periphery [1 ed.] Louis Clerc, Nikolas Glover, Paul Jordan 1
9598 cover History, the Human, and the World Between R. Radhakrishnan
9599 cover Holding UNPOL to Account : Individual Criminal Accountability of United Nations Police Personnel [1 ed.] Ai Kihara-Hunt 1
9600 cover Homosexual Desire Guy Hocquenghem
9601 cover Hong Kong's Legislature under China's Sovereignty : 1998-2013 [1 ed.] Yu Gu 1
9602 cover Hongkongers' Fight for Freedom: Voices from the 2019 Anti-Extradition Movement (The Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 255) Nam Kiu Tsing
9603 cover Hopes and Shadows: Eastern Europe After Communism J. F. Brown
9604 cover How High the Sky?: The Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space and Territorial Airspace in International Law Thomas Gangale
9605 cover How Labour Built Neoliberalism Elizabeth Humphrys
9606 cover How the Soviet Union Disappeared: An Essay on the Causes of Dissolution Wisla Suraska
9607 cover How to Become an International Disaster Volunteer [1st Edition] Michael Noone (Auth.) 1
9608 cover How to Critique Authoritarian Populism Methodologies of the Frankfurt School Jeremiah Morelock
9609 cover Human and Societal Security in the Circumpolar Arctic: Special Focus on Local and Indigenous Communities Kamrul Hossain, Jose Miguel Roncero Martin, Anna Petrétei
9610 cover Human Rights and Dynamic Humanism [1 ed.] Winston P. Nagan, John A. C. Cartner, Robert J. Munro 1
9611 cover Human Rights and Power in Times of Globalisation [1 ed.] Ekaterina Yahyaoui 1
9612 cover Human Rights and the Impact of Religion Hans-Georg Ziebertz
9613 cover Human Rights and the Refugee Definition: Comparative Legal Practice and Theory Bruce Burson, David James Cantor
9614 cover Human Rights in Action : Learning Expert Knowledge [1 ed.] Miia Halme-Tuomisaari 1
9615 cover Human Rights Monitoring: A Field Mission Manual Anette Faye Jacobsen
9616 cover Human Rights Protection by the ECtHR and the ECJ : A Comparative Analysis in Light of the Equivalency Doctrine [1 ed.] Elisa Ravasi 1
9617 cover Human Rights Related Trade Measures under International Law : The Legality of Trade Measures Imposed in Response to Violations of Human Rights Obligations under General International Law [1 ed.] Anthony Cassimatis 1
9618 cover Human Rights, Hegemony, and Utopia in Latin America : Poverty, Forced Migration and Resistance in Mexico and Colombia [1 ed.] Camilo Pérez Bustillo, Karla Hernández Mares 1
9619 cover Human Rights, State Sovereignty and Medical Ethics : Examining Struggles Around Coercive Sterilisation of Romani Women [1 ed.] Claude Cahn 1
9620 cover Hungary and the Soviet Bloc Charles Gati
9621 cover Hungary's Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions in a European Perspective: Collected Studies László Péter, Miklós Lojkó
9622 cover Hybrid Constitutions: Challenging Legacies of Law, Privilege, and Culture in Colonial America Vicki Hsueh
9623 cover Icelanders and the Kings of Norway: Mediaeval Sagas and Legal Texts Patricia Pires Boulhosa
9624 cover Identity and struggle at the margins of the nation-state : the laboring peoples of Central America and the Hispanic Caribbean Aviva Chomsky, Aldo Lauria-Santiago
9625 cover Identity, Belonging and Human Rightss: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective Nasia Hadjigeorgiou
9626 cover Ideology at Play: The English Subtitling of the Weekly Thai Prime Ministerial Addresses (Critical New Literacies: the Praxis of English Language Teaching and Learning, 15) Narongdej Phanthaphoommee
9627 cover Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China Yuri Pines, Paul R. Goldin, Martin Kern
9628 cover Immanent Externalities: The Reproduction of Life in Capital Rebecca Carson
9629 cover Immigration And Criminal Law in the European Union Paul Minderhoud (Editor) Elspeth Guild (Editor)
9630 cover Immunity of Heads of State and State Officials for International Crimes [Lam ed.] Ramona Pedretti
9631 cover Imperial Villages: Cultures of Political Freedom in the German Lands c. 1300-1800 Beat Kümin
9632 cover Imperialism, Neoliberalism and Social Struggles in Latin America Richard Alan Dello Buono, Jose Bell Lara
9633 cover Impersonal power: history and theory of the bourgeois state Gerstenberger, Heide
9634 cover Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico, 1870–1920 Eileen J. Suárez Findlay
9635 cover Improving Village Governance in Contemporary China Xuefeng He
9636 cover In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement Against Sexual Violence Kristin Bumiller
9637 cover In Marx's Laboratory: Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse Riccardo Bellofiore , Guido Starosta and Peter D. Thomas eds.
9638 cover In Pursuit of Marx's Theory of Crisis Kuruma Samezō, Edward Michael Schauerte (editor)
9639 cover In Search of the Global Labor Market Ursula Mense-Petermann, Thomas Welskopp, Anna Zaharieva (eds.)
9640 cover In Search of the Perfect Citizen? Sergio Carrera
9641 cover In Stalin's Time: Middleclass Values in Soviet Fiction Vera S. Dunham
9642 cover In the long shadow of Europe: Greeks and Turks in the era of Postnationalism Othon Anastasakis, Kalypso Nicolaidis, Kerem Oktem
9643 cover In the Name of Humanity Unknown
9644 cover In the Name of the Battle Against Piracy: Ideas and Practices in State Monopoly of Maritime Violence in Europe and Asia in the Period of Transition Atsushi Ota
9645 cover In the Radical Camp: A Political Autobiography 1890-1921 Paul Frölich, David Fernbach
9646 cover In the shadows of the state : indigenous politics, environmentalism, and insurgency in Jharkhand, India Shah, Alpa
9647 cover In the Whirlwind of Jihad [Paperback ed.] Martha Brill Olcott
9648 cover Indigenous Mestizos : The Politics of Race and Culture in Cuzco, Peru, 1919-1991 [1 ed.] Marisol de la Cadena 1
9649 cover Indigenous Migration and Social Change: The Foresteros of Cuzco, 1570-1720 Ann M. Wightman
9650 cover Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights under International Law : From Victims to Actors [1 ed.] Jérémie Gilbert 1
9651 cover Individual Criminal Responsibility for Autonomous Weapons Systems in International Criminal Law Barry de Vries
9652 cover Infinity for Marxists: Essays on Poetry and Capital Christopher Nealon
9653 cover Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees 352/1-322/1 BC: Epigraphical Essays Stephen Lambert
9654 cover Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees in the Age of Demosthenes: Historical Essays Stephen D. Lambert
9655 cover Institutions and Power in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture David Evans, Kate Griffiths
9656 cover Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Kenya: A Social History of the Shifta Conflict, C. 1963-1968 Hannah Whittaker
9657 cover Integrating Emergency Management and Disaster Behavioral Health. One Picture Through Two Lenses [1st Edition] Brian Flynn and Ronald Sherman (Eds.) 1
9658 cover Integration of Theory and Practice in CLIL [1 ed.] Ruth Breeze, Carmen Llamas Saíz, Concepción Martínez Pasamar, Cristina Tabernero Sala 1
9659 cover Intellectual and Manual Labour A Critique of Epistemology (Historical Materialism Book) Alfred Sohn-Rethel
9660 cover Intelligent Materialism: Essays on Hegel and Dialectics Evald Ilyenkov, Evgeni Pavlov
9661 cover Interessenpolitik und Korruption: Personale Netzwerke und Korruptionsdebatten am Beispiel der Eisenbahnbranche in Großbritannien und Frankreich (1830-1870). Dissertationsschrift Christian Ebhardt
9662 cover International Communism and Transnational Solidarity: Radical Networks, Mass Movements and Global Politics, 1919-1939 Holger Weiss
9663 cover International crimes and other gross human rights violations : a multi- and interdisciplinary textbook Alette Smeulers, Fred Grünfeld
9664 cover International Environmental Policy: From the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century Lynton Keith Caldwell, Lynton Keith Caldwell
9665 cover International Environmental Policy: From the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century [Third Edition] Lynton Keith Caldwell, Paul Stanley Weiland
9666 cover International Human Rights Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean Angela D. Byre
9667 cover International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: Towards a New Merger in International Law Roberta Arnold, Noelle Quenivet
9668 cover International Institutional Law [5th ed.] Henry G. Schermers, Niels M. Blokker 5
9669 cover International Justice Against Impunity: Progress And New Challenges [2nd ed.] Yves Beigbeder 2
9670 cover International Law and Armed Conflict: Exploring the Faultlines Schmitt, (ed.), Pejic, Michael N. Schmitt, Jelena Pejic
9671 cover International Law and Espionage [1 ed.] David Turns J. Kish John Kish 1
9672 cover International Law and Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts [1 ed.] Chile Eboe-Osuji 1
9673 cover International Law and the Quest for Its' Implementation: Le Droit International Et La Quete De Sa Ise En Oeuvre Marcelo Kohen
9674 cover International Law for Humankind (Mague Academy of International Law) Antnio Augusto Canado Trindade
9675 cover International Law Situated. An Analysis of the Lawyer's Stance towards Culture, History and Community Outi Korhonen
9676 cover International Military Missions and International Law [1 ed.] Marco Odello, Ryszard Piotrowicz 1
9677 cover Intersecting Religion and Sexuality: Sociological Perspectives Sarah-Jane Page, Andrew K.T. Yip
9678 cover Inventing Luxembourg: Representations of the Past, Space and Language from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century (National Cultivation of Culture) Pit Péporté, Sonja Kmec, Benoît Majerus, Michel Margue
9679 cover Inventing the New: History and Politics in Jean-paul Sartre (Historical Materialism Book, 304) Luca Basso
9680 cover Investigating Operational Incidents in a Military Context : Law, Justice, Politics [1 ed.] David W. Lovell 1
9681 cover Investigations and the Art of the Interview [4 ed.] Inge Sebyan Black, Lawrence J. Fennelly 4
9682 cover Invisible Leviathan: Marx's Law of Value in the Twilight of Capitalism Murray E.G. Smith
9683 cover Is There a God of Human Rights? The Complex Relationship Between Human Rights and Religion, a South African... [illustrated edition] Johannes A. Van Der Ven, Jaco S. Dreyer, Hendrik J. C. Pieterse
9684 cover Is Violence Inevitable in Africa? Theories of Conflict and Approaches to Conflict Prevention Patrick Chabal, Ulf Engel, Anna-Maria Gentili
9685 cover Islam and International Law : Engaging Self-Centrism from a Plurality of Perspectives [1 ed.] Marie-Luisa Frick, Andreas Th. Müller 1
9686 cover Islamic Traditions and Muslim Youth in Norway [1st Edition] University of Bergen Christine M. Jacobsen 1
9687 cover Islanded Identities : Constructions of Postcolonial Cultural Insularity [1 ed.] Maeve McCusker, Anthony Soares 1
9688 cover Issues in International Migration Law Richard Plender
9689 cover It Did Happen Here: The Rise of Fascism in Contemporary Society (The Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 247) Milan Zafirovski
9690 cover It′s All for Sale: The Control of Global Resources James Ridgeway
9691 cover It’s All in the Game: A Nonfoundationalist Account of Law and Adjudication Allan C. Hutchinson
9692 cover Italy in the Era of the Great War Vanda Wilcox (ed.)
9693 cover Ite missa est—Ritual Interactions around Mass in Chinese Society (1583–1720) Hongfan Yang
9694 cover James P. Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38 Bryan D. Palmer
9695 cover Japan in Decline: Fact Or Fiction? Purnendra Jain, Brad Williams
9696 cover Japan in the World Masao Miyoshi, Harry Harootunian
9697 cover Japan’s Holy War: The Ideology of Radical Shinto Ultranationalism [Hardcover ed.] Walter A. Skya
9698 cover Japanese Foreign Policy and Understanding Japanese Politics : The Writings of J. A. A. Stockwin [1 ed.] J. A. A. Stockwin 1
9699 cover Japanoise: Music at the Edge of Circulation David Novak
9700 cover Japan's Foreign Policy, 1945-2009: The Quest for a Proactive Policy Kazuhiko Togo
9701 cover Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Division of Labour, The Politics of the Imagination and The Concept of Federal Government Michael Sonenscher
9702 cover Judeans in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire: Rights, Citizenship and Civil Discord Bradley Ritter
9703 cover Judge Loukis Loucaides. An Alternative View on the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: A Collection of Separate Opinions, 1998-2007 (The Judges, 5) Francoise Tulkens, Anatoly Kovler, Dean Spielmann, Leto Cariolou
9704 cover Judicial Cosmopolitanism : The Use of Foreign Law in Contemporary Constitutional Systems [1 ed.] Giuseppe Franco Ferrari 1
9705 cover Judicial Dialogue on Human Rights : The Practice of International Criminal Tribunals [1 ed.] Paolo Lobba, Triestino Mariniello 1
9706 cover Judicial Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Cases and Materials Bertie G. Ramcharan
9707 cover Judicial Reconstruction and the Rule of Law : Reassessing Military Intervention in Iraq and Beyond [1 ed.] Angeline Lewis 1
9708 cover Judicial Review In Equal Treatment Cases: By J.H. Gerards J.H. Gerards
9709 cover Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Courts and the European Court of Human Rights: Procedure and Evidence Vladimir Tochilovsky
9710 cover Justice As an Aspect of the Polis Idea in Solon's Political Poems: A Reading of the Fragments in Light of the Researches of the New Classical Archaeology Joseph A. Almeida
9711 cover Justice without borders: essays in honour of Wolfgang Schomburg / edited by Martin Böse, Michael Bohlander, Andre Klip, Otto Lagodny.
9712 cover Justifications of Minority Protection in International Law [50, 1 ed.] Athanasia Spiliopoulou Åkermark 1
9713 cover Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the Concrete [1. ed.] Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa, Jan Mervart (eds.) 1
9714 cover Karl Kautsky on Democracy and Republicanism: 196 [196, E-book(PDF) ed.] Karl Kautsky, Ben Lewis (editor) 196
9715 cover Karl Marx [Lam ed.] Karl Korsch, Michael Buckmiller
9716 cover Karl Marx, Historian of Social Times and Spaces George García-Quesada
9717 cover Karl Radek on China: Documents from the Former Secret Soviet Archives Karl Radek, Alexander V. Pantsov (ed.), Richard Abraham, Steven I. Levine (trans.)
9718 cover Kazakhstan: Unfulfilled Promise Martha Brill Olcott
9719 cover Key Elements of Social Theory Revolutionized by Marx [1 ed.] Paul Zarembka 1
9720 cover Kingship in Early Medieval China Andrew Eisenberg
9721 cover Kontinuität und Wandel des Senatorenstandes im Zeitalter der Soldatenkaiser: Prosopographische Untersuchungen zu Zusammensetzung, Funktion und Bedeutung des amplissimus ordo zwischen 235-284 n. Chr. Nikolas Hächler
9722 cover Korea 2010 : Politics, Economy and Society [1 ed.] Rüdiger Frank, Jim Hoare, Patrick Köllner, Susan Pares, Susan Pares 1
9723 cover Korea 2011 : Politics, Economy and Society [1 ed.] Rüdiger Frank, Jim Hoare, Patrick Köllner, Susan Pares 1
9724 cover Korea 2012 : Politics, Economy and Society [1 ed.] Rüdiger Frank, Jim Hoare, Patrick Köllner, Susan Pares 1
9725 cover Korea 2013: Politics, Economy and Society Rüdiger Frank
9726 cover Korea and East Asia : The Stony Road to Collective Security [1 ed.] Rüdiger Frank, John Swenson-Wright, Rudiger Frank 1
9727 cover Korea Yearbook (2008) : Politics, Economy and Society [1 ed.] Rüdiger Frank, Jim Hoare, Patrick Köllner, Susan Pares 1
9728 cover Korea Yearbook (2009) : Politics, Economy and Society [1 ed.] Rüdiger Frank, Jim Hoare, Patrick Köllner, Susan Pares 1
9729 cover Korea Yearbook, Volume 1 (2007) - Politics, Economy and Society Rudiger Frank, James E. Hoare, Patrick Kollner, Susan Pares
9730 cover Korean Nationalism Betrayed Seo Joong-Seok
9731 cover Korea's Ancient Koguryŏ Kingdom: A Socio-Political History Taedon Noh
9732 cover Korea's Foreign Policy Dilemmas : Defining State Security and the Goal of National Unification [1 ed.] Sung-Hack Kang 1
9733 cover Kypriōn Politeia, the Political and Administrative Systems of the Classical Cypriot City-Kingdoms (Mnemosyne Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 459) Beatrice Pestarino, University of Haifa and University of Harvard
9734 cover La Diplomatie Byzantine, de l'Empire Romain Aux Confins de l'Europe (Ve-XVe S.) Nicolas Drocourt, Élisabeth Malamut
9735 cover Labour Regime Change in the Twenty-First Century (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 35) Tom Brass
9736 cover Labour Regime Change in the Twenty-First Century. Unfreedom, Capitalism and Primitive Accumulation Tom Brass
9737 cover Language Policy and Conflict Prevention [1 ed.] Iryna Ulasiuk, Laurenţiu Hadîrcă, William Romans 1
9738 cover Latinamericanism after 9/11 John Beverley
9739 cover Law and Ethnic Plurality (Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe) Shah, P. (ed.)
9740 cover Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy: The First 10 Years after the Treaty of Lisbon Michael Hahn
9741 cover Law as Politics: Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Liberalism David Dyzenhaus
9742 cover Law Enforcement within the Framework of Peace Support Operations Roberta Arnold
9743 cover Law in Society: Reflections on Children, Family, Culture and Philosophy : Essays in Honour of Michael Freeman [1 ed.] Alison Diduck, Noam Peleg, Helen Reece 1
9744 cover Law in West German Democracy : Seventy Years of History As Seen Through German Courts [1 ed.] Hugh Ridley 1
9745 cover Law of Value and Theories of Value Symmetrical Critique of Classical and Neoclassical Political Economy (Studies in Critical Social Sciences / New Scholarship in Political Economy, 213) Tiago Camarinha Lopes, Universidade Federal de Goiás
9746 cover Law, Governance, and Justice: New Views on Medieval Constitutionalism [1 ed.] Richard Kaeuper 1
9747 cover Law, Politics and Rights : Essays in Memory of Kader Asmal [1 ed.] Tiyanjana Maluwa 1
9748 cover Law, Technology and Science for Oceans in Globalisation: IUU Fishing, Oil Pollution, Bioprospecting, Outer Continental Shelf Davor Vidas
9749 cover Law, Territory and Conflict Resolution. Law as a Problem and Law as a Solution. [1st ed.] Matteo Nicolini, Francesco Palermo, Enrico Milano (eds.) 1
9750 cover LBJ and Grassroots Federalism : Congressman Bob Poage, Race, and Change in Texas [1 ed.] Robert H. Duke 1
9751 cover Leadership and Initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome Roman M. Frolov, Christopher Burden-Strevens
9752 cover Left Legalism Left Critique Wendy Brown, Janet Halley
9753 cover Legal Frameworks for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Jan Niessen, Thomas Huddleston
9754 cover Legislating for Equality : A Multinational Collection of Non-Discrimination Norms [2 ed.] Talia Naamat, Nina Osin, Dina Porat 2
9755 cover Legitimizing the Order: The Ottoman Rhetoric of State Power (Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage, Vol. 34) (Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage) Hakan T. Karateke, Maurus Reinkowski
9756 cover Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism: A Critical Study Kevin B. Anderson
9757 cover Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism: A Critical Study [2 ed.] Kevin B. Anderson 2
9758 cover Letterpress Revolution: The Politics of Anarchist Print Culture Kathy E. Ferguson
9759 cover Lettland 1918–2018. Ein Jahrhundert Staatlichkeit Ivars Ījabs, Jan Kusber, Ilgvars Misāns, Erwin Oberländer (eds.)
9760 cover Lexicon Of Human Rights Les Definitions des Droits de l'Homme Cedric Viale
9761 cover Liberal Modernity and Its Adversaries Zafirovski
9762 cover Liberalism without Democracy: Nationhood and Citizenship in Egypt, 1922–1936 Abdeslam M. Maghraoui
9763 cover Libertas and Res Publica in the Roman Republic: Ideas of Freedom and Roman Politics Catalina Balmaceda (editor)
9764 cover Locating Politics in Ethiopia's Irreecha Ritual (Studies of Religion in Africa, 49) Serawit Bekele Debele
9765 cover London Docklands. Urban Design in an Age of Deregulation Brian C. Edwards (Auth.)
9766 cover Long Journeys. African Migrants on the Road [1 ed.] Alessandro Triulzi, Robert McKenzie 1
9767 cover Long Live Atahualpa: Indigenous Politics, Justice, and Democracy in the Northern Andes Emma Cervone
9768 cover Looking for the Proletariat: Socialisme Ou Barbarie and the Problem of Worker Writing [Lam ed.] Stephen Hastings-King
9769 cover Looking Within: Finding an Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship Lens [1 ed.] Karen Druffel 1
9770 cover Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism Kristen Ghodsee
9771 cover Lu Jia's New Discourses: A Political Manifesto from the Early Han Dynasty Lu Jia, Paul Goldin (translator), Elisa Levi Sabattini (translator)
9772 cover Lukács after Communism : interviews with contemporary intellectuals Corredor, Eva L., Lukács, György
9773 cover Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute Daniel Andrés López
9774 cover Machiavelliana : The Living Machiavelli in Modern Mythologies [1 ed.] Michael Jackson, Damian Grace 1
9775 cover Macro-Engineering and the Earth: World Projects for Year 2000 and Beyond [First Edition] Uwe W Kitzinger, Ernest G Frankel
9776 cover Making Ethnicity in Southern Bessarabia : Tracing the Histories of an Ambiguous Concept in a Contested Land [1 ed.] Simon Schlegel 1
9777 cover Making history: agency, structure, and change in social theory Alex Callinicos
9778 cover Making Medicines in Early Colonial Lima, Peru, Apothecaries, Science and Society (Atlantic World: Europe, Africa and the Americas, 1500-1830, 34) [Illustrated] A. Linda Newson, Author (editor)
9779 cover Making Nations, Creating Strangers (African Social Studies Series) Nugent, P (ed.), Hammett, D (ed.), Dorman, S (ed.)
9780 cover Malaria and Victorian Fictions of Empire [114, 1 ed.] Jessica Howell 1
9781 cover Mamluk Cairo, a Crossroads for Embassies: Studies on Diplomacy and Diplomatics Frédéric Bauden, Malika Dekkiche
9782 cover Manchu-Mongol Relations on the Eve of the Qing Conquest: A Documentary History [annotated edition] Nicola Di Cosmo, Dalizhabu Bao
9783 cover Man's Inhumanity to Man: Essays on International Law in Honour of Antonio Cassese (International Humanitarian Law) Lal Chand Vohrah (editor), Fausto Pocar (editor), Yvonne Featherstone (editor), Olivier Fourmy (editor), Michael F Graham (editor), John Hocking (editor), Nicholas Robson (editor)
9784 cover Mao Zedong Thought Wang Fanxi, Gregor Benton
9785 cover Maoist Model Theatre Roberts
9786 cover Maoist Model Theatre: The Semiotics of Gender and Sexuality in the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) Rosemary A. Roberts
9787 cover Maritime Border Diplomacy [1 ed.] Myron H. Nordquist, John Norton Moore, John Norton Moore, Judy Ellis 1
9788 cover Maritime Disputes in Northeast Asia : Regional Challenges and Cooperation [1 ed.] Suk Kyoon Kim 1
9789 cover Market and Violence: The Functioning of Capitalism in History Heide Gerstenberger, Niall Bond (trans.)
9790 cover Maroon Cosmopolitics: Personhood, Creativity and Incorporation [e-book ed.] Olívia Maria Gomes da Cunha
9791 cover Marx and Critical Theory Emmanuel Renault
9792 cover Marx and Social Justice: Ethics and Natural Law in the Critique of Political Economy [1 ed.] George E. McCarthy 1
9793 cover Marx and the Earth: An Anti-Critique John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett
9794 cover Marx and the Political Economy of the Media Christian Fuchs, Vincent Mosco (eds.)
9795 cover Marx and the Politics of Abstraction Paul Paolucci
9796 cover Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism Christian Fuchs, Vincent Mosco (eds.)
9797 cover Marx Matters David Fasenfest (ed.)
9798 cover Marx on Campus: A Short History of the Marburg School Lothar Peter
9799 cover Marx on Capitalism: The Interaction-Recognition-Antinomy Thesis James Furner
9800 cover Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study Heather Brown
9801 cover Marx, a French Passion: The Reception of Marx and Marxisms in France’s Political-intellectual Life Jean-numa Ducange (editor), Anthony Burlaud (editor)
9802 cover Marx, Critical Theory, And Religion: A Critique of Rational Choice Warren S. Goldstein (ed.)
9803 cover Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction: Marxist Feminist Essays Martha E. Gimenez
9804 cover Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Logic: A Reexamination Fred Moseley (Editor), Tony Smith (Editor)
9805 cover Marx’s Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity Guido Starosta
9806 cover Marx’s Capital: An Unfinishable Project? Marcel van der Linden, Gerald Hubmann
9807 cover Marxian Totality: Inverting Hegel to Expound Worldly Matters Kaveh Boveiri
9808 cover Marxism and Criminology (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 104) [Lam ed.] Valeria Vegh Weis
9809 cover Marxism and Criminology. A History of Criminal Selectivity Vegh Weis, Valeria
9810 cover Marxism and Ecological Economics: Toward a Red and Green Political Economy Paul Burkett
9811 cover Marxism and historical practice Palmer, Bryan D
9812 cover Marxism and Historical Practice: Interventions and Appreciations. Volume II Bryan D. Palmer
9813 cover Marxism and International Relations: Studies from the Brazilian Global South Caio Bugiato (editor)
9814 cover Marxism and Medieval Studies: Marxist Historiography in East Central Europe Martin Nodl, Piotr Węcowski, Dušan Zupka (eds.)
9815 cover Marxism and religion Daji, Lü,Xuezeng, Gong,Zhen, Chi
9816 cover Marxism and Social Movements Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky, Alf Gunvald
9817 cover Marxism and Sociology: A Selection of Writings by Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 119) Chmielewska-Szlajfer Helena
9818 cover Marxism and Sociology: a Selection of Writings by Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz [1 ed.] Helena Chmielewska-Szlajfer 1
9819 cover Marxism and the Oppression of Women [1st ed.] Lise Vogel 1
9820 cover Marxism Missing, Missing Marxism From Marxism to Identity Politics and Beyond (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 183) Tom Brass
9821 cover Marxist Archaeology Today: Historical Materialist Perspectives in Archaeology from America, Europe and the Near East in the 21st Century (Historical Materialism, 296) Ianir Milevski (editor)
9822 cover Marxist Class Theory for a Skeptical World (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 103) [Lam ed.] Raju J Das
9823 cover Marxist Monetary Theory: Collected Papers Costas Lapavitsas
9824 cover Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic: A Reexamination Fred Moseley and Tony Smith
9825 cover Marx's Capital, method and revolutionary subjectivity Starosta, Guido
9826 cover Marx's concept of the alternative to capitalism Marx, Karl, Marx, Karl, Hudis, Peter
9827 cover Marx's Economic Manuscript of 1864-1865 Fred Moseley (Ed.)
9828 cover Marx's Philosophy of Revolution in Permanence for Our Day Raya Dunayevskaya
9829 cover Marx's Scientific Dialectics Paolucci
9830 cover Marx's scientific dialectics a methodological treatise for a new century Marx, Karl,Paolucci, Paul
9831 cover Marx's Temporalities Massimiliano Tomba
9832 cover Master Detective: The Life and Crimes of Ellis Parker, America's Real-Life Sherlock Holmes John Reisinger
9833 cover Materializing Democracy: Toward a Revitalized Cultural Politics Russ Castronovo, Dana D. Nelson, Assistant Professor of English Dana D Nelson
9834 cover Meddlers or Mediators? African Interveners in Civil Conflicts in Eastern Africa (International Negotiation) Khadiagala, G.M.
9835 cover Media and Cultural Policy in the European Union [1 ed.] Katharine Sarikakis 1
9836 cover Media, Ideology and Hegemony
9837 cover Medicine and the Law in the Middle Ages [1 ed.] Wendy Turner, Sara Butler 1
9838 cover Medieval and Modern Civil Wars: A Comparative Perspective Jón Viðar Sigurðsson, Hans Jacob Orning
9839 cover Mediterranean Crossings: The Politics of an Interrupted Modernity Iain Chambers
9840 cover Mediterranean Paradiplomacies: The Dynamics of Diplomatic Reterritorialization Manuel Duran
9841 cover Meister Eckharts Rezeption im Nationalsozialismus Studien zur ideologischen Ambivalenz der ‚deutschen‘ Mystik Edited by Maxime Mauriège, Universität zu Köln, and Martina Roesner, Universität Wien
9842 cover Memories that Lie a Little (Jewish Latin America, 11) Emmanuel Nicolás Kahan
9843 cover Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights (International Studies in Human Rights) Peter Bartlett, Oliver Lewis, Oliver Thorold
9844 cover Mental Health Promotion in Schools: Cross-Cultural Narratives and Perspectives Cefai, Carmel, Cooper, Paul
9845 cover Messages from Georg Simmel (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 49) [1 ed.] Horst Jürgen Helle 1
9846 cover Metaphoricity and the Politics of Mobility [1 ed.] Maria Margaroni, Effie Yiannopoulou 1
9847 cover Methods of Negotiation Research (International Negotiation Series) Carnevale, P. (ed.), de Dreu, C.K.W. (ed.)
9848 cover Methods of Resolving Conflicts Between Treaties (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) Seyed-Ali Sadat-Akhavi
9849 cover Middle East Studies After September 11: Neo-Orientalism, American Hegemony And Academia Tugrul Keskin
9850 cover Migrant Smuggling by Sea : Combating a Current Threat to Maritime Security Through the Creation of a Cooperative Framework [1 ed.] Patricia Mallia 1
9851 cover Migration, Displacement, and Higher Education: Now What? (Political Pedagogies) Brittany Murray (editor), Matthew Brill-Carlat (editor), Maria Höhn (editor)
9852 cover Migration, Reproduction and Society (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Volume 143 / Critical Global Studies, Volume 9) [Illustrated] Alejandro I. Canales
9853 cover Migration, Reproduction and Society : Economic and Demographic Dilemmas in Global Capitalism [1 ed.] Alejandro I. Canales 1
9854 cover Migrations of Holy - God, State, and Political Meaning of Church William T. Cavanaugh
9855 cover Military Ethics: The Dutch Approach - A Practical Guide Th. A. van Baarda, D. E. M. Verweij
9856 cover Military Necessity in International Cultural Heritage Law Berenika Drazewska, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
9857 cover Ministers of Propaganda: Truth, Power, and the Ideology of the Religious Right Scott M. Coley
9858 cover Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the World Actors of State Diplomacy (Diplomatic Studies) Christian Lequesne, Sciences Po Paris
9859 cover Minorities, Peoples And Self-determination: Essays In Honour Of Patrick Thornberry Nazila Ghanea, Nazila Ghanea-Hercock, Alexandra Xanthaki, Patrick Thornberry
9860 cover Minorities, Their Rights, and the Monitoring of the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities : Essays in Honour of Rainer Hofmann [1 ed.] Tove H. Malloy, Ugo Caruso 1
9861 cover Mirroring Europe: Ideas of Europe and Europeanization in Balkan Societies Tanja Petrović
9862 cover Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia Chris Berry (editor), Fran Martin (editor), Audrey Yue (editor)
9863 cover Models of Political Competence: The Evolution of Political Norms in the Works of Burgundian and Habsburg Court Historians, c. 1470–1700 Maria Golubeva
9864 cover Modern Slavery : A Comparative Study of the Definition of Trafficking in Persons [1 ed.] Dominika Borg Jansson 1
9865 cover Modern Social Imaginaries Charles Taylor
9866 cover Modernity and Terrorism: From Anti-Modernity to Modern Global Terror Milan Zafirovski, Daniel G. Rodeheaver
9867 cover Modernizing The UN Human Rights System [1st Edition] Bertrand G. Ramcharan 1
9868 cover Monarchie und Diplomatie: Handlungsoptionen und Netzwerke am Hof Sigismunds III. Wasa
9869 cover Monetary Authorities: Capitalism and Decolonization in the American Colonial Philippines Allan E. S. Lumba
9870 cover Money and Totality: A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx's Logic in Capital and the End of the 'Transformation Problem' Fred Moseley
9871 cover Monsters of the market : zombies, vampires, and global capitalism McNally, David
9872 cover Multiple Centres of Authority: Society and Environment in Siak and Eastern Sumatra, 1674-1827 () Timothy P Barnard
9873 cover Municipal Officials, Their Public, and the Negotiation of Justice in Medieval Languedoc: Fear Not the Madness of the Raging Mob Patricia Turning
9874 cover Myth In History, History In Myth Laura Cruz, Willem Frijhoff
9875 cover Narrative Innovation in 9/11 Fiction [1 ed.] Magali Cornier Michael 1
9876 cover Narrative Policy Analysis: Theory and Practice Emery Roe
9877 cover National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State, and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France, and the United States Christopher L. Hill
9878 cover National Human Rights Institutions in the Asia-Pacific Region (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library) Burdekin, B.
9879 cover National Identities and the Right to Self-Determination of Peoples : Civic -Nationalism -Plus in Israel and Other Multinational States [1 ed.] Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen 1
9880 cover National Implementation of United Nations Sanctions: A Comparative Study (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) Vera Gowlland-Debbas (editor)
9881 cover National Past-Times: Narrative, Representation, and Power in Modern China Ann Anagnost
9882 cover National Polity and Local Power: The Transformation of Late Imperial China Min Tu-ki, Philip A. Kuhn (editor), Timothy Brook (editor)
9883 cover National Space Legislation in Europe (Studies in Space Law) Frans G. von der Dunk
9884 cover National Tradition or Western Pattern? Concepts of New Administrative System for the Congress Kingdom of Poland (1814-1815) (Legal History Library) Micha Gadek
9885 cover Nationalism as a Claim to a State: The Greek Revolution of 1821 and the Formation of Modern Greece John Milios
9886 cover Nationalism before the Nation State: Literary Constructions of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Self-Definition (1756-1871) Dagmar Paulus, Ellen Pilsworth
9887 cover Nationalism from the Left: The Bulgarian Communist Party During the Second World War and the Early Post-War Years (Balkan Studies Library) Yannis Sygkelos
9888 cover Nationalist Ideology and Antisemitism: The Case of Romanian Intellectuals in the 1930s (Studies in Antisemitism) [1st ed.] Leon Volovici 1
9889 cover Native Americans and the Christian Right : The Gendered Politics of Unlikely Alliances [1 ed.] Andrea Smith 1
9890 cover Naturalism and Democracy: A Commentary on Spinoza’s Political Treatise in the Context of His System [Hardcover ed.] Wolfgang Bartuschat, Stephan Kirste, Manfred Walther, James Fontini
9891 cover Nature Is a Human Right: Why We're Fighting for Green in a Gray World Ellen Miles
9892 cover Neo-Liberal Globalism and Social Sustainable Globalisation [1 ed.] Eva Nieuwenhuys 1
9893 cover Neoliberalism and Academic Repression (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 149) Erik Juergensmeyer
9894 cover Neoliberalism and Academic Repression : The Fall of Academic Freedom in the Era of Trump [1 ed.] Erik Juergensmeyer, Anthony J. Nocella II, Mark Seis 1
9895 cover Neoliberalism and National Culture (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 38) Cory Blad
9896 cover Neoliberalism or Developmentalism The PT Governments in the Eye of the Storm (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 208) Edited by Alfredo Saad-Filho, King’s College London, Ana Paula Colombi, Federal University of Espirito Santo, and Juan Grigera, King's College London
9897 cover Neo-Victorian Cities : Reassessing Urban Politics and Poetics [1 ed.] Marie-Luise Kohlke, Christian Gutleben 1
9898 cover Network North: Scottish Kin, Commercial and Covert Association in Northern Europe, 1603-1746 Steve Murdoch
9899 cover Neutrality As a Policy Choice for Small/Weak Democracies: Learning from the Belgian Experience [1 ed.] Michael F. Palo 1
9900 cover New Approaches to Resistance in Brazil and Mexico John Gledhill (editor), Patience A. Schell (editor)
9901 cover New Developments in the Theory of the Historical Process: Polish Contributions to Non-Marxian Historical Materialism Krzysztof Brzechczyn
9902 cover New Dimensions of Peacekeeping (Nijhoff Law Specials, 9) [1995 ed.] Daniel Warner 1995
9903 cover New Frontiers in Comparative Sociology (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology) Masamichi Sasaki
9904 cover New Jersey Dreaming: Capital, Culture, and the Class of ‘58 Sherry B. Ortner
9905 cover New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics Diana Coole, Samantha Frost
9906 cover New Narratives of Urban Space in Republican Chinese Cities: Emerging Social, Legal and Governance Orders Madeleine Zelin
9907 cover New Perspectives on Yenching University, 1916–1952: A Liberal Education for a New China [Revised ed.] Arthur Lewis Rosenbaum
9908 cover New Philosophies of Labour: Work and the Social Bond Jean-Philippe Deranty, Nicholas H. Smith
9909 cover NGO Involvement in International Governance and Policy (Nijhoff Law Specials) Vedder, A. (ed.)
9910 cover Nietzsche, the Aristocratic Rebel Domenico Losurdo
9911 cover No BS (Bad Stats) : Black People Need People Who Believe in Black People Enough Not to Believe Every Bad Thing They Hear about Black People [1 ed.] Ivory A. Toldson 1
9912 cover No Country for Migrants? Critical Perspectives on Asylum, Immigration, and Integration in Germany (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 147) Wilfried Zoungrana
9913 cover Nomads in the Shadows of Empires : Contests, Conflicts and Legacies on the Southern Ethiopian-Northern Kenyan Frontier [1 ed.] Gufu Oba 1
9914 cover None so Fit to Break the Chains: Marx’s Ethics of Self-Emancipation Swain, Dan
9915 cover Non-Economic Objectives in WTO Law: Justification Provisions of GATT, GATS, SPS and TBT Agreements Stefan Zleptnig
9916 cover Non-Flag State Enforcement in High Seas Fisheries [1 ed.] Professor Rosemary Rayfuse 1
9917 cover Non-Refoulement under the European Convention on Human Rights and the un Convention Against Torture : The Assessment of Individual Complaints by the European Court of Human Rights under Article 3 ECHR and the United Nations Committee Against Tortu... [1 ed.] Fanny De Weck 1
9918 cover Northeast Asian Perspectives on International Law : Contemporary Issues and Challenges [1 ed.] Seokwoo Lee, Hee Eun Lee 1
9919 cover Nostalgia for the Modern: State Secularism and Everyday Politics in Turkey Esra Özyürek
9920 cover Notarii and Exceptores: An Inquiry Into Role and Significance of Shorthand Writers in the Imperial and Ecclesiastical Bureaucracy of the Roman Empire: from the Early Principate to C. 450 A.D. H. C. Teitler
9921 cover Nothing Mat(t)ers: A Feminist Critique of Postmodernism Somer Brodribb
9922 cover Notions of Nationhood in Bengal: Perspectives on Samaj, C. 1867-1905 Swarupa Gupta
9923 cover Nudge, Nudge, Think, Think : Using Experiments to Change Civic Behaviour Peter John &, Sarah Cotterill &, Liz Richardson &, Alice Moseley &, Gerry Stoker &, Corinne Wales &, Graham Smith
9924 cover Nurturing the Imperial Presidency A How-to Manual in Eight Essays (Theory Workshop: New Frontiers in Social and Political Theory, 1) [Illustrated] Brien Hallett
9925 cover Official History In Modern Indonesia: New Order Perceptions And Counterviews (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia) (Social, ... Studies of the Middle East and Asia) Michael Wood
9926 cover Oikistes: Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World. Offered in Honor of A. J. Graham Vanessa B. Gorman, Eric W. Robinson
9927 cover Oil and Security Policies : Saudi Arabia, 1950-2012 [1 ed.] Islam Yasin Qasem 1
9928 cover Okakura Tenshin and Pan-Asianism: Shadows of the Past University of Delhi Edited by Brij Tankha
9929 cover On the Formation of Marxism: Karl Kautsky’s Theory of Capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx’s Critique of Political Economy Jukka Gronow
9930 cover On the Question of Truth in the Era of Trump Faith Agostinone-Wilson (editor)
9931 cover On the road to global labour history: a festschrift for Marcel van der Linden Linden, Marcel van der,Roth, Karl Heinz
9932 cover On The Shoulders Of Giants A Course In Single Variable Calculus Gordon Mclelland
9933 cover On the Theory and History of Ideological Production: Juan Carlos Rodríguez and His Contemporaries (Historical Materialism Book, 295) Malcolm K. Read
9934 cover One Zambia, Many Histories: Towards a History of Post-colonial Zambia Jan-Bart Gewald, Marja Hinfelaar, Giacomo Macola
9935 cover Order and Compromise: Government Practices in Turkey from the Late Ottoman Empire to the Early 21st Century [1 ed.] Marc Aymes 1
9936 cover Organization and Newness : Discourses and Ecologies of Innovation in the Creative University [1 ed.] Michael A. Peters, Susanne Maria Weber 1
9937 cover Organizing Anarchy Anarchism in Action (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 153) Jeffrey Shantz
9938 cover Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu Martin Kern, Dirk Meyer
9939 cover Origins of Instability in Early Republican Mexico Donald F. Stevens
9940 cover Ornamental Nationalism: Archaeology and Antiquities in Mexico, 1876-1911 Seonaid Valiant
9941 cover Ottoman-Polish Diplomatic Relations (15th-18th Century): An Annotated Edition of 'Ahdnames and Other Documents Dariusz Kolodziejczyk
9942 cover Outlawed: Between Security and Rights in a Bolivian City Daniel M. Goldstein
9943 cover Pamphlets and Politics in the Dutch Republic Femke Deen, David Onnekink, Michel Reinders
9944 cover Paradise Lost Race and Racism in Post-apartheid South Africa () Gregory Houston, Modimowabarwa Kanyane, Yul Derek Davids
9945 cover Parliamentary Diplomacy in European and Global Governance (Diplomatic Studies, 13) [Lam ed.] Stelios Stavridis
9946 cover Peace and Conflict in Ladakh (Brill's Tibetan Studies Library) Fernanda Pirie
9947 cover Peace Operation Success : A Comparative Analysis [1 ed.] Daniel Druckman, Paul F. Diehl 1
9948 cover Peasants on Plantations: Subaltern Strategies of Labor and Resistance in the Pisco Valley, Peru Vincent Peloso
9949 cover Pedagogies for Building Cultures of Peace : Challenging Constructions of an Enemy [1 ed.] Catherine Baillie Abidi 1
9950 cover Perception and Experience in Modernity: International Walter Benjamin Congress 1997 Helga Geyer-Ryan, Paul Koopman, Klaas Yntema
9951 cover Performing Contemporary Indonesia : Celebrating Identity, Constructing Community [1 ed.] Barbara Hatley 1
9952 cover Persistent Inequalities: Wage Disparity Under Capitalist Competition Howard Botwinick
9953 cover Persistent Oligarchs: Elites and Politics in Chihuahua, Mexico 1910–1940 Mark Wasserman
9954 cover Peter Thonning and Denmark's Guinea Commission : A Study in Nineteenth-Century African Colonial Geography [1 ed.] Daniel Hopkins 1
9955 cover Philosophy after Marx Christoph Henning, Frederic Jameson, Max Henninger
9956 cover Pinkas, Kahal, and the Mediene: The Records of Dutch Ashkenazi Communities in the Eighteenth Century As Historical Sources Stefan Litt
9957 cover Plato on Democracy and Political technē Anders Dahl Sørensen
9958 cover Plato's Political Thought (Brill Research Perspectives in Ancient History) John Lombardini
9959 cover Plebeian Power: Collective Action and Indigenous, Working-Class and Popular Identities in Bolivia Alvaro Garcia Linera
9960 cover Plural temporality Transindividuality and the Aleatory between Spinoza and Althusser Althusser, Louis,Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,Morfino, Vittorio,Spinoza, Benedictus de
9961 cover Pluralism William E. Connolly
9962 cover Pluralism and Party Transformation in Lebanon: Al-Kataʼib, 1936-1970 John Pierre Entelis
9963 cover Pluriversal Politics: The Real and the Possible Arturo Escobar
9964 cover Poking the WASP Nest: Young People, Applied Theatre, and Education about Race [11, 1 ed.] André de Quadros, Dave Kelman, Julie White, Christopher C. Sonn, Alison M. Baker 1
9965 cover Police and Politics in Marseille, 1936-1945 Simon Kitson
9966 cover Police and the Empire City: Race and the Origins of Modern Policing in New York Matthew Guariglia
9967 cover Policing Chinese Politics: A History Michael Dutton, Rey Chow, Harry Harootunian
9968 cover Political Agape : Christian Love and Liberal Democracy Timothy P. Jackson
9969 cover Political Autobiographies and Memoirs in Antiquity (Brill's Companions in Classical Studies) Gabriele Marasco
9970 cover Political brokers in Chile : local government in a centralized polity Arturo Valenzuela
9971 cover Political Communication in the Roman World Cristina Rosillo-López
9972 cover Political Cultures in the Andes, 1750-1950 Nils Jacobsen (editor), Cristóbal Aljovín de Losada (editor)
9973 cover Political Intelligence in Classical Greece Chester G. Starr
9974 cover Political Landscapes Forests, Conservation, and Community in Mexico Project Muse.,Boyer, Christopher Robert
9975 cover Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Sovereignty, Witnessing, Repair Deborah A. Thomas
9976 cover Political Mistrust and the Discrediting of Politicians (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology) Mattei Dogan
9977 cover Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes Roland Boer
9978 cover Political Organizations in Socialist Yugoslavia [1 ed.] Jim Seroka, Rados Smiljkovic 1
9979 cover Politics and Persuasion in Aristophanes' Ecclesiazusae Kenneth S. Rothwell
9980 cover Politics and Resentment : Antisemitism and Counter-Cosmopolitanism in the European Union [1 ed.] Lars Rensmann, Julius H. Schoeps 1
9981 cover Politics and the Histories of International Law: The Quest for Knowledge and Justice Raphael Schäfer (editor), Anne Peters (editor)
9982 cover Politics as Development: The Emergence of Political Parties in Nineteenth-Century Serbia Gale Stokes
9983 cover Politics of Art: The Creation Society and the Practice of Theoretical Struggle in Revolutionary China Zhiguang Yin
9984 cover Politics of Precarity: Migrant Conditions, Struggles and Experiences Ulrik Schierup and Martin Bak Jørgensen
9985 cover Politics on the Fringe: The People, Policies, and Organization of the French National Front Edward G. DeClair
9986 cover Polity Consolidation and Military Transformation in Medieval Scandinavia: A European Perspective, c.1035-1320 Beñat Elortza Larrea
9987 cover Polizei und Holocaust. Eine Generation nach Christopher Brownings Ordinary Men [1. ed.] Thomas Köhler, Jürgen Matthäus, Thomas Pegelow Kaplan, Peter Römer (eds.) 1
9988 cover Popular Biopolitics and Populism at Europe’s Eastern Margins Andrey Makarychev
9989 cover Popular Government and Oligarchy in Renaissance Italy (Medieval Mediterranean) C. Shaw
9990 cover Popular Leadership and Collective Behavior in the Late Roman Republic (Ca. 80 - 50 B.C.) (Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology) Paul J J Vanderbroeck
9991 cover Popular Sovereignty and the Crisis of German Constitutional Law: The Theory and Practice of Weimar Constitutionalism Heller, Hermann, Caldwell, Peter C., Kelsen, Hans, Smend, Rudolf, Schmitt, Carl
9992 cover Populism in Asian Democracies Features, Structures, and Impacts (Global Populisms, 1) Sook Jong Lee
9993 cover Populism, Memory and Minority Rights. Central and Eastern European Issues in Global Perspective Anna-Mária Bíró
9994 cover Ports of globalisation, places of Creolisation : Nordic possessions in the Atlantic world during the era of the slave trade Weiss, Holger
9995 cover Portuguese Enterprise in the East: Survival in the Years 1707-1757 Teddy Sim Y.H.
9996 cover Positive Peace in Theory and Practice : Strengthening the United Nations's Pre-Conflict Prevention Role [1 ed.] Tuba Turan 1
9997 cover Post-Capitalist Society Peter F. Drucker (Auth.)
9998 cover Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines [1 ed.] Jana Gohrisch, Ellen Grünkemeier 1
9999 cover Post-Communist Democratisation in Lithuania : Elites, Parties, and Youth Political Organisations. 1988-2001 [1 ed.] Diana Janusauskienė 1
10000 cover Post-conflict Administrations in International Law Eric De Brab
10001 cover Post-TRC Prosecutions in South Africa: Accountability for Political Crimes after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Amnesty Process Ole Bubenzer
10002 cover Potentia of Poverty: Marx Reads Spinoza Margherita Pascucci
10003 cover Potosí in the Global Silver Age (16th—19th Centuries) Rossana Barragán R. - Paula C. Zagalsky (eds.)
10004 cover Pottery and Economy in Old Kingdom Egypt Leslie Anne Warden
10005 cover Pouvoir impérial et vertus philosophiques: L’évolution de la figure du bon prince sous le Haut-Empire Anne Gangloff
10006 cover Power and Impotence: A History of South America Under Progressivism (1998-2016) Fábio Luis Barbosa dos Santos
10007 cover Power and Resistance: US Imperialism in Latin America James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer
10008 cover Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD 193-284 (Impact of empire 12) Inge Mennen
10009 cover Power and the City in the Netherlandic World Wayne te Brake, Wim Klooster
10010 cover Power, Justice and Citizenship: the Relationships of Power [1 ed.] Darian McBain 1
10011 cover Power, Paideia & Pythagoreanism: Greek Identity, Conceptions of the Relationship Between Philosophers & Monarchs & Political Ideas in Philostratus' ... on Ancient History & Archaeology : Vol 13) Jaap-Jan Flinterman
10012 cover Powering the Future: A Scientist's Guide to Energy Independence (FT Press Science) Daniel B. Botkin
10013 cover Powerless by Design: The Age of the International Community Michel Feher
10014 cover Practice and Policies of Modern Peace Support Operations under International Law (International and Comparative Criminal Law) Knoops, G.-J. A., Arnold, R.
10015 cover Pratique rhétorique et idéologie politique dans les discours "optimates" de Cicéron Guy Achard
10016 cover Pre-Liberal Political Philosophy Rawls and Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas Daniel A. Dombrowski
10017 cover Primitive Communism Is Not What It Used to Be: At the Origin of Male Domination Christophe Darmangeat
10018 cover Printed Pandemonium: Popular Print and Politics in the Netherlands, 1650-72 Michel Reinders
10019 cover Problems of Han Administration: Ancestral Rites, Weights and Measures, and the Means of Protest Michael Loewe
10020 cover Producing Stateness. Police Work in Ghana Jan Beek
10021 cover Professions in Civil Society and the State: Invariant Foundations and Consequences David Sciulli
10022 cover Profit and Principle: Hugo Grotius, Natural Rights Theories and the Rise of Dutch Power in the East Indies, 1595-1615 Martine Julia Van Ittersum
10023 cover Profitable Ideas: The Ideology of the Individual in Capitalist Development (Studies in Critical Social Sciences) Michael O'Flynn
10024 cover Pro-Independence Movements and Immigration : Discourse, Policy and Practice [1 ed.] Roberta Medda-Windischer, Patricia Popelier 1
10025 cover Projections of Power: The United States and Europe in Colonial Southeast Asia, 1919-1941 Anne L. Foster, Gilbert M. Joseph, Emily S. Rosenberg
10026 cover Prolonged Occupation and International Law: Israel and Palestine Nada Kiswanson (editor), Susan Power (editor)
10027 cover Promising Practices: Women Volunteers in Contemporary Japanese Religious Civil Society [1 ed.] Paola Cavaliere 1
10028 cover Property Rights, Indigenous People and the Developing World: Issues from Aboriginal Entitlement to Intellectual Ownership Rights David Lea
10029 cover Proportionality, Fundamental Rights and Balance of Powers [1 ed.] Davor Susnjar 1
10030 cover Prosecuting International Crimes: A Multidisciplinary Approach [24] Bartłomiej Krzan 24
10031 cover Protecting Children in the Digital Era : The Use of Alternative Regulatory Instruments [1 ed.] Eva Lievens 1
10032 cover Protecting Civilians in Refugee Camps: Unable and Unwilling States, Unhcr and International Responsibility Maja Janmyr
10033 cover Protecting Cultural Property in Armed Conflict : An Insight into the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict [1 ed.] Nout Van Woudenberg, Liesbeth Lijnzaad 1
10034 cover Protecting Stateless Persons : The Implementation of the Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons Across EU States [1 ed.] Katia Bianchini 1
10035 cover Protection of Personnel in Peace Operations - The Role of the 'Safety Convention' against the Background of General International Law Ola Engdahl
10036 cover Protection of the Right to Seek and Obtain Asylum under the African Human Rights System [1 ed.] Chaloka Beyani 1
10037 cover Provisionally Applied Treaties: Their Binding Force and Legal Nature [1 ed.] Anneliese Quast Mertsch 1
10038 cover Public Diplomacy at Home : Domestic Dimensions [1 ed.] Ellen Huijgh 1
10039 cover Publishing Karl Marx's Le Capital (1871–1875) Kenneth Hemmerechts, Nohemi Jocabeth Echeverría Vicente
10040 cover Qiaowu: extra-territorial policies for the overseas Chinese To, James Jiann Hua
10041 cover Queen Liberty: The Concept of Freedom in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Anna Grzeákowiak-Krwawicz
10042 cover Race Becomes Tomorrow: North Carolina and the Shadow of Civil Rights Gerald M. Sider
10043 cover Race, Ethnicity, and the State in Malaysia and Singapore [1 ed.] Kwen Fee Lian 1
10044 cover Race, Nature, and the Politics of Difference Donald S. Moore, Jake Kosek, Anand Pandian
10045 cover Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil Michael Hanchard (editor), Edward E. Telles (editor), Howard Winant (editor), Michael Mitchell (editor), Peggy A. Lovell (editor)
10046 cover Racism and Cultural Studies: Critiques of Multiculturalist Ideology and the Politics of Difference E. San Juan Jr. (editor), Donald E. Pease (editor)
10047 cover Radical Representations: Politics And Form In U.S. Proletarian Fiction, 1929–1941 Barbara Foley
10048 cover Raising the Red Flag: Marxism, Labourism, and the Roots of British Communism, 1884-1921 Tony Collins
10049 cover Ransom Slavery along the Ottoman Borders (Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage) G. David, P. Fodor (ed.)
10050 cover Rape in the Republic, 1609-1725: Formulating Dutch Identity Amanda (Amanda Cathryn) Pipkin
10051 cover Reaction Formations: Dialogism, Ideology, and Capitalist Culture (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 144) Jonathan Hall
10052 cover Reaction Formations: Dialogism, Ideology, and Capitalist Culture: The Creation of the Modern Unconscious Jonathan Hall
10053 cover Reason and Democracy Thomas A. Spragens
10054 cover Reason, Justice and Dignity: A Journey to Some Unexplored Sources of Human Rights Peter Leuprecht
10055 cover Rebel Imaginaries: Labor, Culture, and Politics in Depression-Era California Elizabeth E. Sine
10056 cover Rebellion: The Shipyard Strikes in Poland and the Birth of Solidarnosc in August 1980 Anna Machcewicz
10057 cover Recalling Masaryk's The Czech Question: Humanity and Politics on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century (Value Inquiry Book / Central European Value Studies, 381) Jan Svoboda (editor), Ale Przn (editor)
10058 cover Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory in Spatial Demography [1 ed.] Frank M. Howell, Jeremy R. Porter, Stephen A. Matthews (eds.) 1
10059 cover Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism Koichi Iwabuchi
10060 cover Rechtsgeschichte der Reichswehr 1918–1933 Patrick Oliver Heinemann
10061 cover Reclaiming the Political in Latin American History: Essays from the North Gilbert M. Joseph (editor), Emily S. Rosenberg (editor), Emilia Viotti da Costa (editor), Steve J. Stern (editor)
10062 cover Recognition and Freedom : Axel Honneth's Political Thought [1 ed.] Jonas Jakobsen, Odin Lysaker 1
10063 cover Recognition, Work, Politics [5] Deranty, J-P (ed.), Petherbridge, D. (ed.), Rundell, J. (ed.), Sinnerbrink, (ed.) 5
10064 cover Reconfiguring the Land of Israel: A Rabbinic Project Constanza Cordoni
10065 cover Reconstructing Feminism Through Cyberfeminism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 275) Gzde Ersz (editor), Gkmen Kantar (editor), Meltem Ince Yenilmez (editor)
10066 cover Red Banners, Books and Beer Mugs: The Mental World of German Social Democrats, 18631914: The Mental World of German Social Democrats, 1863–1914 Andrew G. Bonnell
10067 cover Red October : left-indigenous struggles in modern Bolivia Webber, Jeffery R
10068 cover Reform and Political Crisis in Brazil: Class Conflicts in Workers' Party Governments and the Rise of Bolsonaro Neo-fascism Armando Boito
10069 cover Reform, revolution and direct action amongst British miners: the struggle for the Charter in 1919 Grande-Bretagne,Great Britain. Royal Commission on Coal Industry 1919,Miners' Federation of Great Britain,Ives, Martyn
10070 cover Reforming the Common European Asylum System : The New European Refugee Law [1 ed.] Vincent Chetail, Philippe De Bruycker, Francesco Maiani 1
10071 cover Reforming the UN: The Struggle for Legitimacy And Effectiveness Joachim Muller
10072 cover Refuge from Inhumanity? War Refugees and International Humanitarian Law David James Cantor, Jean-Francois Durieux (eds.)
10073 cover Regime Accommodation in International Law : Human Rights in International Economic Law and Policy [1 ed.] Heejin Kim 1
10074 cover Regime Change : From Democratic Peace Theories to Forcible Regime Change [1 ed.] Rein Müllerson, Rein Müllerson 1
10075 cover Regime Change and Ethnic Politics in Indonesia: Dayak Politics of West Kalimantan Tanasaldy, Taufiq
10076 cover Regna and Gentes: The Relationship Between Late Antique and Early Medieval Peoples and Kingdoms in the Transformation of the Roman World Hans-Werner Goetz, Jorg Jarnut, Walter Pohl
10077 cover Regulating the Use of Force in Wars of National Liberation: The Need for a New Regime: A Study of the South Moluccas and Aceh Noelle Higgins
10078 cover Reigning the River: Urban Ecologies and Political Transformation in Kathmandu Anne M. Rademacher
10079 cover Reimagining the American Pacific: From South Pacific to Bamboo Ridge and Beyond Rob Wilson
10080 cover Relationships between International Criminal Law and Other Branches of International Law William A. Schabas
10081 cover Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics (Duke Press policy studies) [Expanded edition] Pedro Ramet
10082 cover Religion and Politics Under the Early Abbasids [1 ed.] Muhammad Qasim Zaman 1
10083 cover Religion Beyond Its Private Role in Modern Society [1 ed.] Wim Hofstee, A. van der Kooij 1
10084 cover Religion, Culture, and Politics in Pre-Islamic Iran: Collected Essays Bruce Lincoln
10085 cover Religion, Globalization, and Culture Peter Beyer, Lori Beaman
10086 cover Religion, Human Rights and International Law (Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights) Rehman, J. (ed.), Breau, S. (ed.)
10087 cover Religion, Politics and Law: Philosophical Reflections on the Sources of Normative Order in Society Bart C. Labuschagne (editor), Reinhard W. Sonnenschmidt (editor)
10088 cover Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights: 25 Years After the 1981 Declaration (Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights) Natan Lerner
10089 cover Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging Leerom Medovoi, Elizabeth Bentley
10090 cover Religionsgespenster: Versuch über den religiösen Schock Gregor Maria Hoff
10091 cover Religious and Sexual Nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe: Gods, Gays and Governments Srdjan Sremac
10092 cover Religious Confession Privilege and the Common Law A. K. Thompson
10093 cover Remaking Modernity: Politics, History, and Sociology Julia Adams, Elisabeth Clemens, Ann Shola Orloff
10094 cover Renaissance Politics and Culture: Essays in Honour of Robert Black Jonathan Davies, John Monfasani (eds.)
10095 cover Repertoires and cycles of collective action / Mark Traugott, Charles Tilly, Charles D. Brockett, James W. White, Craig Calhoun, Marc W. Steinberg
10096 cover Representing Argentinian Mothers : Medicine, Ideas and Culture in the Modern Era, 1900-1946 [1 ed.] Yolanda Eraso 1
10097 cover Representing Empire : Japanese Colonial Literature in Taiwan and Manchuria [1 ed.] Ying Xiong 1
10098 cover Repression, Exile, and Democracy: Uruguayan Culture Saul Sosnowski (editor), Louise B. Popkin (editor)
10099 cover Reproduction, Globalization, and the State: New Theoretical and Ethnographic Perspectives Carole H. Browner (editor), Carolyn F. Sargent (editor), Rayna Rapp (editor), Susan L. Erikson (editor)
10100 cover Republicans: Essays on Eighteenth-Century Dutch Political Thought Wyger Velema
10101 cover Rescuing Autonomy from Kant: A Marxist Critique of Kant's Ethics James Furner
10102 cover Responding to International Crime (International Studies in Human Rights) Geoff Gilbert
10103 cover Responses to Marx’s Capital : From Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin Richard B. Day, Daniel F. Gaido (eds)
10104 cover Responsibilities to Protect : Perspectives in Theory and Practice [1 ed.] David Whetham, Bradley J. Strawser 1
10105 cover Rethinking Ernst Bloch (Historical Materialism Book - Bloch Bibliothek, 300) Henk De Berg (editor), Catherine Moir (editor)
10106 cover Rethinking Marxist Approaches to Transition : A Theory of Temporal Dislocation [1 ed.] Onur Acaroglu 1
10107 cover Rethinking Marxist Approaches to Transition A Theory of Temporal Dislocation (Studies in Critical Social Sciences / New Scholarship in Political Economy, 2, 171) Onur Acaroglu
10108 cover Rethinking Resistance: Revolt and Violence in African History Jon Abbink, Mirjam De Bruijn, Klaas Van Walraven
10109 cover Rethinking the Industrial Revolution: Five Centuries of Transition from Agrarian to Industrial Capitalism in England Michael Andrew Zmolek
10110 cover Reviewing European Union Accession : Unexpected Results, Spillover Effects, and Externalities [1 ed.] Tom Hashimoto, Michael Rhimes 1
10111 cover Revisiting New Netherland: Perspectives on Early Dutch America Joyce D. Goodfriend (editor)
10112 cover Revisiting Personal Laws in Bangladesh: Proposals for Reform Faustina Pereira (editor), Shahnaz Huda (editor), Sara Hossain (editor)
10113 cover Revisiting Proportionality in International and European Law Interests and Interest-Holders Ulf Linderfalk, Eduardo Gill-Pedro
10114 cover Revisiting the Law of Occupation [1 ed.] Hanne Cuyckens 1
10115 cover Revisiting Unity and Diversity in Federal Countries: Changing Concepts, Reform Proposals and New Institutional Realities Alain-G. Gagnon, Michael Burgess
10116 cover Revolt Against Authority [1 ed.] Laura Westra 1
10117 cover Revolt and Resistance in the Ancient Classical World and the Near East: In the Crucible of Empire John J. Collins, J.G. Manning
10118 cover Revolution and Its Alternatives (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 129) Tom Brass
10119 cover Revolution and Its Alternatives: Other Marxisms, Other Empowerments, Other Priorities Tom Brass
10120 cover Revolution, Revival, and Religious Conflict in Sandinista Nicaragua [1 ed.] Calvin L. Smith 1
10121 cover Revolutionary News: The Press in France, 1789–1799 Jeremy Popkin
10122 cover Revolutionary Social Democracy. Working-Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882–1917) Eric Blanc
10123 cover Revolutionary Social Democracy: Working-Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917) Eric Blanc
10124 cover Revolutionary teamsters : the Minneapolis Truckers' Strikes of 1934 Palmer, Bryan D
10125 cover Right, Power, and Faquanism : A Practical Legal Theory from Contemporary China [1 ed.] Zhiwei Tong 1
10126 cover Rights of Third-Country Nationals under EU Association Agreements. Degrees of Free Movement and Citizenship [1 ed.] Daniel Thym, Margarite Zoeteweij-Turhan 1
10127 cover Ritual and Symbolic Communication in Medieval Hungary Under the Árpád Dynasty 1000 - 1301 Dušan Zupka
10128 cover Ritual Dynamics and Religious Change in the Roman Empire [Mul ed.] Olivier Hekster, Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Christian Witschel, Olivier Hekster, Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Christian Witschel
10129 cover Roman Dmowski: Schriften. Quellentexte zum polnischen Nationalismus [1. ed.] Martin Faber (ed.), Roman Dmowski (auth.) 1
10130 cover Roman Imperialism Paul J. Burton
10131 cover Rome and the Near Eastern Kingdoms and Principalities, 44-31 BC: A Study of Political Relations During Civil War Hendrikus Van Wijlick
10132 cover Rome, a City and Its Empire in Perspective / Rome, une cité impériale en jeu: The Impact of the Roman World Through Fergus Millar's Research / L’impact du monde romain selon Fergus Millar [Bilingual ed.] Stéphane Benoist
10133 cover Rome, Global Dreams, and the International Origins of an Empire Sarah Helen Davies
10134 cover Roots of Empire: Forests and State Power in Early Modern Spain c. 1500-1750 John T. Wing
10135 cover Ropewalking and Safety Nets : Local Ways of Managing Insecurities in Indonesia [1 ed.] Juliette Koning, Frans Hüsken 1
10136 cover Royal Police Ordinances in Early Modern Sweden: The Emergence of Voluntaristic Understanding of Law Toomas Kotkas
10137 cover Royal Umbrellas of Stone: Memory, Politics, and Public Identity in Rajput Funerary Art Melia Belli Bose
10138 cover Rule of Law and Democracy [1st ed.] Leonardo Morlino, Gianluigi Palombella 1
10139 cover Ruling oneself out: A theory of collective abdications Ivan Ermakoff
10140 cover Rumba Rules: The Politics of Dance Music in Mobutu’s Zaire Bob W. White
10141 cover Rural Revolt in Mexico: U.S. Intervention and the Domain of Subaltern Politics Daniel Nugent (editor), Gilbert M. Joseph (editor), Emily S. Rosenberg (editor), William C. Roseberry (editor), Alan Knight (editor)
10142 cover Russia, Europe, and the Rule of Law (Law in Eastern Europe) Feldbrugge, F.J.M. (ed.)
10143 cover Russia: From Proletarian Revolution to State-Capitalist Counter-Revolution: Selected Writings Raya Dunayevskaya, Eugene Gogol, Franklin Dmitryev
10144 cover Russian and Soviet Policy in Manchuria and Outer Mongolia, 1911-1931 Peter S. H. Tang, Philip E. Mosely
10145 cover Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries Hans W. Blom
10146 cover Sacrifices and Offerings in Ancient Israel: Studies in Their Social and Political Importance Gary A Anderson
10147 cover Salt in the Sand: Memory, Violence, and the Nation-State in Chile, 1890 to the Present Lessie Jo Frazier, Julia Adams and George Steinmetz
10148 cover Scaling the Balkans: Essays on Eastern European Entanglements Maria N. Todorova
10149 cover Scandalous Witness: A Little Political Manifesto for Christians Lee C. Camp
10150 cover Schools into Fields and Factories: Anarchists, the Guomindang, and the National Labor University in Shanghai, 1927–1932 Ming K. Chan, Arif Dirlik
10151 cover Science Wars Andrew Ross
10152 cover Science, Race Relations and Resistance: Britain, 1870-1914 Douglas A. Lorimer
10153 cover Science, War and Imperialism: India in the Second World War Jagdish Sinha
10154 cover Scots in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th - 18th Centuries: The Formation and Disappearance of an Ethnic Group Peter Paul Bajer
10155 cover Searching for Home Abroad: Japanese Brazilians and Transnationalism Jeffrey Lesser (editor)
10156 cover Second Wounds: Victims’ Rights and the Media in the U.S. Carrie A. Rentschler
10157 cover Secularism as Misdirection: Critical Thought from the Global South (Theory in Forms) [Critical ed.] Nivedita Menon
10158 cover Securing Dignity and Freedom Through Human Rights : Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [1 ed.] Janelle M. Diller 1
10159 cover Seeking Asylum in the European Union : Selected Protection Issues Raised by the Second Phase of the Common European Asylum System [1 ed.] Céline Bauloz, Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Sarah Singer, Vladislava Stoyanova 1
10160 cover Seeking Real Truths: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Machiavelli Patricia Vilches and Gerald Seaman
10161 cover Segregation of Roma Children in Education : Addressing Structural Discrimination Trough the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the Racial Equality Directive 2000/43/EC [1 ed.] Sina Van den Bogaert 1
10162 cover Selected essays of Nigel Harris from national liberation to globalisation Harris, Nigel
10163 cover Selected Political and Economic Writings: From the Hungarian Revolution to the Orthodox Economic Theory in the USSR Eugen Varga
10164 cover Self-Determination of Peoples and Plural-Ethnic States in Contemporary International Law : Failed States, Nation-Building and the Alternative, Federal Option [1 ed.] Edward McWhinney 1
10165 cover Sensibilities of the Risorgimento: Reason and Passions in Political Thought Roberto Romani
10166 cover Sentient Entanglements and Ruptures in the Americas: Human-Animal Relations in the Amazon, Andes, and Arctic (Human-Animal Studies, 27) Maggie Bolton (editor), Jan Peter Laurens Loovers (editor)
10167 cover September 11 in History: A Watershed Moment? Mary L. Dudziak
10168 cover Service Workers in the Era of Monopoly Capital A Marxist Analysis of Service and Retail Labour Fabian van Onzen
10169 cover Sex in Revolution: Gender, Politics, and Power in Modern Mexico Mary Kay Vaughan (editor), Gabriela Cano (editor), Jocelyn H. Olcott (editor), Jocelyn H. Olcott (editor)
10170 cover Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by un Military Contingents : Moving Beyond the Current Status Quo and Responsibility under International Law [1 ed.] Róisín Sarah Burke, Róisín Sarah Burke 1
10171 cover Shaping the Stranger Churches: Migrants in England and the Troubles in the Netherlands, 1547–1585 Silke Muylaert
10172 cover Shifting Frontiers of Citizenship: The Latin American Experience Mario Sznajder
10173 cover Shining and Other Paths: War and Society in Peru, 1980-1995 Steve J. Stern (editor)
10174 cover Sightings : Mirrors in Texts - Texts in Mirrors [1 ed.] Joyce O. Lowrie 1
10175 cover Silence and Absence in Literature and Music
10176 cover Since Time Immemorial: Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico Yanna Yannakakis
10177 cover Singing for the Dead: The Politics of Indigenous Revival in Mexico Paja Faudree
10178 cover Singing the Classical, Voicing the Modern: The Postcolonial Politics of Music in South India Amanda J. Weidman
10179 cover Sino-Iranian and Sino-Arabian Relations in Late Antiquity: China and the Parthians, Sasanians, and Arabs in the First Millennium Jeffrey Kotyk
10180 cover Sixteenth-century Scotland: essays in honour of Michael Lynch Julian Goodare, Alasdair A. MacDonald (editors)
10181 cover Slavery Past, Present and Future [1 ed.] Catherine Armstrong, Jaya Priyardarshini 1
10182 cover Sleaze Artists: Cinema at the Margins of Taste, Style, and Politics Jeffrey Sconce (editor), Eric Schaefer (editor), Tania Modleski (editor), Harry M. Benshoff (editor), Chuck Kleinhans (editor), Colin Gunckel (editor)
10183 cover Smoldering Ashes: Cuzco and the Creation of Republican Peru, 1780-1840 Charles F. Walker
10184 cover Social Darwinism and Nationalism in Korea: The Beginnings 1880s-1910s Survival As an Ideology of Korean Modernity (Brill's Korean Studies Library) Vladimir Tikhonov
10185 cover Social Dynamics in the Highlands of Southeast Asia (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 3 Southeast Asia) Robinne, F. (ed.), Sadan, M. (ed.)
10186 cover Social Issues, Globalisation and International Institutions: Labour Rights and the EU, ILO, OECD and WTO (International Studies in Human Rights) Virginia a Leary (editor), Daniel Warner (editor)
10187 cover Social Movements, Indigenous Politics and Democratisation in Guatemala, 1985-1996 [1 ed.] Mark G. Brett 1
10188 cover Social Network Analysis of Disaster Response, Recovery, and Adaptation [1st Edition] Eric C. Jones and A.J. Faas (Eds.) 1
10189 cover Social Relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870–1915 Joost Jongerden, Jelle Verheij
10190 cover Social Rights of Children in Europe : A Case Law Study on Selected Rights [1 ed.] Katharina Häusler 1
10191 cover Social Security in the Balkans – Volume 3 An Overview of Social Policy in Serbia and Kosovo (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 210) Edited by Marzena Żakowska, War Studies University
10192 cover Social Text 84-85: What's Queer about Queer Studies Now? David L. Eng
10193 cover Socialism and Commodity Production: Essay in Marx Revival Paresh Chattopadhyay
10194 cover Soldier's Paradise: Militarism in Africa after Empire Samuel Fury Childs Daly
10195 cover Solon of Athens: New Historical and Philological Approaches Josine H. Blok, Andre P. M. H. Lardinois (eds.)
10196 cover Somapower: Somaesthetics Reads Politics Leszek Koczanowicz (editor)
10197 cover Somebody’s Children: The Politics of Transnational and Transracial Adoption Laura Briggs
10198 cover Somebody's Children: The Politics of Transracial and Transnational Adoption Laura Briggs
10199 cover Sources of State Practice in International Law [2 ed.] Ralph Gaebler, Alison A. Shea 2
10200 cover Sovereignty in Ruins: A Politics of Crisis George Edmondson, Klaus Mladek (eds.)
10201 cover Sovereignty in the Exercise of the Right to Self-Determination [1 ed.] Jane A. Hofbauer 1
10202 cover Sovereignty, Power, Control: Politics in the State of Western India, 1916-1947 John Edmond McLeod
10203 cover Spain in Italy: politics, society, and religion 1500-1700 (The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World) Thomas James Dandelet, John A. Marino
10204 cover Spatial Practices: Territory, Border and Infrastructure in Africa Ulf Engel, Marc Boeckler, Detlev Müller-Mahn
10205 cover Speaking of Flowers: Student Movements and the Making and Remembering of 1968 in Military Brazil Victoria Langland
10206 cover Spectacular Rhetorics: Human Rights Visions, Recognitions, Feminisms Wendy S. Hesford
10207 cover Specters of Mother India: The Global Restructuring of an Empire Mrinalini Sinha
10208 cover Speculation as a Mode of Production: Forms of Value Subjectivity in Art and Capital Marina Vishmidt
10209 cover Splendour, Misery, and Possibilities. An X-Ray of Socialist Yugoslavia Darko Suvin
10210 cover Staat und Diversität. Agonaler Pluralismus für die liberale Demokratie Frank Schorkopf
10211 cover Staatenkunde ALS Weltbeschreibung Lukas Reddemann
10212 cover Stability And Change in the Law of the Sea: The Role of the Los Convention Alex G. Oude Elferink (editor)
10213 cover Stages of Capital: Law, Culture, and Market Governance in Late Colonial India Ritu Birla
10214 cover Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century Rebecca E. Karl
10215 cover Starvation As a Weapon : Domestic Policies of Deliberate Starvation As a Means to an End under International Law [1 ed.] Simone Hutter 1
10216 cover State and Ethnicity in China's Southwest Xiaolin Guo
10217 cover State and Revolution in Finland Risto Alapuro
10218 cover State and Society in Eighteenth-century France: A Study in Political Power and Popular Revolution in Languedoc [Updated] Stephen Miller
10219 cover State Building and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus Hille
10220 cover State Capitalism and Development in East Asia Since 1945 Owen Miller
10221 cover State Capitalism, Contentious Politics and Large-Scale Social Change (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 29) [Illustrated] Edited by Vincent Kelly Pollard
10222 cover State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900 Fernando Lopez-Alves
10223 cover State Responsibility for Support of Armed Groups in the Commission of International Crimes [1 ed.] Narissa Ramsundar 1
10224 cover State-building South Sudan International Intervention and the Formation of a Fragmented State Sara de Simone
10225 cover Stateless Citizenship: The Palestinian-Arab Citizens of Israel Shourideh C. Molavi
10226 cover State-Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law : Towards a Right to Religiously Neutral Governance [1 ed.] Jeroen Temperman 1
10227 cover States at Work: Dynamics of African Bureaucracies Thomas Bierschenk, Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan
10228 cover State-society Relations in the People’s Republic of China Post-1949 Tony Saich
10229 cover Status and Treatment of Deserters in International Armed Conflicts [1 ed.] Heike Niebergall-Lackner 1
10230 cover Stopping Wars and Making Peace : Studies in International Intervention [1 ed.] Kristen Eichensehr, W. Michael Reisman 1
10231 cover Stretching the Qing Bureaucracy in the 1826 Sea-Transport Experiment [ebook ed.] Jane Kate Leonard
10232 cover Studies on Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production Laura da Graca, Andrea Zingarelli (eds.)
10233 cover Subalternity and Representation: Arguments in Cultural Theory John Beverley
10234 cover Sub-Imperalism Revisited: Dependency Theory in the Thought of Ruy Mauro Marini Adrián Sotelo Valencia
10235 cover Succeeding in Business in Central and Eastern Europe: A Guide to Cultures, Markets, and Practices (Managing Cultural Differences) Woodrow H. Sears, Audrone Tamulionyte-Lentz
10236 cover Sulla, the Elites and the Empire: A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East Federico Santangelo
10237 cover Supersuming Subsumption: Theory and Politics Marco Briziarelli
10238 cover Supranational Citizenship and the Challenge of Diversity : Immigrants, Citizens and Member States in the EU [1 ed.] Francesca Strumia 1
10239 cover Surge to Freedom: The End of Communist Rule in Eastern Europe J. F. Brown
10240 cover Sustainable Justice: Reconciling Economic, Social and Environmental Law [1 ed.] Director Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (editor), C. G. Weeramantry (editor) 1
10241 cover Swedish Naval Administration, 1521-1721: Resource Flows and Organisational Capabilities (The Northern World) Jan Glete
10242 cover Switzerland and the International Protection of Refugees, La Suisse Et La Protection Internationale Des Refugiés [Bilingual ed.] Vera Gowlland-Debbas (editor), Vincent Chetail (editor)
10243 cover Syed Hussein Alatas and Critical Social Theory: Decolonizing the Captive Mind Dustin J. Byrd, Seyed Javad Miri (eds.)
10244 cover Syria 1975/76-2018 [Hardcover ed.] Anthony Axon, Susan Hewitt
10245 cover Syria and Bilad al-Sham under Ottoman Rule Peter Sluglett, Stefan Weber
10246 cover Taiwan’s Imagined Geography: Chinese Colonial Travel Writing and Pictures, 1683–1895 Emma Jinhua Teng
10247 cover Tajikistan's Difficult Development Path Martha Brill Olcott
10248 cover Taking Ethno-Cultural Diversity Seriously in Constitutional Design : A Theory of Minority Rights for Addressing Africa's Multi-Ethnic Challenge [1 ed.] Solomon A. Dersso 1
10249 cover Taming Ares: War, Interstate Law, and Humanitarian Discourse in Classical Greece [Hardcover ed.] Emiliano J Buis
10250 cover Tantra, Ritual Performance, and Politics in Nepal and Kerala Embodying the Goddess-clan (Numen Book, 166) Matthew Martin
10251 cover Teaching Marx & Critical Theory in the 21st Century Bryant William Sculos, Mary Caputi
10252 cover Teamwork in Human Services. Models and Applications across the Life Span Frank Orelove and Howard G. Garner (Auth.)
10253 cover Temporary Protection in Law and Practice [1 ed.] Meltem Ineli-Ciger 1
10254 cover Ten Books That Shaped the British Empire: Creating an Imperial Commons Antoinette Burton (editor), Isabel Hofmeyr (editor)
10255 cover Territorial Leasing in Diplomacy and International Law [1 ed.] Michael J. Strauss 1
10256 cover Territories of Difference: Place, Movements, Life, Redes Arturo Escobar
10257 cover Terrorism and Exclusion from Refugee Status in the UK: Asylum Seekers Suspected of Serious Criminality Sarah Singer
10258 cover Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times [1st ed.] Jasbir Puar 1
10259 cover Terry Sanford: Politics, Progress, and Outrageous Ambitions Howard E. Covington Jr., Marion A. Ellis
10260 cover The 1624 Tumult of Mexico in perspective (c. 1620-1650) : authority and conflict resolution in the Iberian Atlantic Ballone, Angela
10261 cover The 1713 Peace of Utrecht and Its Enduring Effects Alfred H A Soons
10262 cover The “Greek Crisis” in Europe Race, Class and Politics Yiannis Mylonas
10263 cover The Åland Strait (International Straits of the World, 18) Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen
10264 cover The Academic Middle-Class Rebellion : Socio-Political Conflict over Wage-Gaps in Israel, 1954-1956 [1 ed.] Avi Bareli, Uri Cohen 1
10265 cover The Administration of the Ptolomaic Possessions Outside Egypt: With 3 Maps Roger S. Bagnall
10266 cover The Agamben Effect Alison Ross
10267 cover The Agency of Empire: Connections and Strategies in French Overseas Expansion (1686-1746) [1 ed.] Elisabeth Heijmans 1
10268 cover The Agrarian Seeds of Empire: The Political Economy of Agriculture in Us State Building Brad Bauerly
10269 cover The Alaska Native Reader: History, Culture, Politics Maria Sháa Tláa Williams (editor), Robin Kirk (editor), Orin Starn (editor)
10270 cover The 'American Exceptionalism' of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades, 1929-1940. Dissident Marxism in the United States: Volume 1 Paul Le Blanc and Tim Davenport (Eds.)
10271 cover The American road to capitalism : studies in class-structure, economic development, and political conflict, 1620-1877 Charles Post, Ellen Meiksins Wood
10272 cover The Ancestors' Instructions Must Not Change: Political Discourse and Practice in the Song Period (Brill's Humanities in China Library, 14) Deng Xiaonan, Peking UniversityTranslated by Wee Kek Koon
10273 cover The Antagonistic Principle: Marxism and Political Action Massimo Modonesi
10274 cover The Antonine Constitution: An Edict for the Caracallan Empire Alex Imrie
10275 cover The Aporia of Freedom [2, 1 ed.] Michal Roch Kaczmarczyk, Mikołaj Golubiewski, Jan Burzyński 1
10276 cover The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy and International Law [1 ed.] Carlo Panara, Gary Wilson 1
10277 cover The Argentine Silent Majority: Middle Classes, Politics, Violence, and Memory in the Seventies Sebastián Carassai
10278 cover The Argumentative Turn Revisited: Public Policy as Communicative Practice Frank Fischer (editor), Herbert Gottweis (editor)
10279 cover The Art of Investigative Interviewing Inge Sebyan Black (Auth.)
10280 cover The Art of Symbolic Resistance: Uyghur Identities and Uyghur-Han Relations in Contemporary Xinjiang Joanne Smith Finley
10281 cover The Authority of the International Committee of the Red Cross: Determining What International Humanitarian Law Is Linus Jannek Mhrel
10282 cover The Bangladesh Reader: History, Culture, Politics Meghna Guhathakurta and Willem van Schendel
10283 cover The Bewitched World of Capital: Economic Crisis and the Metamorphosis of the Political Giacomo Marramao, Matteo Mandarini (editor)
10284 cover The Birth of Energy: Fossil Fuels, Thermodynamics, and the Politics of Work Cara New Daggett
10285 cover The Bolivia reader : history, culture, politics Sinclair Thomson, Rossana Barragán, Xavier Albó, Seemin Qayum, Mark Goodale
10286 cover The Bourbon Reforms and the Remaking of Spanish Frontier Missions« Robert H. Jackson
10287 cover The British Commonwealth and the Allied Occupation of Japan, 1945 - 1952 : Personal Encounters and Government Assessments [1 ed.] Ian Nish 1
10288 cover The Brown Plague: Travels in Late Weimar and Early Nazi Germany Daniel Guérin
10289 cover The Business of News Heiko Droste
10290 cover The Calculus of Consent and Constitutional Design [1 ed.] Keith L. Dougherty, Julian Edward (auth.) 1
10291 cover The Call of the Homeland: Diaspora Nationalisms, Past and Present Allon Gal, Athena S. Leoussi, Anthony D. Smith (eds.)
10292 cover The Canadian Constitution: The players and the issues in the process that has led from patriation to Meech Lake to an uncertain future David Milne
10293 cover The Charisma of World Revolution: Revolutionary Internationalism in Early Soviet Society, 1917-1927 Gleb J. Albert, Zachary Murphy King (trans.)
10294 cover The Chiapas Rebellion: The Struggle for Land and Democracy Neil Harvey
10295 cover The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) (China Studies) Sleeboom-Faulkner, M.
10296 cover The Chinese gazette in European sources : joining the global public in the early and mid-Qing dynasty N. Standaert
10297 cover The CIA in Ecuador Marc Becker
10298 cover The clash of globalisations : neo-liberalism, the third way, and anti-globalisation Ray Kiely
10299 cover The Clash of Globalisations: Neo-Liberalism, the Third Way and Anti-Globalisation Ray Kiely
10300 cover The Class Strikes Back Self-Organised Workers’ Struggles in the Twenty-First Century Dario Azzellini, Michael G. Kranft (eds.)
10301 cover The Cold War and the Origins of Foreign Relations of People's Republic of China [1 ed.] N. I. U. Jun 1
10302 cover The Cold War in Asia: The Battle for Hearts and Minds Zheng Yangwen, Hong Liu, Michael Szonyi
10303 cover The Colombia Reader: History, Culture, Politics Ann Farnsworth-Alvear, Marco Palacios, Ana María Gómez López (eds.)
10304 cover The Colonial 'Civilizing Process' in Dutch Formosa, 1624-1662 Chiu Hsin-Hui
10305 cover The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won [1 ed.] Peter Navarro 1
10306 cover The Communal Idea in the 21st Century [1 ed.] Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yaacov Oved, Menachem Topel 1
10307 cover The Communist International and US Communism, 1919-1929 Jacob A. Zumoff
10308 cover The Communist Movement at a Crossroads. Plenums of the Communist International’s Executive Committee, 1922-1923 Michael Taber, John Riddell
10309 cover The Communist Women's Movement, 1920-1922: Proceedings, Resolutions, and Reports Mike Taber, Daria Dyakonova (eds.)
10310 cover The Companion to International Humanitarian Law [1 ed.] Dražan Djukić, Niccolò Pons 1
10311 cover The Constitutional Court and Democracy in Indonesia Simon Butt
10312 cover The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artifacts (Transformation of the Roman World) Richard Corradini, Max Diesenberger, Helmut Reimitz
10313 cover The Construction of National Identity in Taiwan's Media, 1896-2012 [1 ed.] Chien-Jung Hsu 1
10314 cover The Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles : Delineation, Delimitation and Dispute Settlement [1 ed.] Bjarni Már Magnússon 1
10315 cover The Core Human Rights Treaties and Thailand [1 ed.] Vitit Muntarbhorn 1
10316 cover The Corporation, Law and Capitalism: A Radical Perspective on the Role of Law in the Global Political Economy Grietje Baars
10317 cover The Costa Rica Reader: History, Culture, Politics Steven Palmer (editor), Iván Molina (editor), Robin Kirk (editor), Orin Starn (editor), Sylvia Chant (editor), Steve Marquardt (editor)
10318 cover The Crime of Genocide: Then and Now Evolution of a Crime Pavel Šturma, Milan Lipovský
10319 cover The Crisis of Citizenship in the Arab World [1 ed.] Roel Meijer, Nils Butenschøn 1
10320 cover The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics Aviva Chomsky (editor), Barry Carr (editor), Alfredo Prieto (editor), Pamela Maria Smorkaloff (editor)
10321 cover The Cuban Revolution as Socialist Human Development (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 36) Henry Veltmeyer, Mark Rushton
10322 cover The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study Wilhelmus Antonius Arts, Jacques A. Hagenaars, Loek Halman
10323 cover The culture of Japanese fascism Tansman, Alan
10324 cover The Culture of Judicial Independence : Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges [1 ed.] Shimon Shetreet, Christopher Forsyth 1
10325 cover The Culture of Judicial Independence in a Globalised World [1 ed.] Shimon Shetreet, Wayne McCormack 1
10326 cover The culture of people’s democracy : Hungarian essays on literature, art, and democratic transition, 1945-1948 György Lukács. Edited, Tyrus Miller
10327 cover The Cunning of Recognition: Indigenous Alterities and the Making of Australian Multiculturalism Elizabeth A. Povinelli
10328 cover The Curious Trajectory of Caste in West Bengal Politics: Chronicling Continuity and Change Ayan Guha
10329 cover The Czech Reader: History, Culture, Politics Jan Bažant (editor), Nina Bažantová (editor), Frances Starn (editor), Robin Kirk (editor)
10330 cover The Darker Side of Western Modernity: Global Futures, Decolonial Options Walter D. Mignolo
10331 cover The Death of Truth : How Social Media and the Internet Gave Snake Oil Salesmen and Demagogues the Weapons They Needed to Destroy Trust and Polarize the World--And What We Can Do Steven Brill
10332 cover The Decade of the Great War: Japan and the Wider World in the 1910s Tosh Minohara
10333 cover The Deliverance of Others: Reading Literature in a Global Age David Palumbo-Liu
10334 cover The Destruction of the Canaanites: God, Genocide, and Biblical Interpretation Charlie Trimm
10335 cover The Dialectic of Capital (2 Vols.): A Study of the Inner Logic of Capitalism Thomas T. Sekine
10336 cover The Dialectic of Position and Maneuver. Understanding Gramsci’s Military Metaphor Daniel Egan
10337 cover The Dialectical Meaning of Offshored Work (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 146) Miosz Miszczyski
10338 cover The Dialectics of the Religious and the Secular : Studies on the Future of Religion [1 ed.] Michael R. Ott 1
10339 cover The Dictator's Seduction : Politics and the Popular Imagination in the Era of Trujillo [1 ed.] Lauren H. Derby, Gilbert M. Joseph, Emily S. Rosenberg 1
10340 cover The Dido Episode and the Aeneid. Roman Social and Political Values in the Epic Richard C. Monti
10341 cover The Dimensions of Hegemony: Language, Culture and Politics in Revolutionary Russia Craig Brandist
10342 cover The Dimensions of Tolerance: What Americans Believe About Civil Liberties Herbert McClosky, Alida Brill
10343 cover The Dominican Republic Reader: History, Culture, Politics Eric Paul Roorda, Lauren Derby, Raymundo González (eds.)
10344 cover The Duke's Province: A Study of New York Politics and Society, 1664-1691 Robert C. Ritchie
10345 cover The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces: Agents and Interactions [Lam ed.] Jeroen Duindam, Sabine Dabringhaus
10346 cover The Earliest Translations of Aristotle's Politics and the Creation of Political Terminology [1 ed.] Eckart Schütrumpf 1
10347 cover The Ecological Crisis and the Logic of Capital [1 ed.] Xueming Chen, Lihuan Wu, Baixiang Liu 1
10348 cover The Economic Integration of Roman Italy: Rural Communities in a Globalising World Tymon De Haas, Gijs Tol
10349 cover The Ecuador Reader: History, Culture, Politics Carlos de la Torre, Steve Striffler (eds.)
10350 cover The Elements of Representation in Hobbes Monica Brito Vieira
10351 cover The Ellen Meiksins Wood Reader Patriquin, Larry
10352 cover The emperor's qualities and virtues in the inscriptions from Augustus to the beginning of Constantine's reign: "mirrors for prince" = Qualités et vertus de l'empereur dans les inscriptions d'Auguste au début du règne de Constantin "miroirs au prince" The emperor's qualities and virtues in the inscriptions from Augustus to the beginning of Constantine's reign: "mirrors for prince" = Qualités et vertus de l'empereur dans les inscriptions d'Auguste au début du règne de Constantin "miroirs au prince" Anne Gangloff
10353 cover The End of Nomadism?: Society, state and the environment in Inner Asia Caroline Humphrey and David Sneath
10354 cover The Ends of Utopian Thinking in Critical Theory Nina Rismal
10355 cover The Essential Rokeya: Selected Works of Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (1880-1932) ‎Mohammad A. Quayum
10356 cover The EU and the Security-Development Nexus: Bridging the Legal Divide [1 ed.] Hans Merket 1
10357 cover The European Court of Human Rights and the Freedom of Religion or Belief [13, 1 ed.] Jeroen Temperman 1
10358 cover The European Court of Human Rights and the Rights of Marginalised Individuals and Minorities in National Context Dia Anagnostou, Evangelia Psychogiopoulou
10359 cover The European Court of Justice on the European Convention on Human Rights:Who Said What, When [1 ed.] Elspeth Guild,E. Guild,Guillaume Lesieur,G. Lesieur, 1
10360 cover The European Social Charter: A Commentary: Volume 3, Part II (Articles 11-19) The Academic Network on the European, Stefano Angeleri, Koldo Casla, Sébastien van Drooghenbroeck
10361 cover The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Gábor Kármán, Lovro Kunčević
10362 cover The European Union at the United Nations: The Functioning and Coherence of EU External Representation in a State-centric Environment Maximilian B. Rasch
10363 cover The Excommunication of Elizabeth I: Faith, Politics, and Resistance in Post-Reformation England, 1570-1603 (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History) Aislinn Muller
10364 cover The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies Alberto Moreiras (editor), Stanley Fish (editor), Fredric Jameson (editor)
10365 cover The External Dimension of EU Social Security Coordination: Towards a Common EU Approach [1 ed.] Pauline Melin 1
10366 cover The External Dimension of the EU's Migration Policy : Different Legal Positions of Third-Country Nationals in the EU: a Comparative Perspective [1 ed.] Katharina Eisele 1
10367 cover The Falling Rate of Profit and the Great Recession of 2007-2009 A New Approach to Applying Marxs Value Theory and Its Implications for Socialist Strategy Peter Jones
10368 cover The Favor of Friends: Intercession and Aristocratic Politics in Carolingian and Ottonian Europe Sean Gilsdorf
10369 cover The Fifth Modality: On Languages That Shape Our Motivations and Cultures Carl W. Roberts
10370 cover The Fighting Tudors David Loades
10371 cover The First Decade of EU Migration and Asylum Law [1 ed.] Elspeth Guild, Paul Minderhoud 1
10372 cover The First World War and the Nationality Question in Europe. Global Impact and Local Dynamics Xosé M. Núñez Seixas (ed.)
10373 cover The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI Eupator King of Pontus (Mnemosyne, Supplements) (Mnemosyne Ser.: Suppl.89) B. C. McGing
10374 cover The Forgotten People: Political Banishment Under Apartheid Saleem Badat
10375 cover The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics III: The Development of a Tradition: Continuity and Change Georgine Ayoub, Kees Versteegh
10376 cover The Fragility of the 'failed State' Paradigm: A Different International Law Perception of the Absence of Effective Government Neyire Akpinarli
10377 cover The French Revolution and Historical Materialism : Selected Essays [1 ed.] Henry Heller 1
10378 cover The Future of the Arab Spring. Driving Social, Cultural, and Technological Innovation from the Grassroots [1 ed.] Maryam Jamshidi (Auth.) 1
10379 cover The Game of Contradictions: The Philosophy of Friedrich Engels and Nineteenth Century Science Sven-Eric Liedman
10380 cover The Genealogical Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic: Kinship, State and 'Tribalism' [1st Edition] David Gullette 1
10381 cover The German Left and Aesthetic Politics: Cultural Politics between the Second and Third Internationals Martin I. Gaughan
10382 cover The German left and the Weimar Republic: a selection of documents Fowkes, Ben
10383 cover The German Revolution 1917-1923 Pierre Broue, Ian H. Birchall, Brian Pearce
10384 cover The Ghana Reader : History, Culture, Politics Kwasi Konadu, Clifford C. Campbell
10385 cover The government of time : theories of plural temporality in the Marxist tradition Morfino, Vittorio, Thomas, Peter D.
10386 cover The Grace of Misery. Joseph Roth and the Politics of Exile, 1919-1939 (paperback) [1 ed.] Ilse Josepha Lazaroms 1
10387 cover The Gramscian moment : philosophy, hegemony and Marxism Gramsci, Antonio, Thomas, Peter D
10388 cover The Greater Middle East in Global Politics Amineh, M., M. Parvizi Amineh
10389 cover The grooves of change : Eastern Europe at the turn of the millennium Brown, James F
10390 cover The Grooves of Change: Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Millennium J. F. Brown
10391 cover The Guatemala Reader: History, Culture, Politics Greg Grandin, Deborah T. Levenson, and Elizabeth Oglesby
10392 cover The Haiti Reader: History, Culture, Politics Laurent Dubois (editor), Kaiama L. Glover (editor), Nadève Ménard (editor), Millery Polyné (editor), Chantalle F. Verna (editor)
10393 cover The Hanse in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, Stuart Jenks
10394 cover The Holy Roman Empire, 1495-1806: A European Perspective Robert J.W. Evans, Peter H. Wilson
10395 cover The Humanization of International Law (Hague Academy of International Law Monographs, 3) Theodor Meron
10396 cover The Ideology of Work: Theoretical Humanism, Work and Labour (Historical Materialism Book Series, 311) Samuel Mercer
10397 cover The impact of mobility and migration in the Roman Empire proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire : (Rome, June 17-19, 2015) Lo Cascio, Elio, Tacoma, Laurens L.
10398 cover The Impact of the Roman Army (200 BC - AD 476): Economic, Social, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects Blois, L. De (ed.), Lo Cascio, E. (ed.)
10399 cover The Incorporation and Integration of the King's Tributary Lands Into the Norwegian Realm c. 1195-1397 Randi Bjørshol Wardahl
10400 cover The Indonesia Reader: History, Culture, Politics Tineke Hellwig (editor), Eric Tagliacozzo (editor)
10401 cover The Inter-American Human Rights System As a Safeguard for Justice in National Transitions : From Amnesty Laws to Accountability in Argentina, Chile and Peru [1 ed.] Annelen Micus 1
10402 cover The International Legal Status and Protection of Environmentally-Displaced Persons: a European Perspective [1 ed.] Hélène Ragheboom 1
10403 cover The International Legal System in Quest of Equity and Universality:Liber Amicorum Georges Abi-Saab [1 ed.] Laurence Boisson De Chazournes de Chazournes Laurence Boisson De Chazournes 1
10404 cover The International Ombudsman Yearbook, Volume 8 (2004) International Ombudsman Institute, (ed.), Reif, L.C. (ed.)
10405 cover The Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights : Legal and Practical Implications [1 ed.] Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Panos Merkouris 1
10406 cover The Interrelation Between the Right to Identity of Minorities and Their Socio-Economic Participation [1 ed.] Kristin Henrard 1
10407 cover The Inter-State Application under the European Convention on Human Rights : Between Collective Enforcement of Human Rights and International Dispute Settlement [1 ed.] Isabella Risini 1
10408 cover The Intersubjective Being Structure of the World Wataru Hiromatsu
10409 cover The Invention of Politics in the European Avant-garde 1906-1940 (Avant-garde Critical Studies, 19) Sascha Bru (editor), Gunther Martens (editor)
10410 cover The Islamic World and the West: An Introduction to Political Cultures and International Relations Kai Hafez, Mary Ann Kenny, Mary Ann Kenny, Mohammed Arkoun, Udo Steinbach
10411 cover The Jamaica Reader: History, Culture, Politics Diana Paton, Matthew J. Smith
10412 cover The Jamesonian Unconscious: The Aesthetics of Marxist Theory Clint Burnham
10413 cover The Jews of the Ottoman Empire in the late fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries : administrative, economic, legal, and social relations as reflected in the responsa Aryeh Shmuelevitz
10414 cover The Kuyper Center Review, volume 4 : Calvinism and Democracy John Bowlin,
10415 cover The Latin &lt;i&gt;Renovatio&lt;/i&gt; of Byzantium Filip Van Tricht
10416 cover The Latin American Revolutionary Movement: Proceedings of the First Latin American Communist Conference, June 1929 Marc Becker
10417 cover The Latin Renovatio of Byzantium: The Empire of Constantinople, 1204–1228 (Medieval Mediterranean) Filip Van Tricht
10418 cover The Lautsi Papers: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Religious Symbols in the Public School Classroom [1 ed.] Jeroen Temperman 1
10419 cover The Law and Slavery : Prohibiting Human Exploitation [1 ed.] Jean Allain 1
10420 cover The Law of International Conflict : Force, Intervention and Peaceful Dispute Settlement [1 ed.] Hanspeter Neuhold 1
10421 cover The Law of Nations in Early American Foreign Policy : Theory and Practice from the Revolution to the Monroe Doctrine [1 ed.] Willem Theo Oosterveld 1
10422 cover The Law, Policy and Politics of the UN Human Rights Council [1 ed.] Bertrand G. Ramcharan, Bertrand G Ramcharan 1
10423 cover The Legacy of Nuremberg: Civilising Influence or Institutionalised Vengeance? David A. Blumenthal, Timothy L. H. McCormack
10424 cover The Legal Culture of the European Court of Human Rights (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library) Arold, N.L.
10425 cover The Legality and Legitimacy of the Use of Force in Northeast Asia [1 ed.] Brendan Howe, Boris Kondoch 1
10426 cover The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910 [1 ed.] Marguérite Corporaal, Evert Jan van Leeuwen 1
10427 cover The Long War: The Intellectual People's Front and Anti-Stalinism, 1930-1940 Judy Kutulas
10428 cover The Make-Believe Space: Affective Geography in a Postwar Polity Yael Navaro
10429 cover The Making and Ending of Federalism Peter Bujger (editor), Mathias Eller (editor), Julia Oberdanner (editor)
10430 cover The Making of Capitalism in France: Class Structures, Economic Development, the State and the Formation of the French Working Class, 1750-1914 Xavier Lafrance
10431 cover The Making of Modern Japan Power, Crisis, and the Promise of Transformation (Studies in Critical Social Sciences / New Scholarship in Political Economy, 191) Myles Carroll, Ochanomizu University
10432 cover The Manipulative Mode: Political Propaganda in Antiquity: A Collection of Case Studies Ilia Leonard Pfeijffer, Karl A. E. Enenkel
10433 cover The Marxism of Manuel Sacristán: From Communism to the New Social Movements Manuel Sacristán
10434 cover The Marxist Conception of the State: A Contribution to the Differentiation of the Sociological and the Juristic Method Max Adler
10435 cover The meanings of work : essay on the affirmation and negation of work Antunes, Ricardo
10436 cover The Mediterranean Basin. Its Political Economy and Changing International Relations Glenda G Rosenthal and François Duchêne (Auth.)
10437 cover The Metamorphoses of Power: Violence, Warlords, Aḳıncıs and the Early Ottomans (1300–1450) Adrian Gheorghe
10438 cover The Methodology of Maurice Hauriou : Legal, Sociological, Philosophical [1 ed.] Christopher Berry Gray 1
10439 cover The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics Gilbert M. Joseph (editor), Timothy J. Henderson (editor)
10440 cover The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics [First Edition (US) First Printing] Gilbert M. Joseph, Timothy J. Henderson
10441 cover The Minority Concept in the Turkish Context : Practices and Perceptions in Turkey, Greece and France [1 ed.] Samim Akgönül, Samim Akgönül 1
10442 cover The mismeasure of wealth: essays on Marx and social form Marx, Karl,Murray, Patrick
10443 cover The Myth of Democracy Tage Lindbom
10444 cover The Myth of Political Correctness: The Conservative Attack on Higher Education John K. Wilson
10445 cover The Negative of Capital: The Marxian Concept of Economic Crisis (Historical Materialism Book) Jorge Grespan
10446 cover The New Asylum and Transit Countries in Europe During and in the Aftermath of the 2015/2016 Crisis [1 ed.] Vladislava Stoyanova, Eleni Karageorgiou 1
10447 cover The New Dialectic and Marx's Capital Chris Arthur
10448 cover The new dialectic and Marx's Capital Arthur, Christopher J.,Marx Karl
10449 cover The New Left, National Identity, and the Break-up of Britain Wade Matthews
10450 cover The Nick of Time: Politics, Evolution, and the Untimely Elizabeth Grosz
10451 cover The Nomadic Leviathan: A Critique of the Sinocentric Paradigm (Inner Asia, 16) Lhamsuren Munkh-erdene
10452 cover The non-aligned movement: genesis, organization and politics (1927-1992) Dinkel, Jürgen,Skinner, Alex
10453 cover The Ocean Reader: History, Culture, Politics Eric Paul Roorda (editor)
10454 cover The October Revolution in Prospect and Retrospect John Eric Marot
10455 cover The Office of the Epimeletes: Studies in the Administration of Ptolemaic Egypt: Studies in the Administration of Ptolemaic Egypt Haytham Qandeil
10456 cover The Origin of capitalism in England, 1400-1600 [Lam ed.] Dimmock, Spencer
10457 cover The OSCE Code Of Conduct On Politico-Military Aspects Of Security: Anatomy And Implementation (Graduate Institute O Internations Studies) [illustrated edition] Victor Yves Ghebali, Alexander Lambert
10458 cover The Other October Revolution: Poland, 1956-57 Jerzy Kochanowski
10459 cover The Ottoman Mobilization of Manpower in the First World War: Between Voluntarism and Resistance Mehmet Beşikçi
10460 cover The Paraguay Reader: History, Culture, Politics Peter Lambert (editor), Andrew Nickson (editor)
10461 cover The Path to a Soviet Nation: The Policy of Belarusization, 1924-1929 Alena Markova
10462 cover The Persistence of Voice: Instrumental Music and Romantic Orality [Hardcover ed.] John Neubauer
10463 cover The Philosopher and His Poor Jacques Rancière
10464 cover The Pilot-Judgment Procedure of the European Court of Human Rights [1 ed.] Dominik Haider 1
10465 cover The Plebeian Republic: The Huanta Rebellion and the Making of the Peruvian State, 1820–1850 Cecilia Méndez
10466 cover The Poetry of Class: Romantic Anti-Capitalism and the Invention of the Proletariat Patrick Eiden-Offe
10467 cover The Policy of Darius and Xerxes Towards Thrace and Macedonia Miroslav Ivanov Vasilev
10468 cover The Political Accountability of EU and US Independent Regulatory Agencies [1 ed.] Miroslava Scholten 1
10469 cover The Political and Moral Imperatives of the Bandung Conference of 1955: The Reactions of the US, UK and Japan Kweku Ampiah
10470 cover The Political calculus: essays on Machiavelli's philosophy Anthony Parel
10471 cover The Political Interpretation of Multilateral Treaties Shirley V. Scott
10472 cover The Political Reason of Edmund Burke Francis Canavan
10473 cover The Politics Book Paul Kelly
10474 cover The Politics of Collecting: Race and the Aestheticization of Property Eunsong Kim
10475 cover The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Capital Lisa Lowe, David Lloyd
10476 cover The Politics of Decolonial Investigations Walter D. Mignolo
10477 cover The Politics of Gender [1 ed.] Adrienne Trier-Bieniek 1
10478 cover The Politics of God and the Politics of Man Jacques Ellul , Geoffrey Bromiley
10479 cover The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire Anna Heller, Onno van Nijf
10480 cover The Politics of Identity in Visigothic Spain: Religion and Power in the Histories of Isidore of Seville Jamie P. Wood
10481 cover The Politics of International Criminal Law Holly Cullen, Philipp Kastner, Sean Richmond
10482 cover The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance Mark Rifkin
10483 cover The Politics of Language in Chinese Education, 1895–1919 Elisabeth Kaske
10484 cover The Politics of Liberal Education Barbara Herrnstein Smith (editor), Darryl Gless (editor), Stanley Fish (editor), Fredric Jameson (editor), Mary Louise Pratt (editor)
10485 cover The Politics of Memory ; Native Historical Interpretation in the Colombian Andes joanne Rappaport
10486 cover The politics of memory in postwar Europe Kansteiner, Wulf, Fogu, Claudio, Lebow, Richard Ned
10487 cover The Politics of Memory: The Writing of Partition in the Seventeenth-Century Low Countries Raingard Esser
10488 cover The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences: Positivism and Its Epistemological Others George Steinmetz
10489 cover The Politics of Operations: Excavating Contemporary Capitalism Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson
10490 cover The Politics of Peace: Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four Books Te-Li Lau
10491 cover The Politics of Possibility: Risk and Security Beyond Probability Louise Amoore
10492 cover The Politics of Public Debt (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 152) Daniel Bin
10493 cover The Politics of Public Debt : Financialization, Class, and Democracy in Neoliberal Brazil [1 ed.] Daniel Bin 1
10494 cover The Politics of Redress : War Damage Compensation and Restitution in Indonesia and the Philippines, 1940-1957 [1 ed.] Peter Keppy 1
10495 cover The Politics of Reformation: Benjamin Bailey and the CMS in the Ecclesiastical Development of Travancore Gary McKee
10496 cover The Politics of Religion and the Rise of Social Catholicism in Peru (1884-1935) : Faith, Workers and Race Before Liberation Theology [1 ed.] Ricardo Daniel Cubas Ramacciotti 1
10497 cover The Politics of Religious Literacy: Education and Emotion in a Secular Age (Political and Public Theologies, 2) Justine Esta Ellis
10498 cover The Politics of Ritual Change The zukru Festival in the Political History of Late Bronze Age Emar (Harvard Semitic Monographs) John Tracy Thames
10499 cover The Politics of Survival Marc Abélès (editor), Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar (editor), Jane Kramer (editor), Benjamin Lee (editor), Julie Kleinman (editor)
10500 cover The Politics of Taste: Beatriz González and Cold War Aesthetics Ana María Reyes
10501 cover The Politics of the Cross: A Christian Alternative to Partisanship Daniel K. Williams
10502 cover The Politics of the Precariat: From Populism to Lulista Hegemony [Approx. 320 Pp. ed.] Ruy Braga Neto 320
10503 cover The Politics of Transindividuality [Lam ed.] Jason Read
10504 cover The Politics of Vibration: Music as a Cosmopolitical Practice Marcus Boon
10505 cover The Politics of Written Language in the Arab World. Writing Change Jacob Høigilt
10506 cover The Popular Front Novel in Britain, 1934-1940 [1 ed.] Elinor Taylor 1
10507 cover The Portrait Bust and French Cultural Politics in the Eighteenth Century Ronit Milano
10508 cover The Portuguese Slave Trade in Early Modern Japan: Merchants, Jesuits and Japanese, Chinese and Korean Slaves Lucio de Sousa
10509 cover The Postcolonial Orient: The Politics of Difference and the Project of Provincialising Europe [Lam ed.] Vasant Kaiwar
10510 cover The Power of the Buddhas: The Politics of Buddhism During the Koryo Dynasty (918-1392) Sem Vermeersch
10511 cover The Practical Essence of Man: The 'Activity Approach' in Late Soviet Philosophy Andrey Maidansky and Vesa Oittinen (Eds.)
10512 cover The Practitioner's Handbook to the Social Services Alfred H. Haynes (Auth.)
10513 cover The Prescripts of Athenian Decrees John Henry
10514 cover The Price and Promise of Specialness : The Political Economy of Overseas Chinese Policy in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1959 [1 ed.] Jin Li Lim 1
10515 cover The Principle of Non-Refoulement under the ECHR and the un Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1 ed.] Eman Hamdan 1
10516 cover The Prisms of Gramsci: The Political Formula of the United Front Marcos Del Roio
10517 cover The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries Kathi Weeks
10518 cover The Protection of Indigenous Peoples and Reduction of Forest Carbon Emissions : The REDD-Plus Regime and International Law [1 ed.] Handa Abidin 1
10519 cover The Protection of Non-Combatants During Armed Conflict and Safeguarding the Rights of Victims in Post-Conflict Society : Essays in Honour of the Life and Work of Joakim Dungel [1 ed.] Philipp Ambach, édéric Bostedt, Grant Dawson, Steve Kostas, Fr Bostedt 1
10520 cover The Provisional Power: Marx and Politics As a Critique of Society Maurizio Ricciardi
10521 cover The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism Bianca C. Williams
10522 cover The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Essays on Sex and Citizenship Lauren Berlant
10523 cover The Quest for Civilization : Encounters with Dutch Jurisprudence, Political Economy, and Statistics at the Dawn of Modern Japan [1 ed.] Takeharu Ōkubo, David Noble, David Noble 1
10524 cover The Quest for Hegemony in the Arab World: The Struggle over the Bagdad Pact Elie Podeh
10525 cover The Racial Idea in the Independent State of Croatia: Origins and Theory Nevenko Bartulin
10526 cover The Radical Machiavelli: Politics, Philosophy, and Language Filippo Del Lucchese, Fabio Frosini, Vittorio Morfino
10527 cover The Radical Right: Politics of Hate on the Margins of Global Capital Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos, Cecilia Lero, Tamás Gerőcs (eds.)
10528 cover The Real Modern: Literary Modernism and the Crisis of Representation in Colonial Korea Christopher P. Hanscom
10529 cover The Reality of Apocalypse: Rhetoric and Politics in the Book of Revelation (SBL Symposium Series 39) [1 ed.] David L. Barr (ed.) 1
10530 cover The Reconceptualization of European Union Citizenship [1 ed.] Elspeth Guild, Cristina Gortázar Rotaeche, Dora Kostakopoulou 1
10531 cover The Reform Process of United Nations Peace Operations:Debriefing and Lessons (Brill Book Archive Part 1) [1 ed.] Nassrine Azimi 1
10532 cover The Refugee Status of Persons with Disabilities Stephanie Anna Motz
10533 cover The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317–307 BCE: A Philosopher in Politics Lara O’Sullivan
10534 cover The Reign of Leo VI (886-912): Politics and People Shaun Tougher
10535 cover The Relationship Between Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Humanitarian Law : An Analysis of Health Related Issues in Non-International Armed Conflicts [1 ed.] Amrei Müller 1
10536 cover The Remains of War: Bodies, Politics, and the Search for American Soldiers Unaccounted For in Southeast Asia Thomas M. Hawley, Julia Adams
10537 cover The Reparation System of the International Criminal Court : Its Implementation, Possibilities and Limitations [1 ed.] Eva Dwertmann 1
10538 cover The Representation of External Threats: From the Middle Ages to the Modern World Eberhard Crailsheim, María Dolores Elizalde
10539 cover The Requirement of Consultation with Indigenous Peoples in the ILO : Between Normative Flexibility and Institutional Rigidity [1 ed.] Maria Victoria Cabrera Ormaza 1
10540 cover The Responsibility to Protect (R2p): A New Paradigm of International Law? [I/XIV, 439 Pp. ed.] Peter Hilpold 439
10541 cover The Return of the Native: Indians and Myth-Making in Spanish America, 1810-1930 Rebecca Earle
10542 cover The Revolt of Prince Nuku: Cross-Cultural Alliance-making in Maluku, C.1780-1810 Muridan Widjojo
10543 cover The Revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci Frank Rosengarten
10544 cover The rhythm of thought in Gramsci : a diachronic interpretation of Prison notebooks Cospito, Giuseppe, Ponzini, Arianna
10545 cover The Right of an Alien to Be Protected Against Arbitrary Expulsion in International Law [1 ed.] Julia Wojnowska-Radzińska 1
10546 cover The Right to Appeal in International Criminal Law : Human Rights Benchmarks, Practice and Appraisal [1 ed.] Drazan Djukić 1
10547 cover The Right to Be Present at Trial in International Criminal Law Caleb H. Wheeler
10548 cover The Right to Food and the TRIPS Agreement (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library) Haugen, H.M.
10549 cover The Rio De Janeiro Reader: History, Culture, Politics Daryle Williams, Amy Chazkel, Paulo Knauss (eds.)
10550 cover The Rise and Fall of a Public Debt Market in 16th-Century China: The Story of the Ming Salt Certificate [Lam ed.] Wing-kin Puk
10551 cover The Rise of a Capital: Al-Fusṭāṭ and Its Hinterland, 18/639-132/750 Jelle Bruning
10552 cover The Rise of the Capital-state and Neo-Nationalism: A New Polanyian Moment Oleksandr Svitych
10553 cover The Rise of the State: Profitable Investing and Geopolitics in the 21st Century [1 ed.] Yiannis G. Mostrous, Elliott H. Gue, David F. Dittman 1
10554 cover The Role of International Law in the Elimination of Child Labor [1 ed.] Holly Cullen 1
10555 cover The Role of the State in Migration Control : The Legitimacy Gap and Moves Towards a Regional Model [1 ed.] Aoife McMahon 1
10556 cover The Romance-Speaking Balkans: Language and the Politics of Identity Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković (editor), Mihai Dragnea (editor), Thede Kahl (editor), Friedrich Schiller (editor), Blagovest Njagulov (editor), Donald Dyer (editor), Angelo Costanzo (editor)
10557 cover The Ruins of the New Argentina: Peronism and the Remaking of San Juan after the 1944 Earthquake Mark A. Healey
10558 cover The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics Adele Marie Barker (editor), Bruce Grant (editor)
10559 cover The Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, 1899‒1904: Documents of the 'Economist' Opposition to Iskra and Early Menshevism Richard Mullin
10560 cover The Savage Republic: De Indis of Hugo Grotius, Republicanism and Dutch Hegemony within the Early Modern World-System (c. 1600-1619) Eric Wilson
10561 cover The Schema of the Theory of Reification Wataru Hiromatsu
10562 cover The Schengen Information System and Border Control Co-operation: A Transparency and Proportionality Evaluation Stephen Kabera Karanja
10563 cover The Science and Passion of Communism: Selected Writings of Amadeo Bordiga (1912-1965) Amadeo Bordiga, Pietro Basso, Giacomo Donis, Patrick Camiller
10564 cover The Scottish Romance Tradition C. 1375-C. 1550 : Nation, Chivalry and Knighthood [1 ed.] Sergi Mainer 1
10565 cover The Second Revolution: The Council Movement in Berlin 1919-20 Axel Weipert
10566 cover The Security Archipelago: Human-Security States, Sexuality Politics, and the End of Neoliberalism Paul Amar
10567 cover The Seventies Now: Culture as Surveillance Stephen Paul Miller
10568 cover The Shariatisation of Indonesia: The Politics of the Council of Indonesian Ulama Syafiq Hasyim
10569 cover The Socio-Economic Organisation of the Urartian Kingdom Ali Çifci
10570 cover The Sociogony (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 128) Mark P. Worrell
10571 cover The Soul of Commerce: Credit, Property, and Politics in Leipzig, 1750-1840 [34, 1 ed.] Robert Beachy 1
10572 cover The Space Station: A Personal Journey Hans Mark
10573 cover The Spanish monarchy and the creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717-1739) : the politics of early Bourbon reform in Spain and Spanish America Eissa-Barroso, Francisco A.
10574 cover The Specificity of the Aesthetic, Volume 1 György Lukács, Erik Bachman (trans.)
10575 cover The Specter of Peace : Rethinking Violence and Power in the Colonial Atlantic [1 ed.] Michael Goode, John Smolenski 1
10576 cover The Spectre of Capital: Idea and Reality [1 ed.] Christopher J. Arthur 1
10577 cover The Spell of Power : A History of Balinese Politics, 1650-1940 [1 ed.] H. G. C. Schulte Nordholt 1
10578 cover The Spirit of Populism Political Theologies in Polarized Times (Political and Public Theologies: Comparisons-Coalitions-Critiques, 1) Edited by Ulrich Schmiedel, University of Edinburgh and Joshua Ralston, University of Edinburgh
10579 cover The Sri Lanka Reader: History, Culture, Politics John Clifford Holt (editor), Robin Kirk (editor), Orin Starn (editor)
10580 cover The state and illegality in Indonesia Aspinall, Edward,Klinken van, Gerry
10581 cover The State of Nature: Histories of an Idea Mark Somos and Anne Peters
10582 cover The Struggle for Development and Democracy Volume 1 – New Approaches (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 206) Alessandro Olsaretti
10583 cover The Taiji Government and the Rise of the Warrior State. The Formation of the Qing Imperial Constitution Lhamsuren Munkh-Erdene
10584 cover The Third World and International Order: Law, Politics and Globalization [45, 1 ed.] Antony Anghie (editor), Bhupinder Chimni (editor), Karin Mickelson (editor), Obiora C Okafor (editor) 1
10585 cover The Tragedy of Great Power Politics John J. Mearsheimer
10586 cover The Transformation of Chinese Socialism Chun Lin
10587 cover The treaties of Carlowitz (1699) : antecedents, course and consequences Ivan Parvev (editor), Colin Joseph Heywood (editor)
10588 cover The Two Koreas and the Politics of Global Sport [1 ed.] Brian Bridges 1
10589 cover The Types of Economic Policies Under Capitalism Kozo Uno
10590 cover The Ubiquity of Positive Measures for Addressing Systemic Discrimination and Inequality : A Comparative Global Perspective [1 ed.] David Oppenheimer 1
10591 cover The un Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination : Reprint Revised by Natan Lerner [1 ed.] Natan Lerner 1
10592 cover The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, Gerard Quinn, (eds.)
10593 cover The Unionist Factor: The Role of the Committee of Union and Progress in the Turkish National Movement 1905-1926 Erik-Jan Zürcher
10594 cover The United Nations Convention Against Torture: A Handbook on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Herman Burgers, Hans Danelius
10595 cover The United Nations in the 21st Century Douglas Roche
10596 cover The United Nations Special Procedures System [1 ed.] Aoife Nolan, Rosa Freedman, Thérèse Murphy 1
10597 cover The Unity of the Capitalist Economy and State: A Systematic-Dialectical Exposition of the Capitalist System [Hardcover ed.] Geert Reuten
10598 cover The Unvarnished Doctrine: Locke, Liberalism, and the American Revolution Steven M. Dworetz
10599 cover The USSR and Iraq: The Soviet Quest for Influence Oles M. Smolansky
10600 cover The Vanguard of the Atlantic World: Creating Modernity, Nation, and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Latin America James E. Sanders
10601 cover The Walls Between Conflict and Peace [1 ed.] Alberto Gasparini 1
10602 cover The Weight of the Printed Word: Text, Context and Militancy in Operaismo Steve Wright
10603 cover The Will to Improve: Governmentality, Development, and the Practice of Politics Tania Murray Li
10604 cover The Woman in the Zoot Suit: Gender, Nationalism, and the Cultural Politics of Memory Catherine S. Ramírez
10605 cover The Workers' Movement and the National Question in Ukraine, 1897-1918 Marko Bojcun
10606 cover The Workers' Opposition in the Russian Communist Party: Documents, 1919-30 Barbara C. Allen
10607 cover The World in 2020 According to China : Chinese Foreign Policy Elites Discuss Emerging Trends in International Politics [1 ed.] Shao Binhong 1
10608 cover The World Turned: Essays on Gay History, Politics, and Culture John D'Emilio
10609 cover The Zurich Connection and Tudor Political Theology (Studies in the History of Christian Thought) Torrance Kirby
10610 cover Theater State and the Formation of Early Modern Public Sphere in Iran: Studies on Safavid Muharram Rituals, 1590–1641 CE [5] Babak Rahimi 5
10611 cover Theology of Money Philip Goodchild
10612 cover Theo-Politics of the Hussite Movement: From Reform to Revolution Martin Pjecha
10613 cover Theories of Co-Perpetration in International Criminal Law [1 ed.] Lachezar D. Yanev 1
10614 cover Theories of ideology : the powers of alienation and subjection Rehmann, Jan
10615 cover Theorizing the Angura Space: Avant-garde Performance and Politics in Japan, 1960-2000 Peter Eckersall
10616 cover Theory of Crisis Kōzō Uno. Translated by Ken C. Kawashima, University of Toronto
10617 cover Thick Moralities, Thin Politics: Social Integration Across Communities of Belief Benjamin Gregg
10618 cover Things Done Change: The Cultural Politics of Recent Black Artists in Britain [1 ed.] Eddie Chambers 1
10619 cover Time, Capitalism and Alienation: A Socio-Historical Inquiry into the Making of Modern Time Jonathan Martineau
10620 cover Timurids in transition: Turko-Persian politics and acculturation in medieval Iran Maria Subtelny
10621 cover To Break Our Chains: Social Cohesiveness and Modern Democracy (Studies in Critical Social Sciences) Jerome Braun
10622 cover To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921 John Riddell (Ed.)
10623 cover To the Victor, the Potatoes!: Literary Form and Social Process in the Beginnings of the Brazilian Novel Roberto Schwarz
10624 cover Tokens of Exchange: The Problem of Translation in Global Circulations Lydia H. Liu
10625 cover Tourism Reassessed. Blight or blessing? Frances Brown (Auth.)
10626 cover Toward a New World: Articles and Essays, 1901-1906 On the Psychology of Society; New World, and Contributions to Studies in the Realist Worldview (Historical Materialism, 245 / Bogdanov Library, 3) Alexander Bogdanov. Translated, edited and introduced by David G. Rowley, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
10627 cover Toward the united front : proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922 Edited and translated by John Riddell
10628 cover Towards a Productive Aesthetics Contemporary and Historical Interventions in Blake and Brecht Keith O'Regan
10629 cover Towards an International Law of Co-Progressiveness, Part II : Membership, Leadership and Responsibility [1 ed.] Sienho Yee 1
10630 cover Towards Convergence in International Human Rights Law : Approaches of Regional and International Systems [1 ed.] Carla M. Buckley, Alice Donald, Philip Leach 1
10631 cover Towards the United Front: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922 John Riddell (Ed.)
10632 cover Tracking Europe : Mobility, Diaspora, and the Politics of Location [1 ed.] Ginette Verstraete 1
10633 cover Tradition and Power in the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Nijmegen, 18-20 May 2022) Sven Betjes, Olivier Hekster, and Erika Manders
10634 cover Trafficking of Human Beings from a Human Rights Perspective (International Studies in Human Rights) Obokata, T.
10635 cover Training Socialist Citizens: Sports and the State in East Germany Molly Wilkinson Johnson
10636 cover Transculturation: Cities, Spaces and Architectures in Latin America [27] Felipe Hernández, Mark Millington, Iain Borden 27
10637 cover Transforming the Frontier: Peace Parks and the Politics of Neoliberal Conservation in Southern Africa Bram Büscher
10638 cover Transgressing Boundaries : Gender, Identity, Culture, and the 'Other' in Postcolonial Women's Narratives in East Africa [1 ed.] Elizabeth F. Oldfield 1
10639 cover Transitions: Methods, Theory, Politics Methods, Theory, Politics (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 230) Tom Brass
10640 cover Translating Marx: José Aricó and the New Latin American Marxism Martín Cortés
10641 cover Translocalities/Translocalidades: Feminist Politics of Translation in the Latin/a Américas Sonia E. Alvarez, Claudia de Lima Costa, Veronica Feliu, Rebecca Hester, Norma Klahn, Millie Thayer
10642 cover Transplant Tourism : An International and National Law Model to Prohibit Travelling Abroad for Illegal Organ Transplants [1 ed.] Terry O. Adido 1
10643 cover Transylvania in the Second Half of the Thirteenth Century: The Rise of the Congregational System Tudor Sălăgean
10644 cover Treading on Sacred Grounds (Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights) Noel Villaroman
10645 cover Tropical Riffs: Latin America and the Politics of Jazz Jason Borge
10646 cover Trumpets in the Mountains: Theater and the Politics of National Culture in Cuba Laurie Aleen Frederik, Laurie Frederik
10647 cover Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought László Kontler, Mark Somos (eds.)
10648 cover Tudor Protestant Political Thought 1547-1603 Stephen A. Chavura
10649 cover Turkey: The Pendulum between Military Rule and Civilian Authoritarianism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 170 / New Scholarship in Political Economy, 1) Fatih Çaatay Cengiz
10650 cover Turkish Nationalism in the Young Turk Era Masami Arai
10651 cover Twenty theses on politics Enrique D. Dussel
10652 cover Uberto Decembrio: Four Books on the Commonwealth; De Re Publica Libri IV (The Renaissance Society of America, 13)
10653 cover Ugly Freedoms Elisabeth R. Anker
10654 cover Ugly Stories of the Peruvian Agrarian Reform Enrique Mayer
10655 cover Ultimate Freedom – No Choice: The Culture of Authoritarianism in Latvia, 1934-1940 Deniss Hanovs, Valdis Tēraudkalns
10656 cover Uma Politics: An Ethnography of Democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006 Jacqueline A. C. Vel
10657 cover Un Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court [1 ed.] Alexandre Skander Galand 1
10658 cover Under Construction : The Politics of Urban Space and Housing During the Decolonization of Indonesia, 1930-1960 [1 ed.] Freek Colombijn 1
10659 cover Understanding the Greek Revolution (1821-1832): New Approaches in Social, Political and Cultural History Elias Kolovos, Dimitris Kousouris
10660 cover Undoing Monogamy: The Politics of Science and the Possibilities of Biology Angela Willey
10661 cover Unequal Cures: Public Health and Political Change in Bolivia, 1900-1950 Ann Zulawski
10662 cover Uneven Encounters : Making Race and Nation in Brazil and the United States [1 ed.] Micol Seigel, Gilbert M. Joseph, Emily S. Rosenberg 1
10663 cover Unfree Masters: Popular Music and the Politics of Work Matt Stahl
10664 cover Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther [Illustrated] Carl E. Braaten (editor), Robert W. Jenson (editor)
10665 cover United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Volume VII Myron Nordquist
10666 cover United Nations Peace Operations and Human Rights: Normativity and Compliance [1 ed.] Sylvia Maus 1
10667 cover United States in a World in Crisis (Studies in Critical Social Sciences / Critical Global Studies, 160/11) Adrián Sotelo Valencia
10668 cover United States in a World in Crisis: The Geopolitics of Precarious Work and Super-Exploitation Adrián Sotelo Valencia
10669 cover Unity in Connectivity? : Evolving Human Rights Mechanisms in the ASEAN Region [1 ed.] Vitit Muntarbhorn 1
10670 cover Unorganized Religion: Pentecostalism and Secularization in Denmark, 1907-1924 Nikolaj Christensen
10671 cover Unpredictability and Presence: Norwegian Kingship in the High Middle Ages (The Northern World, 38) Hans Jacob Orning
10672 cover Unreasonable Histories: Nativism, Multiracial Lives, and the Genealogical Imagination in British Africa Christopher J. Lee
10673 cover Unresolved Border, Land and Maritime Disputes in Southeast Asia : Bi- and Multilateral Conflict Resolution Approaches and ASEAN's Centrality [1 ed.] Alfred Gerstl, Mária Strasáková 1
10674 cover Unruly Immigrants: Rights, Activism, and Transnational South Asian Politics in the United States Monisha Das Gupta
10675 cover Unsettled Borders: The Militarized Science of Surveillance on Sacred Indigenous Land Felicity Amaya Schaeffer
10676 cover Unsettled Labors: Migrant Care Work in Palestine/Israel Rachel H. Brown
10677 cover Unspeakable Violence: Remapping U.S. and Mexican National Imaginaries Nicole M. Guidotti-Hernandez
10678 cover Unter Männern. Frauen im ukrainischen nationalistischen Untergrund 1944-1954 Olena Petrenko
10679 cover Unter Soldaten und Agitatoren. Hitlers prägende Jahre im deutschen Militär 1918 – 1920 Othmar Plöckinger
10680 cover Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements Julietta Singh
10681 cover Urban Horror: Neoliberal Post-Socialism and the Limits of Visibility Erin Y. Huang
10682 cover Urban Movements and Their Impact on Spatial Transformation (Studies in Critical Social Sciences / New Scholarship in Political Economy, 238/20) Cumhur Olcar
10683 cover Urban Politics and the British Civil Wars: Edinburgh, 1617-53 Laura A. M. Stewart
10684 cover Urban Revolutions Urbanisation and (Neo-)Colonialism in Transatlantic Context Stefan Kipfer
10685 cover US Trotskyism 1928-1965. Part I: Emergence : Left Opposition in the United States. Dissident Marxism in the United States: Volume 2 [1 ed.] Paul Le Blanc, Bryan D. Palmer, Thomas Bias 1
10686 cover Usable Pasts: Social Practice and State Formation in American Art Larne Abse Gogarty
10687 cover Utopia and Cosmopolis : Globalization in the Era of American Literary Realism [1 ed.] Thomas Peyser 1
10688 cover Utopia and the Dialectic in Latin American Liberation (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 78) Eugene Gogol
10689 cover Utopia and the Dialectic in Latin American Liberation [1 ed.] Eugene Gogol 1
10690 cover Utopia Limited: The Sixties and the Emergence of the Postmodern Marianne DeKoven (editor), Stanley Fish (editor), Fredric Jameson (editor)
10691 cover Utopia ltd.: ideologies of social dreaming in England: 1870-1900 Beaumont, Matthew
10692 cover Value in Capitalist Society: Rethinking Marx’s Criticism of Capitalism Paul Cobben
10693 cover Vampires, Mummies and Liberals: Bram Stoker and the Politics of Popular Fiction David Glover
10694 cover Vanguard Or Vandals: Youth, Politics And Conflict In Africa Jon Abbink, Ineke Van Kessel
10695 cover Vanishing Women : Magic, Film, and Feminism Karen Redrobe Beckman
10696 cover Varieties of Post-communist Capitalism A comparative analysis of Russia, Eastern Europe and China (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 157) Iván Szelényi
10697 cover Varieties of Post-Communist Capitalism: A Comparative Analysis of Russia, Eastern Europe and China Iván Szelényi
10698 cover Venezuela's Bolivarian Democracy: Participation, Politics, and Culture under Chávez David Smilde (editor), Daniel Hellinger (editor)
10699 cover Viapolitics: Borders, Migration, and the Power of Locomotion William Walters, Charles Heller, Lorenzo Pezzani
10700 cover Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things Jane Bennett
10701 cover Victims of the Chilean Miracle: Workers and Neoliberalism in the Pinochet Era, 1973–2002 Peter Winn (editor), Paul W. Drake (editor), Volker K. Frank (editor)
10702 cover Violations of the Rules Applicable in Non-International Armed Conflicts and Their Possible Causes : The Case of Somalia [1 ed.] Omar Abdulle Alasow 1
10703 cover Violence in a Time of Liberation: Murder and Ethnicity at a South African Gold Mine, 1994 Donald L. Donham, Santu Mofokeng
10704 cover Violence, Justice, and Law in Classical Antiquity: Collected Papers of Andrew Lintott Andrew Lintott, Edward Bispham (editor), J. Alison Rosenblitt (editor)
10705 cover Violence, Periodization and Definition of the Cultural Revolution Joshua Zhang, James D. Wright
10706 cover Violent Democracies in Latin America Enrique Desmond Arias (editor), Daniel M. Goldstein (editor), Neil L. Whitehead (editor), Jo Ellen Fair (editor), Leigh A. Payne (editor)
10707 cover Violent Resistance: From the Baltics to Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe 1944-1956
10708 cover Virgin Mary and the Neutrino: Reality in Trouble Isabelle Stengers
10709 cover Vision and Violence: Lama Zhang and the Politics of Charisma in Twelfth-Century Tibet Carl S. Yamamoto
10710 cover Visionary Pragmatism: Radical and Ecological Democracy in Neoliberal Times Romand Coles
10711 cover Visions of the Enlightenment: The Edict on Religion of 1788 and the Politics of the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century Prussia Michael J. Sauter
10712 cover Visions of the Social: Society as a Political Project in France, 1750-1950 (International studies in sociology and social anthropology) Jean Terrier
10713 cover Visual Occupations: Violence and Visibility in a Conflict Zone Gil Z. Hochberg
10714 cover Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series [Hardcover ed.] Florian Schneider
10715 cover Vital Decomposition: Soil Practitioners and Life Politics Kristina M. Lyons
10716 cover Vladislaus Henry: The Formation of Moravian Identity Martin Wihoda
10717 cover Voices of Zimbabwean Orphans : A New Vision for Project Management in Southern Africa [1 ed.] Manasa Dzirikure, Garth Allen 1
10718 cover Voluminous States: Sovereignty, Materiality, and the Territorial Imagination Franck Billé
10719 cover W Stands for Women: How the George W. Bush Presidency Shaped a New Politics of Gender Michaele L. Ferguson (editor), Lori Jo Marso (editor), R. Claire Snyder (editor), Karen Zivi (editor)
10720 cover Wahhabi Legal Theory as Reflected in Modern Official Saudi Fatwas: Ijtihad, Taqlid, Sources, and Methodology Muhammad al-Atawneh
10721 cover Walt Whitman and His Caribbean Interlocutors: José Martí, C.L.R. James, and Pedro Mir Song and Countersong Rafael Bernabe
10722 cover Wandering Paysanos: State Order and Subaltern Experience in Buenos Aires during the Rosas Era Ricardo D. Salvatore
10723 cover War and Communism: The Violent Consequences of Ideological Warfare in the 20th Century Tobias Hirschmuller, Frank Jacob
10724 cover War and Geopolitics in Interwar Manchuria: Zhang Zuolin and the Fengtian Clique During the Northern Expedition Chi Man Kwong
10725 cover War and Memorials: The Age of Nationalism and the Great War (War Hi Stories, 3) Frank Jacob (editor), Kenneth Pearl (editor)
10726 cover War and Militarism in Modern Japan [1 ed.] University of Haifa Edited by Guy Podoler 1
10727 cover War and Peace : Alberico Gentili and the Early Modern Law of Nations [1 ed.] Valentina Vadi 1
10728 cover War and Revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939 Pelai Pagès i Blanch, Patrick L. Gallagher
10729 cover War and Sexual Violence. New Perspectives in a New Era Sarah K. Danielsson (ed.)
10730 cover War and Stereotypes: The Image of Japan's Military Abroad (War Hi Stories) Frank Jacob (editor), Sepp Linhart (editor)
10731 cover War and the City: The Urban Context of Conflict and Mass Destruction (War (Hi) Stories) Tim Keogh (editor)
10732 cover War and the Environment : New Approaches to Protecting the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict [1 ed.] Rosemay Rayfuse 1
10733 cover War and the Humanities : The Cultural Impact of the First World War [1 ed.] Jeffrey M. Shaw, Frank Jacob, Timothy J. Demy 1
10734 cover War and Violence in the Western Sources for the First Crusade (History of Warfare, 143) Sini Kangas
10735 cover War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives [1 & 2] Alexander Sarantis, Neil Christie 12
10736 cover War in the Modern World [Rev. ed.] Theodore Ropp
10737 cover War on War: Lenin, the Zimmerwald Left, and the Origins of Communist Internationalism R. Craig Nation
10738 cover War Paint: Madame Helena Rubinstein and Miss Elizabeth Arden: Their Lives, Their Times, Their Rivalry Lindy Woodhead
10739 cover War Torn Environment: Interpreting the Legal Threshold Karen Hulme
10740 cover War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795) Pepijn Brandon
10741 cover War, Domination, and the Monarchy of France Boone, R.
10742 cover War, Society and Enlightenment: The Works of General Lloyd
10743 cover Warfare in Eastern Europe, 1500-1800 Brian J. Davies
10744 cover Warfare in Inner Asian History, 500-1800 Nicola Di Cosmo
10745 cover Warfare in Late Byzantium, 1204-1453 Savvas Kyriakidis
10746 cover Warfare in the American Homeland: Policing and Prison in a Penal Democracy Joy James (ed.)
10747 cover Warriors for a Living: The Experience of the Spanish Infantry in the Italian Wars, 1494–1559 Idan Sherer
10748 cover Warriors, martyrs, and dervishes: moving frontiers, shifting identities in the land of Rome (13th-15th centuries) Buket Kitapçı Bayri
10749 cover Wars of Position? Marxism Today, Cultural Politics and the Remaking of the Left Press, 1979-90 H. F. Pimlott
10750 cover Wartime Sexual Violence at the International Level: a Legal Perspective [1 ed.] Caterina E. Arrabal Ward 1
10751 cover Waste Works: Vital Politics in Urban Ghana Brenda Chalfin
10752 cover Watering the Revolution: An Environmental and Technological History of Agrarian Reform in Mexico Mikael D. Wolfe
10753 cover Waves of Decolonization: Discourses of Race and Hemispheric Citizenship in Cuba, Mexico, and the United States David Luis-Brown
10754 cover We Are Left without a Father Here: Masculinity, Domesticity, and Migration in Postwar Puerto Rico Eileen J. Suárez Findlay
10755 cover We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States James N Green
10756 cover We Created Chávez: A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution George Ciccariello-Maher
10757 cover We Dream Together: Dominican Independence, Haiti, and the Fight for Caribbean Freedom Anne Eller
10758 cover Welcoming Ruin : The Civil Rights Act Of 1875 [1 ed.] Alan Friedlander, Richard Allan Gerber 1
10759 cover Well-Connected Domains: Towards an Entangled Ottoman History [Lam ed.] Pascal Firges, Tobias Graf, Christian Roth, Gulay Tulasoğlu
10760 cover Weltanschauliche Orientierungsversuche Im Exil / New Orientations of World View in Exile (Amsterdamer Beiträge Zur Neueren Germanistik, 76) (German Edition) Reinhard Andress
10761 cover West-Eastern Mirror: Virtue and Morality in the Chinese-German Dialogue Ralf Koerrenz (editor), Andreas Schmidt (editor), Klaus Vieweg (editor), Elizabeth Watts (editor)
10762 cover Western Marxism and the Soviet Union Marcel van der Linden
10763 cover Western travellers to Constantinople. The West and Byzantium, 962-1204: Cultural and political relations [illustrated edition] Krijna Nelly Ciggaar
10764 cover What Animals Teach Us about Politics Brian Massumi
10765 cover What Happened to Equality? : The Construction of the Right to Equal Treatment of Third-Country Nationals in European Union Law on Labour Migration [1 ed.] Bjarney Friðriksdóttir 1
10766 cover What Politics?: Youth and Political Engagement in Africa Elina Oinas, Henri Onodera, Leena Suurpää
10767 cover What Was Bolshevism? Lars T. Lih
10768 cover What Went Wrong? The Nicaraguan Revolution: A Marxist Analysis [e-book ed.] Dan La Botz
10769 cover What's Wrong with International Law? : Liber Amicorum A. H. A. Soons [1 ed.] Cedric Ryngaert, Erik J. Molenaar, Sarah Nouwen 1
10770 cover White Lies and Black Markets: Evading Metropolitan Authority in Colonial Suriname, 1650-1800 Karwan Fatah-Black
10771 cover Whither China? Intellectual Politics in Contemporary China Xudong Zhang (Editor)
10772 cover Who Killed John Clayton?: Political Violence and the Emergence of the New South, 1861-1893 Kenneth C. Barnes
10773 cover Why Concepts Matter: Translating Social and Political Thought Martin Burke &, Melvin Richter (Eds.)
10774 cover Why Organizers Fail: The Story of a Rent Strike [Reprint 2019 ed.] Harry Brill 2019
10775 cover Widening Democracy: Citizens and Participatory Schemes in Brazil and Chile [1 ed.] Patricio Silva, Herwig Cleuren 1
10776 cover Widerstand mit Briefmarken: Die polnische Oppositionsbewegung und ihre Unabhängige Post in den 1980er Jahren Silke Plate
10777 cover Wisdom and Chivalry: Chaucer's Knight's Tale and Medieval Political Theory Stephen H. Rigby
10778 cover Words and Their Stories (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 4 China) Edited by Wang Ban
10779 cover Words and Their Stories: Essays on the Language of the Chinese Revolution Ban Wang
10780 cover Words in Motion: Toward a Global Lexicon [First edition, paperback issue] Carol Gluck, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
10781 cover Words of the Prophets: Graffiti As Political Protest in Greece, Italy, Poland, and the United States (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 246) Jonathan Gross
10782 cover Workers Self-Management in Argentina: Contesting Neo-Liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión Marcelo Vieta
10783 cover Workers, Unions and Politics: Indonesia in the 1920s and 1930s John Ingleson
10784 cover Working Class Politics in the German Revolution - Richard Müller, the Revolutionary Shop Stewards and the Origins of the Council Movement Ralf Hoffrogge
10785 cover Workshop of Revolution: Plebeian Buenos Aires and the Atlantic World, 1776–1810 Lyman L. Johnson
10786 cover World Politics and International Law Francis Anthony Boyle
10787 cover World War I and Propaganda Troy R. E. Paddock
10788 cover Worldly Ethics: Democratic Politics and Care for the World Ella Myers
10789 cover Worlds Apart : Bosnian Lessons for Global Security [1 ed.] Swanee Hunt 1
10790 cover Worlds of Human Rights : The Ambiguities of Rights Claiming in Africa [1 ed.] Bill Derman, Anne Hellum, Kristin Sandvik 1
10791 cover Worlds of welfare, worlds of consent?: public opinion on the welfare state Gelissen, John
10792 cover Writing Politics in Imperial Rome W.J. Dominik, J. Garthwaite, P.A. Roche
10793 cover Writing Revolution: Representation, Rhetoric, and Revolutionary Politics (Studies in Critical Social Sciences) Sheila Delany
10794 cover Writing: The Political Test Claude Lefort
10795 cover Xun Xu and the politics of precision in third-century AD China Howard L Goodman
10796 cover Yangzi Waters: Transforming the Water Regime of the Jianghan Plain in Late Imperial China (China Studies, 44) Yan Gao, University of Memphis
10797 cover Yearbook on the African Union Volume 2 (2021)
10798 cover Yiddish Revolutionaries in Migration: The Transnational History of the Jewish Labour Bund Frank Wolff, Loren Balhorn, Jan-Peter Herrmann
10799 cover Young people and the politics of outrage and hope Peter Kelly (editor)
10800 cover Youth Technoculture: from Aesthetics to Politics [1 ed.] Sylvie Octobre 1
10801 cover Zheng Chaolin, Selected Writings, 1942-1998 Gregor Benton, John Sexton (eds.)
10802 cover Zhu Yuanzhang and Early Ming Legislation: The Reordering of Chinese Society Following the Era of Mongol Rule Edward L. Farmer
10803 cover 1939: Countdown to War [Reprint ed.] Richard Overy
10804 cover 1965: Stories from the Second Indo-Pakistan War Rawat, Rachna Bisht
10805 cover 1968: Radical Protest and Its Enemies Richard Vinen
10806 cover 48 Liberal Lies About American History: (That You Probably Learned in School) Larry Schweikart
10807 cover A Citizen's Guide to Beating Donald Trump David Plouffe
10808 cover A City on Mars - Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space And Have We Really Thought This Through? [1 ed.] Kelly Weinersmith, Zach Weinersmith 1
10809 cover A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein Alana Goodman, Daniel Halper
10810 cover A Critique of Political Economy: Vol. 3 Marx, Karl,Mandel, Ernest,Fernbach, David
10811 cover A Fair Country: Telling Truths About Canada [Hardcover ed.] John Ralston Saul
10812 cover A fish in the water: a memoir Vargas Llosa, Mario
10813 cover A Fragile Future: An Update to Descent into Chaos Ahmed Rashid
10814 cover A history of contemporary Italy, 1980-2001 Paul Ginsborg
10815 cover A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics: 1943-1988 (Penguin History) Paul Ginsborg
10816 cover A Map of Future Ruins - On Borders and Belonging [1 ed.] Lauren Markham 1
10817 cover A New History of the Second World War
10818 cover A New View of Society and Other Writings Claeys, Gregory,Owen, Robert
10819 cover A People’s History of the Supreme Court Peter Irons, Howard Zinn
10820 cover A people's history of the Supreme Court: the men and women whose cases and decisions have shaped our Constitution [Revised edition] USA Supreme Court,Irons, Peter H
10821 cover A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution 1891-1924 Figes, Orlando
10822 cover A political history of the world: three thousand years of war and peace Holslag, Jonathan
10823 cover A Quiet Flame [Reprint ed.] Philip Kerr
10824 cover A Safeway in Arizona: What the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tells Us About the Grand Canyon State and Life in America Tom Zoellner
10825 cover A Sensitive Liberal's Guide to Life An Uptight Seattleite
10826 cover A short account of the destruction of the Indies Bartolomé de las Casas , edited and translated by Nigel Griffin , with an introduction by Anthony Pagden.
10827 cover A Short History of Brexit Kevin O’Rourke
10828 cover A short history of Brexit from Brentry to Backstop [English language edition] O'Rourke, Kevin H
10829 cover A simple government: twelve things we really need from washington (and a trillion that we don't!) Huckabee, Mike
10830 cover A Simple Government: Twelve Things We Really Need from Washington (and a Trillion That We Don't!) &nbsp; Mike Huckabee
10831 cover A Wary Embrace: A Lowy Institute Paper: Penguin Special: What the China-Russia relationship means for the world Bobo Lo
10832 cover A Way Out of No Way: A Memoir of Truth, Transformation, and the New American Story Raphael G. Warnock
10833 cover A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the crisis of the Old Order Richard Haass
10834 cover A world in disarray: American foreign policy and the crisis of the old order ; with a new afterword Haass, Richard
10835 cover A world on fire: an epic history of two nations divided Foreman, Amanda, U
10836 cover ¡Obámanos!: the birth of a new political era Obama, Barack,Hertzberg, Hendrik
10837 cover ¡Obamanos! : the birth of a new political era Hendrik Hertzberg
10838 cover Abolition. Feminism. Now. Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica Meiners, Beth Richie
10839 cover Adams Apfel und Evas Erbe Wie die Gene unser Leben bestimmen und warum Frauen anders sind als Männer Meyer, Axel
10840 cover Africa's Long Road Since Independence: the Many Histories of a Continent Somerville, Keith
10841 cover Aftermath: Life in the Fallout of the Third Reich, 1945-1955 Harald Jähner, Shaun Whiteside
10842 cover Against the double blackmail : refugees, terror and other troubles with the neighbours Žižek, Slavoj
10843 cover Aid as Imperialism Teresa Hayter
10844 cover Ain't I A Woman? Sojourner Truth
10845 cover Algebra of Infinite Justice Arundhati Roy
10846 cover Alistair Cooke's America. Alistair Cooke
10847 cover All about the Beat McWhorter, John
10848 cover All Art Is Ecological Timothy Morton
10849 cover America in Retreat Stephens, Bret
10850 cover America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare Joel Brenner
10851 cover America’s Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve Roger Lowenstein
10852 cover American Character: A History of the Epic Struggle Between Individual Liberty and the Common Good Woodard, Colin
10853 cover American Dreams Rubio, Marco
10854 cover American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery Craig Unger
10855 cover American Prison: A Reporter’s Undercover Journey into the Business of Punishment [Hardcover ed.] Shane Bauer
10856 cover American prison: a reporter's undercover journey into the business of punishment Baker,Bauer, Shane
10857 cover American Theocracy Kevin Phillips
10858 cover America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve Roger Lowenstein
10859 cover Amia - an Ongoing Crime: Extended Edition Alberto L Zuppi
10860 cover Amusing ourselves to death : public discourse in the age of show business Postman, Anew, Postman, Neil
10861 cover An Answer To the Question: What Is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant, H. B. Nisbet
10862 cover An Appeal to the Toiling, Oppressed and Exhausted Peoples of Europe Trotsky, Leon
10863 cover An Eye to India : The Unmasking of a Tyranny David Selbourne
10864 cover An Investigation Robin Pogrebin, Kate Kelly
10865 cover Ancien Regime and the French Revolution Alexis de Tocqueville, Gerald Bevan, Gerald Bevan
10866 cover Arabia without Sultans Fred Halliday
10867 cover Areopagitica and Other Writings John Milton
10868 cover Argo : How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History Mendez, Antonio J., Baglio, Matt
10869 cover Around the World in Seventy-Two Days and Other Writings [Reprint ed.] Nellie Bly, Jean Marie Lutes, Jean Marie Lutes, Maureen Corrigan
10870 cover Awakening Artemis: Deepening Intimacy with the Living Earth and Reclaiming Our Wild Nature Vanessa Chakour
10871 cover Battle for Peace Krishna Kumar
10872 cover Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump Edward-Isaac Dovere
10873 cover Bend Sinister Vladimir Nabokov
10874 cover Bending Adversity David Pilling
10875 cover Beneath another sky: a global journey into history Davies, Norman
10876 cover Berlin: The Downfall, 1945 Antony Beevor
10877 cover Best. state. ever.: a Florida man defends his homeland Cloud.,Barry, Dave
10878 cover Beyond the Wall - East Germany, 1949-1990 [1 ed.] Katja Hoyer 1
10879 cover Bitter roots, tender shoots: the uncertain fate of Afghanistan's women Armstrong, Sally
10880 cover Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia Gray, John
10881 cover Black Skin, White Masks Frantz Fanon
10882 cover Blank spots on the map: the dark geography of the pentagon's secret world Paglen, Trevor
10883 cover Blitzed. Drugs in Nazi Germany Norman Ohler, Shaun Whieside (transl.)
10884 cover Blood and Belonging Ignatieff, Michael
10885 cover Blood and land: the story of native North America King, Jonathan C. H
10886 cover Blood and Ruins - The Great Imperial War 1931-1945 [1 ed.] Richard Overy 1
10887 cover Blue-Water Empire Robert Holland
10888 cover Bob Scheiffer's America Bob Schieffer
10890 cover Bomb power: the modern presidency and the national security state Wills, Garry
10891 cover Bought and paid for : the unholy alliance between Barack Obama and Wall Street Obama, Barack, Obama, Barack, Gasparino, Charles
10892 cover Boys in Zinc Svetlana Alexievich, Andrew Bromfield (trans.)
10893 cover Brazil: The People and the Power (Latin American Library) Miguel Arraes
10894 cover Breach of Trust Ellis, David
10895 cover Bread and circuses: historical sociology and political pluralism Veyne Paul
10896 cover Bread and roses: mills, migrants, and the struggle for the american dream Watson, Bruce
10897 cover Bread for all: the origins of the welfare state Renwick, Chris
10898 cover Brexit and Ireland: The Dangers, the Opportunities, and the Inside Story of the Irish Response Tony Connelly
10899 cover Britain Unwrapped: Government and Constitution Explained Hilaire Barnett
10900 cover Britain's Europe: a thousand years of conflict and cooperation Simms, Brendan
10901 cover Buddha's Warriors: The Story of the CIA-Backed Tibetan Freedom Fighters, the Chinese Communist Invasion, and the Ultimate Fall of Tibet Mikel Dunham
10902 cover Cafe Europa Revisited: How to Survive Post-Communism Slavenka Drakulic
10903 cover Cafe Europa: life after communism Slavenka Drakulic
10904 cover Can Pakistan Survive?: The Death of a State [Reprint ed.] Tariq Ali
10905 cover Can we all be feminists?: new writing from Brit Bennett, Nicole Dennis-Benn, and 15 others on intersectionality, identity, and the way forward for feminism Eric-Udorie, June
10906 cover Capital (3 Volume) Karl Marx
10907 cover Capital : A Critique of Political Economy [2, Reprint ed.] Karl Marx, David Fernbach, Ernest Mandel 2
10908 cover Capital : the eruption of Delhi Dasgupta, Rana
10909 cover Capital [1, 1 ed.] Karl Marx, Ben Fowkes 1
10910 cover Capital 2 Fernbach, David,Mandel, Ernest,Marx, Karl
10911 cover Capital 3 [New ed] Mandel, Ernest,Marx, Karl,Fernbach, David
10912 cover Capital Vol 3 [New ed] Mandel, Ernest,Marx, Karl,Fernbach, David
10913 cover Capital: A Critique of Political Economy [1, new ed.] Karl Marx, Ernest Mandel, Ben Fowkes 1
10914 cover Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol. 3 Marx, Karl,Fernbach, David,Mandel, Ernest
10915 cover Capital: Critique of Political Economy [1] Karl Marx 1
10916 cover Captive Imagination: Letters From Prison Varavara Rao
10917 cover Caste: The International Bestseller Isabel Wilkerson
10918 cover Censoring Science: Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming Mark Bowen
10919 cover Chasing the flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the fight to save the world Mello, Sérgio Vieira de,Power, Samantha
10920 cover Children of paradise: the struggle for the soul of Iran Secor, Laura
10921 cover Children of the Revolution Gildea, Robert
10922 cover Chronicle of an impossible election : the Election Commission and the 2002 Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections James Michael Lyngdoh
10923 cover Chronicles of Dissent Noam Chomsky, David Barsamian
10924 cover Cicero: Selected Political Speeches (Penguin Classics) [Reprint ed.] Marcus Tullius Cicero
10925 cover Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution [2nd ed.] Schama, Simon 2
10926 cover Civilization: The West and the Rest Niall Ferguson
10927 cover Class 11: my story inside the cia's first post-9/11 spy class Waters, T. J
10928 cover Classic Supreme Court Cases Corey Brettschneider
10929 cover Clear bright future: a radical defence of the human being Mason, Paul
10930 cover Climate Change Tony Juniper, Emily Shuckburgh, Ruth Palmer (illustrator)
10931 cover Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed Diamond, Jared M
10932 cover Colossus The Rise and Fall of The American Empire Niall Ferguson
10933 cover Conditions of Liberty: Civil Society and Its Rivals Ernest Gellner
10934 cover Confidence Man : The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America Maggie Haberman
10935 cover Conservatives Without Conscience Dean, John, W
10936 cover Controligarchs : Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life Seamus Bruner, Peter Schweizer
10937 cover Convict-era Port Arthur David W. Cameron
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