Number |
Cover |
TextBook for Psychiatry |
Author |
Edition |
0 |
Biological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances in Alzheimer's Disease Non-Pharmacological Therapies for Alzheimer's Disease |
Ghulam Md Ashraf, Athanasios Alexiou |
1 |
1 |
Child Abuse Diagnostic and Forensic Considerations |
Caroline Rey-Salmon,Catherine Adamsbaum (eds.) |
1 |
2 |
Clinical Mental Health Counseling Fundamentals of Applied Practice |
Donna S. Sheperis & Carl J. Sheperis |
1 |
3 |
Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies in Dementia A Pragmatic Approach |
A. J. Larner |
2 |
4 |
Educational Psychology Windows On Classrooms |
Paul Eggen & Don Kauchak |
8 |
5 |
Functional MRI Applications in Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry |
Mark D'Esposito - |
1 |
6 |
Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology |
J. Michael Spector, M. David Merrill, Jan Elen, M. J. Bishop (Editors) |
4 |
7 |
Landmark cases in forensic psychiatry1ed |
Elizabeth Ford, Merrill Rotter |
8 |
Psychiatry Clinical Cases Uncovered |
Peter Byrne, Nicola Byrne |
1 |
9 |
Substance Abuse Counseling Theory and Practice |
Patricia Stevens, Robert L. Smith |
5 |
10 |
The Merrill Counseling Series Clinical Experiences in Counseling |
Bradley T. Erford |
1 |
11 |
A clinical Guide to Pediatrc sleep |
Jodi A. Mindell, Judith A. Owens |
3 |
12 |
Advances in Metabolic Mapping Techniques for Brain Imaging of Behavioral and Learning Functions |
F. Gonzalez-Lima, Th. Finkenstadt & H. Scheich (Editors) |
13 |
Blueprints Series: Psychiatry [Third Edition] |
Michael J. Murphy, Ronald Cowan, Lloyd Sederer |
3ed |
14 |
Introduction to Psychology |
1 |
15 |
Major Depressive Disorder |
1ed |
16 |
Narcissism and Its Discontents Diagnostic Dilemmas and Treatment Strategies with Narcissistic Patients |
Glen O. Gabbard & Holly Crisp |
17 |
Neurosurgery for mental disorders |
Royal College of Psychiatrists |
1ed |
18 |
Physical Health and Well-Being in Mental Health Nursing Clinical Skills for Practice |
Michael Nash |
1ed |
19 |
Physical health and well-being in mental health nursing clinical skills for practice |
Michael Nash |
2 |
20 |
Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of cognition |
Oberto Cabeza, Alan Kingstone |
2ed |
21 |
Symptoms and Signs of Substance Misuse, Third Edition |
Margaret Stark, Jason Payne-James, Michael Scott-Ham |
3 |
22 |
Synthesis of Psychiatric Cases |
Vivienne Schnieden |
1ed |
23 |
A History of Modern Psychology |
Duane P. Schultz |
10 |
24 |
ABC of eating disorders |
Jane Morris (Editor) |
25 |
ABC of Mental Health, 2nd Edition (ABC Series) |
Teifion Davies, Tom Craig (Editors) |
2 |
26 |
ABC of psychological medicine |
Richard Mayou, Michael Sharpe, Alan Carson |
27 |
Abnormal and Clinical Psychology |
Paul Bennett |
2 |
28 |
Abnormal and Clinical Psychology |
Paul Bennett |
3 |
29 |
Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology A Developmental Perspective |
Linda Wilmshurst |
2 |
30 |
Abnormal Child Psychology |
Eric J. Mash, DaviDa. WolfE |
6 |
31 |
Abnormal Psychology - An Integrative Approach 6th ed. |
David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand |
6 |
32 |
Abnormal Psychology (16th Edition) |
James N. Buthcher, Jill m. hooley, Susan MiNeka |
16 |
33 |
Abnormal Psychology (Psychology Focus) |
Alan Carr |
34 |
Abnormal Psychology 16E |
James N. Buthcher, Jill m. hooley, Susan MiNeka |
16 |
35 |
Abnormal psychology clinical perspectives on psychological disorders |
Richard P. Halgin, Susan Krauss Whitbourne |
6 |
36 |
Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World |
Jeffrey S. Nevid, SpeNcer A. RathuS, Beverly Greene |
37 |
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach |
David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand |
7 |
38 |
Abnormal Psychology Neuroscience Perspectives on Human Behavior and Experience |
William J. Ray |
39 |
Ascorbate The Science of Vitamin C |
Steve Hickey & Hilary Roberts |
40 |
Asperger Syndrome |
Ami Klin, Fred R. Volkmar, Sara S. Sparrow (Editors) |
41 |
Asperger Syndrome, Second Edition Assessing and Treating High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders |
James C. mcpartland, Ami Klin, Fred r. Volkmar (Editors) |
2 |
42 |
Aspergirls Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome |
Rudy Simone |
43 |
Behavioral Sciences PreTest Self-Assessment and Review |
Michael H. Ebert, |
9 |
44 |
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology |
Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele T. Martin, John M. Neale, Gerald C. Davison |
9 |
45 |
Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychotherapy Network Principles for a Unified Theory |
Warren W. Tryon |
46 |
Cognitive Neuroscience of Development (Studies in Developmental Psychology) |
Michelle de Haan, Mark H. Johnson (Editors) |
47 |
Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks |
Kresimir Josic, Jonathan RubinManuel, A. Matias, Ranulfo Romo (Editors) |
48 |
Comer Abnormal Psychology 8th Ed |
Ronald J. Comer |
8 |
49 |
Confabulation Theory The Mechanism of Thought |
Robert Hecht-Nielsen |
50 |
Crash Course Psychiatry, 4e |
Katie Marwick, Steven Birrell (Editors) |
4 |
51 |
Eating and drinking with motor neurone disease (MND) |
52 |
Endocrine disruptors, brain, and behavior |
Heather B. Patisaul & Scott M. Belcher |
53 |
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology |
V. Mark Durand, David H. Barlow |
54 |
Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience |
Bradley R. Postle |
55 |
Essentials of Exercise Physiology, 4th Edition |
Victor L. Katch, William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch |
4 |
56 |
Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior 3rd Edition |
David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Diane Sue, Stanley Sue |
3 |
57 |
Essentials of Understanding Psychology by Robert S. Feldman |
Robert S. Feldman |
13 |
58 |
Foundations in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience |
Steven. M Platek, Todd k. Shackelford |
59 |
Handbook of clinical neuropsychology |
Jennifer M. Gurd, Udo Kischka, John C. Marshall (deceased †) (Editors) |
2 |
60 |
Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists |
John D. Preston, John H. O’Neal, Mary C. Talaga |
7 |
61 |
Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience) |
Charles A. Nelson & Monica Luciana (editors) |
62 |
Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2nd edition (Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience) |
Charles A. Nelson & Monica Luciana (editors) |
2 |
63 |
Handbook of Essential Psychopharmacology |
Ronald W. Pies (Editor) |
2 |
64 |
Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology Schizophrenia |
Abel Lajtha (Editor) |
3 |
65 |
Hormones and Behaviour A Psychological Approach |
Nick Neave |
1 |
66 |
Hormones, Brain and Behavior |
Donald W. Pfaff, Marian Joels (Editors) |
3 |
67 |
Hormones, Brain and Behavior Online, Second Edition |
Donald W. Pfaff |
2 |
68 |
Hormones, Brain and Behavior, Second Edition |
Donald W. Pfaff |
2 |
69 |
Hypnosis and conscious states the cognitive neuroscience perspective |
Graham A Jamieson (Editors) |
70 |
Incognito The Secret Lives of the Brain |
David M. Eagleman |
71 |
Infectious Diseases and Substance Abuse (Infectious Agents and Pathogenesis) |
Herman Friedman, Thomas W. Klein, Mauro Bendinelli (Editors) |
72 |
Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics |
Henry P. Stapp |
3 |
73 |
Mirroring People The Science of Empathy and How We Connect with Others |
Marco Iacoboni |
74 |
Mirrors in the Brain How Our Minds Share Actions, Emotions, and Experience |
Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia (Editors) |
75 |
Neurobiology of Depression |
Francisco Lpez-Munoz, Cecilio Alamo (Editors) |
76 |
Neurochemistry of Consciousness Neurotransmitters in Mind |
Elaine Perry, Heather Ashton, Allan Young (Editors) |
77 |
Neuroscience of Decision Making |
Oshin Vartanian & David R. Mandel (Editor) |
78 |
New insights in Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome |
Anouk Smeets |
79 |
Nicotine Psychopharmacology (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol 192) |
Jack E. Henningfield, Edythe D. London, Sakire Pogun (Editors) |
80 |
Psychiatry. PreTest Self-Assessment and Review. Ninth Edition |
Giulia Mancini -Mezzacappa |
9 |
81 |
Psychophysiological States The Ultradian Dynamics of Mind-Body Interactions |
David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa |
82 |
Rewire Your Anxious Brain How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic, and Worry |
Catherine M. Pittman, Elizabeth M. Karle (Editors) |
83 |
Skeletal Muscle Plasticity in Health and Disease: From Genes to Whole Muscle (Advances in Muscle Research) [1 ed.] |
Roberto Bottinelli, Roberto Bottinelli,Carlo Reggiani |
1 |
84 |
Sleep, Neuronal Plasticity and Brain Function |
Peter Meerlo, Ruth M. Benca, Ted Abel (Editors) |
85 |
Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, 4ed Volume 2 Sensation, Perception, Attention |
John T. Wixted & John T. Serences (Editors) |
4 |
86 |
Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, 4ed Volume 3 Learning and Memory Language Thought |
John T. Wixted, Elizabeth A. Phelps (Editors) |
4 |
87 |
Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology THIRD EDITION Volume 2 Memory and Cognitive Processes |
Hal Pashler, Douglas Medin (Editors) |
3 |
88 |
John T. Wixted (Editor) |
4 |
89 |
Hal Pashler, Steven Yantis (Editors) |
3 |
90 |
Hal Pashler, John Wixted (Editors) |
3 |
91 |
Hal Pashler, John Wixted (Editors) |
3 |
92 |
The Asperger Personal Guide Raising Self-Esteem and Making the Most of Yourself as a Adult with Asperger's Syndrome (Lucky Duck Books) |
Genevieve Edmonds & Dean Worton |
93 |
The Cognitive Neurosciences |
Michael S. Gazzaniga & George R. Mangun (Editors) |
94 |
The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome |
Tony Attwood |
95 |
The Conscious Mind |
ZolTan l. Torey |
96 |
The Emerging Physics of Consciousness |
Jack A. Tuszynski (Editor) |
97 |
The Official Parent's Sourcebook on Tourette Syndrome A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age |
James N. Parker, Philip M. Parker |
98 |
The Roots of Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology |
Anjan Chatterjee & H. Branch Coslett (Editors) |
99 |
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Addiction Psychopharmacology |
James MacKillop & Harriet de Wit (Editors) |
100 |
Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome A View from the Bridge |
Olga Bogdashina |
101 |
Thesis Emotional processing and social cognition in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) |
Tamlyn Julie Watermeyer |
102 |
Uncovering Happiness Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion |
Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. |
1ed |
103 |
Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education [Evolutionary Psychology] |
David C. Geary, Daniel B. Berch (eds.) |
104 |
Reactive Attachment Disorder A Case-Based Approach [SpringerBriefs in Child Development] |
Daniel F. Shreeve |
105 |
A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems |
Jodi A. Mindell, Judith A. Owens |
3 |
106 |
A New Foundation for Representation in Cognitive and Brain Science Category Theory and the Hippocampus |
Jaime Gomez-Ramirez |
107 |
AAP Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics |
Robert G. Voigt, Michelle M. Macias, Scott M. Myers (Editors) |
108 |
Adolescent Psychological Development Rationality, Morality, and Identity |
David Moshman |
2 |
109 |
Autism and Child Psychopathology Series Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Medical Conditions |
Robert D. Friedberg, Jennifer K. Paternostro (Editors) |
110 |
Autism Spectrum Disorders A Research Review for Practitioners |
Sally Ozonoff, Sally J. Rogers, Robert L. Hendren (Editors) |
111 |
Biopsychology |
John P. J. Pinel & Steven J. Barnes |
10 |
112 |
Case Studies in Sleep Neurology: Common and Uncommon Presentations [1 ed.] |
Antonio Culebras |
1 |
113 |
Child psychology a handbook of contemporary issues |
Lawrence Balter, Catherine S Tamis-LeMonda |
2 |
114 |
Child Psychology and Development For Dummies |
Laura L. Smith, Charles H. Elliott |
115 |
Child Psychology in Retrospect and Prospect in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the institute of Child Development (Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology) |
Willard W. Hartup, Richard A. Weinberg (Editors) |
116 |
Developmental Psychology in Action (Child Development) |
Clare Wood, Karen Littleton & Kieron Sheehy |
117 |
Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment of Communication Disorders |
Patricia A. Prelock, Tiffany L. Hutchins |
118 |
Clinical Manual of Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias [1 ed.] |
Myron F., M.D. Weiner, Anne M. Lipton |
1 |
119 |
Clinical Manual to Psychosomatic Medicine A Guide to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry |
Michael G. Wise, James R. Rundell |
120 |
Margaret Moore, Bob Tschannen-Moran |
121 |
Cognitive Adaptation A Pragmatist Perspective |
Jay Schulkin |
122 |
Cognitive and Language Development in Children (Child Development) |
John Oates & Andrew Grayson |
123 |
Current Treatments of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Clinical Practice) |
Michele Tortora Pato, Joseph Zohar (Editors) |
2 |
124 |
Diet and Exercise in Cognitive Function and Neurological Diseases |
Tahira Farooqui & Akhlaq A. Farooqui |
125 |
Diploma infant mental health & psychoanalytic parent infant psychotherapy handbook |
126 |
Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience An Introduction to Biological Psychology |
Laura A. Freberg |
4 |
127 |
Forensic Psychiatry |
Dr. Brad Booth |
128 |
Handbook of Biobehavioral Approaches to Self-Regulation |
Guido H.E. Gendolla, Mattie Tops, Sander L. Koole (Editors) |
129 |
Handbook of Child and Adolescent Sexuality Developmental and Forensic Psychology |
Daniel S. Bromberg and William T. O'Donohue (Eds.) |
1 |
130 |
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, vol. 1 Theory and Method |
Richard M. Lerner, Willis F. Overton, Peter C. M. Molenaar (Editors) |
7 |
131 |
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, vol. 2 Cognitive Processes |
Richard M. Lerner, Lynn S. Liben, Ulrich Mueller (Editors) |
7 |
132 |
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, vol. 3 Socioemotional Processes |
Richard M. Lerner, Michael E. Lamb (Editors) |
7 |
133 |
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, vol. 4 Ecological Settings and Processes |
Richard M. Lerner, Marc H. Bornstein, Tama Leventhal (Editors) |
7 |
134 |
Handbook of Child Psychology Social, Emotional, and Personality Development Vol. 3 |
William Damon, Richard M. Lerner, Nancy Eisenberg (Editors) |
6 |
135 |
Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 1 Theoretical Models of Human Development, 6th Edition (Volume 1) |
William Damon, Richard M. Lerner (Editors) |
6 |
136 |
Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 2 Cognition, Perception, and Language, |
William Damon, Richard M. Lerner, Deanna Kuhn, Robert S. Siegler (Editors) |
6 |
137 |
Handbook of Human Stress and Immunity |
Ronald Glaser, Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser (Editors) |
6 |
138 |
Handbook of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology) |
John W. Jacobson (Editor), James A. Mulick (Editor), Johannes Rojahn (Editor) |
139 |
Handbook of Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, and Families (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology) |
Ric G. Steele (Editor), Michael C. Roberts (Editor) |
1ed |
140 |
Handbook of Personalized Medicine Advances in Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery, and Therapy |
Ioannis S. Vizirianakis (Editor) |
141 |
Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Epilepsy |
William B. Barr, Chris Morrison (Editors) |
142 |
Issues in Clinical Child Psychology Handbook of Research in Pediatric and Clinical Child Psychology Practical Strategies an |
Dennis Drotar (Editor) |
1ed |
143 |
Kaplan & Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment |
7 |
144 |
Manual of Psychiatric Care for the Medically Ill |
Antoinette Ambrosino Wyszynski, Bernard Wyszynski (Editors) |
145 |
Myers' Psychology for AP, 2e ppt |
David G. Myers |
2 |
146 |
Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders: From Bench to Bedside [1 ed.] |
Frank I. Tarazi PhD, MSc, Marc J. Kaufman PhD (auth.), Frank I. Tarazi PhD, MSc, John A. Schetz PhD (eds.) |
1 |
147 |
Pediatric School Psychology School Psychopharmacology Translating Research into Practice |
John S. Carlson, Justin A. Barterian (Editors) |
1 |
148 |
Pioneers of Child Psychoanalysis Influential Theories and Practices in Healthy Child Development |
Beatriz Markman Reubins |
149 |
Play in Child Development and Psychology - Fair Play For Children |
Sandra W. Russ |
150 |
Psychiatry |
Neel Burton |
2 |
151 |
Psychoanalysis and Paediatrics Key Psychoanalytic Concepts with Sixteen Clinical Observations of Children |
Francoise Dolto |
152 |
Psychodynamic Neurology Dreams, Consciousness, and Virtual Realty |
Allan Hobson |
153 |
Psychological Development and Early Childhood (Child Development) |
JohnOates, ClareWood & AndrewGrayson |
154 |
Psychological Effects of HIV on Early Childhood Development |
DrL Cluver |
155 |
Psychopharmacology Demystified |
Leonard Lichtblau |
156 |
Psychosomatic Medicine |
Kurt D. Ackerman, Andrea F. DiMartini (Editors) |
157 |
Psychosomatic Medicine An International Primer for the Primary Care Setting |
Kurt Fritzsche, Susan H. McDaniel, Michael Wirsching (Editors) |
158 |
Psychosomatic Medicine An Introduction to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry |
James J. Amos, Robert G. Robinson (Editors) |
159 |
Reversing Osteoporosis Insomnia using newly uncovered Secrets of Bone Breathing Published by the Institute for Solar Studies on Behavior and Human Health |
160 |
Healing the Angry Brain How Understanding the Way Your Brain Works Can Help You Control Anger and Aggression |
Ronald Potter-Efron MSW PhD |
161 |
Safe Infant Sleeping, SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths |
Danielle Eggi |
162 |
Sexual Dysfunction The Brain-body Connection (Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine) |
R. Balon, T.N. Wise, G.A. Fava, I. Fukunishi, M.B. Rosenthal (Editors) |
163 |
Social and Personality Development An Advanced Textbook |
Michael E. Lamb, Marc H. Bornstein (Editors) |
164 |
The Language Instinct How the Mind Creates Language |
Steven Pinker |
165 |
Textbook of Pediatric Psychosomatic Medicine |
Richard J. Shaw, David R. DeMaso (Editors |
166 |
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine (Wise, The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine |
James L. Levenson (Editors) |
167 |
The Clinical Psychologist's Handbook of Epilepsy Assessment and Management |
Christine Cull & Laura H.Goldstein (Editors) |
168 |
The Cradle of Culture And What Children Know About Writing and Numbers Before Being Taught (The Developing Mind Series) |
Liliana Tolchinsky |
169 |
The Development of the Infant and the Young Child Normal and Abnormal |
Ronald S Illingworth, MKC Nair, Paul Swamidhas Sudhakar Russe |
10 |
170 |
The Pleasure Instinct Why We Crave Adventure, Chocolate, Pheromones, and Music |
Gene Wallenstein |
171 |
The Psychology of Spine Surgery |
Andrew Block, Rober J. Gatchel, Willim Deardorff, Richard Guyer |
172 |
The Shyness and Social Anxiety System |
Sean Cooper |
173 |
Thesis Changes in eating behaviour and meal patterns following Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy |
Ghalia Nazir Abdeen |
174 |
Case Files Psychiatry |
Eugene Toy, Debra Klamen |
2 |
175 |
International Handbook of Psychiatry - A Concise Guide for Medical Students, Residents, and Medical Practitioners [1 ed.] |
Laura Weiss Roberts, Laura Weiss Roberts, Joseph B Layde, Richard Balon |
1 |
176 |
100 Cases in Psychiatry |
Dr. Barry Wright, Dr. Subodh Dave, Dr. Nisha Dogra |
177 |
Psychologists' desk reference |
Gerald P. Koocher, John C. Norcross, Sam S. Hill (Editors) |
2 |
178 |
Military psychologists' desk reference |
Bret A. Moore, Jeffrey E. Barnett (Editors) |
179 |
Psychologists' Desk Reference |
Gerald P. Koocher, John C. Norcross, Beverly A. Greene (Editors) |
180 |
Psychoprosthetics |
by Pamela Gallagher & Deirdre Desmond & Malcolm MacLachlan (auth.) & Pamela Gallagher BA Mod & DipStat & PhD & Deirdre Desmond BA & Malcolm MacLachlan BSc & MSc & MA & DipBA & |
181 |
Psychiatry [Blueprints - Notes and Cases] [3rd ed] |
M. Murphy, et al., |
3 |
182 |
Early Career Physician Mental Health and Wellness: A Clinical Casebook [1st ed.] |
Janna S. Gordon-Elliott, Anna H. Rosen |
183 |
Fish's Clinical Psychopathology, 3rd Edition [3rd ed.] |
Patricia Casey, Brendan Kelly |
3 |
184 |
Revision Notes in Psychiatry [3 ed.] |
Basant Puri (Author); Annie Hall (Author); Roger Ho (Author) |
3 |
185 |
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Personality Disorders [2nd ed.] |
John M. Oldham; Andrew E. Skodol; Donna S. Bender |
2 |
186 |
The Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry: The Pathophysiology of Behavior and Mental Illness [3rd Edition] |
Edmund Higgins, Mark George |
3 |
187 |
Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience [5th ed.] |
Bob Garrett, Gerald Hough |
5 |
188 |
Behavioral and Psychopharmacologic Pain Management [1 ed.] |
Michael H. Ebert and Robert D. Kerns (Editors) |
189 |
Psychology and Diabetes Care: A Practical Guide [1 ed.] |
Katharine D. Barnard, Cathy E. Lloyd |
1 |
190 |
Psychology in Diabetes Care (Practical Diabetes) [2 ed.] |
Frank J. Snoek, T. Chas Skinner |
2 |
191 |
Essentials Of Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences [10th Edition] |
Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau, Lori-Ann B. Forzano, James E. Witnauer |
10 |
192 |
The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders Vol 1 (A-L) |
Madeline Harris |
193 |
The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders Vol 2 (M-Z) |
Madeline Harris |
194 |
Sleep Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Development, Clinical Milestones, and Advances in Treatment [1 ed.] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty, Michel Billiard (eds.) |
1 |
195 |
Sleep Medicine oxford [1 ed.] |
Himender Makker, Matthew Walker, Hugh Selsick, Bhik Kotecha, Ama Johal |
196 |
Synopsis of sleep medicine |
S. R. Pandi-Perumal |
197 |
ABC of Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Paul Reading |
198 |
Sleep and psychosomatic medicine [2 edition] |
Kramer, Milton, Narasimhan, Meera, Pandi-Perumal, S. R |
2 |
199 |
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine [6 ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger, Thomas Roth, William C. Dement |
6 |
200 |
Sleep Disorders Medicine : Basic Science, Technical Considerations and Clinical Aspects [4th ed.] |
Chokroverty, Sudhansu |
4 |
201 |
Sleep Medicine in Critical Care Medicine: Diagnosis and Practical Approach |
Antonio M. Esquinas, Joerg Steier, Behrouz Jafari (Editors) |
202 |
Atlas of Sleep Medicine [2 ed.] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty (Auth.) |
2 |
203 |
Competencies in Sleep Medicine: An Assessment Guide [1 ed.] |
Kingman P. Strohl (auth.) |
1 |
204 |
Sleep Medicine Pearls [3. ed.] |
Richard B. Berry, Mary H. Wagner |
3 |
205 |
Sleep medicine in neurology |
Douglas B. Kirsch (Editor) |
206 |
The Slumbering Masses: Sleep, Medicine, and Modern American Life |
Matthew J Wolf-Meyer |
207 |
Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 2e [2 ed.] |
Alon Y. Avidan |
2 |
208 |
Essentials of Sleep Medicine: An Approach for Clinical Pulmonology [1 ed.] |
James A. Rowley, M. Safwan Badr (auth.), M. Safwan Badr (eds.) |
1 |
209 |
Integrative Therapies in Lung Health and Sleep [1 ed.] |
Linda Chlan, Marshall I. Hertz (eds.) |
210 |
Atlas of Electroencephalography in Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Hrayr P. Attarian, Nidhi S. Undevia (auth.) |
1 |
211 |
Fundamentals of Sleep Medicine: Expert Consult - Online and Print [1 Har/Psc ed.] |
Berry R.B. |
1 |
212 |
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine [2 ed.] |
Stephen H. Sheldon, Meir H. Kryger, Richard Ferber and David Gozal (Auth.) |
213 |
Sleep deprivation, stimulant medications, and cognition [1 ed.] |
Wesensten, Nancy Jo |
1 |
214 |
Foundations of Psychiatric Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
John W. Winkelman MD PhD, David T. Plante MD |
1 |
215 |
Therapy in Sleep Medicine: Expert Consult - Online and Print (Clinics, The (Elsevier)) [Har/Psc ed.] |
Teri J. Barkoukis MD, Jean K. Matheson MD, Richard Ferber MD, Karl Doghramji MD |
216 |
The Parasomnias and Other Sleep-Related Movement Disorders [1 ed.] |
Michael J. Thorpy MD, Giuseppe Plazzi MD |
1 |
217 |
Sleep Medicine in Clinical Practice [2 ed.] |
Michael H. Silber, Lois E. Krahn, Timothy I. Morgenthaler |
2 |
218 |
Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A Comprehensive Primer of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Interventions [1 ed.] |
Michael L. Perlis, Mark Aloia, Brett Kuhn |
1 |
219 |
Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Kathleen Yaremchuk, Pell Ann Wardrop |
1 |
220 |
Principles and Practice of Geriatric Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
. R. Pandi-Perumal, Jaime M. Monti, Andrew A. Monjan |
1 |
221 |
Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine: Expert consult - Online and Print, 1e [Har/Psc ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger MD |
222 |
Sleep and Quality of Life in Clinical Medicine [1 ed.] |
Joris C. Verster, Joris C. Verster, S.R. Pandi-Perumal, David Streiner |
223 |
Sleep and Disorders of Sleep in Women, An Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics [1 ed.] |
Helen Driver |
1 |
224 |
Sleep Medicine: Essentials and Review [1 ed.] |
Teofilo Lee-Chiong |
1 |
225 |
Sleep Medicine cambridge [1 ed.] |
Harold R. Smith, Cynthia L. Comella, Birgit Hogl |
226 |
The Psychiatric Dimensions of Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Karl Doghramji |
227 |
Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and Its Disorders 2nd Edition [2 ed.] |
John M. Shneerson |
2 |
228 |
Sleep Medicine Secrets [1 ed.] |
Damien Stevens (Auth.) |
229 |
Sleep: Physiology, Investigations, and Medicine [1 ed.] |
C. Guilleminault, M. L. Kreutzer (auth.), Michel Billiard (eds.) |
1 |
230 |
Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Michael S. Aldrich |
1 |
231 |
Bariatric Surgery: Psychosocial Assessment and Treatment [1 ed.] |
James E. Mitchell, Martina de Zwaan |
1 |
232 |
Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. A-K [Volume 1] |
Robert S. McElvaine |
233 |
Encyclopedia of the Great Depression. L-Z [Volume 2] |
Robert S. McElvaine |
234 |
The Great Depression in America [Two Volumes] [2 volumes] A Cultural Encyclopedia [First Edition] |
William H. Young, Nancy K. Young |
235 |
Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology [2nd ed.] |
Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, John DeLuca, Bruce Caplan |
2 |
236 |
Oxford Textbook of Neuropsychiatry [1st ed.] |
Niruj Agrawal, Rafey Faruqui, Mayur Bodani |
237 |
Rosenbergs Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disease [6th Edition] |
Roger N. Rosenberg, Juan M. Pascual |
6 |
238 |
Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology: Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience [2nd ed. 2019] |
Carol L. Armstrong, Lisa A. Morrow |
2 |
239 |
Sleep apnea: current diagnosis and treatment [1 ed.] |
Winfried J. Randerath, Bernd M. Sanner, Virend K. Somers |
1 |
240 |
Psychiatry Made Easy |
Mahmoud Sewilam |
2 |
241 |
Ghodse's Drugs and Addictive Behaviour: A Guide to Treatment [4 ed.] |
Hamid Ghodse |
4 |
242 |
Psychiatry by Ten Teachers Includes Digital Download [2 ed.] |
Nisha Dogra, Brian Lunn, Stephen Cooper |
2 |
243 |
The Elements of Skill A Conscious Approach to Learning |
Theodore Dimon |
1 |
244 |
Understanding Sleep and Dreaming [2 ed.] |
William H. Moorcroft (auth.) |
245 |
Sleep and dreaming |
Marvin Rosen |
246 |
Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep |
Charlie Morley |
247 |
Awakening through dreams : the journey through the inner landscape |
Hamilton, Nigel |
248 |
Lucid dreaming.: new perspectives on consciousness in sleep |
Bulkeley, Kelly; Hurd, Ryan |
249 |
The Twenty-four Hour Mind: The Role of Sleep and Dreaming in Our Emotional Lives [1 ed.] |
Rosalind Cartwright |
1 |
250 |
Dreaming: An Introduction to the Science of Sleep |
J. Allan Hobson M.D. |
251 |
Sleep and Dreaming: Scientific Advances and Reconsiderations |
Edward F. Pace-Schott, Mark Solms, Mark Blagrove, Stevan Harnad |
252 |
Dreaming Souls: Sleep, Dreams and the Evolution of the Conscious Mind [1 ed.] |
Owen Flanagan |
1 |
253 |
Sleep & Dreaming. Origins, Nature and Functions |
D. Cohen and H. J. Eysenck (Auth.) |
254 |
The Paradox of Sleep: The Story of Dreaming |
Michel Jouvet |
255 |
Drug Treatment of Sleep Disorders [1 ed.] |
Antonio Guglietta (eds.) |
1 |
256 |
Sleep Disorders in Children [1 ed.] |
Sona Nevšímalová, Oliviero Bruni (eds.) |
1 |
257 |
When Children Don't Sleep Well: Interventions for Pediatric Sleep Disorders Therapist Guide Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work) [1 ed.] |
V. Mark Durand |
1st |
258 |
Sleep and psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents |
Anna Ivanenko |
259 |
Sleep Disorders in Neurology: A Practical Approach [2 ed.] |
Sebastiaan Overeem |
2 |
260 |
Sleep Issues in Neuromuscular Disorders [1st ed.] |
Raghav Govindarajan, Pradeep C. Bollu |
1 |
261 |
ERS Sleep Handbook |
Anita K. Simonds, Wilfried de Backer (Editors) |
262 |
Sleep apnea and snoring : surgical and non-surgical therapy |
Michael Friedman |
1 |
263 |
Oxford textbook of sleep disorders [1 ed.] |
Chokroverty, Sudhansu; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi |
264 |
Sleep: Clinical and Experimental Aspects [1 ed.] |
Gunter Stock (auth.), Dr. Detlev Ganten M.D.,Ph.D., Dr. Donald Pfaff Ph.D. (eds.) |
265 |
AASM sleep scoring 2017 |
266 |
Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction [1st ed.] |
Susan Blackmore |
267 |
Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction [2 ed.] |
Susan Blackmore |
2 |
268 |
Consciousness, Memory and Anesthesia |
George A. Mashour, Kane O. Pryor |
269 |
Psychiatry Marrow Notes |
270 |
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 [5th ed] |
American Psychiatric Association.;American Psychiatric Association. DSM-5 Task Force |
5 |
271 |
Medical evaluation of child sexual abuse : a practical guide [4 ed.] |
Martin A. Finkel, Angelo P. Giardino |
4th |
272 |
Pocket Prescriber Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Jonathan Rogers (Editor); Cheryl CY Leung (Editor); Timothy RJ Nicholson (Editor) |
273 |
Radiological Atlas of Child Abuse: A Complete Resource for MCQs, v. 1 [1 ed.] |
Amaka Offiah, Christine Hall |
1st |
274 |
Metabolic Syndrome and Psychiatric Illness: Interactions, Pathophysiology, Assessment & Treatment [1 ed.] |
Scott D Mendelson |
275 |
Applied social psychology : understanding and addressing social and practical problems [Third edition.] |
Jamie A. Gruman (editor); Lee Coutts (editor); Frank W. Schneider (editor) |
3 |
276 |
Developmental psychology [Second edition] |
Gillibrand, Rachel; Lam, Virginia; O'Donnell, Victoria L |
2 |
277 |
Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence [9 ed.] |
David R. Shaffer, Katherine Kipp |
9 |
278 |
An Introduction to Developmental Psychology [3rd ed.] |
Bremner, J. Gavin; Slater, Alan |
3 |
279 |
The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences-American Psychiatric Association Publishing |
David B. Arciniegas, Stuart C. Yudofsky, Robert E. Hales (Editors) |
6 |
280 |
The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry |
James L. Levenson (Editors) |
3 |
281 |
The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry-American Psychiatric Publishing |
Liza H. Gold, Richard L. Frierson (Editors) |
3 |
282 |
The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice |
Roger A. Mackinnon, Robert Michels, Peter J. Buckle |
3 |
283 |
The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice |
Daniel J. Carlat |
4 |
284 |
Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology: Clinical Focus on Psychiatry, Volume 1 [1 ed.] |
Dietmar Spengler, Elisabeth Binder |
285 |
Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology : Clinical Focus on Psychiatry, Volume 2 [1 ed.] |
Dietmar Spengler, Elisabeth Binder (eds.) |
286 |
The Biology of Homosexuality |
Jacques Balthazart |
287 |
Practical Psychodermatology [1 ed.] |
Anthony Bewley, Ruth E. Taylor, Jason S. Reichenberg, Michelle Magid |
1 |
288 |
Handbook of Psychocardiology [1 ed.] |
Marlies E. Alvarenga, Don Byrne (eds.) |
289 |
Drug Use and Abuse [Paperback ed.] |
Stephen A. Maisto |
8th |
290 |
Drug use and abuse: a comprehensive introduction [Seventh edition] |
Abadinsky, Howard |
7 |
291 |
Into the Abyss: A neuropsychiatrists notes on troubled minds [Hardcover ed.] |
Anthony David |
292 |
Starting out in Statistics: An Introduction for Students of Human Health, Disease, and Psychology [1 ed.] |
Patricia de Winter, Peter M. B. Cahusac |
293 |
First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship [5th Edition] |
Latha Ganti, Matthew S. Kaufman, Sean M. Blitzstein |
5 |
294 |
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology [1 ed.] |
Nancy A. Pachana, Ken Laidlaw |
1 |
295 |
Schizophrenia [Fourth ed.] |
Stephen J. Glatt, Stephen V. Faraone, Ming T. Tsuang |
4 |
296 |
Schizophrenia and psychotic spectrum disorders [1 ed.] |
S. Charles Schulz, Michael F. Green, Katharine J. Nelson (Editors) |
297 |
Social Cognition in Schizophrenia: From Evidence to Treatment [1 ed.] |
David L. Roberts, David L. Penn |
298 |
The Sublime Object of Psychiatry: Schizophrenia in Clinical and Cultural Theory [1 ed.] |
Angela Woods |
299 |
Mind, brain, and schizophrenia |
Williamson, Peter |
300 |
Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders [2nd ed] |
Amador, Xavier Francisco; David, Anthony S |
2 |
301 |
Cognitive and dissociative disorders |
302 |
Psychiatric Consultation in Long Term care |
Abhilash K. Desai, George T. Grossberg |
2 |
303 |
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry 7th Edition |
Laura Weiss Roberts (Editor) |
7 |
304 |
Manual of psychiatric therapeutics [3rd ed] |
Shader, Richard I |
3rd |
305 |
Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice |
Glen O. Gabbard |
5 |
306 |
Management of Gender Dysphoria: A Multidisciplinary Approach [1 ed.] |
Carlo Trombetta, Giovanni Liguori, Michele Bertolotto (eds.) |
307 |
Gender Dysphoria: Development, Research, Management [1 ed.] |
Betty W. Steiner, Ray Blanchard, Kenneth J. Zucker (auth.), Betty W. Steiner (eds.) |
308 |
Psychotherapy with Infants and Young Children: Repairing the Effects of Stress and Trauma on Early Attachment [1 ed.] |
Alicia F. Lieberman, Patricia Van Horn |
1st |
309 |
Psychosis, dissociation, and trauma: evolving perspectives on severe psychopathology [Second edition] |
Dorahy, Martin J.; Moskowitz, Andrew; Schafer, Ingo |
2 |
310 |
Memory, Trauma, and Identity [1st ed.] |
Ron Eyerman |
311 |
Child abuse sourcebook : basic consumer health information about child abuse or neglect and the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of children |
Angela Williams (editor) |
5 |
312 |
Psychosis, Dissociation and Trauma : Evolving Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology. [2 ed.] |
Andrew Moskowitz; Ingo Schafer; Martin J. Dorahy |
2 |
313 |
Recovery from Trauma, Addiction, or Both: Strategies for Finding Your Best Self |
Lisa M. Najavits |
314 |
Treating Trauma in Adolescents: Development, Attachment, and the Therapeutic Relationship |
Martha B. Straus |
315 |
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma, and History in Metal Gear Solid V |
reen, Amy M |
316 |
APA handbook of trauma psychology : foundations in knowledge |
Gold, Steven N. |
317 |
APA handbook of trauma psychology: Trauma practice |
Gold, Steven N. |
318 |
The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working With Trauma |
Elizabeth Howell, Sheldon Itzkowitz |
319 |
Counseling Adolescents Through Loss, Grief, and Trauma [1 ed.] |
Pamela A. Malone |
320 |
Analysis of the Incest Trauma: Retrieval, Recovery, Renewal |
Arnold W. Rachman, Susan Klett |
1 |
321 |
Principles and Techniques of Trauma-centered Psychotherapy [1 ed.] |
David Read Johnson, Hadar Lubin |
322 |
Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics [2nd Edition] |
Kate Curtis, Clair Ramsden |
2 |
323 |
Clinical Review of Vascular Trauma [1 ed.] |
Gabriel J. Bietz MD, Joseph L. Bobadilla MD (auth.), Anahita Dua, Sapan S. Desai, John B. Holcomb, Andrew R. Burgess, Julie Ann Freischlag (eds.) |
324 |
Attachment, Trauma, and Healing: Understanding and Treating Attachment Disorder in Children, Families and Adults [2 ed.] |
Michael Orlans, Terry M. Levy |
2 |
325 |
Principles of Trauma Therapy: A Guide to Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment ( Dsm-5 Update) [Paperback ed.] |
John Briere; Catherine Scott |
326 |
Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain [Hardcover ed.] |
Sebern Fisher |
327 |
Trauma and Substance Abuse, Second Edition: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Comorbid Disorders [2 ed.] |
Paige Ouimette, Jennifer P. Read (Editors) |
2 |
328 |
Cutaneous Manifestations of Child Abuse and Their Differential Diagnosis: Blunt Force Trauma [1 ed.] |
Robert A.C. Bilo, Arnold P. Oranje, Tor Shwayder, Christopher J. Hobbs |
329 |
The Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma [1 ed.] |
Gilbert Reyes, Jon D. Elhai, Julian D. Ford |
330 |
Intellectual Disability, Trauma and Psychotherapy [1 ed.] |
Tamsin Cottis |
331 |
Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Emerging Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology |
Andrew Moskowitz, Ingo Schafer, Martin J. Dorahy, Martin J. Dorahy (Editors) |
332 |
Professional writing in speech-language pathology and audiology [Third edition.] |
Yula Cherpelis Serpanos, Robert M. Goldfarb |
3 |
333 |
Speech-Language Pathology Assistants: A Resource Manual [2nd ed.] |
Jennifer A. Ostergren |
2 |
334 |
Clinical Linguistics |
Louise Cummings |
335 |
The Early Identification of Language Impairment in Children [1 ed.] |
James Law (auth.), James Law BA, MCSLT (eds.) |
1st |
336 |
Kaplan and Sadock's s Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry |
Benjamin James Sadock, Virginia Alcott Sadock, Pedro Ruiz, |
9th |
337 |
Psychoacoustics: Perception of Normal and Impaired Hearing with Audiology Applications [1 ed.] |
Jennifer J Lentz |
1 |
338 |
Cognitive Impairment: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment |
Melanie L. Landow (Editor) |
339 |
Human Psychophysics [1 ed.] |
William A. Yost (auth.), William A. Yost, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay (eds.) |
340 |
Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability |
Sabyasachi Bhaumik, Regi Alexander (Editors) |
341 |
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology |
Alan F. Schatzberg, Charles B. Nemeroff |
5 |
342 |
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adult outcome and its predictors |
Lily Hechtman (Editor) |
343 |
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming |
Clare R. Johnson |
344 |
The Sublime Object of Psychiatry Schizophrenia in Clinical and Cultural Theory [1 ed.] |
Angela Woods |
345 |
Cafer,s psychopharmacology book |
Jason Cafer |
1 |
346 |
Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine 2ed |
Susan Ayers, Andrew Baum, Chris McManus, Stanton Newman, Kenneth Wallston, John Weinman, Robert West |
2 |
347 |
New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry |
John R. Geddes, Nancy C. Andreasen, Guy M. Goodwin (Editors) |
3 |
348 |
Emotional First Aid. Practical Strategies for Treating Failure, Rejection, Guilt, and other Everyday Psychological Injuries |
Guy Winch |
349 |
Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders. Science and Practice |
David A. Clark, Aaron T. Beck |
350 |
Psycholinguistics The Key Concepts |
John Field |
351 |
Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment |
W. John Livesley, Roseann Larstone (Editors) |
2 |
352 |
Personality THEORY AND RESEARCH Twelfth Edition |
Daniel Cervone, Lawrence A. Pervin |
12 |
353 |
Self Assessment and Review of Short Subjects (Psychiatry) 6ed |
Vivek Jain |
6 |
354 |
Review of Psychiatry |
Praveen Triparhi |
1 |
355 |
Rapid psychiatry (Rapid series) |
Clare Oakley, Amit Malik |
2 |
356 |
357 |
Assessment of Childhood Disorders 4ed |
Eric J. Mash, Russell A. Barkley (Editors) |
4 |
358 |
100 Cases in Psychiatry |
Barry Wright, UKSubodh Dave, UKNisha Dogra |
2 |
359 |
Clinical Addiction Psychiatry |
David Brizer & Ricardo Castaneda (Editors) |
360 |
A Case-Based Approach to Emergency Psychiatry |
Katherine Maloy |
361 |
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication 6ed |
Richard Jackson Harris & Fred W. Sanborn |
6 |
362 |
A Connectionist Model of Sentence Comprehension and Production |
Douglas L. T. Rohde |
363 |
A dictionary of hallucinations |
Jan Dirk Blom |
364 |
A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis |
Eric Berne |
365 |
A Mind of Your Own The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives |
Kelly Borgan |
366 |
A Mood Apart The Thinker's Guide to Emotion and Its Disorders |
Peter C. Whybro |
367 |
A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Front-line Professionals 2nd Edition |
Nisha Dogra, Andrew Parkin,Fiona Gale & Clay Frake |
2 |
368 |
A Primer of Drug Action A comprehensive guide to the actions, uses, and side effects of psychoactive drugs 12ed |
Robert M. Julien, Claire D. Advokat, Joseph E. Comaty |
12 |
369 |
A Short Introduction to Psychiatry (Short Introductions to the Therapy Professions) |
Linda Gask |
370 |
A Short Textbook of Psychiatry, 7th Edition |
Niraj Ahuja |
7 |
371 |
A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics. Applying Psychology to Financial Fraud Prevention and Detection |
Sridhar Ramamoorti, David E. Morrison III, Joseph W. Koletar, Kelly Richmond Pope |
372 |
Abnormal Psychology and Life A Dimensional Approach |
Christopher A. Kearney, Timothy J. Trull |
373 |
Activating Happiness A Jump-Start Guide to Overcoming Low Motivation, Depression, or Just Feeling Stuck |
Rachel Hershenberg |
374 |
Addiction and Change, Second Edition How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover |
Carlo C. Diclemente |
2 |
375 |
Adult Depression Clinical Practice Guidelines |
376 |
Ihsan M. Ajeena (Editor) |
377 |
Advances in Psychodynamic Psychiatry |
César A. Alfonso, Richard C. Friedman, Jennifer I. Downey (Editors) |
378 |
Advances in treatment of bipolar disorders |
Terence A. Ketter (Editor) |
379 |
Alcohol, gender, and drinking problems perspectives from low and middle income countries |
Isidore S. Obot & Robin Room (Editors) |
380 |
All We Have to Fear Psychiatry's Transformation of Natural Anxieties into Mental Disorders |
Allan V. Horwitz, Jerome C. Wakefi eld |
381 |
American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias The App Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry Diagnostic Issues in Dementia |
Myron F. Weiner, Anne M. Lipton (Editors) |
382 |
An Introduction to applied Cognitive Psychology Processes and Disorders |
Esgate, Anthony, Groome, David, Baker, Kevin |
1 |
383 |
An Introduction to applied Cognitive Psychology Processes and Disorders 2ed |
David Groome & Michael W. Eysenck |
2 |
384 |
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology Processes and Disorders by David Groom 3ed |
David Groome |
3 |
385 |
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology Processes and Disorders by David Groom |
David Groome |
386 |
Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development 2000-2001 (Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development) |
Margaret E.Hertzig, Ellen A.Farber (Editors) |
387 |
Anxiety & Depression Workbook |
Charles H. Elliott, |
388 |
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention |
Thomas J. Huberty |
389 |
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) |
Wendy K. Silverman, Andy P. Field |
2 |
390 |
Asperger Syndrome A Guide for Professionals and Families |
Raymond W. DuCharme, Thomas P. Gullotta (Editors) |
2 |
391 |
Assessment Scales in Depression and Anxiety (Assessment Scales in Psychiatry Series) |
Raymond W Lam, Erin E. Michalak, Richard P Swinson |
392 |
Attachments Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis The selected works of Jeremy Holmes |
Jeremy Holmes |
393 |
Autism Neural Basis and Treatment Possibilities |
394 |
Basic Notes in Psychiatry |
Dr Michael I Levi |
395 |
Review of Basic Sciences Relevant to Psychiatry |
Uni of Soudi Arabaia |
396 |
Basic Psychology for DPM Exam Review |
397 |
Bearing Witness to Change Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Practice |
Ezra E. H. Griffith, Michael A. Norko, Alec Buchanan, Madelon V. Baranoski, Howard V. Zonana |
398 |
Beating Depression The Complete Guide to Depression and How to Overcome It (Class Health) |
Dr Stefan Cembrowicz, Dr Dorcas Kingham |
399 |
Before Prozac The Troubled History of Mood Disorders in Psychiatry |
Edward Shorter |
400 |
Behavioral Neurobiology of Psychedelic Drugs |
Adam L. Halberstadt, Franz X. Vollenweider, David E. Nichols (Editors) |
401 |
Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry |
David B. Arciniegas, C. Alan Anderson, Christopher M. Filley (Editors) |
402 |
Behavioral Treatments for Drug Abuse and Dependence, 137 |
Lisa Simon Onken, Jack D. Blaine, John J. Boren |
403 |
Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change |
Michael J. Lambert |
6 |
404 |
Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 1 |
Lena Palaniyappan, Rajeev Krishnadas |
405 |
Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 2 |
Lena Palaniyappan, Rajeev Krishnadas |
406 |
Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 3 |
Lena Palaniyappan, Rajeev Krishnadas |
407 |
Best Practice Guidelines for Mental Health Disorders in the Perinatal |
408 |
Beyond nature and nurture in psychiatry genes, the environment, and their interplay |
James MacCabe, Owen O’Daly, Robin M Murray, Peter McGuffin, Pádraig Wright |
409 |
Beyond Reasonable Doubt Reasoning Processes In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder And Related Disorders |
Kieron O’Connor, Frederick Aardema & Marie-Claude Pelissier |
410 |
Beyond the Bench Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents |
Cynthia Kapphahn |
411 |
Big Book of Emergency Department Psychiatry 2018 |
Yener Balan, Karen Murrell, Christopher Bryant Lentz |
412 |
Big Book of the Cosmos for Kids Children's Books and Bedtime Stories For Kids Ages 3-8 for Good Morals |
413 |
Binge-eating disorder clinical foundations and treatment |
James E. Mitchell, Michael J. Devlin, Martina de Zwaan, Scott J. Crow, Carol B. Peterson |
414 |
Biological Psychiatry [2 Vols] |
Prof. Dr. Hugo D’haenen, Prof. Dr. J.A. den Boer, Prof. P. Willner |
415 |
Biological Psychiatry, 3rd Edition |
Michael R. Trimble, Mark S. George |
3 |
416 |
Biopsychosocial Approaches in Neurorehabilitation Assessment and Management of Neuropsychiatric, Mood and Behavioural Disorders |
W.Huw Williams, Jonathan J.Evans (Editors) |
417 |
BIOS Instant Notes in Cognitive Psychology |
Jackie Andrade & Jon May |
418 |
BIOS Instant Notes in Physiological Psychology |
H. Wagner & K. Silber |
419 |
Bipolar Disorder A Guide for Patients and Families |
Francis Mark Mondimore |
3 |
420 |
Bipolar Medications Mechanisms of Action |
Husseini K. Manji, Charles L. Bowden, Robert H. Belmaker (Editors) |
421 |
Bipolar, Not So Much Understanding Your Mood Swings and Depression |
Chris Aiken, James Phelps |
422 |
Blueprints Psychiatry 5ed |
Murphy, Michael J., Cowan, Ronald L. |
5 |
423 |
Body-Subjects and Disordered Minds Treating the 'Whole' Person in Psychiatry |
Eric Matthews |
424 |
Borderline Personality and Mood Disorders Comorbidity and Controversy |
Lois W. Choi-Kain & John G. Gunderson (Editors) |
425 |
Borderline Personality Disorder Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment |
Perry D. Hoffman, Penny Steiner (Editors) |
426 |
Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex |
Peter R. Breggin |
2 |
427 |
Brain organization and memory cells, systems, and circuits |
James L. Mcgaugh, Norman M. Weinberger, Gary Lynch |
428 |
Brain Protection in Schizophrenia, Mood and Cognitive Disorders |
Michael S. Ritsner (Editor) |
429 |
Breathe, Walk and Chew The Neural Challenge Part I |
430 |
Breathe, Walk and Chew The Neural Challenge Part II |
Stephen G. Waxman, Donald G. Stein, Dick F. Swaab, Howard L. Fields (Editors) |
431 |
BRS Behavioral Science |
Barbara Fadem |
7 |
432 |
Building Better Health A Handbook of Behavioral Change (Scientific and Technical Publication) |
C. David Jenkins |
433 |
Case Files Psychiatry 5ed |
Eugene C. Toy, Debra Klamen |
5 |
434 |
CBT Strategies for Anxious and Depressed Children and Adolescents A Clinicians Toolkit |
Eduardo L. Bunge, Javier Mandil, Andres J. Consoli & Martin Gomar |
435 |
CBT WITH DEPRESSED ADOLESCENTS (Cbt With Children, Adolescents and Families) |
Chrissie Verduyn, Julia Rogers & Alison Wood |
436 |
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness |
Daniel G. Amen |
437 |
Chemotherapy in Psychiatry Pharmacologic Basis of Treatments for Major Mental Illness |
Ross J. Baldessarini |
3 |
438 |
Child and Adolescent Neurology Blackwell's Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series (Access) |
Ronald B. David (Editor) |
2 |
439 |
Child and adolescent psychiatry A developmental approach |
Jeremy Turk, Philip Graham, Frank C. Verhulst |
4 |
440 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3ed by Mina k Dulkan |
Mina k Dulkan, D. Richard Martini, MaryBeth Lake |
3 |
441 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3ed |
Robert Goodman, Stephen Scott |
3 |
442 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the General Psychiatrist, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine) [1 ed.] |
Robert L. Hendren DO, Malia McCarthy MD |
1 |
443 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the Specialty Board Review 4ed |
Hong Shen & Robert L. Hendren |
4 |
444 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Asian Perspectives |
Savita Malhotra, Paramala Santosh (Editors) |
445 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Blackwell's Neurology and Psychiatry Access Series (Access) |
Sandra B. Sexson (Editor) |
2 |
446 |
Child Psychology and Psychiatry Frameworks for Clinical Training and Practice 3ed |
David Skuse, Helen Bruce, Linda Dowdney (Editors) |
3 |
447 |
Clinical Cases in Psychiatry Integrating Translational Neuroscience Approaches |
Alfredo Carlo Altamura, Paolo Brambilla (Editors) |
448 |
Clinical Child Psychiatry, Third Edition by William M. Klykylo |
William M. Klykylo & Jerald Kay |
3 |
449 |
Clinical Child Psychiatry, 2nd Ed by William M. Klykylo |
William M. Klykylo & Jerald L. Kay |
2 |
450 |
Clinical Handbook for the Management of Mood Disorders |
J. John Mann, Patrick J. McGrath, Steven P. Roose (Editors) |
451 |
Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction |
Richard Rosner (Editor) |
452 |
Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach (Medical Psychiatry, 26) [1 ed.] |
Timothy D. Brewerton |
1 |
453 |
Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders A Case-Based Approach to Treating Pediatric and Adult Populations |
Eric A. Storch, Adam B. Lewin (Editors) |
454 |
Clinical Manual for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychotic Depressions |
Anthony J. Rothschild |
455 |
Clinical Manual for the Psychiatric Interview of Children and Adolescents |
Claudio Cepeda |
456 |
Clinical Manual for Treatment of Alcoholism and Addictions |
Avram H. Mack, Amy L. Harrington, Richard J. Frances |
457 |
Clinical Manual of Addiction Psychopharmacology |
Henry R. Kranzler, Domenic A. Ciraulo (Editors) |
458 |
Clinical Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment |
Yifrah Kaminer, Ken C. Winters (Editors) |
459 |
Clinical Manual of Anxiety Disorders |
Dan J. Stein (Editor) |
460 |
Clinical Manual of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology |
Robert L. Findling |
461 |
Clinical manual of cultural psychiatry 1ed |
Russell F. Lim (Editor) |
462 |
Clinical Manual of Cultural Psychiatry 2ed |
Russell F. Lim (Editor) |
2 |
463 |
Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders |
Joel Yager, Pauline S. Powers (Editors) |
464 |
Clinical Manual of Electroconvulsive Therapy 2010 |
Mehul V. Mankad, John L. Beyer, Richard D. Weiner, Andrew D. Krystal |
465 |
Clinical Manual of Emergency Psychiatry American Psychiatric Publishing |
Michelle B. Riba, Divy Ravindranath (Editors) |
466 |
Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry |
Mugdha E. Thakur, Dan G. Blazer, David C. Steffens (Editors) |
467 |
Clinical Manual of Impulse-Control Disorders |
Eric Hollander, Dan J. Stein (Editors) |
468 |
Clinical Manual of Pain Management in Psychiatry (Concise Guides) |
Raphael J. Leo |
469 |
Clinical Manual of Pediatric Psychosomatic Medicine Mental Health Consultation With Physically Ill Children And Adolescents |
Richard J. Shaw, David R. DeMaso |
470 |
Clinical Manual of Prevention in Mental Health |
Michael T. Compton (Editor) |
471 |
Clinical Manual of Psychiatry And Law |
Robert I. Simon, Daniel W. Shuman |
472 |
Clinical Manual of Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill |
Stephen J. Ferrando, James L. Levenson, James A. Owen (Editors) |
473 |
Clinical Manual of Sexual Disorders |
Richard Balon, Robert Taylor Segraves (Editors) |
474 |
Clinical Manual of Women's Mental Health |
Vivien K. Burt, Victoria C. Hendrick |
475 |
Clinical Neurophysiology Board Review Q&A |
Puneet K. Gupta, Pradeep N. Modur, Srikanth Muppidi |
476 |
Clinical Neurophysiology in Disorders of Consciousness Brain Function Monitoring in the ICU and Beyond |
Andrea O. Rossetti, Steven Laureys (Editors) |
477 |
Clinical Neurophysiology in Pediatrics A Practical Approach to Neurodiagnostic Testing and Management |
Gloria M. Galloway (Editor) |
478 |
Clinical Psychiatry Essentials |
Laura Weiss Roberts (Editor) |
479 |
Clinical Psycho-Oncology An International Perspective |
Luigi Grassi, Michelle Riba, |
480 |
Clinical Study Guide for the Oral Boards in Psychiatry, 4th Edition (American Psychiatric Publishing) |
Nathan R. Strahl |
4 |
481 |
Clinical Topics in Cultural Psychiatry |
Rahul Bhattacharya, Sean Cross & Dinesh Bhugra (Editors) |
482 |
Clinical Work with Substance-Abusing Clients, Second Edition (The Guilford Substance Abuse Series) |
Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner (Editor) |
2 |
483 |
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy A Guide for the Practising Clinician, Volume 1 |
Gregoris Simos (Editor) |
484 |
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy A Guide for the Practising Clinician, Volume 2 |
Gregoris Simos (Editor) |
485 |
Cognitive Psychology - A Methods Companion |
Nick Braisby (Editor) |
486 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Solso, MacLin, MacLin |
8 |
487 |
Cognitive Psychology (SAGE Course Companions) |
Carol Brown |
488 |
Cognitive Psychology 3ed E. Bruce Goldstein |
E. Bruce Goldstein |
3 |
489 |
Cognitive Psychology A Students Handbook 6ed |
Michael W. Eysenck, Mark T. Keane |
6 |
490 |
Cognitive Psychology A Students Handbook 7ed |
Michael W. Eysenck And Mark T. Keane |
7 |
491 |
Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Wikibooks |
492 |
Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications, Eighth Edition |
John R. Anderson |
8 |
493 |
Cognitive psychology from wikipedia |
494 |
Cognitive Psychology |
Nick Braisby |
495 |
Cognitive Psychology of Virtual Reality Basics, Problems and Tips by Thomas Bedenk |
Thomas Bedenk |
496 |
Cognitive psychology research developments |
Stella P.Weingarten & Helena O.Penat (Editors) |
497 |
Cognitive Psychology by Robert J. Sternberg 5ed |
Robert J. Sternberg |
5 |
498 |
Cognitive Psychology Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience 4ed |
E. Bruce Goldstein |
4 |
499 |
Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory |
Kathleen M. Galotti |
4 |
500 |
Cognitive Psychology Theory, Process, and Methodology |
Dawn M. McBride, J. Cooper Cutting |
2 |
501 |
Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders Science and Practice |
David A. Clark, Aaron T. Beck |
502 |
Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse |
Aaron T. Beck,, Fred D. Wright, Cory F. Newman, Bruce S. Liese, |
503 |
Cognitive-behavioral Therapy with Adults A Guide to Empirically-informed Assessment and Intervention |
Stefan G. Hofmann, Mark A. Reinecke (Editors) |
504 |
Comorbid Conditions in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
Johnny L. Matson (Series Editor), Johnny L. Matson, Michael L. Matson (Editors) |
505 |
Comorbid Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders: A Clinical Casebook [Paperback ed.] |
Imran Khawaja, Thomas Hurwitz |
506 |
Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome |
Tony Attwood |
507 |
Complex Clinical Conundrums in Psychiatry |
Kuppuswami Shivakumar, Shabbir Amanullah (Editors) |
508 |
Complicated Grief Scientific Foundations for Health Care Professionals |
Margaret Stroebe, Henk Schut, Jan van den Bout (Editors) |
509 |
Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology , 3 Volume Set |
Robert T. Ammerman, Michel Hersen, Jay C. Thomas (Editors) |
510 |
Michel Hersen, Jay C. Thomas, Frank Andrasik (Editors) |
511 |
Jay C. Thomas, Daniel L. Segal |
512 |
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychopathology THIRD EDITION |
Patricia B. Sutker, Henry E. Adams (Editors) |
3 |
513 |
Computational Psychiatry A Systems Biology Approach to the Epigenetics of Mental Disorders 2017 |
Rodrick Wallace |
514 |
Concise Guide to Ethics in Mental Health Care (Concise Guides) |
Laura Weiss Roberts, Allen R. Dyer |
515 |
Concise Guide to Mood Disorders |
Steven L. Dubovsky, Amelia N. Dubovsky |
516 |
Confidentiality and mental health |
Christopher Cordess (Editor) |
517 |
Confidentiality in Mental Health |
518 |
Connectionist Models in Cognitive Neuroscience The 5th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Birmingham, 8 10 September 1998 |
Dietmar Heinke, Glyn W. Humphreys & Andrew Olson (Editors) |
519 |
Connectionist Models in Cognitive Psychology (Studies in Cognition) |
George Houghton (Editor) |
520 |
Connectionist Models of Behaviour and Cognition II Proceedings of the 11th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (Progress in Neural Processing) |
Julien Mayor, Nicolas Ruh, Kim Plunkett (Editors) |
521 |
Connectionist Models of Cognition, Perception II (Progress in Neural Processing) |
Howard Bowman, Christophe La biouse (Editors) |
522 |
Connectionist Models of Development Developmental Processes in Real and Artificial Neural Networks |
Philip T.Quinlan |
523 |
Connectionist Models of Neurons, Learning Processes, and Artificial Intelligence 6th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN 2001 Granada, Spain, June 13 15, 2001 Proceedings |
Jose Mira, Alberto Prieto (Editors) |
524 |
Contemporary Neuropsychiatry |
K.Miyoshi, C.M.Shapiro, M.Gaviria, Y.Morita(Editors) |
525 |
Contemporary Psychiatry Volume 1 Foundations of Psychiatry, Volume 2 Psychiatry in Special Situations, Volume 3 Specific Psychiatric Disorders |
526 |
Contesting Psychiatry Social Movements in Mental Health |
Nick Crossley |
527 |
Co-occurring Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation) and Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents |
Donna N McNelis |
528 |
COPE Perinatal Mental Health Guideline |
529 |
Core Clinical Cases in Psychiatry A Problem-Solving Approach |
Tom Clark, Ed Day, Emma C. Fergusson |
530 |
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice, with Video Resource Center Skills, Strategies, and Techniques |
John Sommers, Rita Sommers |
2 |
531 |
Counselling for Depression (Counselling in Practice series) |
Paul Gilbert |
2 |
532 |
Counselling Skills for Working with Trauma Healing From Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse |
Christiane Sanderson |
533 |
Critical Psychiatry Controversies and Clinical Implications |
Sandra Steingard (Editor) |
534 |
Cross-cultural Psychiatry A Practical Guide (Hodder Arnold Publication) |
Dinesh Bhugra, Kamaldeep Bhui |
535 |
Cultural Assessment in Clinical Psychiatry (Gap Report (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry)) |
536 |
Cultural Competence in Clinical Psychiatry (Core Competencies in Psychotherapy) |
Wen-Shing Tseng, Jon Streltzer (Editors) |
537 |
Cultural Psychiatry |
R.D. Alarcon (Editor) |
538 |
Culture Competence in Forensic Mental Health A Guide for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Attorneys |
Wen-Shing Tseng, Daryl Matthews, Todd S. Elwyn, |
539 |
Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial |
Peter C. Gotzsche |
540 |
Dealing with Depression A Commonsense Guide to Mood Disorders 1ed by Gordon Parker |
Gordon Parker |
541 |
Dealing with Depression A Commonsense Guide to Mood Disorders 2ed by Gordon Parker |
Gordon Parker |
2 |
542 |
Dementia - Mind, Meaning, and the Person Volume of International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry |
Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw, Steven R. Sabat (Editors) |
543 |
Depression Cause and Treatment 2ed |
Aaron T. Beck, Brad A. Alford |
2 |
544 |
Depression Treatment Strategies and Management |
Thomas L. Schwartz, Timothy Petersen (Editors) |
545 |
Depression and the Erosion of the Self in Late Modernity The Lesson of Icarus |
Barbara Dowds |
546 |
Depression depression dementia & delirium |
Mark Bosma |
547 |
Depression in Children |
Bernice T. Naylor (Editor) |
548 |
Depression in narcolepsy A comparative analysis of depression severity and daytime sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia |
549 |
Depression Runs in Families The Social Context of Risk and Resilience in Children of Depressed Mothers |
Lauren B. Alloy (Editor) |
550 |
Depression self help how to deal with depression, overcome depression and symptoms and signs of depression |
Isabel Jones |
551 |
Depression, the mood disease |
Francis Mark Mondimore |
3 |
552 |
Depression A Very Short Introduction |
Mary Jane Tacchi & Jan Scott |
553 |
Depression Treatment Strategies and Management, 2nd Edition (Medical Psychiatry Series) |
Thomas L. Schwartz, Timothy Petersen (Editors) |
2 |
554 |
Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment |
Norman S. Miller, Steven S. Kipnis |
555 |
Diabetes Stress Distress Depression Anxiety |
Brandy Cooper |
556 |
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders DSM-5 |
5 |
557 |
Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents (Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) |
Tony Jaffa & Brett McDermott (Editors) |
558 |
Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents A Clinical Handbook |
Daniel Le Grange, James Lock |
559 |
Emergencies in Psychiatry |
Basant K Puri, lan H.Treasaden |
560 |
Emergency Psychiatry (Review of Psychiatry) |
Michael H. Allen (Editor) |
561 |
Emotional Agility Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life |
Susan David |
562 |
Emotional Healing by Dummies |
Dr David Beales, Helen Whitten |
563 |
Emotional Memory across the Adult Lifespan (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) |
Elizabeth A. Kensinger |
564 |
Emotional Wisdom Daily Tools for Transforming Anger, Depression, and Fear |
Mantak Chiaand & Dena Saxer |
565 |
Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Disorders |
Tracey Wade (Editor) |
566 |
Encyclopedia of Geropsychology |
Nancy A. Pachana (Editor) |
567 |
Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology |
Ian P. Stolerman (Editor) |
568 |
Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia Focus on Management Options |
W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, Ian P. Stolerman (Editors) |
569 |
End This Depression Now! |
Paul Krugman |
570 |
Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology Clinical Focus on Psychiatry, Volume 2 |
Dietmar Spengler & Elisabeth Binder (Editors) |
571 |
Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology Clinical Focus on Psychiatry, Volume 1 |
Dietmar Spengler, Elisabeth Binder (Editors) |
572 |
Epigenetics in Psychiatry |
Jacob Peedicayil, Dennis R. Grayson, Dimitrios Avramopoulos (Editors) |
573 |
Essential Notes in Psychiatry |
Victor Olisah |
574 |
Essential Psychiatry, 4th edition |
Robin M. Murray, Kenneth S. Kendler, Peter McGuffin, Simon Wessely, David J. Castle (Editors) |
4 |
575 |
Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment) |
Nancy Hebben & William Milberg |
576 |
Jerald Kay, Allan Tasman |
577 |
Ethical Issues in Prison Psychiatry |
Norbert Konrad, Birgit Vollm, David N. Weisstub (Editors) |
578 |
Evidence-Based School Mental Health Services Affect Education, Emotion Regulation Training, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
Gayle L. Macklem |
579 |
Evolution and the Social Mind Evolutionary Psychology and Social Cognition (Sydney Symposium in Social Psychology) |
Joseph P. Forgas, Martie G. Haselton, William von Hippel |
580 |
Evolutionary psychology The new science of the mind |
David M. Buss |
5 |
581 |
Examination Notes in Psychiatry: Basic Sciences [2 ed.] |
Gin S. Malhi, Bob Malhi |
2 |
582 |
Exercise for mood and anxiety disorders therapist guide |
Jasper A. J. Smits, Michael W. Otto |
583 |
Exploring Psychedelic Trance and Electronic Dance Music in Modern Culture |
Emilia Simao, Armando Malheiro da Silva, Sergio Tenreiro de Magalhaes |
584 |
Extraordinary Science and Psychiatry Responses to the Crisis in Mental Health Research |
Jeffrey Poland & Serife TekinThe (Editors) |
585 |
First Aid for the Neurology Boards, 2nd Edition |
Michael S. Rafii, Thomas I. Cochrane, |
2 |
586 |
First Aid for the Psychiatry Boards |
Amin Azzam, Jason Yanofski, Edward Kaftarian, |
587 |
First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship |
Latha Cianti Stead, Jason Yanofski, Matihew S. Kaufman |
3 |
588 |
First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship (First Aid USMLE), 3E (2011) |
Latha Cianti Stead, Jason Yanofski, Matihew S. Kaufman |
3 |
589 |
First aid of psychiatry |
Latha Ganti, Sean M. Blitzstein, Matthew S. Kaufman |
4 |
590 |
591 |
Forensic psychiatry essential board review |
Helen Mavourneen Farrell |
592 |
Forensic Psychiatry Influences of Evil |
Tom Mason |
593 |
Foundations of Cognitive Psychology Core Readings |
Daniel J. Levitin |
594 |
Foundations of Psychiatric Sleep Medicine |
John W. Winkelman , David T. Plante (Editors) |
595 |
From Associations to Rules Connectionist Models of Behavior and Cognition |
Robert M. French, Elizabeth Thomas (Editors) |
596 |
Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors |
Johnny L. Matson (Editor) |
597 |
Fundamentals of clinical psychopharmacology |
Ian M Anderson, R Hamish McAllister-Williams (Editors) |
4 |
598 |
Fundamentals of psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Tasman, Allan, Mohr, Wanda K |
1 |
599 |
Gastroenterology An Illustrated Colour Text (Illustrated Colour Text) |
Graham P. Butcher |
600 |
GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY and PHARMACOLOGY of the drugs affecting mediatory processes, vegetative and central nervous systems |
Germanyuk T.A., Bobruk V.P., Lysogora V.V. |
601 |
Genetic Etiology of Mental Health Disorders |
James j massina |
602 |
Geriatric Psychiatry Ana Hategan |
Ana Hategan, James A. Bourgeois, Calvin H. Hirsch, Caroline Giroux (Editors) |
603 |
Geropsychological Interventions in Long-Term Care |
Lee Hyer, Robert C. Intrieri (Editors) |
604 |
Geropsychology and Long Term Care A Practitioner's Guide |
Erlene Rosowsky, Joseph M. Casciani, Merla Arnold |
605 |
Get through MRCPsych paper A1 mock examination papers |
Melvyn WB Zhang, Cyrus SH Ho, Roger Ho, Ian H Treasaden, Basant K Puri |
606 |
Get Through MRCPsych Paper A2 Mock Examination Papers |
Melvyn WB Zhang, Cyrus SH Ho, Roger Ho, Ian H Treasaden, Basant K Puri |
607 |
Guidelines on depression in older people practising the evidence |
Robert C Baldwin, Edmond Chiu, Cornelius Katona, Nori Graham |
608 |
Hall of Mirrors The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History |
Barry Eichengreen |
609 |
Handbook for Psychiatric Trainees |
Dinesh Bhugra & Oliver Howes (Editors) |
610 |
Handbook of Assessing Variants and Complications in Anxiety Disorders |
Dean McKay, Eric A. Storch (Editors) |
611 |
Handbook of Autism and Anxiety |
Johnny L. Matson (Series Editor), Thompson E. Davis III, Susan W. White, Thomas H. Ollendick (Editors) |
612 |
Handbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults |
Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, Ann M. Steffen, Larry W. Thompson (Editors) |
613 |
Handbook of Behavioral Medicine Methods and Applications |
Andrew Steptoe (Editor) |
614 |
Handbook of Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis and Therapeutic Approaches (Medical Psychiatry) |
Siegfried Kasper, Robert M. A. Hirschfeld (Editors) |
615 |
Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents |
Carla Sharp, Jennifer L. Tackett (Editors) |
616 |
Handbook of Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders |
Dean McKay, Eric A. Storch (Editors) |
617 |
Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations |
Louis A. Pagliaro, Ann Marie Pagliaro |
618 |
Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 4 Child Psychology in Practice, 6th Edition |
K. Ann Renninger, Irving E. Sigel, William Damon And Richard M. Lerner (Editors) |
6 |
619 |
Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Assessment |
Johnny L. Matson (Editor) |
620 |
Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Treatment |
Johnny L.Matson (Editor) |
621 |
Handbook of Chronic Depression Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management (Medical Psychiatry, 25) |
Jonathan E. Alpert & Maurizio Fava (Editors) |
622 |
Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists 2nd ed. |
John D. Preston, John H. O’Neal, Mary C. Talaga |
2 |
623 |
Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists 7th |
John D. Preston, John H. O’Neal, Mary C. Talaga |
7 |
624 |
Handbook of Clinical Rating Scales and Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health |
Lee Baer, Mark A. Blais (Editors) |
625 |
Handbook of Community Psychiatry |
Hunter L. McQuistion, Wesley E. Sowers, Jules M. RanzJacqueline, Maus Feldman (Editors) |
626 |
Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry |
Hoyle Leigh, Jon Streltzer (Editors) |
2 |
627 |
Handbook of Depression and Anxiety A Biological Approach, Second Edition, (Medical Psychiatry, 21) |
Siegfried Kasper, Johan A. den Boer, J.M. Ad Sitsen (Editors) |
2 |
628 |
Handbook of Developmental Psychiatry |
Hans Steiner (Editor) |
629 |
Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology |
Michael Lewis, Karen D. Rudolph (Editors) |
3 |
630 |
Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorders |
Terence A. Ketter (Editor) |
631 |
Handbook of Eating Disorders |
Janet Treasure, Ulrike Schmidt, Eric van Furth (Editors) |
2 |
632 |
Handbook of EEG Interpretation |
William O. Tatum, Aatif M. Husain, Selim R. Benbadis, Peter W. Kaplan |
633 |
Handbook of Emergency Psychiatry |
634 |
Handbook of Forensic Assessment Psychological and Psychiatric Perspectives |
Eric Y. Drogin, Frank M. Dattilio, Robert L. Sadoff, Thomas G. Gutheil |
635 |
Handbook of Forensic Neuropsychology, Second Edition |
Arthur MacNeill Horton, Lawrence C. Hartlage (Editors) |
2 |
636 |
Handbook of Girls' and Women's Psychological Health (Oxford Series in Clinical Psychology) |
Judith Worell, Carol D. Goodheart (Editors) |
637 |
Handbook of Integrative Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, and Behavioral Medicine_ Perspectives, Practices, and Research |
Roland A. Carlstedt (Editor) |
638 |
Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry |
Elena L. Grigorenko |
639 |
Handbook of Medical Psychiatry (2nd Ed.) |
David P. Moore, James W. Jefferson |
2 |
640 |
Handbook of Medical Psychiatry (Medical Psychiatry, 20) |
Jair C. Soares, Samuel Gershon (Editors) |
641 |
Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability Research, Practice, and Policy |
Elias Tsakanikos, Jane McCarthy (Editors) |
642 |
Handbook of Recovery in Inpatient Psychiatry |
Nirbhay N. Singh, Jack W. Barber, Scott Van Sant (Editors) |
643 |
Handbook of Resilience in Children of War |
Chandi Fernando, Michel Ferrari (Editors) |
644 |
Handbook of Stress and the Brain Part 2 Stress Integrative and Clinical Aspects |
T. STECKLER, N.H. KALIN, J.M.H.M. REUL (Editors) |
645 |
Handbook of Stress and the Brain Part 1 The Neurobiology of Stress |
T. STECKLER, N.H. KALIN, J.M.H.M. REUL (Editors) |
646 |
Handbook of Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Johnny L. Matson (Editor) |
647 |
Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Aging and Dementia |
Lisa D. Ravdin, Heather L. Katzen (Editors) |
2 |
648 |
Psychological Self-Help |
Clayton E. Tucker-Ladd |
649 |
Happy 95% of the Time Three Simple, Proven Ways to Overcome Depression and Feel Content Almost All of the Time |
Walter Doyle Staples |
650 |
Heal Your Body, Cure Your Mind |
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND. |
651 |
Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way Creating Happiness with Meditation, Yoga, and Ayurveda |
Nancy Cullen Liebler, Sandra Moss |
652 |
History of psychiatry and medical psychology with an epilogue on psychiatry and the mind-body relation |
Edwin R. Wallace & John Gach (Editors) |
653 |
How Psychology Works The Facts Visually Explained |
Jo Hemmings |
654 |
How To Become a Schizophrenic The Case Against Biological Psychiatry |
John Modrow |
655 |
How to Change Your Mind What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness |
Michael Pollan |
656 |
How to Practice Evidence-based Psychiatry Basic Principles and Case Studies |
C. Barr Taylor (editor) |
657 |
Immunology and Psychiatry From Basic Research to Therapeutic Interventions |
Norbert Müller, Aye-Mu Myint, Markus J.Schwarz (Editors) |
658 |
Information Dynamics in Cognitive, Psychological, Social and Anomalous Phenomena |
Andrei Khrennikov |
659 |
Innovations in the Treatment of Substance Addiction |
AndreLuiz Monezi Andrade, Denise De Micheli (Editors) |
660 |
Integrated Care in Psychiatry Redefining the Role of Mental Health Professionals in the Medical Setting |
Paul Summergrad, Roger G. Kathol (Editors) |
661 |
Integrating Evidence-Based Insomnia and Fatigue Strategies into Depression Treatment |
Colleen E. Carney |
662 |
Integrative Psychiatry (Weil Integrative Medicine Library) |
Daniel A. Monti, Bernard D. Beitman (Editors) |
663 |
Intelligence Analysis for Tomorrow Advances from the Behavioral and Social Sciences |
664 |
International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders |
Johnny L. Matson, Peter Sturmey (Editors) |
665 |
International Handbook of Psychiatry - A Concise Guide for Medical Students, Residents, and Medical Practitioners |
Laura Weiss Roberts, Joseph B Layde, Richard Balon (Editors) |
666 |
Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders Translating Science into Practice |
Sam Goldstein, Jack A. Naglieri (Editors) |
667 |
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology slides |
Greg Francis |
668 |
Introduction to Cognitive-Analytic Therapy Principles and Practice |
Anthony Ryle, Ian B. Kerr |
669 |
Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy The Essential Guide (Counselling in Action Series) |
Stephen Palmer |
670 |
Juvenile Delinquency and Disability |
Kristin C. Thompson, Richard J. Morris |
671 |
Kaplan & Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry |
Benjamin J. Sadock MD |
6 |
672 |
Kaplan and Sadocks Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry |
10 |
673 |
Kaplan and Sadocks Concise Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Benjamin James Sadock, Virginia Alcott Sadock |
674 |
Kaplan and Sadocks Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry 3ed |
Jack A. Grebb, Caroly S. Patak, Norman Sussman |
3 |
675 |
Kaplan and Sadocks Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry 5th ed |
5 |
676 |
Kaplan and Sadock's Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry, 9th Ed. |
9 |
677 |
Kaplan and Sadock's synopsis of psychiatry behavioral sciences clinical psychiatry |
11 |
678 |
Kaplan Textbook of Psychiatry |
679 |
Lange Q & A. Psychiatry |
Ivan Oransky, Sean Blitzstein |
9 |
680 |
Language for those who have nothing |
Peter Good |
681 |
Learned optimism how to change your mind and your life |
Martin E. P. Seligman |
682 |
Learning and Memory A Comprehensive Reference. Cognitive Psychology of Memory |
Randolf Menzel, John H. Byrne |
683 |
Lecture Notes Psychiatry Gautam Gulati 11ed |
Gautam Gulati, Mary-Ellen Lynall, Kate Saunders |
11 |
684 |
Legal Insanity Explorations in Psychiatry, Law, and Ethics |
Gerben Meynen |
685 |
Lessons from the Great Depression For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) |
Steve Wiegand |
2 |
686 |
Lewiss Child and Adolescent Psychiatry A Comprehensive Textbook |
Andres Martin, Michael H. Bloch, Fred R. Volkmar, |
5 |
687 |
Liberation by Oppression A Comparative Study of Slavery and Psychiatry |
Thomas Szasz |
688 |
Lippincotts Primary Care Psychiatry |
Robert M. McCarron, Glen L. Xiong, James A. Bourgeoi |
689 |
LISHMAN'S Organic Psychiatry |
Anthony S. David, Simon Fleminger, Michael D. Kopelman, Simon Lovestone, John D.C. Mellers |
4 |
690 |
Lithium Treatment of Mood Disorders_ A Practical Guide |
Mogens Schou |
6 |
691 |
LSD and the divine scientist _ the final thoughts and reflections of Albert Hofmann |
Albert Hofmann |
692 |
Lsd, Marihuana, Yoga and Hypnosis |
Theodore Xenophon Barber |
693 |
Mad Science Psychiatric Coercion, Diagnosis, and Drugs |
Stuart A. Kirk, Tomi Gomory & David Cohen |
694 |
Maladapting Minds Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory |
Pieter R. Adriaens & Andreas De Block |
695 |
Managing the side effects of psychotropic medications |
Joseph F. Goldberg, Carrie L. Ernst |
696 |
Managing Your Depression What You Can Do to Feel Better |
Susan J. Noona |
697 |
Manic-Depressive Illness Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression |
Frederick K. Goodwin, Kay Redfield Jamison |
2 |
698 |
Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment |
Todd Wilk Estroff |
699 |
Manual of Basic Psychiatry |
MohammedAbdullah Al-Sughayir |
700 |
Manual of clinical psychopharmacology |
Alan F. Schatzberg, Charles DeBattista |
8 |
701 |
Marijuana and Madness Psychiatry and Neurobiology |
David Castle, Robin Murray (Editor) |
702 |
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry |
Theodore A. Stern, Maurizio Fava, Timothy E. Wilens, Jerrold F. Rosenbaum |
2 |
703 |
Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry: Expert Consult - Online and Print (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print), 6 Ed [6 ed.] |
Theodore A. Stern MD |
6 |
704 |
Mastering Bipolar Disorder An Insider's Guide to Managing Mood Swings and Finding Balance |
Kerrie Eyers & Gordon Parker (Editor) |
705 |
Mastering Forensic Psychiatric Practice Advanced Strategies for the Expert Witness |
Thomas G. Gutheil, Robert I. Simon |
1 |
706 |
Mastering Psychiatry A Core Textbook for Undergraduates, 4th Edition |
Melvyn WB Zhang, Cyrus SH Ho |
4 |
707 |
Medical and Mental Health During Childhood Psychosocial Perspectives and Positive Outcomes |
Laura Nabors |
708 |
Medical Management of Psychotropic Side Effects |
Aniyizhai Annamalai |
709 |
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder |
710 |
Melancholia A Disorder of Movement and Mood A Phenomenological and Neurobiological Review |
Gordon Parker & Dusan Hadzi-Pavlovic (Editors) |
711 |
Memory distortion how minds, brains, and societies reconstruct the past |
Daniel L. Schacter |
712 |
Memory for Actions (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) |
Johannes Engelkamp |
713 |
Mental Health in the Workplace by The Mental Health Foundation |
Dr Penny Gray |
714 |
Mental Health Medications for Children A Primer (The Guilford Practical Intervention in Schools Series) |
Ronald T. Brown, Laura Arnstein, Carpenteremily Simerly |
715 |
Mental Health Uncertainty and Inevitability Rejuvenating the Relationship between Social Science and Psychiatry |
Hugh Middleton & Melanie Jordan |
716 |
Mental Models and the Mind Current Developments in Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind |
717 |
Meta-analysis in psychiatry research fundamental and advanced methods |
Mallikarjun B. Hanji |
718 |
Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Depression |
Adrian Wells |
719 |
Methods of Persuasion How to Use Psychology to Influence Human Behavior |
Nick Kolenda |
720 |
Mind and Motion The Bidirectional Link between Thought and Action |
Markus Raab, Joseph G. Johnson, Hauke R. Heekeren |
1 |
721 |
Mindfulness and Acceptance for Addictive Behaviors Applying Contextual CBT to Substance Abuse and Behavioral Addictions |
Steven C. Hayes, Michael E. Levin |
722 |
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Second Edition |
Zindel V. Segal, J. Mark G. Williams, John d. Teasdale |
2 |
723 |
Mindfulness-Based Sobriety A Clinicians Treatment Guide for Addiction Recovery Using Relapse Prevention Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing |
Nick Turner, Phil Welches, Sandra Conti |
724 |
Mindset The New Psychology of Success |
Carol S. Dweck |
725 |
Mnemonics Memory Palace. Book One and Two. The Forgotten Craft of Memorizing and Memory Improvement with Total Recall |
Sjur Midttun |
726 |
Modeling Language, Cognition And Action Proceedings of the Ninth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, University of Plymouth, UK, 8-10 September 2004 |
Angelo Cangelosi, Guido Bugmann, Roman Borisyuk |
727 |
Monsters, demons and psychopaths psychiatry and horror film |
728 |
Monstrous Crimes and the Failure of Forensic Psychiatry |
John Douard, Pamela D. Schultz |
729 |
Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum |
John M. Oldham, Michelle B. Riba (Editors) |
730 |
Mood and anxiety disorders in women |
David Castle, Jayashri Kulkarni, Kathryn M. Abel (Editors) |
731 |
Mood Disorders - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References |
Jamesn. Parker, Philip M. Parker |
732 |
Nese Kocabasoglu |
733 |
Mood Disorders A Handbook of Science and Practice |
Mick Power (Editor) |
734 |
Mood Disorders A Handbook of Science and Practice |
Mick Power (Editor) |
735 |
Mood Disorders by Ne?e Kocaba?o?lu |
Nese Kocabasoglu |
736 |
Mood Disorders in Later Life, Second Edition |
James M. Ellison, Helen H. Kyomen, Sumer Verma |
2 |
737 |
Joan Esherick |
738 |
Mood Disorders A Practical Guide |
S. Nassir Ghaemi |
2 |
739 |
MRI in Psychiatry |
Christoph Mulert, Martha E. Shenton |
740 |
Narcolepsy A Clinical Guide |
Meeta Goswami, Michael J. Thorpy, S.R. Pandi-Perumal (Editors) |
2 |
741 |
Neuropsychological Assessment of Neuropsychiatric and Neuromedical Disorders |
Igor Grant, Kenneth M. Adams (Editors) |
3 |
742 |
Neuropsychological Assessments of Dementia in Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities 2nd Edition |
Vee P. Prasher |
2 |
743 |
Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry The Pathophysiology of Behavior and Mental Illness 3ed |
Edmund S. Higgins, Mark S. George |
3 |
744 |
New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry |
Michael G. Gelder, Nancy C. Andreasen, Juan J. López-Ibor Jr., John R. Geddes (Editors) |
2 |
745 |
Next Generation Antidepressants Moving Beyond Monoamines to Discover Novel Treatment Strategies for Mood Disorders |
Chad E. Beyer, Stephen M. Stahl (Editors) |
746 |
NMS Psychiatry, 6th Edition |
Joshua T. Thornhill IV |
6 |
747 |
Nutrition and Psychiatry Research-Based Prevention and Treatment Approaches ppt |
William Dikel |
748 |
OAPCL Grief and Bereavement in the Adult Palliative Care Setting 2013 |
E. Alessandra Strada, |
749 |
OAPL ADHD 2014 |
James J. McGough |
750 |
OAPL Bipolar Disorder 2014 |
Stephen M. Strakowski |
751 |
OAPL Major Depressive Disorder 2015 |
Stephen M. Strakowski, Erik B. Nelson |
752 |
OAPL Schizophrenia 2014 |
Stephen R. Marder |
753 |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Children and Young People |
Polly Waite and Tim Williams (Editors) |
754 |
On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry Handbook of Principles and Practice |
Ana Hategan, James A. Bourgeois , Calvin H. Hirsch |
755 |
ONL Alzheimers Disease 2nd Edition 2017 |
Gunhild Waldemar, Alistair Burns (Editors) |
2 |
756 |
OPL Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders 2015 |
Andre F Carvalho, Roger S McIntyre (Editors) |
757 |
Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, 2nd Edition |
Charles H. Elliott, Laura L. Smith |
2 |
758 |
Overcoming Depression A Cognitive Therapy Approach Workbook |
Mark Gilson, Arthur Freeman, M. Jane Yates, SharonMorgillo Freeman |
2 |
759 |
Overcoming Depression A Step-by-Step Approach to Gaining Control Over Depression |
Paul Gilbert |
2 |
760 |
Overdiagnosis in psychiatry how modern psychiatry lost its way while creating a diagnosis for almost all of life's misfortunes |
Joel Paris |
761 |
Oxford American Handbook of Geriatric Medicine (Oxford American Handbooks) |
Samuel C. Durso, Lesley K. Bowker, James D. Price, Sarah C. Smith (Editors) |
762 |
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology |
Nancy A. Pachana, Ken Laidlaw |
1 |
763 |
Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment |
James N. Buthcher (Editor) |
764 |
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry |
David Semple, Roger Smyth |
3 |
765 |
Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry |
Robert Trestman, Kenneth Appelbaum, Jeffrey Metzner (Editors) |
766 |
Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry |
Tom Dening, Alan Thomas (Editors) |
2 |
767 |
Parenthood and Mental Health: A Bridge Between Infant and Adult Psychiatry |
Sam Tyano, Miri Keren, Helen Herrman, John Cox |
768 |
Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry |
Anthony P. S. Guerrero, Paul C. Lee, Norbert Skokauskas (Editors) |
769 |
Pediatric Mental Health for Primary Care Providers A Clinician's Guide |
Sarah Y. Vinson, Ebony S. Vinson (Editors) |
770 |
Pediatric Neuropsychiatry |
C. Edward Coffe, Roger A. Brumback (Editors) |
771 |
Pediatric Neuropsychiatry A Case-Based Approach |
Aaron J. Hauptman, Jay A. Salpekar (Editors) |
772 |
Pediatric Neuropsychology Case Studies From the Exceptional to the Commonplace |
Jennifer Niskala Apps, Robert F. Newby, Laura Weiss Roberts (Editors) |
773 |
Pediatric Psychopharmacology for Primary Care 2016 |
Mark A. Riddle |
774 |
Perinatal and Postpartum Mood Disorders Perspectives and Treatment Guide for the Health Care Practitioner |
Susan Dowd Stone, Alexis E. Menken |
775 |
Perinatal Mental Health A Sourcebook for Health Professionals |
Diana Riley |
1 |
776 |
Perinatal Mental Health and Psychosocial Assessment |
777 |
Perioperative Psychiatry A Guide to Behavioral Healthcare for the Surgical Patient |
Paula C. Zimbrean, Mark A. Oldham, Hochang Benjamin Lee (Editors) |
778 |
Person Centered Approach to Recovery in Medicine Insights from Psychosomatic Medicine and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry |
Luigi Grassi, Michelle B. Riba, Thomas Wise |
779 |
Personalized Psychiatry Big Data Analytics in Mental Health |
Ives Cavalcante Passos, Benson Mwangi, Flavio Kapczinski |
780 |
Pharmacotherapy for Depression and Treatment-resistant Depression |
George I. Papakostas, Maurizio Fava |
781 |
Pharmacotherapy for Mood, Anxiety, and Cognitive Disorders |
Uriel Halbreich, Stuart A. Montgomery |
782 |
Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorders |
Jean-Michel Aubry, Francois Ferrero, Nicolas Schaad |
783 |
Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents A Clinician's Guide to Effective Psychosocial and Pharmacological Interventions |
Thomas H. Ollendick, John S. March (Editors) |
784 |
Plant Medicines, Healing and Psychedelic Science |
Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Clancy Cavnar |
785 |
Polypharmacy in Psychiatry (Medical Psychiatry, 17) |
S. Nassir Ghaemi |
786 |
Practical Forensic Psychiatry |
Tom Clark & Dharjinder Singh Rooprai |
787 |
Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic Testing EP, LTM, IOM, PSG, and NCS |
Thoru Yamada, Elizabeth Meng |
788 |
Practical Management of Bipolar Disorder |
Allan H. Young, I. Nicol Ferrier, Erin E. Michalak |
789 |
Practical Psychopharmacology Basic to AdvancEditionPrinciples 2017 |
Thomas L. Schwartz |
790 |
Prescribing mental health medication The practitioner's guide 2ed |
Christopher M. Doran |
2 |
791 |
Prescribing Mental Health Medication The Practitioner's Guide |
Christopher M. Doran |
2 |
792 |
Prescriptions for the mind a critical view of contemporary psychiatry |
Joel Paris |
793 |
Primary Care Psychiatry |
Sean Exner Baumann |
2 |
794 |
Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health A Practical Guide, Volume 1 |
Dr Quentin Spender, Dr Judith Barnsley, Alison Davies & Dr Jenny Murphy |
2 |
795 |
Principles and Practice of Child and Adolescent Forensic Mental Health (Principles & Practice) |
Elissa P. Benedek, Peter Ash, Charles L. Scott (Editors) |
1 |
796 |
Principles and Practice of Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry |
Diane H. Schetky, Elissa P. Benedek |
797 |
Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Second Edition |
2 |
798 |
Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry 3ed |
Mohammed T. Abou-Saleh, Cornelius Katona, Anand Kumar |
3 |
799 |
Principles of Social Psychiatry |
Craig Morgan & Dinesh Bhugra |
2 |
800 |
Problem-based Behavioral Science and Psychiatry |
Daniel Alicata, Negar Nicole Jacobs, Anthony Guerrero, Melissa Piasecki |
2 |
801 |
Psychedelic Chemistry |
Michael Valentine Smith |
802 |
Psychedelic Psychiatry LSD from Clinic to Campus |
Erika Dyck |
803 |
Psychedelics Encyclopedia |
Peter Stafford |
3 |
804 |
PSYCHEDELICS The Uses and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs by Bernard Aaronson and Humphry Osmond |
Bernard Aaronson & Humphry Osmond |
805 |
Psychiatric Interview of Children and Adolescents 2017 |
Claudio Cepeda, Lucille Gotanco |
806 |
Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie 5 Tagen (Springer-Lehrbuch) |
F. Schneider, S. Weber-Papen |
807 |
Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie |
Hans-Jürgen Moller, Gerd Laux, Hans-Peter Kapfhammer Herausgeber |
808 |
Psychiatry 3ed |
Janis C Cutler |
3 |
809 |
Psychiatry 2ed by Neel Burton |
Neel Burton |
2 |
810 |
Psychiatry 1200 questions to help you pass the boards |
Maju Mathews, Kumar Budur, Biju Basil, Manu Mathews |
811 |
Psychiatry A comprehensive board review |
Rajesh R. Tampi, Kristina Zdanys, Mark Oldham (Editors) |
812 |
Psychiatry An illustrated colour text |
Lesley Stevens, Ian Rodin |
2 |
813 |
Psychiatry breaking the ICE introductions, common tasks, emergencies for trainees |
Sarah Stringer, Juliet Hurn, Anna M Burnside |
4 |
814 |
Psychiatry 4th Edition Oxford |
John Geddes, Jonathan Price, Rebecca McKnight |
4 |
815 |
Psychiatry an Evidence Based Text [1 ed.] |
Basant Puri, Ian Treasaden |
1 |
816 |
Psychiatry and Behavioral Science An Introduction and Study Guide for Medical Students |
David Baron, Ellen H. Sholevar |
817 |
Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update - Vol. II A Translational Approach 2017 |
Pascual Angel Gargiulo, Humberto Luis Mesones Arroyo (Editors) |
818 |
Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update Bridging the Divide 2015 |
Pascual Angel Gargiulo, Humberto Luis Mesones Arroyo (Editors) |
819 |
Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update From Translational Research to a Humanistic Approach - Volume III |
Pascual Angel Gargiulo, Humberto Luis Mesones Arroyo (Editors) |
820 |
Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science (Philosophy and Science) |
Rachel Cooper |
821 |
Psychiatry and Religion The Convergence of Mind and Spirit (Issues in Psychiatry) |
James K. Boehnlein |
822 |
Psychiatry at a Glance |
Cornelius Katona, Claudia Cooper, Mary Robertson |
6 |
823 |
PSYCHIATRY BOARD REVIEW 2017 by Rajesh Tampi |
Rajesh Tampi, Kristina Zdanys, Mark Oldham |
824 |
Psychiatry Board Review Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition |
Rebecca A. Schmidt |
3 |
825 |
Psychiatry by Ten Teachers Includes Digital Download 2ed |
2 |
826 |
Psychiatry Finals EMQs and OSCEs |
Kazuya Iwata & Afia Ali |
827 |
Psychiatry for General Practitioners |
R.C. Jiloha, M.S. Bhatia |
828 |
Psychiatry for Neurologists (Current Clinical Neurology) [1 ed.] |
Dilip V. Jeste, Joseph H. Friedman |
1 |
829 |
Psychiatry in an Anthropological and Biomedical Context Philosophical Presuppositions and Implications of German Psychiatry, 1820 1870 |
830 |
Psychiatry in Prisons A Comprehensive Handbook (Forensic Focus) |
Simon Wilson and Ian Cumming |
831 |
Psychiatry Mentor Your Clerkship & Shelf Exam Companion, 2nd Edition (Davis's Mentor) |
Michael R. Privitera, Jeffrey M. Lyness |
2 |
832 |
Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability A Practical Manual |
Julie P. Gentile and Paulette M. Gillig (Editors) |
833 |
Psychiatry PreTest Self-Assessment & Review, Twelfth Edition (PreTest Clinical Medicine) |
Debra L. Klamen, Philip Pan |
12 |
834 |
psychiatry residents handbook 2014-2015 |
835 |
Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual, 3e |
J. Clive Spiegel, John M. Kenny |
3 |
836 |
Psychiatry, 2 Volume Set 4ed Karla A. Blackwood |
Allan Tasman, Jerald Kay, Jeffrey A. Lieberman, Michael B. First, Michelle B. Riba |
4 |
837 |
Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, And The New Biology Of Mind |
Eric R. Kande |
838 |
Psychiatry PreTest Self-Assessment and Review Ninth Edition |
9 |
839 |
Psychiatry A Very Short Introduction |
Tom Burns |
840 |
Psycho oncology 2nd Edition |
Ute Goerling, Anja Mehnert (Editors) |
2 |
841 |
Psychodynamic Interventions in Pregnancy and Infancy 2018 |
Bjorn Salomonsson |
1 |
842 |
Psychological Aspects of Women's Health Care The Interface Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2 |
843 |
Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions A New Classification for DSM-V |
P. Porcelli, N. Sonio |
844 |
Psychology-A-Self-Teaching-Guide-English |
Frank J. Bruno |
845 |
Psychopharmacology and Pregnancy Treatment Efficacy, Risks, and Guidelines 2014 |
Megan Galbally, Martien Snellen, Andrew Lewis (Editors) |
846 |
Psychosis Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment |
847 |
Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology A Patient-centrEditionBiopsychosocial Practice |
Dr. Mira Lal |
848 |
Psychotherapy for Children with Bipolar and Depressive Disorders |
Mary A. Fristad, Jill S. Goldberg Arnold, Jarrod M. Leffler |
849 |
Psychotherapy for Depression in Older Adults (Wiley Series in Clinical Geropsychology) |
Sara H. Qualls and Bob G. Knight |
850 |
Quality of Life Impairment in Schizophrenia, Mood and Anxiety Disorders New Perspectives on Research and Treatment |
Michael S. Ritsner, A. George Awad |
851 |
Rapid Psychiatry |
Allison Hibbert, Alice Godwin, Frances Dear |
852 |
Regulating Emotions Culture, Social Necessity, and Biological Inheritance (New Perspectives in Cognitive Psychology) |
853 |
Regulatory Disorders in Infant Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment |
Manfred Cierpka (Editor) |
854 |
Religion and Spirituality in Psychiatry |
Philippe Huguelet , Harold G. Koenig (Editors) |
855 |
Religious Beliefs, Evolutionary Psychiatry, and Mental Health in America Evolutionary Threat Assessment Systems Theory |
Kevin J. Flannelly |
856 |
Research training in psychiatry residency strategies for reform |
Michael T. Abrams, Kathleen M. Patchan, and Thomas F. Boat (Editors) |
857 |
Reset your child's brain A four-week plan to end meltdowns, raise grades, and boost social skills by reversing the effects of electronic screen-time |
Victoria L. Dunckley |
858 |
Re-Thinking Autism Diagnosis, Identity and Equality |
Katherine Runswick-Cole, Rebecca Mallett and Sami Timimi |
859 |
Revision Notes in Psychiatry, Third Edition |
Basant K. Puri, Annie Hall, Roger Ho |
3 |
860 |
Re-Visioning Psychiatry Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience, and Global Mental Health |
Laurence J. Kirmayer, Robert Lemelson, Constance A. Cummings |
861 |
Rewire Your Brain Think Your Way to a Better Life |
John B. Arden |
862 |
Clinical Manual of Sexual Disorders |
Richard Balon, Robert Taylor Segraves |
863 |
Rutters Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - 6th Edition |
Anita Thapar, Daniel S. Pine |
6 |
864 |
Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 5th Edition |
Michael Rutter, Dorothy V. M. Bishop, Daniel S. Pine, Stephen Scott, Jim Stevenson, Eric Taylor, Anita Thapar (Editors) |
5 |
865 |
Sadness or Depression International Perspectives on the Depression Epidemic and Its Meaning |
Jerome C. Wakefield, Steeves Demazeux (Editors) |
866 |
Saying, Seeing and Acting The Psychological Semantics of Spatial Prepositions (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) |
867 |
Schizophrenia challenging the orthodox |
Colm McDonald, Katja Schulze, Robin M Murray (Editors) |
868 |
Schizophrenia the final frontier a festschrift for Robin M. Murray |
Robin M. Murray |
869 |
Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders The New Drug Therapies in Clinical Practice |
Peter F. Buckley, John L. Waddington (Editors) |
870 |
Schizophrenia and related disorders |
Michael J. Marcsisin, Jessica M. Gannon, Jason B. Rosenstock |
871 |
Schizophrenia and related disorders [1 ed.] |
Michael J Marcsisin, Jason B Rosenstock, Jessica M Gannon |
872 |
Schizophrenia, 2nd Edition (Medical Psychiatry Series) |
Siegfried Kasper, George N. Papadimitriou (Editors) |
2 |
873 |
Selecting Evidence-Based Practices For Treatment of Depression in Older Adults |
874 |
Self-Coaching How to Heal Anxiety and Depression |
Joseph J. Luciani |
875 |
Self-Management of Depression A Manual for Mental Health and Primary Care Professionals |
Albert Yeung, Greg Feldman, Maurizio Fava |
876 |
Sexual medicine in clinical practice |
Klaus M. Beier, Kurt K. Loewit |
877 |
Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry - 6th Edition |
Philip Cowen, Paul Harrison, Tom Burns |
6 |
878 |
Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry - 7th Edition |
Paul Harrison, Philip Cowen, Tom Burns, Mina Fazel |
7 |
879 |
Shrinks The Untold Story of Psychiatry |
Jeffrey A. Lieberman |
880 |
Sims Symptoms in the Mind Textbook of Descriptive Psychopathology - 5th Edition |
5 |
881 |
Sleep and Psychosomatic Medicine [1 ed.] |
S.R. Pandi-Perumal, Rocco R. Ruoti, Milton Kramer |
1 |
882 |
Sleep Disorders and Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Daniel J., M.D. Buysse |
1 |
883 |
Sleep Psychiatry |
Alexander Z.Golbin, Howard M.Kravitz, Louis G.Keith (Editors) |
884 |
Sleep Smarter 21 Proven Tips to Sleep Your Way To a Better Body, Better Health and Bigger Success |
Shawn Stevenson |
885 |
Social and Community Psychiatry Towards a Critical, Patient-Oriented Approach |
Stelios Stylianidis (Editor) |
886 |
Social Psychology Handbook of Basic Principles, 2nd edition |
2 |
887 |
Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome A Practical Guide to Day-to-day Life |
Nancy J. Patrick |
888 |
Social Work Practice in the Addictions |
Michael G. Vaughn, Brian E. Perron (Editors) |
889 |
Space and Sense (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) |
Susanna Millar |
890 |
specialist perinatal mental health services model of care 2017 |
891 |
Specialists in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
892 |
Specialists in Forensic Psychiatry |
893 |
Spiritual Depression Its Causes and Cure |
894 |
Stahls Essential Psychopharmacology 2014 |
Stephen M. Stahl |
5 |
895 |
Stalking Psychiatric Perspectives and Practical Approaches |
Debra A. Pinals (Editor) |
896 |
Standard Electroencephalography in Clinical Psychiatry A Practical Handbook (Wiley Practical Handbooks for Psychiatry Series) |
897 |
Stevens handbook of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience by Wixted, John T |
4 |
898 |
Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory volume 2 Sensation, Perception, & Attention |
4 |
899 |
Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory volume 3 Language Thought by John T. Wixted, Elizabeth A. Phelps, Lila Davachi |
John T. Wixted, Elizabeth A. Phelps, Lila Davachi (Editors) |
4 |
900 |
Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory volume 4 Developmental & Social Psychology |
Simona Ghetti |
4 |
901 |
Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory volume 5 Methodology by John T. Wixted, Elizabeth A. Phelps, Lila Davachi ( |
John T. Wixted, Elizabeth A. Phelps, Lila Davachi |
4 |
902 |
Stress and Cognition A Cognitive Psychological nasa |
Lyle E. Bourne, Jr., and Rita A. Yaroush |
903 |
Subordination and Defeat An Evolutionary Approach To Mood Disorders and Their Therapy |
Sloman, Leon |
904 |
Substance Abuse Treatment Group Therapy |
Philip J. Flores, Jeffrey M. Georgi |
905 |
Substance Use and Older People |
906 |
Supervision and Clinical Psychology Theory, Practice and Perspectives |
Ian Fleming & Linda Steen (Editors) |
907 |
Surviving Stalking |
Michele Pathe |
908 |
Sympton Relief in Palliative Care |
Mervyn Dean, Juan-Diego Harris, Claud Regnard, Jo Hockley |
909 |
Systems Neuroscience in Depression |
Thomas Frodl (Editor) |
910 |
Telling Yourself the Truth Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, and Other Common Problems by Applying the Principles of Misbelief Therapy |
William Backus, Marie Chapian |
911 |
Textbook of Adolescent Psychiatry (Arnold Publication) [1 ed.] |
Richard Rosner |
1 |
912 |
Textbook of Biological Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Jaak Panksepp |
1 |
913 |
Textbook of Cognitive Psychology old book from india |
M Asch |
914 |
Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry |
Dinesh Bhugra & Kamaldeep Bhui (Editor) |
915 |
Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry |
916 |
Textbook of Evolutionary Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine The Origins of Psychopathology |
Martin Brone |
2 |
917 |
Textbook of Psychiatry wikibooks |
918 |
Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments in Psychiatry |
Glen O. Gabbard |
919 |
Textbook Of Transpersonal Psychiatry And Psychology |
920 |
The 2 x 4 Model A Neuroscience-Based Blueprint for the Modern Integrated Addiction and Mental Health Treatment System |
R. Andrew Chambers |
921 |
The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry |
3 |
922 |
The American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Geriatric Neuropsychiatry, 2nd Edition |
C. Edward Coffey, Jeffrey L. Cummings |
2 |
923 |
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders |
Dan J. Stein, David J. Kupfer, Alan F. Schatzberg (Editors) |
924 |
The Brain Wash A Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's, and Other Diseases |
Michelle Schoffro Cook |
925 |
926 |
The Case Study Guide to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy of Psychosis (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology) |
David Kingdon, Douglas Turkington (Editors) |
927 |
The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression A Step-by-step Program (Workbook) |
William J. Knaus |
928 |
The Cognitive Psychology of Planning (Current Issues in Thinking & Reasoning) |
929 |
The Deja Vu Experience (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) |
Alan S. Brown |
930 |
The Depression Book Depression as an Opportunity for Spiritual Growth |
931 |
The Depression Cure The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs |
932 |
The Depression Helpbook |
Wayne Katon, Evette Ludman, Gregory E. Simon |
933 |
The Diagnosis of Psychosis |
Rudolf N. Cardinal & Edward T. Bullmore |
934 |
The Discovery of the Unconscious History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry |
Henri F. Ellenberger |
935 |
The Effective Teacher's Guide to Behavioural and Emotional Disorders Disruptive Behaviour Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
Michael Farrell |
2 |
936 |
The Effects of Life Values Among Non-Psychedelic Drug Users and Psychedelic Drug Users A Comparison Study on Life Values |
Lin Peng |
937 |
The Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis |
938 |
The Essential Guide to Lithium Treatment |
Michael Bauer, Michael Gitlin |
939 |
The Everything Health Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder A Reassuring Guide for Patients and Families (2nd Edition) |
Dean A. Haycock |
2 |
940 |
The Experience of Psychopathology Investigating Mental Disorders in their Natural Settings |
MARTEN W. deVRIES (editor) |
941 |
The Forensic Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury A Handbook for Clinicians and Attorneys, Second Edition |
Gregory J. Murrey, Donald Starzinski (Editors) |
2 |
942 |
The Handbook of Health Behavior Change 4ed |
Kristin A. Riekert, Judith K. Ockene, Lori Pbert (Editors) |
4 |
943 |
The Handbook of Health Behavior Change, Third Edition |
Sally A. Shumaker, Judith K. Ockene, Kristin A. Riekert, (Editors) |
3 |
944 |
The History of Reason in the Age of Madness Foucaults Enlightenment and a Radical Critique of Psychiatry |
John Iliopoulos |
945 |
The icd-11 classification of mood and anxiety disorders |
946 |
The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry |
Harry Stack Sullivan |
947 |
The Loss of Sadness How Psychiatry Transformed Normal Sorrow into Depressive Disorder |
Allan V. Horwitz & Jerome C. Wakefi eld |
948 |
The Many Faces of Depression in Children and Adolescents (Review of Psychiatry) |
David Shaffer, Bruce D. Waslick (Editors) |
949 |
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry |
David M. Taylor, Thomas R. E. Barnes, Allan H. Young |
13 |
950 |
The Medical Basis of Psychiatry |
S. Hossein Fatemi, Paula J. Clayton (Editors) |
4 |
951 |
The Mindful Way through Depression Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness |
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn |
952 |
The Mindfulness Workbook for Addiction A Guide to Coping with the Grief, Stress and Anger that Trigger Addictive Behaviors |
Rebecca E. Williams, Julie S. Kraft |
953 |
The Neurobiology of Autism (The Johns Hopkins Series in Psychiatry and Neuroscience) |
Margaret L. Bauman & Thomas L. Kemper (Editors) |
2 |
954 |
The neuropsychiatry of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias |
Jeffrey L Cummings (Editor) |
955 |
The New Reflectionism in Cognitive Psychology Why Reason Matters |
Gordon Pennycook (Editor) |
956 |
The New Science of Psychedelics At the Nexus of Culture, Consciousness, and Spirituality |
David Jay Brown |
957 |
The Noonday Demon An Atlas of Depression |
Andrew Solomon |
958 |
The Old Age Psychiatry Handbook A Practical Guide |
Joanne Rodda, Niall Boyce, Zuzana Walker |
959 |
The Oxford Handbook of Atheism |
960 |
The Oxford Handbook of Child Psychological Assessment |
Donald H. Saklofske, Cecil R. Reynolds, Vicki L. Schwean |
961 |
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology updated edition |
David H. Barlow (Editor) |
962 |
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology |
963 |
The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology |
964 |
The Oxford Handbook of Depression and Comorbidity |
C. Steven Richards & Michael W. OHara (Editors) |
965 |
The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology |
In P. Zelazo (ed). |
966 |
The Oxford Handbook of Education and Training in Professional Psychology |
W. Brad Johnson & Nadine J. Kaslow |
967 |
The Oxford Handbook of Emotion, Social Cognition, and Problem Solving in Adulthood |
Paul Verhaeghen & Christopher Hertzog |
968 |
The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology |
Susan D. Clayton (Editor) |
969 |
The Oxford Handbook of Health Communication, Behavior Change, and Treatment Adherence |
Leslie R. Martin, M. Robin DiMatteo (Editors) |
970 |
The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology |
Howard S. Friedman (Editor) |
971 |
The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology |
W. J. Kozlowski (Editor) |
972 |
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry |
973 |
The Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology |
Jonathan S. Comer, Philip C. Kendall (Editors) |
974 |
The Oxford Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning |
Keith J. Holyoak, Robert G. Morrison (Editors) |
975 |
The Oxford Handbook of Work Engagement, Motivation, and Self-Determination Theory |
Marylene Gagne (Editor) |
976 |
The Polyvagal Theory Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation |
977 |
The Psychedelic Renaissance Reassessing the Role of Psychedelic Drugs in 21st Century Psychiatry and Society |
DR. Ben Sessa |
978 |
The Psychiatric Dimensions of Sleep Medicine, An Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, 1e |
Karl Doghramji (Editor) |
979 |
3 |
980 |
The Psychiatric Report Principles and Practice of Forensic Writing |
Alec Buchanan, Michael A. Norko (Editors) |
981 |
The psychological and human brain effects of music in combination with psychedelic drugs |
Mendel Kaelen |
982 |
The Psychology of Language From Data To Theory |
Trevor A.Harley |
2 |
983 |
The Psychosomatic Asessment-Strategies to Improve Clinical Practice 2012 |
G.A. Fava , N. Sonino, T.N. Wise, T.N. Wise (Editors) |
984 |
The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry |
Tilo Kircher, Anthony David |
985 |
The Sublime Object of Psychiatry Schizophrenia in Clinical and Cultural Theory |
986 |
The Therapeutic Use of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) in Medicine |
Richard Eugene, FryeMichael Berk (Editors) |
987 |
The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals |
Gavin Andrews, Mark Creamer, Rocco Crino, Caroline Hunt, Lisa Lampe, Andrew Page |
2 |
988 |
The Treatment of Eating Disorders A Clinical Handbook |
Carlos M. Grilo, James E. Mitchell (Editors) |
989 |
The UltraMind Solution Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First - The Simple Way to Defeat Depression, Overcome Anxiety, and Sharpen Your Mind |
Mark Hyman |
990 |
The Upward Spiral Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time |
Alex Korb |
991 |
The Use of Coercive Measures in Forensic Psychiatric Care Legal, Ethical and Practical Challenges |
Birgit Völlm, Norbert Nedopil (Editors) |
992 |
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mood Disorders |
Mick Power (Editor) |
2 |
993 |
The Wiley handbook of developmental psychopathology |
Luna C. Centifanti & David M. Williams (Editors) |
994 |
The Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning Volume in the Wiley Handbooks in Cognitive Neuroscience |
Robin A. Murphy & Robert C. Honey (Editors) |
995 |
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of The Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety |
Cecilia A. Essau & Thomas H. Ollendicklication (Editors) |
996 |
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy 10ed |
Gerald Corey |
10 |
997 |
Theory and Practice of Group Counseling |
Gerald Corey |
9 |
998 |
Thesis Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression A Preliminary Analysis of the Role of Feedback and Process in Treatment Outcomes |
Mandisa V. Peterson |
999 |
Thesis Ludwig Wittgensteins Legacy to Cognitive Psychology Concepts as Participatory |
Susan Byrne |
1000 |
Rawya M. Al-Jabari |
1001 |
Sara Antunes |
1002 |
Thesis-Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Zinc in Neuronal Cell Homeostasis and Survival |
Vidanelage Damitha de Mel |
1003 |
Thesis-Tractable Cognition Complexity Theory in Cognitive Psychology |
Iris van Rooij |
1004 |
Toronto Notes 2018 34th Edition |
34 |
1005 |
Touching for Knowing Cognitive Psychology of Haptic Manual Perception (Advances in Consciousness Research, 53) |
Yvette Hatwell, Arlette Streri, Edouard Gentaz (Editors) |
1006 |
Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves |
Sharon Begley |
1007 |
Transcranial Brain Stimulation for Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders |
1008 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders Clinical Principles and Management |
Andre Brunoni, Michael Nitsche, Colleen Loo (Editors) |
1009 |
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Psychiatry |
Mark S. George, Robert H. Belmaker (Editors) |
1010 |
Translational Neuroscience Applications in Psychiatry, Neurology, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
James E. Barrett, Joseph T. Coyle, Michael Williams (Editors) |
1011 |
Traumatic Brain Injury Methods for Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychiatric Assessment 3rd Edition (2015) |
Robert P. Granacher |
3 |
1012 |
Treating Co-occurring Adolescent PTSD and Addiction Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents with Trauma and Substance-Abuse Disorders |
Lisa R. Fortuna, Zayda Vallejo |
1013 |
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for Depressive Disorders: A Practical Guide |
Paul B Fitzgerald & Z. Jeff Daskalakis (auth.) |
1014 |
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents |
1015 |
Treatment Resistance in Psychiatry Risk Factors, Biology, and Management |
Yong-Ku Kim (Editor) |
1016 |
Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders |
Jay D. Amsterdam, Mady Hornig, Andrew A. Nierenberg (Editors) |
1017 |
Treatments for Psychological Problems and Syndromes |
Dean McKay, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, and Eric A. Storch (Editors) |
1018 |
Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards 3ed |
3 |
1019 |
Uncovering Happiness Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion |
Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. |
1020 |
Understanding Neuropsychiatric Disorders Insights from Neuroimaging 2011 |
Martha E. Shenton, Bruce I. Turetsky (Editors) |
1021 |
Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder A Mother's Story of Research and Recovery |
Karyn Seroussi |
1022 |
Use of Drugs in Psychiatry The Evidence from Psychopharmacology, 5th Edition |
John Cookson, cornelius Katona, David Taylor |
5 |
1023 |
USMLE-STEP2-Psychiatry and Epidemiology Ethics |
Alina Gonzalez-Mayo, Roderick Shaner |
2005-2006 |
1024 |
Vagueness in Psychiatry 2017 |
Geert Keil, Lara Keuck, Rico Hauswald (Editors) |
1025 |
Virtual Reality in Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Applications |
Christiane Eichenberg (Editor) |
1026 |
Warning Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health |
William Glasser |
1027 |
What is anxiety |
Prabhat Sitholey, Anil Nischal |
1028 |
What Psychiatry Left Out of the DSM-5 Historical Mental Disorders Today |
Edward Shorter |
1029 |
Why Am I Still Depressed Recognizing and Managing the Ups and Downs of Bipolar II and Soft Bipolar Disorder by Jim Phelps |
Jim Phelps |
1030 |
Womens Mental Health Across the Lifespan Challenges, Vulnerabilities, and Strengths |
Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett and Lesia M. Ruglass (Editor) |
1031 |
Working Memory Capacity (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) |
1032 |
Workplace based assessments in psychiatry by Prathap Mohana Murthy |
Sree Prathap Mohana Murthy |
2 |
1033 |
Classification of Mental and behavioural disorders, International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision |
1034 |
Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment |
Kimberly S. Young, Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu |
1035 |
Phenomenology, Language & Schizophrenia |
Manfred Spitzer, Friedrich Uehlein, Michael A. Schwartz, Christoph Mundt (Editors) |
1036 |
E. Bruce Goldstein |
3 |
1037 |
Fish's Clinical Psychopathology 4th Edition.pdf |
Patricia Casey, Brendan Kelly |
4 |
1038 |
CBT for Children and Adolescents |
Betsy D. Kennard, Jennifer l. hughes, Aleksandra a. foxwell |
1039 |
Brain Calipers |
David J Robinson |
2 |
1040 |
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressed Adolescents |
Randy P. Auerbach, Christian A. Webb, Jeremy G. Stewart |
1041 |
Depression in Children and Adolescents |
Harold S. Koplewicz And Emily Klass (Editors) |
1042 |
Doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy A Practical Guide |
Kelly Koerner |
1043 |
Essential Play Therapy Techniques: Time-Tested Approaches |
charles E. schaefer, Donna cangelosi |
1044 |
Handbook of Play Therapy 2nd Edition |
Kevin J. O’Connor, Charles E. Schaefer, Lisa D. Braverman (Editors) |
2 |
1045 |
Play Therapy in Middle Childhood |
Athena A. Drewes and Charles E. Schaefer (Editors) |
1046 |
Handbook of Clinical Rating Scales and Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health [1 ed.] |
Mark Blais Psy.D, Lee Baer Ph.D (auth.), Lee Baer, Mark A. Blais (eds.) |
1 |
1047 |
Using Drawings in Assessment and Therapy |
Gerald D. Oster, Patricia Gould Crone |
2 |
1048 |
Rating Scales in Psychiatry |
Peter Tyrer & Caroline Methuen |
1049 |
The Neurobiology of Addiction |
James D. Stoehr |
1050 |
Substance Use Disorders A Guide for Primary Care |
H. Thomas Milhorn |
1051 |
Substance Abuse Inpatient and Outpatient Management |
Alan David Kaye, Nalini Vadivelu, Richard D. Urman |
1052 |
The Substance Abuse Handbook 2ed |
Pedro Ruiz, Eric c. Strain |
2 |
1053 |
Theory of Addiction 2ed |
Robert West, Jamie Brown |
2 |
1054 |
Theory and Practice of Addiction Counseling |
Pamela S. Lassiter, John R. Culbreth |
1055 |
Posttraumatic Play in Children What Clinicians Need to Know |
Eliana Gil |
1056 |
Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Crisis 4ed |
Nancy Boyd Webb (Editor) |
4 |
1057 |
Disruptive Mood: Irritability in Children and Adolescents |
Argyris Stringaris, Eric Taylor |
1058 |
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery |
Andrew Bein |
1059 |
DSM-5 Self-Exam Questions Test Questions for the Diagnostic Criteria |
Philip R. Muskin |
5 |
1060 |
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-4 |
4 |
1061 |
DSM-5 Guidebook: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5ed |
Donald W. Black. M.D. (Author), Jon E. Grant (Author), M.D. (Author) |
5 |
1062 |
How to Analyze People |
Alln Goldman |
1063 |
Stahl's Self Assessment Examination in Psychiatry 2ed |
Stephen M. Stah |
2 |
1064 |
Revision Notes in Psychiatry [2 ed.] |
Basant K. Puri, Anne D. Hall |
2 |
1065 |
Psychiatric History Taking |
Dr. Nitin Sethi |
1066 |
Psychological, Emotional, Social and Cognitive Aspects of Implantable Cardiac Devices [1 ed.] |
Riccardo Proietti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Giada Pietrabissa, Gianluca Castelnuovo (Editors) |
1067 |
Psychology Themes and Variations 10th Ed |
Wayne Weiten |
10 |
1068 |
Clinical Manual of Psychosomatic Medicine |
Michael G. Wise, James R. Rundell |
1069 |
Play-Based Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities |
Robert Jason Grant |
1070 |
Textbook of Psychological Medicine 5ed |
Brian O’Shea(Editor) |
5 |
1071 |
Behavioural Assessment Scales for Indian Children with mental retardation |
Reeta Peshawaria, S. VENKATESAN |
1072 |
Telepsychiatry Operational Guidelines 2020 |
Dr Suresh Bada Math, Dr Narayana Manjunatha, Dr C Naveen Kumar, Dr Chethan Basavarajappa&Dr BN Gangadhar |
1073 |
The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD |
1074 |
Dr. Sydney Moirangthem, Dr. Rakesh ChanderK., Dr. Kamaldeep Sadh (Editors) |
1 |
1075 |
Current Developments in Psychopharmacology |
1076 |
Introducing Psychology A Graphic Guide |
Nigel C. Benson |
1077 |
Psychopathology 4ed |
James E. Maddux & Barbara A. Winstead (Editors) |
4 |
1078 |
Genes, Environment, and Psychopathology: Understanding the Causes of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorder |
1079 |
Behavior Genetics of Psychopathology |
Kerry L. Jang |
1080 |
Irritability in pediatric psychopathology |
Amy K. Roy, Melissa A. Brotman, Ellen Leibenluft |
1081 |
Descriptive Psychopathology |
Michael Alan Taylor, Nutan Atre Vaidya |
1082 |
Understanding the Borderline Mother |
Christine Ann Lawson |
1083 |
1084 |
Aphasia and Related Cognitive-Communicative Disorders |
G. Albyn Davis |
1085 |
Richard L. Strub, F. William Black |
4 |
1086 |
Review of Psychiatry 2020 edition - Praveen Tripathi |
Praveen Tripathi |
5 |
1087 |
Psychiatry and Sexual Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinical Practitioners |
Michal Lew-Starowicz, Annamaria Giraldi, Tillmann H. C. Kruger |
1 |
1088 |
Cannabinoids and Neuropsychiatric Disorders [1264, 1 ed.] |
Eric Murillo-Rodriguez, S.R. Pandi-Perumal, Jaime M. Monti |
1 |
1089 |
Integrative Medicine for Vulnerable Populations: A Clinical Guide to Working with Chronic and Comorbid Medical Disease, Mental Illness, and Addiction [1st ed. 2020] |
Julia Hodgson, Kevin Moore, Trisha Acri, Glenn Jordan Treisman |
1090 |
Psychosomatic Medicine: An International Guide for the Primary Care Setting [2nd ed. 2020] |
Kurt Fritzsche, Susan H. McDaniel, Michael Wirsching |
2 |
1091 |
Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 |
5 |
1092 |
Allan Tasman, Jerald Kay, Jeffrey A. Lieberman, Michael B. First, Michelle B. Riba |
4 |
1093 |
Fish's Clinical Psychopathology, 3rd Edition |
Patricia Casey , Brendan Kelly |
3 |
1094 |
Oxford Textbook of Headache Syndromes |
Michel Ferrari, Joost Haan, Andrew Charles, David W. Dodick, Fumihiko Sakai |
1 |
1095 |
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 100 Key Points and Techniques |
Michael Needan |
1 |
1096 |
Essentials of Schizophrenia |
1097 |
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry |
4 |
1098 |
Behavioral Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide for Adult and Pediatric Providers |
Lisa Medalie |
1099 |
Clinical Cases in Psychocutaneous Disease [1 ed.] |
Tien V. Nguyen, Jillian W. Wong, John Koo (auth.) |
1 |
1100 |
Handbook of Alcoholism [1 ed.] |
Mike Flannagan |
1 |
1101 |
Behavioral Toxicology [1 ed.] |
Rodney R. Beard, Netta W. Grandstaff (auth.), Bernard Weiss, Victor G. Laties (eds.) |
1 |
1102 |
New Psychoactive Substances: Pharmacology, Clinical, Forensic and Analytical Toxicology [1st ed.] |
Hans H. Maurer, Simon D. Brandt |
1 |
1103 |
Brain Imaging in Substance Abuse: Research, Clinical, and Forensic Applications [1 ed.] |
Elena M. Kouri PhD, Scott E. Lukas PhD (auth.), Marc J. Kaufman PhD (eds.) |
1 |
1104 |
Buprenorphine Therapy of Opiate Addiction [1 ed.] |
Pierre Marquet (auth.), Pascal Kintz PharmD, PhD, Pierre Marquet MD, PhD (eds.) |
1 |
1105 |
Emergency Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Arjun Chanmugam MD, Patrick Triplett MD, Gabor Kelen MD |
1 |
1106 |
Companion to psychiatric studies [8 ed.] |
Eve C Johnstone, et al |
8 |
1107 |
Creek’s Occupational Therapy and Mental Health [5 ed.] |
Wendy Bryant PhD, Jon Fieldhouse, Katrina Bannigan BSc PhD |
5 |
1108 |
Human Sexuality and Its Problems [3 ed.] |
John Bancroft |
3 |
1109 |
Integrated care pathways in mental health |
Julie Hall, David Howard, RGN |
1110 |
Integrative Hypnotherapy: Complementary approaches in clinical care, 1e [1 ed.] |
Anne Cawthorn MSc BSc (Hons) RGN RNT Dip Nursing Dip Hypno UKCP Reg MIFPA, Peter A. Mackereth PhD MA RGN Dip Nursing Cert Ed |
1 |
1111 |
Psychology and sociology applied to medicine : an illustrated colour text [3 ed.] |
Beth Alder, et al |
3 |
1112 |
Textbook of Psychiatry [3 ed.] |
Basant K. Puri, I. H. Treasaden |
3 |
1113 |
The Psyche in Chinese Medicine: Treatment of Emotional and Mental Disharmonies with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs [1 ed.] |
Giovanni Maciocia CAc (Nanjing) |
1 |
1114 |
10 Guided Meditations For Anxiety, Depression & Deep Sleep: Positive Affirmations & Meditation Scripts For Relaxation, Self-Healing, Overthinking, Stress-Re |
The Self-Healing Buddy |
1115 |
10 Hours Of Guided Meditations For Deep Sleep, Anxiety, Depression & Overthinking: Positive Affirmations & Meditation Scripts For Relaxation, Insomnia, Self-Love & Energy Healing |
The Self-Healing Buddy |
1116 |
A Basic How to Use Essential Oils Guide for Stress & Depression: 125 Aromatherapy Oil Diffuser & Healing Solutions for Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Sleep ... Recipes and Natural Home Remedies Book 2) |
Connor, Nancy |
1117 |
A Case a Week: Sleep Disorders from the Cleveland Clinic [1 ed.] |
Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer, Jyoti Krishna, Kumaraswamy Budur |
1 |
1118 |
A Clinical Casebook of Sleep Disorders in Women |
Safia S. Khan, Imran S. Khawaja |
1119 |
A Clinical Guide to Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents [1 ed.] |
Gregory Stores |
1 |
1120 |
A Deeper Sleep |
Dana Stabenow |
1121 |
A woman's guide to sleep disorders [1 ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger, foreword by Richard Gelula, introduction by Richard Gelula |
1 |
1122 |
Accelerated Ecological Psychotherapy. ETT Applications for Sleep Disorders, Pain, and Addiction |
Steven R. Vazquez |
1123 |
Acute and Emergent Events in Sleep Disorders [1 ed.] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty, Pradeep Sahota |
1 |
1124 |
Adolescent Sleep Patterns: Biological, Social, and Psychological Influences [1 Edition] |
Mary A. Carskadon |
1 |
1125 |
Allergy and Sleep: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice [1st ed.] |
Anna Fishbein, Stephen H. Sheldon |
1 |
1126 |
An Introduction to Coping with Insomnia and Sleep Problems |
Colin Espie |
1127 |
At the Edges of Sleep: Moving Images and Somnolent Spectators |
Jean Ma |
1128 |
Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine |
Meir H. Kryger MD. FRCPC |
1129 |
Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine [3 ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger, Alon Y. Avidan, Cathy Goldstein |
3 |
1130 |
Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 2e [2 ed.] |
Alon Y. Avidan |
2 |
1131 |
Atlas of Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Lois E. Krahn, Michael H. Silber, Timothy I. Morgenthaler |
1 |
1132 |
Atlas of sleep medicine [1st ed] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty, Robert Thomas, Meeta Bhatt |
1 |
1133 |
Atlas of Sleep Medicine [2 ed.] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty (Auth.) |
2 |
1134 |
Atlas of Sleep Medicine [3 ed.] |
Robert J. Thomas (editor), Sushanth Bhat (editor), Sudhansu Chokroverty (editor) |
3 |
1135 |
Awakening and Sleep-Wake Cycle Across Development (Advances in Consciousness Research) |
Piero Salzarulo, Gianluca Ficca |
1136 |
Awakening from the Sleep of Heedlessness |
Ibn al-Jawzi |
1137 |
Behind the Veil: The Complete Guide to Conscious Sleep |
Kelley, Daniel |
1138 |
Brain basics : understanding sleep |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) |
1139 |
Brain Control of Wakefulness and Sleep [2 ed.] |
Mircea Steriade, Robert W. McCarley (auth.) |
2 |
1140 |
Brain Tingles: The Secret to Triggering Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response for Improved Sleep, Stress Relief, and Head-to-Toe Euphoria |
Craig Richard |
1141 |
Brainstem Control of Wakefulness and Sleep |
Mircea Steriade, Robert W. McCarley (auth.) |
1142 |
Can't sleep, can't stay awake: a woman's guide to sleep disorders [1 ed.] |
Meir Kryger |
1 |
1143 |
Can't Sleep - Issues of Being an Insomniac |
S. Sahoo |
1144 |
Clinical Handbook of Behavioral Sleep Treatment in Children on the Autism Spectrum |
Laurie K McLay (editor), Karyn G France (editor), Neville M Blampied (editor) |
1145 |
Clinical Pharmacology of Sleep [1 ed.] |
S.R. Pandi-Perumal, J.M. Monti |
1 |
1146 |
Clinician's Guide to Sleep Disorders [1 ed.] |
Nathaniel F. Watson, Bradley V. Vaughn |
1 |
1147 |
Combating Sleep Disorders [1 ed.] |
Kathy Sexton-Radek, Gina Graci |
1 |
1148 |
Common Pitfalls in Sleep Medicine: Case-Based Learning |
Ronald D. Chervin (editor) |
1149 |
Dark Intrusions: An Investigation Into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences |
Louis Proud |
1150 |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Wake Disorders [1 Edition] |
Neuroscience Education Institute |
1 |
1151 |
Discover the Right Time to Eat, Sleep, and Exercise to Prevent and Reverse Prediabetes and Diabetes |
Satchin Panda, PhD |
1152 |
Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep?: A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation |
Seo-Young Chu |
1153 |
Do Parents Matter? Why Japanese Babies Sleep Soundly, Mexican Siblings Don’t Fight, and American Families Should Just Relax [Original retail ed.] |
Robert A. LeVine, Sarah LeVine |
1154 |
Do You Love Football?!: Winning with Heart, Passion, and Not Much Sleep |
Jon Gruden, Vic Carucci |
1155 |
Doctor Sleep [Paperback ed.] |
Stephen King |
1156 |
Don’t Bang Denmark: How to Sleep with Danish Women in Denmark (If You Must) [Paperback ed.] |
Roosh V |
1157 |
Don’t Bang Latvia: How to Sleep with Latvian Women in Latvia Without Getting Scammed [Paperback ed.] |
Roosh V |
1158 |
Dream Travelers: Sleep Experiences and Culture in the Western Pacific [1 ed.] |
Roger Ivar Lohmann (auth.) |
1 |
1159 |
Dreamland : adventures in the strange science of sleep [1st ed] |
Randall, David K |
1 |
1160 |
Emotional Intelligence Masterclass 10 books in 1: Overthinking, Anxiety in Relationship, CBT, Empath and Narcissist, Guided Meditation for Deep Sleep, ... Codependency, Narcissistic Relationship) |
Oliver J. Atkinsons, Susan Patterson |
1161 |
Encyclopedia of Sleep [1 ed.] |
Clete Kushida |
1 |
1162 |
Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams: The Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of Slumber |
Deirdre Barrett, Patrick McNamara |
1163 |
Encyclopedia of sleep Volume 4 [1 ed.] |
Clete A Kushida |
1 |
1164 |
End the insomnia struggle: a step-by-step guide to help you get to sleep and stay asleep |
Brosse, Alisha L.,Ehrnstrom, Colleen |
1165 |
Epidemiology of Sleep: Age, Gender, and Ethnicity [1 ed.] |
Kenneth L. Lichstein, H. Heith Durrence, Brant W. Riedel, Daniel J. Taylor, Andrew J. Bush |
1 |
1166 |
Essential Sleep Medicine and Surgery |
Maria V. Suurna, Stacey L. Ishman, Josephine H. Nguyen, K. J. Lee |
1167 |
Essentials of Sleep Medicine: A Practical Approach to Patients with Sleep Complaints (Respiratory Medicine) [2nd ed.] |
M. Safwan Badr (editor), Jennifer L. Martin (editor) |
2 |
1168 |
Evolution of Sleep: Phylogenetic and Functional Perspectives |
Patrick McNamara, Robert A. Barton, Charles L. Nunn |
1169 |
Fish Won't Let Me Sleep: The Obsessions of a Lifetime Flyfisherman |
James R. Babb |
1170 |
Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep and Sleep Deprivation |
Judy Monroe Peterson |
1171 |
From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing |
Adam Crabtree |
1172 |
G.I. Gurdjieff: The War Against Sleep |
Wilson, Colin |
1173 |
Handbook of sleep disorders [2nd ed] |
A. Kushida Clete |
2 |
1174 |
Handbook of Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Alon Avidan, Phyllis Zee |
1 |
1175 |
Human Sleep and Cognition Part IIClinical and Applied Research [1 ed.] |
Hans P.A. Van Dongen and Gerard A. Kerkhof (Eds.) |
1 |
1176 |
Human Sleep and Cognition, Part 1: Basic Research [1 ed.] |
Gerard A. Kerkhof and Hans P.A. van Dongen (Eds.) |
1 |
1177 |
Human Sleep and Its Disorders [1 ed.] |
Wallace B. Mendelson, J. Christian Gillin, Richard Jed Wyatt (auth.) |
1 |
1178 |
Human Sleep: Research and Clinical Care [1 ed.] |
Wallace B. Mendelson M.D. (auth.) |
1 |
1179 |
Hypnagogia: The unique state of conciousness between wakefulness and sleep |
Andreas Mavromatis |
1180 |
Hypnotic Gastric Band for Women: Stop Emotional Eating and Eat Healthy With Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis. Use Meditation and Past Life Regression to Improve Your Diet, Self-Esteem, and Deep Sleep |
Travis Emotion |
1181 |
Insomnia and Other Adult Sleep Problems [1 ed.] |
Gregory Stores |
1 |
1182 |
Insomnia Doc’s Guide to Restful Sleep: Remedies for Insomnia and Tips for Good Sleep Health (Lack of Sleep or Sleep Deprivation Help) |
Dr. Kristen Casey |
1183 |
Insomnia: 84 Sleep Hacks To Fall Asleep Fast, Sleep Better and Have Sweet Dreams Without Sleeping Pills |
Cook, Peter |
1184 |
Integrative Therapies in Lung Health and Sleep [1 ed.] |
Mary Jo Kreitzer PhD, RN, FAAN (auth.), Linda Chlan, Marshall I. Hertz (eds.) |
1 |
1185 |
International Classification of Sleep Disorders [3 ed.] |
American Academy of Sleep Medicine |
3 |
1186 |
International Library of Psychology: The Mind In Sleep [Reprint ed.] |
Fortune, R. F |
1187 |
Introduction to Modern Sleep Technology [1 ed.] |
Rayleigh Ping-Ying Chiang M.D., M.M.S., Chih-Feng Lin M.Sc., Tzu-Chen Lung M.Sc. (auth.), Rayleigh Ping-Ying Chiang, Shih-Chun (Jessy) Kang (eds.) |
1 |
1188 |
Kryger's Sleep Medicine Review: A Problem-Oriented Approach [1 ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger, Russell Rosenberg, G. Vernon Pegram, Lawrence Martin |
1 |
1189 |
Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival |
Formby, Bent,Wiley, T. S |
1190 |
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming: A Comprehensive Guide to Promote Creativity, Overcome Sleep Disturbances & Enhance Health and Wellness (Llewellyn's Complete Book Series (10)) [Book 10 ed.] |
Clare R. Johnson |
10 |
1191 |
Lucid dreaming. : new perspectives on consciousness in sleep |
Bulkeley, Kelly, Hurd, Ryan |
1192 |
Lucid Dreams in 30 Days, Second Edition: The Creative Sleep Program [2 ed.] |
Keith Harary, Pamela Weintraub |
2 |
1193 |
Lung Biology in Health & Disease Volume 192 Sleep Deprivation: Basic Science, Physiology and Behavior [1 ed.] |
Clete A. Kushida |
1 |
1194 |
Lung Biology in Health & Disease Volume 223 Sleep in Children: Developmental Changes in Sleep Patterns 2nd Edition [2 ed.] |
Carole Marcus, John L. Carroll, David Donnelly, Gerald M. Loughlin |
2 |
1195 |
Lung Biology in Health & Disease Volume 224 Sleep and Breathing in Children: Developmental Changes in Breathing During Sleep 2nd Edition [2 ed.] |
Carole Marcus, John M. Carroll, David Donnelly, Gerald M. Loughlin |
2 |
1196 |
Melatonin Miracle Molecule: Transform your life with Melatonin. Why higher doses are safe and benefits beyond sleep as the bodies master stress resilience molecule for healing & longevity. |
John Lieurance |
1197 |
Melatonin, Sleep and Insomnia (Endocrinology Research and Clinical Developments) [1 ed.] |
Yolanda E. Soriento |
1 |
1198 |
Merry Jane's the CBD Solution: Living: CBD and Cannabis for Sleep, Skin, Sex, and Other Daily Rituals |
Merry Jane, Lauren Wilson |
1199 |
Midnight in America: Darkness, Sleep, and Dreams during the Civil War |
Jonathan W. White |
1200 |
Miles to Run Before I Sleep |
Sumedha Mahajan |
1201 |
Mind troubleshooters : sleep problems : a fold out factfile |
Sleep Problems |
1202 |
Narcolepsy: Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis : Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis [1 ed.] |
Guillermo Santos, Lautar Villalba |
1 |
1203 |
Navigating Sleeplessness: How to Sleep Deeper and Better for Longer (A Mental Health Handbook) |
Lindsay Browning |
1204 |
Neurobiology of Sleep and Memory |
James McGaugh (Eds.) |
1205 |
Neurochemistry of Sleep and Wakefulness [1 ed.] |
Jaime Monti, S. R. Pandi-Perumal, Christopher M. Sinton |
1 |
1206 |
Neuroimaging of Sleep and Sleep Disorders [1st ed.] |
Eric Nofzinger (ed.), Pierre Maquet (ed.), Michael J. Thorpy (ed.) |
1 |
1207 |
Neurological Modulation of Sleep: Mechanisms and Function of Sleep Health [1 ed.] |
Ronald Ross Watson (editor), Victor R. Preedy (editor) |
1 |
1208 |
Neuronal Oscillations of Wakefulness and Sleep: Windows on Spontaneous Activity of the Brain |
Thien Thanh Dang-Vu |
1209 |
Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry of Sleep and Wakefulness |
M. Jouvet, G. Moruzzi (auth.) |
1210 |
Night Terrors: Troubled Sleep and the Stories We Tell About It |
Alice Vernon |
1211 |
Nightmareland: Travels at the Borders of Sleep, Dreams, and Wakefulness |
Lex 'Lonehood' Nover |
1212 |
Nightmares: The Science and Solution of Those Frightening Visions during Sleep |
Patrick McNamara Ph.D. |
1213 |
Night-time and Sleep in Asia and the West: Exploring the Dark Side of Life (Anthropology of Asia) [1 ed.] |
Brigitte Steger, Lodewijk Brunt |
1 |
1214 |
Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems: A self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques [[Large Print] ed.] |
Colin A. Espie |
1215 |
Oxford Handbook of Sleep Medicine |
Guy Leschziner |
1216 |
Paediatric Sleep Disorders: Case-based Practical Guide |
Albert Martin Li, Kate Ching-ching Chan |
1217 |
Pediatric Sleep Problems: A Clinician's Guide to Behavioral Interventions [1 ed.] |
Lisa J. Meltzer, Valerie McLaughlin Crabtree, American Psychological Association |
1 |
1218 |
Practice of Sleep Medicine: Sleep Disorders in Children and Adults [1 ed.] |
Boris A. Stuck, Joachim T. Maurer, Angelika A. Schlarb, Michael Schredl, Hans-Günter Weeß |
1 |
1219 |
Primary Care Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide [2 ed.] |
James F. Pagel, S. R. Pandi-Perumal (eds.) |
2 |
1220 |
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine [1 ed.] |
Stephen H. Sheldon, Richard Ferber, Meir H. Kryger |
1 |
1221 |
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine [2 ed.] |
Stephen H. Sheldon, Meir H. Kryger, Richard Ferber and David Gozal (Auth.) |
2 |
1222 |
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine - 2 Volume Set [7 ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger MD. FRCPC, Thomas Roth PhD, Cathy A Goldstein MD |
7 |
1223 |
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 4th Edition (Principles & Practice of Sleep Medicine) [4 ed.] |
Meir H. Kryger, Thomas Roth, William Dement |
4 |
1224 |
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 5th Edition [5Th Edition] |
Meir H. Kryger MD, Thomas Roth PhD, William C. Dement MD PhD |
5 |
1225 |
Psychoanalysis, Sleep and Dreams |
Andre Tridon |
1226 |
Read'em and sleep: mindfulness-based insomnia relief |
Mosca, Nick |
1227 |
Regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms [1st ed.] |
Fred W. Turek, Phyllis C. Zee |
1 |
1228 |
Resident Duty Hours: Enhancing Sleep, Supervision, and Safety [1 ed.] |
Committee on Optimizing Graduate Medical Trainee (Resident) Hours and Work Schedule to Improve Patient Safety, National Research Council |
1 |
1229 |
Restful Insomnia: How to Get the Benefits of Sleep Even When You Can't |
Sondra Kornblatt |
1230 |
Restful sleep: the complete mind/body program for overcoming insomnia |
Chopra, Deepak |
1231 |
Review of Sleep Medicine |
Teri J. Barkoukis MD FCCP, Alon Y. Avidan MD MPH |
1232 |
S. Petersen’s Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors: A Field Observer’s Handbook of Preternatural Entities and Beings from Beyond The Wall of Sleep |
Sandy Petersen, Mike Mason, Lynn Willis |
1233 |
Sink into sleep : a step-by-step guide for reversing insomnia [2 ed.] |
Judith Rutherford Davidson |
2 |
1234 |
Sink into Sleep: A Step-by-Step Workbook for Reversing Insomnia |
Judith R. Davidson |
1235 |
Sleep : a very short introduction [1 ed.] |
Steven W. Lockley, Russell G. Foster |
1 |
1236 |
Sleep : exact blueprint on how to sleep better and feel amazing : brain health, memory improvement & increase energy |
Adams, Brian |
1237 |
Sleep and ADHD |
Hiscock, Harriet,Sciberras, Emma |
1238 |
Sleep and Anesthesia: Neural Correlates in Theory and Experiment [1 ed.] |
D. Pal, G. A. Mashour (auth.), Axel Hutt (eds.) |
1 |
1239 |
Sleep and Clocks in Aging and Longevity |
Anita Jagota |
1240 |
Sleep and Combat-Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [1 ed.] |
Eric Vermetten,Anne Germain,Thomas C. Neylan (eds.) |
1 |
1241 |
Sleep and Development: Familial and Socio-Cultural Considerations [1 ed.] |
Mona El-Sheikh |
1 |
1242 |
Sleep and dreaming: how and why does the sleeping brain generate dreams? |
Pace-Schott, Edward F |
1243 |
Sleep and Dreams in Early Greek Thought: Presocratic and Hippocratic Approaches |
Stephanie Holton |
1244 |
Sleep and Health Risk [1 ed.] |
K. Kayed (auth.), Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörg H. Peter, Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Penzel, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Podszus, Prof. Dr. Peter von Wichert (eds.) |
1 |
1245 |
Sleep and Its Derangements |
William A. Hammond |
1246 |
Sleep and its Disorders: Translational Medicine |
Allan I. Pack, Qing Yun Li |
1247 |
Sleep and Its Secrets: The River of Crystal Light [1 ed.] |
Michael S. Aronoff M.D. (auth.) |
1 |
1248 |
Sleep and Mental Illness [1 ed.] |
S. R. Pandi-Perumal, Milton Kramer |
1 |
1249 |
Sleep and Movement Disorders [2 ed.] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty, Richard P. Allen, Arthur S. Walters, Pasquale Montagna |
2 |
1250 |
Sleep and Neurologic Disease [1st Edition] |
Mitchell G. Miglis (Eds.) |
1 |
1251 |
Sleep and Neuropsychiatric Disorders |
Ravi Gupta, David N. Neubauer, S. R. Pandi-Perumal |
1252 |
Sleep and Rehabilitation : A Guide for Health Professionals [1 ed.] |
Julie Hereford |
1 |
1253 |
Sleep and Sleep Disorders: A Neuropsychopharmacological Approach [1 ed.] |
Malcolm Lader, Daniel P. Cardinali, S. R. Pandi-Perumal (auth.) |
1 |
1254 |
Sleep and the Maturing Nervous System |
Carmine D. Clemente (Eds.) |
1255 |
Sleep and the Novel [1st ed.] |
Michael Greaney |
1 |
1256 |
Sleep and wakefulness (Chapters 1 to 4) |
Nathaniel Kleitman |
1257 |
Sleep and You: Sleep Better, Live Better [Tra ed.] |
Boivin, Diane B, van Cauter, Ève, Sandilands, Barbara |
1258 |
Sleep apnea : pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment [2nd ed] |
Allan I Pack |
2 |
1259 |
Sleep Apnea Frontiers: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment Strategies |
Ahmed S. BaHammam (editor), Mahadevappa Hunasikatti (editor) |
1260 |
Sleep Deprivation - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References |
ICON Health Publications |
1261 |
Sleep deprivation & its consequences |
Joan Esherick |
1262 |
Sleep Deprivation and Disease: Effects on the Body, Brain and Behavior [1 ed.] |
Matt T. Bianchi M.D., Ph.D., M.M.Sc. (auth.), Matt T. Bianchi (eds.) |
1 |
1263 |
Sleep deprivation, stimulant medications, and cognition [1 ed.] |
Wesensten, Nancy Jo |
1 |
1264 |
Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Effects and Treatment : Causes, Effects and Treatment [1 ed.] |
Pedr Fulke, Sior Vaughan |
1 |
1265 |
Sleep Deprivation: Clinical Issues, Pharmacology, and Sleep Loss Effects [1 ed.] |
Clete A. Kushida |
1 |
1266 |
Sleep disorders |
Christopher Idzikowski |
1267 |
Sleep disorders : diagnosis, management and treatment : a handbook for clinicians |
Pillar, Giora, Malhotra, Atul, Lavie, Peretz |
1268 |
Sleep disorders [2 edition] |
Nutt, David J., Wilson, Sue |
2 |
1269 |
Sleep Disorders [1 ed.] |
Barbara Sheen |
1 |
1270 |
Sleep Disorders [Library Binding ed.] |
Mary Brophy Marcus |
1271 |
Sleep Disorders and Neurologic Diseases, [2 ed.] |
Culebras Antonio |
2 |
1272 |
Sleep Disorders and Neurological Disease (Neurological Disease and Therapy) [1st ed.] |
Culebras |
1 |
1273 |
Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation: an unmet public health problem [1 ed.] |
Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research, Harvey R. Colten, Bruce M. Altevogt |
1 |
1274 |
Sleep Disorders and Sleep Promotion in Nursing Practice [1 ed.] |
Nancy Redeker, Geoffry Phillips McEnany |
1 |
1275 |
Sleep Disorders For Dummies |
Max Hirshkowitz, Ph.D., A.B.S.M.,Patricia B. Smith,William C. Dement |
1276 |
Sleep Disorders For Dummies [1 ed.] |
Max Hirshkowitz, Patricia B. Smith, William C. Dement |
1 |
1277 |
Sleep Disorders Handbook: A Handbook for Clinicians [1 ed.] |
Peretz Lavie, Giora Pillar, Atul Malhotra |
1 |
1278 |
Sleep Disorders in Adolescents: A Clinical Casebook [1 ed.] |
Sanjeev V. Kothare, Rebecca Quattrucci Scott (eds.) |
1 |
1279 |
Sleep Disorders in Neurology [1 ed.] |
Rosalia Silvestri |
1 |
1280 |
Sleep Disorders in Neurology: A Practical Approach |
1281 |
Sleep Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease: Management and Case Study |
Chun-Feng Liu |
1282 |
Sleep Disorders in Psychiatric Patients: A Practical Guide [1st ed.] |
Hugh Selsick |
1 |
1283 |
Sleep Disorders in Women: From Menarche Through Pregnancy to Menopause: A Guide for Practical Management [1 ed.] |
Hrayr P. Attarian |
1 |
1284 |
Sleep Disorders Medicine. Basic Science, Technical Considerations, and Clinical Aspects |
Sudhansu Chokroverty (Eds.) |
1285 |
Sleep Disorders Medicine: Basic Science, Technical Considerations, and Clinical Aspects, 3rd Edition [3 ed.] |
Sudhansu Chokroverty MD FRCP FACP |
3 |
1286 |
Sleep Disorders Part I: Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Series Editors: Aminoff, Boller and Swaab) [1 ed.] |
P. Montagna, Sudhansu Chokroverty MD FRCP FACP |
1 |
1287 |
Sleep Disorders Part II: Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Series Editors: Aminoff, Boller and Swaab) [1 ed.] |
P. Montagna, Sudhansu Chokroverty MD FRCP FACP |
1 |
1288 |
Sleep Disorders Sourcebook [3 ed.] |
Judd S. (ed.) |
3 |
1289 |
Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics [1 ed.] |
S.R. Pandi-Perumal, Joris Verster, Jaime Monti, Salomon Langer |
1 |
1290 |
Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment [1 ed.] |
Patrick J. Strollo Jr. (auth.), J. Steven Poceta MD, Merrill M. Mitler PhD (eds.) |
1 |
1291 |
Sleep Disorders: Elements, History, Treatments, and Research |
Kathleen Sexton-Radek, Gina Graci |
1292 |
Sleep in Critical Illness: Physiology, Assessment, and Its Importance to ICU Care |
Gerald L. Weinhouse, John W. Devlin |
1293 |
Sleep in the Military: Promoting Healthy Sleep among U. S. Servicemembers [1 ed.] |
Wendy M. Troxel, Regina A. Shih, Eric R. Pedersen, Michael P. Fisher, Lily Geyer, Beth Ann Griffin, Ann C. Haas, Jeremy R. Kurz, Paul S. Steinberg |
1 |
1294 |
Sleep Loss and Obesity: Intersecting Epidemics [1 ed.] |
Thomas Curie PhD, Paul Franken PhD (auth.), Priyattam Shiromani, Tamas Horvath, Susan Redline, Eve Van Cauter (eds.) |
1 |
1295 |
Sleep Mechanisms |
K. Akert, C. Bally and J.P. Schadé (Eds.) |
1296 |
Sleep medicine |
Michael S. Aldrich |
1297 |
Sleep Medicine and Mental Health: A Guide for Psychiatrists and Other Healthcare Professionals [1st ed.] |
Karim Sedky, Racha Nazir, David Bennett |
1 |
1298 |
Sleep Medicine and Physical Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners [1st ed.] |
Cristina Frange (editor), Fernando Morgadinho Santos Coelho (editor) |
1 |
1299 |
Sleep medicine in clinical practice |
Michael H Silber, Lois E Krahn, Timothy I Morgenthaler |
1300 |
Sleep Medicine in Neurology [1 ed.] |
Douglas Kirsch |
1 |
1301 |
Sleep Medicine Pearls, Second Edition [2 Edition] |
Richard B. Berry MD |
2 |
1302 |
Sleep Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide for Transitioning Pediatric to Adult Care |
Amir Sharafkhaneh, David Gozal |
1303 |
Sleep Neurology: A Comprehensive Guide to Basic and Clinical Aspects [1 ed.] |
Lourdes M. DelRosso, Raffaele Ferri |
1 |
1304 |
Sleep No More |
Greg Iles |
1305 |
Sleep of Memory |
Patrick Modiano, Mark Polizzotti |
1306 |
Sleep Paralysis: A Guide to Hypnagogic Visions and Visitors of the Night |
Ryan Hurd |
1307 |
Sleep Paralysis: Historical, Psychological, and Medical Perspectives |
Brian A. Sharpless, Karl Doghramji |
1308 |
Sleep Paralysis: Night-mares, Nocebos, and the Mind-Body Connection [1st ed.] |
Shelley R. Adler |
1 |
1309 |
Sleep Problems [1 ed.] |
Don Nardo |
1 |
1310 |
Sleep Your Questions Answered [1 ed.] |
Renata Riha, Philip Morgan |
1 |
1311 |
Sleep, Creep, Leap: the First Three Years of a Nebraska Garden |
Vogt, Benjamin |
1312 |
Sleep, dreams and spiritual reflections |
Acharya Shriram-Sharma |
1313 |
Sleep, Memory and Synaptic Plasticity [1st ed.] |
Sushil K. Jha, Vibha M. Jha |
1 |
1314 |
Sleep, Pale Sister (P.S.) |
Joanne Harris |
1315 |
Sleep, Personality, and Social Behavior [1st ed.] |
Zlatan Križan |
1 |
1316 |
Sleep. Circuits and functions |
Luppi P.H. (ed.) |
1317 |
Sleep: A Very Short Introduction |
Lockley, Steven W., Foster, Russell G |
1318 |
Sleep: Clinical and Experimental Aspects [1 ed.] |
Günter Stock (auth.), Dr. Detlev Ganten M.D.,Ph.D., Dr. Donald Pfaff Ph.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1319 |
Sleep: Evolution and Functions [1 ed.] |
Vibha M. Jha, Sushil K. Jha |
1 |
1320 |
Sleep: the owner's manual: excerpted from the owner's manual for the brain [1 edition] |
Howard, Pierce J |
1 |
1321 |
Sleep: What Every Parent Needs to Know [1 ed.] |
The American Academy of Pediatrics, Rachel Moon |
1 |
1322 |
Sleepless and Sleepy: 50 Challenging Sleep Medicine Cases [1 ed.] |
Alcibiades J. Rodriguez |
1 |
1323 |
Sleeplessness: Assessing Sleep Need in Society Today [1 ed.] |
Jim Horne (auth.) |
1 |
1324 |
Sleep—Wake Disorders [1 ed.] |
Osamu Hayaishi (auth.), Karlheinz Meier-Ewert M.D., Masako Okawa M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1325 |
Sleep-Wake Neurobiology and Pharmacology [1st ed.] |
Hans-Peter Landolt, Derk-Jan Dijk |
1 |
1326 |
Sleepy or Sleepless: Clinical Approach to the Sleep Patient [1 ed.] |
Raman K. Malhotra (eds.) |
1 |
1327 |
Somatic and Autonomic Regulation in Sleep: Physiological and Clinical Aspects [1 ed.] |
G. Zamboni, E. Perez, R. Amici (auth.), Prof. Elio Lugaresi, Prof. Pier Luigi Parmeggiani (eds.) |
1 |
1328 |
Sound sleep, sound mind: 7 keys to sleeping through the night |
Krakow B. |
1329 |
States of Consciousness: Experimental Insights into Meditation, Waking, Sleep and Dreams [1 ed.] |
Dean Cvetkovic (auth.), Dean Cvetkovic, Irena Cosic (eds.) |
1 |
1330 |
STOP, THAT and One Hundred Other Sleep Scales [1 ed.] |
Azmeh Shahid M.D, Kate Wilkinson Ph.D (auth.), Azmeh Shahid, Kate Wilkinson, Shai Marcu, Colin M Shapiro (eds.) |
1 |
1331 |
Storm Static Sleep: A Pathway Through Post Rock |
Jack Chuter |
1332 |
Sweet Sleep |
La Leche League International |
1333 |
The Agglomeration Theory of Sleep |
Bancroft W. D. |
1334 |
The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Sleep Disorders |
Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer |
1335 |
The Cold Therapy Code: Rediscover Your Vitality Through Cold Exposure - the 3 Simple Cryotherapy Methods for Reducing Stress, Improving Sleep, and Increasing Energy |
James H. Smart |
1336 |
The Dreaming Mind: Understanding Consciousness During Sleep [1 ed.] |
Melanie G. Rosen |
1 |
1337 |
The encyclopedia of sleep and sleep disorders [2nd, ed., updated and rev] |
Michael J. Thorpy, Jan Yager |
2 |
1338 |
The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Third Edition (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) [3rd Revised edition] |
Charles P., M.D. Pollak, Michael J., M.D. Thorpy, Jan, Ph.D. Yager |
3 |
1339 |
The Holistic Treatment of Sleep Disorders: Complementary Therapy Concept for Physicians and Psychotherapists [1st ed.] |
Carolin Marx-Dick |
1 |
1340 |
The Neuroscience of Sleep [1 ed.] |
Robert Stickgold, Matthew P. Walker |
1 |
1341 |
The Nocturnal Brain: Nightmares, Neuroscience, and the Secret World of Sleep [Original retail ed.] |
Dr. Guy Leschziner |
1342 |
The Oxford Handbook of Sleep and Sleep Disorders [Illustrated] |
Charles M. Morin (editor), Colin A. Espie (editor) |
1343 |
The Pharmacology of Sleep [1 ed.] |
R. Drucker-Colín, H. Merchant-Nancy (auth.), Anthony Kales M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1344 |
The Psychiatric Dimensions of Sleep Medicine, An Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, 1e [1 ed.] |
Karl Doghramji MD |
1 |
1345 |
The Science of Sleep |
Heather Darwall-Smith |
1346 |
The Science of Sleep : A book that delves into the latest research on sleep and offers practical advice for getting better quality sleep |
Braveboy, Ernie |
1347 |
The Scribes of Sleep: Insights from the Most Important Dream Journals in History |
Kelly Bulkeley |
1348 |
The Seven Sisters of Sleep |
M. C. (Mordecai Cubitt) Cooke |
1349 |
The Timing of Sleep and Wakefulness: On the Substructure and Dynamics of the Circadian Pacemakers Underlying the Wake-Sleep Cycle [1 ed.] |
Professor James T. Enright (auth.) |
1 |
1350 |
TIME the Science of Sleep |
TIME Magazine |
1351 |
TIME The Science of Sleep: How Rest Works Wonders, What Kids Need, and The New Dream Therapy |
O'Connor, Siobhan, Weil, Andrew |
1352 |
Understanding Sleep and Dreaming |
William H. Moorcroft, Paula Belcher (auth.) |
1353 |
Understanding Sleep: The Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders (Application and Practice in Health Psychology) [1 ed.] |
William C. Orr |
1 |
1354 |
Upper Airway Stimulation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Best Practices in Evaluation and Surgical Management |
Clemens Heiser, Nico de Vries |
1355 |
We Can Sleep Later: Alfred D. Hershey and the Origins of Molecular Biology [1st ed.] |
Frederick W. Stahl |
1 |
1356 |
Yeats’s Vision Papers: Volume 3: Sleep and Dream Notebooks, Vision Notebooks 1 and 2, Card File [1 ed.] |
George Mills Harper, Robert Anthony Martinich, Margaret Mills Harper (eds.) |
1 |
1357 |
Basal Ganglia and Thalamus in Health and Movement Disorders [1 ed.] |
Anne B. Young, John B. Penney (auth.), Kristy Kultas-Ilinsky, Igor A. Ilinsky (eds.) |
1 |
1358 |
Clinical Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurology of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders |
Alexander I. Troster |
1359 |
Mental and Behavioral Dysfunction in Movement Disorders [1 ed.] |
Marc-André Bédard, Yves Agid, Sylvain Chouinard, Stanley Fahn, Amos D. Korczyn |
1 |
1360 |
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Movement Disorders [1 ed.] |
Heinz Reichmann (eds.) |
1 |
1361 |
Psychogenic movement disorders : neurology and neuropsychiatry [1 ed.] |
Mark Hallett MD, C. Robert Cloninger MD, Stanley Fahn, Joseph Jankovic MD, Anthony E. Lang MD, Stuart C. Yudofsky MD |
1 |
1362 |
Tobacco Dependence: A Comprehensive Guide to Prevention and Treatment |
Michelle N. Eakin, Hasmeena Kathuria |
1363 |
A Politics of Melancholia: From Plato to Arendt |
George Edmondson, Klaus Mladek |
1364 |
A Psychoanalytic Approach to Smoking Cessation: The Cigarette as a Transitional Object [1 ed.] |
Fung Ko |
1 |
1365 |
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Insomnia - A Session-By-Session Guide |
1366 |
Addiction Becomes Normal: On the Late-Modern American Subject |
Jaeyoon Park |
1367 |
ADHD For Dummies [2 ed.] |
Jeff Strong, Carol MacHendrie |
2 |
1368 |
Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care (WONCA Family Medicine) [1 ed.] |
Sherina Mohd Sidik (editor), Felicity Goodyear-Smith (editor) |
1 |
1369 |
Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide |
Samir Chopra |
1370 |
Attention Spans: Garrett Stewart, a Reader |
Garrett Stewart |
1371 |
Behavior Analysis: Translational Perspectives and Clinical Practice [1 ed.] |
Henry S. Roane (editor), Andrew R. Craig (editor), Valdeep Saini (editor), Joel E. Ringdahl (editor) |
1 |
1372 |
Behavior Modification: What It Is and How To Do It [12 ed.] |
Garry Martin, Joseph J. Pear |
12 |
1373 |
Beware Euphoria: The Moral Roots and Racial Myths of America's War on Drugs |
George Fisher |
1374 |
Clinical descriptions and diagnostic requirements for ICD-11 mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders [11 ed.] |
World Health Organization |
11 |
1375 |
Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) |
Julia Kristeva |
1376 |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Self-Esteem : Identify, Challenge, and Change Your Thoughts and Actions |
Christine Yarosh |
1377 |
Cognitive Predictive Maintenance Tools for Brain Diseases-Design and Analysis [1 ed.] |
Shweta Gupta |
1 |
1378 |
Cognitive Semantics: A cultural-historical perspective |
Vladimir Glebkin |
1379 |
Collaborative Ethnographic Working in Mental Health : Knowledge, Power and Hope in an Age of Bureaucratic Accountability [1 ed.] |
Neil Armstrong |
1 |
1380 |
Breaking free from Sexual Sins and Addictions [1, First ed.] |
Chika Christian Eberechukwu |
1 |
1381 |
Collaborative Writing and Psychotherapy : Flattening the Hierarchy Between Therapist and Client [1 ed.] |
Trish Thompson, Daniel X. Harris |
1 |
1382 |
Brief Narrative Practice in Single-Session Therapy [1 ed.] |
Scot J. Cooper |
1 |
1383 |
Cambridge Prescriber's Guide in Psychiatry |
1384 |
Cambridge Textbook of Neuroscience for Psychiatrists [1 ed.] |
Mary-Ellen Lynall (editor), Peter B. Jones (editor), Stephen M. Stahl (editor) |
1 |
1385 |
Counseling Individuals With Co-Occurring Addictive and Mental Disorders: A Comprehensive Approach [1 ed.] |
Reginald W. Holt PhD (editor), Regina R. Moro PhD (editor) |
1 |
1386 |
Anorexia & Bulimia: Control That Is Out of Control |
June Hunt |
1387 |
Domestic Violence: Assault on a Woman's Worth |
June Hunt |
1388 |
The Power of Heart: When and How to Get Out of Your Brain |
Amy Bloch |
1389 |
Master Your Emotions (2 Books In 1): Life Hacks to Retrain Your Brain and Declutter Your Mind to Overcome Depression, Stop Negative Thinking, Manage Anxiety and Control Anger |
Robert Wayfair |
1390 |
Journey into the heart of bipolarity |
Philippe Nuss, Marie Sellier, Jean-Paul Bath |
1391 |
Psychiatry and heart disease: the mind, brain, and heart |
Ravindranath, Divy,Riba, Michelle B.,Rubenfire, Melvyn,Wulsin, Lawson R |
1392 |
Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia |
Bassetti Claudio, Michel Billiard, Emmanuel Mignot |
1393 |
Freedom from Addiction: The Chopra Center Method for Overcoming Destructive Habits |
Deepak Chopra, David Simon |
1394 |
Distance Writing and Computer-Assisted Interventions in Psychiatry and Mental Health |
Luciano L'Abate |
1395 |
Kids Caught in the Psychiatric Maelstrom: How Pathological Labels and "Therapeutic" Drugs Hurt Children and Families |
Elizabeth E. Root MSW MS Ed |
1396 |
Mental Disorders of the New Millennium: Volume 1 |
Thomas G. Plante Ph.D. |
1397 |
Solving Health and Behavioral Problems from Birth Through Preschool: A Parent's Guide |
Roy Benaroch M.D. |
1398 |
Essentials of Clinical Psychology: An Indian Perspective |
S. K. Mangal, Shubhra Mangal |
1399 |
Subjective Well-Being in the Indian Context: Concept, Measure and Index |
Tithi Bhatnagar |
1400 |
Forensic Psychiatry: An Indian Perspective |
Rc Jiloha |
1401 |
Barriers to Recovery from ‘Psychosis’: A Peer Investigation of Psychiatric Subjectivation |
Prateeksha Sharma |
1402 |
Becoming resilient: cognitive behaviour therapy to transform your life |
Hutnik, Nimmi |
1403 |
Counseling Women: Kinship Against Violence in India |
Julia Kowalski |
1404 |
Counselling in India: Reflections on the Process |
Sujata Sriram (eds.) |
1405 |
Covid-19 Through the Lens of Mental Health in India: Present Status and Future Directions |
Tilottama Mukherjee (editor) |
1406 |
Developments in Psychiatry in India: Clinical, Research and Policy Perspectives |
Savita Malhotra, Subho Chakrabarti (eds.) |
1407 |
Eating Drugs: Psychopharmaceutical Pluralism in India |
Stefan M Ecks |
1408 |
Freud's India: Sigmund Freud and India's First Psychoanalyst Girindrasekhar Bose |
Alf Hiltebeitel |
1409 |
General Psychology |
Amit Abraham |
1410 |
Healing room: the need for psychotherapy |
Nath, Reena |
1411 |
India’s Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: Building Laws, Protecting Rights |
Richard M. Duffy, Brendan D. Kelly |
1412 |
Mental Health Care Services in Community Settings: Discussions on NGO Approaches in India |
Gayathri Balagopal, Aruna Rose Mary Kapanee |
1413 |
New Directions in Health Psychology |
Dalal, Ajit K.,Misra, Girishwar |
1414 |
Positive neuroscience |
Greene, Joshua David, Morrison, India, Seligman, Martin E. P |
1415 |
Social Work in Mental Health : Areas of Practice, Challenges, and Way Forward |
Abraham P. Francis |
1416 |
Stress Management Through Mind Engineering |
R.P. Banerjee |
1417 |
Swallowing – Physiology, Disorders, Diagnosis and Therapy |
Gauri Mankekar (eds.) |
1418 |
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: A Comprehensive, Developmental Approach to Assessment and Intervention |
Stanley I. Greenspan, Serena Wieder |
1419 |
Clinical Skills in Infant Mental Health |
Sarah Mares, Louise Newman |
1420 |
Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of Emotional Exchange |
Mario Jacoby |
1421 |
Developing Brain Behaviour: The Role of Lipids in Infant Formula |
John Dobbing |
1422 |
Adolescent Psychiatry in Clinical Practice [1 ed.] |
Simon Gowers, Simon G. Gowers |
1 |
1423 |
Dementia [4th ed.] |
Ames, David, Burns, Alistair S., O'Brien, John |
4 |
1424 |
Psychiatry by ten teachers [1 ed.] |
Lunn, Brian, Cooper, Stephen, Dogra, Nisha |
1 |
1425 |
Psychiatry on the Move |
Douglas, Molly, Walker, Harriet, Casey, Helen, Matta, Simon |
1426 |
Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychiatry (Hodder Arnold Publication) [1 ed.] |
David P. Moore |
1 |
1427 |
The Complete MRCPsych Part II: A comprehensive guide to the examination [1 ed.] |
Ashok Patel |
1 |
1428 |
Cerebrospinal Fluid Diagnostics in Neurology: Paradigm Change in Brain Barriers, Immune System and Chronic Diseases (essentials) [1st ed. 2024] |
Hansotto Reiber |
1 |
1429 |
Practical Treatment Options for Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: An Interdisciplinary Therapy Manual [2nd ed. 2019] |
Michael Dobe, Boris Zernikow |
2 |
1430 |
Chronic Resilience: 10 Sanity-Saving Strategies for Women Coping with the Stress of Illness |
Danea Horn |
1431 |
Sleep Better and Less - Naturally: Cure Chronic Insomnia and Boost Body-Brain O2 Levels |
artour rakhimov |
1432 |
Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging : Toward a Healthy Body and Brain |
Kristine Yaffe |
1433 |
The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness |
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal &, Jon Kabat-Zinn |
1434 |
CBT for Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents |
Tonya M. Palermo |
1 |
1435 |
The Choke Artist: Confessions of a Chronic Underachiever |
David Yoo |
1436 |
Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management: Therapist Guide [1 ed.] |
Mark P. Jensen |
1 |
1437 |
Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management: Workbook [Workbook ed.] |
Mark P. Jensen |
1438 |
Chronic Pain and Addiction (Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine) [1 ed.] |
M. R. Clark, G. J. Treisman |
1 |
1439 |
The Effortless Sleep Method: The Incredible New Cure for Insomnia and Chronic Sleep Problems |
Sasha Stephens |
1440 |
The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life [1 ed.] |
Susan M. Orsillo, Lizabeth Roemer |
1 |
1441 |
The mindful way through anxiety: break free from chronic worry and reclaim your life |
Orsillo, Susan M.,Roemer, Lizabeth |
1442 |
The Cure for the Chronic Life 22490 : Overcoming the Hopelessness That Holds You Back [1 ed.] |
Shane Stanford, Deanna Favre |
1 |
1443 |
Quiet Your Mind: An Easy-to-Use Guide to Ending Chronic Worry and Negative Thoughts and Living a Calmer Life |
John Selby |
1444 |
Worried Sick: Break Free from Chronic Worry to Achieve Mental & Physical Health |
Karol Ward |
1445 |
Behavioral Approaches to Chronic Disease in Adolescence: A Guide to Integrative Care [1 ed.] |
William O’Donohue, Lauren Woodward Tolle (auth.), William T. O'Donohue (eds.) |
1 |
1446 |
Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Strategies and Integrative Treatment Protocols [1 ed.] |
Len Sperry |
1 |
1447 |
Chronic Physical Illness: Self Management and Behavioural Interventions [1 ed.] |
Stanton Newman, Elizabeth Steed, Kathleen Mulligan |
1 |
1448 |
Overcoming Chronic Fatigue: A Self-help Guide to Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques |
Trudie Chalder, Mary Burgess |
1449 |
Understanding Psychosocial Adjustment to Chronic Illness and Disability: A Handbook for Evidence-Based Practitioners in Rehabilitation |
Fong Chan, Elizabeth Da Silva Cardoso, Julie A. Chronister |
1450 |
Helping Children and Adolescents with Chronic and Serious Medical Conditions: A Strengths-Based Approach [Paperback ed.] |
Nancy Webb |
1451 |
The Psychoneuroimmunology of Chronic Disease: Exploring the Links Between Inflammation, Stress, and Illness [1 ed.] |
Kathleen Kendall-Tackett (editor) |
1 |
1452 |
Psychosocial Interventions for Chronic Pain: In Search of Evidence [1 ed.] |
Ranjan Roy (auth.) |
1 |
1453 |
Managing Chronic Pain: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Workbook (Treatments That Work) [1 Workbook ed.] |
John Otis |
1 |
1454 |
Headache and Chronic Pain Syndromes: The Case-Based Guide to Targeted Assessment and Treatment [1 ed.] |
Dawn A. Marcus MD (auth.) |
1 |
1455 |
Treating Chronic Depression with Disciplined Personal Involvement: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) [1 ed.] |
James P. McCullough Jr. (auth.) |
1 |
1456 |
The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization [1 ed.] |
Onno van der Hart, Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis, Kathy Steele |
1 |
1457 |
Medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability [3rd ed] |
Donna Falvo |
3 |
1458 |
Families Living with Chronic Illness and Disability: Interventions, Challenges, and Opportunities (Springer Series on Rehabilitation) [1 ed.] |
Paul W. Power CRC |
1 |
1459 |
Alcohol Use: Assessment, Withdrawal Management, Treatment and Therapy: Ethical Practice |
David B. Cooper |
1460 |
Alcohol and Alcohol-related Diseases [1st ed. 2023] |
Sebastian Mueller (editor), Markus Heilig (editor) |
1 |
1461 |
Alcohol, Psychiatry and Society: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives, C. 1700–1990s |
Waltraud Ernst, Thomas Muller |
1462 |
Behavioral Neurobiology of Alcohol Addiction [1 ed.] |
George F. Koob (auth.), Wolfgang H. Sommer, Rainer Spanagel (eds.) |
1 |
1463 |
Alcohol, Cocaine, and Accidents (Drug and Alcohol Abuse Reviews, 7) [Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995] |
Ronald R. Watson |
1 |
1464 |
College Student Alcohol Abuse : A Guide to Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention [1 ed.] |
James G. Murphy, Nancy P. Barnett, Christopher J. Correia |
1 |
1465 |
Alcohol and Tobacco: Medical and Sociological Aspects of Use, Abuse and Addiction [1 ed.] |
Otto Michael Lesch MD, Henriette Walter MD, Christian Wetschka PhD, Michie N. Hesselbrock PhD, Victor Hesselbrock PhD (auth.) |
1 |
1466 |
Alcohol Addiction - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References |
ICON Health Publications |
1467 |
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Volume 13: Alcohol and Violence - Epidemiology Neurobiology Psychology Family Issues [1 ed.] |
Richard K. Fuller (auth.), Marc Galanter, Henri Begleiter, Richard Deitrich, Richard Fuller, Donald Gallant, Donald Goodwin, Edward Gottheil, Alfonso Paredes, Marcus Rothschild, David Van Thiel, Deirde Winczewski (eds.) |
1 |
1468 |
Drug Addiction I: Morphine, Sedative/Hypnotic and Alcohol Dependence [1 ed.] |
W. R. Martin (auth.), William R. Martin M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1469 |
Alcoholism |
Tamara L. Roleff |
1470 |
Alcoholism - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References |
Health Publica Icon Health Publications |
1471 |
The Natural History of Alcoholism Revisited [2 ed.] |
George E. Vaillant |
2 |
1472 |
Psychiatry: The State of the Art Volume 6 Drug Dependence and Alcoholism, Forensic Psychiatry, Military Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Sidney Cohen (auth.), Pierre Pichot, Peter Berner, Rainer Wolf, Kenneth Thau (eds.) |
1 |
1473 |
Alcoholism and Clinical Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Benjamin Kissin MD, Meredith Hanson MSW (auth.), Joel Solomon MD (eds.) |
1 |
1474 |
Psychosocial Care of End-Stage Organ Disease and Transplant Patients [1st ed.] |
Yelizaveta Sher, José R. Maldonado |
1 |
1475 |
Towards New Therapies for Parkinson's Disease |
David I. Finkelstein |
1476 |
The Cognitive Neuropsychiatry of Parkinson's Disease [1 ed.] |
Patrick McNamara |
1 |
1477 |
Psychiatric and Neurologic Aspects of War (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1208) [1 ed.] |
Jack D. Barchas, JoAnn Difede (eds.), Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. |
1 |
1478 |
Popular Medicine, Hysterical Disease, and Social Controversy in Shakespeare's England (Literary and Scientific Cultures of Early Modernity) |
Kaara L. Peterson |
1479 |
Insulin Resistance Syndrome and Neuropsychiatric Disease (Medical Psychiatry) [1 ed.] |
Natalie L. Rasgon |
1 |
1480 |
Long-term Management of Dementia |
Douglas Scharre |
1481 |
Handbook of dystonia |
Mark A Stacy |
1482 |
Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer's Disease [3 ed.] |
Gauthier Serge |
3 |
1483 |
Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders [1 ed.] |
C. Powell MB, FRCP (auth.), Prof. Dr. P. Riederer, Prof. Dr. H. Reichmann, Prof. Dr. M. B. H. Youdim, Prof. Dr. M. Gerlach (eds.) |
1 |
1484 |
Cerebrovascular Disease and Dementia, Second Edition |
John O'Brien, David Ames, Lars Gustafson, Marshal F. Folstein, Edmond Chiu |
2 |
1485 |
Huntington s Disease [3 ed.] |
Gillian Bates, Peter Harper, Lesley Jones |
3 |
1486 |
Mapping the Progress of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease (Advances in Behavioral Biology) [1 ed.] |
Yoshikuni Mizuno, Abraham Fisher, Israel Hanin |
1 |
1487 |
The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation, and Disease [1st ed.] |
Robert C. Scaer |
1 |
1488 |
Gulf War Veterans: Treating Symptoms and Syndromes [1 ed.] |
Committee on Identifying Effective Treatments for Gulf War Veterans' Health Problems, Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine |
1 |
1489 |
Psychiatric Management in Neurological Disease (Clinical Practice) [1st ed.] |
Edward C., M.D. Lauterbach |
1 |
1490 |
Alzheimer’s Disease — From Basic Research to Clinical Applications [1 ed.] |
Prof. Dr. H. Förstl (auth.), Prof. Dr. H.-J. Gertz, Prof. Dr. Th. Arendt (eds.) |
1 |
1491 |
Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection in Parkinson's Disease [1 ed.] |
C. W. Olanow, Peter Jenner, Moussa Youdim |
1 |
1492 |
New Trends in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease [1 ed.] |
R. D. Terry M.D., E. Masliah (auth.), Prof. Dr. K. A. Jellinger, Prof. Dr. G. Ladurner, Dr. M. Windisch (eds.) |
1 |
1493 |
Psychiatric Consequences of Brain Disease in the Elderly: A Focus on Management [1 ed.] |
David K. Conn M.B., B.Ch., F.R.C.P.(C) (auth.), David K. Conn M.B., B.Ch., F.R.C.P.(C), Adrian Grek M.B., B.Ch., F.R.C.P.(C), Joel Sadavoy M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) (eds.) |
1 |
1494 |
Fasting Girls: The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease [1 ed.] |
Joan Jacobs Brumberg |
1 |
1495 |
Behavioral Treatment of Disease [1 ed.] |
Richard S. Surwit Ph.D. (auth.), Richard S. Surwit, Redford B. Williams Jr., Andrew Steptoe, Robert Biersner (eds.) |
1 |
1496 |
Organic Mental Disease [1 ed.] |
Frank R. Freemon M.D. (auth.) |
1 |
1497 |
Brain Acetylcholine and Neuropsychiatric Disease [1 ed.] |
D. S. Janowsky, J. M. Davis (auth.), Kenneth L. Davis, Philip A. Berger (eds.) |
1 |
1498 |
Crime or Disease? |
Antony Flew (auth.) |
1499 |
Psychomotor Aspects of Mental Disease: An Experimental Study [Reprint 2014 ed.] |
H. E. King |
2014 |
1500 |
Braid on Hypnotism: Neurypnology; Or, The Rationale of Nervous Sleep Considered in Relation to Animal Magnetism Or Mesmerism and Illustrated by Numerous Cases of Its Successful Application in the Relief and Cure of Disease |
James Braid, Arthur Edward Waite |
1501 |
Alzheimer's Disease: Advances in Etiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics |
Khalid Iqbal, Sangram S. Sisodia, Bengt Winblad |
1502 |
Etiology and Pathophysiology of Parkinson's Disease |
Rana A.Q. (Ed.) |
1503 |
Psychiatric Intensive Care [2 ed.] |
M. Dominic Beer, Stephen M. Pereira, Carol Paton |
2 |
1504 |
Diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome in Mental Health |
Jennifer A. Rosen PharmD BCPP, Donna A. Wirshing MD |
1505 |
The Everything Parent's Guide To Children With Juvenile Diabetes: Reassuring Advice for Managing Symptoms and Raising a Happy, Healthy Child |
Moira McCarthy, Jake Kushner |
1506 |
Demons of the Mind: Psychiatry and Cinema in the Long 1960s [91 ed.] |
Tim Snelson, William Macauley, David Allen Kirby |
91 |
1507 |
Cognitive Linguistics: A Complete Guide |
Vyvyan Evans |
1508 |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Current Clinical Psychiatry) [2 ed.] |
Susan E. Sprich (editor), Timothy Petersen (editor), Sabine Wilhelm (editor) |
2 |
1509 |
Functional Movement Disorder: An Interdisciplinary Case-Based Approach (Current Clinical Neurology) [1st ed. 2022] |
Kathrin LaFaver (editor), Carine W. Maurer (editor), Timothy R. Nicholson (editor), David L. Perez (editor) |
1 |
1510 |
Racism and Psychiatry: Contemporary Issues and Interventions [1st ed.] |
Morgan M. Medlock, Derri Shtasel, Nhi-Ha T. Trinh, David R. Williams |
1 |
1511 |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Guide to Depression: New Treatment Insights and Options [1st ed.] |
Benjamin G. Shapero, David Mischoulon, Cristina Cusin |
1 |
1512 |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Textbook on Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity in Mental Health [2nd ed. 2019] |
Ranna Parekh, Nhi-Ha T. Trinh |
2 |
1513 |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Textbook on Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity in Mental Health [1 ed.] |
Imad Melhem M.D., Zeina Chemali M.D., M.P.H. (auth.), Ranna Parekh (eds.) |
1 |
1514 |
The Cannabinoid Receptors [1 ed.] |
Raj K. Razdan (auth.), Patricia H. Reggio (eds.) |
1 |
1515 |
Handbook of Mental Health and Acculturation in Asian American Families [1 ed.] |
Richard M. Suinn (auth.), Nhi-Ha Trinh, Yanni Chun Rho, Francis G. Lu, Kathy Marie Sanders (eds.) |
1 |
1516 |
The Medical Basis of Psychiatry [3 ed.] |
Hagop S. Akiskal MD (auth.), S. Hossein Fatemi PhD, Paula J. Clayton MD (eds.) |
3 |
1517 |
Problem based behavioral science and psychiatry |
Anthony Guerrero, Melissa Piasecki |
1 |
1518 |
The GABA Receptors [3rd ed.] |
S. J. Enna, S. J. Enna, Hanns Möhler |
3 |
1519 |
Primary Care Sleep Medicine: A Practical Guide |
James F. Pagel |
1520 |
Molecular Neuropharmacology: Strategies and Methods [1 ed.] |
Jeremy R. Greenwood, Tommy Liljefors (auth.), Arne Schousboe PhD, DSc, Hans Bräuner-Osborne PhD, DSc (eds.) |
1 |
1521 |
G Protein Methods and Protocols: Role of G Proteins in Psychiatric and Neurologica1 Disorders [1 ed.] |
Laura J. Sim, Dana E. Selley, Steven R. Childers (auth.), Ram K. Mishra, Glen B. Baker, Alan A. Boulton (eds.) |
1 |
1522 |
The GABA Receptors |
Baruch I. Kanner (auth.), S. J. Enna, Norman G. Bowery (eds.) |
1523 |
Neurotherapeutics: Emerging Strategies [1 ed.] |
Herbert Y. Meltzer (auth.), Linda M. Pullan, Jitendra Patel (eds.) |
1 |
1524 |
Animal Models in Psychiatry, II [1 ed.] |
Hymie Anisman, Steve Zalcman, Nola Shanks (auth.), Alan A. Boulton, Glen B. Baker, Mathew T. Martin-Iverson (eds.) |
1 |
1525 |
Animal Models in Psychiatry, I [1 ed.] |
Paul Willner (auth.), Alan A. Boulton, Glen B. Baker, Mathew T. Martin-Iverson (eds.) |
1 |
1526 |
Drugs as Tools in Neurotransmitter Research [1 ed.] |
Richard M. Kostrzewa (auth.), Alan A. Boulton, Glen B. Baker, Augusto V. Juorio (eds.) |
1 |
1527 |
Psychoactive Drugs: Tolerance and Sensitization [1 ed.] |
Andrew J. Goudie, Michael W. Emmett-Oglesby (auth.), Andrew J. Goudie, Michael W. Emmett-Oglesby (eds.) |
1 |
1528 |
Experimental Psychopharmacology [1 ed.] |
Derek E. Blackman (auth.), Andrew J. Greenshaw, Colin T. Dourish (eds.) |
1 |
1529 |
Practical child psychiatry : the clinician's guide |
Bryan Lask, Sharon Taylor, Kenneth P Nunn |
1530 |
International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis [1 ed.] |
Alain De Mijolla, A. De Mijolla |
1 |
1531 |
St. John's Wort and its Active Principles in Depression and Anxiety (Milestones in Drug Therapy) [1 ed.] |
Walter E. Müller |
1 |
1532 |
Cognitive Enhancing Drugs [1 ed.] |
Jerry J. Buccafusco (auth.), Prof. Dr. Jerry J. Buccafusco (eds.) |
1 |
1533 |
Atypical Antipsychotics [1 ed.] |
Peter F. Liddle (auth.), Dr. Bart A. Ellenbroek, Dr. Alexander R. Cools (eds.) |
1 |
1534 |
New Approaches to Drug Development |
Giulia C. Kennedy (auth.), Prof. Dr. P. Jollès (eds.) |
1535 |
Anxiolytics [1 ed.] |
Caroline McGrath, Graham D. Burrows, Trevor R. Norman (auth.), Dr. Mike Briley, Professor David Nutt (eds.) |
1 |
1536 |
Animal Models in Psychopharmacology [1 ed.] |
D. J. Sanger, G. Perrault, E. Morel, D. Joly, B. Zivkovic (auth.), Dr. B. Olivier, Dr. J. Mos, Prof. Dr. J. L. Slangen (eds.) |
1 |
1537 |
Statistical Methods in Psychiatry and Related Fields: Longitudinal, Clustered, and Other Repeated Measures Data [1 ed.] |
Ralitza Gueorguieva |
1 |
1538 |
Problem Based Psychiatry : Volume 3, Treatment [2nd ed.] |
Chambers, Steph, Green, Ben |
2 |
1539 |
Principles And Practice Of Forensic Psychiatry [3rd Edition] |
Richard Rosner, Charles Scott |
3 |
1540 |
The Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Living with BPD [1st ed.] |
Alex L. Chapman, Kim L. Gratz, Perry D. Hoffman |
1 |
1541 |
Bonica's Management of Pain [Third ed.] |
John D. Loeser, Steven H. Butler, C. Richard Chapman, PhD Dennis C. Turk |
1542 |
Mosby's Field Guide to Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction |
Cynthia Cooper, CHT., Lisa Deshaies |
1543 |
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry [1 Har/Psc ed.] |
Theodore A. Stern MD, Jerrold F. Rosenbaum MD, Maurizio Fava MD, Joseph Biederman MD, Scott L. Rauch MD |
1 |
1544 |
Cognitive and Perceptual Rehabilitation. Optimizing Function |
Glen Gillen, EdD, OTR, FAOTA (Auth.) |
1545 |
Addiction Psychiatric Medicine [1 ed.] |
Hector Colon-Rivera MD MRO PA U.S.A., Elie Aoun MD MRO NYU New York U.S.A., Leila M. Vaezazizi MD MRO FAPA |
1 |
1546 |
Addiction Medicine: Science and Practice [2 ed.] |
Bankole A. Johnson |
2 |
1547 |
Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists |
David Myland Kaufman and Mark J Milstein (Auth.) |
1548 |
Core Psychiatry [3 ed.] |
Padraig Wright, Julian Stern, Michael Phelan |
3 |
1549 |
Bipolar Disorder: The Ultimate Guide |
Sarah Owen, Amanda Saunders |
1550 |
Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists [6th ed] |
David Myland Kaufman MD |
6 |
1551 |
Management of Neurological Disorders [2 ed.] |
Bryan Ashworth and Michael Saunders (Auth.) |
2 |
1552 |
Antipsychiatry : quackery squared [1st ed] |
Szasz, Thomas |
1 |
1553 |
Principles of Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Professionals [1 ed.] |
Jeffrey E. Kelsey, Charles B. Nemeroff, D. Jeffrey Newpor |
1 |
1554 |
The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties [3 ed.] |
Ronald M., Ph.D. Doctor, Ada P. Kahn, Christine A. Adamec |
3 |
1555 |
The encyclopedia of child abuse [3rd ed] |
Robin E. Clark, Judith Freeman Clark, Christine A. Adamec |
3 |
1556 |
Living with Depression |
Allen R., Ph.D. Miller |
1557 |
The Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) [3 ed.] |
Ada P. Kahn, Jan Fawcett |
3 |
1558 |
The Encyclopedia Of Addictions And Addictive Behaviors [1 ed.] |
Esther, M.D. Gwinnell, Christine A. Adamec |
1 |
1559 |
The Encyclopedia of Stress And Stress-related Diseases, 2nd Edition (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) [2 ed.] |
Ada P. Kahn |
2 |
1560 |
Encyclopedia of Obesity And Eating Disorders [3 ed.] |
Dana K. Cassell, David H. Gleaves |
3 |
1561 |
The Encyclopedia of Learning Disabilities, Second Edition (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) [2 ed.] |
Carol Turkington, Joseph R., Ph.D. Harris |
2 |
1562 |
The Truth About Abuse (Truth About) |
William Kane, Richelle, Ph.D. Rennegarbe, Mark J., Ph.D. Kittleson, John Haley, Wendy Stein |
1563 |
The Truth About Eating Disorders (Truth About) |
William Kane, Richelle, Ph.D. Rennegarbe, Mark J., Ph.D. Kittleson, Gerri Freid Kramer |
1564 |
Cognitive Modeling of Human Memory and Learning [1 ed.] |
Lidia Ghosh |
1 |
1565 |
Dementia Prevention |
Emily Clionsky |
1566 |
The Concise Guide to Bipolar Disorder (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) [1 ed.] |
Francis Mark Mondimore |
1 |
1567 |
The Caregiver's Guide to Memory Care and Dementia Communities |
Rachael Wonderlin |
1568 |
Reconnecting after Isolation: Coping with Anxiety, Depression, Grief, PTSD, and More |
Susan J. Noonan |
1569 |
Mind, Mood, and Memory: The Neurobehavioral Consequences of Multiple Sclerosis [1 ed.] |
Anthony Feinstein |
1 |
1570 |
A Loving Approach to Dementia Care: Making Meaningful Connections while Caregiving |
Laura Wayman |
3 |
1571 |
Behaviorism, Consciousness, and the Literary Mind (Hopkins Studies in Modernism) |
Joshua Gang |
1572 |
From Survive to Thrive: Living Your Best Life with Mental Illness |
Margaret S. Chisolm, John Hanc, Jr. Cal Ripken |
1573 |
American Dementia |
Daniel R. George, Peter J. Whitehouse |
1574 |
Is It Alzheimer's?: 101 Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions about Memory Loss and Dementia |
Peter V. Rabins |
1575 |
The Opioid Fix: America's Addiction Crisis and the Solution They Don't Want You to Have |
Barbara Andraka-Christou |
1576 |
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for You and Your Loved Ones [4 ed.] |
Francis Mark Mondimore |
4 |
1577 |
The Trials of Psychedelic Therapy: LSD Psychotherapy in America |
Matthew Oram |
1578 |
Before and After Loss: A Neurologist's Perspective on Loss, Grief, and Our Brain |
Lisa M. Shulman |
1579 |
Making Tough Decisions about End-of-Life Care in Dementia |
Anne Kenny |
1580 |
Living with Schizophrenia: A Family Guide to Making a Difference |
Jeffrey Rado, Philip G. Janicak |
1581 |
The Intentional Brain: Motion, Emotion, and the Development of Modern Neuropsychiatry [Hardcover ed.] |
Michael R. Trimble |
1582 |
Why Can't I Stop? ; Reclaiming Your Life from a Behavioral Addiction |
Samuel R. Chamberlain, Jon E. Grant, Brian L. Odlaug ,b |
1583 |
Still Down |
Dean F. MacKinnon |
1584 |
Committed: The Battle Over Involuntary Psychiatric Care |
Dinah Miller, Annette Hanson, Pete Earley |
1585 |
When Someone You Know Is Living in a Dementia Care Community: Words to Say and Things to Do |
Rachael Wonderlin |
1586 |
Philosophical issues in psychiatry: explanation, phenomenology, and nosology [Johns Hopkins paperback edition] |
Kendler, Kenneth S.,Parnas, Josef |
1587 |
Pathologist of the Mind: Adolf Meyer and the Origins of American Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Lamb, S.D., Meyer, Adolf |
1 |
1588 |
Schizophrenia: A Brother Finds Answers in Biological Science [1 ed.] |
Ronald Chase |
1 |
1589 |
Shrink Rap: Three Psychiatrists Explain Their Work [1 ed.] |
Dinah Miller, Annette Hanson, Steven Roy Daviss |
1 |
1590 |
Trouble in Mind: An Unorthodox Introduction to Psychiatry |
Dean F. MacKinnon |
1591 |
Borderline Personality Disorder: New Reasons for Hope |
Francis Mark Mondimore, Patrick Kelly |
1592 |
Heal Your Brain: How the New Neuropsychiatry Can Help You Go from Better to Well |
David J. Hellerstein |
1593 |
Narrative Psychiatry : How Stories Can Shape Clinical Practice [1 ed.] |
Bradley Lewis |
1 |
1594 |
The Concepts of Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
S. Nassir Ghaemi, Paul R. McHugh |
1 |
1595 |
Bipolar disorder: a guide for patients and families [2nd ed] |
Mondimore, Francis Mark |
2 |
1596 |
When Your Loved One Has Dementia A Simple Guide for Caregivers |
Davagnino, Judith,Galante, Margaret J.,Glenner, Joy A.,Green, Martha L.,Stehman, Jean M |
1597 |
The psychiatry of AIDS : a guide to diagnosis and treatment |
Angelino, Andrew F., Treisman, Glenn J. |
1598 |
Understanding Sleeplessness: Perspectives on Insomnia [1 ed.] |
David N. Neubauer, Paul R. McHugh |
1 |
1599 |
Dementia: Presentations, Differential Diagnosis, and Nosology (The Johns Hopkins Series in Psychiatry and Neuroscience) [2nd ed.] |
V. Olga B. Emery, Thomas E. Oxman |
2 |
1600 |
The concepts of psychiatry : a pluralistic approach to the mind and mental illness [1 ed.] |
S. Nassir Ghaemi, Paul R. McHugh |
1 |
1601 |
Drug discovery for psychiatric disorders |
Zoran Rankovic, et al |
1602 |
Multiple Sclerosis for the Practicing Neurologist (World Federation of Neurology Seminars in Clinical Neurology, Volume 5) [1 ed.] |
Adnan Al-araji, Jose A., M.D., Ph.D. Cabrera-Gomez, Marninella, M.D. Clerico, Giulia, M.D. Contessa |
1 |
1603 |
Deep brain stimulation: a new life for people with Parkinson's, dystonia and essential tremor |
Kelvin L. Chou,Susan Grube,Parag G. Patil |
1604 |
Lishman's organic psychiatry: a textbook of neuropsychiatry [4 ed.] |
Anthony S. David, William Alwyn Lishman |
4 |
1605 |
Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Michael Rutter |
1606 |
What You Need to Know about Eating Disorders |
Jessica Bartley and Melissa Streno |
1607 |
Native America from prehistory to first contact |
Carlisle, Rodney P.,Golson, J. Geoffrey |
1608 |
Depression FAQs |
Susan L. Paolucci, Stephen J. Paolucci, Sandra A. Buckley |
1609 |
Antiepileptic Drugs to Treat Psychiatric Disorders (Medical Psychiatry Series) [1 ed.] |
L. McElroy Susan, Paul E. Keck Jr., Robert M. Post |
1 |
1610 |
Asperger's Disorder (Medical Psychiatry) [1 ed.] |
Jeffrey L. Rausch, Maria E. Johnson, Manuel F. Casanova |
1 |
1611 |
Atlas of Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy, Second Edition [2 ed.] |
Shiloh Roni, David J. Nutt, Abraham Weizman |
2 |
1612 |
Neurogenetics of psychiatric disorders [1 ed.] |
Akira Sawa, Melvin G. McIinnis |
1 |
1613 |
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines [9 ed.] |
David Taylor, Carol Paton, Robert Kerwin |
9 |
1614 |
Bipolar Disorders: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications, 2nd edition (Medical Psychiatry) [2 ed.] |
Jair C. Soares, Allan H. Young |
2 |
1615 |
Lithium in Neuropsychiatry: The Comprehensive Guide [1 ed.] |
Bauer Michael, Paul Grof, Bruno Muller-Oerlinghausen |
1 |
1616 |
Borderline Personality Disorder (Medical Psychiatry) [1 ed.] |
Mary C. Zanarini |
1 |
1617 |
Bipolar Disorder: The Upswing in Research and Treatment (European Foundation for Psychiatry at the Maudsley) [1 ed.] |
Colm McDonald, Katja Schulze, Robin Murray, Padraig Wright |
1 |
1618 |
Sleep Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Alexander Golbin, Howard Kravitz, Louis G. Keith |
1 |
1619 |
Pharmacotherapy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders, Second Edition, (Medical Psychiatry) [2 ed.] |
David Rosenberg, Samuel Gershon |
2 |
1620 |
Point-of-Care Testing: Performance Improvement and Evidence-Based Outcomes (Medical Psychiatry) [1 ed.] |
James H. Nichols |
1 |
1621 |
Brain Imaging in Affective Disorders (Medical Psychiatry Series) [1 ed.] |
Jair C. Soares |
1 |
1622 |
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Pocketbook: Diagnosis, Treatment and its Relationship to Other Anxiety Disorders |
Nutt, David, Argyropolous, Spilios, Forshall, Sam |
3 |
1623 |
Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Psychopharmacological Approach [1 ed.] |
David J. Nutt, Caroline Bell, Christine Masterson, Clare Short |
1 |
1624 |
Clinical Guidelines in Old Age Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Alistair Burns, Tom Dening, Brian Lawlor, Guy Foucher, Schmidt, Serruys, Kopelman, Cohan, Faxon, Lyo |
1 |
1625 |
Bipolar Disorders: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications (Medical Psychiatry, 15) [1st ed.] |
Jair C. Soares, Samuel Gershon |
1 |
1626 |
Panic Disorder & Its Treatment (Medical Psychiatry Series) [1st ed.] |
Rosenbaum |
1 |
1627 |
Stress Proteins in Medicine [1 ed.] |
Willem Van Eden (Author) |
1 |
1628 |
Statistical Aspects Of The Design And Analysis Of Clinical Trials (Revised Edition) [Revised] |
Brian S. Everitt, Andrew Pickles |
1629 |
Metal ions and neurodegenerative disorders |
Paolo Zatta |
1630 |
Clean Electricity from Photovoltaics (Series on Photoconversion of Solar Energy, Volume 1) |
Mary D. Archer, Robert Hill |
1631 |
Magic Mushrooms Around the World: A Scientific Journey Across Cultures and Time - The Case for Challenging Research and Value Systems |
Jochen Gartz |
1632 |
Past, Present And Future Of Psychiatry - Ix World Congress Of Psychiatry (In 2 Volumes) |
A. Beigel (editor), J. J. Lopez Ibor Jr. (editor), J. A. Costa E Silva (editor) |
2 |
1633 |
Child Psychopathology [8 ed.] |
Eric J Mash, David A Wolfe, Katherine Nguyen Williams |
8 |
1634 |
Understanding Abnormal Behavior (MindTap Course List) [12 ed.] |
David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Diane M. Sue, Stanley Sue |
12 |
1635 |
Insomnia: Diagnosis and Treatment (Medical Psychiatry Series) [1 ed.] |
J. Sateia Michael, Daniel Buysse |
1 |
1636 |
Casebook in Abnormal Psychology, 4th Edition [4th ed.] |
Timothy A. Brown, David H. Barlow |
4 |
1637 |
A new understanding of mental disorders: computational models for dimensional psychiatry |
Heinz, Andreas |
1638 |
Anti-psychiatry: Quackery Squared |
Thomas Szasz |
1639 |
Applied Ethics in Mental Health Care : An Interdisciplinary Reader |
Dominic A Sisti, Arthur L Caplan and Hila Rimon-Greenspan (eds) |
1640 |
Asfuriyyeh: A History of Madness, Modernity, and War in the Middle East |
Joelle M Abi-Rached |
1641 |
Body Shots: Hollywood and the Culture of Eating Disorders (Excelsior Editions) |
Emily Fox-Kales |
1642 |
Break On Through: Radical Psychiatry and the American Counterculture (The MIT Press) [1 ed.] |
Lucas Richert |
1 |
1643 |
Cognition, Communication and Interaction: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Interactive Technology [1 ed.] |
Satinder P. Gill (auth.), Satinder Gill (eds.) |
1 |
1644 |
Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding the Mind by Simulating the Brain [1 ed.] |
Randall C. O'Reilly, Yuko Munakata |
1 |
1645 |
Computational Psychiatry: A Primer |
Peggy Seriès (editor) |
1646 |
Dementia in Clinical Practice: A Neurological Perspective: Pragmatic Studies in the Cognitive Function Clinic [2 ed.] |
A. J. Larner (auth.) |
2 |
1647 |
Healing Psychiatry: Bridging the Science/Humanism Divide |
David H. Brendel |
1648 |
Psychiatry in the Scientific Image [1 ed.] |
Dominic Murphy |
1 |
1649 |
Psychoanalysis at the Limit: Epistemology, Mind, and the Question of Science |
Jon Mills |
1650 |
Punishing the Mentally Ill : A Critical Analysis of Law and Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
Bruce A. Arrigo, George B. Palermo, Michael L. Perlin |
1 |
1651 |
Translational Neuroscience: Toward New Therapies |
Karoly Nikolich, Matthew W. State, Steven E. Hyman, Thomas Bourgeron, Michael J. Owen, Stephan Heckers, Bruce N. Cuthbert, Raquel E. Gur, Cynthia Joyce, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg |
1 |
1652 |
Youth Mental Health: A Paradigm for Prevention and Early Intervention |
Peter J. Uhlhaas, Stephen J. Wood |
1653 |
Art psychotherapy [2nd ed] |
Wadeson, Harriet |
2 |
1654 |
Case studies in multicultural counseling and therapy |
Gallardo, Miguel E., Neville, Helen A., Sue, Derald Wing |
1655 |
Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness: Lessons for Therapists and Advoca |
Corrigan, Patrick W.,Roe, David,Tsang, Hector W. H |
1656 |
Clinical trials in psychiatry [1st Edition] |
Brian Everitt, Simon Wessely |
1 |
1657 |
Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry: Clinical, legal and ethical aspects [1 ed.] |
Thomas W. Kallert, Juan E. Mezzich, John Monahan |
1 |
1658 |
Hughes' Outline of Modern Psychiatry [5th ed] |
David Gill |
5 |
1659 |
Lishman's Organic Psychiatry: A Textbook of Neuropsychiatry |
Antony David, Simon Fleminger, Michael Kopelman, Simon Lovestone, John Mellers |
4 |
1660 |
Person-centered recovery planner for adults with serious mental illness |
Nisbet, Bruce C., Dulmus, Catherine N. |
1661 |
Preventing Suicide. The Solution Focused Approach [1 ed.] |
John Henden |
1 |
1662 |
Primer on posttraumatic growth : an introduction and guide |
Wicks, Robert J., Werdel, Mary Beth |
1663 |
Psychiatry [2nd ed] |
Burton, Neel |
2 |
1664 |
Psychiatry [3rd ed] |
Prof Allan Tasman, Jerald Kay, Jeffrey A. Lieberman, Michael B. First, Mario Maj |
3 |
1665 |
The Maudsley prescribing guidelines in psychiatry [11 ed.] |
David Taylor, Carol Paton, Shitij Kapur, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust |
11 |
1666 |
The roots of the recovery movement in psychiatry: lessons learned |
Davidson, Larry, Rakfeldt, Jaak, Strauss, John S |
1667 |
Troublesome Disguises : Managing Challenging Disorders in Psychiatry [2 ed.] |
Dinesh Bhugra, Gin S. Malhi |
2 |
1668 |
Callosal Agenesis: A Natural Split Brain? [1 ed.] |
Krystyna E. Wisniewski, Joseph S. Jeret (auth.), Maryse Lassonde, Malcolm A. Jeeves (eds.) |
1 |
1669 |
Cerebrospinal Fluid in Neurology and Psychiatry [1 ed.] |
H. McConnell (auth.), H. McConnell MD, FRCPC, J. Bianchine MD, PhD (eds.) |
1 |
1670 |
Contemporary Perspectives on Psychotherapy with Lesbians and Gay Men [1 ed.] |
Terry S. Stein, Carol J. Cohen (auth.), Terry S. Stein M.D., Carol J. Cohen M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1671 |
Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner [2nd ed] |
Heyman, Richard E.,Jongsma, Arthur E.,O'Leary, K. Daniel |
2 |
1672 |
Дети-олигоФрены / Deti-Oligofreny / Oligophrenia: Mental Deficiency in Children |
Maria S. Pevsner |
1 |
1673 |
Denial: A Clarification of Concepts and Research |
Martin Wangh (auth.), E. L. Edelstein, Donald L. Nathanson, Andrew M. Stone (eds.) |
1 |
1674 |
Depression: Biology, Psychodynamics, and Treatment [1 ed.] |
Daniel X. Freedman (auth.), Jonathan O. Cole M.D., Alan F. Schatzberg M.D., Shervert H. Frazier M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1675 |
Evoked Brain Potentials in Psychiatry |
Charles Shagass M.D. (auth.) |
1 |
1676 |
Handbook of Depression in Children and Adolescents [1 ed.] |
William M. Reynolds, Hugh F. Johnston (auth.), William M. Reynolds, Hugh F. Johnston (eds.) |
1 |
1677 |
International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma |
Yael Danieli (auth.), Yael Danieli (eds.) |
1 |
1678 |
Lithium: Its Role in Psychiatric Research and Treatment |
Samuel Gershon, Baron Shopsin (auth.), Samuel Gershon, Baron Shopsin (eds.) |
1 |
1679 |
Mapping the Progress of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease [1 ed.] |
Dennis J. Selkoe, Weiming Xia, W. Taylor Kimberly, Konstantinos Vekrellis (auth.), Yoshikuni Mizuno, Abraham Fisher, Israel Hanin (eds.) |
1 |
1680 |
Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry, and Behavioral Neurology |
Rhawn Joseph (auth.) |
1 |
1681 |
Nutrition and Mental Functions [1 ed.] |
Sol Kittay (auth.), George Serban (eds.) |
1 |
1682 |
Primary Care Medicine for Psychiatrists: A Practitioner’s Guide [1 ed.] |
Sai-Ching Jim Yeung M.D., Ph.D. (auth.), John R. Hubbard M.D., Ph.D., Delmar Short M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1683 |
Psychiatric Nursing Skills: A patient-centred approach [1 ed.] |
Graham Dexter, Michael Wash (auth.) |
1 |
1684 |
Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry: The Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Detroit, Michigan, May 5–7, 1967 |
Ralph W. Gerard M.D. (auth.), Joseph Wortis M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1685 |
Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry: Volume IV: The Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Atlantic City, N. J., June 9–11, 1961 [1 ed.] |
W. Horsley Gantt M.D. (auth.), Joseph Wortis M.D. (eds.) |
1 |
1686 |
Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Evaluation and Technique [2 ed.] |
Peter E. Sifneos M.D. (auth.) |
2 |
1687 |
Short-Term Psychotherapy and Brief Treatment Techniques: An Annotated Bibliography 1920–1980 [1 ed.] |
Harvey P. Mandel (auth.) |
1 |
1688 |
The Basal Ganglia V [1 ed.] |
André Parent, Jacques Bourassa, Martin Deschênes (auth.), Chihiro Ohye, Minoru Kimura, John S. McKenzie (eds.) |
1 |
1689 |
The Neuropsychology of Attention [2 ed.] |
Ronald A. Cohen (auth.) |
2 |
1690 |
Between unknown change and familiar retreat : psychotherapy technique for our most challenging patients |
Waska, Robert T. |
1691 |
The Man Who Crucified Himself: Readings of a Medical Case in Nineteenth-Century Europe |
Maria Böhmer |
1692 |
Attending madness : at work in the Australian aasylum [1 ed.] |
Monk, Lee-Ann |
1 |
1693 |
Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Text of Psychiatry [11 ed.] |
Robert Boland, Marcia L. Verdiun |
11 |
1694 |
Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry [12 ed.] |
Robert Boland, Marcia Verdiun, Pedro Ruiz |
12 |
1695 |
Psychopharmacology Algorithms |
Osser, David |
1696 |
Primary Care Psychiatry [2 ed.] |
Robert McCarron |
2 |
1697 |
Green’s child and adolescent clinical psychopharmacology [5 ed.] |
Klykylo, William M et al. |
5 |
1698 |
Clinical Geriatric Psychopharmacology |
Carl Salzman |
1699 |
Springhouse Review for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Certification [Third ed.] |
Springhouse, Nancy Randolph |
1700 |
Psychiatric Case Studies for Advanced Practice |
Kathleen M. Prendergast, Kasey B. Jackman |
1701 |
Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents |
Barry M. Wagner |
1702 |
Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation |
Paul Ricoeur |
1703 |
Nutritional and Herbal Therapies for Children and Adolescents: A Handbook for Mental Health Clinicians (Practical Resources for the Mental Health Professional) |
George M. Kapalka |
1704 |
Manual de Terapeutica Neurologica de Samuels 8A |
Allan H. Ropper &, Martin A. Samuels |
1705 |
The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner |
Arthur E. Jongsma &, David J. Berghuis |
1706 |
The Group Therapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates |
Arthur E. Jongsma &, Kim Paleg |
1707 |
The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates |
Arthur E. Jongsma &, L. Mark Peterson &, Timothy J. Bruce |
1708 |
The Adolescent Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner 5th Edition |
Arthur E. Jongsma &, L. Mark Peterson &, William P. McInnis &, David J. Berghuis |
1709 |
The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates |
Arthur E. Jongsma &, L. Mark Peterson &, William P. McInnis &, Timothy J. Bruce |
1710 |
The Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner: Includes DSM-5 Updates |
Arthur E. Jongsma &, L. Mark Peterson &, William P. McInnis &, Timothy J. Bruce |
1711 |
Kaplan y Sadock. Manual de psiquiatría clínica 4A |
Benjamin Sadock &, Virginia A. Sadock &, Pedro Ruiz |
1712 |
La entrevista psiquiátrica y el examen mental, 4.ª |
Carlat, Daniel |
1713 |
El estigma de la enfermedad mental y la psiquiatría |
Cetkovich Bakmas, Marcelo |
1714 |
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner |
David J. Berghuis &, Arthur E. Jongsma |
1715 |
The Veterans and Active Duty Military Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner |
David J. Berghuis &, Arthur E. Jongsma |
1716 |
Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness |
EDWARD SHORTER &, David Healy |
1717 |
Schizophrenia |
National Institute of Mental Health |
1718 |
Therapeutic Procedures with Schizophrenic Patients |
Gendlin, Eugene T. |
1719 |
Arieti, Silvano |
1720 |
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy |
Offenkrantz, William &, Tobin, Arnold |
1721 |
Therapeutic Influences in Dynamic Psychotherapy: A Review and Synthesis |
Eagle, Morris &, Wolitzky, David L. |
1722 |
Office Psychotherapy For The Primary Care Physician |
Aldrich, C. Knight |
1723 |
Psychotherapy with Patients with Psychosomatic Disorders |
1724 |
Experiential Focusing and Psychotherapy |
Gendlin, Eugene T. |
1725 |
The Theory of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy |
Kernberg, Otto F. |
1726 |
Psychology of the Self in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy |
Richard D. Chessick, M.D. |
1727 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder |
National Institute of Mental Health |
1728 |
What Causes Psychiatric Disorders? |
Andreasen, Nancy G |
1729 |
Child Psychiatry for the General Psychiatrist |
Cove, Laurence A. &, Lourie, Reginald S. |
1730 |
What Psychiatric Illness Means |
Andreasen, Nancy G |
1731 |
Bemporad, Jules |
1732 |
Arieti, Silvano |
1733 |
Beck, Aaron T. |
1734 |
Psicosis (Manuales Prácticos) |
Rojo Moreno, Juan |
1735 |
Tratamiento de los trastornos psicóticos (Manuales Prácticos) |
Ros Segura, Laura |
1736 |
XXI: ¿otro siglo violento? |
Gómez Bosque, Pedro(Director) |
1737 |
Caparrós, Nicolás |
1738 |
Historia de la psiquiatría |
Lieberman, Jeffrey A. |
1739 |
Intervención social en personas con enfermedades mentales graves y crónicas (Análisis e intervención social) |
Rodríguez, Abelardo/Sobrino, Teodosia |
1740 |
Los psiquiatras de Franco: Los rojos no estaban locos |
González Duro, Enrique |
1741 |
Kaplan & Sadock. Manual de bolsillo de psiquiatría clínica |
Virginia A. Sadock &, Benjamin J. Sadock |
1742 |
Kaplan & Sadock. Manual de bolsillo de tratamiento psicofarmacológico |
Benjamin Sadock &, Virginia A. Sadock &, Norman Sussman |
1743 |
Kaplan & Sadock Manual de bolsillo de tratamiento psicofarmacológico |
Benjamin J. Sadock |
1744 |
Kaplan & Sadock. Sinopsis de psiquiatría |
Benjamin J. Sadock &, Virginia A. Sadock |
1745 |
Psicoanálisis y salud mental |
Emiliano Galende |
1746 |
Salud mental: Enfermería psiquiátrica (Enfermería, fisioterapia y podología. Serie enfermería) |
García (editor), Julio Bobes |
1747 |
Une brève histoire du cerveau |
Cobb, Matthew |
1748 |
Morphine |
Mikhail Bulgakov |
1749 |
Addiction Medicine Science and Practice [Second ed.] |
Bankole A. Johnson |
1750 |
Adenosine Receptors in Neurology and Psychiatry, [First edition] |
Mori, Akihisa |
1751 |
Advances in Endogenous and Exogenous Opioids. Proceedings of the International Narcotic Research Conference (Satellite Symposium of the 8th International Congress of Pharmacology) Held in Kyoto, Japan on July 26–30, 1981 |
Hiroshi Takagi and EriC.J. Simon (Eds.) |
1752 |
Advances in Neuropharmacology |
Bagetta, G., Corasaniti, M. T., Sakurada, T. and Sakurada, S. (Eds.) |
1753 |
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, 6 |
C K Cain |
1754 |
Brocklehurst's textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology [8th edition] |
Fillit, Howard,Rockwood, Kenneth,Young, John |
8 |
1755 |
Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology [8 ed.] |
Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, John B Young |
8 |
1756 |
Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology [8th ed.] |
Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, John B Young |
8 |
1757 |
Child Psychiatry Observed. A Guide for Social Workers [1st ed.] |
Elizabeth Gore (Auth.) |
1 |
1758 |
Cognition sociale et schizophrénie : Outils d'évaluation et de remédiation |
Nicolas Franck |
1759 |
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 5th Edition [5 ed.] |
Heidi M. Feldman, Ellen Roy Elias, Nathan J. Blum, Manuel Jimenez, Terry Stancin |
5 |
1760 |
Drug-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives [1st ed.] |
Albert P. Li (Eds.) |
1 |
1761 |
DSM-5® – Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux |
American Psychiatric Asso, Guelfi Julien-Daniel, Crocq Marc-Antoine |
1762 |
Endocannabinoidome : the world of endocannabinoids and related mediators [1 ed.] |
Vincenzo Di Marzo, Jenny Wang |
1 |
1763 |
Evaluation of Quality of Care in Psychiatry. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Toronto, Canada, 1979 |
A. G. Awad, H. B. Durost and W. O. McCormick (Eds.) |
1764 |
Faber/Haarstrick. Kommentar Psychotherapie-Richtlinien |
Dahm, Anas, Dieckmann, Michael, Neher, Martin, Rüger, Ulrich |
1765 |
Forensic psychiatry : a lawyer's guide [1 ed.] |
Shnaidman, Vivian Chern |
1 |
1766 |
Functional Genomics and Proteomics in the Clinical Neurosciences [1st ed] |
S.E. Hemby and S. Bahn (Eds.) |
1 |
1767 |
Horizons in Neuro-Psychopharmacology [1St Edition] |
Williamina A. Himwich and J.P. Schadé (Eds.) |
1 |
1768 |
Hormones, Homeostasis and the Brain, Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology |
W.H. Gispen, Tj.B. van Wimersma Greidanus, B. Bohus and D. de Wied (Eds.) |
1769 |
Hormones, Homeostasis and the Brain: Conference Proceedings |
W. H. Gispen, Tj. B. can Wimersma Greidanus, B. Bohus, D. De Wied |
1770 |
Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists [9 ed.] |
David Myland Kaufman, Howard L. Geyer, Mark J. Milstein, Jillian L. Rosengard |
9 |
1771 |
Keep Off the Grass. A Scientific Enquiry Into the Biological Effects of Marijuana [Revised] |
Gabriel G. Nahas (Auth.) |
1772 |
Learning About Learning Disabilities [First Edition] |
Bernice Y. L. Wong |
1773 |
Les céphalées, 30 lecons |
Gilles Géraud, Nelly Fabre, Michel Lantéri-Minet, Dominique Valade |
1774 |
Long-term effects of psychedelic drugs: A systematic review |
Jacob S. Aday, Cayla M. Mitzkovitz, Emily K. Bloesch, Christopher C. Davolia, Alan K. Davis |
1775 |
Manuel de psychiatrie [6ème edition] |
Bernard, Paul,Ey, Henri |
6 |
1776 |
Massachusetts General Hospital Psychopharmacology and Neurotherapeutics [1 ed.] |
Theodore A. Stern MD, Maurizio Fava MD, Timothy E. Wilens MD, Jerrold F. Rosenbaum MD |
1 |
1777 |
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry [3 ed.] |
Theodore A. Stern, Timothy E. Wilens, Maurizio Fava |
3 |
1778 |
Methods in Behavioral Pharmacology |
Frans Van Haaren (Eds.) |
1779 |
Multiply bonded main group metals and metalloids [1 ed.] |
F. Gordon, A. Stone and Robert West (Eds.) |
1 |
1780 |
Neuromodulation, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America |
Scott T. Aaronson, Noah S. Philip |
1781 |
Oxidation and Phosphorylation |
Kaplan N.P., Colowick S.P. |
1782 |
Pharmacology and Physiology of the Reticular Formation |
A.V. Valdman (Eds.) |
1783 |
Preclinical Psychopharmacology [1 ed.] |
D.G. Grahame-Smith (Eds.) |
1 |
1784 |
Psychiatry: Test Preparation and Review Manual [4° ed.] |
M.D. Spiegel, J. Clive, M.D. Kenny, John M. |
4 |
1785 |
Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual [4th Edition] |
J Clive Spiegel, John M. Kenny |
4 |
1786 |
Psychiatry. Test Preparation & Review Manual [4 ed.] |
J. Clive Spiegel, John M. Kenny |
4 |
1787 |
Serotonin–Dopamine Interaction: Experimental Evidence and Therapeutic Relevance [1 ed.] |
Giuseppe Di Giovann, Vincenzo Di Matteo and Ennio Esposito (Eds.) |
1 |
1788 |
Thérapeutiques en psychiatrie: [théories et applications cliniques] |
Pelissolo, Antoine,Quintilla, Yann |
1789 |
The practice of medicinal chemistry |
1790 |
The Mental Status Examination Handbook |
Mario F. Mendez |
1791 |
Head First: It's All in Your Head: How the Mind Heals the Body |
Alastair Santhouse |
1792 |
Biomedical Psychiatric Therapeutics |
John L Sullivan and Paula DeRemer Sullivan (Eds.) |
1793 |
Brain Sciences in Psychiatry. Study Guide |
A. M. P. Kellam (Auth.) |
1794 |
Chemical and biological aspects of drug dependence |
Brill, Henry, Mulé, S. J |
1795 |
Child Neurology [Sixth ed.] |
John H. Menkes, Harvey B. Sarnat |
1796 |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Clinicians [1 ed.] |
Donna M. Sudak |
1 |
1797 |
Drugs in Psychiatric Practice [1 ed.] |
1 |
1798 |
Electroencephalography : basic principles, clinical applications, and related fields [Fifth edition] |
Ernst Niedermeyer, Fernando Lopes da Silva MD PhD |
1799 |
Foundations of Biochemical Psychiatry |
David S. Segal, Joel Yager and John L Sullivan (Auth.) |
1800 |
Kap & Sad Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry [7th ed.] |
Benjamin J., M.D. Sadock |
7 |
1801 |
Kaplan & Sadock's pocket handbook of psychiatric drug treatment [Fourth edition] |
Benjamin J. Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock, Norman Sussman MD, Robert Cancro MD MedDSc |
1802 |
Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive textbook of Psychiatry 8th edition [Eighth ed.] |
Benjamin J. Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock |
1803 |
Lewis's Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Review: 1400 Questions to Help You Pass the Boards [4 ed.] |
Yann B. Poncin, Prakash K. Thomas |
4 |
1804 |
Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry [4th ed.] |
Andres Martin, Fred R. Volkmar |
4 |
1805 |
Manual of neurologic therapeutics [7th ed] |
Martin A. Samuels MD FACP FAAN DSc(Hon) |
7 |
1806 |
Ministering to Minds Diseased. A History of Psychiatric Treatment |
Wilfrid Llewelyn Jones (Auth.) |
1807 |
Neuroanatomy (Atlas) [Seventh ed.] |
Duane E. Haines |
1808 |
Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems [Seventh, North American Edition] |
Duane E. Haines PhD |
1809 |
Pocket Neurology (Pocket Notebook Series) [Spi Lslf ed.] |
David M. Greer |
1810 |
Psychiatry in Medicine [Reprint 2019 ed.] |
Norman Q. Brill (editor) |
2019 |
1811 |
Rethinking Madness: Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Reflections [1 ed.] |
Gonzalo Araoz, Fátima Alves, Katrina Jaworski |
1 |
1812 |
Samuels's Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics, 8th Edition [8 ed.] |
Martin A. Samuels, Allan H. Ropper |
8 |
1813 |
The Addiction Medicine: An Evidence-Based Handbook (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Handbook) [1 ed.] |
Darius A. Rastegar, Michael I. Fingerhood |
1 |
1814 |
The Catecholamines in Psychiatric and Neurologic Disorders |
C. Raymond Lake and Michael G. Ziegler (Eds.) |
1815 |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of [Second ed.] |
Jane C. Ballantyne, Scott M. Fishman, Salahadin Abdi |
1816 |
The treatment of epilepsy : principles & practice [4th ed] |
Elaine Wyllie MD, Ajay Gupta MD, Deepak K. Lachhwani MBBS MD |
4 |
1817 |
Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Colonial Trauma, and Global Sovereignties |
Warwick Anderson, Deborah Jenson, Richard C. Keller (eds.) |